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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 23, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. if you are ready to change your life and take immediate control of your finances... if you're tired of hearing about the negativity in the news, and now realize that the government is not going to bail you out... if your gut instinct tells you that in an economy like this, there is a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of the growing foreclosure market and create total financial freedom for you and your family, you're about to meet a man that can change your future now. he is america's top real estate investing expert, he has been featured on the number-one real estate hit reality show, flip this house, and is a best-selling author. he is the most sought-out real estate expert in the world, and has changed thousands of people's financial futures.
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you now have the opportunity to spend time learning armando's money-making real estate strategies at his live event coming to your area. >> i went to armando's live event, and aftesix weeks, i made $45,000. i did it. you can do it too. go to his live event. >> four months ago, i took armando's live event and have had two offers accepted since then and look to make about $60,000. >> prior to this, i was in the i.t. and construction industries as a project manager. armando's live event showed me how i can go without any credit or money of my own and get five houses under contract with $160,000 in profit. go to the live event. it will change your life. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you
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by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now's the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free
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armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> we're out in the real estate market. where your real real estate investor and where your mentor should be. listen i have tremendous amounts of successful students going out there and doing this. and making money in today's market because i'm not sitting up in some i'm studio, i'm out here showing people how to make money and i am going to do this with our live event.o there are only two ways you're going to know if you can do this or not. one, if your mentors and trainers is doing it and two, if i have other and successful students who are out there doing it now and making money in your backyard in today's your marketplace.
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listen if you are sick and tired of your boss telling you what to do, if youling are sick and tired of not having enough money ornot having bad credit or if you are sick and tiredf and knowing that the government is not going to bail you out or if you are a professional going looke i make some pretty decent money but i want to maket really big money and take the opportunity of today's marketplace you can do this now when you register for the live event. listen, i have students out there who are making so much money and you are about to meet these people but you can only do it ife you take action now and register forion now and the live event. call that little 800 or 877 number whatever it is call at the bottom of that thing right now and watch these amazing studentatch testimonials of people who are running ahead of youho making money in today's market because theyay's know how i do it. >> with armando's system, i have made over $300,000 in cash and equity in the last nine months. >> if you really want to be successful in real estate, i recommend that you take armando's live event, because he can teach you things that i truly believe no one else can. >> so i'm here with john, and john, how are you? >> i'm doing great, thank you.
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>> great, i hear you're doing fantastic, everybody has told me that you are tearing it up, that these are, this is one of the properties that you've purchased, right? >> absolutely. >> and how long ago did you purchase this property? >> purchased it about three weeks ago. >> and how much profit do you have on it? >> we have about 43,000 in profit. >> and how long ago did you go to one of my live events? >> it was just six weeks ago. >> six weeks ago. can you imagine what your life would be like making $43,000 right now in less than six weeks? now, i hear that's not the only property that you've purchased, that you have a couple of others that you've already purchased and profited from? >> that's correct, we have from the three properties that we've already purchased and profited from, about $133,000. >> $133,000, and you're sitting there on your couch going, "why am i sitting here on my couch just watching an infomercial?" why aren't you picking up the phone, taking action? call the phone number on the bottom of your screen, come to one of my live events, 'cause seating is limited. now, i've heard you'd done even more than that, that you have a bunch of other properties under contract right now. are these them? >> yeah, these are the contracts that we have right now, we have seven different contracts right now for houses with
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a profit of about $400,000. >> $400,000? >> 400,000. >> you're tearing it up. you're gonna pass me up one day. >> [laughs] >> you're doing great. now, let me ask you this, 'cause everybody out there's saying, "you know, armando, i got to have money to do this or i have to have credit." what did you learn at my live events? >> that was one of the best parts of the event, because you taught us how to find resources that i never would've thought of otherwise, so it really helped us find the money we needed to do the number of houses that we would like to do. >> how about the marketplace? how do you feel about the economy and the real estate marketplace today? >> i don't think there's a better time in history to buy property. right now is when i'm trying to buy as many as we can, because the profits are out there, and i don't see how you can lose. by following the road map that you put out there for us, like g.p.s., if you will, i don't see how you could fail. >> see, go out, take action, call the phone number at the bottom of your screen right now. come to the live event. it will be powerful, you will be our next testimonial, you'll be
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the next person. in six weeks, this man has done where he can profit up to $400,000... and he's already profited $133,000. call the phone number right now. seating is limited, i will take you by the hand, i will show you how to do it. we will give you the road map, the g.p.s.-- this is no b.s., all right, guys? i'm not here to blow smoke up your skirt, i'm here to show you how to become extremely wealthy, i'm a real real estate investor, i don't sit there with a suit and tie, i'm not a perfect person, but i will tell you this: if somebody can show you how to become completely wealthy in real estate, how to eliminate debt and create cash flow, i will show you how to do this, i am the man to do this, i will show you, but you have to do the first step, call, make your reservations immediately. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire
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real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in youbackyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's
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live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> listen, you can go out there and you can do this. at one point, i was just an average guy-- in fact, i was below average. i was living in a garage, literally living on food stamps, i was $50,000 in debt and now... i live in a freaking castle. check out our students who were average at one time and decided to stop being average. they decided to go out there, work hard, follow the program
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that i've laid out to the "t", go to the live event and become successful. the average person will sit on their butt and do nothing with their life. check out these people who decided to stop being average. >> we took several other real estate courses, but weren't able to make any money. we took armando's live event, and since then, within a week we bought two houses, we're gonna make $70,000 profit and we'll make $700 cash flow a month without our money or any credit. it was a great program, i would recommend it to everybody. before using our armando's techniques we were trying to flip for close to aing year and was unsuccessful and in that i wasccessful unemployed and unfortunately we lost our home and forced myself, my wife and my kids to movemy back into my in-laws. and after using armando's techniques we've now acquired five properties in a matter of 2 months. my situation is similar to marks i was actually in the same situation we lost our home as well and my wife is pregnant, i have a one year son and i remember being next to her when she was actually giving birth.was actually
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and in labor. and that completely changed my life and i said i so mark and i applied to armando's techniques and we've been very fortunate to acquire 5 properties so we just want to giveies so armando a message we just want to say thank you.ust thank you very much. it's changed our lives. and were hoping to help others with this message. thank you.h this message. thank armando. armando believes right now is a phenominal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event. coming to your area this week. >> look, i'm a real real estate investor, this is a house that i've bought and that i've owned, and literally, four weeks ago, this property, we're gonna put up a picture on screen right now, i owned this property, and this property was not in good shape. i bought it, i renovated it, i did none of the work myself, and here i am four weeks later in front of the property and $50,000 richer. listen, i actually do real estate, i don't sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate, or one day i'm gonna teach you, i'm in the marketplace doing real estate, and guess what,
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because i do it, i have my pulse on the real estate marketplace. i know exactly how to do it, i know how to do it in your marketplace, and i'm known as america's number-one and top real estate investing expert. and why am i telling you this? because we'll show you and take you and lead you by the hand, and the benefit for you is this: if you're sitting on the other side of this camera going, "you know what, armando? i go, i've tried everything, i've tried other programs, i've tried other things and they didn't work out," this will work if you do exactly what i say and allow me to lead you by the hand. if you're a stay-at-home mom, or you know what, if you're a single mom and you've been left alone and you have children to support and you know that you deserve a better life and you need a better life and right now is the time to get a better life, and you know that you need to do better financially for your family, then real estate and my system, my live events can help get you there now. if you're a man who, literally, wife lost faith in him, if your wife lost faith in you and says, "you know what? he's a good man, but he's not successful and he's not providing for our family
