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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  November 4, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EST

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it's the top of the hour. it is a gorgeous looking, cold feeling beginning to the work week. i hear we've got trouble in traffic now. sharon will let you know what that is after marty's first warning weather. it's 34 degrees under clear skies. it's 12 degrees colder than this time yesterday. by lunch 48, that's your high. what's wrong on the rush? here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning, everyone. two big things now wrong on the morning commute. first of all, a vehicle fire. this one is going to effect you on the outer loop of the beltway at stevenson road. three right lanes blocked there. only one left lane
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getting by. an accident on 295 northbound at 695 blocking two left lanes. pulaski highway also at gateway drive. on the beltway over all speeds not bad. you are looking at delays as you approach stevenson road. take a look at this traffic cameras that at park heights avenue. outer loop problem at stevenson blocking three lanes. now wjz has the stories people are talking about this morning. here's don. >> thank you. the man being held for the shooting at los angeles international airport is still being held with wounds. they're now investigating why he targeted tsa. here is teresa garcia. >> scott green was right there and ran for his life when a shooter opened fire friday at los angeles international airport. >> like he had his gun down like this. he took two shots.
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>> it was 23-year-old paul kik ciancia. investigators found a note in his duffel bag saying he wanted to kill multiple tsa agents. so far the fbi has not found evidence of previous run after run--- run-ins. >> billy bay say it could have been worst. >> about 100 people around him hiding. if he wanted to continue to shoot he could have. i read since he was targeted tsa so maybe he wasn't looking for regular passengers. >> at lax sunday terminal 3 was back in business. passengers streamed past the scene of the shooting while tsa agents displayed black bands on their badges in memory of the fallen colleague. >> police say ciancia was
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dropped off by a friend, a roommate. officials don't believe that person knew of the plans. turning to another scare at birmingham, alabama. the airport said an employee found a disturbing note in a restroom and turned it over to police. bomb technicians conducted a sweep and did not find anything. the airport reopened after 2 hours. a dozen flights delayed or diverted. a deadly dog attack in this city. the animal attacked a woman inside her home. it was her own pet. mike schuh is live with more on this. good morning, mike. >> reporter: good morning, don. good morning, everyone. animaly seized this animal once after it bit the woman and her grandson. she demanded it back. >> 56-year-old terry douglas is dead after her dog mauled her.
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neighbors say the dog in this photo boosie is the killer. >> when you raise it from its young you never expect something like that to happen. me having dogs of my own, whether it was pit bull, german shepherds or anything i never experienced nothing like that. it's just sad. >> baltimore police say the woman who was wheelchair bound died friday morning. this isn't the first time the dog has attacked. in fact, last year the dog bit douglas and her grandson. according to reports the dog bit the child after he went to pick up food that had been dropped on the floor. in a statement to wjz health officials say after being quarentined for 10 days the owner was adamant in getting the dog back. >> it was sad. i mean, i've seen the lady befo. she was always really nice, pleasant, one of the good neighbors. >> neighbors had nothing to say but positive things about douglas. >> really sad. it's really sad. she's a nice y
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dy. >> reporter: our media partner the baltimore sun is reporting that her family asked animal control mott to give that dog back. i'm mike schuh reporting live. back to you. >> thank you. relatives say douglas originally got that dog for protection. a washington county woman is behind bars this morning after the death of her infant daughter. the intoxicated hagerstown woman passed out while breast-feeding her 2 month old. yadina morales woke up with the infant unresponsive underneath her. she's charged with manslaughter and child abuse. the white house and congress is rejecting edward snowden's plea for clemensy. he asked for it. in a letter he wrote speaking the truth is not a crime. government officials say he should return to the u.s. and be tried for his actions.
