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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  September 21, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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black hawk down. a nato helicopter crashes in afghanistan, several americans killed. was it an accident or taliban attack? i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about, a grim reminder of the cost of the war in afghanistan. nine killed in a helicopter crash in afghanistan. it is the deadliest such crash in four years. weijia jiang has more. >> reporter: 10 troops were keeled in the helicopter crash. cbs news reports it was an american black hawk and that nine of the dead are americans, within an afghan soldier. it's the worst helicopter crash for coalition forces in four years. officials don't know what brought down the chopper. the taliban claims insurgents shot it down but nato said
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there were no reports of enemy fire. sources tell cbs news the helicopter was flying a secret special operations mission in the taliban dominated region. these covert operations often take place under the cover of night. choppers are crags to getting around this rugged country with few roads. already this career 525 u.s. and nato service members have been killed in afghanistan, making it the deadliest year for international hall forces since the war began nine years ago. reporting for wjz eyewitness news. >> an american civilian and another u.s. service member were also injured in the crash. >> tonight a community will gather to remember a young high school athlete struck and killed by a car. joey d'entremont was a freshman at fallston high school. his death has devastated the small harford community. a viewing will be held from
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6:00 to 9:00 at the mountain crees shon church in jupe amount of funeral services are planned for tomorrow morning. the white house is calling for more restrictions to prevent driver distracted crashes. >> reporter: a new report shows deaths are down slightly but they still account for 16% of all traffic fatalities. a maryland couple testified about the death of their daughter killed in a distracted driving crash in florida. lahood blames automakers for adding too many distracting features. lahood also proposed banning truck drivers from sending text messages while hauling any hazardous materials. >> nearly 5500 people were killed last year in distracted driving crashes. bed bugs are a growing problem here in maryland and x- rays the nation.
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now they're turning up in an unexpected place. the frederick county public library in urbana has been forced to close the book drop after bed bugs were spotted on the books. until then it's be mostly in clothing and homes. in chicago a bed bug summit is being held. it is a soldout event. >> it's been the year of the bed bugs, no bigger than an apple seed, these little blood suckers have caused big problems, taking another bite in the big apple this weekend when an infestation shut down nike store's flag shift town. even the empire state building overrun by bed bugs. according to a study by terminix, new york city tops the list of the most infected cities with ohio holding the
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lowly distinction of the state. experts say it's a pandemic building with no end in sight. >> how many cities in america have bed bugs? >> how many cities are there. >> reporter: they're hosting the first annual bed bug event in chicago. >> why so many bed bugs? >> nobody knows. >> reporter: in the past year 95% of pest control companies have encountered bed bug entestations much the cost of eradicating the drug has soared, topping $258 million in 2009. i'm in hotels every week. what are my chances i'm bringing home bed bugs? >> huge. you're going to bring them home. >> reporter: in chicago, the allout assault from bags to
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your suitcase. >> you trap the bed bugs in here. >> absolutely. >> steamers for your mattress and everything in between. >> is there light at the end of the tunnel. will we get rid of these little guys? >> we will, but the question is when. >> as for the library in frederick county, the library said they will use heat to kill the bug. bad news from the jobs report. adam may is in the newsroom with the latest unemployment numbers for maryland. >> this latest report does not reflect a better economy. in august maryland unemployment rose to 7.3%. it's one of the few states that saw such a largen crease. some of the jobs are temporary positions related to the 2010
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census. others included health and human services. >> maryland's jobless rate is still lower than the national rate, 9.6%. the raise are in maryland's governor is picking up steam and campaign dollars as word now just two days away from the jnl election. it's too close to call. andrea fujii has more on the latest preelection poll. >> it was pretty much a foregone conclusion. cat and mouse games to make it official. the same could be said for bob ehrlich, testing the waters for another run at running the state. now it's both party primaries being recent history and both securing their party nominations, the long talked about row match is on and polesters are feeling the pulse of the election tore rat.
