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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  October 31, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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corral a runaway school buss the -- after the driver had an emergency. their story is next. >> this is wjz baltimore. changes to the use of electronic devices on planes. what you will and won't be able to do in the near future. >> hi, everybody. i'm mary bubala. >> i'm kai jackson. here's what people are talking about. >> if you like to stay connected while you fly, the skies are about to become a lot more friendly. the faa is relaxing the rules on electronics like phones and laptops. danielle nottingham reports. >> reporter: airline passengers will soon be able to go gate to date, use -- gate, using e-
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readers, laptops. >> airlines can safely expand passenger use of portable electronic devices during all phases of flight. >> reporter: business traveler taznim cambati says the change will make her more productive. >> because you're waiting in a terminal for 20, 30, 40 minutes. that could be spent doing work. >> reporter: phone calls are still not allowed. and neither is surfing the web unless you're using the terminal's wifi connection. >> reporter: all gadget the will have to be put down during the safety instructions. >> i certainly believe there is relief for the flight attendants. they did not want to be sheriffs in the cabin. that's not what they're there for. >> reporter: the faa will have to sign off on each airline's plan for implementing the changes. some are ready to let passengers keep their devices on, as soon as they get the
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okay. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> delta and jet blue have announced they have filed to use their devices during takeoff and landing. the deadly mass shooting at the washington navy yard. congress is asking tough questions about the gunman's security clearance. >> federal officials say they are retooling the nation's security clearance system. the changes come because governor alexis was able to get -- because aaron alexis was able to get weapons in. here you see him before being fateally shot by police. in the hearing, officials say they will begin the process of reevaluating the behavior and backgrounds of employees and contractors. kai, back to you. >> vic, thank you. defense officials have said that when alexis applied for security clearance, he lied about an arrest in seattle for
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shooting the cars -- tires in the car and he failed to disclose thousands of dollars in debt. right now, investigating a double shooting. gunfire, rupted. two people were shot. city police say one of the men died. the second is in the hospital in serious condition. no word on any arrests or on motive in this shooting. another developing story right now, a deadly house fire in north baltimore. it happened in the 5100 block of underwood road. firefighters pulled two victims from the burning home. but they died of cardiac arrest after being rushed to the hospital. the affordable care act's website is back up and rupping today, one day after being at the center of a congressional hearing in washington. during the entire day, while health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius is being grild, the website is working. sebelius took full responsibility for the problems and says she expects all of the glitches to be worked out by
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november. it is a stormy halloween from texas to the southwest. and even into the midwest, flash floods force dozens of people to be rescued near austin. vinita nair reports for wjz. rescue crews used helicopters and boats to rescue dozens of people stranded in cars and stuck in trees after flash floods hit central texas. over half a foot of rain fell in austin overnight. flood victims forced out of their homes, carried their belongings and pets to safety. there are no reports of injuries. but one resident said she has never seen flooding this bad. >> it has never gotten into the house. >> reporter: texas isn't the only area getting hit with extreme weather. storm warnings are in effect from houston to chicago. >> the potential for severe weather today, including strong winds, large hail, and possible isolated tornadoes. >> reporter: power was knocked out in parts of texas. and utility companies and surrounding states are bracing
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for outages as well. vinita nair, wjz eyewitness news. >> the threat of severe rain forced indiana's governor to postpone trick-or-treating at the governor's mansion until friday night. hopefully the weather will hold up for halloween here. in maryland, this was the scene at ger spect and middle river, where people got dressed up very early. that includes our own ron matz, who dressed up as willy from duck dynasty. perfect, ron. and we have a princess there, too. she looks beautiful. a live look outside now. it has been overcast much of the day. the rain has held outside from early morning sprinkles. wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist tim williams is live at a haunted house in perry hall, with the wjz mobile weather lab. but first, we begin with bob turk, he's tracking our updated conditions. bob? >> we had a little sprinkle of activity. for now, take a look at radar. the important thing is, look
