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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  February 7, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

12:00 pm
erative agreement with the u.s. department of education. (school bell rings) kids: school! (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world! ♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world. kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ and sheep ♪ and duck ♪ and pig ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world!
12:01 pm
(croaks) (whimpers) (giggles) ♪ welcome to our world kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! narrator: one fine morning in word world, the sound of music filled the air. (lively music playing) i love to listen to music while i work. narrator: uh, what are you doing, frog? oh, hi, mr. narrator. i'm fixing my doorbell. (gentle music playing) b... e... l... l. (bells chiming softly) (pop) (bell ringing) kids: bell.
12:02 pm
ant (over radio): hey, hey, all you music lovers! ant here on radio station w-o-r-d, word. all day long, the best music bands in word world are performing here at my radio station! so come on down! we want to hear your band! (gasps): my band?! narrator: ever since frog was just a young tadpole, he'd had a secret wish-- to be in a band. (bell rings) introducing... frog and his band! (imitates crowd cheering) narrator: but there was only one problem. (bell ringing) (screeching): ♪ she'll be coming round the mountain when she comes... ♪ (croaking) i have the croakiest voice ever! (sighs): i could never be in a band. (rings bell) (deep, rhythmic chirping)
12:03 pm
(instruments join in rhythm) (gasps) hm? where's that music coming from? ♪ hey, bugs! what are you doing? oh, hi, frog. we're rehearsing for our big bug band performance on ant's radio station this afternoon! hey, you want to hear us? oh, yes, i love music! ooh, come on to my log, guys. i have much more room for you to rehearse in here. okay! okay! great! let's hear your song from the top! you got it, boss. (playing lively rhythm) (blowing rhythmically into jug) (banjo joins in) all: ♪ hey, hey
12:04 pm
♪ we're the bugs ♪ and we're, like, singing our songs ♪ ♪ and we're so cool ♪ 'cause we love to ♪ like, play and dance ♪ yeah ♪ yeah, uh-huh ♪ uh-huh ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ uh-huh, uh-huh ♪ yeah ♪ yeah, uh-huh ♪ yeah, uh-huh... no, no, no! stop! stop! oh, please, stop! (broken string twangs) (buzzes): z-z-zere a problem? how can i say this? hmm, well, your music is awesome. i love it, i really do! but the words to your song, well, they would be more fun if they rhyme. rhyme? what's that? he means our words stink! well, what kind of stink? you mean, stink like garbage? because, ooh-hoo-hoo, i love that smell!
12:05 pm
(sniffs): yummy! no! he means they just plain stink. i think. (ringing bell) there! that's it! that's a rhyme! what is? where? "stink" and "think." you know, words with endings that sound the same. like "cat" and "hat," or "fish" and "dish." do you get it? sure! yeah! uh... no. right, no. here. (croaks) i'll show you. h-ouse. house. sometimes all it takes to make a rhyme is to change the first sound of a word. so if we change the "h" sound to an "m" sound... (mouse squeaks) we get "mouse." "house" rhymes with "mouse." get it now? hmm... how can i explain this better? you see, it's like this.
12:06 pm
♪ a rhyme is just a name for words that sound the same ♪ ♪ take the ending of a word ♪ make it sound like one you've heard ♪ ♪ you can rhyme, you can rhyme ♪ you can rhyme your words all the time ♪ (croaks) ♪ it's a game, and you can play it ♪ ♪ sound your words out, and then you say it ♪ ♪ rhyme a fox and a box, or a mouse and a house ♪ ♪ rhyme a car and a jar, and you'll be a rhymin' star ♪ ♪ you can rhyme, you can rhyme ♪ you can rhyme your words all the time ♪ ♪ it's a game, and you can play it ♪ ♪ sound your words out, and then you say it ♪ ♪ take the "f" off of "fox," add a "b" and you've got "box" ♪ ♪ switch an "h" from a "house," to an "m" for a "mouse" ♪ ♪ rhyme a "car" with a "jar," and you'll be a rhymin' star ♪ ♪ you can rhyme, you can rhyme ♪ you can rhyme your words all the time ♪ (croaks) ♪ it's a game, and you can play it ♪ ♪ sound your words out, and then you say it. ♪
12:07 pm
(croaks) ha-ha! cool, frog! boy, that's one croaky voice you've got there! (laughs, croaks): yeah. but do you see what i mean? oh, yeah, we got it! oh, yes, yes! (chuckles): absolutely! great! let's try one together. i'll say a word, and you give me one that rhymes with it. like... "boat." uh, "book," huh? uh, not exactly, fly. it's the end of the word that needs to sound the same. try again. "boat." (buzzes): z-z-zoat. yeah, well, that does rhyme, bee, but there's no such word as "zoat." okay, one more time. "boat." uh... "goat"? (rings bell) yes! "coat"? yes! "float"! "note"! "tote!" yes, yes, yes! that's it!
