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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  December 26, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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"the electric company" is brought to you by... find your voice and share it, american greetings, proud sponsor of "the electric company." agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. 5 words. a partner is someone you're teamed with in a game. if you're sensitive, you feel things really strongly. when you depend on someone, you need them. if you're loyal to someone, you're always there for them. a commitment is a promise you make. ok, so we have...
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look out for them in today's show. [whistle blows] - ok. listen up, everybody. as you know, our rec center is holding a citywide ping pong tournament this week, and today we are going to determine which of you, playing together as partners, is going to represent us in the tournament. [cheering] - it's totally gonna be you and me, paul. we're the best team, by far. - we'll see about that, danny. francine and i have been practicing. - practicing long days in sweaty gymnasiums swinging these mallets. - paddles. - paddles. - and now we are ready to represent the neighborhood and take home the city championship trophy. - we'll see about that, won't we, paul? - mind if i serve? - go right ahead. - ha ha ha!
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now you have experienced my secret weapon-- the old spin and serve. hoo hoo! hoo hoo hoo! ooh. 21-0. - better luck next time, fellas. - ooh, looking good. keep you eye on the ball. good rhythm. - ah. - lisa. - hey, danny. - i have reason to suspect that manny and francine might be cheating at ping pong. - wouldn't surprise me if they were. - well, aren't you a member of the electric company? - mm-hmm. - and doesn't everyone in the neighborhood depend on the electric company whenever there's trouble? - yeah. the neighborhood can always come to us for help. - so, can i depend on your help? - yeah. i guess you can. - aren't there 3 little words you should be saying right about now? [clears throat] - oh. hey, you guys!
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♪ c'mon yeah! ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ yo! and plug it in! ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ the power we perfected is electrically connected, ♪ ♪ so use it as directed and expect to be respected. ♪ ♪ turn it on and you will see ♪ ♪ that you belong in the company! ♪ ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ yo! and plug it in! ♪ plug it in, everybody! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! traight. you and paul play together. you're partners. you play on t same team, and you guys want to represent the neighborhood in the big citywide tournament...
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- correct. - but you think manny and francine are cheating. - yes. i do. - and what makes you think that? - have you seen them play? - batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter-- aah! - aah! - yeah. not too good. - oh, yeah. - you remember the time when manny was playing-- - it's that ball. there is something up with it. - sounds like manny spamboni invented some new kind of gadget. - mm-hmm. all right. - what are you gonna do? - danny, shake hands with your new partner. let's go, guys. - ok. - come on, danny. grab your bag. - game point. - game point. oh, tough break, kids. coach feezle, i'm pretty sure manny and i
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have beaten all the challengers. don't you just want to declare us the official ping pong partners, go home, take a well-deserved rest? - slow down there, ping pong pal. there's still another 10 minutes for you to be challenged. - ha ha! oh. - and we do challenge you. - and who would we be? - danny and me. - oh, fine. we'll take you on. this shouldn't take long. i'll go get manny. - mm-hmm? hmm? - oh, paul. yeah. i-- oh, i'm sorry. i'm gonna be partners with hector because-- - uh-uh. - danny, i think you hurt paul's feelings. - i guess i did. man, it's so easy to hurt his feelings. he's really, really sensitive. - he's sensitive? - yeah. don't you think? - hello, hector.
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it will be my pleasure to crush you in a game of ping pong. - let's do this. - bam. how do you like it, hector? - well, that is quite a serve, but hold on. i think there's something funny about this ball. - funny about that ball? ha ha! there's nothing funny about that ball. - the ball is so not funny. - it's actually so funny that i'm gonna just draw a smiley face on it. say good-bye to your tricked-out ping pong ball, manny. look at that. how about we use this ball instead? go ahead. serve it up, manny. - all right. [clears throat] - heh heh heh. - and you rig it? not in my house! - ha ha ha! - aah!