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the tally shows 50% of marylanders will likely vote in november for martin o'malley, a 3% increase from aug gust almost that many promising to mark their ballot for ehrlich. so it appears to be a dead heat. >> when it's all said and done, this election will be decided essentially by people selecting a party. voters will decide whether they want the democrats or the republicans. >> reporter: so o'malley continue to ask general election voters to keep moving maryland forward with him while ehrlich has produced a road map to 2020. andrea fujii, wjz, eyewitness news. stay with wjz for complete coverage of campaign010 --
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2010. >> the towson commons has been sold to the highest bidder. the complex thrived in the '90s and now sit mostly vacant. an anonymous bidder bought it for $28 1/2 million. the new owners wouldn't say who they are or with they plan to do with the complex. >> sounds like something will happen though. it feels like fall but the official fall of the season might not. looking outside, it is sunny, not too hot. it is gorgeous, but there's a warmup coming. bob turk is here with the updated numbers. bob? just about stormal for this time of the year. temperatures tomorrow at least 10 degrees warmer. there will be a front up to the
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north that will cool down maybe the northern section of new england but with the southwest wind kicking in, temperatures will rebound as we enter the first day of fail and feel like middle august. >> let's check in with sharon gibala. already a bunch of problems, an accident in the clearing stage at route 100 on the shoulder. also a crash on the top side out are loop at charles street. you can see speeds slow. in nottingham a wreck on bel air. park side at sinclair, covington and one more in arnold, that crash at ritchie highway. if you're traveling on the harrisburg expressway, on the ramp there was an earlier car
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fire. the car itself is still on the shoulder and attracting' tension and delays. there's a lock at your average time. it will be the inner loop -- or outer loop, 33 miles an hour. there is a live look at the northwest side, standing still at drone spring avenue. we'll have to check to see if will are new accidents. traffic moving slightly better at york road. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's. bill's has got it all for you. back to you. the nfl has find harbaugh
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$15,000. the coach was demonstrating terrell suggs' hit when he made contact with the ref. that contact is prohibited. coach har bop and the en-- harbaugh and the entire ravens team preparing for the cleveland browns sunday at 1:00, live on wjz 13. i'm always fired up. this time i want to sew something. still ahead at 4:00, show -- is she the next sarah palin. the nation's focus on christine o'donnell and how people row spopped to herbie czar allegations. an nfl was found dead. who he was and why his team is struggling today. and bob is updating the first warning forecast and it's in the what you would expect
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for the first day of fall. back in a moment.
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♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries.
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an nfl team is dpreefing the loss of a player. wide receive per kenny mckinley was found dead in his house with a gunshot wound that is believed to be self-inflicted. there was no indication that he was suicidal. an unthinkable cream in texas. a burglar breaks into a day-care center and steals everything. at&t employees have offered to set up a place for computers. christine o'donnell, the republican senate candidate from delaware is making waves
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across the nation. o'donnell is a tea party favorite. we have a closer lock at her and the other election contenders. >> got to deal with it. >> the fellowship candidates are living proof that unusual assertions are not necessarily campaign killers. >> watch out. here we come. >> reporter: take kentucky's rand paul who questioned the historic civil rights act but is still tied with the democrat in a recent poll. nevada's sharron angle is neck and neck with senate majority leader harry reid. >> senator reid is not popular in nevada. >> reporter: and utah attorney mike lee is crushing his democratic rival even though lee favors dismaptling social security and eliminating social security benefits, ideas he
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shares with alaska's joe miller. >> delaware is a democratic state and those other tea party states are either purple or red. >> reporter: supporters cruf -- supporters of christine o'donnell say they're not phased. reporting for cbs news, capitol hill. >> and bill maher says he plans to release more clips of o'donnell on his show. a mixed day on wall street. a slower day. the dow was up seven points. the s&p 500 down six points. let's go to new york where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. >> the federal reserve left interest rates at record lows
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but hinted it may start programs to restart the economy. policy makers appear to be taking a wait and see approach to see if the economy can heal on its own. the housing market appears headed in the right direction. home construction soared 10%% last month. in another encouraging sign permits for future construction projects also rose but the job picture has gotten worse. 2 states posted higher unemployment rates in august, even as the national jobless rate romained. nevada, michigan and california have consistently racked up rates above 12%. nevada has the worst at a record 14 own 4%. twit are has fixed a hack are attack. the breach caused users of to encounter
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mysterious blocked out text. for more business headlines, you can stay with cbs money business could a vier linked to a -- virus linked to a condition cold be related to obesity. big bucks for an area university. the story coming up right here on wjz. don't pack up the shorts and flip-flops just yet. why we may see more summer weather ahead. >> wjz is always on. for the top stories on, instats updates -- instant updates, click wjz.c.c,,
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[ ehrlich ] annapolis -- if they have their way, we're facing a mountain of debt and a massive tax increase. employers will continue to leave our state, taking their jobs with them. the next four years will impact the next decade, so we've put together a road map to 2020. a plan that brings jobs back to maryland by reducing spending and lowering taxes. let's make the maryland we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work.
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we have one of the most beautiful afternoons, blue skies, low humidity. the only caveat is it's been a little too dry.