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the way he should," check out the video testimonial of one of my students whose wife now supports him to the highest degree and has total and absolute faith because of the live events that he's gone to. listen, now it's time to get away from the pain and the fear of loss. imagine what your life's gonna be like five years from now if you don't do this, imagine what it's gonna be like five years from now if you don't take action right now, and then stop and think, "you know what, if i just pick up the phone and i go to armando's live event, imagine what it's gonna be like when i go and i learn from armando how to do real estate in today's market the way armando's out there and actually doing real estate." check out these testimonials and realize that these people at one time were sitting on the couch just like you, listening to an infomercial from me, just like this, but they picked up the phone, they attended the live event, and they've changed their life. you can be the next person who changes their life. >> before learning armando's techniques, i had a little bit of investment experience. after learning his techniques and strategies, i now have two
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properties; one i estimate to make 18k at the end of the month and the other one, after rehab, i will make around 20,000. thank you, armando, for everything. >> like many other women, i had my doubts. we've tried other seminars, my husband has, and it just didn't work out. and now he's done armando's seminar and we actually see the fruit of it, actually having two properties, making $90,000 with no money out of our pockets, and it's just been an amazing experience to know that it's turned into reality. >> listen, i'm not gonna spend a lot of time at this house because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hours. i did something by what i call "flipping the paper." i can show you how to go out there and flip the paper with no money out of your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoever, and i did it in less than 24 hours. listen, money knows no time. whether you're fresh out of college and college just isn't paying the bills and you need a new lot on life, or if you're
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a senior citizen and you never quite reached that financial potential that you knew. look, you did great with your kids, your family, but you never reached that financial potential, now is the time, because money-- when taught the right way-- knows no boundaries. listen, ray kroc of mcdonald's didn't get started with a mcdonald's until he was 50 years old. now is the time to get started when you come to my live event. check out these people and put yourself in their shoes of what it's like just a few months after attending my live event. so i'm out here with mike and mike attended one of our live events.d one of how you doin' mike? hey armando how's it going? it's going great. now i hear it's going fantastic for you. absolutely.or you. i want to let everyone know out there what you've experienced since i've you've experienced attended a live event i was able to get all that information and come out here and makend come out deals happen. i can make a deal in my own back yard. you made a deal ind. your own backyard. and also across the country from what i learned from the live event my first deal i was
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able to secure $15, nice. and after that i was able to get deals that i'm probably going to make about $160,000 from those deals. so $15,000 from the first deals. deal, $160,000 on your total deals.00 on your right. now how much cash did you put in the bank since you attended the live event?u well since i attended the live event i was able to put $50,000i was able to into my account. so he's got $50'000 being able to put into his account. can you imagine what yourunt. life would be like from where you're sitting right now to be able to put $50,000 into your account. and how much total money do you have in mind that $50,000 will make?d that in the pipe line i'll probably have $180,000. $180,000 mike!$180,000. known as mike the man in this neighborhood. do you understand this. you can go out there and you can do it but you can only do it but you cancan only do it if you register for a live event. register register for a live event right now, take action. mike congratulation's.. thank you very much. get out there keep on going. you guys go register for a live event. while we're going to make more money now. >> i started this year off
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unemployment checks, and after six weeks i made $45,000, and i can make $45,000 every month. armando, you've changed my life. thank you. >> so, i am here with carol, and carol, how old are you? >> i'm 68 years young. >> she's 68 years young-- great answer-- and how long ago did you go to my live event? >> about three and a half months ago. >> three and a half months, and how many deals have you done since going to the live event? >> three of 'em. >> three deals. >> yes. >> three deals in three and a half months, and approximately how much profit do you have? >> on the average, between 35- to 45,000 per deal. >> $35- to $45,000, so you're saying-- let's go small. let's say that you only have $35,000 each, right? >> o.k. >> that's over $105,000 worth of profit in three and a half months? >> months, yes. >> all right, what would you tell the people out there, if they should go to the live event, what would you tell the people out there? >> that it's an opportunity that you should not miss no matter what your station in life is. take advantage of it and create a better life for yourself
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right now. >> but let me ask you one more question: is right now-- with everything they say about the economy-- is right now the right time to be in real estate? >> it is the best time ever. >> announcer: armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate and seats are filling fast. take action now. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this week. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market
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and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. leararmando's techniques live
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and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> check out these students who went to the live event, they decided to stop being average. they decided to work hard and to follow my system to the "t". check out their amazing results. >> i have been a practicing real estate attorney in florida for the past 25 years, and being an attorney, i have a pretty analytical mind. so my daughter first brought this program to my attention and of course i analyzed the heck out of it, and kind of had a cross my arms in front of my chest "no, i don't think that i need to do that; i know everything there is to know about real estate because i'm a real estate attorney." so i agreed to come to the seminar this weekend, and i have got to tell you guys that it changed my life.
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i am out actually looking at real estate deals in your backyard dealing with today's marketplace it doesn't matter if yout have credit no credit bad credit listen i've takend people who have a 400 credit score make 400 absolutely no money and go into the live event and go go and some of them have chapter seven bankruptsies making up to thirty five thousand dollars withine weeks after the live event and i've taken doctors and lawyers and professionals to show them how they can take that money and take it to a whole new level of wealth and recession proof their lives forever. proof i do this step by step methodically and chronological order and the other best thing is you are going to have a tremendous amount of fun doing this.amount of fun look i'm out doing real estate because i love real estate and i want you real to check out some of my millionaire students they literally had nothing before going to the live event and they made a tremendousthey made a amount of money. the government is giving money away but not government grants people are buying houses this is the best real estateis is economy in the next 30 to 40 years but you've gotta reach the live event you gotta go now call theyou number at the bottom of your screen now check out some of my millionaire students.
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>> since learning armando'sents. techniques, my company not only has come away from a $500,000 deficit, but now we're sitting at 1.5 million. we're doing four or five houses per month, averaging 79,000 per deal, and i could not have done it without armando and using his techniques. we have been using armando's techniques to buy and sell properties. he has taught us how to determine the after repair value of the house. repair how much repair needs to be done. and through everything we learned through armando our first 2 propertieso have netted $53,000 profit. and has given us a futuret. to count on, we can do this for a living now. thanks to armando i'm a professional of 32 years we've been attending armanda's live we currently have 2 properties under contract the opportunity has given me for working with my son what i was doingith my son before this he wouldn't... and it's just fantastic... the environment that
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armondo creates for learing this stuff. he gave me the confidence to even believe that i could do this and hisi methodological approach to teaching is justpproach to fantastic, it's step by step. i'm one of those people step. that needs 99% of the information beforethe i think i can do it. and and act on it.t. and he provided all that. the teaching really does go back to the basics you know abcs, 123s it makesu it very easy to understand and very easy tounderstand progress quickly. before learning armando's techniques and strategies we hadn't had any realies estate experience except for buying our own home. from there we made our 1st deal and we thank armando and his techniquesarmando and strategies. any skeptism about it, the techniques are anything but and there's a program and his techniques lay it to rest because thisay it is the real deal. we had a great time. it'e been a blast. we've learned so much from the techniques like my wife was just sayin'my it's been wonderful. team ramando!derful. weboth sold this property, he walked away we got
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another property, you've got to go to the seminar. learn how to do this.nar. armando can teach you. anybody can do this. armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this to your area we've been successfully investing with armando's system for almost a year and a half now using his teachniques and hisg his teachings we've been able to net over $73,000n able on our last 3 deals. and being a realtor he had some success investing and real estate and helpingand others and after using the techniques we learned from armando actually changed our lives and helped usd change the lives of other investors as well.f other what he cado for you and what he's done for myself and what i can pass on to my family is a legacy i'll have forever.a legacy i'll before going to armando's seminar i was a contractor and my wife was a nursetor we were able to take this system and techniques,his apply it to our home town,
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small home town, and ourn, first deal we made of a net profit of $30,000 and it set on the market less then 2 weeks. market less the next 2 deals we were able to net a profit of $47, a profit of this system and this education allowed us to have so much more freedom, so much more time. the ability to help our families, in just help in so many ways that it isin extremely and unbelievably life changing. >> look, you've seen the houses that i've done, you've seen the houses that my students are doing. now, there's only a few minutes left in this television infomercial. listen, you only have a few minutes to call and act right now, but you got to call the number, you got to get registered for the seminar. you can't just show up without registering, so call right now to be able to go to the seminar. what are you waiting for? there's only a few minutes left. here are the details. call the number right there at the bottom of that screen right there. see that little number?