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mine. this is all you. me. touchdown. touchdown. - yaah! - that was close. - mine. get-- ok. hold. - hah! hah! - hi-yah! - hey! [whistle blows] - well, kids, it's finally settled. hector and danny will represent the neighborhood in the big tournament. whoo! congratulations, guys. - well, hector, i hope you're prepared to take this tournament very seriously. - i can do it. danny, let me do it. i'll take it really seriously. heh. but, danny... i'm your friend. - ha ha ha! ha ha ha! - ha ha ha! - no, really. you tried to cheat me out of my place in the tournament. that's not being a friend. a friend is someone who is loyal,
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someone like hector. we are friends, right, hector? - yeah, danny. come on, man. i'm gonna go do some work for school, but i'll catch you later, champion. - ok. i'll call you later, partner. - all right. ha! - ha ha ha! bye, francine. - ♪ it goes, "oa, oa, oa" ♪ it goes, "oa, oa, oa" ♪ it goes, "oa" ♪ whoa, the sound from my throat ♪ ♪ made my mind want to float ♪ like the bad, little groan from the mouth of a goat or ♪ ♪ grab your cup, make a toast, take a bite of roast ♪ ♪ down low, the "oa" sound and make the most of your goals ♪ ♪ 'cause it goes ♪ it goes, "oa, oa, oa" ♪ wow, it goes, "oa, oa, oa"
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♪ uh-huh, it goes, "oa" - [whoosh whoosh] whoo. ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. whoo. poom. [cheering] [whoosh] [tick tock tick] [chomp] [siren]
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[beeping] - ready, set, go. - oat? - yes. oat. - what are you talking about, bob? i don't see oats. - yes, but do you see goats? - no, bob. there aren't any goats. what do i do? - let's float. - how are we gonna float? whoa! - don't worry. - speedboat. yeah. we're a speedboat. - told you not to worry. - thank you, bob. - today on the big face faceoff, it's lisa versus francine. - in this duel, i will use the "oat" sound. - i will use "oat," as well. you can't keep me locked up in this castle, francine. - that's queen francine to you, lisa, and just try escaping. you'll fall right into the moat.
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- no biggie. i'll get across in a sailboat. - i'll chase you down with my royal goat. - i'll distract your goat with a bowl of oatmeal. - ugh! my goat is bloated... and he doesn't float. - beat you, francine. sorry to gloat. [ding ding ding] - yo, yo. - 'sup, hector? - 'sup? - don't tell me you and danny are going to practice ping pong again. - hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. i made a commitment, ok, a promise, and i'm gonna keep it, and you guys know how danny is, how he takes winning so seriously. - yeah, and you don't?
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- ok. you got me. - you're having a good time with danny, aren't you? oh, come on. admit it. - ok. i know that some people think danny is annoying, but i think he's a really good guy, and i like being his friend. - hector! you won't believe what your partner made. - ha ha! ok. it's me, hector, apostrophe "s," "hector's" "p" plus "painting," no, "art"-- "partner," "hector's partner." - yeah. ha ha ha! i've also got one for you. - "danny's partner." - yeah. that's you. - thanks, danny. - oh, and i talked to ms. feezle, and she said that we could practice whenever we want. - nice! nice. - yeah! well, come on. let's go. - all right. bye, y'all. - bye. have fun. - have a good time. - ha ha ha!
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- ooh, that's a wicked serve, danny. i'm glad you're on my side. - hang on. i'll show you how to do it. you just cut down on the ball at an angle. - like this? oh. - try it again. now you're getting it. - thank you, danny. i like that one. - you just stick with your friend danny rebus. - i know, man. all right, buddy. let me try that again. [cell phone ringing] - excuse me. hmm, little video message. - oh, danny, if you only knew what was being said about you behind your back. just listen to what your "loyal" friend hector had to say about you only a few short hours ago. - i know that some people think danny is a really good guy, but i think danny is annoying. - some loyal friend, eh, danny?
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- there he is. - sorry to be so annoying, hector. - what? danny, i don't understand. danny. danny. danny, danny, please. - ♪ don't you, "danny, danny" ♪ don't you, "danny, danny, please" ♪ ♪ danny's got too wise, and doesn't like what danny sees ♪ ♪ there's something going on here ♪ ♪ there's something out of whack ♪ ♪ you say something to my face ♪ and something else behind my back ♪ ♪ you made danny rebus sad ♪ you made danny rebus blue ♪ why do you do these things to danny? ♪ ♪ what did danny do to you? ♪ remember kindergarten? ♪ you spilled my cup of juice ♪ you said it was an accident ♪ yeah, that was some excuse ♪ and then we got to the first grade ♪ ♪ you stepped right on my heel ♪ you didn't say, "i'm sorry" ♪ how do you think that made me feel? ♪ ♪ you made danny rebus sad
