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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  December 30, 2012 9:00am-10:30am EST

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- (yawning): hi, neighbor. today i'm going to get ready for school. and tonight we can pretend to be superheroes before bed! i'm excited to be with you all day. and i'll be right back. ♪ it's a beautiful day in announcer: "daniel tiger's neighborhood" is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you.
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the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ ♪ could you be mine? ♪ ♪ won't you be my neighbor? ♪ - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along ♪ - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along ♪ - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ - hi, neighbor. it's me, tigey. daniel's being a sleepyhead this morning.
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you want to go wake him up? let's go. (daniel snoring softly) ready? let's say, "wake up, daniel tiger." wake up, daniel tiger. (daniel yawns.) - good morning tigey. hi, dad. - good morning. (daniel yawns.) - oh, hi neighbor. - what a beautiful day in the neighborhood. - wow! ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day to say good morning to you ♪ ♪ good morning! ♪ - ♪ good morning ♪ - ♪ good morning ♪ - ♪ good morning to you! ♪ - good morning. muah! - good morning to you. i think i have to go potty. - definitely need to go in the morning when you wake up.
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- ♪ if you have to go potty, stop, and go right away ♪ ♪ flush and wash and be on your way ♪ ♪ mm mm mm mm mm ♪ oopsie daisy. grr! - ok, it's time for me to get ready for work. - and it's time for you to start getting ready for school. we've got a lot to do before trolley comes to pick you up. ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes and off to school ♪ - ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school ♪ - here are your sweaters. you can pick one and put it on and come have some breakfast. - ok, mom. i have to get dressed now and not play. hmm, which sweater should i wear? i love my red sweater.
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where is my red sweater? here it is. pjs off... red sweater on. now... ooh, i zip my sweater up. this is the tricky part. but i got it! and now my clothes are on. hey, it sounds like music. ♪ zip zip zip zip up ♪ ♪ zip up my sweater ♪ ♪ getting ready for a sunshine day ♪ - daniel! breakfast is ready! - oh, yeah. i forgot. i was making music. listen. ♪ zip zip zip zip up ♪ ♪ zip up my sweater ♪ ♪ getting dressed to start my day ♪ - mm-hmm, well, that's very nice music. but it's time for breakfast. remember? don't want to be late for school. ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth too, put on shoes,
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and off to school ♪ - zip, zip! - come on daniel. let's get it going. - right. my clothes are on and zipped. ok, now it's breakfast time. - alrighty, how about a daddy ride to breakfast? - yeah! (dad making trotting sounds.) - (daniel laughing): whoa! thanks, dad. (trolley toy dings.) oatmeal for breakfast. my favorite. are there hidden blueberries in it? - well, you'll just have to eat it to find out. - it's like finding hidden treasure. let's look for blueberries. tell me when you see a blueberry. here's one. yum! tell me when you see another blueberry. here's another one! - how's your oatmeal today daniel? - yummy goooood! oatmeal with blueberries is my favorite. ♪ breakfast time cha cha cha, breakfast
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time cha cha cha ♪ ♪ i like to eat oatmeal with blueberries! ♪ - ♪ oatmeal with blueberries yummy in your tummy ♪ - ♪ yummy in my tummy ♪ - ♪ breakfast time ♪ - yum. - ok, daniel, are you all done with your breakfast? - all done. - so, do you remember what you have to do after breakfast? - hmm... let me see. ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast brush teeth ♪ brush my teeth is after breakfast. - that's right daniel. please brush your teeth. i will take your breakfast dish. - will you come with me to brush my teeth? come on! ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school ♪ first i say, "good morning, daniel! time to brush your teeth". - so, we gently squeeze the toothpaste on. - is it my extra bubbly toothpaste?
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- it sure is. see this timer? - mm-hmm. - it will ding when you can stop brushing. ok? - ok. look, a bubble! i love bubbles! i wish there were bubbles everywhere! do you want to make believe with me? let's make believe that i was in a world of bubbles! - ♪ we're brushing our teeth, yeah we're brushing our teeth ♪ ♪ we gotta brush 'em so they're healthy and clean ♪ ♪ we gotta b-b-b-brush 'em going up and down ♪ ♪ and make big circles swishing bubbles around ♪ ♪ we gotta b-b-b-brush 'em seven days a week ♪ ♪ so let's make that sound going brusha brusha brusha brusha ♪ - ♪ that's the sound ♪ - ♪ singin' brusha brusha brusha ♪ - ♪ we gotta brush 'em seven days a week ♪ ♪ so let's make that sound going brusha brusha brusha brush your teeth ♪ - wasn't that grr-ific? (timer dinging) - ok, daniel, did you finish
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brushing your teeth? - oh, i didn't even start. - you didn't start brushing? - no, i was imagining i was in a world of bubbles. - well, if you don't want to miss the trolley to school, you need to finish brushing your teeth. - ♪ if we want to keep our teeth both healthy and bright ♪ ♪ we gotta brush our teeth both day and night ♪ ♪ we gotta brush brush brush brush, you see ♪ ♪ we gotta brusha brusha brusha brush the teeth ♪ (dinging) - ok, are you done? - yes! see? - all right now rinse and spit. - rinse. spit. all done! - great! remember what you need to do next? - ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes ♪ (daniel gasps.) - shoes! i need my shoes. where are my shoes? - where do you think? - near the door? - yes. - grr-ific! let's go! ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪
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♪ brush teeth, put on shoes and off to school ♪ there are my shoes. ♪ shoes on ♪ ♪ one shoe, two shoes ♪ - all ready for school, daniel? - look, mom. look, dad. throw. catch. - daniel, you don't have your shoes on. - look how i throw and catch them. throw. (trolley dings.) catch. - i see trolley coming, daniel. let's go. - i'm not ready. - you're not ready? - no. - how come? - i was playing. - daniel, well, there's a time for playing and a time for getting ready. - and now is the time to get ready and stop playing. - that's right. - ok. - one shoe. two shoes. ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes and off to school ♪ (trolley dings.) oh, no! trolley left!
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i missed my trolley to school. (katerina gasps.) - (o): hoo-hoo! uh-oh. - trolley, wait! wait, meow-meow, wait! (trolley dings.) - trolley came back! - thank you, trolley. ok, up you get. - goodbye! - bye-bye! (trolley dings.) - hi, friends! phew! i'm so glad i'm all ready now so i can ride the trolley with you. - yay! - hoo-hoo! - ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school ♪ - ♪ what a great morning to a great day ♪ ♪ a beautiful morning to laugh and play ♪ ♪ i'm going to school to learn with all my friends ♪ - ♪ all my friends ♪ - ♪ but there's some things i had to do ♪ ♪ so i could share this day with you ♪ - ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪
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♪ brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school ♪ - ♪ morning is a special time of day ♪ ♪ to spend with your family ♪ ♪ but don't forget to also get ready ♪ - ♪ ready for school ♪ ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes and off to school ♪ - ♪ what a beautiful day! ♪ (laughing) (trolley dings.) see ya, dad! - ugga-mugga daniel. - thanks, trolley. there's a time for playing and a time for getting ready. now it's time to play! - yay! - hoo-hoo! - have you ever played too much while you were getting ready? it's hard. but remember... ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes, and off to school ♪ and then you can play.
