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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  January 27, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EST

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mr. steve: ♪ whoo hoo ♪ music time! with steve songs. ♪ are you ready to discover? ♪ yeah! yeah! ♪ are you ready to be surprised? ♪ ♪ maybe today you'll find another ♪ all: ♪ brand-new thing right in front of your eyes ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ kids: ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ it comes suddenly ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ sometimes when you least expect it ♪ ♪ you might connect with ♪ ♪ a discovery ♪ ♪ well, it could be something you learn to do ♪ [whistles] ♪ like whistling ♪ ♪ or a hidden shortcut that gets you through ♪ ♪ to the playground where you learned how to swing ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ kids: ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ it comes suddenly ♪ ♪ discovery ♪ ♪ sometimes when you least expect it ♪ all: ♪ you might connect with ♪ ♪ a discovery ♪
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"super why" is funded by: a co-operative agreement of the u.s. department of education and the corporation for public broadcasting's "ready to learn" grant and by pbs viewers like you. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. sometimes the greatest adventure can start with one click. early learning academy proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! ♪ who answers the call for friends in need? ♪ ♪ super why ♪ ♪ super why ♪ ♪ he's the guy he's super
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why ♪ ♪ who's got the power the power to read? ♪ ♪ who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪ ♪ super why ♪ ♪ super why ♪ ♪ and the super readers we're gonna fly ♪ ♪ come along ♪ ♪ with the super readers ♪ ♪ adventure waits when you're with super why ♪ ♪ super why and the super readers ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ super why and the super readers ♪ ♪ adventure waits when you're with super why ♪ ♪ yeah! super why ♪ [ ♪ ] [ ♪ ] hi, so glad you're here. it's me,
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whyatt! welcome to storybrook village where all our fairy-tale friends live. [ cellphone ♪ ] oh look! princess pea is at the storybrook carnival! let's go! [ carnival ♪ ] hi! [ effort grunts ] oh-h-h. hi, princess pea. having fun at the carnival? oh yes! we went on some rides ooh! played some games, and now i have a yummy soft pretzel. mmm, mmm, mmm. mmm-mmm. [ munching ] yummy, yummy yummy. mmm. scrumptious! [ giggling ] [ chuckling ] [ stomach gurgles ] [ gasps ] ohhh, oopsy daisy. huh.
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maybe i shouldn't have eaten so fast. i don't feel so good. oh my peas. [ stomach rumbles ] oooooh, bad tummy ache. hi, whyatt. hi. hi, princess pea. [ giggling ] i have some popcorn to share. ah! want some? oh sure. yummy! hmm. princess pea? huh? what about your tummy ache? [ stomach gurgles ] oh-h-h-h-h, my tummy. split pea! i really want some popcorn but my tummy hurts! what should i do? this sounds like a super big problem. and a super big problem needs us the super readers! we need to call the rest of the super readers. call them with me! [ cellphone ♪ ] say, "calling all super readers!" children: [ in audience ] calling all super readers! [ remote phone ringing ] to the book club! to the book club! children: to the book club! come on, to the book club!