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♪ you made danny rebus blue ♪ why do you do these things to danny? ♪ ♪ what did danny do to you? ♪ you say, "danny, he's so sensitive" ♪ ♪ well, that's how danny's made ♪ ♪ danny gets the blues whenever danny is betrayed ♪ ♪ but danny, he's loyal ♪ on that you can depend ♪ but you just lost the privilege ♪ ♪ of having danny for a friend ♪ you made danny rebus sad ♪ you made danny rebus blue ♪ why do you do these things to danny? ♪ ♪ what did danny-- ♪ you know, what did danny ever, ever, ever ♪ ♪ ever, ever do to you? - ♪ when you see a "g" in a word ♪ ♪ before "e," "y," or "i" ♪ they make a sound like a "j" ♪ and that's a soft "g" ♪ like "page," "gym," or "giant" ♪
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♪ oh, that's a soft "g" ♪ that's a soft "g" ♪ that's a soft "g" ♪ that's a soft "g" ♪ when you see a "g" in a word ♪ ♪ before "e," "y," or "i" ♪ they make a sound like a "j" ♪ and that's a soft "g" ♪ oh, that's a soft "g" - gah-choo! you have a precious gem to give me. you think i'm a genius. - next time, warn somebody when you're going to sneeze. - gah-choo! - [beatboxing] - ♪ get up and go because guess who's in town ♪
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♪ it's me, the hard "g" ♪ i'm no slouch, but everyone agrees ♪ ♪ i am a grumpy grouch ♪ afraid of no vowel and take the scowl ♪ ♪ you better be afraid of my gargantuan growl ♪ - ♪ gee, somebody needs to breathe ♪ ♪ gentlemen, there's no need to be mean ♪ ♪ it's me ♪ my name is soft "g" ♪ and i generously rock the mic gently ♪ ♪ i'm no giant bully ♪ but don't test me 'cause i've been to the gymnasiym ♪ ♪ oops, i mean gymnasium - ♪ get out of our face, or we'll chew you like gum ♪ - ♪ but when we work together, as in "garbage" or "gauge" ♪ [engine revving] - ♪ you better be on guard when we take the stage ♪ hey, i'm mark ecko. i'm an artist.
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i've always had a ton of energy. as a kid, i couldn't even sit still. i drew and painted on everything, and i still do. energy. it's like a ball bouncing around inside of me from my head to my toes, and the only way to get it out is to get it out. it's the spark that makes me go. where do you put your energy? - ♪ "g," it's a wonderful sound ♪ ♪ it's a wonderful letter ♪ it allows me to get some gum ♪ when you're gone visiting the goblin down the street ♪ - ♪ oh, "g" - ♪ i love my bug that i captured in a mug ♪ ♪ right next to that wonderful jug ♪ ♪ ooh, yeah, i'm feeling so guentle ♪
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♪ no, wait ♪ that's not the way you say it ♪ ♪ i believe it's "gentle" ♪ yeah ♪ oh, like gentle sounds like a huge gem ♪ ♪ a giraffe, giant, energy ♪ and your favorite dance in your gym ♪ - ♪ oh, i love the soft "g" - ♪ jjj - ♪ or the hard "g" - ♪ ggg - ♪ it's all "g" to me - the tournament will begin in a few minutes. first of all, we would like to welcome all of you from all over the city to our annual doubles ping pong tournament. - mm-mm. - ha ha! the rules are simple. here are the tournament brackets. if your team wins, you move on to the next round. if you lose, your team is eliminated. so long. sayonara. better luck next time.
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- eliminated is what we don't want. what we do want is a pair of giant trophies. - will the first groups please gather at the tables? come along. gather, gather. - oh... - let's do this. - danny, i need to talk to you. - oh, ho ho! i thought i was too annoying to talk to. - danny, i never said that. - you said i was annoying. that's what you said. - didn't say that. - that's what you said. - hold on. hold on. francine left out some of what hector said, but i know exactly what he said. listen to this, danny. - i know that some people think danny is annoying, but i think he's a really good guy, and i like being his friend. - i can explain. - give me that t-shirt, francine. - we can't switch now. our name is on the board. - ms. feezle? - go right ahead. - good-bye, carruthers. hello, ruiz.
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ready, partner? - ready, partner. - oh! - yeah! ha ha ha! - nice. - aah! - oh! yes, brother! - ha ha! - come on. - all right! let's go. - oh! - that's right! - oh! yeah, brother! - ah, ha ha! - come on. all right, danny. it's me and you against paul and jane. - who's jane? - ♪ oh, jane ♪ it's time to play ♪ don't you look fabulous
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- [clears throat] mm! - uh- oh! jane is really good. - yeah. - mm-hmm. mm! - oh, no! - whoo hoo hoo! - ok, dude. i think we're about to get clobbered. - mm! - yo! - ha! - oh! you can depend on that. - mm! - maybe we should stay down here. - how long? - about 21 points. - ha ha! - wah hah! - no! [cheering] - the winners! - ooh, ha ha! - what's the game today? - i don't know. - how about "gr"? "growl." - growl! - growl! - "gr." "grass" and "grow." "growing."
