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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  December 23, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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"the electric company" is brought to you by... find your voice and share it, american greetings, proud sponsor of "the electric company." agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. words-- a volunteer is someone who offers to help do things for free. "apologize" means to say you're sorry. when you convince someone, you make them believe something is true. someone who's dishonest tricks and tells lies.
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if you trust someone, you believe they are good and fair. all right, so we have... watch out for them in today's show. [snoring] - no! not true! i don't snore like that! [sobbing] - are you all right, francine? - no! sandra sandersonian took a video of me asleep in the library and added this fake snoring sound! [snoring] - so someone took a video of you and changed it to make you look bad. - exactly! isn't that outrageous? - yeah, but how is that any different than you making people look bad in your blogs? - name one person i've done that to. - lisa, hector, jessica, me, paul the gorilla--
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- ok. i get it. what sandra sandersonian did to me isn't any different than all the mean things i've done to you and your electric companions. ah! i've been a mean person. i'm going to change. - this year, the big show for kids is going to be bigger than ever, i'm sure, convinced. - you wanna know why? - why, ms. feasle? it's because the electric company is going to make the biggest pyramid of words ever! - we're gonna try. - oh, there's an awful lot to do. oh, my goodness. ah! cupcakes. they don't bake themselves, you know? but i'm not worried. ah! you wanna know why? - why, ms. feasle? - it's because there are volunteers like you who are giving up their free time to help out. and speaking of volunteers, we have a great new volunteer.
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- hi, lisa. hi, keith. - hi, francine. - hi, francine. - now, i know you've had trouble in the past. whoa! ha ha! i know it, you know it, the whole world knows it. but things are going to be different. francine and i have had a heart-to-heart talk and she's convinced me that she's changed. - i think the electric company is super. [chuckling] - oh, francine, come clean some stuff up for me back here. - i'm so excited that we're going to be working together on the big show for kids. - hey, you guys... - hey, you guys... ♪ c'mon yeah! ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power!
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♪ feel the power! ♪ yo! and plug it in! ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ it's electric... electric company! ♪ ♪ the power we perfected is electrically connected, ♪ ♪ so use it as directed and expect to be respected. ♪ ♪ turn it on and you will see ♪ ♪ that you belong in the company! ♪ ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ feel the power! ♪ yo! and plug it in! ♪ plug it in, everybody! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! ♪ electric company! - i know what you're thinking. you're thinking, "whoa, she's different." - yeah... - yeah, pretty much. - yeah, you got it. - well, i am different. after i saw that outrageous blog of me snoring, i-- - i saw that thing. i showed it to you. remember she's like--[snoring]
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[snorting sounds] [all laughing] - anyway... now i know how it feels when someone lies about you. so i've changed. and i'm not going to be dishonest anymore. francine carruthers will never tell a lie, ever again. - sorry, francine. i'm not convinced. nothing you're saying makes me feel you're telling the truth. - yeah, you've lied to us before, so what makes us think you're not lying right now? - yeah, that is an excellent question, keith. and i understand why you don't believe me, why... you just can't trust me, but please, hear me out, electric company. i am so, so, so, so, so sorry for being so mean and dishonest for so long. that's right. i apologize.
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- thank you for your apology, francine. it's so unlike you. - unlike the old me, but this is the new me. and now i must apologize for leaving so soon, but i have to go rehearse for the big show for kids. - wait. you're in the show? - of course. i've been rehearsing with the catfish kid. oh, hello, electric company. it's an honor to meet you. these are the folks that help people, right? yes, we have a lot of rehearsing to do. oh, for the children. i love kids. me, too. ha ha ha! well...see you guys at the show. friends. - do you think she's actually changed? - well, it's hard to believe, but possible.