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you actually have to take action and call it. get yourself off the couch, because listen, if you don't do it, somebody else will. everybody says, "armando, if it's such a good deal, why isn't somebody else doing it?" that's what the first negative person ever told me. and you know what it is? you are that somebody else. if i hadn't have taken that first deal, i would have never got the number-one hit reality real estate show in america, become america's number-one real estate mentor, leader, and trainer and investor, and ultimately i wouldn't be talking to you right now. if i can do it, you can do it. if my students can do it, you can do it. anybody can do it with the right training, but you got to call that number. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you
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by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free
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armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. closed captioning provided by production west. are you losing your hair and don't know what to do? i looked in he mirror and i couldn't even recognize myself. i thought where did it all go? how did it happen so fast? are you concealing your hair loss from the world by wearing a hat
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all the time? even around your loved ones? i had a collection of 300 oso plus hats i'm sure i did. i'd get up and the first thing i'd do is put a baseball cap on. are you fed up with spending money on pills and topical treatments that don't deliver the results you want? and wonder if there's anything out there that actually works? i tried everything i could think of. literally everything. this is the one thing i didn't have control over. it drove me nuts. well during the next half hour you'll get to hear intimate in-depth stories from real live people just like you who have lost their hair but have chosen hair restoration to get it back. i feel i definitely look better with hair than without. and you'll get to see close up their actually honest to goodness results. nothing to hide, no punches pulled. bosley hair restoration up close and personal. hi i'm matt rogers. and today we're going to show you everything we can about hair loss, it's causes and what you can do to obtain a noticeably thicker fuller head of hair. specifically we're gonna talk to you about bosley, the state of the art in natural
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hair restoration. what we want to do is dispel all the myths, shatter the misconceptions and demonstrate just how difficult it really is, even up close to tell the difference between a bosley restored hairline and a natural hairline. we're gonna walk you step by step through the process and introduce you to a bunch of men and women who refused to accept hair loss sitting down. i just happen to be one of those people. this is how i looked 7 years ago when i was a contestant on american idol and this is how i look today. but hey, i'm just one person. let's hear what some other folks have to say. life comes at yourself fast and one day it really hits you, i'm bald. i hated it. she always wanted to go to the clubs or the trendy restaurants and i always like to go to a place like an irish pub where i can wear a ball cap and a t shirt and not have to wear dressed up stuff where everybody could see i was balding really badly. and i kept playing that game of if it would just top here i'd be good. unfortunately you keep doing that year after year and then suddenly it's just it's too far gone. i know my wife
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wouldn't care if i was completely bald. this is strictly a personal thing. it's just how i see myself. i loved bozo the clown when i was a kid but i never really wanted to look like him. male pattern hair loss is the pattern that you notice in men who have hair loss. you're losing hair in the front. you're getting some recession, you're getting some balding in the back. and hose areas are coming together until you have no hair on the top of your head. the main culprit is a chemical, a hormone called dihydrotestosterone. most commonly people refer to it as dht. if you have genes that make your hair follicles sensitive those hair follicles will gradually miniaturize and you look bald. but this hair on the back isn't influenced by dht. those hairs can be made easily into grafts that will be durable. and when they're transplanted into the area then they will grow and they will continue to grow. and that concept is called donor dominance. so this hair which is genetically determined to last a lifetime, to be permanent hair, when you move it, remains permanent lifetime hair. this is the basis for permanent lifelong hair
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restoration. at 28 years old it just became a stressful situation. every day i'd get up, i'd look in the mirror. i'd constantly be thinking about my hair. when i jumped in a swimming pool it looked ten times worse and i had very deep temple recession so it was really coming in through here. and i had a lot of grafting done in through the center here just to really add some density and thicken that up. simple out patient procedure. i actually got in the car and drove home after it. i had a 2 ½ hour drive home and just took a long weekend off and i went back on monday and nobody knew that i actually had the procedure done. i was working with a guy who had done bosley hair transplants and i didn't even know it. one day i was confessing that i was pretty concerned about my hair loss, he says why don't you go to bosley and get your hair transplanted. i was like well, i don't want my hair to look like doll plugs. and he goes does my hair look like doll plugs? and i was like what? your hair? once i saw that, it's completely natural. there's no way to tell. hairs grow in one to four hair groupings. we call those follicular units. when we do a hair restoration procedure,
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what we want to so is place those follicular units in the appropriate places within the hairline or behind the hairline, to maximize density but also to maintain a natural appearance. we take tat hair that's not programmed to go bald and we move it into the areas you'd rather have it. you know areas like the front, your hairline, areas that when people look at you, frame your face. so follicle by follicle,, graft by graft we can pout hair back right where you lost hair. hair by hair. if you look at the photo it's just night and day compared to where i was and to where i am now, i'm an incredibly happy man and very thankful. a friend of mine i told him hey, you know i went through bosley and look how it's turned out. and then he opened up and he started telling me, you know what? i had some hair restoration too and didn't go to bosley. when you looked at the results that i had compared to his there was no comparison. i was just like man, you should have gone to bosley. as a tv show host actor and singer i didn't feel that losing my hair was exactly great for my image. under
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bright lights and in front of the camera even a little hair loss tends to stand out. i mean look at me. of course my hair loss made me self conscious. i just couldn't grin and bear it so i covered it up. like many of the folks you're gonna meet on this show, i began to wear a hat or a bandana all the time. i never left the house without one. that sounds like someone you might know, tell them maybe they should do what i did and call bosley. call now for this free information kit. it includes bosley's newest interactive dvd and this comprehensive guide book. inside you'll learn how to select a hair restoration doctor and see step by step precisely how a procedure at bosley is done. you'll also receive this in depth medical report on the causes and fa approved treatment options for hair loss. bosley is the world's most experience hair restoration expert. bosley physicians are selected on the basis of their exceptional surgical skills and then trained in the technical and artistic techniques developed by dr. l. lee bosley. believe it or not all this hair in the
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front that you're looking at is bosley restored hair. you wash it you get it cut. it's your own real hair growing on the top of your head. and it'll be there for the rest of your life. there's a lot of people out there who are really bothered by their hair loss. who won't take the next step to have something done about it. you really need to understand that this is a procedure that works. hair that some from a part of your head that has no genetic predisposition to fall out, doesn't ever fall out. cool. so this is a permanent procedure. this was a really, really smart investment if you look at it that way. and with multiple financing options available for qualified applicants, bosley hair restoration has never been more affordable. plus to help get you started bosley wants to make it even more affordable. welcome to bosley. by sending you a $250.00 gift certificate good toward a bosley hair restoration procedure. and bosley guarantees that the transplanted hair will grow or we will replace it free of charge. everything you see here is transplanted hair. i mean it's just as strong as the rest. i've never had anybody
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ask me if i've had a hair transplant. now i've told plenty just because i'm proud of it, it looks great. who cares? it doesn't matter anymore. i've had it done, it looks good and that's the key. some guys don't mind being bald. but if you're like me, then deep down you really want your hair back. well i'm here to tell you that it's more affordable and easiethan you might think. so come on. do it for you. make the free call, get the free information. call now to receive this free information kit plus your $250.00 gift certificate. there's no cost and absolutely no obligation. yeah, i thought i'd dodged the bullet. i thought for sure man i was the one that got lucky in the family and then it just happened out of nowhere. one day i'm looking at hands full of hair and i'm thinking what happened? what changed? i had a friend that kept trying to encourage me saying look, if you're really that worried about it you got 2 choices, you deal with it or you shave your head. and at one point i shaved my head. and i was a total cue ball. in my opinion go to bosley because they are by far the best. and i felt so comfortable that i wouldn't even hesitate to recommend bosley to someone else. it really is important that you
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find out everything you can about all of your options from a trusted resource. most of the stuff out there in the marketplace is well, bogus for a lack of a better term. the truth is there are just 3 fda approved treatments that might work for you if you're in the early stages of hair loss. we have 2 goals when you have hair loss. one is retention, hold the hair you have. the other one is to restore hair you've already lost. so at bosley we use everything available to us to hold the hair. medications, medical devices that can help and then at the same time surgical restoration. a combination treatment is very common in a lot of medical conditions. you use the medical side and the surgical side and of course the medical side, propecia, monoxodil, laser combs. those are very helpful in conjunction with moving more hair into the area so you can improve your appearance. my wife got sick of me complaining. we saw the infomercial on tv and she said just call them and go and see what they have to say. the doctor made me feel real comfortable. how he looked at me when he was doing the look and where, how that was gonna
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work for me, it was like an artist. and that was, i was just like wow, i'm so glad i did it. i really am glad that i did the procedure. this is all my hair. this ain't goin' away. let's assume you've done your research and you want to take the next step. let's see what it's like to visit one of bosley's nationwide offices for a personalized, no cost, no obligation consultation. coming to bosley for consultation will help answer some questions. hi peter how are you? the only thing it's gonna cost you is a little bit of time. so peter why don't we look at this classification chart here. the role of a bosley counselor is multi faceted. where do you think you might be on this? i think i'm probably right in this 4, 4 to 5 range. not only are they there to help educate the patient about the options available but it's also to listen to what it is they want to achieve. so why don't we have a look at the photograph that we took a little bit earlier. i'd like to get these empty areas filled back in and then maybe bring the hairline back down. this is a patient who i think is in a similar situation to yourself. it's remarkable. i would love to have a result like that. well what we need to do is get the doctor in and see what his plan
