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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  September 20, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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i'm kai jackson. here's what people are talking b we have breaking news, a house fire in dundalk. let's go to captain mike perry. >> reporter: this is in the 1800 block of east holland in dundalk, baltimore county. the firefighters called for heavy smoke showing from the third floor of a single family home. firefighters just now starting to get a good knock on it. we still have dark smoke coming out of the attic but firefighters are working on it. there's no word of injuries or cause. the island of bermuda take as nearly direct hit from hurricane igor with destructiontive -- destructive winds. we have more from dave price.
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>> reporter: igor's eye passed 40-miles mile ber -- miles from bermuda. it knocked out electricity to more than 20,000 people on this island of 68,000. the streets of hamilton, the capital, was under water and littered with debree. residents of bermuda, long used to tropical weather, left the streets deserted. >> safety first. we can always rebuild. we already know to rebuild. >> reporter: in fact bermuda has a strict building cones. walls must be at least eight inches thick able to withstand winds of 08 miles an hour. >> i'm not scared at all.
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i think it's an awesome force of nature. if you can experience it, that is amazing. >> reporter: officials will be in bermuda to assess the damage. so far, there's no word of any serious injuries. >> the first warning weather coverage continues. bob? >> right now igor is about 400 miles northeast of bermuda, so they have sunshine. it's still a category one, minimal category one. it's moving northeast at 26 miles an hour. see that little dot there. that is, in fact, bermuda, it passed at 40, 45 miles west of bermuda. also in the tropics, julia is weak and is moving off to the east. it's not going to affect any and. here's another area, africa, which will be tracking. it could become a tropical depression by tomorrow, but it's heading again where julia
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was to the northwest, not going to be an issue with any and masses at all. >> a football viewing party ends in tragedy in anne arundel county. police say a group of friends were watching football. when the game was over jeffery fitzgerald was carrying a tv back to a friend's boat when he fell in and died. >> at this hour, the johns hopkins doctor who was shot on the job in good condition. the family released a statement expression gratitude for his treatment and asking for privacy. adam may explains. >> reporter: the doctor's condition is improving. >> 911. we need 911. there's a shooting -- >> there's a shooting on the eighth floor. >> reporter: security reviews are underway when an armed gunman shot his mother's
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doctor, his mother and himself. he had a permit to carry a weapon. >> we don't know yet if it was in his daily row teen coming and visiting his mother that he always had that gun. >> reporter: the shooter's family also left puzzled. orthopedic surgeon, dr. david cohen has been upgraded to good condition. >> i shut are to think what my lower back would be like without dr. cohen's intervention. >> reporter: patients like this one wish him a speedy recovery. employees at hopkins had their last official debriefing sunday afternoon. adam marks wjz -- may, wjz. right now baltimore city police are still looking for the suspect who killed a man in
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east baltimore. early sunday morning in the 1200 block of bon na part avenue police found george lewis lying in the street. he was shot in the head and died after being rushed to johns hopkins. funeral plans are finallallized for the harford county high school student who died. >> a viewing will be held for 14-year-old joey d'entremont tomorrow with his funeral on wednesday. the fallston high school was killed while crossing the route north of the bypass. the driver that struck him had the right of way and did not see him. she has not been charged. things are -- the viewings are tomorrow and on wednesday and the funeral will follow. >> the accident is underinvestigation but police say speed nor alcohol played a factor in it. the ravens are back home, licking their wounds following a mistake filled loss to the
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cincinnati bengals. we have reaction from the team and fans. >> fans are feeling it for sure. those calling into my radio show unloaded a lot of frustration. fire the officials and bench the quarterback. those were the most common suggestions. in good times the quarterback gets credit. bad times he gets blamed, so joe flacco is the subject of the blame game. four times when the ball left flacco's hands it ended up in the bengal's hands. four interceptions were the movements turnovers tell the team and the ravens' offense sputtered. >> minus four isment going to get it done. >> it's bad. >> they're interceptions no matter how you feel about it. you can't turn a ball over that
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much and expect to win. >> blame the qb, blame the referees. it's tough to take. >> it's embarrassing that you can put them in field goal range when they couldn't get in the end zone by themselves. >> we asked you what upset you most about the loss. >> flacco, of course, he could have done better. >> ray rice should have run the ball more. >> i'm still whackco for flacco. >> we'll hear more from ray lewis. it's the ravens home opener. you can catch the game exclusively here on wjz 13. they welcome the cleveland browns to town. a delightful september
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region. here's a look outside. blue skies and mild temperatures. wjz is live with weather and traffic together. let's check in with bob turk. >> what a beautiful afternoon. it's pleasant. it's mild, very, very dry. look at the radar. humidity is down to 17% which is once again like the desert southwest. nothing at all on the radar. take a look at the radar. we're going to start chilly. tonight we'll have a lot of lows in the mid to upper if the in the but has that same cool high pressure shifts off the coast by tomorrow night wednesday, a big warmup. temperatures wednesday. we'll probably jump at least 10 degrees. we're talking mid to upper 80s. it feels like summer by thursday and friday. >> thank you. let's check in on the roads with sharon gibala. >> it's definitely feeling like rush hour. plenty of accidents.
