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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  August 17, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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guilty verdict. a baltimore man learns his fate on trial for a johns hopkins researcher's murder. >> tonight, wjz goes inside the jury's late decision. >> hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. and i'm vic carter. we begin with breaking news. >> a jury deliberates into the night over the battle of stephen pitcairn and reaches a verdict. the guilty verdict was just handed down. derek? >> reporter: denise that, guilty verdict carries the possible of life in prison for the most notorious murder of
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last year. >> john wagner emerged, convicted of the murder of stephen pitcairn, after jurors deliberated less than three hours. that jury was convinced wagner wielded the knife, but agreed the murder was not premeditated. >> we agreed that he did not intend to kill mr. pitcairn. >> he was walking down st. paul street, when he was robbed and stabbed in the heart by wagner and lavelva meritt. as part of a plea deal to avoid murder charges, meritt testified. >> it was important for the jury to hear from a witness who was actually there and participated in the offense. >> reporter: city attorney gregg bernstein campaigned for getting more convictions for repeat offenders like john wagner, who weeks before was caught on tape assaulting
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another man. bernstein offered his sympathy to the pitcairn family. >> i want to thank them for their help in prosecuting mr. wagner, who in many ways is the poster child for the type of offenders that my office is committed to prosecuting. >> reporter: stephen pitcairn's family was in the courtroom. they were very emotional during the reading of the verdict. but they chose not to speak with reporters. sentencing for john wagner has not yet been scheduled. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> defense attorneys declined to comment on the case, but promise they will appeal. a developing story from baltimore county, reports of a fatal shooting in over leah. -- overleah. we'll have a crew on the way. a socialite is killed in her home. her husband of the -- was
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hospitalized. her husband said she gave a forged letter. investigators found scratches on his face. they say it is proof of a struggle. he is behind bars now without bail. the plot thickens. a frederick woman disappears in aruba. and tonight, we know that the man who was the last to see her had a massive insurance policy on her life. mike schuh follows the developments in this international mystery. >> reporter: it's the new twist in the case of robyn gardner. the woman from frederick, missing from aruba, who has captivated the world's attention. published reports now reveal the only suspect in her disappearance, gary giordano, took out an american express, accidental death insurance policy worth $1.5 million on her, and named himself the beneficiary. tom schneider said he was
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robyn's confidant and friend, a bartender at her regular hangout. >> i wasn't after anything but friendship. i just want closure here. i want to know what happened. >> reporter: he doesn't buy that the two were snorkeling when the two were out there. based on a trip he took with her to cancun. >> the snorkeling thing was a joke. robyn wouldn't go in the pool. she didn't want to get her makeup or hair or anything wet. >> reporter: he also doesn't think gardner would fake her own death. >> she would have called me and said, i'm okay. >> reporter: i spoke to her ex- husband. he told me he didn't want to do an interview, but that he'd been following all details in the case. >> reporter: including the two protective orders against the suspect. and one of people claimed he videotaped them having sex and stalked her. >> reporter: this week, a judge
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ordered giordano held another 16 days. and aruban authorities say there will be another extensive search for gardner, which includes police, firefighters, and even the military. mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> the fbi has agents in aruba, as part of the investigation. they also searched giordano's home in maryland last week. tonight, former player jermaine lewis is out on bail. he is charged with hit hit and run and resisting arrest. baltimore county, 911. >> yes, i'm on reisterstown road. and there's a guy in front of me. his license plate is -- he is all over the road. wrong side -- oh, god. he almost sideswiped that car. >> lewis was taken into custody monday, after several motorists reported seeing him drive erratically and hitting a sign. lewis helled -- helped the