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is. well the doctor's role is to take the general information and to apply that to the individual patient. now let's take a look at your donor hair top make sure that an accurate diagnosis is made. that is that hair restoration is the proper thing to do and will work, and then to give an idea of what the size of the procedure will be and the eventual outcome. i want to bring your hairline back down where it belongs. we want something that's specific to you. how much hair are you losing? how much are you expected to lose in a lifetime? what are your options in terms of restoration? all in all i'd say you're an excellent candidate for a hair restoration and you should expect an excellent result. at the end of every consultation the patient is gonna leave with a personalized consultation report. basically a summary of the entire consultation. if you feel, after your consultation, that bosley restoration is the right choice for you, great. if not, that's ok, too. there are a lot of misconceptions about hair loss. i think it's really important that you have an honest discussion with a physician so that you can be an educated consumer and understand what your options
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may be,. i figured i've got one time to get it right and so i wanted to make sure that i was with the right company that was gonna give me what i was looking for. which was a natural appearance. that's one of the most important things. is this gonna look natural? am i gonna be happy with this? and so i did my due diligence. went online and after doing the research i called bosley, set up the appointment. i did meet with the counselor and when i left there i felt like i had a good comprehensive plan on not only replacing the hair i lost but also trying to keep the hair i had. it was nice to know that i could have something done and something that was affordable for me. it was feasible. it wasn't something that just the movie stars did. i mean it was something that an average guy like myself could get done, too. i've done hair for 19 years and when someone says they've had a hair transplant if i cannot identify it i'm like, where'd you go? bosley? and yeah. and this is the photo i have hanging up in my studio. so when somebody doesn't believe that i have a transplant i pull this out and they're like, that's not even you. and i go, i would not lie to you about hair. my
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restoration was done right here and i had some actually filled in the back. so if i want to style it differently and i want to put it up, you know and i want to take it down a little bit, i want to switch part sides i can do that. and it's not like before when i had to place the hair here hoping to conceal some skin. no matter how you cut it or cover it up hair loss well, let's just say that for most of us it's less than desirable. and if you're like me you'll try almost anything to keep it from progressing. and believe me it just doesn't stop on it's own. the problem is that there's not very many viable options out there. that's why you need to do some research. and the best place i know to start is with bosley. call now for this free information kit. it includes this comprehensive guide book and bosley's newest interactive dvd with extended patient interviews and discussions with bosley physicians, detailing a procedure at bosley. you'll also see how bosley's method of artistically transplanting individual follicular units creates a soft natural looking hairline. bosley is the world's most experience hair
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restoration expert. having performed over 200,000 hair restoration procedures, bosley's team of dedicated hair restoration experts have helped men and women from all walks of life achieve great looking real results. all we do is hair restoration. that's all we do every day. so naturally we're pretty good at it. where ever you live chances are there's a bosley consultation office near you. at bosley we really focus on providing you with a total solution to your hair loss problem. it feels amazing to have hair again. it's really coming through and it's just completely thick and you would never even know i had the procedure. and with multiple financing options available for qualified applicants, bosley hair restoration has never been more affordable. plus, to help get you started bosley wants to make it even more affordable. welcome to bosley. by sending you a $250.00 gift certificate good toward a bosley hair restoration procedure. and bosley guarantees that the transplanted hair will grow or we will replace it free of charge. i have to say it was almost a little emotional to see your hair back on top of your head again. i was looking at it and of course my wife was
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too. she couldn't believe it. i tell you yeah, you get your hair back. i guess when you think about it that i didn't like being bald. it wasn't me. and i know what you're thinking, you're saying to yourself, it's not tat bad. if it would just stop here i'd be ok. but the truth is once it starts to go it usually keeps on going. the bottom line, you can be bald or you can have your hair. call now to receive this free information kit plus your $250.00 gift certificate. there's no cost and absolutely no obligation. so a lot of patients will come and say doc, you know, i didn't realize that i was losing any hair. and i'll say well you know what? you have been losing hair but it has to get where beyond 50% that's when you start to notice it. and it will continue to go on. his hair loss is progressive and it's dynamic. early on i had gone to a dermatologist and asked him about my hair loss. and i asked him what i could do about it and he said nothing really. you're gonna go bald one day. there's a lot more women that have hair problems than you would imagine. you will find that probably 25% of women have
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significant hair loss by age 50. most typically women will keep their hairline, keep their temples and lose profusely throughout the top of their heads. the counselor told me what it was all about and brought the doctor in and they said, you know, this is something you can do. and i thought all right well what do i have to lose? you can't see much really, other than my roots which you know, have to talk to my colorist about that. because i've been on tv talking about bosley for years now people are always coming up to me and going dude you did it. you're the bosley guy. wow your hair looks great. i mean i've told the whole world about my hair restoration because i am so thrilled with it and for me it's completely changed my life. but if you don't want anybody to know, no problem. because the thing about a bosley hair restoration is that it looks so completely natural. dr. bosley brought to hair restoration an attention to the artistry. not just the technical aspects. dr. bosley always recognized that you're not constructing a hairline, part of that artistry that goes into bosley hair restoration is
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creating a natural looking hairline zone in the front. when a man comes in totally bald in the front we have to start a hairline from scratch. and what we do is exclusively use just one hair grafts in the very front to keep that nice gradual transition and that's extremely important in creating a very natural looking hairline. and as we move back behind that we still want to maintain those one hairs, maybe get some 2 hair units in there. then as we move back behind that we can have 3 and even 4 hair units to add volume and density and give the desired result. you walk into a forest and you see every tree lined up perfectly, you know nature didn't do that. it's the same with the hairline. you gotta make sure you keep it soft, natural, little bit irregular. another thing that dr. bosley brought to hair restoration is an incredible attention to detail. dr. bosley knew that each individual hair was important. the place you put it, the angle, direction of each individual hair shaft. really the goal is that nobody should be able to tell that you've had a transplant. so there's a lot of artistry
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involved. it's something that the doctors here are very passionate about because this really allows us to recreate something that we know is gonna give great satisfaction to you as a patient. i went to bosley because their whole organization is set up around hair restoration. so i liked that. it wasn't like i was going to a doctor that does all sorts of different procedures and cosmetic stuff and does hair restoration too you know. all the do is hair restoration. it's amazing how much sensitivity they have to the way your hair is supposed to look. i mean he looked at all my features and he knew where the hairline is supposed to be. we were talking about the hairline, we were talking about how it was gonna grow and he was like steve what i'm gonna do is i'm going to take the cue from the hair you still have left on your head and see how it curls? the hair i'm gonna replace is gonna curl just like that. i was like he gets what i'm supposed to look like. i like it. for me it's a full complete natural result. i'm sure you're wondering what's the procedure itself like? well i can't speak for everybody but mine was easy. i showed up on a wednesday morning, watched 2
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movies, ate lunch and was home that evening. hair restoration procedure now is a simple out patient procedure. we will numb up an area on the back of the scalp and i will excise the donor strip. the length of that strip depends on how many grafts we're gonna do. once the strip is removed the team will take that and separate out the follicular units. the techs that work on our team here, that's all they do. they're trained in that, they do it every single day and they've been doing this for a long time. i'll make the sites and the team comes in and places the grafts in those sites. making those sites i have to make sure i get the proper angle of the hair that it's gonna grow, the orientation. i don't want the existing hair going this way and the hairs i put in going this way. they all have to flow exactly together. and then once all those sites are made we take one follicle and slide it into each spot. it's like an orchestra and each person has their part and is very experienced at what they do. there's a lot of attention to detail and there is
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meticulous care at each step in the procedure. despite all of the advances in medicine, hair transplantation remains the only way to permanently replace hair you've lost. once it's over it's something that you'll have forever and then you don't have to worry about it. can you believe that? that was 12 years ago. before i even came into bosley i put my hands on anything to do with hair loss and it didn't give me the results i needed. i needed my hair back and the only way to really do that, the only way to really get your hair to grow back is to transplant it. to take care of yourself. to take care of who you are. i don't think you can put a price on that. and as you can see, 12 years later, it'll be an investment that keeps growing. i started losing my hair when i was 22 years old. instead of just accepting it as fate or hoping it would somehow get better, i figured there had to be something i can do about it. that's when i discovered bosley. the first thing i did was contact them and learn everything i possibly could about natural hair restoration. and that's exactly what you should do too. call now for this free information kit. it includes bosley's newest
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interactive dvd and this comprehensive guide book. inside you'll find a self evaluation form to help you identify your specific type and degree of hair loss and learn what to expect during and after a procedure. you'll also receive this in depth medical report on the causes and fda approved treatments options for hair loss. bosley is the world's most experience hair restoration expert. bosley physicians are selected on the basis of their exceptional surgical skills and then trained in the technical and artistic techniques developed by dr. l. lee bosley. believe it or not all this hair in the front that you're looking at is bosley restored hair. you wash it you get it cut. it's your own real hair growing on the top of your head. and it'll be there for the rest of your life. the fact is there are surgeons out there that could perform the technical aspects of this operation if properly trained. where we excel at bosley is the artistry. making that natural hairline that's gonna look beautiful for the rest of his or her life. putting the hat on was an alternative. a toupee was an alternative. shaving your head was an alternative. but nothing felt natural. it bothered me
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enough to do something about it and so i did,. and bosley was the best choice i could have ever made for myself. and with multiple financing options available for qualified applicants bosley hair restoration has never been more affordable. plus to help get you started bosley wants to make it even more affordable. welcome to bosley. by sending you a $250.00 gift certificate good toward a bosley hair restoration procedure. and bosley guarantees that the transplanted hair will grow or we will replace it free of charge. that hair would have been gone by now and i'd have been totally bald on top. so i'm so grateful and thankful because that was who i used to be and his is who i am now. if you've just started losing your hair then chances are it's gonna get worse. and if it bothers you now, then it's already gone too far. think about it. if you don't call bosley then you've pretty much thrown in he towel and decided to go bald. come on. it's a free phone call for free information. call now to receive this free information kit plus your $250.00 gift certificate. there's no cost and absolutely no obligation.