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first of all one accident working on 95. that's past 175. it's causing some delays. you can see the speed sensors. we also have an accident on 83 past northern parkway involving multiple vehicles. there's some northbound vehicles. in essex watch for a wreck at sandalwood that one involves a dirt bike and three accidents at east bay at east 33rd and york road. watch for fire activity on the east side of the beltway on the outer loop at north point blocking the right lane. as far as delays, the averages on the west end, the west side is the slowest spot inner loop between 95 and 75 and 795, 35 miles an hour with an 18 minute drive time. there's a live look at green spring avenue. there is a look at the west side at baltimore national pike
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and south of the beltway, some minor tapping of the brakes. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's. bill's has got it all for you. lifesaving shot. getting a flu shot could do more. a player collapses on the field and dies. is there anything being done to protect players. deadly confrontation. what sparked a shootout between police and a motorcycle club. bob ehrlich pretends to be
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for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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meet pnc virtual wallet. it comes with a calendar that shows you all your finances at once. it lets you know when your money's going out. and when it's coming in. it even tells you when you're running low. we call that danger days. it's built to help you see your money in a whole new light. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc. for the achiever in us all. ♪
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two freshmen are killed in a horrific accident near the
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campus. you can see it their car was destroyed. the crash remains under investigation. police say they don't believe drugs nor alcohol were factors. a shootout between undercover police officers and members of a motorcycle club in cincinnati. you see one september suspect being taken -- one suspect being taken into custody. it's unclear who shot the man. a fire underneath a railroad bridge in new york city could cause headaches for commuters. this is the 138th bridge in harlem. a fire caused the delay. inspectors had to give the all clear for service to resume. another reason to get flu shot in addition to preventing aches and fever. charlie d'agata reports from london. a new study find the flu vaccine also lowers your risk
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of heart attack. >> reporter: he gets his flu shot because help doesn't ever want to get sick again. >> it's going to prevent a week of just horrible headaches and body aches and i'm into it. >> reporter: now may be an added benefit. a new study shows the flu vaccine lowers the risk of a heart attack by 19%. >> heart attacks are most prevalent during the winter month due to the stress of the cold and the development of upper respiratory tract infections like the flu. >> reporter: when you get it is key. getting it early reduces it 21%. late per only 12%. researchers in britain also looked into whether the pneumonia vaccine lowered the risk of a heart attack. doctors aren't sure what the connection is between the flu and heart attacks, but the theory is that respiratory
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infections trigger plaques in the arteries to break off and go to the heart. >> heart attacks are caused by lack of oxygen to the blood. this is due to clogged arteries or plaque build up. >> reporter: he doesn't have a history of heart disease but he's happy to know he's doing something good for his heart. >> i'm 51. anything that could help me live longer is good. >> reporter: researchers say if more studies back up their findings, it may lead to more people getting the vaccine, charlie d'agata, wjz eyewitness news. >> doctors say people with egg allergies should not get the flu vaccine. a robust start to the new week on wall street. stocks were up right after the opening bell and continued to rise throughout the day. the dow was up 146 points. the s&p 500 up 17. the nasdaq up 40.