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[ ♪ ] whyatt here. [ ♪ ] "p" is for pig! [ ♪ ] red riding hood rollin' in! [ ♪ ] princess pea at your service! and you, say your name. great. we're all here. and together we will solve princess pea's problem! let's go! [ ♪ ] [ electronic beeps ] okay, princess pea state your problem. i really want to eat some yummy popcorn. but i have a bad tummy ache! oh
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boy! oh boy! pig & red: that's a problem. what should i do if i want popcorn but my tummy hurts? [ stomach rumbling ] good question! when we have a question we look... all: in a book! which book should we look in? [ ♪ ] peas and carrots carrots and peas... book come out, please, please, please! let's read the title of this book. we know what to do. we need to jump into this book... and find the answer to princess pea's question. first, we look for super letters... and then put them in... our super duper... computer. super duper computer how many super letters do we need? [ beeping ] oh-h! in this story,
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we need 12 super letters, and then we'll get... [ triumphant ♪ ] our super story answer! it's time to transform! ready? all: ready! arms in! put your arm in! [ ♪ ] whyatt: super readers... all: to the rescue! [ ♪ ] alpha pig! with alphabet power! [ ♪ ] wonder red! with word power! [ ♪ ] princess presto with spelling power! [ ♪ ] super why, with the power to read! [ ♪
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] and super you with the power to help! [ ♪ ] together we are... all: the super readers! why-flyers! we're ready to fly into this book! [ ♪ ] ♪ super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪ ♪ it's time to fly with the super readers ♪ ♪ 'cause we've got a problem to solve ♪ ♪ super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪ ♪ super readers ♪ ♪ working together with powers to read ♪ ♪ into books we fly ♪ ♪ to find the super story answer ♪ ♪ with super why ♪ ♪ super readers to the rescue! ♪ presto! oh, we're
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in the "snow white" book! let's read! why writer, highlight! read with me. hello! dwarves: hello! i'm going to trick snow white with this present. [ gasp ] oh no! oh, don't take the present, snow white. i-i-it's a trick. oh! oh no. i want the present but it might be a bad trick. just like i want the popcorn
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but it might make my tummy ache worse. and that super readers, is why we are in this book. [ ♪ ] snow white and princess pea both want something that might be bad for them. we need to see what snow white does. to snow white... and the dwarves! let's roll! [ ♪ ] oh, there's snow white's cottage. [ ♪ ] snow white: who is it? we're the super readers, and we want to talk to you. oh hello super readers. come on in. [ ♪ ] [ doorbell chimes ] [ straining ] oh no! i-it's the bad queen! she's going to try and trick you. oh, the queen! oh, how exciting! hello, deary.
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would you like this... ah... magical box? if you open the lid, magical things will happen. oh-h. oh wow, nifty! no, not nifty! it's a trick! oh, it looks so lovely. i'll take the box. both: she took the box! who-o-oa! all: uh-oh! [ gasps ] [ evil cackle ] i tricked you! it was a bad spell! [ cackling ] who-o-o-oah, whoa! oh my chinny- chin-chin! oh no! i'm stuck on the ceiling. how will i get down? [ ♪ ] alpha pig to
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the rescue! with my amazing alphabet tools i can find the letters in the word "down" and help get snow white down. a-b-c, sing with me. [ ♪ ] ♪ sing with me ♪ amazing alphabet singing! first we need the letter "d". hmm, now where's the "d"? children: there! there's the "d". whoooo-ooo-aoah! it's working! now we need the letter "o". where's the "o"? children:
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there! there's the "o"! wheeeee! [ giggling ] now we need the letter "w". okay, where is the "w"? children: there! there's the "w". wha-hoo! oh so close! and finally, the letter "n". now, where is that "n"? hmm. children: there it is! there's the "n"! whoo! "d", "o", "w", "n". down! whoo-ee! [ giggling ] phew! snow white &
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dwarves: hurray! lickety letters! we built the word "down" and helped snow white come down from the ceiling! let's give ourselves a big thumbs up. thank you so much, alpha pig! [ kiss ] you're welcome! be sure to look for super letters. [ ♪ ] you see super letters? which letters did you find? children: "o", "n", "t", "k"! "o", "n", "t", "k". oh yeah! let's put them in... our super duper... computer! [ beeping ] eight more super letters and then we'll get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ] way to go, super
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readers! [ doorbell chimes ] ohhhh! a visitor? how nice! not "how nice!" it's the bad queen! ohhhh. [ gasps ] hey-hey! hello, queen. would you like a magical watering can, deary? oh-h-oh. use it for your garden and magical flowers will grow. [ gasp ] magical flowers? [ ♪ ] b-b-but, snow white! the watering can might be another spell! oh, i do love flowers ever so much! yes, i'll take it! not again! yep, again. [ ♪ ] ah! whoa! ooh! ee-yikes! oh no! it's so prickly and tangle-y. [ evil cackle ] i
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tricked you! ooooh! it was a bad spell! [ cackling ] i'm all tangled up! i'm stuck! [ ♪ ] wonder red to the rescue! [ ♪ ] [ struggling ] with my wonder words basket, i can help snow white get unstuck. let's read this word. what letter is this? children: "w"! ah, "w". and what sound does "w" make? children: wuh, wuh, wuh. wuh, wuh, wuh. and this part says "eed". wuh-eed. wuh-eed. what word is this? children: weed!