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i'd like to point out that the results you've been seeing are not unusual. since most men and women prefer to keep their restorations confidential, the people you're meeting in this program are just a few of the patients and they are real patients, not actors, who are comfortable in sharing their experience with you. really didn't have any kind of hairline at all in the forehead. so that was all rebuilt completely. and i didn't want, you know, my hair to look like a 21 year old either. i told them i said i just want hair back on my head. the staff was great. from the second you walk in you're comfortable. you sit down, they make you fell just you know, relaxed. before you know it they're putting hair on your head. i was 26 at the time. i had the horseshoe coming all the way back around here with a little patch of hair in the front is what i had left. you kind of go in in the morning, they set you up and everything. you're never under general anesthesia, it's all local. so you don't feel a thing. i hung out for 6 hours in a chair watching movies. i was a little
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tired but other than that i went back to work 2 days later. the night of the surgery dr. carlson called me just to see how i was doing and gave me his cell phone number so if there was any questions feel free to call, don't even hesitate. so. they do really care about you. a lot of the patients drive themselves home. some of the patients go to work the next day. i know i did. we like patients to avoid strenuous exercise, competitive swimming, surfing that sort of stuff fore a week or so. but after that you're right back on your regular game. when you have hair restoration, the next day you don't look different. people aren't saying what'd you do yesterday? but over time, months after the hair has been restored, the hair slowly grows in. and before you know it 3 months go by and you start to see a little growth, and 3 to 6 months there's really a lot of growth and 6 to 12 months there's just new hair there. real hair. natural looking. it's unbelievable. so it gives you a dramatic change in a very subtle way. you know kids tell you maybe not what you want to hear, but they'll tell you the
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truth that's for sure. they would go out in public and tell other people. mommy didn't have hair. and though i'm a very confident person, it would hurt at the end of the day. what i had was traction alopecia caused by years of weave, every kind of braid you can think of and over time, with the constant pulling, the hair eventually was gone. it is pretty severe. embarrassing. bosley, they made me feel like i was a human being with feelings. which everyplace should but bosley really emphasized that. it's a normal day. i can go out with the kids and i don't have to worry about what other people think because i have hair. i have had people break down in the office win tears. because they are so happy for what we've done for them. i just didn't know how good having hair felt. until i got my hair back. you know that old saying in business, if you had everything to gain and nothing to lose why wouldn't you do it? that's right where i was physically with not having
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hair. it may not show it as much. that's just a kind of little wisp that's going across a big old bald spot in that back. and then i had nothing in the front. i hated it. i just hated it. take this away would you? a lot of us guys and surprisingly many women find themselves eventually having to deal with hair loss. some give in and decide it's just a fact of life. but if it bothers you and you're one of those people who would like to do something about your hair loss before it gets completely out of control, you probably have a few questions you'd like answered first. well you can get those answers right now by calling bosley. call now for this free information kit. it includes this comprehensive guide book and bosley's newest interactive dvd with extended patient interviews and discussions with bosley physicians, detailing a procedure at bosley. plus a look at the state of the art techniques developed and refined by the bosley medical team. bosley is the world's most experienced hair restoration expert. having performed over 200,000 hair restoration procedures, bosley's team of dedicated hair restoration experts have helped
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men and women from all walks of life achieve great looking real results. at bosley we really focus on providing you with a total solution to your hair loss problem. where ever you live chances are there's a bosley consultation office near you.. remember, the doctors at bosley are doing hair transplants daily. this isn't something they're doing on the side. this is all they do. i called for the information. it's really helpful and informative and after reading through the material i knew that i wanted to proceed. after having the procedure and it's grown in, it's just a huge weight off your shoulders. and with multiple financing options available for qualified applicants, bosley hair restoration has never been more affordable. plus to help get you started bosley wants to make it even more affordable. welcome to bosley. by sending you a $250.00 gift certificate good toward a bosley hair restoration procedure. and bosley guarantees that the transplanted hair will grow or we will replace it free of charge. i was just as skeptical as anyone else about this procedure. but once i saw that it would look natural the next
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thing was the expense. and i found that the expense wasn't as much as i thought it would be. you hear about movie starts getting it, rock stars getting it and you think well it must because they can afford it. when i realized that i could afford it, it really made the whole thing much more exciting. if you're losing your hair at a young age you can address it before it becomes too noticeable and before you have to cover it up by styling it differently or wearing a hat all the time like i did. don't wait. stay ahead of your hair loss. call now and get the free information kit. call now to receive this free information kit plus your $250.00 gift certificate. there's no cost and absolutely no obligation. now you may or may not decide to go through with the bosley procedure. that's entirely up to you. but you owe it to yourself to find out all that you can about your options. look, i'm just a guy who was losing my hair. i heard about bosley, found out what they can do and decided to go for it. i had the procedure done and i couldn't be happier. that's why i take my hat off to bosley. because it's real, it's permanent and it works.
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closed captioning provided by production west.
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♪ where the planets do the hula ♪ ♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ let's take off, we're all ready to go ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ ♪ wake up, gorga, it's time to play ♪ ♪ come on, captain bula ♪ let's welcome the day ♪ where's that zeeter? ♪ ready to go? ♪ ♪ wizzy and wigg are good to glow ♪ ♪ beaker's bubblin', turnin' blue ♪ ♪ multo's making somethin' new ♪ ♪ way, way out ♪ where the planets do the hula ♪ ♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ see you 'round, folks, at mission control ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ ♪ way, way out ♪ where the planets do the hula ♪
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♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ see you 'round, folks, at mission control ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ ad narrator: welcome, all you star-struck fans. i'm here with the hottest stars. we're talking thousands to millions of degrees. they're all here for the premiere of our next episode. ooh! here comes a movie star. >> hello, darlings. please start the show. [insects chirping] >> hi, multo! >> oh! goodness me! ohh! >> what are you doing? >> oh! being scared silly, thank you! i was looking at the constellations. >> all i see is a bunch of stars. >> that's because a constellation is a bunch of stars.
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a grouping of stars to be precise. sometimes they even look like pictures. see? [lion roars] >> oh, yeah! i've heard of that before. like the big dipper? >> you're right. and that group of stars is actually part of a bigger constellation. ursa major, the great bear. [bear growls] >> awesome! what other constellations are there? >> let's check the multopedia. since ancient times, people have noticed constellations in the sky. sometimes they named them for what they looked like, like taurus the bull. they used to call me the sacred bull of light. cool, huh? >> sometimes constellations are named after characters in myths and stories.