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let's go to new york where alexis christoforous has the cbs money watch update. >> the depression ended in june 2009 according to the panel. the group says the recession began in december '07 and lasted 178 months, making it the longest recession since world war ii. president barack obama said during a townhall discussion today that a recession may be declared over but it remains very real for those americans out of work. gmac mortgage has temporarily suspended foreclosures in 23 states. the lender is investigating whether it was following proper procedures when it foreclosed on homes in those affected states. confidence among home builders remain at an 18-month low. according to the national association of home builders,
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foot traffic from prospective buyers fell this month. high unemployment, slow job growth and tight credit has kept people from buying homes. for more business headlines, stay with in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. still ahead, vicious attack. a woman's frantic efforts to save her husband after he's mauled by a bear. >> "hawaii 5-0", a new generation. coming up, we'll talk with one of the stars of the new show. your updated first warning forecast is just ahead. wjz is always on.
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♪ [ male announcer ] giving up cigarettes can take more than willpower alone. but today's a new day. for many, smoking is a treatable medical condition. so talk to your doctor about prescription treatment options and support. and this time, make it your time.
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the highly anticipated series of "hawaii 5-0", not a remake but a reimaginative. joining us from pearl harbor in "hawaii 5-0", actor daniel day
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kim. how are you? >> i'm well, thanks. >> how is this new version of "hawaii 5-0" going to be different from the original, do you think? >> i think this show modernized for today's television sensibilities. we have a slightly different style of writing. we have great story tellings. we've also got a little more high october tain action than the original -- octane action than the original. >> i know you're surrounded by a great cast. if people recognize you, daniel, they should. we know you from law, crash, shield, you have an impressive resume, my friend. >> thank you. >> you've been at it.
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i took the liberty of finding you and i are close in age and i imagine we both watched jack lord. what made that show great, do you think? >> i think it was a combination of things. he brought a no nonsense approach that was appealing. i think the fact that they were catching the bad guys in a beautiful locale was really appealing, especially in the dead of winter. >> let's talk about your great cast members, scott kahn, james kahn's son. really a talented group of castmen. >> i'm really excited. it's been great to watch us come together. i think there's some great chemistry. i think that will translate to the show itself. >> daniel day kim, baltimore will be watching and we're
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looking forward to a lot of episodes of "hawaii 5-0". >> thank you. >> you can catch the premiere of "hawaii 5-0" tonight at 10:00 right here on wjz. bob, you'll have it tuned in, right? you'll be watching? >> it looks like a great show. beautiful shot of pearl harbor. absolutely dry as a bone right here. take a look at temperatures. 77. north wind at 12, humidity at 17%. it's really unheard of. dew points down to 30 degrees. the barometer on the wall in your den, set it for 33 inches. go to the back and set that to 30 and you'll see it rise and fall over the next several days as the pressure changes from day to day. right now we're 77, easton, baltimore, 68 oakland. 77 ocean city.
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a day much like today. north winds have been breezy. 12 here, less to the north and the west. winds will die down. it will be a chilly night. with the dew point as low as it is, it's possible some of the valley unless west virginia, pa, get down to the upper 30s tonight. there's a good chance in northern papa of scatter -- pennsylvania of scattered frost. most of the country, really, if you fly out to california, you won't even encounter a cloud as you can clearly see. a front came through with a few clouds. not a lot going on in our part of the world. there is another front that will approach us with some clouds wednesday night, ahead of it, however, very warm temperatures. tomorrow no problem, very fine weather, high pressure but that same high moves off. here comes some warmer air. temperatures will be getting back into the mop to upper --
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mid to upper 80s. with the front close by, there may be a shower wednesday night. southeast winds five to 10 knots. bay temps in the mid-70s. tonight clear and cool. probably upper 40s to the mid- 50s. a beautiful night back into the mid-70s, a lot of sunshine and one more dry day and a big warmup on wednesday. >> wow. look forward to it. thank you. katie couric has a preview of what's coming up tonight. steve hartman's mission to prove everybody in the world has a story. he will introduce us to a boy who ran away from home just to stay in school. so that story and or tonight only on the "cbs evening news." the maryland department of transportation starts the year to see what the jurisdiction needs most. i'm andrea fujii. that story is just ahead.