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ravens win the 2001 super bowl. one local speed camera could be rigged. monique griego has the controversy from college park. >> reporter: whipping by one of these cameras can cost you. >> cameras steal from the public. they falsely accuse people of speeding. >> reporter: they claim speed cameras in college park don't work properly. today, they joined the triple a in the call to have them removed. >> reporter: the whole process of the program is to intimidate people to pay that $40. >> reporter: foreman says drivers at his local auto supplies store have been ticketed 60 times since the cameras went up in october. he used the citation to calculate his speed. >> the camera doesn't lie. they weren't speeding. >> reporter: triple a says college park has given out 100,000 tickets. at $40 a pop, the city has taken in $2.4 million in revenue. >> when you strip it all away,
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it's clear that this camera is all about making money. >> reporter: they say it isn't located properly, according to the speed limit and other zoning guidelines. but not everyone wants these cameras pulled from the roadway. >> oh, my gosh. people were constantly speeding. you didn't see it calm like this. >> reporter: the city of college park denies that the cameras are inaccurate, saying that before any ticket is approved, a prince george's county police officer verifies the daily self-calibration to show that the systems are functioning properly. >> he has now created a facebook page to show other drivers how to use the pictures sent in the citation to check their speed. monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> for a link to his facebook page, log onto, and click on the story. paying money to use your money. one bank is getting ready to charge you $3 a month just to use your debit card. wells fargo say its is going to
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start charging the fee this fall, on top of monthly service fees. it comes, as regulations go into effect, limiting how much merchants can charge when people swipe their debit card. old-fashioned gino's giant. weijia jiang has the grand comeback of gino's burgers and chicken. >> reporter: what an opening it was. in fact, staff members were here tonight, getting ready for tomorrow already. because they know so many people have been waiting 30 years to sink their teeth back into a gino's burger. >> reporter: from the moment it opened, to minutes before it closed. hundreds waited to get in to gino's. >> it was good then. but it also is good new -- now. >> reporter: it's a baltimore tradition. >> reporter: a tradition revived wednesday, after being shut down for three decades. the namesake gino marchetti opened the first restaurant with friend.
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>> gino's in the 1950s and 60s was much bigger than mcdonald's was. we were like the first fast food company here. >> reporter: a big deal, thanks to a big sandwich giant. >> it is exactly the way i remember. this is really cool. >> it has the two patties, the special sauce, the cheese. and it's wonderful. >> reporter: and it's not just the food everyone remembers. it's the song. go! >> everybody goes to gino's, because gino's is the place to go ♪ [ applause ] >> reporter: but there's something else that is pulling in the customers. nostalgia. >> i'm trying to see if my memories of childhood are the same as now. >> she had mustard all over her braces from the gino giant. so it wasn't one of my favorite kisses. but it was my favorite lunch. >> reporter: no matter how awkwards, -- awkward, let the new memories begin for the next generation of gino's groupies. >> reporter: so for now, this is the only location open in maryland. but that's expected to change
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in about six months when franchiseees open another one. tonight, we're live in towson. weijia jiang, wjz eyewitness news. >> weijia, you got a little mustard right there on your chin. >> thanks -- [ laughter ] >> reporter: thanks for letting me know. >> thank you, weijia. towson is the second location. the other is in gino's hometown, king of prussia, pennsylvania. coming up, bed bugs on the attack. a new study shows they could be in a dorm, or hospital or day care near you. too little, too late. the moment a concert stage collapses in indiana. could have been another columbine. a chilling attack. crisp skies for now. but rain is on the way. i'm tim williams in for bob turk. how much rain will we get? and how long will it stick around? your complete updated first warning forecast in a few moments. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 76 degrees. mainly clear in central maryland now. a dangerous scene as the salt truck dangles from the repair shop. the driver is rescued and in stable condition. there were no injuries. police say the driver never stopped in the repair bay. a deadly stage collapsed in indiana.
