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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  November 6, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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more on a promising student
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murdered, how other students are now on edge. thank you for being with us. a college town in mourning after a student is stabbed to death at an off-campus murder. we have more on the investigation into the death and the reaction from the class mates. >> it is heartbreaking to the students that graduated from high school with her. she was killed at a fight at a late-night college party. >> the look on their faces, they were at the vigil to remember their class mate. >> you don't expect this to be this close to you, it is scary, especially when you know the person. she was bleeding, on the ground in front of a house in front of the school.
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she was inside the house with others when the argument broke out and the 23-year-old woman pulls out a knife and murdered her class mate. >> it was not a random act and we still consider this to be a safe community. >> the grief counselors where she worked as an assistant, she was a member of two singing groups and a friend to this student. >> it was a difficult time for all of us. >> this after a football player died in september after he was hurt in practice and the december death of two students trapped in a fire and the murder of another student shot to death by another student, also at an off-campus house.
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>> when someone passes away from our excuse me, it is closer and closer to someone i know. >> the suspect is being held on first-and second-degree murder charges and there will be a memorial here on the 26th. on our 11:00 news tomorrow night, more on a congressman that was touched by this type of tragedy. a violent weekend in baltimore, a triple shooting on the north side. three men with gunshot wounds this morning, all three were taken to the hospital with non- life threatening injuries and there is an investigation into two other shootings in the city in the last day and a half.
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amount pizza par lar -- parlor that burned, this is a look at the scene. no one was hurt and now they are looking into the cause of the blaze. a baltimore journalist that turned baltimore freedom fighter in libya spoke with us. >> i thought i might not get out for 30 years or ever. >> he was heading there to document the arising against moammar gadhafi, but he said he really went to join in the filet and he is talking about training for the next middle east revolution. a growing scandal, a football coach said to have sexually assaulted several young boys. two high-level university officials that are charged with
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trying to cover it up. >> the coordinator out on bail, said to have sexually assaulted young boys over the years. >> he is very upset and distraught about the charges and allegations. >> he coached here 30 years before he retired in 1999 and he is charged with the assault at the school. the grand jury said that he had access to vulnerable children because of a charity he founded. this is a case of a sexual predator that used his place in the community and school to prey on young boys continually. the grand jury is looking into a cover up. one student said he saw the
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coach assaulting a 10-year-old boy in the shower and he passed that onto two other school employees and they said they passed it onto higher ups, they said that they did nothing wrong and will turn themselves in tomorrow. a statement was released sunday, shock and saddened. he is not facing criminal charges, the coach has been banned from the campus. herman cain is sparring with reporters over the claims of sexual harassment of three womens in the 90s. >> mr. cain, as for a woman that filed a complaint against
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you? >> don't even go there? >> can i ask my question? >> no. >> that is after a debate between cain and mitt romney. he denied the claims and he is wanting to pus that issue behind him. the jury deliberating will continue tomorrow in the indictments against the senator from baltimore. he is said to have taken money to benefit the grocery store chain. he could spend 30 years in prison if convicted. there is a sense we are taking two steps forward and three steps back and for every job created, one job is being eliminated in the public sector. the president is on the side of
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creating job. >> the national unemployment rate could have dropped more if the job creation was more effective. the port of baltimore has done it again, the number of passengers leaving the city hit an all-time high. why? >> this couple are enjoying a good cruise. >> we love it because it is all right there. they take us and we go to different places and we don't have to unpack gets that type of convenience is causing a boom here and last month, the port became the 5th busiest cruise terminal on the east coast. the port spokesperson said that baltimore is in good company. >> the others in the top five with us are the best. fort lauderdale, new york.
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>> i 95 is said to be one reason yit is so close and access able in the mid-west. that is the reason this couple picked it. they came from north carolina. >> easy access? >> yes. >> the port is expecting more passengers to discover baltimore, one of the large e cruise lines has a five-year deal to keep the lines leaving this harbor. >> it is providing 200 jobs at the port and millions into the state. the orioles has said that they have a new general manager.
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the former major league executive has replaced the last manager after resignation. more on the record-setting earthquake that rattled oklahoma. a look at the damage from the powerful tremors. and the teen idol that is firing back after a woman said he fatherd a child. more on a class project that has parents in new mexico up in arms. we are looking at warmer air moving our way. more on that coming up on eyewitness news. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. it is 40-degrees and clear. more on that in a home. more warnings as storms and rain continues to cause problems around the country. this is italy's longest river, it is causing thousands to be evacuated and six people have died. they said that if local officials had closed down the roads before the storm, they
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could have been saved. more on that earthquake that rocked oklahoma. >> it is calming down, another quake has hit. i hear the lights rattling here. >> saturday night, oklahoma had its second earthquake in less than 24 hours. this was the largest ever. hours earlier, the same was hit with a quake with over 30 aftershocks. the crews are looking at the road damage. a third person has died a month after a helicopter plunged in the east river. a 6-year-old died of come employ occasions from breathing. the pilot lost control after taking off. the husband and pilot survived. the teen sensation that
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will take a dna test to show he is not a father. he said he never even met this 21-year-old that said that he was the father of her 3-month- old child after a concert. he is in europe and cannot take the test until he gets back. the lawyers are planning to sue the mother if he is not the dad. a sex survey is landing a a teacher in hot water. it is a survey to keep freshman anonymous and teaching them about disease and infection. it had to say who they kissed and if they were sexually active and what they did. after finding out about the survey, the parents were outraged. >> i think that they are at fault because they are not involved with what the teachers are doing.