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vanished. concerned about the health of members of a bizarre religious sect. how it ended. new charges against a man who attacked several people in several states. eyewitness news at 4 [ ehrlich ] annapolis -- if they have their way, we're facing a mountain of debt and a massive tax increase. employers will continue to leave our state, taking their jobs with them. the next four years will impact the next decade, so we've put together a road map to 2020. a plan that brings jobs back to maryland by reducing spending and lowering taxes. let's make the maryland we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work.
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today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries. ♪
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hello, thanks for staying with us. i'm denise koc . >> i'm vic carter. >> a player dies after collapsing on the phil field. -- on the field. we have more. >> reporter: it seemed like a regular friday night under the lights. 17-year-old reggie garrett was leading the mustangs to victory when tragedy struck. >> i saw him on the ground. >> reporter: the texas team
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collapsed on the sidelines and he was rushed to the hadn't and pronounced dead. >> it's been hard. you think of all the time with him. >> reporter: garrett had a history of seizures but was medically screened. he was the third high school player to suddenly die. cody turner and olivia lewis both died after practice and a 17-year-old oregon player was saved by a nurse in the stands after he suffered a sudden heart attack last week. bien robinson from the trainers association says there's one question -- >> who's taking care of my kid. >> reporter: high school football tops the list for injuries. 12 player deaths were linked to afternoon. half a million report concussions and compared to
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other at lets, football players are 10 times more likely to suffer heat related illnesses. >> all these things are a matter of education, and i think we're making progress. we still have a ways to go. >> despite the increased awareness, the requirement for medical screening varies from state to state. the murder trial continues for the california man who was in the crash that killed nick aiden hart. the jury is hearing the defendant's version. prosecutors say andrew gal low was drunk when he ran a light. another robbery has students on alert at the university of maryland college park. this time it was not a student but man walking near campus when he was assaulted and robbed by at least three people. there has been a series of similar robberies.
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new charges n-involved in a -- charges involved in a series of robberies. >> he faces four new counts of attempted murder. he had previously been charged in one case, the attempted murder of a 6-year-old man. police say he' tacked more than a dozen people. he is being held without bail. in all, five people were killed in the attack. nearly a dozen others wounded. police in most of the cases say the victims were asking for help or direction when they were attacked. missing members of a strange religious sect found safe after fears of a mass suicide. dying gig -- manuel gallegus has more. >> reporter: the frantic search for members of a fringe religious group ended with them being found. >> they were together.
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there were kids off playing. >> reporter: investigators questioned the group's leader. they say after giving a false name and rambling during questioning, they hospitalized her for a mental evaluation. sheriff's deputies spent the weekend combing the area for the leader and 12 others, after family members found letters. >> they left behind notes saying they were going to visit their deceased relatives, notes indicating they wanted to go to the next life. >> reporter: the leader broke away from a christian con dpre gages and began meetings with a small group of immigrants from el salvador. the group planned to go to a wilderness area to await an earthquake or similar catastrophic event earlier this year. when relatives got wind of the trip, they called it off.