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right? people can change? - yeah, well, it's still gonna take a lot more than an apology and some puppets to convince me that we can trust her. - so, how did it go? - perfectly. i've almost convinced them to trust me. you know what to do, right? - of course. i will mess up the electric company's act with my word zapper and then, you pretend to catch me. ha ha! - exactly. and the next thing you know, i'll be taking the pledge to join the electric company and soon, i'll get my very own special skill. ♪ what is going to be my special skill? ♪ ♪ i wonder what'll be my special skill ♪ ♪ maybe i'll throw some pink word balls ♪ ♪ they'll spell so much more than any old regular ones ♪ ♪ wait! i'm probably not thinking big enough ♪ ♪ i really need to blog my stuff ♪
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♪ what is gonna be my special skill? ♪ ♪ mm-hmm! i wonder what'll be my special skill ♪ ♪ ooh! i'll zap away all the text from the world ♪ ♪ replacing it all with a single word-- ♪ ♪ francine, francine wait! i don't think that is good enough, no. ♪ i think i'll be a queen on a throne ♪ ♪ and all will just have to bow down and follow ♪ ♪ whatever i say, you, draw me a picture! ♪ - ♪ whatever you say - ♪ do my homework for me - ♪ sure, whatever you say ♪ - ♪ after tomorrow's show - ♪ whatever you say - ♪ i'll shine, i'll glow ♪ - ♪ what else do you wish? - ♪ everyone will see - ♪ with your special skill - ♪ they'll be no stopping me - ♪ what else do you will? - ♪ i'll join the company ♪ with all your special skill ♪ there'll be no stopping me ♪
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- you are getting sleepy. ah! sleepy. ok. now meet my friend bossy "r." whenever you come before the letter "r," you will change your sound. "a." you make the "ah" sound. like in cat. but "r" will change you to "ar," like in car. "e." you make the "eh" sound, like in hen. but "r" will change you to "er", like in her. "i," you make the "ih" sound, like in sit. but "r" will change you to "er", like in sir.
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"o," you make the "oh" sound, like in spot. but "r" will change you to "or," like in sport. and you, "u"...yes, you, "u." you make the "uh" sound, like in fun. but "r" will change you to "ur," like in fur. everybody got that? ok. now, when i snap my fingers, whenever you come before an "r," you will change your sound forever and ever. no backsies, no kidding. ok, "r," now you can boss all the vowels around. [monkeys screeching]
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[siren] - so what's happened so far? - i need help. - i'll volunteer. i'll give my time. i'll sweep for free, i'll hang signs for free, i'll perform all for free. - francine, you're a volunteer? - hey, you guys. hey, electric company, i've changed. i really am a nice person now. trust me. - trust you? why should we believe you're telling the truth? - she is telling the truth. she really has changed.
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- thank you, catfish kid. - you need to convince us, make us believe you. - how good are you now, francine? - i'm really, really, really good. - well, she convinced me. - well, i still don't trust her. no matter what that little puppet says. - i'm being dishonest, they shouldn't trust your lies. - if they fall into my trap, a special skill will be my price. [indistinct conversation] - hi, friends! i hope you don't mind, but i made 300 cupcakes this morning, because the big show for kids needs refreshments. - that was so nice of you, francine. thank you. - so do you think francine really wants to be in the electric company? - yeah, like that will ever happen. - ha ha. - hey, you never know. if she's really changed, then someday we might wanna think about it. - lisa, how could we ever trust her after all the dishonest stuff she's done? - well...i know it's possible that francine has something very tricky up her sleeve,
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but isn't also possible that she's really changed? - mmm, let's just keep an eye on her, ok? - yeah. sooner or later we'll see who the real francine is. - uh! uh! ow! ow! ow! hey, friends! i'm ok! i'm ok. [humming] - i think over there. - juice? snacks. the red's good. - thanks. - ha ha.
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- she's so bossy. ♪ i never met a vowel ♪ that didn't like my swing ♪ is it 'cause i'm so sassy? ♪ ♪ the way i do my thing ♪ i like to shake things up ♪ ♪ i like a sound that's new ♪ ♪ i ain't satisfied with changing "a" ♪ ♪ i want "e," "i," "o," and "u" ♪ ♪ that's why i'm bossy - oh, yeah she's bossy, oh ♪ ♪ you better do what she says ♪ - ♪ yes, and i'm a star - ♪ little miss bossy "r" awake is the only way ♪ ♪ wow ♪ a bossy "r," she's got a brand new sound ♪ ♪ the little miss bossy "r" ♪ she'll turn your vowels around ♪ - ♪ let me introduce my background singers ♪ ♪ each one has a gift ♪ but they all sound so much better with me ♪ ♪ you catch my drift? ♪ without me there to make them pretty ♪ ♪ they would just be lost ♪ a consonant like me to show ♪ ♪ those poor vowels who's the boss ♪ ♪ that's right, i'm bossy ♪