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ugga-mugga. - (mom tiger): good morning, neighbor. this is our friend athena. she just woke up. - time to get up, athena. - (mom tiger): her mom helps her pick out clothes to wear. breakfast time! that looks yummy! now it's time for athena to brush her teeth to keep them healthy
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and strong. now athena is off to school. bye, athena! - ♪ clothes on, eat breakfast ♪ ♪ brush teeth, put on shoes and off to school ♪ - (daniel): ♪ off to school! ♪ (laughing) hi, neighbor. i'm super daniel! see? and i'm having super dinner with my family right now.
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dad made chicken. come see! zoom inside with me! zoom, zoom, super daniel! - mmm. - mmm. yum, yum, yum! ok, i'm done! - yeah, you sure are. - dinner was deee-licious! - i'm glad that you enjoyed your chicken. - mm-hmm. - ok, my fuzzy super guy, help us clean up the table. - ok. i'm a super helper! here you go. - well, thank you, super daniel. now you can play for a bit, and then it's bedtiiiime. - come on, let's go play superheroes. i'm being super daniel! let's zoom! zoom, zoom, zoom! zoom, zoom! (he gasps.) oh, no! tigey's falling! let's go help him! ok, tigey,
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hang on! i... got you. phew! super daniel saves the day! - super dad is here. whooosh! - hello, super dad! - hello, super daniel. super dad is here to help you get ready for bedtiiiime! - bedtime? but super daniel doesn't go to bed. whoosh! (both laughing) - super daniel does go to bed. and you have a lot to do to get ready for bedtime. shall we start with your bedtime song? - yes! - ♪ bath time, brush teeth ♪ ♪ pjs, story and song, and off to bed ♪ - whoa! - gotcha! come on, super daniel what's the first thing we need to do to get ready for bed? - ♪ bath time ♪ so... bath! do i have to take my bath? - yes. and we're going to whoosh to bath time
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together! - ok, super dad. - whoosh! - zoom! whoosh! - ok, daniel time for your bath. - but super daniel wants to keep zooming. - i know you want to keep playing, but it's time for your bath. help me pick out which toys you want in the tub with you. - ok. uh, i'll take my boat and my octopus and my puffer fish. - nice choices. now, the water's nice and warm and will help you feel sleepy so your body can rest. - whoosh. careful here... whoa. - some bubbles in your bath tonight? - yeah. i love bubbles. do you? yeah! (daniel laughs.) my boat looks like my grandpere's boat. hello, mr. puffer fish. nice weather we're having. yeah. but it looks like it might rain. (laughing)
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- and here is the soap. - sliiippery soap. - washcloth. - washy wash cloth. (both laughing) - ok, tip your head back and close your eyes. - ok, ready. - and now comes... the shampoo! - scrubby shampoo! ♪ scrub scrub scrub my fur up on top of my head ♪ ♪ scrubby scrubby scrubby scrub until my head is clean ♪ ♪ wash wash wash with soap all over my body ♪ ♪ washy washy washy wash until my body is clean ♪ ha! ha! ha! (he gasps.) hey i have an idea. want to make believe with me? let's make believe that we are sailing too!
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- ♪ welcome to the water world there's so many bubbles around you ♪ - ♪ doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo ♪ - ♪ bring all your friends and come with me to sail the soapy seas ♪ - ♪ sailing sailing sailing sailing, sail the soapy seas ♪ - ♪ bath time fun for you and me-ee ♪ ♪ with bubbles as far as the eye can see ♪ - ♪ sailing sailing sailing sailing, sail the soapy seas ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ wasn't that grr-ific? - ready to rinse the bubbles off, daniel? - aw, rinse? already? - yes. do you want your rinse song? - ok! - ♪ rinse rinse rinse your fur, rinse-y rinse-y rinse ♪ ♪ rinse until your done ♪ all clean. - all clean! - ok, time to get out of the bath my fuzzy little wet tiger. let's wrap you up in a towel and drain the bathtub. - goodbye, bubbles. see you next
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bath. dad, could i ever go down the drain? - oh, no, you are too big to fit down the drain. - oh. ok. good. - so, what do you need to do next for bedtime? - do i have to go to bed? - bedtime is important. your body needs to rest so it'll grow big and strong. - i do want to be big and strong. grr. - ok, so then what do you need to do? - ♪ bath time, pjs ♪ so pjs are next! trolley pjs! ding, ding! - lookin' good. what's next? - ♪ bath time, pjs brush teeth, ♪ brush teeth is next! - ok, daniel let me give those teeth a brush. - my turn! brusha brusha brusha. ♪ i gotta brusha brusha brush brush
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my teeth at night ♪ ♪ if i want to keep them healthy and bright ♪ ♪ i gotta brusha brusha brusha brush my teeth ♪ (timer dinging) rinse. spit. all done. (he yawns.) hi, mom. i'm all clean now. zoom! - hi, daniel. i just put new sheets on your bed so it's all ready for you to snuggle into. - i just want to play a little bit longer. zoom, zoom! - look, it's getting darker. even the sun is going to bed. and you need to go to bed too. - it is getting darker. can we turn on my nightlight? - of course we can. - thanks, mom. - you're welcome. now snuggle into bed please. oh, what's that? uh-huh. oh, i see. - what? - well, tigey says it's important for you to go to bed. - i know, tigey. my body needs rest to grow big and strong.
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grr! - that's right. what's that again, tigey? uh-huh sure. tigey wants a bedtime story. - ♪ bath time, pjs, brush teeth, story and song ♪ ok, it's story time. - ok, now hop into bed and i'll read you a story. i know just the one. super heroes go to bed too. "at bedtime, super stanley takes off his cape. "super stanley puts on pajamas. 'warm and cozy!' "super stanley brushes his teeth. "super stanley climbs into bed and reads a bedtime story. (mom tiger yawns.) "'i'm getting sleepy.' "then super stanley closes his eyes and goes to sleep. (mom tiger snoring) the end." (daniel yawns.) - i like that story. - so, daniel, let's do a final check.