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this time husbands of two women in the group told deputies they thought the members were brain washed. >> we were just singing and praying at the park. >> reporter: sheriff's officials said there's no criminal investigation planned at this time. manuel gallegus reporting for wjz. >> the youngest member of the group is just three years old. >> a fantastic monday to kick off the workweek. what's in store for the rest of the book as fall officially begins. wjz has weather and traffic together. bob? >> i'm laughing because the first day of fall will feel like the middle of summer. it may not be humid but it may get up into the upper 80s. very dry and very comfortable. 77. humidity at 17%. that's like nevada. the barometer is steady. noticing on radar, now tomorrow it will start off really chilly, some 30s across
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northern sections of pennsylvania. there will be a lot of 40s and 50s in our region. after tuesday the high moves off and just in time for the first day of fall. >> let's check in on the roads with sharon gibala. hi, sharon. good afternoon, a busy afternoon commute. we have an accident on 95 in the southbound lanes past 175. speeds are starting to get back up to par. we have another accident on 83 on the southbound lanes of the jfx, that one involving multiple vehicles back to falls road. the southbound delay just approaching the accident scene. four accidents now in the city at east fayette, east 33rd and old york and east 34th at green mount. we also have the fire activity on the east side outer loop at north point. that is blocking the right lane. as far as drive times and
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speeds go, there is a look at your drive times and speeds, the top and the west side moving slow. the top side the slowest between 83 and 95. that's going to be 37 miles an hour with a 16-minute drive time, about the same on the west side with a 17-minute drive time between 95 and 795. taking a live look outside. there's a look at york road, heavy volume on the inner and outer loop, heavy at baltimore national pike and a look at 95 running pretty smoothly just shout of the beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by famous dave's. try our two new sauces. hurry. they won't last long. they're perfect for parties and watching football. back over to you. the maryland department of transportation kicks off its yearly tour across the state. as andrea fujii explains, this year they started in baltimore county. >> maryland transportation
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secretary beverly swains daily will be visiting different areas. it's a chance to listen and talk to city and county leaders about what road projects are most important to them. the 2011 to 20136m dot budget -- >> it gives you the opportunity to, with emphasis, in a personal way to meet with mdot and the secretary to stress the importance and to demonstrate the importance of projects which we're asking the state to collaborate with, baltimore county on moving forward. >> reporter: the tours are scheduled to be done in mid- november. in toeson -- towson, reporting. straight ahead, what's in youred into? will the government allow a company to sell genetically
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engineered salmon at your grocery store? firefighters with their hands full in utah. stick around for the first warning forecast. ,,,,
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fire spreads across hundreds of acres in utah. it started at a national guard firing range. apparently dry brush caught fire during an artillery training session. over 300 acres have burned and 1400 homes have been evacuated near salt lake city. a city councilman was caught in a life or death struggle with a bear. during the encounter, believed to be the first in the region in 20 years, he suffered puncture wounds to his head and face. his wife made this call to 911.
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>> there's a bear up here. please help me. he's dying. >> okay. >> honey, just a minute. >> he was air lifted to a seattle hospital where he is now recovering. the bear was found and killed several hours after the attack. a government panel is deciding on whether to allow a company to sell genetically engineered salmon to u.s. consumers. manuel gallegus last the report from washington. >> reporter: it's in the just a fish story. you could soon be eating genetically engineered salmon, using growth hormones, aqua bounty technology claims they can grow full market sized fish in half the time. the company says the altered fish is safe and will create jobs. >> we can bring the industry back and provide the americans
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a safe and sustainable high quality food. >> reporter: the food and drug administration agrees the salmon is safe but is waiting for an advisory panel's approval. food safety groups say no way. they call it franken fish and argue it could be bad for humans and natural fish. >> we think the fda hasn't done all its homework yet and the company hasn't done all its homework yet. >> reporter: even if the government approves it, it won't be available to the public for a couple years. >> you're fooling with nature. anytime you're doing that, you're taking a big chance. >> reporter: at washington's main avenue fish market, no one seemed anxious to try it. the fda hasn't said when it would make its decision. both agree if it is approved, other genetically modified food will be right behind it.
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>> if the panel set up by the fire department approves the -- by the approves it -- bp's well has been officially declared dead. the pressure test was confirmed -- or has confirmed the cement plug will hold after a series of primary winds -- after a series of primary wins, the conservatives feel like they have the wen at their back. joel brown has the report. >> reporter: conservatives are getting charged up to win back control of congress. in this room it's just a matter of time. >> i am so eager for november to come. i can't wait. how about you? >> reporter: with their sights set on winning control of the house and naiver the senate, the mid-term elections were a main focus at the annuals
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values summit. it's a convention of largely christian conservatives, a republican showcase for the tea party celebrities and the potential 2012 contenders. in this year of the tea party a lot of the social conservatives have been replaced by anger over the healthcare law and anxiety over government spending. >> we're on a downheel course with this country. we're saying that governments, back off. we don't like how much you're spending. we don't know how much you're regulating. >> reporter: but they don't agree on everything. there his concern among established republicans that hard line tea party candidates could turn off moderate voters and many in the tea party are loudly voicing concern with republicans they don't think
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are conservative enough. until november they're vowing to put aside their own differences, concentrating on taking back power in the capital. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> the 2010 mid-term election will be held on tuesday november 2nd. >> a beverly hills judge has issued an arrest warrant for lindsay lohan after the actress failed a drug test. she is now facing possible jail time for violating her probation. a bench war rants was issued for her. lohan con frmed on her twitter page last week that she failed a court ordered drug and alcohol screening. the new cbs show "hawaii 5- 0" premieres tonight. how different is it from the original? >> reporter: when you think of
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the original "hawaii 5-0", you don't think cutting-edge technology, but the new "hawaii 5-0" is modern day law enforcement. >> we're supposed to be above mapped beyond the normal police force. we're going to have a lot of toys, a lot of gadgets and up to date materials. >> reporter: "hawaii 5-0" is a fix alice force but the team has a long time honolulu veteran, keeping them legit. >> the little ear plugs they wear, they're actually going in after a bad guy. >> reporter: a lot of tv shows use dummy props but 5-0 isn't one. this would be the envy of many of the world's military. the show's armorer. >> this represents cutting-edge stuff. cem calls it a space gun.