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[lion roars] aah! >> like me, leo. i'm the nemean lion, fiercest of all the beasts of antiquity. would you like to arm-wrestle? >> uh, no thanks. >> aw. >> and sometimes constellations are named in honor of something like mensa, which is named after mensa mountain where it was discovered. there are a lot of constellations, but you can't see all of them in the sky at once. right, pegasus? >> right. otherwise there'd be no wing room. instead, you can only see some of us during certain times of the year depending on where you live. >> in fact, sailors used constellations like orion the hunter as a sort of road map in the sky to help them guide their ships. >> hey, that was zeeter does, too. >> zula is that-a way! >> whoa! that was cool! [distress call] >> oh! >> we heard the distress call. does someone need our help? >> that's what we're working on.
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getting anything, bula? >> not yet. keep trying. >> monkey wrench! >> please. need help. uh, i mean... please! need help! zula patrol! no! >> we lost it. can you trace where the message came from, zeeter? >> got it! aw! it's not exactly the middle of nowhere, but it's close. >> the stingray nebula? >> then we'd better hurry. that message sounded urgent. >> hee hee! i knew those zula do-gooders wouldn't be able to resist make fake distress call. >> who can resist a baddie in a mohawk? >> and now with them out of the way, i can begin my most masterful plan yet! to steal a constellation! >> aah! yeah, you do that, trudala. i'll start planning our defeat. >> the zula patrol uses the stars to guide their ship, right?
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>> unh! >> but if i take a constellation away, they won't be able to find their way back home! and they'll be out of my hair forever! >> eh, that's not gonna stop them from finding anything. if you haven't noticed, there's a lot of stars in the sky. >> traxie, you're right! i've been thinking too small. i won't steal one constellation... i'll steal them all! [taurus grunts] >> toro, toro! [taurus grunts angrily] [constellations chattering and yelping] ha ha ha! i did it, traxie. look! there's leo, taurus, orion, and ursa major. >> i think i went to school with him. [constellations chattering] >> oh! you've got my wings! >> you're wearing my coat! >> i don't mean to nag, but everyone needs to stop panicking.
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you're only making things worse. >> oh, great! now look at us! >> uh, trudy, which constellation has a bear head, a fish tail, and hooves like a bull? >> ooh! i love riddles. which one? >> i don't know, but it's over there. >> oh! this is even better! the constellations are getting mixed up. now no one will recognize them. it's the perfect disguise! >> eh! me, i would've gone with sunglasses. >> according to my calculations, we should be close to that call for help. >> it doesn't look like we're close to anything. >> why don't you see if you can tell where we are by looking at the constellations? >> we would, but we can't see any. >> can't see any? oh! oh, my stars! what will we do?! without the constellations, we can't can't tell which direction we're going. >> he's right. nav computer, give us our location.
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>> och! i cannae do it purple lassie! without the constellations i'm lost. we'll never get home! we could just ask for directions. [beeping] >> huh? what?! >> aah! unless you ordered a pizza, i think we have company. it's the zula patrol! i've got to think fast. let's pull up to that rest stop. >> excuse me. do you know the way to zula? we're a little lost. >> hey, multo, look! >> you think those are the missing constellations? >> my! they don't look like any constellations i've ever seen. >> oh, uh, those? that's because they're, um, new. >> new constellations? >> what was wrong with the old ones? >> oh, they're, uh, being cleaned. heh! yeah, too much stardust. these are replacements. >> fascinating. what are they called?
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>> called? uh, right. >> well, this here is, uh, flying doggy man, yeah. and this one's, uh, big round thing, and, uh, this is, uh, larry. >> look there! it's the zula patrol! [constellations all shouting] >> oh! even with my loudest roar, they can't hear us! >> but they can see us. i have a plan, but we'll have to work together. >> this one here at the end is, uh, huge scribble. >> huh? >> huh?! >> hey, look! >> do you think they're trying to tell us something? >> yeah. or maybe they're point to-- >> uh-oh! they're on to us! i'm out of here! >> truder! >> oh! >> this is a job for the zula patrol!
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you free the constellations. we'll go after truder. come on, zeeter! >> ha ha! >> no. i'll take care of truder. >> no, i will. i'm the fastest. >> what about me? >> why don't we all go after truder? >> you mean...together? >> zeeter and i could use the extra help, and you three made a pretty good team back there. >> we did, didn't we? >> let's go. [roars] [pegasus neighs] >> oh! they're gaining on us! >> we'll be safe in here. >> we'll take it from here. >> hmm?
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bula, i think we lost him. >> traxie, i think we lost them. heh heh heh! >> [roars] >> aah! nice kitty! whoa! aah! >> is this what they call star treatment? aah! >> i think that's the last of the mixed up constellations. >> wait. what about him? >> i'm capriconus, the goat-headed fish! i'm supposed to look like this. >> so once again the zula patrol manages to foil dark truder's plan and restore peace to the universe. how do they do it? i guess that's why they're the stars of the show. >> all right, everyone. it's time for our multo moment.
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so if you want to be a star, what kind of group should you be in? >> hip-hop? rap? a tuba quartet? >> ha ha ha! not quite! do you know? >> that's right. a constellation. constellations are groupings of stars. a long, long time ago, sailors used the constellations to tell which direction they were going. >> well, you have a left at the next asteroid, go 2 miles to the space probe, not the blue one, the big brown one, you can't miss it, then you so straight down-- >> in fact, the constellations as so amazing, i'm a little star-struck! ha ha ha!
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8:13 am
look at me! hey. raymond, look at mommy. dad: maybe the light hurts his eyes. mom: maybe she's just not hungry. maybe he can't hear us. look. maybe we're not stimulating him enough. maybe it's a phase. announcer: avoiding eye contact is one early sign of autism. learn the others today. the sooner it's diagnosed, the better.
8:14 am
8:15 am
narrator: shh! be very, very quiet. it's midnight, and everyone is sound asleep, peacefully dreaming about-- oh, i don't know. bunnies and rainbows and-- [loud banding] what is that loud racket? let's get to the bottom of this. >> rise and shine, rise and shine! >> zeeter, it's the middle of the night. what's going on? it's the night of the fweebs! and i know you don't want to miss that. >> what in the world is a fweeb? >> coming through! fweebs! they're the cutest little creatures! >> each year on this night, they start their yearly migration. >> huh? >> migration?
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>> that's when animals move from one place to another as a group. and once a year, the fweebs of zula all migrate north. it's quite a sight. thousands of furry creatures heading for the north pole. like explorers from long ago, the cute little fweebs find their way by following polaris, the north star. >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> polaris shows them which way is north so they can find the north pole. >> where the little fweebs dance and collect snowballs that they'll use for water the whole year. the next day, they turn around and waddle home. the fweebs have made this trip for thousands of years. >> come on, team. let's go outside. we don't want to miss the fweeb parade. >> enjoy your parade, zula patrollers. this year, there'll be a little change in the program. ha ha ha! >> gee. a new plan. why don't you just bungle it now and avoid the rush? >> hmph! >> multo, we're excited to see the fweebs,
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but we don't get this star thing. >> yeah. how can a star show anyone which way to go? >> good question, you two. let's check with the multopedia. if you stare at the night sky long enough, all the stars look like they're moving except for one. >> that's polaris. >> right. and since polaris is in the north part of the sky right above earth's north pole, it's called the north star. >> on a clear night, we can always find which way is north by following the north star. >> but, multo, we can see thousands of stars in the sky every night. how can we tell which one is polaris? >> that's easy. >> can you find the group of stars called the big dipper? >> it's the one that looks like a ladle. it's right up there.
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>> bingo! see how these 2 stars form a straight line? >> they point right to polaris, which is the star at the tip of the handle of this group of stars called the little dipper. >> it's not the brightest star in the sky, but it is the brightest star in the little dipper. >> that is so cool! >> and handy. the fweebs will never get lost with polaris in the sky. >> oh! the fweebs! we don't want to miss them! hang on! we're just in time. i can't see them yet, but i can hear them! >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> whoa! there's got to be a million of them. >> watch, wizzy and wigg. they'll waddle right by goofball rock on their way north, and... aah! oh! oh! >> ha ha! they tickle! >> this isn't how the fweebs usually behave. they're going in the wrong direction. >> look! they're getting inside.