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where the rain has been, look where it's going. right now, it's all north of us. light rain. sprinkle of activity. nothing heavy. and if you look to the west and south of baltimore, really nothing coming our way. for the time being, it looks like it's going to stay pretty much cloudy. but that's about it. temperature-wise, it is very mild. take a look at the numbers now. we just jumped up to 69 degrees. 79 to the south of us. 61 in oakland and cumberland. and that's 5 degrees warmer than it was yesterday at this time. 14 degrees warmer up in elkton. so yes, it's a very, very mild afternoon here. for the last bit. let's check in with tim. here's another look at what we expect to happen around the region tonight, perhaps, tim? >> perhaps. we are here with the wjz mobile weather lab in perry hall. we are in a neighborhood where all of the ghouls and goblins and the other things are all kind of roaming the neighborhood already. here at the mobile weather lab, it is about 66 degrees. and we're looking at a pretty
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dry evening so far. as bob mentioned, the clouds are around there. but seems like the rain is holding off. if you're planning to coming out tonight anywhere for trick- or-treating fun and festivities. here's a look at what you can see ahead. cloud cover is going to lock in the temperature that we have now. so we're not going to drop very drastically. about 65 degrees for the clouds. look for the potential of maybe drizzle around. the later you're out, the better chance there will be for some drizzle. take a look at this house this. is the home of jamie, lea ann and patrick. they have been doing this for about 20 years. they got this down to a science. coming up, we'll talk about what they're doing here. we'll also talk about some of the trick or treaters. and we always, of course, urge you to do it safely. sending it back to you on television hill. >> good advice to be safe, tim. thank you very much. let's check on the roads with wjz traffic control. hi, kristy. >> hi, kai.
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hi, everyone. happy halloween. we have delays to start off. 70 westbound, from 29 to marriottsville road. traveling on the west side inner loop, stop and go from wilkens avenue, past liberty. average speed there, about 29 miles per hour average. on the top side of the beltway a lot of congestion from the jones falls expressway past perring parkway. also watch for congestion on northbound 95. stretching from 32 to 100. then you'll see traffic slow down again, from 395, approaching the fort mchenry tunnel. if you are traveling in baltimore, a couple of events. and also because of the university of baltimore event, watch for closures. mountain royal between west oliver and cathedral. let's now take a live look. as you can see, we have a bit of a volume there on old court road this. is brought to you by united healthcare. stepping up for better healthcare. back to you. >> kristy, thank you. a medical emergency forces
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some cecil county students to jump into action. and it happened on a packed school bus. mike schuh explains what they did. >> reporter: a high school hallway. so much energy confined in one space. but it's a different story on the way to school. >> i usually just lay my head on the window and just listen to music. >> reporter: but what happened to jessica dyke has change that forever. >> we hit the dirt. and a branch hit the window. >> reporter: caleb and tristan sit up front. they noticed the driver. >> he didn't slow down to open the door for someone. and that's when he went into the middle of the road. and a few people started noticing what was wrong. >> as we reached the intersection, he was going really, really fast. >> in fact, the driver, mr. rick, was having a medical emergency. >> i'm trying to get up there as fast as i can. everyone is yelling, mr. rick, mr. rick, trying to find out what's wrong. >> reporter: he tries to push the brake with his hand. and tristan. >> high tried to grab the brake
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and he was resisting me. and i also grabbed the steering wheel, which he also fought me on. >> no one was hurt. >> it was almost like a dream. i was kind of dazed. waiting to wake up. it was weird. >> it all hits you, what happened. >> i think they are incredibly courageous. >> what this is a sheriff's salute citizens award. >> today, school gave each of them a citation. >> was a quick action. and the leadership of the seniors on the bus was really impressive. >> since that time, do you sleep on the bus anymore? >> no. >> in rogers, i'm mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. >> and wjz has learned that the driver is recovering after surgery. it's not known if he will be able to return to his job. >> we wish him well and we congratulate those people. doing the right thing. >> that was pretty impressive. >> under tense circumstances. >> great job. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00.