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>> reporter: it looks like it. it includes sophisticated techniques. action remains the backbone of the new 5-0. making things crash or bleed is the work of a third generation hawaii special effects expert. >> it's fun. it's dangerous but good fun. >> good clean danger. >> reporter: and fan also love this reboot for another reason. lots of reality here in hawaii, the real thing. from the team to the tech, this is' new "hawaii 5-0", but some things just couldn't change. for cbs news, reporting for >> you can catch the premiere of "hawaii 5-0" right here on wjz. >> blowing stuff up, i'll be there. we could be in store for a very
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nice week. ,, everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same.
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if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. es tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax.
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a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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take a live look outside courtesy of sky chopper 13. it as a beautiful day. >> you could probably see oat heat -- ocean city today. you can really see the washington capitol, washington monument from here. it's that clear, that dry. there's pollen, yes, i know. 77. holt -- humidity low at 17%. the barometer is holding steady. 30 is your dew point. that's very, very dry, very, very low. that will continue to at least one more day. 66 in oakland. that's as warm as it got. 80 in washington. 77 ocean city, tomorrow a day much like today mid to upper 70s with low humidity. there's a big change coming on
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wednesday. right now we have winds out of the north that brought that nice dry air mass. we had a weak front that saw a few clouds. that passed well to our south as a dry front. now we have beautiful high pressure. look at that from main to florida and from maryland all the way out to california. barely a cloud. you'd see the ground the entire time. to our north this is where we're seeing a big change, much warmer air, much cooler air coming in from can disa. it's going to get chilly. that's not going to be with us until next sunday or monday. we got a big warmup beginning in the central portion of the united states. it will be transported in our direction as the area of high pressure that's giving us a beautiful day will eventually move offshore. what that means is the pleasantly cool conditions will be with us through tuesday. by wednesday it will get much, much warmer as the winds go back to the southwest.
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the front may get close enough for a scattered showers and increased humidity. so wednesday, thursday and friday, this front should stay to the north. friday making it up to 90 degrees. southeast winds five to 10. the bay temp 7 -- temp 79. tomorrow sunny, a very pleasant afternoon with a high about where we are at 77 degrees, but mid to upper 80s, a big jump on wednesday. >> thank you, bob. still to come tonight on eyewitness news -- >> fatal shooting at johns
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries.
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coming up next at 5:00. a johns hopkins doctor shot in a violent confrontation. the latest on the condition. unthinkable crime. this wife is accused of fatally beating her aunt. you won't believe what the suspected murder weapon was. and sounding often on a bad loss to the bengals. check in for these stories and all the day's news. eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. healing at hopkins. a baltimore gr doctor recovers from a gunshot wound.
4:59 pm
>> tonight, what his family has to say and what police have learned from that day. hi, everybody. i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm denise koch. mary is off. and here's what people are talking about. >> a disgruntled patient shot. -- shoots a doctor. we have the latest on the doctor's condition. >> the doctor's condition is improving. meanwhile, police could end up making minor changes to their tactical unit. dr. cohen upgraded the condition, following the attack. 911, it's shooting. >> shooting in the hallway on the 8th floor. >> reporter: the 58-year-old orthopedic surgeon was shot. he had just


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