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did you do everything you need to do for bedtime? - i think so. ♪ bath time, pjs, brush teeth story and a song ♪ i need my song! - oh, yes your bedtime song. ♪ goodnight daniel, goodnight ♪ ♪ goodnight, goodnight to you ♪ ♪ goodnight, daniel, goodnight ♪ ♪ it's tigey's bedtime too ♪ ♪ it's time to go to sleep and when you awake ♪ ♪ the sun will greet you with its bright and sunny face ♪ ♪ goodnight, goodnight goodnight, goodnight to you ♪ ♪ goodnight, goodnight it's your bedtime too ♪ ♪ close your tired eyes, tomorrow will be new ♪
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♪ dream a dream of all of us and remember we love you ♪ ♪ goodnight, daniel, goodnight ♪ ♪ goodnight, goodnight to you ♪ (daniel yawns.) - i like that song. and you know what? i like going to bed when we snuggle and read and you sing me a song. - oh, good. i like snuggling with you too. muah! - goodnight, mom. - goodnight, daniel. and goodnight, tigey. fuzzy kiss. - goodnight, tigey. goodnight, my fuzzy little guy. muah! - goodnight, dad. ugga-mugga. - ugga-mugga daniel tiger. - ugga-mugga daniel tiger. (daniel yawns.) - what do you do before you go to bed? i like my bedtime song the best. (he yawns.) it always makes me sleepy.
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ugga-mugga. - ♪ it's such a good feeling to play with family and friends ♪ ♪ it's such a happy feeling when they lend you a hand ♪ ♪ you wake up ready to say ♪ - hi! - ♪ "i think i'll make a snappy new day" ♪ ♪ it's such a good feeling ♪ ♪ a very good feeling, a feeling you know ♪ - ♪ that i'll be back ♪ ♪ when the day is new ♪ ♪ and i'll have more ideas for you ♪ ♪ and you'll have things you'll want to talk about ♪ ♪ i will too ♪ because it's you i like. - (dad tiger): hi, neighbor. this is our friend fynn. he's playing with his dad. that looks fun.
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now it's time to get ready for bed. do you remember what to do before bedtime? bath, brush teeth, pjs, story, and a song. bubble baths can be lots of fun. now it's tooth-brushing time. those are fun pjs. bedtime stories are a great way to end the day.
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- (mom tiger): ♪ goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight to you ♪ ♪ goodnight, goodnight it's your bedtime too ♪ ♪ close your tired eyes, tomorrow will be new ♪ ♪ dream a dream of all of us and remember we love you ♪ - (dad tiger): goodnight, fynn. closed captioningng ♪ when ants have a picnic, it's always fun! ♪ ♪ marching and eating underneath the sun! ♪ ♪ come with me enjoy the ride... ♪ this grass will make a really fun slide. weee! ♪ when ants have a picnic there's lots to see. ♪ ♪ come along and explore with me! ♪ ♪ giant fruit that'll make you
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sing! ♪ ♪ and i can be the anthill king! ♪ [♪] ♪ when the ants have a picnic it's always fun! ♪ yeah! n "wordworld," friends are always around to help! i'm scared. of what? school! it's ok, shark we go to school to learn. announcer: "wordworld." weekdays on pbs kids or watch anytime you want at! announcer: "daniel tiger's neighborhood" is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education.
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adcasting, and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. y sette inc. - visit the neighborhood at
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9:30 am
- on this "my generation," go extreme. - hup! - swing. - flying high keeps these people grounded. - when you're two stories up all your problems seem pretty far away. - plus, a minimalist approach to mountain biking. - it used to be, what happened to your other wheel? that was years ago. now the typical remark is "how do i get one of those? how do i get into that?" - and, he's clocked 90,000 miles and still willing to go the extra mile. - i like for people to understand they can do way more than they think they can. you don't have to let age be a limiting factor. - "my generation" is made possible by... - auto and home insurance from the hartford, helping to make a difficult time a little less difficult for drivers 50 and over. information about our program, including how to find an agent is available at
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- for you...or someone you love, for care in the home we're here. interim healthcare. when it matters most count on us. - the 5star responder by greatcall is a mobile personal safety device. one touch lets you speak with trained agents who will identify you and your location, evaluate your situation, and get you the help you need. - hi and thanks for joining us. i'm leeza gibbons. now, have you ever thought about taking on a physical challenge just to see if you could actually do it? sometimes, pushing past what holds you back and completing the task can be a tremendous rush and a life-altering experience.
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well, the folks you're about to meet understand what it takes to succeed outside their comfort zone. what are you made of and do you have what it takes to go extreme? if you are trying to get in touch with your inner daredevil, you might want to choose something that comes with a safety net. trapeze is taking people to new heights and showing them how liberating letting go can be. - when you're only 4' 11", 23 feet is a long way up. but standing on this tiny board way up in the rafters, kathy hart feels like she's on top of the world. - hup! - swing. up and out! hold, [indistinct] 7. hup! kathy, that looked beautiful.
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- when i tell people that i do flying trapeze their first reaction is, "wait, what? you what? like, like, in the air?" ha ha! - what started as a twice-a-month pastime for kathy quickly became a twice-a-week habit. - it's definitely an addiction but it's much more than that. it's really a passion, and it really pushes the boundaries of what i think is possible for me not just in trapeze but in the rest of my life. [whirring] - in the rest of her life, kathy is a mom and a sculptor, and she draws a straight line from being an artist to being a trapeze artist. - trapeze has really informed my artmaking in thinking i just have to take a risk, and it might not work, but let's just see what happens. - kathy, her husband dennis, and their two sons made a big deal of going to the big apple circus every year. so when kathy read an article about trapeze school
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just months after her husband died 2 1/2 years ago she immediately signed up. - it was a way for me to focus that nothing else gave me, because when you're up on the platform you can't think about anything else. you have to focus on what is exactly right in front of you. - flying trapeze as a circus art is one of those things that you can't do while you're thinking about anything else, and i think that's one of the things that keeps people coming back, is that when you're two stories up, all your problems seem pretty far away. oh, yeah, don't start thinking. it doesn't help at all. what we're doing here is both incredibly meaningful, because i think it changes how people see themselves and see the world, and also incredibly ridiculous. we're flying through the air. - mandy says many students get hooked not by the adrenaline rush but by the way
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trapeze brings together body, mind, and spirit. - flying trapeze itself is physically demanding. it will help you build your shoulders, your core, your back, your legs and then for most people standing on the edge of a platform and jumping off is pretty ludicrous, and figuring out what it takes to trust yourself to do that is, i think, a huge mental and emotional journey. - i am so motivated to be in good shape so i can fly better and it's really good for my mental health. it's like there's this zany part of my personality that gets to come out here and i just love it. - whether it's for fun or fitness flying trapeze is on the upswing. it's soaring in popularity with families because almost anyone of any age can fly. - it's something we can do together and we can be at different levels but still do it at the same time and it's nice to have something that you can do that way. - and you don't have to look like a flying wallenda to defy gravity.