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they say fans should have been told about a severe thunderstorm warning. instead, this is what they heard. >> once this storm passes and everything is safe, we're going to try our best to come back and resume the show. we have every belief that that is going to happen. >> reporter: moments after that announcement, at the indiana state fair, the stage came crashing down, killing five people and injuring dozens more. fair organizers admit, they are snot sure if the stage was inspected prior to the show. did a maryland man's license plate make him the target of kidnappers in pakistan? warren weinstein was snatched from his home in lahor, by a group of armed men. according to a government official, his license plate marked him as an american. fred burton told them that a surveillance team likely used that information to follow him to his home. the 70-year-old who has a home in rockville has a consultant firm in virginia. it is in the known if he was kidnapped by criminals or
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islamic militants. a plot to blow up a high school in tampa, florida, is foiled by police. investigators say the plan was hatched by an expelled student who could have caused mass casualties. >> reporter: tampa police officers spent the day at freedom high school as part of their investigation into a terrifying plot. they say 17-year-old jared cano planned to blow up the school on the first day of classes next week. police put a stop to the alleged plan when someone called in a tip. cano's mother allowed officers to search their apartment tuesday. >> they, indeed, found a manifesto, written by jared that outlined, minute by minute, what his actions were going to be, to include detonating explosive devices through the school. >> reporter: investigators also discovered a marijuana growing operation, bomb-making materials and detailed drawings of classrooms. >> once i found out and saw the information and pictures of what was taken from the apartment complex, that was when, i think the reality and
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the fear set in. >> the school expelled cano a year and a half ago. police didn't elaborate on why. but did say the boy had pentup anger, against some school administrators, who he allegedly planned to target. >> he also mentioned his desire to cause more casualties than were suffered at columbine. >> reporter: in 1999, two students in colorado killed 13 people before turning guns on themselves. florida police say in this case, they're confident cano acted alone. the teenager appeared in court wednesday. >> i was just shocked. like why would somebody ever want to do that? >> reporter: cano's social networking sites don't show any threats. but pictures show him with bottles of alcohol and a machete. manuel gallegus, wjz eyewitness news. >> cano faces a number of charges, including possession of bomb-making materials and threatening to use a destructive device. a rare, brain-eating
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amoeba, found in fresh water is being blamed in the deaths of two young swimmers. they confirm, 16-year-old courtney nash of florida died after swimming in the st. john's river. experts say the microscopic amoeba is found in sediment and enters through a person's nose. fewer than 100 cases have been reported since 1975. >> just as you thought we escaped the summer without a major bedbug problem says students heading back to college should should beware. they have seen double the growth in infestations in dorm rooms, hotels, nursing homes, office buildings and schools. the biggest growth has been on college campuses. the baltimore grand prix has zoomed the city into a top labor day destination. according to, the inner harbor is number 21 on their list of the most desirable places to spend the summer's last holiday. last year, the city didn't even make the top 50. the grand prix is set for
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september 2nd, through the fourth. >> i said every time we do this, i can't believe they're going to be racing down downtown baltimore. >> you'll hear it. >> yeah. and i wonder if there is a rain or shine plan there. i can't imagine, you do 100 miles, 200 miles in the downtown traffic in the rain. i just can't imagine that. so we'll see. we'll see. hopefully we'll have good weather for labor day. we've had a pretty good stretch of holiday forecasts this year. and hopefully it will continue into the summer. right now, we're looking at a daytime high that got up to 89 degrees. and we're coming down from that. 65, the overnight low is typical. and that's where we're going down tonight. the humidity levels are what is going to get your attention over the next few days. it has been pretty humid. the dew points are in the moderate to high range. and it's going to feel pretty muggy over the next few days. 76 now, our temperature at bwi marshall. 67 is the dew point. again, when it gets into the mid-60s and higher, is when you start to feel the humidity level. and that's where it is now.
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73% humidity. barometer still high, at 30.07. clear skies out there for now. and that's going to continue for the foreseeable future, until at least tomorrow afternoon. we'll talk about that here in a second. 74 in elkton. 74 also in ocean city, where the surf temperature is still around 75 degrees. we are looking at temperatures in the mid-70s around most of the area. 79, the magic number from d.c. to annapolis, over toward kent island. the winds coming in from the south and southeast, around much of the area, still bringing in some of that humidity, some off the bay, some off the ocean. depending how far to the east you are. and that easterly flow, well, that's going to continue to bring in the higher dew point, that moisture level in the atmosphere is going to be with us for the next two days or so. until we get into the weekend. it may dry out just a little bit, with this push of dry air moving in. but we are going to feel that higher humidity level moving on through. what you're seeing here is a depiction of the front that is moving in our direction.
