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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 14, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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primary day. voters in more than half a dozen states head to the polls today, as all eyes are on tea party candidates looking for big upsets, including a key senate race in delaware. we'll speak with the woman at the center of the contest. pipeline power. new pictures of that deadly gas explosion in the bay area reveal just how devastating it was. and now authorities are worrying about the safety of other pipelines all around the country. and football scandal. a female reporter covering the new york jets claims she was harassed on the field, and in
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the locker room, as the team and the league open an investigation. she shares her story with us in the studio "early" this tuesday she shares her story with us in the studio "early" this tuesday morning, september 14th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good tuesday morning. i'm erica hill. great to have you with us here on "the early show." >> it's tuesday. beautiful day outside. i'm harry smith. a lot of people looking at what's going on out in the atlantic. already established igor is a category 4. julia is now a hurricane, as well. they're making their way westward through the atlantic. we'll keep an eye on where they're heading. igor, unfortunately, has got a real bead on bermuda. and our dave price, dr. science himself, will be along in a few minutes to explain exactly where those storms are headed. >> dr. science or dr. weather. a little bit of both. first we turn to politics this morning. the tea party and voter anger.
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there are more primary lessons today around the country and tea party candidates are hoping to upset more established republicans. cbs news correspondental correspondent nancy cordes is in washington with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, erica. there are primaries in seven states and d.c. today. but the one that everyone is watching is in delaware. who wins there could very well determine whether republicans have a shot at taking control of the senate. it was a $250,000 pledge from the tea party express that vaulted republican christine o'donnell from dark horse to contender in the delaware senate primary. >> there's a tidal wave in delaware and we're riding it and my opponent is drowning in it. >> reporter: everyone thought her opponent would be a shoo-in. mike castle is a popular nine-term congressman and former delaware governor. but the newest polls show them neck and neck. >> i think she's too extreme for delaware. >> reporter: o'donnell has crusaded for abstinence and against porn. writing once that when a married
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person uses pornography, it compromises the spouse's purity. >> if christine o'donnell wins the primary election she's going to have a very difficult time winning in what is still a very blue, very democratic state. >> reporter: and that is why republican leaders are putting all their muscle behind castle. >> didn't pay thousands in income taxes, had to be sued by a university for thousands in unpaid bills. >> reporter: o'donnell is hoping to even the score with a late endorsement from sarah palin. who's also recording robo-calls for her. >> christine will help usher in the real change that we need to get america on the right track. >> reporter: the stakes are so high in delaware because republicans must win this special election for vice president biden's former seat if they want a real chance to reclaim the senate. they need to win ten senate seats to do that, and until recently this seat in delaware seemed like it was in the bag, erica. >> oh, but no longer. cbs' nancy cordes joining us from washington. republican u.s. senate candidate christine o'donnell joins us
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this morning from outside a polling station in wilmington, delaware. good to have you with us this morning. >> good morning, erica. thank you for having me. >> as we just heard from nancy, you have the support of sarah palin at this point, you have the support of the tea party express. but freedom works, which is the group backed by dick armey which backed a number of tea party candidates has not given you its support. saying that they see you as a weak candidate, they don't believe you can win in a general election. but as nancy noted, some of those polls showing you creeping up. why do you feel that you cannot only win here but also convince moderates and even some democrats to vote for you come november? >> you know, people didn't think that we would get this far in the primary, either. and i think that that's a lazy way out to say that we can't win. we have a winning message that after the primary we're going to take into the general election. and it's a message that resonates with independents and democrats. because the people who are struggling economically, it doesn't go by party lines. our message is that we need real economic growth, based on the private sector.