12:08 pm
now let's put some of those words together and make 'em rhyme! ♪ tote that goat ♪ and put him on a boat ♪ watch the boat float ♪ you better... all: ♪ wear a coat. yeah, you're rhyming! ooh, i get it now. (chuckles): ah, so that's rhyming. exactly! all: ♪ the goat wrote a note that you better wear a coat ♪ ♪ 'cause it's cold when you float on a boat in a moat. ♪ (all laughing) you're doing it! (bell clanging rhythmically) we're rhyming! way to go! (laughing) (croaking) whoo-hoo! (humming) (bell clanging rhythmically) you did it! you made a song with lines that rhyme. all right, wow! we rock! oh, that was fantastic! oh, we're so good, ha-ha! (clock tolling) (gasps): it's time for our turn on the radio. come on, bugs, let's go-go-go! i'll help you with your instruments.
12:09 pm
thanks, frog. (croaks) (grunting) narrator: as frog raced off to the radio station, he wished that somehow, someway, he could be part of the bug band. (sighing) ant: and now, let's hear it for dog and the howlers. (mellow rock intro plays) (howling) thank you, dog and the howlers! and now, last, but not least, our final group, the bug band! hey, frog, why don't you play with us? great idea! come on, frog, play with us! you want me to... (gulps): join the band?
12:10 pm
all: yeah! hey, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know how to rhyme, and we wouldn't have a song to sing. (croaks) i would love to join your band, but i sing so croaky. well, you might not sing, but you can ring-a-ding-ding. yeah! where's that bell you rang so well? play it in our band. it will sound so grand. you really want me? all: we really want you! (croaks) whee! (croaks) whee! where is that bell i ring so well? (sighs): it's at the log. uh-oh. we just lost frog. don't be absurd. we'll... all: build a word! (lively music playing) ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ let's build it, let's build it now ♪
12:11 pm
frog: b... ell. (bells chiming softly) (pops) kids: bell. ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ we built it, we built it. now you can play with us, frog. hold on, one small correction. here's our final act. introducing frog and the bug band! (lively music intro) ♪ hey, hey, we're the bugs ♪ we're not the snails or slugs ♪ ♪ we're the bugs ♪ we want your cheers and hugs ♪ we're the bugs ♪ i'm bug on a jug ♪ i'm a fly flying high ♪ i'm bee, feeling free ♪ and on the bell is frog ♪
12:12 pm
that's me. ♪ we're the bugs, we rhyme and we sing ♪ ♪ hey, listen up, come here frog ding ♪ (bell clanging rhythmically) narrator: as the bug band made their big debut, frog saw his wildest dream come true. he played his heart out on that bell and all the bugs rhymed really well. the end. kids: sheep! hi. i'm circus clown sheep. (nose honks) do you want to be in a circus with me? all you have to do is pretend. ♪ just pretend you're in the circus ♪ ♪ think what you could be ♪ won't you join me at the circus? ♪ ♪ there's so much to do and see ♪ ♪ pig is quite the juggler, and he's got a trick for you ♪ (kids cheering) ♪ we even have a strongman who can fit inside your shoe ♪ whoo! good job, ant!