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spying scandal. the nsa reacts to allegations that it eavesdropped on the vatican and others. all of a sudden, we were going north towards alaska. >> emergency landing. how the passengers on the flight literally took over the town they landed in. brutal beating caught on tape. the adult who joined teens in an attack. ♪ [ music ] and hello, scary man. will the rain hold off for your trick or treat plans? stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. hi, guys. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's overcast, 69 degrees. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. three firefighters are hurt,
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battling a massive housefire in encino, california. aerial footage shows the fire and the firefighters battling the blaze, as it tears through the roof of the home. it took more than two hours and 100 firefighters to put on t out. the injured firefighter were taken to want hospital and are expected to be okay. the cause is under investigation. an adult has been taken into custody and charged in the beating of a 15-year-old girl last month in pittsburgh. cell phone video of the fight shows 24-year-old andrea bennett joining in a fight with two 16-year-old girls. police say bennett kicked the teenager 19 times while she was on the ground. the woman is charged with aggravated assault and two counts of corruption of morals with minors. some losses on wall street today. [ stock bells ringing ] >> stocks were up early in the afternoon but trailed off by the closing bell. dow was down 73.
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s&p down 7. nasdaq is down 11. let's go to new york, where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. investors had to digest disappointing corporate news involving avon and visa. facebook's quarterly earnings blew past expectations. but teenagers were spending less time on the site. the social media site also said it did not expect to significantly increase the ads it shows in users' feeds. arn lifts worry that could slow down facebook's advertising growth. the men's company, joseph a. banks is considering boosting its bid for the warehouse. they rejected the unsolicited offer, saying it undervalued the company. men's wearhouse has been struggling and recently fired its pitchman, george zimmer.
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employees sold counterfeit jewelry online. they ran websites with names like sales and shop that's your money watch. for the latest business news, follow me on twitter. i'm well lex. it is -- alexis christoforous. it is open enrollment for healthcare. for more on the changes, ask the expert. jessica kartalija is live in studio. >> reporter: i'm here with jacqueline trues dale. we're talking about medicare fraud. what do people need to know? >> medicare fraud is an intentional scheme to receive payment for medicare for benefits and services that were not received. so we're asking medicare beneficiaries to review their summary notices on a regular basis, if they find inaccuracy,
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please ask questions because it could be an error or potential fraud. >> reporter: anything glaring that people should watch out for. >> sometimes medicare beneficiaries will be billed for multiple services. some they received, some they didn't. always question it. don't issue afraid to-- don't be afraid to question your provider. counselors can help you initiate an investigation. and advance it further if needs to be. >> okay. how helpful is this to you to gain knowledge about what kinds of questions people have at home? >> it's very beneficial. the medicare trust fund loses about $90 billion a year to medicare fraud. so it's very important that beneficiaries are aware of these scams and they know who to report these incidents to. and again, that's the senior medicare patrol. and we need volunteers to help us fight fraud. >> jacqueline, thank you so much for talking to me. we are in studio b. i'm going to send it back to you. mary, i know you have the
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number. >> okay. thank you. and you still have plenty of time to ask the expert. call them right now. 410-466-1313. >> you have until 6:30 tonight. >> coming up at 4:00. boston still celebrating after the red sox wins the world series. how it's bripping the city together after the tragedy last spring? beauty sparking outrage. it's halloween. what about the weekend? stick around for the updated first warning forecast. we are celebrating halloween. and we have to see your favorite halloween pictures. here are some sent to check out the complete slide show, log
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we're live here in perry hall. you talk about going all out. we're going to take you over there, a little later. and give you some of the sights and sounds. we'll talk about the forecast for all the trick or treaters. for more on that, sending it in to bob. that's an amazing disguise. really is. let's take a look at this. very warm night this time of year. with a north wind at 7. the barometer falling a little bit. 29.95. humidity is up. dew points up as well. yes we saw a little light activity. sprinkles this morning. for the most part, it's been cloudy. 61. temperatures run right now,
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about 6 to 7 degrees above normal. 70 in pax river. they had more sun down there. 65. and d.c., at 67. locally, mid- to upper 60s on halloween night. last year, we were in the 30s and 40s. so a big difference from a year ago. a little light sprinkle activity. just leaving the elkton and new castle. one little sprinkle here on the baltimore harford county line. if you look to the west, looks very quiet for the next three, four, five, six hours. and maybe a little spotty drizzle in one or two spots. but generally, things look good. southerly winds in d.c. generally, we've had a southerly and southeasterly winds. big rains over texas, portions of missouri. mississippi, alabama, into some southern sections of missouri and illinois. heavy rain out there. the bulk of that is passing well to our west.