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we need to create jobs by getting the government out of the way of the small business owner and the entrepreneur. we can't afford more of these big spending bills that my republican and democratic opponents support. commonsense men and women here in delaware know that that's not sustainable. and i'm fortunate because my opponent has -- he can't stand on his record, so he's resorted to character assassination. and it's backfired. it's really exciting that the voters are seeing right through that. they're tired of politics as usual, and they're rallying behind me, because they trust me to represent them in washington, a much-needed real change in washington. >> there's been some focus on both your experience, you've never held an elected office, and also some questions raised about your own financial history. it took 12 years for you to get your college degree because you hadn't paid off some loans. there were some leftover campaign debts. you mentioned the importance of finances, and of the economy, and of jobs. can voters trust you, then, someone who has had financial
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trouble? >> absolutely. erica, thank you for this opportunity to clear the record. all of those accusations are addressed on my website, and when the question of financial responsibility comes into question, you have to look at how i handled those financial difficulties. i'm an average hard-working american. i'm not a multimillionaire like my opponent. of course in this economy i'm fallen on hard times. i worked hard. i sacrificed. i made the decision that i needed to make things right. i came through to the other side in a very strong position. i made it through the difficult times. that's what the voters are seeing. financial responsibility is making your obligations right. my opponent has cashed a government paycheck, a taxpayer funded government paycheck for over four decades. so when he makes those accusations that that's irresponsible because someone has struggled, he's insulting the voters. and i think that's where the backlash has come from. and that's why so many former people who once supported my opponent are now on my side. because of this obnoxious sense
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of entitlement that this position should be handed to the next anointed king. >> i want to take a look at your support before we let you go. you've had some endorsements from outside the state of delaware. senator jim demint of south carolina and we mentioned sarah palin. how much of your funding, how much of your volunteering is coming from within the state of delaware. there's been some criticism that too much of it is a national and not a local level? >> well, we have an army of volunteers that have given us the strength we need to get the national attention. and my opponent, over about 70% of his donations come from out-of-state corporate special interest tax. >> why do you feel -- important for this race for the state of delaware. why do you need it? >> well for us, we're relying on the grassroots support. we are not a party apparatus. so when palin and demint and sean hannity and others have come in and gotten behind our grassroots effort, it was a vote
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of confidence for we, the people, and a vote against the politics of personal destruction. so what they were saying was, enough is enough. this election, the focus of this election, should be how we're going to get private sector jobs back in delaware. how we're going to defend the security of our homeland. how we're going to take care of our veterans. when the national support came in, it was saying enough is enough. let's talk about the real issues. and i'm excited for our war-weary troops who have gotten us this far. >> christine o'donnell, thanks. harry? >> all right, erica. the big bay area gas explosion that killed at least four people is causing worries about gas pipelines around the country. one pipeline safety expert says, quote, if this was air travel we were talking about, i wouldn't get on an airplane. now the latest images from thursday's explosion show just how horrible it really was. priya david clemens is at the scene in san bruno, california. priya, good morning. >> reporter: harry, good morning. that's right. we're getting our first look at some of the cell phone video and
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surveillance video from the blast that leveled this neighborhood on thursday evening. and some of the images you're going to see in a few seconds are jarring. pacific gas & electric, which is the company that owns the pipeline, has pledged $100 million towards the recovery effort. but the residents here are facing not just a financial toll, but an emotional one, as well. new images are now emerging. cell phone video that capture the sudden, violent nightmare on the ground. >> i don't want nobody to go through that. i mean, i thought it was an earthquake. >> reporter: it looked like an earthquake from this surveillance video at a san bruno convenience store. customers fall to the ground. some diving for cover. >> i opened the front door and i saw that flame and that was it. >> reporter: residents of san bruno had little time to react. in an instant, at least four people died, and 37 homes were burned to the ground. >> i can't get that roaring
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sound out of my mind, and that big, boom, and the sight of that enormous blast of fire. >> reporter: this security video from a gas station shows just how quickly things went from normal, to chaotic. flames begin to fill the screen. what can't be seen is what residents felt. >> the middle of our house was off the foundation, because that explosion was tremendous. i mean the house just went like that. >> reporter: federal officials are now examining the section of pipe that ruptured, and trying to determine how many other lines around the country could be at risk of a similar explosion. here's an alarming number. there have been more than 3,000 gas pipeline accidents over the past 20 years. a third of them have resulted in major injuries or in death. that's why federal officials are so concerned to find out what happened here, and see if there are steps that need to be taken in other sections of pipeline throughout the country. harry? >> priya david clemens in san
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bruno, california, this morning. thank you. moments after the gas explosion, local resident walter mccaffrey started shooting his own video of the flames. and he joins us, as well, from san bruno. good morning, sir. >> good morning, harry. >> talk to me about what did you hear, what did you feel when this explosion happened? >> i was downstairs in my bedroom and i was getting ready to go to my mother-in-law's for dinner, and i just heard this, sounded like an aircraft taking off. and just the blast after that, and knocked me to the floor and i started running up to make sure my wife and kids were out. they had already left, maybe ten minutes, 10, 15 minutes earlier. so i was just running around the house just to make sure they were out of the house, and i started calling 911. i couldn't get through. and i just tried to get a hold of my wife to make sure she doesn't come back for me. >> right. >> and that's when i saw -- that's when i ran out, and i
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started taking video of the big fireball. >> could you feel the heat from the flames? i mean, this is just right outside your house, right? >> right. right. wasn't even a minute, and i couldn't even open my sliding door anymore to get out to the deck. >> because it was so hot? >> it was so hot. and it was so hot. and i couldn't get out -- there's a couple ways to get out to my deck, and i couldn't get out to the deck because everything was just so hot. >> right. did you think you were -- >> when i finally got out >> -- were you trapped in your house or how did you finally escape? >> no, i wasn't. i actually ran out, and i checked on my neighbors, and i ran back in to get my dog, and that's when i had access out to the deck and that's when i started videotaping, and you could probably hear me yelling for my dog on the footage. >> did you get your dog?
