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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  October 15, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ we're the kids in america
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♪ oh, oh, oh this is wjz tv. >> from the city, to the counties to your neighborhood. now, it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. fed up and fighting back from wall street to baltimore, protestors take over cities. >> we're not going to take it. >> the message they're sending tonight. >> good evening. global protests, the occupy wall street movement goes worldwide. demonstrators took to the cities and streets all across the country including here in baltimore.
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protestors are camping out tonight. >> adam, we were here for day one of occupy baltimore and there are dozens more people here right now. they don't plan on going any where any time soon. shouting capitollism has got to go. hundreds stormed buildings in downtown baltimore. >> the rules are made up, they don't have to play by the same rules. >> saturday was named a day of action, part of the national movement that started in new york city nearly a month ago. protestors calling themselves the 99% remain upset among social inequality and corporate greed. he worries his children won't be able to have a college education. >> it's all here. but we have to figure out how to stop what that corporate governmental thing and think about them, the future. >> and here, the main site of
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occupy baltimore t movement is clearly gaining strength with new protestors joining in every day. >> we see more and more people finally waking up to the fact that what's going on is ridiculous and unfair and just immorale. >> in the nation's capitol, people headed to a bank of america branch angry over new debit card frees. there were similar protests all day from boston to arkansas, to oregon and back in manhattans thousands marched more than 40 blocks. >> if we can't have a say here, where are we going to go? they could come to baltimore where occupies plan to camp out indefinitely. >> the protests have been peaceful but in new york today there were small clashes between police officers and protestors about 70 people were
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arrested up there. wjz eyewitness news. >> i can see people out there tonight. demonstrators are rallying in cities across asia and europe but some of them aren't so peaceful. >> angry italians filled the streets of rome and protests turned violent. some torched cars and smashed bank windows and riot police used tear gas to keep control. but thousand of others rally peacefully. demonstrator's cross europe joined the u.s. occupy movement in a day of global protest. they marched against government budget cuts and corporate greed. he said people are suffering from the power of banks. in greece, people vented more of the financial furry they felt for month as the cash
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strapped country fueled europe's debt crisis and promised the website would launch a campaign against the institution. >> police stood guard where organizers were hoping for tens of thousands or protestors but the number were much smaller. demonstrators wanted to occupy the london stock exchange but police held them back. they are hoping for nonviolent demonstrations in more than 900 cities around the world in days end. protestors in tokyo had the same message. >> we need a system that prioritized the people. >> most of the days protest were peaceful but the larger the country's debt, the louder the crowd. and financial chiefs from a group of 20 developing nations have been meeting in paris this weekend, promising to make sure the monetary fund has the
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resources to help stabilize the global economy. the manhunt continues for a missing 11 year old boy. he was discovered missing wednesday when his mother's body was found inside their home. police say that jane was stabbed and beaten to death. her husband was arrested for her murder thursday down in north carolina. tonight, he remains missing and is described as a light skinned african american child about 5 feet tall weighing 85 pounds. if will are any signs of him, you are urged to call police. >> baltimore police are trying to solve two murderers tonight. the first happened around 8:00 in the evening at east 29th street. responding to a call for gun fire police discovered a man suffering from multiment gunshot wounds. the victim hasn't been identified yesterday. a man was also found stabbed to death.
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detectives are asking anyone for information on either murder to contact them. >> schools are on the chopping block. a new plan includes closing at least a dozen schools over the next two years. according to our media partners at the sun, the schools targeted have low student enrollment. the mayor hopes the schools can stay open if the american jobs act would pass. >> i'm encouraged by the obama administration's job bill. it means a lot of money we need for school reconstruction. i'm certainly an advocate, supportive of the jobs act. i know it means a lot. >> through the bill maryland could receive more than $300 million to rebuild and upgrade schools and classrooms. that bill recently died in the u.s. senate. >> coming up, u.s. troops will pull out of iraq on schedule. they will leave in january that
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will end the war. it ends months of negotiating on whether to stick to the deadline or negotiate a new agreement with iraq leaders. a group of soldiers are just back from afghanistan. their official welcome home ceremony began today. >> we are home. >> men and women of the army's 313th movement have finally made it home. >> been gone 13 moss and 15 days. >> all of it spent in afghanistan heading up logistic operations. the to do lists are long. >> going to spend time with my wife and daughter and brother. >> i'm going to go to the hairdresser. >> but first there's an official welcome home ceremony to attend. even the family pets tag along. >> they're home and it's going
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to be so excited. >> they missed much while they were away. >> i was pregnant and had him and he had to go back. >> now he is 8 months old and her husband will have time to make up. >> we're going to go to the pumpkin patch with our little boy and take a little weekend trip next week to new york city and do a little bit of that. >> nice to see them rather than just talk to them or get an e- mail from them. >> they have 42 members all together and some of them missed today's ceremony but that's okay because the army gives them the option to go home instead. and the soldier spent a few days in new jersey before the final spot here in maryland. hundreds hits the streets in washington d.c. highlighting the need for jobs in the u.s.