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- grab my hand. come back here. - ooh, man, you have a great grip. - hey, look, you guys. i'm green. - hey, look. i'm greasy. - hey, look. i'm floating in a bowl of gravy. - gravy? oh, groovy gravy. - oh, you know it, grandma. - you guys are great. - ah, you're great, too. - let's get some grapes. - you're great. - this is my mom's mom's mom, so let's sound it out. first, i'll look for what i know, and i know that g-r makes the "gr" sound, so gr-eat. "greet"? oh, no. i see this word all the time. it's "great," so "great" and then this hyphen connects "great" to the next word. there's "gr" again. oh, i love my great-grandma. she's awesome. - i'm special agent jack bowser.
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oh, this is just grape-- uh, great. this place is about to explode, but i can't crack the code to get out. help me read this. whoo-hoo! [splat] - [laughs] - man, who knew gorillas were so good at ping pong? - i know. - ha ha! yeah. who knew gorillas were so good at ping pong? ha ha ha! - ha ha ha! yeah. - hey, hector, why don't you come over here and sit with me? - why don't you come over here and sit over here?
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- no. no. sit here. - ok. - boy, those gorillas, they were good, right? ha ha ha! remember that? - yeah. i do. - ha ha! that was funny. - yeah. - hey, so i was thinking after this, we could go bowling. - bowling? oh, my gosh, that'd be so much fun. - we were just talking about that, danny. - no. actually-- actually, i was thinking it could kind of be a partner thing. - well, danny, we're friends, and they're my friends, so why don't we just all hang out together? - yeah. well, i-- but we're-- i thought we were best friends. - danny, listen. i have a lot of friends, and you're one of them, and they're some of them. - but i'm the kind of person who's loyal and true
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and has a best friend. - danny, wait. come on, danny. stick around. hang out. - no. with me, it's all or nothing. that's the danny rebus way. - oh, man, he's so sensitive. - i know. it has got to be tough to be danny rebus. ha! - mm-hmm. - to danny. - to danny. - ha ha ha! - ♪ the time is now, the day is here ♪ - ♪ yeah! - ♪ the rhythm that you're feelin' ♪ ♪ the music - ♪ in your ear - ♪ the charge is electric, and all you got to do ♪ ♪ is plug it in - ♪ ah, ppp-- ah, plug it in ♪ - ♪ oh! - ♪ that's what we do, we're the electric company ♪ - ♪ huh-huh huh-huh - ♪ inviting all of you to all the possibilities ♪ ♪ learning to write and learning to read ♪ ♪ we have a good time while we plant the seeds ♪ - ♪ plant the seeds - ♪ and once you get it, you have to share it ♪ ♪ discovering your power, you own it ♪ ♪ you wear it proud, and you shout it out loud! ♪ ♪ electric company is in town - ♪ in town
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but i have to get up anyway... i am really sleepy, it starts with "gr," and then we have an "o." normally the "o" makes the "ah" sound, but when "o" is next to "u" it usually makes the "ow" sound. so, we've got grouchy! grouchy, yeah, that's how i feel...just grouchy. announcer: your pbs kids go! friends are ready for anything. ready to fight a little crime? oh, hi! this is a pretty big deal, huh? presto! announcer: and now they're ready for you weekdays on pbs kids go! or anytime you want at "the electric company" is brought to you by... find your voice and share it, american greetings,
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proud sponsor of "the electric company." agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. just go online to we have behind the scenes,st? entire episodes, and loads of brand-new games all the time. but don't just take my word for it....go! check it out for yourself. that's what i'm talking about. i don't understand! danny? danny? let's do it. oh!
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>> hey, scientists, it's me--sid. i want to know what it's like to celebrate the winter holidays in really cold weather. so my friends and i are going to investigate all kinds of weather. come explore with me, sid the science kid, coming up next. >> "sid the science kid" is made possible by... first 5 california is a proud sponsor of "sid the science kid." >> at boeing, we believe the best way to prepare children for success is by nurturing their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and letting the future of our children take flight. >> and by contributions to your pbs station from...
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>> hey, is this thing on? >> ♪ hey, sid, what do you say? what you want to learn today? ♪ >> ♪ i want to know why things happen and how, and i want to know everything now--oh, yeah! how does this thing work? why does that stuff change? how does that do what it just did? hmm. what's up with the sky? do you think i could fly? the world is spinning and i want to know why i got a lot of questions and big ideas i'm sid the science kid... ♪ [captioning made possible by the jim henson company and friends of nci] hey, guess what time it is. holiday time--my favorite time of the year. whoo! ♪ christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa ♪ yeah! we celebrate 3 holidays in my house. we decorate a big tree for christmas. then we have a menorah and dreidels for hanukkah. and we light a kinara candle holder for kwanzaa. and the best part is the weather
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is always nice and warm here. so we get to celebrate in the backyard, except this year's gonna be different. this year, the whole family's gonna visit aunt irene in minnesota. do you know what it's like in minnesota? it's cold. really, really cold. bam ba-dam, scradam! hee hee! i mean, some people might like mittens and scarves and stuff. me, i like t-shirts. and i like to celebrate the 3 holidays at home, where it's never cold and the weather's warm. i don't think it has to be really cold to celebrate the winter holidays. so i just got to know. what's the big idea with cold weather? ["weather" echoing] >> sid, breakfast time! >> whoo! great. ha ha. breakfast time! whoo!