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>> yes. >> oh, good. >> i got him out. fire crews were already out there, maybe five minutes, and they were already telling us to report -- >> let me ask you this. did you ever smell gas in the neighborhood? and did you ever give a second's thought to the fact that there might be a natural gas pipeline right, literally, running right underneath your neighborhood? >> no. i never smelled gas. and i just thought it was really, my initial thought was that it was a plane crash. and i was even yelling down to my neighbors and asking them, was that a plane crash? it's when i got to my mother-in-law's, i saw news reports that, you know, it could be a gas line that blew up. >> you have a good story to tell, and that you're able to actually move back into your house. glad everybody in your household
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is safe and sound. walter mccaffrey, thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us this morning. >> thank you, harry. >> all righty. >> we do want to get to a few more headlines for you. jeff glor is standing by at the news desk. >> erica, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. the latest round of mideast peace talks is under way this morning in egypt. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and palestinian president mahmoud abbas are being joined by secretary of state hillary clinton. at the top of the agenda today, israel's freeze on construction of jewish settlements on the west bank, which is set to expire this month. it appears there's been another snag in the release of an american hiker held by iran. the iranians said they'll release sarah shourd in exchange for half a million dollars bail. her family is having a hard time raising the money and wants the bail reduced. the whole process is being complicated by iranian government infighting right now. shourd and two fellow hikers have been held by iran for more than a year. the biggest wildfire in northern colorado is fully contained this morning. that blaze near boulder burned at least 166 homes before it was brought under control.
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a second, smaller fire near loveland is only about 25% contained at this point. officials say the boulder fire started with a controlled burn of brush that wasn't completely extinguished. the man responsible is a firefighter who lost his own home to that wildfire. scientists say they know where a lot of the oil from the bp spill went. the bottom. using deep sea robots scientists found patches of oil up to two inches thick on the sea floor. that oil was up to 80 miles from the blown-out well. dead shrimp and other sea life were found under that dense layer of oil. and rafael nadal of spain has completed his career grand slam. in a rain-delayed men's final, nadal defeated novak djokovic of serbia in four sets last night for nadal's first u.s. open title. he fell to the ground after. that makes nadal only the seventh man to win all four of the world's grand slam tennis tournaments. an impressive display from nadal last night. overpowering at times.