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marchers chanted for jobs and justice and carried banners for labor unions. they're trying to rally support for president obama's jobs bill that stalled in the u.s. senate. >> well, work is underway in d.c. for sunday's dedication of the martin luther king jr. memorial. workers lined up the chairs and plugged in the sound system and set up the stage. the president will speak to about 700 guests including king's family members and civil rights leaders. the rest will watch on tv screens about 100-yard'sway from the memorial. >> this is just something we will never ever forget. >> went by the memorial. it is beautiful. the ceremony was supposed to take place in august but it was postponed after irene swept through the region.
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well, still to come on eyewitness news tonight. we need an ambulance. >> calls for help. hear the frantic 911 calls from the california saloon shooting spree. a baby disappears from the crib. who she was spending time with moments earlier. >> kicked off for crying. a mother fights back after her a bus driver kicks her and her baby to the curb. >> the baltimore marathon at one of the hardest spots in the race, the people of baltimore are giving back. how they're doing it when eyewitness news continues. >> after a gorgeous start to the weekend weather wise, we'll let you know what to expect in the rest of it coming up after the break ,,,,
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61 and clear in central maryland right now. getting ready to play the texans tomorrow. the forecast is coming up in just a moment but first, inside the horror, police release the 911 call moments after the saloon massacre in california. >> hey, we got some shootings over here. >> okay, where. >> the saloon, on 5th street, we need an ambulance. >> who is shot?
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>> some people in the salon here. >> that was over in just a couple of minutes. leaving 8 people dead and witnesses testified. the suspect was targeting his ex-wife over a bitter child custody battle. he could now face the death penalty. >> it has been 12 days since baby lisa erwin disappeared. fbi search teams are look near wooded areas for any signs of baby lisa. the family hired a private investigator but they're not talk to the local media. some of the local journalists there have been releasing false information. >> sometimes things can get spun. as we all know, we all heard about that guy in the video, it was the boyfriend, it was the lover, it was the brother. >> lisa's parents are holding out hope this little child will
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come home safely. >> surveillance video captures a bus driver kicking a woman and her baby off a bus. he went to the back of the bus and told the mother she had to get off the bus because her child wouldn't stop crying. well, the woman says there's nothing she could do because her child was just tired. he was forced to get off the bus and other passengers followed because they thought the demands were unfair. >> did they give you anything. >> no. >> a bus pass? >> yes, for one day. >> the bus company says the driver was disciplined but not fired. the woman says she will not be happy until she gets an apology. >> three burglars are busted when they accidentally call 911 themselves and lead the police right to them. >> all we got to do is get the
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rest of them -- [indiscernable] >> the dispatcher quickly tracked the cell phone signal. officers say they caught the three robbers in a pick up truck filled with stole enmet -- stolen metal. >> it's the largest base jumping extreme sports event in the world kick off today in west virginia. check it out. i'll pass. more than 450 base jumpers from 10 different countries and 40 states are leaping from the bridge, nearly 900 feet in the air. all right. they got parachutes, maybe it's not that bad. it's held every october since 1980. 200,000 spectators attend. well, for the 11th time 25,000 runners chris crossed
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the street of baltimore and mike reports that city residents came through when the runners in the baltimore marathon needed it the most. another year, another great day to run the baltimore marathon. 25,000 signed up for the 5 different races. everyone had something to prove so long after the front runners finished, the bulk of the pack was hours behind and by mile 23, for many, their spirit to prove anything was waning. >> this is a picture of my sun running in his first half marathon. >> but others cheer on everyone they don't. >> awesome. >> any day of the week. >> they're part of a unique running club. >> beer in a marathon. >> i'll never pass up a free