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as long as you can hold your body weight on a bar, you can get airborne. - the majority of our students are probably in their twenties and thirties, but we have a strong contingent of students in their forties fifties, sixties and even some in their seventies. there's all these messages internalized and from our culture at large about what we can and should do as we become older adults. i love it. and i just want to add that same feeling to your 7. right now, you're hitting a great 7. the boomers who come to do flying trapeze are people who aren't gonna buy into those messages at all. - even a fear of heights won't keep students grounded. - i'm still scared of heights. when i go up there. i think i've been up that ladder over 200 times and each time i'm still scared of heights. but literally, there's a safety net and so i'm hooked. - very nice, dan. - [cheering and applause] - oh, and guess who else is acrophobic? - when i first took a trapeze class, i would characterize myself as extremely afraid of heights, but it's one of those ways that trapeze is cheaper than therapy, because it's this place where we can take fear and in a controlled, safe environment
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you can face those fears. - flying trapeze was kathy's therapy, helping her work through her grief. but learning to leap let go of the bar, and sail through the air taught her some deeper life lessons. - things like letting go working my way through fear, trying to step into the unknown, and learning to trust myself and learning to trust that everything was going to be all right, and it gave me a sense of hope. - hup! swing! - in her two years of flying kathy's gone from a simple split to difficult twists and flips. now she's working toward flying without safety lines. - one thing that i have gotten to see that i have just loved is her fierceness come out, that she is now a flier who does big tricks, and she does them well and you gotta tackle those with your teeth you know? you can't play it safe and cautious. - it's a lot easier to be daring
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when you've got a community of classmates rooting for you. - [groaning] - so close. - not rivals pitting themselves against you. - with a lot of other athletic activities, it can be easy to feel competitive, but we work so hard to make sure anytime you're stepping off that board you know every person who's watching is cheering for you. - yeah! - oww! - very nice. - there's just a really wonderful feeling of shared support and goodwill because we all know how hard it is. [applause] - one thing that's not hard for kathy--performing before 200 people in the school's aerial arts show. - i love performing in the trapeze shows. it's a night of magic with music and costumes and the crowd and the lights. it is like being in the circus for a night. [cheering and applause] i get the opportunity to wear a tutu at my age. it just makes me laugh.
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- swing! - for both teacher and student it's that breathtaking leap of faith, in trapeze and in life that keeps them coming back for more. - i have the best job ever. i get to be a part of helping people defy their expectations. very nice, tim. i think there's a real power that comes in doing something that is dynamic and thrilling and going back out into the world inspired and refreshed and hopefully a little bit bolder. - being able to do trapeze has just been like a second chance for me. if you have a sense of joy in your life and physical activity, it just makes all the difference. it can just really change the way you see the world. swing! [cheering and applause]
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- now, this is interesting. the first flying trapeze act was performed in 1859 by a french acrobat named jules leotard. yes, the body-hugging costume he wore was later named after him. for more information about how you can go extreme with trapeze, visit our web site. we're at - later, digging deep takes this man far beyond the finish line. - yeah! i feel most alive when i'm doing those very difficult things where i'm finding out a little bit more of what i'm made of. - and now the story of a man who is never too tired to search for balance in his life. [playing classical tune on piano] - he's a man with two identities. when he's tuning pianos, call him terry peterson.
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but when he's doing this... call him the unigeezer. - "uni" for "unicycle," "geezer" for "geezer," and you know, some people take issue with that. they say, "55, 56, that's not a geezer," but you know what? i picked it out because i thought it was catchy. you know, you remember it. plus, it's not a moniker a name, a nickname that i can outgrow like "boy george" or "kid rock." so it's gonna--i'll be able to grow into that one. - terry peterson, the unigeezer, is one of the best unicyclists in the world. he and a handful of other extreme riders are changing the image of this one-wheeled sport. - high gear. so, it used to be, you know, [singing circus music] or "where'd you get--" you know,
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"what happened to your other wheel?" that was years ago. now it's just the opposite. the typical remark is "that's awesome. that's badass, dude." or, "how do i get one of those? how do i get into that?" - he has 6 different unicycles. this one is for long distance. he covered 100 miles once in 11 hours. - yeah! there we go. we got her going now, baby. - he practices in his backyard in torrance, california. the stairs are great training for this. and a landing like this prepares him for this. - what we're gonna do is hop over you. no problem, right? - not at all! - i'm not 56, i'm 18 with 38 years' experience. - terry got on a unicycle when he was 8, but he didn't really get serious
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about the sport until he turned 50. - what basically motivated me was being a piano tuner. you know, you sit around a lot. and so i was thinking, what could i do to get myself in shape and-- how about unicycling? i went from 170 to about 140 maybe a little under. went from a 34 waist to a 29. all my old clothes wouldn't fit anymore. i--you know, use a belt now to cinch them up. - today, he's more than just a cyclist, he's a passionate evangelist for the sport. - isn't that hard to ride? - ha ha! ah, only when you fall. yeah, but it's just like a bike. once you learn you don't forget. i bet you could ride one. you ever tried to ride a unicycle? - no. - you ever thought about it? - kind of. - really? now that you saw me riding this one, are you thinking that maybe you could learn? - yeah. - good for you, man. all right.
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- the most difficult feat he ever attempted was a grueling climb up fargo street. with a 33% grade, it's the steepest street in los angeles. if he could make it to the top it would be a record-breaker. - with a unicycle, unlike a bike, there's no gears to help you climb up steep hills. you can't coast, so you're pedaling every inch of the way. - it was 4 exhausting minutes of painful pedaling. halfway through, he didn't think he'd make it. - yeah! - he did it. such a badass, dude. - yeah! - today will be different. he's headed out for a pleasure ride. [bell rings] - hey, it's the twins. [all talking at once] - but first, a quick stop at his favorite bike shop run by the twins javier and juan, and beethoven. - he's a great guy. a great unicycle rider. - they've seen people take up unicycling but no one can top terry's riding. have you ever tried unicycling either of you?