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>> the biology teacher is on leave and the district is investigating. remember andy rooney tonight, the show replayd much of his last appearance and an interview, he talked about his long stay at "60 minutes "and being in world war ii. >> if i could do my life over again and i would be on television and i would be on "60 minutes "every week and i would do a piece, write it and speak it. over a thousand people in connecticut don't have power after over a week. that after the snow from that usual snow storm and the power company hoping to restore 99%
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of those effected, but that goal is far from being met and now there is an investigation into the power company's response. it is how they predicted weather since 1818 and now millions read the farmer's almanac and how about this year? >> it is a tradition since in 1800s. >> it is the lover of learning and it started with ben franklin and david young and was passed on. >> developed by david young, it has evolved as a guide to good living with a hint of fun. for those that follow, it is that source on the seasonal trend in weather. >> as he started the almanac, he found it was key for the farmers and he developed a formula to apply to plants and positions and how the moon is effecting the earth and he
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projected the weather two years in advance -- there is the maryland snow storm, the early rainfall, it has been right. >> we are about 75 to 85% accurate and with the 2012 in circulation? >> i think that baltimore will have a very wet winter, not the snow, but rain and a lot of precipitation and the mild and cold type of weather back and forth. >> we will have to wait and see. we will see and the farmer's almanac is only present in the united states and canada and they said that the humor will lose its translation in other languages. >> where is the humor? >> what is your prediction? >> i don't have one.
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it is a trend that people are watching, they heard about el nino and there is the larger things that combine. we will talk about that, but how about something a bit deeper? >> no, thank you. when it comes together if we will snow or not, i have heard that people want the snow this year. >> i could go for the snow. we like it here! >> not all the time! it was beautiful out there today. what a great afternoon. it started out at 30 and we are starting to drop with the sun down and it is 40s and a few 30s out there. a light wind, the clear skies, the temperatures will continue to drop.
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tonight, we think we will see the fog forming over night and that will carry over to the morning hours and then the sunshine will return and look at where the air is coming from. there is the warmer air down to the southwest. nothing extreme, but the high pressure is in control and we have a light wind, we will draw some of that our way. with the sunshine, the milder air is returning and we will look at the numbers that are above average tomorrow and tuesday and wednesday afternoon. coming together like this, it is a storm over the west, one to the offshore area, one in the middle here and the dry conditions for us tonight and tomorrow and the next few days. in the middle of the week, it will change. the first storm went off to the north and it goes by us and then some clouds our way and the chance of rain on wednesday night and into thursday before it gets out of here later in the week and it will take the mild air with it. the light winds once more, that
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is what we have to point out. we are going to 34 tonight and then back up to 60, 62 here. we will see more clouds coming in and the chance of rain on wednesday night and thursday and cooling down on friday. >> you know your stuff and some big words. check in in the morning for the first weather forecast. more on the ,,,,,,
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player around with the steelers. that after the touchdown on the first play. it was called back because of a questionable hold on a rookie receiver. here is the score now, on the board ! moments ago, a fumble led to a steeler's touchdown and that is where it stands, $3.30 left in the game. else where today, watch out, this could wind up in your lap. this is with holmes, audio big hit,. the rookie for buffalo, here is a look at the season opener, the buffalo action, then losing a fumble, all over that on the recovery. in the end, buffalo and the
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bills 27-11. the quarterback here finding the open window to strike gold. moving onto houston, our national bird, the eagle, that is back to ground level, foster, 123-yards and that touchdown run, 30-12, the texans win it! in nascar competition, reminds me of elton john and rocket man, in fort worth, a tire casing flying and it was ran over. jeff burton ran out of gas and stewart in the 14th car to pass
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him and win the race. from the world of golf, in the championship with 20 under on the board. hockey action, hurricane, back into the pass. dallas won it five-two in the only meeting between both this season. time is running out on the ravens, they are battling for first place, but they will be in seattle next week and we will have high lights before the sun is up with our morning team. >> in a few minutes, anything could happen! >> right! still to come, the post baseball career of jose can and more coming up
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