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>> what are they doing?! shoo! shoo! aah! [bell rings] >> oh! but they're so cute! [metal clanging] hey! that's mine! shoo! shoo! drop that bear! [bell rings] >> we've got to get them back outside. >> i've got it. the one thing fweebs love is good music, right? >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> ♪ get out, little fweebs ♪ ♪ go on, beat it, shoo ♪ get out, little fweebs ♪ the north pole is waiting just for you ♪ >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> and that was not good music. it worked. >> but the poor fweebs still look really confused. >> my, my, my! something is not right. >> [muttering] >> it's as if they don't know where they're going.
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>> multo, they don't. look! polaris, the north star, is missing! >> oh! you're right. >> no wonder those poor critters can't find their way north. >> if the fweebs don't make to the north pole to get their snowballs, they won't have enough water to make it through the year. this is a job for the zula patrol. we've gotta find polaris. >> and i'll try to solve the mystery of the missing star in my lab. >> oh! what's going on? i'm moving. i'm not supposed to move. hello? what's happening?! >> this is my best idea yet. i, dark truder, have stolen polaris, the north star. finally it will point to something really important: my new secret hideout. >> uh, correct me if i'm wrong, which i never am, but isn't the point of a secret hideout to be, well, secret? >> huh! >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb!
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>> oh! what's this? why it's almost as if polaris has been stolen! >> hyah! get along, little fweebies! >> zula patrol, drop what you're doing and get back to headquarters. we've got a missing star to catch! >> what's going on? where's polaris? >> i've found it in a different part of the sky heading that-a-way. >> but it billions of miles away! even in our fastest ship, we couldn't catch up to it. >> if only we had a wormhole, a shortcut through time and space. >> and that's why i called wilson. >> wilson? >> hello, zula patrol. you rang? >> we sure did. we need a wormhole pronto! >> that's my specialty, multo. one wormhole coming up.
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>> [screaming] >> thanks, wilson. we owe you one. >> polaris, um, where are you going? >> i have no idea. all of a sudden i just started moving. frankly, it's annoying. >> relax. the zula patrol is on the case. >> let's round up the star stealer. >> truder? we should've guessed! >> hang on. we're roping a bad guy. >> oh, no! it s the zula patrol! let go!
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>> we're not getting anywhere. it's a standoff. >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> did you hear that? >> fweeb! >> aah! >> a stowaway fweeb! >> we must've missed one. >> hey, little fella! you sure are cute. he sure is, zeeter, cut us loose and get me face-to-face with truder. >> what?! >> truder, you must return that star to where it belongs. >> oh, yeah? just why is that? >> polaris is the north star. the fweebs need that star. their survival depends on it. >> oh, please! i'm a super villain! you think i care about furry animals who, uh-- >> fweeb! >> oh! what a cute little critter!
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yes, you are! you little critter! yes, you are. >> oh, brother. super villain? more like super softie. >> quiet, traxie. very clever, zula patrol, but surely you don't expect the baddest, toughest villain in the cosmos to turn nice because of one mangy, furry.. ootsy, cutesy, little bundle of fuzz! i can't stand it! >> we lose. >> traxie, we must save this little creature. we need to return polaris to her proper place immediately. >> [laughs] narrator: yes, it's another job well done by the zula patrol. >> fweeb! fweeb! narrator: the fweebs have safely made their way to the north pole. and it turns out that truder is a big old softie. >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb!
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narrator: and not a bad little dancer. >> fweeb! fweeb! fweeb! >> hello, everyone. it's time for our multo moment. we know that the north star, polaris, is in the sky right above earth's north pole. so, the north star helps us find our way in which direction? >> um, left? >> ha ha ha! not quite. do you know? that's correct! north! and polaris is easy to find. first find the group of stars called the big dipper. it looks like a ladle. then draw a line through the 2 stars farthest from the handle. ha ha ha! bingo! they point right to polaris, which is the star at the tip of the handle
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of this group of stars called the little dipper. and that's the point of this story. happy stargazing! ha ha ha! are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i pearlie: ♪ la, la, la do, do, do ♪ man: pearlie is in the park. ♪ magic in the city ♪ now twinkle, now sparkle now glimmer-glitter shine ♪ ♪ swing your wings ♪ ring-a-ding ♪ magic in the city man: ♪ pearlie is in the park ♪ magic in the city yoo-hoo! ♪ magic in the city man: pearlie is in the park. ♪ magic in the city another rose petal muffin, jasper? oh yeah. pearlie! he's already had too many! dude! i promise to exercise!
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ahhh... heaven! he sure likes his muffins! hooley dooley! no one makes a rose petal muffin like you, pearlie. why, thank you opal. that means a lot. oh, the keen nostrils of the bat detect the delectable aroma of miss pearlie's rose petal muffins! keep flapping fur-ball. no, i must savor the rose petal sweetness on my tongue... ludwig! oh, yummy. eat up, ludwig, i have plenty more. it says in here you won a prize for your muffins! yes i did, at the fairyland fete. oh, i wish they'd stop writing about me all the time. it's embarrassing. enough! your bat-eyes are bigger than your bloated stomach! soon you'll be too fat to fly! can i tempt you, saphira?
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no thank you. some of us around here are watching our figures. maybe just a teensy nibble? well, if it'll make you happy pearlie, i will have a morsel. hmmm, not bad. could do with a little more sugar. by the way, cousin dear, what is your recipe for the perfect muffin? oh no, i could never tell you, or anyone. it's a secret recipe. is that so? well pearlie, i'm a fabulous cook too, you know. in fact, i am about to open a cafe, in my spa. a cafe? yes, and i'll be serving all my customers my very own muffins. your muffins? that's right. my muffins. my recipe. ludwig just adores them, don't you? er... so you're all invited this very evening for the special opening!
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prime minister puckle is going to cut the ribbon. he is? ooh! how exciting saphira! we'd love to come. now i'd better get home and start whipping up a batch of my delicious muffins. come ludwig, you can be my kitchen helper. you want me to help you find the kitchen? funny old ludwig! always joking! get going you buffoon! well, how about that! i didn't know there were two muffin makers in the family. ludwig! yes, mistress? go! i need that recipe! find it before pearlie gets back. ah, i will use my bat-stealth, my mistress. i will creep like a fog and-- whoa!
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ah hah! here it is. oh. now get your notebook, write this down. "rose petal muffins." "five warm dewdrops, one red rose... " we are stealing this recipe, yes? we're sharing, ludwig. as i thought. when prime minister puckle and my customers taste these treats in my glamorous cafe, pearlie's dreary little fairy tea parties will be a forgotten memory! (evil laughter) what are you going to wear tonight, opal? hmm, i might even break out my best boots. how 'bout you jasper? you think we should go formal for the head dude? oh yes! and you'll have to remove your hat when you meet him! yeah, okay. i can do that. hmm... you could do with some fairy-styling! no way! pearlie, i have a very important bulletin! i wish you'd stop doing that, man. mo, the devious bald pixie has escaped from prison and i have reason to believe he's on the loose here again in jubilee park.
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oh no! the last time he was here he tried to cut jasper's hair off! aahhh! my elf ropes! we haven't seen him anywhere. be on the lookout and report to me immediately if you do see him. that is all. roots and twigs! let's all go home and get changed-- and remember, keep an eye out for mo. see you later at saphira's. and be careful jasper! i will man! that dude's not gonna mess with my dreads. no no! this one's no good either. too dry, too moist, too-- yuck! what's wrong with you, you flapping fool? you've got pearlie's recipe! but, but mistress, i promise, i am following the recipe exactly. i can only think that pearlie has some extra ingredient she's keeping secret. how many times have i told you not to think. the only secret around here is that you're a rotten cook!
8:36 am
ludwig, you're fired! i have failed. i offer my spoon. arrgh! the prime minister of fairyland himself will be here soon! i need a new cook and i need one now! (doorbell) yes? good afternoon sir. my name is manuel, i hear an event of some importance will take place here this evening. may i be of service as a waiter, a dishwasher, a gatherer of crumbs? no thank you! goodbye! wait! can you cook? si. can you cook muffins? quick. yes or no? i spent many years as a baker at the royal palace. brilliant! you're hired! here, take this wooden thingy and get baking. the kitchen's... um... that way... this is too good! now i've got a royal baker, no less, to make my muffins. come ludwig, i need a wing polish. i have to be looking my best when prime minister puckle gets here. my new cafe will be a hit!
8:37 am
announcing miss pearlie, the park fairy, miss opal and master jasper, the elf! i know who they are, you dimwit. good evening cousin, so glad you could come and witness my triumph this evening! oh, saphira. your new cafe, how exciting! we can't wait to taste your muffins! of course! i've spent all day stirring, and melting and er... anyway, i'm sure my muffins will be the toast of-- (trumpets playing) announcing his eminence, prime minister puckle of fairyland! and, gobsmack, assistant goblin in charge of... i don't know...