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beer. >> he gives thousands of inspirational serenade. he'll be here for quite awhile. >> i know these people need motivation. >> why are they showing love to the runners here? >> i'm at the top of the hill so they need that boost. >> and then there are the crowd faces. nate and his girlfriend want everyone, tired from climbing the hill, to get the eye of the tiger from him. >> we got a great run this year. you can always tell they're ready to start running again. they got the eye. >> but does it all work? >> yes, yes it does. wjz eyewitness news. >> what a great inspiration to keep running. well, the winning runner of kenya finished the 26.4-mile race in 2 hours and 14 minutes. the final finishers crossed the
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line 7 hours after they started. whether it's 2 hours or 7 hours you finish it and see the eye of the tiger at the end of the race. >> i love the depiction of it. you don't always see that part. >> a lot of here at the station ran the 5 k or half marathon. a couple of them did enjoy a cold beer afterwards. >> you need to celebrate that. >> it's so good to have you back. >> thank you. good to see everybody again. >> so what a great like fall typical weekend we're having. >> amazing. you were at the pumpkin patch today, a lot of people were out. this is the kind of day you want to embrace anything outdoors. lots of sunshine. above the average of 67 and tomorrow right back up there again. now, at this hour, we're coming in around 61 degrees here in baltimore. the dew points are way down into the 30s. because of that, as the wind dice down, the temperatures are going to drop back down into the 40s this time.
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the winds have come down from where they were earlier. we did have wind advisories in effect for western part of the state put still up to 20 miles per hour in cumberland and oakland, but way down from earlier today. 8 miles per hour in baltimore. we were over 20 miles per hour for a lot of the afternoon. here's this storm off to the north producing all the winds. it is going to leave us but there's another one behind it that's going to follow. it's not a big storm. it doesn't have a lot to it but it's going to pass by tomorrow night into monday and drag some clouds through, maybe a shower out west but that's about it. it gets out of here on monday. behind it, though, there's another storm that's going to follow. this one down to the south has a lot more moisture with it. it will move our way tuesday into wednesday. a little bit of rain is possible tuesday, more rain tuesday night into wednesday with that storm system and
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we'll knock our temperatures down once again. advisories in effect for a few more hours here but the winds have come down substantially. going down to 45 degrees and then tomorrow, go up to 70 for our high, sunshine high clouds out there. really nice day for the game or anything outside tomorrow. on monday, that front gets out of here. by tuesday, a little bit of rain around here but that comes through tuesday night into wednesday. even though it leaves us on thursday, a few showers are possible. back down to 62 for our high or th,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪ big lead today. >> oh, so close yet so far
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away. maryland football has the unintimidated, unranked terps on the road. they were tenacious, especially on special teams. kick return watkins, fumble, terps recover. watch david burst through for a touchdown and they go ahead 21- 10. later brown taking off down the far sidelines. he had 162-yards rushing and 3 scoring passes. 177-yards in the air. he was starting over o'brien before game time. up 28-17 at the half but oh the final score undefeated are now 7-0. rallying from 18 down and they win the game. they win it big. by the final of 56-45.
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here's navy in new jersey today. a field goal blocked. they win it 21-20. in austin texas today, against the university of texas, the ball on their own 1. drops back out of the end zone. that's a safety -- he threw it away for what he thought was an interception. no interception there. oak state now 6-0. we have a profootball reminder on this saturday evening. we've got the next best thing to being at tomorrow's match up, all of the game action starting at 4:00 p.m. on to the premiere league soccer action of the night, 80th minute, manchester united husband hernandez pulls it up to 1 a piece against liverpool. a chance to break the tie but
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denied. the game ends in a 1-1 tie. and not far away, from our nation's capitol tonight, marcus wrap around goal, caps 2- 0. third period leading 2-1. 33 saves. win 2-1. their record unblemished. they are 4-0. but there's a lot of season left. >> good start though,. >> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> elephants are digging into pumpkins at the zoo. the pair delighted the crowd at the 27th annual boo at the zoo event. that sounds familiar because the baltimore zoo has ,,,,,, [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package.
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