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it's holiday time. yeah! ♪ kwanzaa, christmas, hanukkah oh, i love to see a christmas tree, i'm all for-a, our little menorah, and i so want-za celebrate kwanzaa! ♪ whoo! i guess you guys can tell i'm pretty excited about the holidays. >> oh, me, too, sid. when i was your age, i couldn't wait for christmas and kwanzaa. oh, and this year, it will be really nice to celebrate with aunt irene. >> oh, yeah! you know, aunt irene makes some awesome potato latkes. >> uh-huh! >> hanukkah at her house was always the best. >> so, dad, i've been thinking that maybe aunt irene could come here for the holidays instead. and we could celebrate in the backyard like we always do. >> oh, but, sid, you're going to love minnesota. >> and i'm sure that aunt irene will have some holiday traditions of her own to share. >> yeah. but, um, i really like
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our traditions. and i'm pretty sure that i'm not going to like being cold. >> well, here. let me show you what a winter in minnesota looks like. >> oh, yeah! show him the pictures of the snow and the ice. ha ha! you're gonna love it, sid. >> ok. >> see? the cold weather makes frozen ponds, big icicles, beautiful snow-covered trees. and, oh, look at the street. it's all covered with snow. >> oh, that is snowy. hmm, well, if i'm going to minnesota, i think i'd better investigate cold weather when i get to school. >> ♪ i love my mom >> ♪ uh-huh >> ♪ my mom is cool >> ♪ uh-huh >> ♪ but now it's time for having fun at school, yeah! ♪ [mom chuckles] >> hi. >> mwah!
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♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you there's gabriela ♪ >> ♪ watch what i can do! ha ha! yeah! here we go! >> wow! ♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey, there's gerald ♪ >> yeah! check out my moves! ha-ha! yeah! i'm a dancing machine! >> cool! ♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey, there's may ♪ >> ♪ may i show you how i groove? ♪ hee hee! whoo! >> cool! >> groovy! >> yeah, yeah, yeah! >> ♪ we're looking for our friends we're looking for you hey, there's sid ♪ >> did you hear the one about the kid who wanted to know everything about everything? >> that's you! >> ♪ you got me [all laughing and humming]
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>> yeah! ♪ we're looking for our friends and look who we found we found each other friends! ♪ [laughter] >> having fun! awesome. >> and now it's time for the sid survey. hello. i am sid, roving reporter with today's survey. the question: have you ever been really cold? and you can think about if you've ever been really cold, too. let's go get some answers. hey, may... >> hi, sid! >> i have a question. have you ever been really cold? >> ooh, yes. one time, i was in a pool with my mom. and when i got out of the water... i was really cold. brr! and then i bundled up in a warm towel. >> well, i'm glad you had a warm towel. >> me, too! >> ok, thanks, may. >> you're welcome. >> bye. >> bye. >> so, gerald... >> yes!
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>> have you ever been really cold? >> oh, well, uh, let me see. oh, yes! one time, my family drove to the mountains. and we went sledding in the snow. and the snow was really cold. brr! [gerald shivers] >> gosh. that does sound cold. >> yeah. >> thanks, gerald. >> ok! >> bye. >> bye. >> hi, gabriela. >> hello. >> question. have you ever been really cold? >> oh, yeah. oh, just yesterday, i was looking for a grape ice pop in the freezer. and my fingers were f-f-f-freezing. >> wow. now, that is cold. ha ha. thanks, gabriela. >> sure thing. >> bye. >> and now the results of my survey. may was cold in a pool. gerald was really cold in the snow, and gabriela's fingers were really cold in the freezer.