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weed! that weed is an icky plant. but it's also an "eed" word, and i love "eed" words. it's time to rhyme! ♪ eed, weed, seed ♪ ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪ ♪ need, feed, speed ♪ ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪ eed! we need another "eed" word. how about this word? hmm. what letter is this? children: "s"! "s"! what sound does "s" make? children: sssss! ssssss. and this says "eed". ssss-eed. what word is this? children: seed!
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seed! [ straining ] let's change "weed" to "seed". [ rumbling ] [ pop ] phew! wonderific you are terrific! we changed the weed into a seed and got snow white untangled! thank you, wonder red. you're welcome. [ giggling ] [ ♪ ] you see more super letters? which letters did you find? children: "t", "a", "h", "n"! oh yeah! "t", "a", "h", "n". now we need to put them in... our super duper... computer! [ beeping ]
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four more super letters, and then we'll get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ] right on, readers. [ ♪ ] bad queen: [ cackling ] oh no! it's the queen again! [ gasp ] the queen? hello, deary. i have a delicious red apple for you. ah! take one bite, and magical things will happen. oh-h-h, i do love apples. [ gasp ] don't take the apple, snow white! it might be a bad spell! i know, but it looks so delicious! i'll take it! lovely, dear. let me just polish it for you. [ ♪ ] apple, apple a la mode, snow white will turn into a toad! [ cackling ] snow white you can't eat this
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apple. it's another bad spell! oh dear! but i must eat it. look at my story. ah! what can i do? [ ♪ ] super why to the rescue! with the power to read i can change this story and save the day! let's change the word "eats" in this sentence. zzzzap! why writer, write! super readers, what should snow white do so she doesn't eat the apple? let's try "throws".
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which is the word "throws"? hmmm. it starts with "t"-"h". children: there! there. now let's zap "throws" into the sentence. zzzap! [ giggling ] let's read it and see what happens. [ ♪ ] bad queen: [ cackling ] did throwing the apple stop snow white from eating it? children: yes! yes! super job, super readers! we changed the story and helped snow white not to eat the apple! now she won't turn into a toad! what's the matter, deary?
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don't you want this delicious apple? it does look delicious. oh, but wait! let me stop and think about it before i eat it. the enchanted box was a bad spell and i got stuck on the ceiling. the magical watering can was a bad spell and i got stuck in a big icky weed. so now that i've thought about it no, i will not eat this apple! you tell her snow white! yeah! oh, come on! just eat the apple. what's the big deal? [ munching ] see? easy! [ gasps ] uh-oh. ribbit. ribbit. ribbit. ribbit. [ ♪ ]
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you see super letters? which ones? children: "s", "p", "d", "i"! "s", "p", "d", "i"? let's put them in... our super duper... computer! we found all of our super letters. now we can get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ] goodbye, super readers. dwarves: bye, super readers! bye, snow white! goodbye, dwarves. thank you. why-flyers! back to the book club! [ ♪ ] ♪ we found the super answer ♪ ♪ with super why ♪ [ ♪ ] [ beeping ] super duper computer give us
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our super story answer! [ beeping ] read with me! space... space... the super story answer is... [ triumphant ♪ ] but... why? red: because when snow white decided to stop and think, she realized that the apple was a bad spell
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and she shouldn't eat it. so my question is: "what should i do if i want the popcorn, but my tummy hurts?" and the answer is... all: "stop and think!" ohhh. maybe i should stop and think before i eat the popcorn. then i'll know what to do. let's get back to the carnival. [ carnival ♪ ] hi, goldilocks! hi, princess pea. so do you want some popcorn? oooh, i do want some, but... wait. let me stop... and think. i have a tummy ache. so if i eat popcorn, my tummy will hurt even more. so, no thank you i don't think i will have any popcorn right now. hey! let's go on some rides! oh yeah, let's go on this one. we can ride together. hip,
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hip, hooray! the super readers saved the day! [ ♪ ] ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day ♪ ♪ we changed the story ♪ ♪ we solved the problem ♪ ♪ we worked together so hip, hip, hooray! ♪ ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day ♪ ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day! ♪ [ ♪ ] let's imagine we're wearing space suits. whoa! oh, cool! girl: it's a lot of fun to imagine things with elmo, being anything you want to be and going anywhere you want to go. shape ahoy! add a bunch of math... subtraction! and some silly song and dance...