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- we tried. we tried because-- since we saw unicycles, we say we have to go up there and test-ride them after we're done with them but it's not easy. we know that the balance is something you have to build up. - i can really move on this one now. - it's a perfect day to head out to the rugged trails overlooking simi valley, northwest of l.a. mountain unicycling has been around for about 20 years, but recently it's gained popularity, though it's still rather invisible. - i like to say we're like mountain lions. we're out there. you just don't see us very often, because for every one unicyclist there's probably 10,000 mountain bikers. so even though there's quite a few of us, we're spread out over the state, over the country over the globe. you guys don't think you'd ever want to try something like that? just out of curiosity? - i'll give it a shot. - terry treats every encounter as a chance to make another convert. - look at that--oh! oh! you all right?
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[indistinct chatter] - there he goes. better. look at that. you could be doing that in a week. i guarantee you. - but fellow bikers aren't the only thing you encounter on the trail. - hold it, guys. hold it, hold it, hold it. hold it. - even risk-takers like terry treat the locals very carefully. - there you go, pal. there you go. in you go. go that way, now. go ahead. - now that the trail is clear, it's time to get back to riding. i asked terry what kind of person puts in the thousands of hours it takes to get this good at something so difficult. his answer was surprisingly open. - you have to be a type a personality, which i am.
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i have a lot of excess energy, even at my age and that could be due to the fact that all my life, i've had adhd--attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. but the great thing about having that, and i don't even think of it as a disorder, i think of it as a benefit because you can hyper-focus on what you love to do. in my case, riding a unicycle. i don't see myself quitting. i see myself riding well into my eighties. i want to be the oldest extreme unicyclist. i probably am at this point. - and what would terry be if he weren't an extreme unicycler? - getting fat. ha ha! for sure. - i'm val zavala for "my generation." - today, terry is one of the few unicyclists in the world over 50 to have successfully jumped and cleared
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a full set of 8 stairs a 6-foot phone booth and a 7-foot tractor. we totally give it up to you, terry. - be a part of the conversation. send an e-mail to or "like" us on facebook and follow us on twitter. - he's a world-class extreme athlete, programmed to put one foot in front of the other to complete the journey. marshall ulrich never knew that pushing through the pain of running would help him overcome loss in his life. - runners. there are millions of them. from the weekend jogger to the 5k run for charity or fun to the serious 26-mile marathoner. but then there is a group of runners
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who take it to the extreme. marshall ulrich is one of an estimated 70,000 ultramarathoners worldwide, running races between 50 and 100 miles over the course of hours to days. - take a long time to describe marshall. marshall's leather tough and rock hard, and that's where he starts from and gets bigger, tougher stronger from there. - marshall has run more than 90,000 miles in the past 30 years. he's crossed death valley, california a record 23 times. he's finished ken's race the leadville, colorado 100-miler, another 12. he's topped the 7 summits. he's even had his toenails surgically removed to avoid repeated injuries from long runs. some call him the most hardcore athlete around.
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- i don't think he has a peer as far as just grit, guts, and determination. he's totally badass. - but sometimes, labels can be deceiving. - there are several magazines that referred to me as "endurance king" or "over 50 and kicking your butt" and stuff like that. that's not what we should aspire to be. we should aspire to be better people. we should aspire to love more, to live life to the fullest, not be some sort of a badass. - why would anyone torture themselves running for such long distances? for marshall, the journey from regular guy to world-famous extreme runner started with his childhood sweetheart and wife--jean. - the minute i saw her i knew that there was something special about her. i guess more than anything she had this sparkle in her eye. she was full of life. - but soon after starting a family, jean became sick.
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- the reason i started running was because at 28 years old, jean contracted cancer and at 30 years old, she passed away, of course but in the interim my blood pressure went way up and i had to do something to control it, and so i started running. - jean's illness and death may have been the reason marshall hit the road, but why he stayed with it comes partly from his upbringing here, on a farm in northern colorado. - my work ethic comes from here. when i'm out there running sometimes, i think back to riding this hay sled and we'd do it all day long. we'd take care of ourselves. we'd have to drink we'd have to eat. mom would bring out food occasionally. so when i'm out there running or doing some extreme adventure it's like, "oh, yeah i know what that's like," and there's a familiarity that is very comforting. for some people, it may be a push. for me, it's just like "hey, this is great. i feel good. this is where i belong."
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- and the medals and trophies prove he's right. - there's nothing left to do. you've done it all. - yeah! - over the years marshall has tackled more than 135 ultramarathon and expedition-length adventure races and holds numerous world records. he even made it to the top of everest on his first try. - i remember sitting in front of a black and white tv and watching some mountain climbers claw their way up this mountain, and their fingers were frostbitten and their toes and i thought to myself at 5 years old, "i want to put myself in that position. i want to feel what these guys feel." when i actually reached the top, i was filled with gratitude. i was overwhelmed with it. it was extraordinary. - in 2008, he attempted the most far-reaching challenge of all-- to run across america.
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- i thought, this is sort of the ultimate challenge you know running over 3,000 miles across the united states in all types of weather. it was 60 to 62 miles and 17, 18 hours per day with about 4 to 4 1/2 hours of sleep per night. whoo! all right! one more. as far as running across america i will never do it again. it was way over the top. i found this little guy in indiana and i call him indy, and i looked down, was running along one day, and he was very dirty, and he was beat up and the stuffing was knocked out of him, and then i took him home and i gave him a nice bath. i stitched him up very carefully and indy's the reminder that you can persevere through anything and there's a lot that you can get through. so, he's my little buddy. - marshall's latest adventure-- a run around death valley, about 800 miles.
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his route goes through some towns with chilling names. - they name these places like "last chance." you can imagine what happened there. death valley is such a pristine place. it's still pretty much untouched. - the appeal is not just the beauty, though. it's marshall's drive to push himself further, as he always has. - running is 90% mental and the other 10% is all in your head. it's really true. i like for people to understand they can do way more than they think they can. you don't have to stop. you don't have to let age be a limiting factor. i feel most alive when i'm doing those very difficult things, where i'm finding out a little bit more of what i'm made of. - testing yourself to the extreme. - if you think you'd like to learn how to go extreme from the best, marshall teaches an extreme training program.
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he calls it "dreams in action." if you want more information about any of the people you've seen on our program or if you just want to join us anytime visit our web site at and for all of us here at "my generation, i'm leeza gibbons. thanks for watching. - it was really my wife. she turned around one day and said "you know, i think we have and i think you, john, "have forgotten who the real victim was. "it's not you, it's not me it was adam. "it was that 6-year-old boy that went through the kidnapping "and the torture and the murder, so let's do something about it." - john walsh, in his finest hour, answered the bell. - "my generation" is a production of aarp in association with maryland public television. - "my generation" is made possible by... - auto and home insurance from the hartford, helping to make a difficult time a little less difficult for drivers 50 and over. information about our program, including
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how to find an agent is available at - for you... or someone you love, for care in the home we're here. interim healthcare. when it matters most count on us. - the 5star responder by greatcall is a mobile personal safety device. one touch lets you speak with trained agents who will identify you and your location, evaluate your situation, and get you the help you need. - to purchase a dvd of "my generation," call (800) 873-6154 or order online at please include the show number.