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maybe you thought about being really cold, too. well, there you have it. i am sid, roving reporter and cold expert. >> everybody, rug time! >> ooh, that's teacher susie. >> ♪ it's rug time, come on in rug time, take a seat rug time ♪ >> ♪ we're ready ♪ >> ♪ everybody move your feet rug time ♪ >> ♪ teacher susie! >> ♪ good times on the way rug time, come on in we've got a lot to learn today! ♪ >> ho ho ho! i'm a reindeer, and i'm pulling santa's sleigh! ha! come on, santa. >> trot on over here, mr. reindeer. >> oh, ok! whoa, team! sorry, santa. we have to take a break for science. >> yay! >> gerald's wearing reindeer antlers on his head. and that reminds me, there may be some holidays coming up soon. anyone doing anything exciting? >> ooh, me! >> me! >> i am! >> i'm going to celebrate 3 holidays at once.
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>> whoa! >> wow! >> tell us about it, sid. >> well, in my house, we have christmas, hanukkah, and kwanzaa. >> 3 holidays? >> mm-hmm. >> you are so lucky. >> yeah! >> i know. i love holidays at my house with my family, but this year, it's going to be different. >> 4 holidays? >> ha ha. no. the same 3. but this time, we're going to celebrate them in minnesota. >> oh, wow! >> ooh! >> uh, wait a minute. what's minnesota? >> well, uh, it's this place where my aunt irene lives. and it's really far away, and it's really, really cold. >> oh, sid's right. it is cold in minnesota in the wintertime. >> is it as cold as the freezer? >> um, well, i don't know. that's really cold. is it that cold there? i mean, how cold is really cold? >> ooh, that's a good question. and there is a scientific way to measure exactly how cold it is outside by measuring the temperature.
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>> oh, susie, when i get a fever, my parents take my temperature. >> oh, my parents do that, too. they use a thermometer. >> yes! a thermometer is a great way to measure the temperature of almost anything. hey, where could we go to investigate temperature? >> the super fab lab! >> all right! >> yay! >> it's time to be a scientist. >> great! grab your journals and let's go investigate temperature! >> great! >> ok! yeah! temperature, here we come. [laughter] >> super fab lab! >> observe! compare! contrast! wow! >> today we're going to do the temperature investigation. >> yay! >> ha ha! >> we're going to learn how to measure things that are hot and--ooh, ooh--cold.
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>> ooh, cold like minnesota. >> exactly. now, this is a thermometer. it looks different than the kind your parents use to take your temperature. i'll show you how it works. >> ok. >> see this red line? right now, it's measuring the temperature in the room, but when we put the thermometer in something warm, the red line will go up. and when we put the thermometer in something cold, the red line will... >> go down! >> right! >> why are there numbers on the thermometer? >> ooh, good question, may. these numbers are called degrees. >> ooh! >> right now, it's 75 degrees here in the classroom. >> it feels good to me. >> ha ha. it sure does. now, look here. the numbers get higher as the temperature gets warmer. and when the temperature gets cooler, the numbers go... >> oh! oh! oh! i know! lower. >> very good, gabriela.
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now, i'm going to put some ice cubes in one bowl and warm oatmeal in this bowl. then we'll use a thermometer to see what temperature it is in each bowl. >> cool! great! >> hey, you're a scientist. you can try this, too. >> the red line on this thermometer tells us that the room is about 80 degrees. now let's put some cold ice into a bowl and place the thermometer inside it. observe what happens to the red line on a thermometer. yes, it's going down. that means the temperature of the ice is colder than the room. now let's try something different. put some warm water into this instant oatmeal and stir it up. when we place a thermometer into the warm oatmeal, do you think the red line will go up or down?
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you're right! the red line goes up because the temperature of the oatmeal is warmer than the room. now for something really fun, let's put some cold ice into the warm oatmeal. it's time to make a prediction. do you think the red line on the thermometer will go up or down? draw pictures in your journals of what you think will happen. oh, you think the red line will go down because the temperature will go down. let's find out what happens. hey, you made a great prediction. the red line on the thermometer is going down because the ice made the temperature of the oatmeal colder. so ice makes the temperature colder. warm oatmeal makes the temperature warmer. and adding ice to the oatmeal made the temperature colder again. ok, the bowls are all clean. and i'm ready to look at your journals. gabriela, may we see yours? >> sure! i drew the oatmeal. we added ice cubes to it. and i predicted the temperature