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elmo: ♪ "elmo the musical" ♪ girl: you get... ♪ "elmo the musical" ♪ "elmo the musical"! this is elmo's story. anything can happen. announcer: weekdays on an all-new season of "sesame street," and watch anytime at announcer: pbs kids has your ticket for the "dinosaur train." we wanna go! announcer: join buddy on adventures from every dino era! let's do this! announcer: climb aboard "dinosaur train," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime you want at "super why" is funded by: a co-operative agreement of the u.s. department of education and the corporation for public broadcasting's "ready to learn" grant and by pbs viewers like you. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids.
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at, we believe that learning is the greatest adventure of all. early learning academy proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! hola! let's be just like princess presto and practice our spelling. here's a word that we all know--b-e-d. what does that spell? kids: bed! right! now if i take the "b" and replace it with an "r," what does that spell? red! excelente! red! you can play more games with princess presto and all the super readers at coming up next let's take a ride with our new friends on "dinosaur train." rosa: hi. i'm miss rosa from pbs kids with martha ... martha: from martha speaks. rosa: it's easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. right martha? martha: right. like at the doctor's office.
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mom: what rhymes with toy? kid: boy. martha: or when you're walking the dog. mom: what letter does that sign start with? girl: s! rosa: visit for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. martha: so remember... martha and rosa: anytime is learning time.
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hi, there. dash here! i've got a great dancing game for you at let's dance along. ♪ come on, it's time to dance ♪ ♪ get on your feet and dance ♪ ♪ it's a dance party ♪ ♪ dance, dance party ♪ ♪ it's a dance party ♪ ♪ dash's dance party ♪ are you ready? dance and see if you can figure out the pattern. ♪ waddle like a duck now waddle, waddle now ♪ ♪ hop like a bunny hop, hop, hop ♪ ♪ stomp like a dino stomp, stomp ♪ ♪ let's do it again ♪ ♪ waddle like a duck now, waddle, waddle ♪ ♪ hopping like a bunny, hop, hop, hop ♪ ♪ can you guess what's next? ♪ ♪ stomp like a dino ♪ ♪ stomp, stomp, stomp stomp, stomp ♪ you can keep on dancing with your favorite pbs kids friends on the computer at thanks for dancing! got to dash!
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♪ dash's dance party ♪ >> hello, folks. it's me the conductor. today we're gonna meet a lot of creatures from the age of dinosaurs that were not dinosaurs, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train. all aboard! [whistle blows] >> this program was made possible by... contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you! thank you! [train whistle blows] >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows] >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ >> ♪ once upon a time there was a mom her name was mrs. pteranodon sitting on her nest she heard a scratching and said... ♪ >> oh, boy! my eggs are hatching! >> ♪ one by one her kids popped free baby pteranodons 1, 2, 3 ♪ >> i'll name you tiny, shiny, and don. >> ♪ but tiny said... ♪ >> wait! there's one more, mom! >> ♪ last little baby was a different size with teeth and a tail and big green eyes he didn't look anything
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like the rest ♪ >> what am i doing in a pteranodon nest? >> ♪ but dear, old mrs. pteranodon said... ♪ >> oh, this is your family, and i'm your mom. you may be different, but we're all creatures. all dinosaurs have different features. come on, buddy. we'll take a vacation. i'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. we'll travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the species on the... >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ >> ♪ dinosaur train ♪ >> ♪ we're gonna ride ♪ >> ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ [whistle blows] >> ♪ the dinosaur train ♪ [roaring] [train whistle blows] >> tickets, tickets, please! hello, pteranodon family. >> hello, mr. conductor! >> hmm. big pond, eh? going to the big pond carnival? >> yeah! >> whoo-hoo! uh, wait. mr. the
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conductor, what exactly is the big pond carnival? >> excellent question, mr. the don. it's a big party that celebrates all the creatures that live in and around the big pond's habitat. >> awk! a habitat is a nature community we all live in. together from the tiniest little plant... >> to the biggest meat-eater everyone depends on everyone else. >> yes, indeedy-do, buddy and tiny. let's take a gander at just some of the creatures that live at the big pond. >> turtles! >> birds! >> snakes! >> amphibians! >> fish! >> ahh. i love fish. >> heh heh. i know. >> and since this is a celebration, there will be all kinds of fun things to do at the carnival--snack stalls rides, races! hoo hoo! it will be spectacular! >> [cheering] >> you know what? even i can't wait to get to the big pond!