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♪ standing in the back, i'm on the short "a" track ♪ ♪ but next to bossy, i myself change into "a" to "ar" ♪ ♪ so now when i sing my part ♪ ♪ i sure enough sound smart ♪ a car ♪ is it art? - ♪ come on, now! - ♪ i'm simple, yes, siree ♪ ♪ i like a sound a lot ♪ 'till the bossy gets a hold of me and i change ♪ ♪ right on the spot ♪ i got score ♪ those sounds galore ♪ i had to run and tell my neighbor that ♪ ♪ his "o" has got a brand new face ♪ - ♪ you see how i change the sound ♪ ♪ from cat to cart? ♪ or from pat to part? ♪ oh, you'll get it this is so much fun ♪ - ♪ oh, it was said, we weren't a hit ♪ ♪ you can bet we didn't fit ♪ ♪ our hands were tied, but still we tried ♪ ♪ to make the best of it ♪ then bossy came around and changed our sounds ♪
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- ♪ and put us on the mike - ♪ that's right - ♪ now when we're next to her ♪ ♪ "e" and "i" sound just alike ♪ - ♪ "e" and "i" make 2 different sounds ♪ ♪ 'till i come around ♪ i change the "i" sound from fist to first ♪ ♪ and the "e" from gem to germ ♪ ♪ you see? - ♪ pardon if i blush ♪ but i can't help but gush ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm so thrilled with bossy ♪ ♪ that i swear i might just bust ♪ - ♪ or burst - ♪ seems just up to her ♪ so bun can become burn ♪ yes, with that "r" i'm happy ♪ ♪ that i always get my turn - ♪ oh, i'm bossy! whoo ♪ - ♪ you better do what she says ♪ - ♪ yes, and i'm a star - ♪ her name is bossy-o - ♪ yeah, oh, i'm bossy ♪ ooh! got a brand new side ♪ - ♪ her name is bossy-o - ♪ i'll change your vowels around, oh, yeah! ♪ - this is someone who gets to work outside a lot.
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starts with an "f"... "far?" oh, wait. that's a bossy "r" with that "a." so the "a" isn't going to make the "ah" sound. it's going to make the "ar" sound. so far... hold on. there's another bossy "r" at that end. so the "r" will make the "e" "r" into "er." [applause] - ah, yeah. let's hear it for vincent "the majestic." [cheering] - well? should we bring out the next group? well, you better do it, because i don't think i can lift them. ♪ ba-da-dum [laughter and applause] now, kids. the moment you've all been waiting for. here to build the giant word ball pyramid from the wonderful words you kids read on these cards, the one, the only, electric company!
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[cheering and applause] - yeah! all right. are you guys ready to build a word pyramid all the way to the ceiling? - yeah! - well, let's see what your favorite words are. we have cartoon. - ooh... - i love that one. - soccer. - ooh! - and...ooh...worm. - oh, i like worm. - ok, ok. i'm gonna start the first one with cartoon. just drop that. there you go. - all right. all right. - thanks a lot. - all right, i got soccer. [cheering] - he's got the soccer. all right. i have worm. and i'm gonna add a little dance to it. - oh!
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- now let's see the pyramid going. - we have... [beep beep] [beep beep] [beep beep] - ok, what just happened? - i don't know, but i'm gonna find out. oh! look at this gadget. well, we all know what that means, right? wherever there's a gadget, there's manny spamboni. - all right! i admit it. i used my electronic word zapper to ruin the show. and i would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you, francine! - i had to, manny! i've changed. my dishonest days are over. i wanna help the electric company. and i hope that someday, if i deserve it, they will let me join them. - i thought i knew you. aah!
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- you don't know me. - um, francine? could we have a second? - yeah. - awesome. thank you. ok. all right. i have a plan. all right. - francine, um, we just wanna say that you have been so nice the last couple of days and obviously, an amazing volunteer. look at this place. so we would like to invite you to be a part of the electric company. - yes! - after 2 years. - 2 years? - we think that's just enough time for you to convince us. - you want me to wait 2 years? you want me to be nice for another 2 years? - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! wow, that plan really worked, francine.
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i knew you couldn't fool the electric company. - what plan? there was no plan. there was no plan, unless you had a plan. did you have a plan? yeah, dogfish. it was me. catfish kid, i have a-- ok, fine. it was me. do you know how hard it was to be that nice? and i made all those cupcakes-- ok, so i didn't make them, i bought them. but i lugged them over here, and you all ate them. that's right. you ate them, didn't you? and you liked them. and you licked your fingers. and i had to be nice to the electric company. i can throw word balls. - where do you think you're going? - um...offstage? - francine, you are going to park your dishonest little self in that chair over there and stay until the end of the show. i'm so very disappointed. you wanna know why?