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even though there's a lot of rain showing, i mean, that's a lot of rain out there. the bulk of it will pass well to our west. as the frontal crosses the region tomorrow. don't expect to see more than maybe a third of an inch at this point. east of the mountains. as you see scattered activity. bulk of it, north and west of us. overnight tonight, probably after midnight or 1:00, 2:00 in the morning. that's when we'll see the rain move into the region. and eventually, the front goes through the area. it will start turning cooler. later friday and saturday. another front coming down. that's when the really chilly air will reach us. that won't be until sunday and monday. southwest winds. ahead of that front. gusting to 30 knots. it will be windy later tonight and particularly tomorrow. small craft advisory through friday. overnight tonight. late, late, late tonight. rain shower moving in. our low of 62. that's our normal high. 74 degrees. some showers until about maybe 10:00, 11:00. then clearing, breezy in the
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afternoon. but still warm tomorrow. that might even get close to some records and turns cooler for the weekend. >> like that's incredible. all right, bob. thank you. don't miss the cbs primetime lineup tonight at 10:00. it's an all new episode of the hit drama elementary. and ravens are coming off their bye week. looking to get off the win column. see it this sunday, at 4:15, live on wjz. still ahead at 4:00. too hot to handle. the latest on the controversy surrounding a popular condiment manufacturing plant in california. the nsa's a's spiller. the new job former maryland resident edorder ward nosen now has in russia. a teen found dead in a high school gym. what prosecutors decided to do. eyewitness news continues with denise and vic after this.
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we all have our little tricks. mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good.
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it is just before 4:30. 69 degree. mostly cloudy. gee, i wonder what they're celebrating. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about. the u.s. attorney's office reveals it is looking at the circumstances. a body was found rolled up in a matte in the gym. >> reporter: new surveillance video shows candidate rick johnson in a high school gym, just hours before his body was found there. u.s. attorney general michael moore said he is investigating the facts surrounding the mysterious death. >> there are several questions that must be answered or confirmed. first, what was the cause of mr. johnson's death. second, was mr. johnson's death the result of a crime? >> reporter: the body of the 17- year-old high school athlete was found last january in an
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upright wrestling mat mat in a- - matt in a gym. they ruled he suffocated. but the family had his body exhumed. that report revealed that he had died from a nonaccidental blow to the neck. they released video. his family hopes it provides clues to his death. >> it is just one step closer to find out what happened to my son. >> if the u.s. attorney uncovers enough evidence to believe it was a crime, he will ask to conduct an investigation. >> federal prosecutors have said even if they determine it was a crime, they may not have jurisdiction to pursue the case. a virginia supreme court said the state is not responsible for the virginia tech massacre. kai is live with more on this. >> reporter: justices are reversing the 2012 verdict in a wrongful death suit against virginia tech. it was brought by the families of two students who were among
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the 32 killed by sung we joe -- sung we cho. the court said cho was the lone person responsible for this tragedy. and neither was negligent. >> the 2012 verdict gave $4 million to each family in damages. that amount was later reduced to their 100,000. the man who revealed secret documents has a new job in russia. former nsa contractor edward snowden is working in one of the largest companies. snowden will not release the name -- names this was customer the. he is still a fugitive from the u.s. national security agency is answering requestiesies about reports is t is sty -- it is spying on everything from the
