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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 11, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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ack back to work, president obama presses his jobs plan as the senate gets ready for a key vote. terror on trial, opening statements set to begin in the case of the alleged underwear bomber. and a crash course in wildlife. a biker in africa gets blindsided by an angry antelope. this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, october 11th, this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, october 11th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. this is a big day for president obama's plan to cut down unemployment. he heads to pittsburgh to push his plan while the senate is
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taking a test vote on its $447 billion jobs bill. susan mcginnis is in washington with all the details on this. good morning, susan. >> reporter: good morning, betty. the president has been on a crusade to pass this jobs plan, promising it's going to bring down unemployment by a full point and add 1.5 million jobs. all that effort may not be enough to get it to pass this test vote. >> what do you want? >> more jobs. >> when do you want it? >> now. >> reporter: protesters stood along a crumbling bring in downtown los angeles demanding congress pass president obama's jobs plan. >> my dad is unemployed, my brother is unemployed, my sister is unemployed. >> reporter: demonstrating into the night, they called on lawmakers to put america back to work, rebuilding the nation's roads and bridges. >> people are losing their homes and we need jobs. >> reporter: today, the senate holds a vote, a key early td test to decide whether to move the bill forward.
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democrats need 60 votes to beat a republican filibuster. >> this is not a time to squabble. it's a time to get together and pass the jobs bill. >> reporter: but some democrats say they won't vote for the measure because of a proposed tax increase on millionaires. republicans are against any tax increases and what they call jobs killing spending measures. >> this bill is the same wasteful spending, the same burdensome union giveaways and the same temporary tax policy that has failed the american people in the last two years. >> if the republicans in congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it. >> reporter: later this morning, the president heads to pittsburgh to urge americans to keep the pressure on lawmakers. he'll visit a union training center before meeting with his jobs council. some of the recommendations of this jobs council are liberalizing immigration, making the tax system more business friendly and, of course, infrastructure, betty, improving the nation's roads and bridges. >> susan mcginnis live for us in washington, susan, thank you. the economy is scheduled to be the sole topic at tonight's
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republican presidential debate in new hampshire. the debate is considered critical for texas governor rick perry whose stock has been dropping among republican voters. a just released washington post/bloomberg poll asked which candidate koo would do the most to improve the economy? 22% said mitt romney closely followed by herman cain. perry finished third with 12%. the trial of the alleged underwear bomber begins today in detroit. umar farouk abdul mutallab is charged with a plot to blow up a detroit airliner with a bomb planted in his underwear on christmas day 2009. he's charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism and attempted murder. >> we will certainly hear about the way he tried to evade security, the way that he obviously tried to hide the explosives in his underwear and the training that he received around this. >> the government said abdul mutallab told the fbi he was
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working for al qaeda and was directed by an american-born cleric recently killed in yemen. hurricane jova is expected to slam into mexico's pacific coast sometime today. tourists are leaving some popular tourist cities. jova is a powerful storm with sustained winds at 120 miles per hour. jova is moving towards the northeast and is expected to make landfall as major hurricane near manzanillo. in new zealand, bad weather hampering efforts to remove fuel oil from a grounded cargo ship. the 775-foot container ship got hung up on a reef off northern new zealand last week and has been leaking oil ever since. now, clumps of the heavy fuel oil are washing up on a nearby beach that's popular to surfers. there are concerns the stranded ship could break apart. get you to the bottom of the atlantic ocean where a deep see exploration company says it found a spanish cargo ship sunk during world war i carrying
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british silver worth up to $19 million. it is the second silver bearing ship found by the same florida salvage company in the north atlantic this year. as we've been reporting, the occupy wall street protests have expanded nationwide. and early this morning, police in boston arrested scores of demonstrators and video was posted on the web. police warn the crowd of about 1,000 to disburse. in the end, about 100 were arrested. no injuries are reported. here in new york this afternoon, hundreds of occupy wall street protesters plan to march uptown. they plan to demonstrate outside the homes of some of new york's wealthiest residents, like media tycoon rupert murdoch and jamie diamond, ceo of jp morgan chase. some argue as the movement grows nationwide, its lack of focus becomes a growing problem. randall has that part of the
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story. ♪ i'm going to let it shine >> reporter: occupy wall street has in its ranks both the young and the old, near and far. protests have spread to 67 cities and 33 states. what the movement has gained in momentum, it lacks in focus. >> we do not need a unified message. >> reporter: some protesters like buddy bolton want a job. others like sparl kennedy want a higher tax on the top 1% of earners. >> let's use a little of this wealth to give people the basic necessity, food, clothing and shelter. >> reporter: that idea has gained support from some with extra money to give, like mogul russell simmons. >> i'm happy to pay more taxes. all these people are here because they want a more community effort from this country. >> reporter: the message was echoed on a banner over the river. protesters there marched by the thousands, some performing a human pyramid. >> new york's mayor michael bloomberg says protesters here can stan indefinitely just as
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long as they obey the law. >> reporter: some critics say the protesters should shift their anger. >> they're saying corporate greed. i think it should be focused more on the banking sector. >> reporter: some protesters acknowledge the movement's growing pains, but say it's part of the process. >> example, the birthing process. it doesn't just pop out. >> reporter: but protests are popping up all over the country. randall pinkston, cbs news, new york. just ahead, an unlikely partnership, walmart and facebook. plus, unmasked, the strange case of the mobster, the beauty queen and the fbi. this is the "cbs morning news." . now, with new simpler packaging, robitussin® makes it simple to get the right relief for your symptoms. new simpler packaging, same effective relief. robitussin®. relief made simple.