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- yes, ms. feasle. - because i trusted you, francine. and you fooled me. that hurt my feelings. no one likes to have their feelings hurt. no one. - would it help if i apologized? francine, i think there's a lot of apologizing in your future. now, how about we get that word pyramid going again? [cheering] all right, back to action, y'all. - ♪ now, once upon a time not long ago ♪ ♪ when people read books and lived life slow ♪ ♪ there was a bossy letter by the name of "r" ♪ ♪ and anywhere she went, vowels acted bizarre ♪ ♪ she was sitting in the park with her friend letter "a" ♪ ♪ and when it got dark, this is what she'd say ♪ ♪ i think you need a brand new start ♪ ♪ you sound different in cat than you do in cart ♪ ♪ when we stick together, we can go so far ♪
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♪ as you go from "a" to "ar" ♪ ♪ letter "a" turned to say, i see ♪ ♪ wouldn't you rather be with your friend letter "e?" ♪ ♪ she acts so different when you're with her ♪ ♪ so instead of we, we get the way we were ♪ ♪ from "e" to "er," from "a" to "ar" ♪ ♪ then they turned around and guess who they saw ♪ ♪ "o" the vowel on a nearby towel ♪ ♪ with the round, little face and an angry scowl ♪ ♪ she said, "no, no. i can't take anymore" ♪ ♪ i sound so different than i did before ♪ ♪ i was "o" for show, now i sound like "or" ♪ ♪ please go away, you're such a bore ♪ - how's that for a bossy "r" word? - it was good. let's see what else you have.
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- rock stars. - there, there, snookums. - that's a loud baby. - oh, captain cluck. baby doesn't know about commas and quotes. - strange thing for a baby to be upset about, but have no fear, professor helen von chicken is here. [clucking] she said quotation marks tell you that somebody is saying something,
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and the comma tells you that they finished talking. - the comma goes inside the quote, baby. see? - yeah. that makes sense. - smart baby. - i'm special agent jack bowzer. huh, i love peanut butter, but not being stuck in it. it's about to explode, and i can't crack the code to get out. help me read this. - you know, for awhile there, i was convinced that francine had changed. - i wish you would had been right. it would have been nice to have a nice, new francine around. - ahem.
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i want to apologize for the mean and dishonest things i did at the big show for kids. now you have to tell ms. feasle that i apologized. please. - well, ms. feasle, although francine did apologize, it didn't seem like she really meant it. what do you guys think? - i was not convinced. - i was. - hi. you know, maybe you should try it again. - yeah. try putting a little more heart into "apologize." - heart? - ♪ yo, the time is now, the day is here ♪ ♪ the rhythm that you're feelin' ♪ ♪ the music in your ear ♪ the charge is electric, and all you got to do is ♪ - ♪ plug it in - ♪ ah, just - ♪ plug it in - ♪ that's what we do, we're the electric company ♪ ♪ inviting all of you to all the possibilities ♪ ♪ learning to write and learning to read ♪ ♪ havin' a good time while we plant the seeds ♪ ♪ and once you get it, you have to share it ♪ ♪ discovering your power - ♪ you own it, you wear it ♪ proud, and you shout it out loud! ♪
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- ♪ electric company - ♪ is in town which means we havegot a two words in one.e, we start with "h." then there is that "ai" combination, which we know makes the "a" sound. so,!! oh, have you seen my hairbrush? it's a little tangled up there. two brothers... all-right! who know a lot about creatures... t-devils have the strongest jaws of any mammal. and personal hygiene. yuck! watch wild kratts! on pbs kids go! or anytime at p-b-s kids go dot org. "the electric company" is brought to you by...
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find your voice and share it, american greetings, proud sponsor of "the electric company." agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. so if you don't go play games aand win points for me, i'll still be a winner... who's losing. so go to and win points for francine carruthers! that's me. well, what happened? he disappeared! (laughter) there'll be no stopping me! can fit in the tube! kids: yeah! yeah! kids: ♪ playing together is so much fun! ♪
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clifford's nose is stuck. girl: come on, he's going to need everybody's help. kids: ♪ let's push, let's push ♪ ♪ let's push, let's push ♪ ♪ let's work together. ♪ all: way to go, clifford! ( boy laughs ) ( laughing ): help! help! here we go again. kids: ♪ teamwork is so much fun! ♪ ( giggles )
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>> hey, scientists, it's me--sid. i want to know if the wind messed up my pile of leaves in the back yard, so my friends and i are gonna investigate all kinds of weather. come explore with me, "sid the science kid," coming up next. >> "sid the science kid" is made possible by... first 5 california is a proud sponsor of "sid the science kid." >> at boeing, we believe the best way to prepare children for success is by nurturing their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and letting the future of our children take flight.