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but what i want to talk about first, the code level orange air quality for tomorrow, because of the humidity levels and the heat, going up into the mid-80s. so this is how it all shapes up. high pressure is still in control of our forecast now. highs going to continue to move off to the east. it's going to allow for that front to move in. we'll start to see the clouds thicken into tomorrow afternoon. with that, we'll see again the chance of showers, spotty showers through the afternoon. more widespread tomorrow night into friday. and we'll start to clear out through saturday. cannot rule out a pop-up shower saturday and sunday. but we seem to be pretty dry. we'll stay pretty dry for most of the weekend. sunrise tomorrow, 6:21. south winds with no advisory on the bay. going down to 68 degrees tonight. some clouds with a stray shower. we've already seen that already this evening. 85 tomorrow. 84 on friday. clearing on saturday and sunday. 88, 88, and 88, right on through monday. denise and vic? >> coming up, a progress report on ravens qb joe flacco. >> mark was at practice today and put the question to coach
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john harbaugh. that's next in sports. what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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mark is here. and about the ravens player. >> it's early on. we've got an update for you. >> they're not alarmed about the back injury keeping marshall arhonda out of practice. nothing special. he expects them to be ready for the regular season. it's been a healthy preseason for quarterback joe flacco so far. entering his fourth pro season. he's expected to expand input. harbaugh said flacco has had more lead plays than ever. >> i haven't done a count, but
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i'll bet you, it's been at least half. choices where he had a decision. he changeas i run to a pass, changes a pass to a maximum protection or back to a run. and he's done a great job with that. >> harbaugh says he expects most of his veterans to get extended playing time in the preseason game. starters will play into the second quarter. it has been a rough season for the o's, and took a bad turn today. very little has finish well for the last place birds. but they managed to sink even lower in oakland this afternoon. 3 months since the o's have won a series on the road. chance to win today. but nolan reimold gets burned with a ball over his head. adam yoans, with a -- jones, with a terrible time. and jones made it worse with an error. kicking the ball to allow them to score. 9th inning. down by two runs. nick markakis. blake davis, running from first base, has a chance to score the
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tying run to throw home. davis slides in head first. he's blocked by the catcher who tags him and ends the game. another heartbreaker. a 6-5 defeat. davis realizes in retrospect, the slide did him no good. >> look back, probably a better idea to just go right into him. so -- especially there. >> davis and the o's get a day off tomorrow. they resume the west coast trip at anaheim coming up on friday. nothing seems to go right for that ball club. >> thank you, mark. most of us dread getting stranded at the airport. >> coming up, find out why a man is living inside one for the next three months. ,,,,,,,,,
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at the iowa state fair, hundreds competed for the gold toilet seats. it was the annual outhouse races in des moines. team his to push their home made port-a-potties to the line. then the drivers had to perform some task. fittingly, the winning team was named royal flush. >> well, it's not exactly around the world in 80 days. instead, yeager mah will spend the next 80 days, watching the planes take off from vancouver's airport. he won a contest. he will be living in the terminal. the contest also included a job, reporting for the airport's website. he will be telling the stories of the airport and the passengers passing through the airport. >> i wonder if he's going to >> i wonder if he's going to tell the whole ,,
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aaaa... aaaa... aaaa... aaaa... a caramel mocha iced coffee? ahhh! deciding is easy with the new caramel mocha iced coffee from dunkin' donuts. try this sweet combo today. america runs on dunkin'.
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i got a guy. who? the drive-thru guy at dunkin'. everybody's got that guy. hurry in for dunkin's tuna salad and new tuna melt sandwiches. america runs on dunkin'.


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