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not as impressive as dave price's forecasting abilities. however, pretty good. >> a little b b
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>> watch for some rough conditions, rapid city, sioux falls, omaha, cedar rapids,
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topeka as this system moves east today. more in just a little while. >> thanks, dave. >> skill ahead this morning, scandal in the locker room. we'll talk to the female reporter who says she was harassed by the new york jets. >> also, go see oprah, win a trip to australia. we're going to tell you where her audience is going this time. oh, man. who's in the cockpit? i wonder. >> ha, ha. we need to get tickets to that show next time, harry. >> there aren't that many left. this is "the early show" on cbs. most people like to hear
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just ahead this morning, ines sainz, a reporter for a mexican tv channel, she was in town recently interviewing mark sanchez from the jets. apparently a lot else was going on in that locker room during this interview, like cat calls. we'll get the full story. . >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by roc skin
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we have some delays, southbound, 75 is heavy towards the beltway and in reisterstown, accidents to watch out for and dover road and butler road. now, the beltway and old court road, there's plenty of congestion. this is brought to you by loyola, school of education. now, back to you. thank you, in the new, it's primary day and the democratic candidates and the state's attorney's race are battling to the end. andrea fujii has the latest on this. good morning, don, it's been more than a decade that pat jessamy has faced such a strong challenger. greg bernstein spent yesterday meeting voters and jessamy picked up another endorsement. bernstein picked up support from a former judge and
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attorney, billy murphy. bernstein argued, she's not tough enough on criminals. >> and bernstein continues to rake in campaign cash, jessamy had to contribute $100,000 to keep up. and a man may be on the run with his pregnant girlfriend. a 29-year-old is now wanted on charges of harboring a fugitive. he escaped custody after attempted murder charges. it was a close one and the ravens win their first game of the regular season. they played the jets. there was a sack and a ray lewis hit. the ravens win 10-9. and stay with wjz-13,
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maryland's news station. up next, a special preview of the news iphoneap and hear from a sports reporter who claims she was harassed and the investigation continues into that. ,,,, - friend: yeah? car owner: and this is what he had in my budget. friend: oh well, the top is down! car owner: the top is gone! friend: yeah, there's lot's of head-room! car owner: tons of head-room! careful! friend: ow! car owner: that's sharp.
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nice crowd out on the plaza today. i find a disproportionate number of people from louisiana show up here. what is the deal with that? >> louisiana and iowa. >> welcome back to "the early show." hard to feel sorry for sharks. you know. we do these stories all the time. >> shark attacks. >> exactly right. day after day after day. but this is what happens to -- >> awful. >> -- millions of these animals. and we have a very interesting panel of folks here. people who have all been attacked by sharks who are saying, hang on. the sharks are not the bad guys. there's a whole other part of
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this story they want to tell, and they'll be here this morning to do it. >> it's a fascinating story. i love that. also, we're covering this story getting a lot of attention. the start of the nfl season being overshadowed by charges that members of the new york jets sexually harassed a female reporter in the locker room. we're going to speak with that reporter. her name is ines sainz. she'll join us in just a moment. first cbs news correspondent betty nguyen joins us from outside the jets new home with the latest. betty, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. yes, the jets played the first game in the new stadium last night but it's actually what happened in the locker room that has people talking. >> he's got it! >> reporter: it was a rough start to the jets 2010 football season last night. >> the game will end there. >> reporter: as they lost to the baltimore ravens 10-9. but that could be the least of their worries. >> there have been allegations of inappropriate behavior by some of the jets players and coaches. >> reporter: the nfl is investigating the team after a female reporter from mexico made allegations of sexual
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harassment. ines sainz, a former miss spain and miss universe contestant was on the sidelines during practice last saturday when jets players and coaches appeared to throw footballs in her direction. later, as she waited in the locker room to conduct this interview with quarterback mark sanchez, she was reportedly the target of cat calls and rude comments. she tweeted in spanish, i'm so uncomfortable. i'm in a jets locker room waiting for mark sanchez and trying not to look around me. and a few moments later, i want to cover my ears. women reporting on the sidelines, and in locker rooms, is nothing new. but this incident is making for embarrassing headlines for both the jets and the nfl. >> this is both personally and professionally discouraging. >> reporter: cbs sports lesley visser, a member of the football hall of fame and a pioneering female sports journalist says there's no room for a boys will be boys attitude. >> it's just not relevant here. those are professional athletes. professional reporters, and you know, we're not in seventh grade anymore. >> reporter: sainz says jets
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owner woody johnson has apologized, and she has accepted. but that doesn't mean the team is out of legal trouble. >> if people around her saw it as sexual harassment then it could be actionable even though she's not quite clear about whether she wants to file a lawsuit yet. >> reporter: and the jets could also face disciplinary action from the nfl. an investigation is under way. officials will be interviewing both players and coaches today. erica? >> cbs' betty nguyen at the meadowlands. betty, thanks. ines sainz of mexico's tv azteca joins us now. good to have you with us. >> thank you very much. >> we heard a few different accounts. tell us in your words what happened that day in the locker room. >> yes, what happened is the minute i walk in to the locker room, i start to hear that everybody starting to talk about me and makie injokes. but just professional i decide not to pay attention. i focus on my interview so i go direct to the locker of room of mr. sanchez and i wait for him.