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united nations to google. >> reporter: when roman catholic cardinals were gathering to elect a new pope in march, a magazine says the u.s. had a pipeline into the vatican. they recorded vatican phone calls and could have eavesdropped on phone calls for those who elected pope francis. also, wednesday, the united nation sis it received similar assure ans that its communication networks are not and will not be monitored by intelligence. but it was not clear whether they were monitored in the past. but it's not just international bodies and city states that are alleged targets. the washington post said they connected google and ya hoo office -- ya hoo offices
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worldwide. the nsa denied the tactic, saying it gets data from such companies only through court orders. of course, all of this comes after german chancellor, angela merkel learned the u.s. had been monitoring her cell phone for years am now france and spain want to know if their phone calls were cap -- tapped, too. >> china and southeast governments are upset after learning that american and australian were being used as hushes for collection of data. it's a setback for hot sauce. a judge is denying the town of irwindale's request to stop the popular sricreditrira cha chili plant. people who live there say it
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gives them headaches and makes their eyes water. spooky day is making trick or treaters. meteorologist tim williams is live in perry hall with the wjz mobile weather lab. but first, bob is in the updated weather center with our conditions. >> there's a guy dressed up to look just like tim williams. and it's an amazing disguise. we've had light sprinkles in a few spots. for the most part, all of the activity has moved north of the region for the time being. and looks like it's going to stay that way much of the evening. way off to the west. looks like literally this evening, we'll have cloudy and mild conditions. just a few spots you see here in eastern sections of baltimore county, harford county. maybe a sprinkle can and down. right now, nobody is reporting anything in the way of major precipitation around the region. and it's warm. very, very warm.
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69 here, 70 easton, pax river. 67, d.c. and 65 ocean city. the cool spot even that's warm for oakland this time of year. 61 degrees. we are 5 degrees warmer than we were yesterday at this time. elkton is 14 degrees warmer. so very, very mild end of the month. let's check in with meteorologist tim williams. that is tim williams live in perry hall, with the wjz mobile weather lab, with a look at what we expect to happen throughout the evening. tim? >> reporter: well, you know, every once in a while, you get the feeling that you're just being watched. i don't know why i feel that way. but we are talking talk about watching the weather forecast for your trick-or-treating tonight. we're live outside the home of jamie, patrick and lea ann. and they have been doing this for 20 years or so. they really have captured the spirit -- the spirit, no pun intended, of halloween. we're talking about a pretty nice forecast overall. just hoping that the drizzle stays away until later. we have the clouds that bob
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tuck talked -- bob talked about. as it does, it will be moving closer. so the longer you're out tonight, the better there will be a chance for you to get pretty damp. right fu, things are pretty mild, but cloudy. goblins and ghouls are lurking around. and there's so much going on over there that we can't even get it in in one report. for now, live from the wjz mobile weather lab. tim williams. sending it back to you on television hill. >> looks like the spirits have been flowing early out there. let's check in right now on christy brez lip, live at wjz traffic control. take it slow out there. as you can see, a lot of trick or treaters. watch for a crash. also, dorsey run. traveling in baltimore city, lombard street at south haferover. and a lot -- hanover.
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and a lot of delays out there. then traffic is going to slow down for you again on the same route from key highway, past whitemarsh boulevard. as far as the beltway goes, it's very congested on the top side inner loop. just crawling along. and on the west side inner loop, same situation, just creeping along from 895 to liberty road. as far as 70 goes, that delay has really stretched out. you're now looking at congestion from the beltway to marriottsville road. let's take a live look. you can see things looking very scary there on the beltway. thing are just barely moving. this traffic report is brought to you by bge smart energy saver's program. $2.25. visit bge smart back to you. >> thank you, kristy. the city of boston is celebrating another world series victory today. and it comes as the city continues to recover from the boston marathon bombing.