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yes, we do need some rain. in the forecast slight chances but not great chances. take a look at temps, really, really comfortable. 76 now. dew points down to 49. humidity only 38%. south, southeast winds at six. the barometer holding steady at 31 own 4 inches. our high got up to 76. the average is now 77. so pretty normal afternoon. this morning will be one of the colder days we've seen since last sprifnlgt 47 the average. the record low 37, had some frost in the suburbs that morning, 1962. that was a cold, cold start. 92 in 1931. 29 warm spot in cumber and. 72 ocean city. it will cool down tonight but in the quite as chilly as was this morning, but later tonight our winds are more to the south
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and southwest. that's going to keep us about probably six or seven, maybe eight or 10 degrees warmer than this was last night. we have a front out to the west, but that front is going to lay up across the northern great lakes of northern new england and it will keep us in a southerly flow of warm air. it won't be until saturday or sunday that we start getting cooling from the north and northwest. it's going to be very warm the next few days. we could easily get to 90 degrees wednesday, thursday or friday. boy saturday we're probably back closer to 80 degrees. nice weather tonight. much warmer to our north. that's where it will stay pleasant. we have a tropical storm but it's not doing anything. it's sitting there going to the north and west. it's a weak tropical storm. but we have another one.
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its flame is lee -- name is lisa. 10 knots and small craft advisory into wednesday afternoon. bay temp around 75. tonight beautiful night warmer than last nit with a lot of moonlight. much warmer, some spun mixing with the -- sun mixing with the clouds. amazing. >> looks nice. thank you. cbs premiere week continues tonight. make sure you return in for the return of "ncis los angeles." stay with us for eyewitness news at 11 immediately after. >> katie couric has a preview of what's coming up on the "cbs evening news." >> campaign ads are back. many are paid for by groups who don't have to tell you where the money is coming from. who's pulling the strings? we'll investigate tonight, only on the "cbs evening news."
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>> thanks, katie. lady gaga speaking out regarding the military, what law enforcements have decided -- lawmakers have decided on capitol hill just recently. when the obamas sent the girls to school, they didn't know this, what a teacher is guilty of. a vancouver woman accused of faking an acid attack and ,,
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries.
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage.
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made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. s it 4:29, 76 degrees and sunny. hello. i'm vic carter. >> i'm denise koch. >> don't ask, don't tell. the senate yes turned a bill that would i fact gays serving openly not military. we have more on the vote and what happens now. >> reporter: the senate has
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voted against repealing don't ask, don't tell in the military. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: democrats were counting on republican senator susan collins to cast the deciding vote but the senator from maine changed her mind at the last minute. >> i think we should welcome the service of these individuals, but i cannot vote to proceed to this bill under a situation that is going to shut down the debate and preclude republican amendments. >> reporter: even democratic strategieses call it a train wreck. if they lose seats, it could be hard to get rid of the ban down the road. the marines said repealing it during war time would be a des strax. >> please do not sport -- you do not sport statute changes. >> i do not.
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i don't know what the impact on row crowting will be. >> reporter: defense secretary robert gates asked congress to wait on the vote until the military finishes its study. john mccain echoed that sent m the pentagon report is due in december. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news news. >> defense leaders say they support the repeal but want to move slowly. the death rocked a small western maryland community. a hometown baseball star who just made this big killed by an accused drunk driver. we have information in the treel of that accused driver. >> nick adenhart was drafted by the los angeles angels. ours after his best performance he and two friends were killed.
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andrew galo was driving drunk. gallo said i did a horrible thing. gallo plead not guilty to three counts. >> he could face a maximum of 54 years in prison. an investigation is beyond way into the cause of a raging fire in baltimore. the fire erupted about 2:00 this morning. crews worked into the morning to put out the flames. no one was hurt, even the woman who jumped through the window to save herself. that's according to our media partner the baltimore sun. a teacher at the school that the obama girls attend get was fired from the school back in january after being charged. prosecutors say he touched a
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young boy inappropriately. a woman's face scared when someone threw acid at her, so she said but she made it up and is now facing charges. mary has the fallout. >> the 28-yard is charged for -- 28-year-old is charged with theft. she said she was seriously burned when a woman threw acid in her face. she admitted she lied and smeared drain cleaner on her face in an attempt to kill herself. she spent money donated on her on things such as dinner and clothes. she faces three felony theft charges. >> the charges carry a maximum of five years in prison. the state school board is remembering mandatory eval's for school boards. they would died how to teach the material and students
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wouldn't have toes an additional test to graduate. overeating may not be the only reason so many children are obese. fast meat inning new research sews a -- show as virus linked to the common cold could be causing children to pack on the pounds. >> lift weight three times a week. >> reporter: jason brown struggles to keep his weight under control and says he has since childhood. a study claim has cold virus strain could be the reason for childhood obesity. >> that's shocking. seems like there's a lot of causes for obesity, but the common cold, i never thought that would be one. >> reporter: scientists found that kids with that strain of the cold were an average of 60 pounds heavier that kids who
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never had the strain. >> there are -- >> reporter: dr. david cutler said based on this study perhaps a vaccination is an idea but also takes a step back when hearing about reports because people are looking for a solution. >> they assume their thyroid level is low or now they may assume they had a virus, but i think the important thing is to focus on the diet and exercise. people don't want to hear that because that's not an easy answer. >> it affects one in four children in america. well, a crisp start to the day but the certain has certainly warmed things up. a live look, a fantastic afternoon as we get ready for the official start of fall. bob is here with the updated numbers. >> it maybe confusing because tomorrow you're going to wake and say, gee it's nice out and tomorrow afternoon it will feel like august. right now not a cloud in sight.