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turning to football, more frustrations for the ravens and their fans, this time after a loss to the browns in cleveland. here is mark viviano. >> good morning. while the ravens had extra timet and regroup during their bye week and after they lost two games they declared it time to start a new chapter. >> the browns have been one of the worst franchises in the nfl. back up quarterback jason campbell on the pass to bess he fakes out web for a touchdown. doss fumbled a punt. the browns recover, sets up another score. campbell throws his third touchdown pass of the game, an
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easy toss to varnage. cleveland's losing streak about to come to an end. marlon brown was a bright spot for baltimore. he caught two touchdown passes. this one from joe flacco in the 4th quarter. they added a two point conversion. that made it 21-18. the ravens couldn't do anymore than that. flacco was sacked five times. the offense continues to sputter. a rare loss to the browns 24-18. their record falls to 3-5. >> i thought they played well. i give them credit. we did not do enough to win. >> it's frustrating. we haven't been good enough. we weren't good enough. they were better than us. >> halfway through the season the ravens 3-5 record is their worst in the 6 years that john harbaugh has been head coach. three straight defeats is their longer losing streak since 2008. >> the ravens are back home to
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face another divisional opponent when the bengals come to town. we will hear from coach john harbaugh later today. >> thank you. you can see that game next sundt 1:00 p.m. live right here on wjz 13. >> gosh, what more is there to say than what we've been talking about for the past hour? >> not a lot. >> the best comment that i have seen on social media, be it twitter or facebook or you name it came from on old broadcaster from baltimore maryland named lou kreiger. he wrote, they had two weeks to prepare for this game and that's what we got? you know, i'm sorry -- >> we're not happy fans. >> you know what, we're fans none the less. it would be easy to say how much fun was it to have football back. no. we got two rings. we know bet ter. we've been schooled better by the ravens themselves. clear scan, high pressure
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running the show. let's go out to ron matz. it's a beautiful morning on the chilly side. 34 degrees, 12 chillier than this time yesterday. tonight's high of 48 will be the first time since april 2nd the high has been above 50. thoughts, comments, observations. >> reporter: this is our first manic monday since we turned the clocks back. it's getting light out. that's weird. >> that's the purpose, so kids don't go to work in the dark and in the summer so the farmers have light to work the field. >> reporter: i'm working the fields here. >> our guests are from aerotech. that's steve's primary company. no matter what happens against he's going to have one winner this morning. >> reporter: there you go.
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very well said. yes, indeed. manic monday at jimmy's in fells point with aerotech when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. >> [cheers] ,,,,,,,,,, ♪
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i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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good morning. 33 now. 58% humidity. just a slight br. barometer is at 30.57. a big dime dome of canadian high pressure on top of us. your normal low is 40, normal high 61. we're at 33 on tv hill, 30 near elkton, 34 bel air and rock hall, 28 westminster, 33 columbia, annapolis and kent island 38, 36 in the district. last warm air out to the south and west. the
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head lines is not going to be how chilly it is in the area be you this warming trend. this is going to come with clouds. having said that, i'll take clouds and temperatures that close to 70. it works. 48 today, clear skies. over nit 35, clear to partly cloudy. corm we're going to move it on up to about 57 degrees. here come your clouds. wednesday primarily cloudy 63, almost 70 on thursday. a cold front moves through the area. friday and saturday back into the mid 50s with sun. if you're a beltway commuter listen up to sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. if you have to go on the beltway take a look. we have a problem on the outer loop of the beltway at stevenson road. a blocking three lanes. a car fire causing a big back up. a problem on 295. this one in the northbound direction between 695 and 895. two left lanes blocked there. an accident pulaski highway at
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gateway drive. on the beltway although averages aren't showing up you can see that we have quite a delay on the topside of the beltway. that's because of that car fire blocking three lanes. this traffic report is brought to you by your maryland toyota dealer. now is the time to find a great deal on a toyota at let's go places. back over to you. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> all right. ronny, take it away, pal. >> rt . studio j, we're live broadway square. 3 weeks from today, guys, m-4 right here november 25th, the mammoth manic monday melt down. i talked to management. it's going to be huge this year. it's going to be big. come on out november 25th. >> i think we need to put a card table and two chairs out
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there and don and i get to show up and see it. why not do the news out there. i can tell you what the news is going to be, ravens line falls apart and the website is still not fixed. >> back to you. >> we can do the news out there. that is what it is. >> reporter: all right. we're looking forward to it. three weeks from today. we have a fabulous group. they're wired and ready to go. aerotech. >> [cheers] >> reporter: ladid gentleman, thank you for coming down. what's your name? >> aera. >> you came from where? >> sil ver springs. >> reporter: you came from frederick? >> yeah. >> reporter: give yourselves a. here's heather. >> hi. >> reporter: tell us about aerotech for those not in the know. >> we're located right off of hanover, maryland. we service clients all over the world.