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>> ...and by contributions to your pbs station from... >> hey, is this thing on? >> ♪ hey, sid, what do you say? what you want to learn today? ♪ >> ♪ i want to know why things happen and how and i want to know everything now--oh, yeah! how does this thing work? why does that stuff change? how does that do what it just did? hmm. what's up with the sky? do you think i could fly? the world is spinning and i want to know why i got a lot of questions and big ideas i'm sid the science kid ♪ [captioning made possible by the jim henson company and friends of nci] ha ha ha! i did it. ♪ i did it, i did it oh, yeah, i did it now i'm really tired but it was worth it i did it, did it, did oh, yeah ♪ hi. i'm sid. i'm really proud of myself because i raked up all the leaves in the back yard by myself. ha ha ha! come check them out.
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ah, i did a great job, didn't i? wh-what? who what now? [babbles] leaves. what happened to my leaves? oh, i know what happened. someone or something must have moved my pile of leaves all over the place. hmm--wha-cha! hah! was it you, dr. beaks? hmm, no? oops, sorry. ah... hey, maybe a dragon sneezed on my pile of leaves. hmm...ah...choo! [imitates explosion] hmm, nah. oh, maybe some other animal did it, hmm? who did it? who-- nah, none of you guys. hee hee hee! hmm, well, i have no idea, but i just got to know who messed up my pile of leaves.
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>> sid, breakfast time. >> oh, boy, breakfast. ha ha! ha ha! breakfast time! >> morning. >> hey, everybody, look outside. you're not gonna believe this, but somebody messed up my nice pile of leaves. >> oh, no. you worked really hard raking those leaves. >> i know. >> any idea what might've moved them? >> well, i thought about it, and i don't think a dragon sneezed and messed them up. >> no. there's not too many dragons in our back yard. >> yeah. oh, i got it. maybe a bunch of squirrels jumped in the leaves and threw them into the air, and they said, "ha ha! we're messing up sid's pile of leaves. blah, blah, blah, blah." >> you know, i think i know how your leaves got scattered all over the yard. >> why, you know who did it? >> well, i'm pretty sure the wind did it. >> what? the wind blew my pile
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of leaves? >> oh, yeah. the wind can blow pretty strong, sid. here. come on over here, and i'll show you what i mean. >> ok. >> all right. now, imagine that this ball is your pile of leaves, ok, and dad is gonna be the big, strong wind! >> ha ha ha! ok. >> all right. here we go. [inhales] [blows] oh. uh, counter must not be level. ok. here we go. [inhales] [blows] >> ha ha ha! >> well, alice, can you give me a little help, please? >> i'm on it. >> ok. ah...whew. [both inhale] [both blow] >> ha ha ha! >> hey! ha ha! >> cool. >> we did it. >> so, there you go. that is how the wind can move
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things, just like the leaves in the back yard. >> wow, i didn't know the wind could be that strong. well, after breakfast, i'm gonna investigate wind at school. ♪ i love my mom my mom is cool but now it's time for having fun at school, yeah ♪ >> ha ha ha! >> hi. >> mwah! >> ♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you there's gabriela ♪ >> ♪ watch what i can do ha ha! yeah! here we go. >> wow! ♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey, there's gerald ♪ >> yeah. check out my moves. ha ha ha! yeah! uh! uh!
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ha ha ha! i'm a dancing machine! >> cool. ♪ i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey, there's may ♪ >> may i show you how i groove? hee hee hee! whoo! >> cool. >> groovy. >> ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah >> ♪ we're looking for our friends we're looking for you hey, there's sid ♪ >> did you hear the one about the kid who wanted to know everything about everything? >> that's you. >> you got me. [laughter] >> ♪ da da da da da >> ♪ we're looking for our friends and look what we found we found each other friends ♪ [laughter] >> and now it's time for the sid survey. >> hello, i am sid, roving reporter, with today's survey, the question--have you ever seen
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the wind move something? and you can think about the wind moving things, too. ok. let's go get some answers. [hums] hi there, may. >> hi, sid. >> hey, i have a question. have you ever seen the wind move something? >> hmm. oh, i have. i was at the beach with my cousin ella, and she took out a tissue to blow her nose, and then, whoosh, the wind blew her tissue way into the air. >> wow. well, did she find the tissue? >> yep, and then she blew her nose. pbbt! >> ooh. >> ha ha ha! >> that's a great story. thanks, may. >> you're welcome. >> bye. >> bye. >> ooh, wow, gosh. hi, gerald. >> oh, sid, i drew a hippo. >> yeah. that's a really big hippo. >> yeah. his name is melvin, and he ate me. >> that is so cool. hey, i have a question.