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- i'm clear, you're clear we're all clear. - it could be a former naval officer who goes back to school in her 50s. - both of my parents became terminally ill, and i think that's when i realized that i had an interest in nursing. - it was a dark and stormy night on capitol hill. - or the washington lawyer and political aide who desperately wants to make it as a satirist. - i'm almost making money at it, almost famous since 2006. - whether it's called an encore career or a second act or a third chapter people need to be planning for a transition period that can be bumpy. - in a tough economy survival strategies for what comes next. - when you're over 50 and you're switching to a new field, you know, it's a little daunting. - also "inside e street," how one florida retirement village does its part to save energy. - there are currently about 50,000 golf carts in the villages. - our car, it stays parked in the garage and we probably only would have
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to fill it up maybe once every 6 months. - "inside e street" is made possible by... - auto and home insurance from the hartford: helping to auto and home insurance from t he hartford . more than 200 years of helping to protect what's most important. for information about our program for drivers 50 and over, including how to find an agent visit - from the heart of the nation's capital and around the country you're "inside e street," with lark mccarthy. - "encore career," "second act," "bridge job," "the next chapter"--whatever you want to call it, it's that stage of life between a first career and full retirement, a time long enough to take on a new job, something different and, ideally personally fulfilling. it's becoming increasingly common. one recent estimate says 9 million boomers are in second careers and more than 30 million more are interested in making that kind of change. and while we've all heard the success
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stories, the reality of starting an encore career in tough economic times is often far more complicated. - ♪ though i admit you're bad for me ♪ ♪ my heart forgets... ♪ - 17-year-old karina kinch isn't thinking about an encore career. she's just trying to get a first career going as a country singer. - relax. take a deep breath. i don't want you to worry about singing good. i just want you to make me feel what you're doing. - and she's hoping jill angel will help. angel might seem an unlikely choice. she was in the california highway patrol for 23 years, retiring as an assistant chief. she won this award for being the toughest cop alive. her only connection to the music business was her cousin ilene, a struggling songwriter in nashville. - ok, well, what songs are we gonna pitch? i jumped. i really jumped. there was no business plan. there was... music just lit me up and
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ilene's music lit me up. i couldn't figure out how nothing had ever happened with her songs and i went to nashville. i'd never been to nashville. i think--are we actually agreeing? - are we agreeing? you agree with me? - i started calling heads of record labels and getting meetings with them. i didn't know that that's not how you do it. - she got in to see people that i couldn't because, of course, i knew in my mind who they were and it was a big producer or record label or whatever it was. and she was able to just-- she had no intimidation factor. - ♪ i don't think about it i don't think... ♪ - angel finally sold one of ilene's songs that was in a movie and became a hit. - ♪ twinkling across the sky at night ♪ - we got it on radio disney and it went number one in a week. it's a very tough business. it's like getting up every day and trying to accomplish the impossible. - despite some success in music, angel was unable to support her two
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daughters always her most important priority. - i was 53 years old, trying to find work in the middle of a recession, and nobody would interview me. i had all this experience. - make sure you're at that 45-degree angle so you stabilize your elbow. - a local newspaper did a story about angel and her job difficulties that led to her being hired as fitness director at a private country club in sacramento. - let's go down. feet apart, bend your knees. let's see if you can get to the ground. - lift the ground up! - ha ha ha! they handed me a class of seniors averaging in age from 85 to 92, some of the most amazing people i have ever met in my entire life, every one of them. use those legs. 1, 2, 3, up! - angel now specializes in working with the elderly, which she finds enormously rewarding. - here we go. over the net. good. - but she continues to work with the young singer and has hopes for karina's career. - i want you to
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sing the same thing without your guitar. a cappella. - ♪ i don't want a relapse ♪ - ever since i retired i've done two more careers so i don't know what's next but this life is such a journey if you just stay open and be willing to you know, jump, really. - joining us now is kerry hannon, author of "what's next? follow your passion and find your dream job," a book about encore careers. kerry also writes the "great jobs for retirees" column on and is a contributing editor to "forbes" magazine, where she writes a blog called "second verse." welcome. - nice to be here, lark. - all right, we heard jill angel say in that packet she had no business plan when she went to nashville. you don't recommend that. - no, absolutely not but, you know, what jill did is she followed a passion of hers, and i think that trips a lot of people up because what you need to do-- the successful people
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who make a career change are people who have done things methodically, nothing rash did their homework, so to speak. and i think jill jumped in a little quickly. - all right, but, obviously it worked for her, but that's just not the ideal way to do it, right? - yeah. you know, truly i think if you can-- now, in this economy it's hard, but if you can build out your plan over a 3-year process and add those little pieces in so that when you're ready to make the career change, you have it all together in order to do that so you're not just blindly jumping in to a new field. - so let's talk about that. when you say no rash moves what would be a better plan? what's a methodical approach to getting ready for an encore career? - i think my favorite thing to tell people when they ask me is really do the job. if you think that you want to--for example, someone i profile in "what's next," he wanted to open an italian restaurant, and he and his wife loved to cook and they were gourmet cooks, but you know what he did? he didn't just say "i'm gonna go from investment banking to opening a restaurant." he apprenticed.