12:13 pm
go, pig, go. you're perfect for my circus show. ♪ just pretend you're in the circus ♪ ♪ think what you could be ♪ won't you join me at the circus? ♪ ♪ there's so much to do and see ♪ ♪ look up there ♪ it's our friend, frog ♪ he's careful through and through ♪ uh-oh! look out, here comes duck. ♪ there's always trouble with those two ♪ w-w-whoa! ♪ wow, what action way up there ♪ but why is frog hanging in the air? ♪ everybody loves the circus ♪ so won't you come with me? ♪ we can travel with the circus ♪ ♪ for all word world to see... ♪ but how? (grunting) (gasps): oh, no! i don't have any way to take my circus all around word world. oh, no! oh, no! i need something that has lots of cars to hold everyone and can run on this track. and it should have a loud whistle...
12:14 pm
(barks) let everyone know we're coming. hmm. come on. help us... all: build a word! (lively music playing) ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ let's build it, let's build it now! ♪ kids: train! (whistle blowing) ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ we built it, we built it! (cheering) oh, we did it! all aboard the train! (whistle blowing) ♪ just pretend you're in the circus ♪ ♪ think what you could be ♪ won't you join me at the circus? ♪ ♪ there's so much to do and see... ♪ (carrying note) (whistle blowing) (pants, barks) kid: word world! kids: word world!
12:15 pm
♪ welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ kid: let's build a word. kids: word world. kid: word world. kids: ♪ jump to the beat ♪ clap your hands in the air ♪ kids: let's build a word! word world! kid: word world. ♪ we've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ they hold our world together ♪ ♪ with dog ♪ and sheep ♪ and duck ♪ and pig ♪ there's always a surprise! ♪ (barks) kids: word world! (croaks) (whimpers) (giggles) ♪ welcome to our world kids: word world! ♪ word world ♪ kids: word world! ♪ it's a beautiful world ♪ word world. ♪ kids: yay! narrator: on this lovely day in word world, pig and ant were about to play their favorite game,
12:16 pm
shuffle word. and sheep was there to cheer them on. (singsongy): slide a letter down the court. slide another, be a sport! sometimes when you slide a third, your letters work to build a word! (barks) hooray! let's play. here comes the letter "h" and the letter "t." and here comes the letter "a." ant: huh... at. kids: hat! it is a hat. but watch, here comes a "b." pig: buh... at. kids: bat! you made a hat. you made a bat! we need more letters just like that!
12:17 pm
coming right up. one "p." (chuckles): aye, aye. here's an "i." sheep: give me a "p." give me an "i." give me a "t"! what's that spell? pig: w-w-whoa. kids: pit! whoa, whoa, whoa. whoa! whoa! this is the pits. (both laugh) oh, my. are you okay? oh, we're fine. here, let me give you a hand, little buddy. ant: (giggles): oh. thanks. now, let me help you, big buddy. (grunting) (giggles) best friends. forever. forever. sweet! come on, little buddy, let's play some more shuffle word. (laughing): yeah. okay. narrator: pig and ant were indeed the best of friends. but sometimes friends have problems.
12:18 pm
(giggles): let's play again. my turn. oh, uh, actually, pig, uh, it's my turn. oh, i don't think so, ant. i-i believe it's my turn. but you always go first. it's my turn. it's my turn. no, it's my turn. now don't get short with me, ant. oh! short?! well, you're... pigheaded. (gasps) pigheaded?! how dare you! (grunts) um, pig, uh, ant, now, if i may, perhaps you two should... oh, now, wait a second. there's no need to be mad. w-why don't you just say sorry. and then you could go back to playing. pig and ant: he should say sorry. (pig and ant groan)
12:19 pm
oh, my. narrator: things were not going well for our wordfriends. pig and ant were so upset that they didn't want to play with each other. in fact, they didn't even want to see each other. who needs ant to play shuffle word? i'm gonna make another pit. maybe i'll fill it with mud and roll around in it. now, here are some letters. here's a "p." let's see, i need the letter "i" now. hmm... oh, ant has the letter "i." (sputters): who needs it? hmm! now here comes a "t." hmm, why wasn't i able to make a pit? it always works when ant and i use our letters together. (sighs) i miss ant. uh, well, uh, pig, why don't you just say,
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"i'm sorry" to ant? no! he should say sorry! (mumbling): couldn't make a pit and i tried. no "i." this is my last letter. here goes. "u." (sighs) oh, man! why isn't this working? i can always make words when i play with pig. i miss pig. uh, well, uh, ant, why don't you just say, "i'm sorry" to pig? no! he should say sorry to me! hmph! (mumbling) i'm not gonna tell him i'm sorry. narrator: poor pig and ant. neither one of them could make words with the letters they had. huh? uh, yeah, why not, mr. narrator? narrator: because ant only had vowels.