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the victory is bringing the city together. it hasn't happened at fenway park for 95 years. it was a victoriory almost a century in the making that bostonians say couldn't have come at a better time. six months after the city's marathoning killed three and injured hundreds. locals say they're boston strong. >> it might be the most special out of all that i have been part of. >> everything that this team stood for and what this city was all about, i think it was the perfect ending. >> reporter: throughout the season, bombing survivors were honored at games. >> reporter: after the big win, fans came here. the finish line of the boston marathon. saturday's parade is expected to come down this same street, where the bombs exploded last april. the red sox are replacing those bad memories with joyous ones. >> last night, watching all of the people and how happy they were and the celebration going on. it's just another step to make
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sure we're recovered. >> reporter: brothers traveled home to boston for the big game. and they came back thursday to pick up championship gear. stores are selling out of red sox merchandise as fans want to remember what some call the biggest game of their lives. >> i don't care if i ever see another baseball game again if my life. i saw the red sox win the world series at fenway park. >> it was the crowning moment of an emotional year for the red sox and their boston strong fans. adriana diaz, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, this is the first time a team has clenched a world series victory. >> they're probably still celebrating today and through the weekend. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. google glasses, move over. the revolutionary technology that you have to see to believe. controversial actions. a drunk driving suspect, violently shoved. will the officer face charges? a mild evening ahead.
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will the rain hold off? stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. ,,,, for intelligent life.. for a greater purpose. it's a journey enriched by the people we know
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in illinois, a police officer is facing criminal charges for a dui suspect. and it's all caught on camera. video shows 47-year-old cassandra fearstein into a cell. the woman hit her head on a metal bench. she suffered facial fractures. the officer has pled not guilty to felony aggravated battery and misconduct charges. the pilot of a small plane has engine trouble and is forced to land right away. and at the time, he was over a highway in georgia. so that's where he put the plane down. his propeller hit a speed limit sign and mailboxes. the pilot was able to avoid hitting the cars and managed to stop safely on the shoulder of the road. a jum jet is big news in
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one alaska community. a boeing 767 makes a landing. jarica duncan reports on wjz on the excitement in cold bay, alaska. when this delta airlines' boeing 767 made its landing in cold bay, alaska, the community of about 60 people got nearly 180 visitors. >> ever been to alaska before? >> no. and it's never been on my bucket list. now i can add it to my bucket list and cross it off. >> the plane was in en route to san francisco. but wednesday morning, an emergency warning in the cockpit forced pilots to make the unexpected stop. >> all of a sudden, we could see that they were turning north towards alaska. like something is wrong. but we were safe. >> reporter: as they waited if a replacement plane to arrive, the passengers took to town. this picture shows out the only local bar. it is home to alaska's third
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largest runway. and during world war ii, it was a staging area that had a military population of 30,000 people. about 20 hours after their journey started, relieved passengers finally arrived in san francisco, wednesday night. jarica duncan, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, cold bay is about 625 miles southwest of anchorage. one final act of love, a washington state man loses his life while traying to save his wife from a fire. >> reporter: the fire broke out inside of a lakewood apartment complex in the middle of the night. neighbors say a 64-year-old man escaped the flames but ran back inside the burning building to try to rescue his 78-year-old wife. the woman was ill and unable to move well. firefighters arrived on the scene. they knocked out the flames, but it was too late. both the husband and wife died in the fire. investigators don't know what caused the fire, but they say
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it does not appear suspicious. so sad, vic. back to you. >> yes, it is, mary. thank you. the red cross is helping a half dozen residents in apartments who had smoke damage. a sophisticated drug tunnel is found near the mexico and border. it is in the otay mesa industrial area. u.s. officials say the tunnel is equipped with vent leigh. they seized eight tons of marijuana and 325 pounds of cocaine. in connection with the discovery, three suspects are in custody. google glas isn't the only pair of high-tech classes. hoping to change the world. a startup is call -- called meta. >> reporter: silicon valley oozes confidence. and meron contributes his fair share. >> i want to change the way we
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use computers. and i think i have a really compelling vision of the future. a lot of people are buying into it. this is the dwees. -- device. a pair that layered digital information content that users can manipulate over their field of vision. >> meta has a pair of glasses allowing for a 3-d screen. >> reporter: in a video, meta presents a mind-boggling world, where free-flowing virtual shapes can be molded, then actually produce with printers. watching this, it's easy to be awed but hard not to be skeptical. during a visit to their headquarters in alto hills, we experienced some of these demos first hand. >> reporter: the screen in front of you. >> reporter: the prototype is on the bulky side. but meta's goal is to reduce it
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to the size of a pair of ray bans. >> reporter: all of this reminds us of another company's wearable device, google glass. >> we use the thing that was involved to manipulate your environment, also known as your hand. and there's so much more than google glasses. >> meta's success will, in part, hinge on a robust app store. a pair will start at $367. and will ship in january. >> this is the same stuff we saw in a tom cruise movie. i can't remember the name of the movie,. >> minority report. >> thank you. it's the one night of the year when you can dress any way you want. and no one will make fun of you for it. >> that's right. bob turk has the updated first warning forecast coming up next.