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he worked at every red sauce joint he could find in order to learn how to saute to seat customers, everything. so i always say do the job and see if it's something you-- - and see if you really want to pursue that. - yeah. i mean, that would be the first thing. - all right. cast a wide net. what do you mean by that? - well, look around. a lot of people think, especially if they've lost a job or have been downsized they think, "well, i've always been this. "this is the kind of job i need to look for in this industry." but in fact, if you've done something--for example if you were really very good at marketing in your company beforehand, look for-- nonprofits are hiring. it's a wonderful arena to look towards. fundraising. why not take those skills that you had as a marketer and shift it and to say, "hey, i can wear that hat. i can be a fundraiser." - so in other words, sometimes people put themselves in too small a box when they're thinking about changing. - they don't look around and say, "what are my skills? what am i really good at?" and often for most of us we miss some of those things. we might not even know what we're best at. so it's good to ask your friends, ask your relatives, your colleagues,
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say "what do you think?" because you'll hear things that go--you take it, naturally, but you'll go, "oh, my gosh. i really am good at that." - all right, research. what kind of research? what are we talking about, kerry? - where are the jobs, you know? - ok, where are the jobs? - let's find out what industries are hiring. don't just shoot off in the dark at some place or-- because if you've been downsized in your field, for example, you may find that there aren't jobs there. but there are jobs opening and healthcare is always a very strong arena to look in. and i think that we have education jobs and those sort of things so i think there are areas that you'll find opportunities. - all right, get financially fit. and this is a tough one, ok, especially in these tough economic times or if you were one of those people forced into a second career you may not have that cushion. but if you have the options, what do you do to get financially fit? - well, absolutely, lark this is my favorite thing. financially fit is critical. and if you can possibly have savings set aside of-- at least 6 months or more of saving set aside so you can be nimble. pay down those credit card debts. if you can pay off your mortgage, do so. if you can't, you
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might consider downsizing. you might want to--depending on your real estate market-- move to a smaller place or consider refinancing. you want to--any way you can trim back. do a budget. find out, "what do i have to work with?" because to tell you the truth, if you have that financial burden removed you're a lot more nimble to make a move. - of course. you have more options. - and i can guarantee you, probably if you're starting over, you're gonna start at a smaller salary or it'll take some time, and if you're starting your own business, which-- many people want to jump off and they've worked for the man and now they want to do their own thing. so, in fact if that's what you want to do, you're gonna need to have your finances in very good shape in order to get your credit score. - all right, now you also talk about investing in additional education and training and, of course, it certainly plays into the research. so, for example, you mention healthcare careers but for a lot of those careers, you have to prepare. you need certain special skills. - yeah, i think there are some certifications you're gonna need to look into and various other things. you can get a second degree in nursing now those sort of things.
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it's expensive, it's time-consuming. so i tell people you don't necessarily have to jump in and get that master's degree in something. start one course at a time. move slowly into the-- - it may be a non-degree course, but a skills course where you get a certificate, for example. - exactly. community colleges have some wonderful programs for over-50 workers now. - and one of the things you say is volunteer in the area you're thinking about. now, realistically, how is that viewed on a resume? you know, if you volunteer how is that viewed? - i think it is really highly regarded. i think people want to see that you're out doing things, that you're not sitting at home just looking or sending resumes online, what have you. i think volunteering is really important and, depending on what you're doing in your volunteer position you may be doing management. you may be doing leadership roles as a volunteer. - some people shouldn't dismiss that idea. - and it can lead to-- i think it gets you in the door. - ok, and you have real examples of people who say their volunteer experience helped them get a paying job? - absolutely. - the other thing you say, once you do start that encore career you may be starting at the bottom or near the bottom.
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brace yourself for the beginner blues. what is that? - it's so true. i think a lot of people, when you're over 50 and you're switching to a new field it's a little daunting because you're no longer the head honcho, the one everyone goes to. you are now asking questions about what's going on and asking for advice and help with your job. so you often need a reality check and an ego boost and realize that--set that at the door and you may be-- - ego boost or ego check i think, right? - yeah. both. and you may be working for someone younger than you, so get over it. - exactly. learn from them. you say you have to be open to learning from that younger person. - you can learn from them and they can learn from you. - not just younger person. younger boss. - yeah, absolutely, so i think that's a lot to think about. - all right, kerry. you stay right here with us because we're gonna take a look at another encore career. but first we'll hear from marc freedman who runs civic ventures. it's a think tank focusing on boomers and their second acts. - you know, i think there are a lot of people who are doing two different things,
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where one is really paying the bills and the other one is really where their passion resides. - it was a dark and stormy night on capitol hill. - meet congressman bud noir, the onstage persona of washington lawyer ken rynne. - the only creatures stirring were a few members, some staff and a few alcoholics but i repeat myself. [laughter] that's what i've set out to do to write musical comedy. it's been a passion of mine for a long time and i'm almost making money at it almost famous since 2006. - rynne has already had several careers. - seven years as a lawyer in a firm, about 7 years on the hill, then needed to make some money so i went to work for mbna credit card bank in delaware and made some money. except after a while it really felt like the proverbial square peg in a round hole. just didn't fit right. ♪ it's
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planet washington ♪ ♪ show biz for ugly people, washington ♪ - when the bank was bought he was laid off with a golden handshake and took advantage of the opportunity to pursue his dream. - i had a 5-year plan and then if i didn't make money in 5 years, i would come out and the world would say, "welcome back." and i walked back into this post-2008 market where a middle-aged, [muffled] 50-something lawyer, you know, was a dime a dozen. and so it's been a real challenge. ♪ what big-name white house staffer's so excited ♪ ♪ till they're indicted... ♪ - now rynne has burned through his nest egg and temps at law firms to pay the bills. - featuring ken rynne, a long-time washington insider. - i've learned it always takes more time and always takes more capital to make a new business to bring it off the ground. and right now, the law degree is bringing me back some income, which enables me to
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do comedy, but i'm--believe me, i'm spending that money now with an eyedropper. ♪ you should have seen the lobbyist i once was ♪ ♪ could have swayed the senate and the house ♪ i'm glad i took a shot at the dream job and i'm the eternal optimist so it's not over yet. other things i've done, you know, are things i do, but this is really who i am. - joining us now is kevin cahill, a research economist with the sloan center on aging and work at boston college. he was part of an influential study called "down shifting: the role of bridge jobs after career employment." and author kerry hannon is still with us. thank you both for joining us. so, kevin, let's begin with you talking about bridge work. you say we really should have a different mindset. it's common, isn't it? - oh, absolutely. i think the entire concept of "you work and then you retire" is definitely in
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the minority for most older americans. retirement is much more of a process, where individuals work at a career or other job and they gradually phase out of the labor force. - so one of the things you do, you study the trends. where are we in terms of this trend? and do you expect it's just going to continue in terms of numbers? - yeah. it's a good question. what we find is that about-- if you look at career workers, so individuals who've had a career job at some point in their life, about 60% of them take on another job before exiting the labor force completely. and we call those jobs "bridge jobs." they bridge the gap between career work and complete retirement. - and complete retirement, ok. what's the term you like, kerry? we didn't discuss that before. there are so many names for it. what do you prefer? - it's almost like recareering in a way. but i think that there's lots of ways to look at. but it's really just what kevin is saying. it's bridging that gap between--you know, it's an awkward stage but we have a lot more years to work after what used to be the traditional retirement age. - and