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have you ever seen the wind move something? >> huh? oh, yeah. ok. i have seen the wind move something. >> really? what? >> my hair. the wind blows, and then it goes all over the place. >> ha ha ha! wow. now, that is cool. >> yeah. thank you. >> thank you, gerald. >> ok. bye. >> bye. [hums] hey there, gabriela. >> hello. >> hey, have you ever seen the wind move something? >> hmm. oh, yeah. one time, my daddy was reading a newspaper outside, and then the wind blew the paper all over our yard. he had to chase it everywhere. ha ha ha! "come back here, newspaper. oh, i got you. oh, no. you blew away again. come back here, newspaper." >> ha ha ha! thanks, gabriela. >> you're welcome. >> and now the results of my survey. may says she's seen the wind
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move a tissue. gabriela has seen the wind move a newspaper. >> "now you come back here, newspaper." >> ha ha ha! and gerald has seen the wind move his hair. maybe you've seen the wind move something, too. well, there you have it. i am sid, roving reporter and wind expert. >> everybody! rug time! >> ooh, that's teacher susie! >> ♪ it's rug time, come on in rug time, take a seat rug time ♪ >> ♪ we're ready ♪ >> ♪ everybody move your feet rug time ♪ >> ♪ teacher susie >> ♪ good times on the way rug time, come on in we've got a lot to learn today ♪ >> whoosh! i am the wind! here i come! ha ha ha! >> whoa! >> whoosh! whoosh! shoom-- >> oh, hey, wind, what happened? >> i stopped--ha ha!--oh, and here comes the wind again. whoosh! ha ha ha! watch out!
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>> yikes! >> ha ha ha! >> like a tornado. >> ha ha ha! >> shoom. >> ha ha ha! >> hey, awesome. >> wow, it's windy inside the classroom today. >> mm, yeah, and it was a windy night at my house. i raked up a pile of leaves, and then the wind blew them all over the the back yard. >> oh, no. that wasn't very nice of the wind. >> hmm, thanks, may. >> you're welcome. >> susie, what exactly is wind? >> good question, gabriela. when the air around us moves, it creates wind. >> but if wind is just air, can it really move big things like sid's pile of leaves? >> oh, that's another good question, and i have some pictures over here that will help answer that. >> oh. >> ok. well, the wind is a kind of weather, and sometimes there's a soft, light wind, and sometimes there's a big, strong wind that can move big things.
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>> ooh! >> wow! >> see? here's the wind blowing a sailboat across the water. >> cool. >> neat. >> yeah, and look. here's the wind blowing on the water. what is the wind making on the water? >> waves! >> right! waves. yeah, and look at this, these sand dunes. the wind actually moved the sand around, see? it formed hills with lines in the sand. >> wow, the wind can do amazing things. >> oh, you're right, may. hey, scientists, i think it's time for a special outside super fab lab so we can investigate the aming things the wind can do. >> yeah! >> all right. grab your journals. let's go. >> come on. let's go make some wind. yay! >> yeah. >> i love going outside. >> it's the super fab lab... >> outside! yeah!