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ooh! bless my scales and feathers! we're here! big pond station! big pond! >> [cheering] >> kids, don't run. >> yippeeeeee! >> ohh. >> heh heh. oh, well. last one to the big pond is a rotten dinosaur egg. ha ha ha! >> ha ha ha! ohh! [all laughing] >> whoa! >> [indistinct chatter] >> [whistles] >> come on! >> yeah! >> whoo! >> a carnival! >> what's going on here? >> sea turtle races, tiny! >> sea turtle races? >> yep. the baby sea turtles hatch, and then they all race to see who gets to the pond first. we watch from a safe
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distance. they are little babies after all. >> hmm. that doesn't sound very inter--ohh! look! >> they're hatching! they're hatching! [cheering] >> i'm rooting for the cute one. >> well, they're all kind of cute, don. >> look! he's winning, or she's winning! anyway, it's winning. >> [cheering] >> hey, hey, hey, neighbors. >> hello, mr. lambeosaurus. >> what's your booth about? >> glad you asked, buddy. we're having a leaf necklace contest. >> a leaf necklace contest?! >> here's how it works. each event that you complete at the carnival, you receive another leaf, which you put on your necklace. at the end of the day, the dinosaur who's got the most leaves on his necklace
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wins. >> ooh! wins what? >> ooh. a wonderful prize. >> oh, mr. lambeosaurus, we all watched the baby sea turtle race. do we get a leaf for that? >> you most definitely do, tiny. >> awk! this is gonna be so fun! come on, nature trackers! >> tracking means following clues to solve nature mysteries. >> and we track nature! >> nature trackers, huh? heh heh. terrific! >> awk! what are we waiting for? let's do every single thing at the carnival and get the most leaves! >> we'll ride every ride! >> eat every snack! >> collect every, uh, thing you can collect. >> ready? ok. >> go, nature trackers! yeah! yippee! >> ha ha! >> whee! >> yeah! >> whoo-hoo! awk! oof.
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i'm ok. >> ahem. name 5 creatures that eat leaves. >> hadrosaur! >> brachiosaurus! >> triceratops! >> stegosaurus! >> good. that's 4. one more? >> um, pteranodon. maybe i eat leaves. yuck! definitely not pteranodon. ok. i give up. einiosaurus? >> correct! >> [cheering] >> ahem. show 5 different ways that animals move. >> slither like a snake! >> hop like a horny toad! >> crawl like a cute, little lizard! >> fly like a bird or a pteranodon! awk! >> and stomp like a huge ferocious t. rex! rawwr! >> rawwr! >> yeah! >> 7, 8, 9! each of us has 9 leaves. at this rate, i know we'll get the prize.
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>> haw! like you're gonna win any price. ha ha! >> hi, keenan. >> what are you talking about? we could win just as easily as you! >> oh, yeah? didn't you hear what mr. lambeosaurus said? the dinosaur that collects the most leaves wins. >> so? >> so you're a pterosaur. only a dinosaur can win the prize and last i heard, pterosaurs are not dinosaurs. >> really? who told you that? >> ha. the conductor, and he knows pretty much everything. >> oh, yeah. i'm a pterosaur. i knew that. >> so you 3 can pretty much give up right now. you're not dinosaurs, so you can't win. i guess buddy could win. he's a t. rex. >> hey. i know mr. lambeosaurus may have said the dinosaur who collects the most leaves, but he must have meant everybody. >> yeah. buddy's right. dad must have meant everybody. >> oh, yeah? >> yeah! >> well...pbb. come on! let's
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ask him. >> heh heh. of course i meant everyone. we all live in the mesozoic era, so everyone here's a dinosaur, right? >> well, actually, mr. lambeosaurus, not everyone here is a dinosaur. >> uh, really? >> first of all, we're not dinosaurs. we're pterosaurs. >> [ribbit] [ribbit] i'm not a dinosaur. i'm a frog. >> i'm not a dinosaur. i'm a hermit crab. >> we're not dinosaurs. we're archelons, sea turtles. >> [whispering] >> don't be shy. go ahead and tell them. >> uh, i'm not a dinosaur. i'm an albanerpeton. that's an amphibian. >> ooh! an amphibian. very fancy. thanks for coming. >> uh, you're welcome. >> we're both amphibians. we're comfortable in the water and on the land, but we like to stay
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near the pond to keep our skin moist. >> [indistinct chatter] >> see? there are lots of creatures here that aren't dinosaurs. >> so? what's your point? >> well, my point is this. just because we're living in the same habitat, we shouldn't forget that there are lots and lots of creatures living here that aren't dinosaurs. awk! am i right? >> yeah! >> ♪ that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur >> we may be living in the mesozoic era and there's plenty of dinosaurs everywhere-a but i took a look around and this is what i found you're always gonna see something more lots of critters aren't dinosaurs >> there's hopping frogs >> there's bees and bugs >> that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur >> there's turtles that swim