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>> reporter: technical professional staffing. >> yes. we do it all. scomblr thank yoh -- >> reporter: thank you so much for coming out. tony is here. >> robin. >> ashley. >> beth. >> reporter: where are you fro? >> perry hall. >> reporter: thank you for come coming -- for coming down i appreciate it. i got to get my twanger. standby. tony, let me hear those magic words. >> maestro is music if you please. >> reporter: aerotech is in the house. the melt down three weeks away. come on down. standby. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> ♪ 6 o'clock already, i was just in the middle of a dream ♪ ♪ i was kissing valentino by
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a crystal blue italian stream ♪ ♪ but i can't be late because then i guess i just won't get paid ♪ ♪ these are the days when you wish your bed was already made ♪ ♪ it's just another manic monday ♪ ♪ i wish it was sunday ♪ ♪ that's my fun day ♪ ♪ my i don't have to run day ♪ ♪ it's just another manic monday ♪ >> [cheers] >> all right. well done. >> reporter: give f ves a big hand. >> that's great. >> reporter: we want to invite you back for the mammoth manic monday melt down in november. that's this month. thank you ar coming out. you guying were fabulous. givea
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big hand. young man, come up here quicklyw did you get a job at aerotech? >> because i'm great. >> [laughter] >> reporter: alt . don and marty, i'm going to go kiss valentino, i'll see you later. have a great one. >> all right. >> extra points for the pants as well. still to come on wjz this morning. >> coming up next on wjz, what tony seragusa is doing in paul ravel's kitchen. what are you doing here? >> putting,, ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel!
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the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait.
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i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins.
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it is 6:24. if you ever dreamed of having you're own man cave come over to the tv and see this. a maryland born professional lacrosse player is is getting a complete became make over. as jessica kartalija explains, it's all part of man caves. >> dave cameron and his crew are used to tight deadlines. >> not only the detailed things that kill you on time. >> and he tonny seragusa transform entire basements on the hit show -- >> man cave. >> for 3 days they have take
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n over world champion lacrosse player paul rabel's home in baltimore city. >> i've been super disappointed having walked down there once which a of people do. >> with tight security and a basement that's off limits to everyone but the crew he has no idea what his man cave will look like. >> it's a mix of all the things he will love. that's what a man cave is, a guy's space. >> what are you looking to forward to seeing most? >> i'm a huge fan of the show. a bar is always awesome. >> is great to be back in baltimore. >> when i got an opportunity to come back i did. >> while he and kelly have been refined to certain rooms he said it's been a blast and great for promoting lacrosse.
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>> it shows that people are continuing to look to see the next thing for lacrosse >> it marks the 150th of the episodes. in baltimore city, i'm jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> as of yet no air date for this episode has been announced. next up this morning right here on wjz. the president hit it is road to try to drum up support for the new health care law. i'm susan mcginnis in washington, coming up, the latest on efforts to fix the problems. >> reporter: a dog that was taken away once has now killed its owner in east baltimore. i'm mike schuh, live details next. the ravens have a long history of being better than the browns. i'm mark viviano, highlights and reaction to a tough loss in ohio coming up. and if you're just about to head out on your morning commute unfortunately a big low on the topside of the beltway, traffic not moving. we'll show you a picture and tell you why.
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that's straight ahead. with two bronze metals under his belt he's going for gold in sochi. the winter olympics are under 90 days away. one of america's best joins us on coffee with to talk about it. stay tuned, it's the beautiful sunrise, we'll be right back. sunrise, we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what does that first spoonful taste like?
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ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal.