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would go down. and it did! >> you were right, gabriela. you observed how the temperature got colder when we added the ice. great. ok, sid, would you like to be next? >> ok. well, this is what the thermometer looked like when it was in the bowl of ice. the red line was really low because it's cold in that bowl. and this thermometer is what i think it would look like in minnesota. it'd be an even lower red line because it's super cold there. >> oh, well, let's help sid. does anyone have a suggestion about what to do if your body feels cold? >> oh, sweaters! sweaters are warm. hey, sid, you could borrow my sweater with the hippo on it if you want. >> wow. thanks, gerald. >> yeah. >> hey, you guys are right. if i put on lots of warm clothes, i'll stay warm in cold minnesota, no matter what the temperature is. >> good thinking, sid. >> yeah! >> you'll be warm, and i bet it'll be fun to bring all your
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family traditions to your aunt irene. >> yeah! i can show irene the things we do for the holidays. >> oh, i like that idea. ok, my temperature experts, time to have fun and play with all your new ideas. >> yay! >> ha ha! >> it's time for... >> good laughternoon! >> ha ha! >> knock knock! >> who's there? >> snow. >> snow who? >> 's-no playing outside today. it's too cold. >> ha ha! >> hey, may! >> hi, gerald. >> hey, um, what did one snowman say to the other snowman? >> um, i don't know. what? >> he said, "i'm so c-cold!" >> ha ha! >> happy christmas, gabriela. >> thanks. merry kwanzaa, sid. >> thanks. >> hey! don't you mean happy
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kwanzaa and merry christmas? >> yes. and, um, happy hanukkah! >> well, how about this? happy... kwanzaa-hanukkah-christmas! >> happy... kwanzaa-hanukkah-christmas! >> and happy holidays, everyone. >> happy holidays! >> hee hee! >> yeah! this is so fun! hi! [canned applause] >> let's play pretend. sid, you're santa claus. >> ok. ho ho ho! >> and, may, gerald and i will be animals that want to pull your sleigh. >> cool! >> bawk! bawk! hello! i'm a parrot. and i live in the jungle where it's nice and warm. and i want to pull your sleigh. ba-kaw! >> ho ho ho! no way. i live in the north pole, where it's really cold. i don't think you'll like it. >> bawk! won't like it! won't like it! you're right. i do not like
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the cold. [laughter] >> ahn, ahn, ahn! i'm an alligator, and i swim around in rivers and swamps. the water is warm, and it's hot outside. i want to pull your sleigh. >> ho ho ho! no way. if you like warm weather, then you won't like the north pole. it's really c-c-cold! >> ahn! ahn! >> yikes. [kids laugh] oh, me. ho, my. ho ho ho. i wish there were an animal that could pull my sleigh who liked cold weather. >> well, hello, santa. i'm reindeer gerald. i have lots of fur, and i live where it's cold and really, um, snowy. so i like cold temperatures! >> ho ho ho! yes! you're the perfect animal for the job, reindeer gerald. >> thank you, santa! ok. so i'm just going to sit down here in the sleigh.
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>> ok. >> and then you push me, ok? >> what? no way. i drive the sleigh, and you pull me. we have to deliver presents to all the kids around the world. >> well, that sounds like a lot of work. >> yeah. >> i need more help. hey, alligator and parrot... >> ba-kaw! ba-kaw! >> become reindeer and help me, please. >> ok! >> ok! we're reindeer now. ta-da! reindeer. >> yeah! >> all about santa's sleigh! here we go! >> whoa! >> and now... >> ho ho ho! >> it's time... >> ho ho ho! >> for susie... >> ho ho ho! >> to sing. >> ho ho ho! >> go, susie! >> ha ha! oh, why, thank you. so december's a special time for holidays, and we know it can be warm where we live and cold in minnesota, but did you know it can be a different temperature all over the world on the very
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same day in december? >> really? >> cool! >> ♪ one day in december a celebration to remember one day in december all around the world friends and families being together in every kind of weather one day in december all around the world in norway, kids are skating on a pond all day while santa wore flip-flops in l.a. it was cold in canada and hot in rio, the north pole was muy frio one day in december a celebration to remember one day in december all around the world in maine, they rode toboggans through a winter scene while folks were swimming in the caribbean it was balmy in hawaii with a gentle breeze
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in alaska, it was cold, but they didn't freeze one day in december a celebration to remember one day in december all around the world friends and families being together in every kind of weather one day in december all around the world ♪ >> wow! all over the world, december holidays can be warm or chilly or hot or windy. >> yeah. or really cold in minnesota. ah! i got to pack lots of warm things to get ready for the freezing temperatures. >> well, sid, we can't wait to hear about your trip. and i hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. >> happy holidays, susie! >> oh, thank you. you're so sweet. ok, my scientists, it's time to go home. follow me.