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>> and amphibians >> that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur >> there are slithering snakes >> well, for goodness sakes >> but he's a dinosaur >> then what makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? >> perhaps i can answer that, senor well, other creatures lay eggs close to the floor dinosaurs sit upright on 2 legs are 4 it's mostly in our hips you see >> or you might be an amphibian like me >> oh, now i think i see that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's a dinosaur that's a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur we may be living in the mesozoic era there's plenty of dinosaurs everywhere-a but that's not a dinosaur ♪ [cheering] >> ok. fine! so you're not dinosaurs. that just means none
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of you can win the contest. >> [sigh] >> ahem. well, keenan, if i'd had any idea there were so many non-dinosaurs here at the big pond, i would have made different rules. >> you know, larry, if you want to officially change the rules it's up to you. >> ooh! it's up to me? terrific! then i say that whatever creature, dinosaur or non-dinosaur, has collected the most leaves wins the prize! >> [cheering] >> 11, 12, 13, 14, 15! wow! the creature who collected the most leaves is shiny pteranodon! >> [cheering] >> thank you, thank you. thank you. >> i knew i should have entered that slug-eating contest. >> and the prize is the winner
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gets to toot the whistle on the dinosaur train. >> [cheering] >> um, mr. conductor. well... [whispering] yeah. heh heh. awk! ready? pull! [whistle blows] >> yep. that's not a dinosaur. >> ♪ that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's not a dinosaur ♪ whoo! >> hi, there. i'm dr. scott, the paleontologist. and i'm here at the big pond. >> [croak] >> did you hear that? oh, hey! it's patricia palaeobatrachus! she's a frog from the cretaceous time period. patricia and her friend albert albanerpeton are amphibians, a group of animals that include frogs, salamanders, and newts. most amphibians live on land and in the water. they're amazing creatures that
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go through big changes as they grow up. frogs, for example, start their lives in the water hatching from eggs as fish-like creatures called tadpoles. as they get bigger, tadpoles grow front and back legs and slowly lose their tails. eventually they're able to crawl out onto the land, where they learn to hop. oh, and amphibians are great survivors. they've been swimming, crawling and hopping for millions and millions of years, since long before there were any dinosaurs. >> we're both amphibians. we're comfortable in the water and on the land. but we like to stay near the pond to keep our skin moist. >> well, that's true. but many amphibians did live with the dinosaurs, and lots of different kinds of amphibians live with us humans today. so the next time you're near a pond or lake listen up for frogs. or see if you can spot a tadpole swimming in the water. ok, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.
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>> hello, folks. it's me the conductor. have you ever planted your own garden? neither has tiny, but today she'll get the chance to by planting seeds, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train. all aboard! [whistle blows] >> ♪ i love flowers yes, i do all the flowers love me, too i love flowers and i don't care i want flowers everywhere flowers everywhere ♪ awk! heh heh. hi, mr. conductor. >> great song, tiny! i love flowers, too. >> we're on our way to the big pond so tiny can see her favorite flowers. >> know what would be really great? if all my favorite flowers grew at home. then i could see them every single day. >> well, you can see them every day, tiny. >> by riding the dinosaur train! all aboard! >> ahem. well, that is one way
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don, but you could also plant a garden. >> a garden? >> well, sure. all you need to do is collect seeds from your favorite plants at the pond, then take them back to plant them at pteranodon terrace. >> would that really work? >> absolutely. a seed is just a plant waiting for the chance to grow. different plants keep their seeds in different places. some have seeds in pods. others have seeds in the middle of their petals. still others make puffy seed balls that fly off in the wind. >> ooh! >> so we just gather a bunch of seeds and plant them and they'll grow? >> well, not right away of course, and not every seed grows into a plant, but, yes that's exactly what you do. first you give the seeds a home in a nice bed of soil, make sure they get plenty of water and sun, and after a bit of time, they'll grow into a garden. >> planting a garden! that sounds like a job for... >> the nature trackers! yeah!