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it is the bottom of the hour. it is a gorgeous get up and go. it's a beautiful sky out there as i've been told. sharon has a big problem on the northwest corner of the beltway. marty is over at first warning weather. it got dark early but it's light this much earlier this morning. 33 degrees on tv hill. it's 12 degrees colder than thiy . there's definitely a bite to the air. 48 at lunch. that's going to be your daytime high. for the first time since last april 2nd the forecast max high at bwi is
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below 50 degrees. think about how warm it's been the past 6 months. don, take it away. >> thank you. a big back up in an unusual place on the beltway this morning. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning, everyone. that is for sure. the outer loop at stevenson not so good right now. we have a car fire there still blocking three lanes. only one lane getting by. it is causing a big back up. when we take a look at our traffic camera you will see traffic isn't moving. slight improvement on 295 northbound between 695 and 895. pulaski highway also at gateway drive. speeds showing up on full speeds on the top and west side of the beltway. when you take a look at this shot on the topside outer loop you can see traffic not moving. that's because of that car fire at stevenson causing a big delay. now wjz has the stories people are
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talking about this morning. here's don. >> thank you. the white house is launch aw ing a -- launching a new campaign to raise support for the affordable care act. the president will talk to people this week. here is susan mcginnis reporting for wjz. >> president obama hits the road this week to build public support for the affordable care act. sunday a senior white house aid insisted the president was told the website would work on day one but said that's no excuse. >> the website failures are absolutely inexcusable. >> the website was down for repairs this weekend. a new poll shows 48% of americans believes the government has done a poor job of implementing the healthcare law. >> the president's concern is not poll numbers but getting this website working so millions of americans have access to affordable health insurance. >> republicans are skeptical.
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>> they're trying to change a tire on a car going 75 miles per hour down the expressway. >> even some democrats want taken down for repairs. >> i said this directly to the president's chief of staff, they aught to take down the website. >> americans are learning more about the new law. 55% of those polled say they now know enough to understand how it impacts them. that's up 8%. susan mcginnis, wjz eyewitness e administration said by the middle of this month they will release numbers if show how many people signed up. police are learning more about the man who gunned down a tsa agent inside lax. 23-year-old paul ciancia told police he acted alone when he opened fire. one agent is dead, three other people wounded. ciancia shot several times by police. he's charged with murdering a federal officer and could face the death penalty if
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convicted. here a disabled woman is mauled and killed by her dog. now we're learning more about the animal. mike schuh is live with the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. thg had been taken away before because of violent behavior but the owner demanded it back. >> 56-year-old terry douglas is dead after her dog mauls her. it happened at this home in the 2000 block of east 30th street. neighbors say the dog in this photo, boosie is the killer. >> when you raise it from its young you never expect something like that to happen. me having dogs of my own, whether it was pit bulls, german shepherds or anything i never experienced nothing like that. it's just sad. >> baltimore police say the woman who was wheelchair bound died friday morning. according to city health officials this isn't the first time the dog has attacked. this fact, last year the dog bit douglas and her
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grandson. according to reports, the dog bit the child after he went to pick up food that had been dropped on the floor. in a statement to wjz health officials say after being quarantined for 10 days the owner was adamant in getting the dog back. >> it's sad. i've seen the lady before. shes always really nice, pleasant, one of the good neighbors. >> neighbors had nothing to say but positive things about douglas. >> really sad. it's really sad. she was a nice lady. >> reporter: the baltimore sunt ing the woman's family tried to get animal control not to give back to dog and that did not work. >> thank you. the family says douglas got thar protection. convicted child moeless to jersey moeless to jerry sandusky is asking for the
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supreme court to review his case. he's serving a 30 to 60-year prison sentence. sandusky and his lawyers have the right to ask them to review it. a mega church youth leader is behind bars charged with child sex abuse. as gigi barnett explains, the charges go back a decade. >> 49-year-old raymond fernandez held several possessions at greater grace church. he was a youth leader in the late 90s. he was arrested and charged with child sex abuse. one of the victims came forward. >> the abuse occurred when he was part of the youth group. >> the abuse started back in 1997 and much of it occurred at
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the teen's home and church events. shortly after the man came forward a second victim did too. now police fear there may be more. >> it's not uncommon in cases like this that there are additional victims. we believe that there may be other victims and we're asking people to come forward. >> the fact that these guys came out 16 years later, they were contemporaries and never told anybody. >> bryan lane said fernandez left the church back in 2004 but the victims still attend. the church has beefed up background checks for workers and volunteers. lane said the message from greater grace is one of healing for the victims and fernandez. >> he's an alleged criminal at this point. we believe that god is going to turn this around for everybody. >> fernandez is currently being held at the baltimore county detention center. i'm gigi barnett, wjz eyewitness news. >> police say anyone with any additional information should
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call the county's crimes against churn unit at 410-853-3000. thousands of people are now better protected against the flu thanks to an annual event in baltimore county. medstar franklin square evacuated thousands of people this weekend. anyone 6 months of age or older should get a flu shot to keep from getting it and spreading it to others. baltimore city is helping families stretch their monthly food dollar after cuts were announced to the food stamp programs. shoppers with food stamps can receive up to an extra $10 a week if they buy food from a farmer's market. about 30% of shoppers use food stamps in maryland. players and fans are dealing with another bitter loss on the road, this time to the browns in cleveland.