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we're a comfortable 76. it was 47 this morning but our wind also start shifting to the south and southwest. that means ahead of that front we'll get much, much warmer and back up into the upper 80s. some spots may get to 90 degrees wednesday, thursday and on friday. >> let's check in on the roads with sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> the latest problem will be on 50. apparently they're searching for the problem on 50, an accident involving multiple vehicles. the backup is back to west street and that is continuing to grow. in notingham watch for an accident, a new one. bicly avenue, four accidents, up with involving an overturned
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vikings. coughing phone and one more in arnold. that crash at college parkway and ritchie highway. on president harrisburg watch for a mechanical spill. you can see in the 30s on the inner and outer loops. we'll show you the northwest side at green spring avenue. you can see heavy volume. this traffic report is brought to you by famous dave's. try the two new sauces. hurry, they won't last long. back over to you. >> it's one of the most recognizable themes in hex now a local university hopes it will get big bucks from cbs. marching band mania.
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>> reporter: the music is unmistakable. this is "hawaii five-0". and no one does it better than the university of maryland marching band. >> we're actually spelling out the word "hawaii five-0" and making a wave and spelling "book 'em, dan o." >> reporter: they've been practicing hard. now competing against bands from 33 other states. >> brought it up in a meeting and they just jumped on it. oh, yeah, oh, yeah. we're going to go after it. >> reporter: big bucks are riding on the "hawaii five-0" contest. cbs will award the twinning school $25,000. >> also, we were hoping to use some of the money for new uniforms because i'm also the uniform manager and they're 13
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years old and they have a lot of love in them but it would be nice to show hour terp pride in something snazzier and newer. i think we're all very hopeful that our video will get a lot of votes. i think we're excited to come together as a band and show our best. >> reporter: ron matz. >> voting continues through october. don't miss the next episode of "hawaii five-0" next monday. >> we're going to go to some breaking news. we go to the scene of an overturned suv in southwest baltimore. captain mike perry? >> reporter: we're at windsor
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mills. an suv has overturned. it appears there's no medical unit on the scene. it'sen clear what caused this vehicle to overturn. it's in the causing a traffic issue. this is on lyndhurst near wind sor mill. >> straight ahead, bully backlash. a father gets involved in a case of school bus bullies. teenager is caught on tape slipping through security. >> one last blast of summer. bob's updating the first warning weather forecast. ,,,, tax on everything you buy?
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,,,, that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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why is roman meal bread nutritious? two slices provide at least sixteen grams of whole grains and an excellent source of calcium. roman meal bread: great taste and nutrition since nineteen-twelve.