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>> yay! >> ho ho ho! >> ho ho ho! >> now, where's my sid? >> oh, right here, grandma. >> ooh! ha ha ha hah. >> mwah! >> now, okey-doke. let's roll. >> let's roll! [both humming] >> ♪ do do do do do do do la la la la la la la ♪ >> ♪ yeah, backseat driving with grandma ♪ [turns radio off] >> so, kiddo, tell me about your day. >> we learned all about temperatures. and now i know that it will be fun to go to minnesota and celebrate the holidays as long as i wear my warm clothes. >> oh, you got that right! ha ha ha hah. winters in minnesota are fun and snowy. in fact, my best holiday ever was once right before hanukkah, when it started snowing and snowing for two
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straight days. yeah! when it stopped, there were 37 inches of snow on the ground. that's a sid-high pile of snow. we went sledding and made snowmen and even built a snow fort. it was great. i celebrated the holidays with my family and friends and the most snow any of us had ever seen. ha ha hah. >> wow! well, do you think there will be that much snow when we get there? >> oh, i don't know, but we can hope. >> yeah. >> ha ha hah. >> my grandma tells the greatest and snowiest stories ever. ♪ i learned something cool something cool today i know it upside down and inside out i learned all about... ♪ >> ha ha ha hah! >> ♪ cold temperatures, brr >> woo-hoo! >> ha ha! scientist in the house. yeah! [canned applause] mom, dad, zeke...
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>> hey. >> we learned all about cold temperature and thermometers today. >> mm-hmm! >> oh! >> hey, i got an idea. can we call aunt irene and ask her what temperature it is in minnesota right now? >> oh, i like that idea. yeah, let's give irene a call. >> i love calling aunt irene. >> ha ha ha hah. [dialing cell phone] >> blammo! ha ha! >> hello? >> oh, irene? >> hello? >> irene, it's me. >> oh! ha ha hah! >> oh, ha ha hah. you didn't recognize me. ha ha ha hah! >> no, i didn't. ha ha ha hah. >> oh, well, someone has something special they want to ask you. >> oh! >> hi, aunt irene. it's me--sid. >> oh, hey there, sid. >> hi. what's the temperature in minnesota right now? is it cold? >> oh, yeah. it's very cold. it's 29 degrees. >> wow. >> oh, you know what? i have an idea. i'll look out my window and tell you what's going on outside right now.
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>> ok. >> oh, well, i see a family ice skating on a frozen pond right near my house. ha ha hah. >> ha ha ha hah. >> oh, and there's piles of snow on the ground. and the snow looks perfect for making snowmen. ha ha ha hah. oh. and now i'm looking inside my house, and i see a warm fireplace, a big table set for a family dinner. oh, but there's one thing missing, and it's the best part. >> oh, no! what's missing? >> all of you! ha ha ha hah. your mom, dad, grandma, little zekie, and, of course... >> me--sid! ha ha. >> ha ha ha hah. >> we'll be there soon. i love you, aunt irene. >> oh, i love you, too. bye-bye. >> bye. >> bye-bye. >> today was great. we learned all about different temperatures and how to read a thermometer.
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and i can't wait to see my aunt irene and play in the snow. hmm, you know, it's too bad it never snows where i live. hey, that gives me an idea. ok, i've got it. here's my super-duper-ooper-schmooper big idea! i want to invent a winter room. it will be a room that you can change from a normal room to a snowy, wintry place any day of the year, even when it's the hottest summer day outside. in the winter room if you want to make a snowman, just push a button. swoosh. it'll snow the right amount. and if you and your friends want to build a snow fort, push another button--foosh-- and there'll be even more snow. and push one more button-- whoosh--and you'll have a snowy mountain. now you can even go sledding. whee! the winter room is snowy, awesome, and c-c-c-cold! and that's my super-duper-ooper-schmooper
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big idea! [canned applause] well, i hope you think winter is as cool as i do. ha ha. and i hope you have a happy holiday with your family. you, too, dr. beaks. ah, i can't wait to be with my family in cold and snowy minnesota because i am sid the science kid! ["science kid" echoing] remember, keep asking lots and lots of questions. see you later, scientists. >> wow! >> hey, that's us! >> oh, hi. we're just checking out our website. you can explore with us. >> yeah! >> oh, that's a great idea. come join us. visit there's a lot of great information for grownups, too. >> i think we look pretty good in the computer. >> yeah! >> observe, compare, contrast! wow! >> hey, i know how to observe, compare, and contrast. and i bet you do, too. observe. that's when you look really closely at something
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and listen to it, maybe even smell it and feel it. compare. that's when you look at two things and think about how they're the same. contrast. that's when you observe things and think about what's different about them. be sure to check out another episode full of amazing science. my friends and i will explore the weather around us and discover the amazing things our bodies can do. see you next time on "sid the science kid." [captioning made possible by the jim henson company and friends of nci] [captioned by the national captioning institute]
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>> "sid the science kid" is made possible by... first5 california is a proud sponsor of "sid the science kid." >> at boeing, we believe the best way to prepare children for success is by nurturing their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and letting the future of our children take flight. >> and by contributions to your pbs station from...
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