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but i believe that the rest of the media start to hear the different kind of things that i didn't hear. and sometime in a minute, a colleague, come with me, and i'm so sorry. it mustn't happen, it's terrible. i feel sorry for you. so i tried to say, don't worry, i can handle the situation. >> right. >> and that's it. and i even try to pay attention. >> you just kind of ignored it? it didn't bother you? >> well, i was focused on my job, and try to not pretend not to be feeling bad. >> a locker room is a tough place for anybody, male or female and a lot of journalists say, look, you don't want to be in there no matter what, whether you're male or female. >> yes. >> you covered sports, though, in the past. have you ever had a reaction like that before? >> well, actually, yes i was covering for nine years. and probably i have similar reactions in a different kind of
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sport. but, never, the vocabulary never so rude. or something that is -- i think that the media that in the locker room, what are really upset is about the vocabulary they used to refer to me. i want to say that i'm not the one who made the charge. >> yes. >> because i didn't even say, hey, i feel bad for that, with nfl. the ones that say that something is happened there is the rest of the media. >> there has been a little bit of criticism. there's a pretty well known sports blog, they said they spoke with a female reporter who was there for the incident, who covers this on a regular basis, and she had said to them, look, it's really more about respect. respect for, it came across as respect for the team, respect for the sport of football, and sort of knowledge of the game. do you think any of it had to do with that? >> yes. well, i am really grateful with her and with all the accusation
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of woman reporters, because they take it very seriously. and i believe that that is okay. because, you are woman, and you are a professional way. i make everything in as a professional way that i needed to do. and not any woman deserves to be treat like this. you must deserve to treat like a professional. >> we're going to look at the picture, i think there's a picture of what you were wearing that day. you know, talking about you tweeted saying, hey, this is what i'm wearing, not a big deal. have you had anybody tell you that that was an inappropriate outfit? >> well, actually no. because i think that each woman wants to be attractive, and i have nine years making my job. i have more than 200 interview with the best players in the world for football, the most important sports. so it's my style. i never have any trouble like this. so i think that, don't you think that like a woman, that if you
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dress and feel good and go and be professional all the time, you deserve to be treat like this? >> do you plan to pursue any further action? >> no, i really believe in what nfl decide. because, they call me the last day on sunday and made a full declaration of the act. and they take very seriously, and i really believe that they find that they need to punish someone, they are going to do it. and they will do necessary. >> good to have you with us. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> want to g
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we have a couple of ipads on the set. and we are trying out the new cbs news app. >> okay. >> everyone is very excited. >> like them a lot. >> what's great about it is, there's 25,000 apps just for the ipad alone. so it can be kind of hard to cut through all the clutter. what's great about this is it breaks through all the categories categorically. if you just want your world news, if you just want politics. if you want science and technology, no problem, right at your fingertips. and i can actually swipe through all of these categories. >> wait. show me. so how do i know each bar, how do i know what it is? ooh -- >> no, you're okay. >> very sensitive to the touch. how do i know this line is one thing. >> the categories are broken down. so science and technology. right here on the bar. if i want to swipe down i can go to health, and even if i just want entertainment, everything is broken right down. what's also cool, too, is little extras. we have weather at the touch of a button. >> oh, like that.
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>> oh, boy, oh, boy. >> dave's actually going to be in the weather. >> we also have stocks at the touch of a button. and also we can get it down to shows, categorically, as well. >> you can see if you see katie couric, "the early show," perhaps the saturday evening news with jeff glor. this i thought was cool, you can save stuff to the ipad to watch later if you're a place that doesn't have wi-fi? >> that's right. this app also has offline capabilities. if you're not connected, you can save articles for later and then access them. so i have a whole pool of articles i want to check out later, including a man who punched a shark in a face. >> ooh, i talked to him. >> i can go ahead and read that later even if i'm not connected via a wi-fi signal. as i mentioned you can break down the shows categorically. so there we have "the early show." i just click on "the early show" and then all of the clips will pop up for "the early show," which is really nice. and i use that little swipe feature and all of the news and clips are right at your fingertips. just really quickly if i were to
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change that orientation, all i do is flip the screen and it becomes more like a newspaper. katie, as always, thank you very much. time to get the cbs news app all you need to do is go to our website, >> it's free. >> it is. >> can i borrow it forever? >> you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> can we get the ipad for free? diabetes testing? what else is new?