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here is sports director mark viviano. >> good morning. the ravens had extra time to red regroup during their bye week. after they lost two straight games they declared it time to start a new chapter. who better to play than the browns, a team the ravens beat 11 straight times. >> the browns have been the clowns, one of the worst franchises in the nfl. the ravens haven't lost to them since 2007. jason campbell fakes out webb into the end zone for a cleveland touchdown. 14-3 browns. second half, critical mistake by the ravens when doss fumbled a punt. the browns recover deep in baltimore territory, sets up another score. campbell throws his third touchdown pass of the game to barnage. 21-10 browns. cleveland's long losing streak t about to come to
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an end. marlon brown a bright spot for the ravens. he caught two touchdown passes. this time a pass from flacco made it 21-18. the ravens couldn't do anymore than that. flacco was sacked five times. the offense continues to sputter. a rare loss to the browns 24-18 the final in cleveland. three straight defeats for the ravens, they fall to 3-5. >> i thought they played well. i give them credit. we did not play well enough to win. we have to do a better job. >> it's frustrating. we haven't been good enough. we weren't good enough. you know, they were better than us. >> halfway through the season the ravens 3-5 record is their worst in the 6 years that john harbaugh has been head coach. three straight defeats is their longest losing streak since 2008. >> the ravens are back home to face the bengals this sunday. we will hear from coach john harbaugh later today. back to you. >> thank you, mark. you can see next sunday's game t
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1:00 right here on wjz 13. >> okay. look, here's where my brain is r -- right now, 2 years ago we were that close. clearly one of the premier teams in the entire nfl. last year we kicked the door in, screaming, swinging a big stick and we won it all. there's a bell curve in sports. in college or in pro there's a bell curve. sometimes steeper than others. particularly college because of the 4-year thing. i'll accept the fact that we had our 2 years in the sun. that's what you're looking for. i accept the fact that we broke it apart to try within the next 2 or 3 years get back up to the top of the bell. i just can't accept how we're losing these games. i mean, it is what it is. did i expect to go back to the super bowl this year? no. did i expect a shot at the playoffs?
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possibly but not losing like this. >> yeah. >> this is unchartered -- thera small craft advisory out ravens fans. unchartered waters. that's gut check time. let's take a look at how this day is squaring away. 48 is going to be your high. that's going to be on the cold side. your normal is 61. we'll talk numbers, stats and we ing trend coming up next. on coffee with it's j.r. selchy. he's getting ready for the winter olympics games in sochi. he's going to talk about that and why he became a couch lizard. he didn't feel like working out for a few months. it's a good conversation with a fine guy. >> a good kid. >> sharon has wjz traffic cont. we have first warning weather and more coming up next. good morning nelly! woah.
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love 'em. neat! why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet.
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good morning. it's a
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quarter to the hour. 33. barometer is at 30.57. normallw should be in the low 40s around the metro. even with a 23 in oakland, 30 cumberland, 29 hagerstown it's way below normal for this date. 30 elkton, 34 bel air, 28 westminster, 33 columbia, 36 rock hall, annapolis and kent island 38, 36 degrees in dc. it's going to be chilly the next day and over night. that's a big pool of warm air out to the west. this head line is not going to be the chill but it's going to be trending milder. 48, mrenplenty of sun today. tonight 35 is going to be your low. 57 tomorrow, then 63, then almost 70 on thursday. wednesday is going to come with clouds and showers on thursday. clear it out friday and saturday. 54 both days and breezy. here is sharon gibala at wjz
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traffic control. >> good morning, everyone. well, if you are just ability to just about to head out we have making some improve on the car fire. it's on the outer loop at stevenson. it looks like we're starting to clear those lanes because traffic is starting to move better. we have that accident on 295 northbound between 695 and 895 blocking a left lane. another one in ham stead on the pike. there's a look at your averages on the top and west sides of the beltway. there's a look at your averages on 95 southbound. 43 now on 95 southbound. traffic moving better on the topside of the beltway after that car fire. we still have lane closures in that area and slow traffic but not nearly as bad as it was. this traffic report is brought to you by your maryland toyota dealer. do you dream of all the places you'd like to go? toyota is ready to take you there.