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>> can we do it, mom? >> i want to help, too. >> me, too! >> i'm ready to dig some holes. >> what a wonderful idea. i'd love to have a garden at the nest. >> yeah! whoo-hoo! >> ♪ garden at our nest, yeah gonna be the best >> yeah garden at our nest, yeah gonna be the best, yeah garden at our nest, yeah ♪ >> awk! ok, nature trackers. everyone have their leaf pouch super seed holders? >> check! >> then we're ready to play speedy seed seek and see. >> speedy seed seedy, uh--what? >> speedy seed seek and see. we all race around and find seeds we can plant at home. ready, go! >> hey! this looks like a seed pod. mom, is it ok to take it? you always say not to pick flowers. >> well, that's true, but since you're just taking the one seed pod and not the whole plant, i think it's ok.
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>> thanks, mom. >> this kind of plant has seeds in the middle. can i take some mom? >> absolutely, shiny. >> look. i found the seeds that--that-th-th-ah-ah-choo! that fly off in the wind. [sniffles] >> heh heh heh. let's gather up the seeds, kids. it's almost time to head home. >> heh heh heh! >> hmm. where should we plant a garden? where should we plant a garden? not here. not here. here! >> unh! >> this is the perfect spot for the garden. there's plenty of soil, plenty of sun, and it's right under my tiny place, the hole in the tree where i like to play. >> it's great, tiny. >> so what do we do to start? >> we dig holes and start planting. >> did you say, "dig holes"? >> heh heh heh! go for it, don! >> ♪ la la loo ♪
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>> don, there's a rock in the bottom of your leaf pouch. >> naw. that's a seed. >> it's a rock. >> seed. >> i have an idea. let's plant it. if it grows, we'll know it's not a rock. >> ok. hop into the hole little seedy. >> ehhhnnn. i'll put this rock next to the hole so we remember which one it is. >> [humming] >> tiny, what's that you're humming? >> glad you asked! ♪ you plant your seeds in the ground and wait for them to grow but they're pretty slow it's pretty slow the way they grow it takes a lot of time you know water and sun are what they need it's what you need if you're a seed you wait and wait for a little sprout come out, you sprout will it ever come out? ♪ err. ♪ i planted in spring they should be tall
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will they ever come out at all? ♪ hey, look! ♪ a sprout a sprout came out our plants are blooming the seeds, they grew our garden's green and fresh and new it makes me smile because it all came true our garden grew ♪ >> awk. i'm so proud of all of you. i know it wasn't easy waiting all those weeks for your plants to grow. it took a lot of patience, but look at the result. your garden is absolutely beautiful! >> except for my seed. it never even sprouted. i guess it was a rock. >> it could have been a seed don. remember? the conductor said that not all seeds grow. don, are you ok? >> i'm great! now i get to dig
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a hole and get it back, and i get to add it to my collection. ♪ la la loo ♪ >> awk! our garden is the best ever! >> hey. who says it's your garden? this is our garden, too! >> who said that? >> ahem. down here. hiya. >> awk! >> whoa! >> who are you? >> sammy the slug's my name, garden living's my game. are you the ones responsible for these digs? >> huh? >> are you the ones that planted the garden? >> oh, yes. hi. i'm tiny pteranodon, and these are my brothers buddy and don and my sister shiny. >> tiny, buddy, don, shiny, to you i say thanks. you built yourselves and me one perfect slug home filled with great leaves to eat. delicious! >> you really live here in the garden? >> not just me. we got a whole nature community, a big group of folks all living and working perfectly together with everything in this here spot.