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i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. they're oven-baked flatbread crisps. ♪ with the tastes of sea salt and olive oil. ♪
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or sprinkled with italian herbs. ♪ townhouse flatbread crisps. they're perfect for snack time, party time, any time. ♪ new townhouse flatbread crisps. the everyday cracker with the specially-crafted taste. some breaking news to bring us right now. the associated press reporting that iranian tv reporting sarah shourd has, in fact, been released. she was one of three hikers who, of course, have been imprisoned in iran for more than a year now. we have heard she'd be released on saturday. there was a lot of back and forth. then there was a demand for $500,000 bail. the family most recently, her family said, look, we can't come up with this money, can we work something else out. and then this news coming just now. >> it's very interesting. her mother said the other day, she was very concerned about her daughter's health, about sarah's health, because of genetics and precancerous conditions, just
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the stress of all of this. and what impact it might be having on her health. so, these three women have been guests here in the studio many times over the last year. they have worked so diligently and so hard in such frustrating conditions to try and get these kids released. >> of course, there was the technical issue of the fact that there can't be a direct money transfer to the iranian government because of -- >> because of u.s. sanctions. >> sanctions, right, exactly. so clearly they had to work around that, as well. >> we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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[ female announcer ] your precious eyes. when allergies make them itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. choose alaway, from the eye health experts at bausch & lomb. it works in minutes and up to 12 hours. bausch & lomb alaway. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes. because it's not just your allergies, sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable.
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of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. so if you've been attacked by a shark, seriously injured, what would sort of be your long-term reaction to that animal? >> negative. >> stay far away from it. >> well, it turns out, very interesting thing, there's a whole bunch of people who have been attacked who are getting together and saying, we're not the victims here, it's the
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sharks that need protection. we're going to tell you that story in a dramatic fashion in our next hour so stay tuned. jennifer hudson here. before weight watchers, my world was can't. but now. lose weight. can. live. can. stand here and not suck' in a thing... i can. and you can too. [ female announcer ] hurry. join now and get a month free. weight watchers. because it works. as they do at the beginning ? only air optix® contact lens materials have tricomfort™ technology. they let up to five times more oxygen through the lens than traditional soft contact lenses... ...are designed to retain moisture for comfort all day long... and have superior deposit resistance for cleaner lenses. air optix®, the lens you can survive a long day in.
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go to for a free one-month trial offer. hey, let me see that map for a second. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich. everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes.
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but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. you're looking live at the vietnam veteran's memorial bridge. here's kristy breslin with wjz traffic control. >> hi, don, well, plenty of activity going on out there. southbound, 95. we see congestion, that's heavy from white marsh from the north east side. and as far as northbound 95 goes, still, that's on the shoulder and northbound inner loop, slowing there and not
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better on the westside. still, busy there and 795 to edmondson avenue. and a disabled vehicle to watch out for on the south westside of the outer lupe at 95. wills' look live at 95 north of the beltway now. you can see the traffic definitely building. we'll take a look at 695, free and clear and that's on the right side of the screen. go to h.h. gregg for tvs and digital screens. marty's in the first warning weather center. well, it's an easy and beautiful forecast today. sunny skies and the high temperature of 80 and a few clouds and 52 tonight. and a high of 80 degrees. the battle for the state's attorney office is in full swing today. andrea fujii has more. >> reporter: don, it's been more than a decade that pat
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jessamy faced a strong challenger for her job. with hours left in his campaign, bernstein met with voters and jessamy -- while jessamy defendings her record, bernstein says she's not tough enough. as bernstein rakes in cash, jessamy had to rake over $100,000 to keep up. a baltimore mother's 5-year- old son is missing. federal authorities are searching for tony robin son. when he found out he was not the child's father, he disappeared. he faces life in prison. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. up next, shark attack targets
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are turning into animal advocatete,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries. ♪