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>> whoo! >> investigate, explore, discover! ah! >> whoosh! whoosh! >> ah, ok, scientists. today we are the wind. >> cool! >> we're going to be the weather? >> well, sort of. i'm going to fill up this water table. then you can put these paper boats into the water and try blowing them to the other side. >> oh! oh, yeah, just like the wind blowing a real sailboat. >> exactly, gerald. >> oh, and then we can blow on the water to make our own waves. >> well, that's exactly what i had in mind. >> ooh, and maybe we can blow on the sand in the sandbox to make sand dunes. >> very good, sid. you guessed the next part of the activity, and to help you make the lines in the sand, you can use these straws to blow
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through, all right? i think you're all ready to become windy weather, so go for it. >> yeah! >> ok. >> hey, you're a scientist. you can try this, too. >> let's explore how wind moves things and changes our surroundings. blow into this tub of water to make some waves. now take some paper boats and put them into the water. hey, you're making windy weather. just like in a real ocean, the wind is making the boats move. for the next part of our wind investigation, try making sand dunes by blowing on sand through a straw. wow, you're creating lots of wind and moving lots of sand. look at that. you made a little mountain out
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of sand. what else can wind do to the sand? try working as a team to create even more wind. you just made a valley in the middle of the sand. you're just like windy weather, moving sand and changing your surroundings. now make some observations in your journals. you can draw pictures of the different ways you created wind to make waves, move boats, and make sand dunes. all right, scientists. i can't wait to see what kind of observations you made when you became the wind. >> ha ha ha! >> gerald, may we take a look at your journal? >> yeah, ok. ok. look. here's the water before we blew
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on it, and then i took a deep breath, and i went, "whoosh! whoosh!" and then, ok, see, look what it did to the water. it made these big waves, just like the real waves in the ocean. >> you're right, gerald. so, what do you all think happens to the waves in the ocean on a really, really windy day? >> oh, well, then the waves, they get really, really big. >> very good, gerald. ok. >> may we see your journal, sid? >> ok. when i blew into he straw a little bit, the sand didn't really move, but when i blew a lot, i made a little hill of sand, and look. i even made some lines, just like on that sand dune. >> you sure did, and now you know how real sand dunes are formed. >> by wind. >> lots and lots of wind. >> exactly. wow, i'm very impressed with my wind experts. i think it's time to play with
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all your windy new ideas. >> yay! >> all right. come on. >> let's go, wind buddies. >> it's time for... >> "good laughternoon!" ha ha! >> hey, gerald... >> yes, gabriela? >> what does the wind do on its birthday? >> i don't know. what? >> it blows out the candles. >> ha ha ha! >> hey, gabriela... >> yes? >> how do you make sure your hat doesn't blow away on a windy day? >> i don't know. how? >> you don't wear a hat. >> ha ha ha! >> sid! >> gerald! >> hey, what do you call a cow that cuts the grass? >> hmm, i don't know. what? >> a lawn moo-er. >> boy, that was really funny, but we're kind of telling jokes about the wind. >> oh. right. well, ok. let me try again.
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what do you call a cow that cuts the grass on a windy day? >> i don't know. what? >> a windy lawn moo-er. >> ha ha ha! >> now, that's mooey. [moo] >> ok. let's play pretend. >> ok. >> we are all sailors... >> ahoy. >> ok. >> and we're on this big sailboat on the ocean, and i am the captain. >> aye, aye, captain gabriela. >> oh, what a nice day. the water is nice and calm because there is no wind. >> ahh. >> ok. now it's windy. >> yeah! jeepers! ok. now the wind has stopped. >> ahh. hmm-- now it's windy again! whoa! >> the wind has stopped. >> ahh. >> whew. ok more wind.
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yaah! there's so much wind, it's making super huge waves. >> what should we do, gab? >> oh, i'm falling overboard. >> oh, no! >> whoo! >> too...much...wind. aah! sploosh! >> i can't hold on. abandon ship! splash! >> yes! the sailboat is all mine. ha ha! ah, i love the ocean. >> more wind! >> whoa! no! waah! >> and now... >> it's time... >> for susie... >> to sing. >> go, susie! >> oh, wow, that's some windy weather. hey, did you know that people have been using the power of wind to do amazing things for a long, long time? >> wow. >> oh, yeah.
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♪ i am the wind, i'm in the air my gentle breeze blows here and there through every corner of the sky i am the wind, you hear my song i bend the trees leaves sing along i lift up kites that's how they fly i push the waves up on the shore carve mountains from the valley floor feel my power when i'm strong the weather calls me many names i am the storm and driving rain a cyclone, typhoon, hurricane i turn the windmill for all to see turn to electricity you can use my energy capture me, i'll still be free and i will shake and drum and ring howl and moan and hum and sing
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through summer, autumn winter, spring i am the wind i am the wind ♪ >> yay! >> oh, susie, i love that song. the wind is so gentle. >> but it can also turn windmills and make electricity. whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... >> whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. >> wow, i'm impressed with all my wind scientists. hey, it's time to go home, so let's pretend like there's a big gust of wind and it's blowing us out the door. ready? here we go. whoosh! ooh! whoa, i'm being blown by the wind. >> now, where's my sid? >> oh, right here, grandma. >> ooh! ha ha ha! oh...