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>> you do? >> allow me to make with the introductions. aside from me the plants attract all kinds of insects like bees. >> bees live here? >> whoa! you bet you! they're here for the nectar, which they eat. then pollen sticks to their legs, and they carry it from flower to flower. same with the butterflies. show yourselves, butterflies. >> they're so beautiful. >> of course insects like the butterflies also attract spiders. ahem. i said, "spiders!" >> whoa! >> showoffs but talented showoffs. >> this is amazing! it's like there's a whole world living in this garden. >> not just living in it helping it. the garden gives us food and shelter. we keep it nice and trimmed back, and we pollinate the flowers. that means we help plants make more
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plants. everybody wins. >> kids, guess who's come by for a play date! >> tank! >> wait. tank?! >> what's wrong, tiny? >> tank's a herbivore, a plant eater, and he's the hungriest herbivore ever! he'll eat our whole garden. >> oh, i don't know about that. >> foooood! >> tank, wait! [groaning] >> the garden is not food! >> it's not? but it's a garden. >> ok. it is food, but when you eat plants, you eat a lot of plants, and this garden is important to us. we planted it ourselves. >> can i see it? i promise i won't eat it. >> he promises he won't eat it. >> wow! you planted this? >> all of us did. we even planted a rock. it didn't grow though. >> heh heh. butterflies live here, too? >> and bees and birds and
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spiders and slugs. >> it's a whole nature community. [tank's stomach growls] >> was that thunder? i think it's gonna rain. >> no. that was my stomach. your garden smells really, really good. i think i'd better go. >> hey, you, horn boy. hold up a minute. >> me? horn? what was that? >> tank, meet sammy the slug. >> uh, hello. >> hiya. you're a herbivore right? >> a hungry, hungry herbivore. >> well, that's great! this garden needs help. little herbivores like me can't eat enough, so everything's all overgrown. if gardens get too overgrown, nothing new can grow, so, uh, can you help? >> what? >> wait. you want tank to eat the garden? >> not all of it, but big herbivores are part of our nature community. a little snacking from the big guy will help the garden, not hurt it. >> you man i get to eat? >> yup! let me tell you where we need you to eat. you want to take a little from there. grab some of those. they're
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delicious. >> easy, big guy, easy. >> and a big hunk from right there. you just chomp right into those. melt in your mouth. ha ha! bon appetit! >> what? >> sammy and tank look so different, but they both love to eat leaves. >> yeah. i guess leaf eaters come in all shapes and sizes. >> and that's perfect! you're done. that was great work, tank. >> thanks, everyone. mmm. what a great snack. [stomach growls] >> uh-oh, i know that sound. are you still hungry, tank? >> uh, no. i ate too fast. now i have a tummy ache. >> tummy ache? i got the best prescription for that--a little rest in the shade of a garden. >> i'm really glad we grew this garden, tiny. >> me, too, buddy, my old buddy. ♪ our garden's green
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and fresh and new it makes me smile because it came true >> our garden grew ♪ >> hi, there. i'm dr. scott, the paleontologist. have you ever helped to plant a garden? it's a great way to learn about nature, and a lot of fun. there's lots of different kinds of gardens: flower gardens, rock gardens and my personal favorite: vegetable gardens. to grow a garden of vegetables, you need to plant seeds, water them, and let the sun give the plants energy to grow. even if you live in a big city, you can plant a community garden where everyone pitches in. you can help plant water, and pick what you grow. eventually, you get to enjoy the best part of growing vegetables: eating them! wow! carrots. strawberries. peas. what a great garden!
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>> point of fact: dinosaurs did not grow gardens. thank you. >> that's true, but you kids can grow your own gardens. ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries. let's imagine we're wearing space suits. whoa! oh, cool! girl: it's a lot of fun to imagine things with elmo, being anything you want to be and going anywhere you want to go. shape ahoy! add a bunch of math... subtraction! and some silly song and dance... elmo: ♪ "elmo the musical" ♪ girl: you get... ♪ "elmo the musical" ♪ "elmo the musical"! this is elmo's story. anything can happen. announcer: weekdays on an all-new season of "sesame street," and watch anytime at announcer: pbs kids has your ticket for the "dinosaur train." we wanna go! announcer: join buddy on adventures from every dino era! let's do this! announcer: climb aboard "dinosaur train," weekdays on pbs kids or anytime you want at
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[whistle blows] >> this program was made possible by... contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you! thank you! [train whistle blows] that was fun! remember, you can play more games with buddy, tiny and all your dinosaur friends at let's go on a dinosaur dig. look! it's a head! oh! and a belly! hey. what's this? a tail! and that goes back here. cool! it's a triceratops! stick around. there's more to explore coming up next.
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