12:21 pm
oh. vowels? you mean the letters...? narrator: that's right. those letters are called vowels, and pig had only consonants. oh, those are all the other letters in the alphabet. narrator: right again. you need consonants and vowels to make a word. oh. so you mean if we took a consonant um, like, uh, the letter "p..." and then added a vowel like the letter "i..." oh... (laughs) well, thank you, dog. (barks) then if we took another consonant like the letter "t," we could make another word. narrator: that's right. it takes vowels and consonants to make a word.
12:22 pm
kids: pit! wh-whoa! (whines) this gives me an idea. if ant only has vowels, and let's see, pig only has consonants, then i know how to get them to be friends again-- shuffle word! narrator: so sheep set out to join the friends together again. and just in time. (both sigh) for pig and ant were miserable without each other. uh, hello, ant. can i read an announcement on, um, your radio show? sure, sheep, go ahead. (clears throat) attention, word world. the great shuffle word competition is about to begin!
12:23 pm
shuffle word? shuffle word? anyone can play, so, um, bring your letters-- consonants and vowels-- and, um, well, you know, make some words. ooh! (panting) hmm? welcome to, uh, word world's shuffle word competition. i'm your host, uh, sheep, and judging today's game is, uh, dog. (barks, gong sounds) and say hello to all our wordfriends watching. uh, pig... (nervous chuckle): uh, ant... well, looks like you two are our only two contestants.
12:24 pm
let's play shuffle word! i'm not playing with him. i'm playing by myself. and i'm playing by myself. uh, well, you had better start playing. the clock is ticking! go! (both shout) narrator: pig and ant tried to make words, but there was one problem: they weren't playing together. ant had only vowels. let's see. "a," um, "o." "i," ah. uh-uh. (gong sounds) (groans) narrator: and pig still had only consonants. okay, here goes. "t," "p," "k." "tpk." tpk? tpk. i'm sorry, is that a word? (gong sounds)
12:25 pm
sorry, not a word. um, you know, um, you need both vowels and consonants, uh, you know, to make words. (gasps) really? i only have vowels. "a," "e," "i," "o," "u." and i have all the consonants. uh... well, uh, then it, uh, looks like you're going to, uh, have to play, uh... together. well, i guess we could give it a try. i guess we could. good, because time's almost up. (ant and pig gasp) that means it's time to... all: build a word! ant and pig: a shuffle word, that is. (lively music playing) ♪ it's time to build a word ♪ let's build it, let's build it now. ♪ (squeals)
12:26 pm
ooh. "p." "i." "t." kids: pit! ♪ yeah, we just built a word ♪ we built it, we built it. whoa...! both: ugh. (chuckles) this is the pits. (both laughing) narrator: sheep's plan worked. pig and ant are back together, all because of a word. (grunts) (both laughing) well, uh, there's just, uh, one more word to say. sorry. sorry. narrator: a most important word at that. the end. announcer: come join the wordfriends for more wordplay adventures at...
12:27 pm
miss rosa, voice-over: it's the pbs kids field trip. can you guess where we're going today? here's a clue. so did you guess where we are today? yup! at a bee farm. so where are the bees, miss rosa? well, that's a good question. hey, let's ask terry the beekeeper. that is a good question. bees in nature live in a lot of different places, but here on my farm, they live in these boxes. let's go have a look. let's go. [bees buzzing] girl: wow, look at all those bees. what's that? this is a frame of honeycomb that the bees fill with honey. mmm. i love honey. in spanish, it's miel. who would like to try some honey? children: me. ok! from the top of a mountain, to the middle of the forest-- or even your own backyard. it's all waiting for you to explore.
12:28 pm
(children laughing) word world is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the u.s. department of education. (school bell rings) kids: school!
12:29 pm
er stocks fell on worries that china might... announcer: the new pbs for ipad app.


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