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now is a great time to find a great deal on a toyota at this satellite interview is furnished by liberty mutual ral insurance. >> hey, j.r., welcome to the eyewitness news morning edition in baltimore. how is it going sea hawk fan? >> i'm doing well. >> we've been watching previou. show them your t-shirt. >> okay. one more time. >> there you go. >> you got to represent. it's all good. >> the lynch jersey was too big to put underneath this. >> we're wears ravens jerseys just so you know. >> okay. >> i have a home on, don has the away on. we're very good looking this morning. >> very nice. >> we're 100 days out from the olympics. >> how about that. >> i just happened to look at why we're doing this interview. did this thing creep up on everybody, including yourself? >> yeah.
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it's been coming fast. it's a r . you know, these 4 years have gone by and we're sitting here 100 days out. it's a matter of weeks before the games start. >> have you been -- >> silence says a lot. >> have you training constantle last olympics? >> i took a year off after vancouver to chill out, relax a little bit. i went through a tough season the year before that. i just wanted to get my mind straight and ready to go before i stepped back into my skates in 2011. >> did you go back in refreshed and are you better now for taking that time off? >> you know to be honest at first i kind of had to force myself back. i got used to not doing anything for a while. it was tough at first but i'm happy i made that jump again. i was
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young at the time of vancouver. i'm still pretty young. i don't take the sport for granite and i appreciate it a lot more than i did now. making that push to sochi is really nice. >> i'm curious, are we going to see any new technology on the ice this year? >> probably not, man. there hasn't been a major congrr -- major equipment change for years now. maybe rocket skates one day. >> no special suits? >> no suits, man. >> okay. good. >> maybe no suit one day. i don't know. >> snchl laft -- >> [laughter] >> that was the old olympics in greece. >> you can do that. >> a rubber band and harry body you would be ready to rock and roll. >> we can do that. >> i just had this back to the future image of like live statement -- of
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levitating skates. >> where's the flying cars out? we're slacking. >> let's talk about this liberty mutual insurance thing coming on. this is a pretty big deal here. >> it's a big deal for a company to step up and support olympic athletes like myself and our push to sochi. you know, my day is busy. i skate from 8:00 until 5:00 and constantly working out. i'm not able to support myself financially. for a company like liberty mutual to step up and keep that going for us is incredible. go to >> you let everything hang out on twitter, don't you? >> hey, man, i got to. it's the only time i get to. >> i'm going to start following you on twitter. >> the tsa is going to be looking for him when he goes back home.
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>> tweet me,man. >> okay. once we get into commercial break i'm going to start following you. i can't wait. >> the tsa took his peanut butter on his flight to new york. >> what was wrong with your peanut butter? >> it was a cream. i said, no, it's fine, it's krui crunchy. she got mad and threw it away. >> we got to run. we're behind you 100% in everyto for the next 100 days and once you get to the olympics. hope to see you after wards holding a few more metals. >> thank you, guys. hope to see you in the playoffse . >> that's nice too. >> a nice hoax coming off this bye week. we'll see you later. >> take care. >> bye -bye. we would actually be in the super bowl but that ain't -- he doesn't know. >> the ultimate playoff.
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>> check him out on twit er -- on twitter. he pulls no punches. >> i'm use chase freedom at and get 5% cash back this quarter. so you can find the perfect gift for everyone. including you. activate your 5% cash back at
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4 and a half until 7:00. here come your updates. it's chilly. it's 34 degrees right now. that's 12 colder than this time yesterday. today's high of 48 is well off the normal of 61. here is sharon at wjz
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traffic control. >> we still have that car fire on the beltway on the outer loop at stevenson. an accident 295 northbound between 695 and 895 blocking one lane. hamstead by pass an accident. that's a live look at the topside at park heights. this traffic report is brought to you by united health care. steps up for better health care. back over to you. >> thank you. a dis abled woman is dead after being attacked by her dog. 56-year-old terry douglas's pit bull boosie mauled her to death. the dog was shot and later died. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. complete news, weather and traffic ahead this morning. also more details on the man who opened fire inside
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seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at


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