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old gibbs canning company. today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you. a florida father is apologizing to how he responded to the bullying of his young
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daughter. >> as you can see, he stormed onto his daughter's school bus in lake marion, florida and tore mtd students who he said were tormenting his daughter. at a news conference today he apologized for how he handled the situation. back to you. >> we blurred out the faces of the children who were on the bus. the fatter is out on $2,000 bail. when we talk about boat rescues, we normally talk about the people. but a boat got stranded on a sand bar and wouldn't bufnlgt the owner waited four weeks to see if the weighter would rise. when it didn't, he got it lifted out. investigators are looking into how a teenager got on to a
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flight to chile without a ticket. his father reported him missing and police found him in chile. he was put on a flight home. no word on whether his parents grounded him. drivers annoyed by parking tickets in cambridge, massachusetts are getting calming advice. try yow ga. the parking tickets include instructions on how top bend and do simple yoga positions. the transportation chief said is to debunk the idea that all parking tickets are a hostile action. she is -- he is in for the fight of his life. michael douglas is fighting late stage throat cancer, but he's still promoting his new movie and getting plenty of support. >> reporter: michael douglas, accompanied by wife catherine zeta-jones turned up for last
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neat's premiere of wall street. the actor was all smiles and all business despite an ongoing battle with throat cancer. >> he's a wolf. good strong family and friends. >> reporter: douglas did not talk on the red carpet but in recent times he spoke of the grueling battle. he is undergoing daily radiation treatments for the next two months and suspect he will not be able to eat or speak in two weeks. he said sores start forming in your mouth, then lesions. then you can't swallow. >> it's hard, difficult. he wants to do some good for this disease. >> reporter: douglas only learned of his illness in late
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july and first spoke about it with david letterman last month eye got cancer. i found out about it three weeks ago. >> reporter: determined to fight his disease, douglas' biggest fear is weight loss, especially dangerous for a person in his condition. >> he's dealing with it extremely well. >> that's the measure of a plan when you got a challenge like that. >> reporter: at last nit's premiere, the actor known for his strong performances on screen, remain so in front of his fans. >> men are 10 times more likely to be inflected with head and throat cancer. he just turned 66. tonight professionals and amateurs will make music together at the rusty music's concert. the bso prepares to share the stage. >> reporter: tonight this
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amateur chellist will be playing with the pros. he is by no means rusty. he's been playing the cello for decades but tonight will be playing in the program. >> i want quite good enough to really play professionally, so i thought i could make it a good hobby. >> reporter: this is the second time for the event for any musician over 25 years old and can read music can play for the night. >> it will be fabulous. i'm going to be probably five feet off the ground. >> reporter: the orchestra will be split in half with each musician sharing a stand with a professional. >> i get to share some of my expertise. >> reporter: this professional
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is a 42-year bso veteran and looks forward to sharing the stage. >> don't have the thrill and the excitement of somebody who's never done this before who's doing it for the first time, so i get to share that. >> reporter: for dr. mccarthy, this is a dream come true. >> the thrill of playing wonderful music is part of my inner workings. >> reporter: to play beautiful music with the best of the best. andrea fujii, eyewitness news. >> terrific program. with so many musicians, the concert will be split into four events. tickets can be purchased at the door for $10. >> at another performing arts center what was known as the lyrics will be row named.
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it was officially pronamed at a ceremony today. >> the construction will bring a larger stage, more seating and modern tech until ji to attract bigger and better stage production. a klum colombia parrot is in trouble. it was traned to squawk when the police came. the parrot has been turned over to animal control and will spend the rest of his life behind bars. >> maybe he will get a bigger cage. >> all right. fall will start tomorrow but it fall will start tomorrow but it may not feel like it,,,,,,,,,,
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a splendid afternoon. southeast winds at six, the barometer holding steady. really a lovely day. 76, chilliest morning, you bet. harford county, 41, 42 this morning. it was chilly but there was no
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wind. 77, 55 is the average. the record is 96 and 37 back in 1962. yes, it can get chilly and it can get warm too. 76 ocean city. oakland 79. ed washington also at 79. a about the of a southeast wind. tomorrow it will be more of a southerly or southwesterly wind. that will bring in very warm air. in tennessee, 99 degrees. that's some awfully warm air. nice front will bring clouds. you may sew a shower north and west of the baltimore metro by late tomorrow night. we'll probably see a lot more clouds. ahead of the front it will get warm. the front will stay up north. probably warmer by friday. thursday about the same as
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tomorrow, upper 80s, close to 90 degrees. south winds around 10. the small craft advisory on the bay tomorrow, wind gusts as aas 0, the pay temp 73 degrees president tonight not nearly has chilly as this morning. still clear. upper 50s to low 60s in the city. tomorrow way, way up in the upper 80s, maybe 90 with a touch of sunshine mixing with clouds by the afternoon or tomorrow night. okay. >> all right. we'll say good-bye to summer. >> still to come on create -- eyewitness news tonight. >> who's head in the ,,
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library books contaminated with bed bugs. i'm adam may in frederick county. how they're trying to use this to get rid of the problem. that's coming up. major development in the heart is auctioned off. in the heart of the downtown district. i'm weijia jiang. that story and next. eyewitness news at 45:00 starts now.
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never again. a doctor. now, the city's city's top cop may develop a plan for a repeat. here's what people are talking about. a high-level meeting the goal is to prevent a repeat of a hospital shooting that left a doctor wounded and two others dead. security crisis at johns hopkins hospital tested its emergency response and that of baltimore city police. a man armed with a small- caliber pistol shot dr. cohen before turning the gun on himself and his mother. the baltimore department hagged the viewing. and today, the police commissioner summoned heads of university for local colleges and universiti


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