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or a mighty kids meal some of the money goes to ronald mcdonald house charities to help lots of kids and families. hope's good! happy meals. the simple joy of helping. ♪ exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. whoa! holy cow. >> oh, my goodness. how crazy is that? an antelope apparently didn't like having a mountain bike race
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across its range in south africa. this remarkable video was taken another another rider wearing a helmet camera. experts think the biker may not have startled the animal. now, he wasn't hurt, but he's very lucky, the mountain biker, that he was wearing a helmet. can you believe that? there is concern for the safety for a woman who tipped off the fbi about fugitive boston mobster bulger. she was a former resident of iceland. she lived next door to him. she collected the $2 million reward and returned to iceland. but authorities fear that having been identified, she is now in danger. the official cause of death for apple's ceo and founder steve jobs was cardiac arrest, resulting from pancreatic cancer that has spread to other organs. jobs suffered from declining health since 2003 and he was diagnosed with cancer. he had a liver transplant two years ago. he died last week at the age of 56. on the cbs money watch,
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asian stocks followed wall street's lead with solid gains. good morning, ashley. >> good morning to you, betty. big gains for the asian markets on hopes the markets can be contained. tokyo's nikkei gained almost 2%. hong kong's hang seng was up more than 2%. other regional markets were higher. the gains were mostly in reaction to france and germany's pledge to protect the european banking sector. today, wall street gets the minutes from the federal reserve's last meeting and earnings season kicks off after the closing bell. monday, stocks surged. the dow shot up 330 points, its biggest gain in two months, while the blue chips were up 7% in just a week. the nasdaq closed up almost 87 points higher. it appears the website for the new york stock exchange was hacked yesterday. hackers claiming to represent the group anonymous have threatened such an attack as part of the wall street protests.
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a company that monitors websites says the exchange's site was knocked out twice yesterday, but an exchange spokesperson insists there were no disruptions. walmart is teaming up with facebook, the world's biggest retailer announced the partnership this morning. facebook will offer pages specifically tailored to each of walmart's 3,500 locations. the retail giant hopes eventually to personalize offers for all its facebook fans. quickster has joined the ranks of new coke. after loud complaints from customers and investors, netflix has reversed course and dumped its plan to separate its dvd and internet streaming services. since the quickster disaster, netflix shares have dropped more than 25% and they've lost over 600,000 southbound scribers. and we're sorry to say it, but research confirms it, nice guys really do finish last. a new study looking at office behavior found selfish, aggressive employees were seen as strong and considered leaders while nicer, kinder
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personalities were perceived as weak and gullable and often passed over for promotions. betty, that's just kind of sad. >> you know what it means, right? >> no. >> no more mr. nice guy. done. >> oh, no. >> over, ashley. get ready, ashley, for the new betty. all right. thank you for joining us live. straight ahead, your tuesday morning weather. and in sports, the nba season will not begin in time as owners make good on their threats. and going, going, gone. extra inning heroics in two of the american league playoffs. heroics in two of the american league playoffs. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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here is a look at the weather in some cities around the country. new york, partly cloudy, 72. miami, partly cloudy 89. also partly cloudy and 78, get this, partly cloudy, as well, in dallas. l.a., it will be sunny and 80 degrees. time now for a check of the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows clouds moving into the southeast. it's mostly clear from texas to the dakotas. later today, the southeast winds will see gusts and heavy rain. it will be cool in the northwest while the southwest remains warm. in sports, the nba season is in serious danger. commissioner david stern canceled the first two weeks of the season last night after meeting with players and owners here in new york. owners locked the players out in july when the contracts expired. the two sides are hung up over salary caps and splitting revenue. >> we now know where we are and where the players are.