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you also say think about redeployment as opposed to reinvention. why is that an important distinction? - actually, that's quite true, lark. the thing is, a lot of people think, "oh, i've got to reinvent myself for what i'm gonna do next." not really. think about the skills you had in your last job and redeploy them to something else. i think that if you look at it that way it's not so daunting. - are employers starting to recognize that bridge jobs are more common, encore careers, and to either prepare their workers for it or to offer them incentives to move on to that bridge job? - i think the answer is, ready or not, they're coming. i think employers really do need to be aware of the changing demographics of our workforce and older workers are going to make up a larger fraction of the workforce and that's a good thing. older workers have tons of experience, a lifetime of experience that they can contribute, and employers just need to figure out how to tap into that resource. - well, let's take a look at a final profile. this is the story of a woman who went back to school for an encore
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career not once, but twice. - i don't feel well. - doesn't sound good, so let's take a look at the monitor. - these nursing students are simulating a life-or-death situation on a high-tech mannequin. - what you got, larry? - we have someone with v-tach and it's a shockable rhythm so if you can do that for us. - ok. charging. - sandy logan is no stranger to high-pressure jobs. she was an officer in the navy for 11 years before retiring for health reasons. - i'm clear, you're clear we're all clear. shocking. - now she's part of a booming second degree nursing program at marymount university's malek school of health professions. nearly all the students here, who range in age from their early 20s to over 60, are starting an encore career as nurses. - both of my parents became terminally ill, and i think that's when i realized that i had an interest in nursing and the awareness of that came to me relatively late in life. - logan's path was a little more circuitous than most. after
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leaving the navy she came to marymount's arlington, virginia, campus 15 years ago. first she earned a master's in counseling psychology and went to work for the federal government. - perfectly fine career options, but something just didn't feel quite right or didn't resonate with me and then i realized i wanted more of the rigor that attaches to something that's a scientific discipline. - coreg is the beta blocker. - ok. that's carvedilol. - right, the beta blocker. - so in her 50s, logan started all over again as a nursing student. she's doing her final internship at inova loudoun hospital, working on this day under an instructor half her age. - and this is sandy. she's a student here. gonna be two nurses for the price of one. - the last thing in the world i ever expected to do was to come back and get another bachelor's degree at my advanced age. nursing is like being in a candy store. there's so many applications of the degree and so many things
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that you can do with it. - and how does she feel being back in college again? - oh, it feels great. i wish i had had the discipline back then that i have now. i feel a lot more focused and directed and committed. it's energizing and it's fun. - so let's talk about the role of education when it comes to older workers. we touched on this earlier, kerry. so, kevin, let me get you to weigh in. have colleges caught up with the need? so sandy was able to go back and go to nursing school. do we have enough schools available and open at an affordable price to that older worker who wants that? - i think there are a lot of issues with education and older workers. i think the key to think about is instead of a top-down approach of planning education, i think there's a need at the employee level for education and colleges will have no choice but to respond to the needs of older workers. - so would you
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say start first with your community to see what's available, especially at a lower cost, perhaps? - i would think so. you know, i'm a big believer in networking. talk to people who are doing these jobs. reach out to people you might know through your alumni networks, through your friends and colleagues and talk to them. what degrees do they have? what skills would you need for that job and how do you go about finding them because you can weave it together bit by bit. i don't think it's always necessary to get that big, full-blown degree program. - so, kevin, briefly just what are you studying right now that we need to be aware of when it comes to looking at bridge jobs and encore careers? - i think a big theme or something we'll be focusing on is whether or not bridge jobs are continuing in prevalence as time goes on. the early evidence suggests that it's certainly the case that retirement is a process and that the changes in the retirement landscape give us no reason to think that that's going to change. i think the retirement as a process theme is here to stay. - well, thank you both for joining us. thank you so
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much, kerry hannon and kevin cahill. we appreciate it. in a moment, one more thing: a florida community that's gone so mad for golf carts they outnumber the residents. - we want your ideas and feedback so follow us on twitter @insideestreet. retweets are welcome. for more information on encore career strategies go to - one more thing. a planned retirement community where giving up the car doesn't mean giving up independence. northwest of orlando florida, on a sprawling, 32-square mile complex bigger than all of manhattan lies the villages, population: 86,000. zooming in from a satellite view there are nearly 40 golf courses featuring more than 500 holes. the villages' signature is its transportation system. what appear to be cars parked at lake sumter landing are actually
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golf carts... many customized to look like cars that travel on nearly 100 miles of cart trails and on more than 400 miles of surface roads. - there are currently about 50,000 golf carts in the villages. now, that means we've got about 4 times as many golf carts as manhattan has registered taxicabs. the golf carts are increasing at about 250 to 300 golf carts every single month. the conservative estimate is that we will have about 63,000 to 65,000 golf carts and that will be in 3 or 4 more years. - you could call this the golf cart capital of the country, and that also makes it one of the greenest communities: more than one golf cart per household, most of them electric, not gas;
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most used for transportation, not golf. - we actually use our cart for everything, from grocery shopping, all of my doctors are local around here. - shopping hospitals, plays. it costs me about $12 every two weeks. not bad, huh? - our car, it stays parked in the garage and we probably only would have to fill it up maybe once every 6 months because we use our cart almost exclusively. - i'm the golf cart man. - tony colangelo's firm transforms the traditional cart into a hummer or roadster or just about anything a customer wants. - the price ranges will run anywhere from $10,000 to $22,000. it's what they want to put into that cart. you'd be surprised what these people buy. cool air blowers to keep themselves cool, hot air blowers to keep themselves warm. - he also likes low-speed vehicles, or lsvs: faster than golf
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carts but considered safer because of mandatory features such as seat belts. - if it's a lsv, you got to have 4 brakes on it. golf carts don't have windshield wipers. well, lsvs do. here we are, driving around, and we're living off the energy of these batteries recharging our systems and not taking money out of our pocket. people really should rethink a gas car versus an electric cart. there's no maintenance they're quiet they don't smell, and you can hear yourself talk. - dogs, in particular, love golf carts. you'll see a lot of dogs in golf carts. if you ask a dog "what's your favorite thing about being in the villages?" they'll say "going for a golf cart ride." - and it's not all about joyrides, as the villages golf cart drill team demonstrates. ["stars and stripes forever" playing]
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more than three-quarters of all vehicle trips in this country are 10 miles or less, and given the cost of gas and the energy crunch many communities are looking at new laws to accommodate the growing use of golf carts and low-speed vehicles and whether they can safely share roads with higher-speed vehicles. next "inside e street," blockbuster drugs are losing their patents but who will benefit most? - if it's generic and i still have to use the regular lipitor, it doesn't seem fair for me to have to pay that full price. - the battle over generics. thanks for joining us. i'm lark mccarthy. see you next time "inside e street."
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- "inside e street" is a production of aarp in association with maryland public television. - "inside e street" is made possible by... - auto and home insurance from the hartford, helpin auto and home insurance from t he hartford . more than 200 years of helping to protect what's most important. for information about our program for drivers 50 and over, including how to find an agent visit - to purchase a dvd of "inside e street," order online at or call 800-873-6154. please include the show number.
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