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>> mm-mm! >> now, okey-doke. let's roll. >> let's roll! [both humming] >> ♪ backseat driving with grandma ♪ >> so, how was your day, kiddo? >> today we learned all about the wind. it can blow really soft or really strong. it can move sailboats and make waves and even sand dunes. >> oh, yeah, it can. i know all about the wind. when i was a little girl, one of my favorite hobbies was to go outside on a windy day with my pinwheel. i'd hold it up high and let the wind spin the wheel, and now the wind helps me do one of my favorite activities--hang-gliding. that's right. i strap on my helmet, grab onto
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my glider, wait for a strong gust of wind, and then i soar up into the air like a bird. oh, yeah. the wind in my face feels good. oh, i just love to fly in the sky with the wind. >> wow, that is awesome, grandma. you go hang-gliding. >> mm-hmm. i do love adventure. ha ha ha! >> ha ha ha! wow! i have the most amazing, coolest hang-gliding grandma ever. ♪ i learned something cool something cool today i know it upside down and inside out i learned all about... ♪ >> ha ha ha! >> ♪ wind whoa! >> whoo-hoo! >> ha ha! scientist in the house. yeah. [canned applause] ok, mom. i will. >> huh? ooh! >> [humming] whoa! what--
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wait a second. who raked up all the leaves? >> i did! ha ha! i know how hard you worked to rake them up, so i thought i'd help you out. >> wow, thanks, dad. >> ah, you bet. >> hey, today in school, i learned that the wind can do all kinds of things. it can make sand dunes and waves, and it definitely blew my pile of leaves all over the yard. >> wow, you learned a lot today. >> yep. >> so, do you think there are any dragons out there sneezing in the leaves? >> ha ha! no way, dad. >> well, i'm not so sure. >> what? >> close your eyes. >> oh, ok. they're closed >> ok. now, no peeking. >> what--did you find a dragon out here? >> oh, you'll see. >> ha ha! cool. >> and...all right, right there. >> all right. >> now just put your hand out... >> ok. >> and open your eyes. ♪ ta-da
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>> wow! a dragon kite, and it's floating around in the wind. ah, thanks, dad. >> eh, you're welcome, buddy. >> this is cool. >> hey, dragon, let me hear you roar. >> raar! ah, the wind is moving me around the sky. raar! >> hey, dragon, don't you sneeze on sid's leaves. >> raar! i won't. oh, oh... ah-ch--i was just kidding. >> ha ha ha! >> ahh, so today i learned that wind can do lots of amazing things. it can make waves or move big things, and it can even help make electricity with a windmill. so, if the wind can do all those things, i wonder what else it can do? hmm... ok. i've got it. here's my super-duper-ooper-schmooper big idea. i'm gonna invent the wonder wind tool. it looks like a giant-sized windmill, but it's even better.
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need to paint a house? just attach a paintbrush to the end of each blade, and when the wind blows, the blades spin and dip into a big bucket of paint. having a big ice cream party for 100 people? just attach giant ice cream scoopers to the end of each blade, and when the wind blows, the blades spin, and the scoopers dip into buckets of ice cream. shooweek! plop! and what if mud splatters all over the side of a huge skyscraper? just attach big sponges, and when the wind blows--shhwik! ♪ ta-da all clean. wow, the wonder wind tool is amazing, and that's my super-duper-ooper-schmooper big idea. [canned applause] uh-oh, big gust of wind coming through. watch out, dr. beaks. whoa! oh, no! pshh! whoo! a twister! yike! whoa! [panting] ahh. ha ha! safe. heh heh heh. hey, on the next windy day, you
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can go outside and watch the wind move a kite or a paper airplane or even your hair. i know i will because i am sid the science kid. remember, keep asking lots and lots of questions. see you later, scientists. oh, no! more wind! yaah! whoosh! it's blowing so hard! ahh. ahh. [snoring] >> wow! >> oh, hi. we're just checking out our web site. you can explore with us. >> yeah, that's a great idea. come join us. visit there's a lot of great information for grownups, too. >> i think we look pretty good on the computer. >> yeah. >> observe, compare, contrast. ah! >> hey, i know how to observe, compare, and contrast, and i bet you do, too.
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observe--that's when you look really closely at something and listen to it, maybe even smell it and feel it. compare--that's when you look at two things and think about how they're the same. contrast--that's when you observe things and think about what's different about them. be sure to check out another episode full of amazing science. my friends and i will explore the weather around us and discover the amazing things our bodies can do. see you next time on "sid the science kid." [captioning made possible by the jim henson company and friends of nci] [captioned by the national captioning institute]
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>> "sid the science kid" is made possible by... first 5 california. first 5 california is a proud sponsor of "sid the science kid." >> at boeing, we believe the best way to prepare children for success is by nurturing their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and letting the future of our children take flight. and by contributions to your pbs station from...
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