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we don't have to guess about it. and we part on good terms with the negotiators. we just have a gulf that separates us. >> i think everybody is waiting for the players to cave. they figure once the players miss a check or two, it's all over. and i'm saying to you that that would be a horrible mistake. >> more games could be canceled because no further negotiations have been scheduled. in baseball now, game two of the american league championship and the rangers are on cruz control, as in nelson cruz. the bottom of the 11th against the tigers, the texas outfielder jacked a game winning grand slam homer deep to left field. it was the first walk-off grand slam in postseason history. texas beat detroit, 7-3 and now leads the series, 2-0. in game two of the national championship league series, the cardinals albert pujols had the hot bat against the brewers. he went 4 for 5 including a
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monster home run. look at that. st. louis beat milwaukee, 12-3, tying the series at one game each. finally, in football, the detroit lions, they are looking like keys of the nfl jungle. lions quarterback matthew stafford threw two touchdown passes against the visiting bears and job at best tore through the line for an 88 yard td run as the lions beat chicago, 24-13. detroit is now 5-0 for the first time since 1956. when we return, another look at this morning's top stories and baby on board, a very pregnant mama gives birth shortly after, get this, running a marathon. i'm really glad we took this last minute trip!
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you booked our room right? not yet, thanks for reminding me. wait, what? i have the app so we can get a great deal even at the last minute. ah, well played sir. get the app. summertime is now a happy time. when we can eat what we want and sleep soundly through the night. prevacid®24hr prevents the acid that causes frequent heartburn, all day, all night. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c.
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it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! on the krmz on the "cbs morning news," here is a look at today's weather. more showers and storms will move up the east coast as the shower systems push north. skies in the northeast will push from sunny and overcast during the day to mainly sunny
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and warm. here is another look at this morning's top stories. in boston, scores of anti-wall street protesters demanding economic reform were arrested early this morning as seen on this youtube video, police moved in after the demonstrators refused to move. and opening arguments begin today in the case of the alleged underwear bomber. prosecutors say umar farouk abdul mutallab tried to blow up a detroit-bound airlines with a bomb planted in his pants. there is hope a plane can reach the south pole as early as tomorrow to evacuate a researchers who may have suffered a stroke. the problem is, the cold at the national foundation's science outpost at the bottom of the world was simply too cold there for an aircraft to fly safely. 58-year-old renee desora of seabrook, new hampshire, has
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been ill since august and has been waiting for evacuation as temperatures outside fell nearly 75 degrees below zero. more than half of american adults take some sort of dietary supplement. but a new study of older women raises questions about whether supplements are effective or even safe. sandra hughes reports. like millions of americans, hi hillda tura takes supplements. >> i take vitamin c, fish oil. >> new research suggests taking dietary supplements like multi vitamins may not make you live longer. in fact, it could shorten your life. international doctors looked at almost 40,000 women around the age of 61 who took supplements. they say taking multi vitamins, vitamin b6, folic acid, iron, magnesium, copper and zinc appears to be associated with increased risk of death. >> they are able to tell that use of multi vitamins increase the relative risk about 2.4%. >> the association was strongest when it came to taking iron. researchers found taking calcium
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supplements appears to reduce the risk of death. experts stress this is one study and that similar research has not shown the same results. but it's always good to let your doctor know what you're taking. doctors say eating right is still the best way for your body to absorb the vitamins and minerals you need. sandra hughes, cbs news, los angeles. talk about determination. how about running a marathon when you're heavily pregnant? amber miller decided to run the chicago marathon on sunday. and she didn't let the fact that she was 39 weeks pregnant stop her. not only did she finish, she actually beat her husband's time of 6 hours and 25 minutes. and not long after that, well, you can guess. >> soon after i finished, i was having the contractions and they were coming regularly. so that's when i was like, you know, maybe this is labor. >> everything went fine and hours after, june miller arrived in the world weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces.
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no, she was not born with running shoes, but she should have been. this morning on "the early show," jobs and economy are on tap nor the republican debate in new hampshire. "cbs morning news." "cbs morning news." that's why sears layaway lets you reserve any item you want, whenever you want, and with no finance charges. that's real convenience for real people. sears. challenge that. new olay smooth finish facial hair removal duo. first a gentle balm. then the removal cream. effective together with less irritation and as gentle as a feather. new olay hair removal duo. ha, not me! cause shipping is a hassle. different states, different rates. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. so shipping for the chess champ in charleston is the same as shipping for the football phenom in philly?
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good tuesday morning. we are above average in the temperatures. heading into the afternoon, we could see some showers or rain by the evening showers and a better chance of that tonight and tomorrow. here is a look at today,
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heading to trial, a civil lawsuit accusing the state in the death of a state prison update. a list of houses for sale in the baltimore have fallen and more on people that would be ready to pay more for electricity if it came from wind power. a mother is concerned over her son that is left in libya fighting the tropicals of gad gad. how the fbi destroyed a 750,000-dare car. 750,000-dare car. more on this an,,,,,,,,,,,,
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