8:38 am
prime minister puckle. welcome to my new cafe! yes, very good! do get up, you'll hurt your knees. now then, is pearlie here? ah, here you are! i keep hearing that you make the most marvelous muffins, my dear! i do my best, prime minister. but i do better, as i think you'll find. ludwig, muffins! yes, ma'am! right, manuel! muffins? where are they? excuse me sir! baking is an art, it cannot be hurried... and what are you doing with those snip-snips? they must be the ones prime minister puckle is using to cut the ribbon. put them down immediately and get those muffins ready! oops, sorry chef dude! just looking for the cloak room to check my hat. more fizz? where are the muffins? he says they're not ready yet, mistress. baking is an art...
8:39 am
forget art! let's eat! you, manuel, baker boy. where are my muffins? just one moment miss... get them ready immediately, or else! give me those! we need them to cut the ribbon. oh you want muffins, missy? you'll get your muffins all right! (evil laughter) and so i declare this cafe officially open. (clapping) now do i get a muffin? (trumpet playing) saphira's muffins are served! yeah, wow! mmmm, yum! there's something shonky about these muffins. they're sort of glowing. jasper, maybe you'd better not-- whoa!
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mistress! you can't stay up there forever. you hairy elf! and when you come down i'll whisk your dreads right off your head! aahhh!... huh? hang on... you only got a whisk? it's mo! the bald-headed pixie! not bald for long! when the elf's dreads are all mine i'll be the handsome hairy one! so... want to whip up something tasty mr. mo? help! get us down! help me! pearlie, do something please! i got it ludwig! they'll all be slim as pancakes before you know it! hooray, you did it pearlie! mistress! do i get a rose petal muffin now?
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and, if you don't mind, i'd rather have one of pearlie's! coming right up, prime minister puckle! excellent work pearlie, opal. i'm marching this pixie straight back to prison and he will never, ever escape again! thank you kindly. that's sweet. delicious muffins, pearlie. you must have some secret ingredient? well, sir, since you asked, my secret ingredient is... love! i always cook with love. i think that's what makes my muffins so sweet. ack! drat. oh yummy... pearlie: ♪ la, la, la, do, do, do ♪ ♪ pearlie's pearls of wisdom ♪ saphira found herself and her guests in a fairy messy muffin situation today. saphira's problems actually started before mo showed up, when she was mean and stole my muffin recipe.
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what was the difference in our muffins? you have to do things with a loving heart. if you are mean, things will never turn out right for you, not even muffins! keep it tuned here to qubo, as i'm flying right back after these messages!
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get set. go! go, go, go.
8:45 am
hurly burly! it's magnificent! i've never really watched the birds migrate before!
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i never get tired of seeing them take off on their epic journey to the tropics! it's a totally cool scene there: palm trees, balmy breezes... beautiful! all right! oh, those rats! they're hanging around awfully close to those persons. i'd better go. see you both later! bye pearlie! ow. you know you should stay well clear of persons at all times! but... look! ice cream! you wouldn't steal from little persons, would you? we ain't stealin' miss pearlie. we's sharin'. and when that delicious scoop hits the ground-- it's our turn. yeow! i warned you. stay back! it's okay for them to see us! we ain't flippy flappy fairies you know! persons are just not very fond of rats!
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if they know you're in the park they won't come back, and there'll be no more snacks for you, ever! now off you go! ice cream down! woman: come along and i'll get you another one, honey. all right, since the persons are gone. scram, birdie! we saw it first! shoo! aahhh! watching the birds makes me feel at one with them... imagine me on my way to a groovy island paradise! why don't you go? it's too far for me to fly, but i hear it's amazing there. totally zen. zen! i guess you'd need some kind of flying machine to go all that way... whoa! sweet! i got something i gotta do! i'll catch ya later, fern! oh... okay. peace.
8:48 am
nothing left, mr. flea. predictable. it just ain't fair. you got that right mr. flea. rotten birds! they just flap around up there, spyin' on everyone's lunch. and then they swoop down on it first! i wish we could fly too... scrag! scrag! up there! that's what we need! an "air-ee-o-plane"! flying rats! all right! lets go! a thing of beauty! and it's ours! all ours! sweet! (mimicking engine noises)
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no no no no! it's ours! shhh! it's a person! child: my plane is gone, daddy! man: we'll come back later and look for it! so that's who the flying machine belongs to. you ever heard of "finders-keepers"? it belongs to us rats now! sorry, rat-dudes. i got here first and i'm not leavin'. ah, no fair. if we could fly we would've got here first! if we could fly we wouldn't need the plane. quit confusin' me with facts, mr. flea! let's vamoose. aww... i shouldn't really take it, but if i don't the rats will! and i'll put it to a much better use! romantic tropical paradise, here we come! oh jasper, a flying machine!
8:50 am
it's beautiful! where did it come from? i... um... found it in a bush. yup. right in a bush. heh heh. oh, okay. and you're doing a little work on it? it's a surprise for fern! look... i've put in an extra seat for her... and i added seatbelts for safety, and installed some pedal power. with this baby fern and i can fly along with the migrating birds! soaring far across the ocean... that sounds dreamy. uh huh, yeah, so do you think she'll like it? she'll love it! only, you could make your flying machine a little bit more comfortable. and a whole lot more romantic. uh-huh... maybe something like this...
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sweet for the seat! heart-shaped honey cookies, and raspberry juice fizz with two glasses! munchies! awesome! and just a smidge of fairy dust. if you tap a little behind you as you fly it'll give you a pink smoke trail. perfect for, maybe, writing her name in the sky? wicked! thanks pearlie! no problem jasper. i'll see you later. fern is gonna love this ride! (yawning) and i've got time for a quick nap before i show it to her. there it is! ripe for the picking, mr. flea! pearlie! my flying machine's been, like, totally stolen! you gotta do something! you have a flying machine? oh, er, hi fern.
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i'll explain later. but jasper, who on earth would take-- rats: yaa-hoo! ooh, those rats! i should have known it would be them! we've got to stop them before someone gets hurt! and before they find the fairy dust! oh my goodness, you're right! rats with fairy dust! look at us up here in the clouds! let's not forget why we're here, mr. flea. keep your eyes peeled for delicious snack-aroonies! but scrag, we got snackies right here! cookies shaped like itty bitty hearts! hey! leave some for me! what's this? oh! that's fairy dust! we can do, like, magic stuff with that! (laughing) you've gotta keep pedaling, man!
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you're not the boss of me! pedal, scrag, pedal! give me one good reason! all: because you're falling! aahh! i want you two to land right this minute! no way! we's high in the sky and we rule! and we got fairy dust! haha! got it! anyways, we's still up here and we ain't never comin' back to earth. aahhh! ouch! don't move! don't even breathe! miss pearlie, help us! do you promise never to fly again? we promise! i'm going to need a little help here. of course! jasper-- give them a shake. ...undo your seatbelts! aahhh-- oof!
8:54 am
it looks like a small person's toy. it is. it belongs to a little girl person, and i took it and i've been feeling bad about it all day. but why did you take it? to surprise you. i wanted you to be as free as the birds! to fly with them to paradise... you did that for me? that's the most beautiful and thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me, jasper! but that poor little girl person will be missing her toy plane. you know what? i'm gonna get it down in one piece and return it to her! do you have room for two? totally!
8:55 am
down there! is that her? child: there it is! my plane! my plane! i found it, daddy, that was an awesome flying machine. you did the right thing, jasper. your aura is just glowing with good karma! oohh! no no no no, don't look! we shouldn't be spying! pearlie: ♪ la, la, la, do, do, do ♪ ♪ pearlie's pearls of wisdom ♪ it was super sweet of jasper to want to do something nice for fern, but as jasper's conscious kept telling him, he never should have taken the plane. taking something that doesn't belong to you
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is stealing, which is always wrong. now that jasper did the right thing and returned the plane, his friendship with fern can be a soaring success! if you can't stop by the park, you can always hang with my friends and me at!
8:57 am
you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] dad: maybe he's really focused.
8:58 am
mom: hey, michael. michael? maybe he likes spinning the wheels. dad: maybe he just loves trucks. mom: maybe he's just being a boy. announcer: preoccupation with objects is one early sign of autism. learn the others today. the sooner it's diagnosed, the better.
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