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and maryland is celebrating halloween. and we ask to send in your favorite halloween pictures. to check the complete slide show, log onto bla ,,,,,,,,,,,, tnññ
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here at the wjz mobile weather lab. you cannot just show up at someone's haunted house. this is lea ann. how long have you been doing this? >> about 20 years now. >> reporter: 20 years. does it ever not get fun. >> always fun. >> hopefully the trick or treaters will have a lot of fun. for more now, sending it to bob turk. >> looks like you guys are having a great time out there. let's take a look at temps now. it's a warm evening. that's for sure. 69 now. north winds. currently, 64, oakland. 70 in easton and pax river.
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67, d.c. and locally, temperatures in the mid- to upper 60s. our normal high today is 62. so these temperatures, way above average for this time of year. we've had a couple of sprinkles move through northeastern sections of maryland. most of them in pennsylvania. nort of harrisburg, a little rain west ask south of us a little quiet. developing over the mountains of west virginia. right now, looks like it's going to stay dry. for at least the next three to four or five or six hours. if you're heading out this evening with the kids, doesn't look like they'll see any problems. it will be breezy later. 70 in most of the region. there's been a lot of rain southwest of us, particularly over portions of texas. portions of arkansas, missouri. now some good, steady rain in indiana and ohio. most of that is passing to our north and northwest. in fact, most of the energy will pass that way. but later tonight, probably the best chance of rain really coming tomorrow morning, between let's say 5:00 and 8:00
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a.m. in the morning. when you're triving to work, perhaps. until about noontime. that's when we expect to see the bulk of the rain in the area. right now. still activity showing off to the west of us. most of it, however, will not get here until well after midnight. then we start getting a little cooler friday friday night. and cooler air coming in saturday. baltimore area west. we should get breezy and drying out on friday afternoon. gusts tomorrow up to 30 knots. it will be very windy. overnight tonight and tomorrow. small craft advisory through friday. bay temp through 60. tomorrow, later on. maybe a little light rain. much later. warm night. 62. windy tomorrow. a couple of showers and maybe a little rain in the morning. then cloud the break in the afternoon. still mild, low to mid-70s, before the chilly air comes in really on saturday. >> are you dress the as mr.
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maryland? >> i like this tie. i figure i'll to something a little different on halloween. >> i was going to salute. still to come on eyewitness news. if you're ply -- flying this is a story you won't want to miss. the faa now allowing most electronic device used throughout,,,,,,,,
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two different maryland congressmen, from two different political parties, with two different views on the problems with the affordable care act. i'm derek valcourt, with what each side thinks should be done about it, when eyewitness news continues. and of course, it is halloween. will the rain hold out for trick-or-treating? first warning weather will have the answer. >> check in for more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. a new era in flight. >> how turning off your electronic devices for takeoff and landing may soon be a thing of the past. >> hi, everybody. i'm mary bubala. >> i'm kai jackson. here's what people are talking about. >>ai


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