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welcome back to "the early show" here at the top of the hour. some friends from louisiana, as you noted earlier. also teach for america here with us this morning. >> great thing. >> absolutely. >> a great thing, teach for america. >> lucky to have them. i'm erica hill here on the plaza along with harry smith. dave price is going to join us. fashion's night out. you at home may have been a part of it on friday night wherever you live. it has now become so big they're
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calling it the new black friday. stores in new york this past friday, the lines at some places were around the block. all kinds of events, deejays, free stuff, drinks. other cities around the u.s. and the world did well -- did just as well, and famed nags editor anna wintour is going to join us with a behind-the-scenes peek at how they put it all together. she helped to conceive the idea for the first year, brought it into the second year globally. >> and you're going to meet three very forgiving people. each of them attacked by a shark, suffered significant physical injuries. they don't hate sharks, though. they actually want to save sharks. they're here to petition the u.n. to get involved and we're going to hear their stories in just a couple of minutes. >> really looking forward to that. >> first we have some breaking news out of iran this morning. one of the american hikers being held there was -- has just been released and for the very latest on that story, want to head inside where jeff glor is standing by at the news desk. >> harry, good morning to you. just getting more news on that.
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iran's government television has confirmed shourd's release this morning. for more on this release we're going to go to london and elizabeth palmer is standing by. hey, liz, good morning. >> reporter: hi, jeff. yeah, the details are very sketchy because it's literally just happened in the last few minutes. now, we've spoke to sarah shourd's lawyer just a few minutes ago and he's confirmed it. he was in the prison finishing off the paperwork, and after that, sarah shourd is going to be taken to the swiss embassy. because the u.s. has no embassy in tehran, the swiss look after american affairs there. from there, it's presumed that she will leave iran almost immediately and be reunited with her family. now, this has confounded everybody, because, as you'll recall yesterday, the iranians had said we are going to release her, but only on half a million dollars bail. and there were various questions associated with that, for example it wasn't clear her family could raise the money. and also, simply transferring the money to iran was
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problematic because of the u.s. sanctions. now, sarah shourd is free. but her two hiker companions are still in jail. and the iranian prosecutor over the weekend said that they've been indicted on spying charges, implying that the trial will go forward for those two. so, sad news for their families, but sarah shourd's family will certainly be jubilant as it looks confirmed now that she is free. >> so, liz, we've heard from the family's lawyer now. any indication we'll hear today from either sarah or her family? >> it's not clear where her family is. so perhaps we will. but the lawyer has said that sarah herself will not make any statement, as is prudent and understandable, until she clears iranian air space. the speculation is that she'll be out of iran just as soon as she can get on a plane. >> all right. with the breaking information this morning, liz palmer in london. liz, thank you very much. katie couric now has a
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preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. why are u.s. schools falling behind so much of the rest of the world? we'll look at how america can improve education to prepare the next generation of kids. as our special series "reading, writing and reform" begins. that's tonight, only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." >> and educating us on the weather this morning and every morning, dave price. >> jeff, jeff? >> yes, sir. >> let me just tell you there arar
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already, good morning. it's been a great day's start. we have the sunrise, if you're getting up, i'm sorry you missed it. the whole sky was pink clouds. it was cool. we're calling for a hi of 80, and breezy.
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tonight a few clouds moving in and 52 degrees is the overnight low. back to 80 tomorrow and we'll get back into the upper 70s thursday and friday, back to the low to midid this weather report sponsored by priority mail flat rate boxes. only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. i'm going to go nap. we'll see you in a little bit. >> sweet dreams, dave. the organizers of fashion burnout are feeling pretty good this week. the event this friday was a huge success. friday night more than 100 cities around the world took part in the largest celebration of fashion ever. tonight on cbs you can see just how tough it was to put that together. anna wintour is a longtime editor in chief of "vogue" magazine. she came up with the idea for fashion's night out and give us an idea of how everything went on friday. nice to have you with us. >> nice to be here. >> it's fashion week, you've been dealing with fashion's
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night out. overall how would you rate friday evening? >> we were thrilled. it was already a huge success last year, but last year we were really running a campaign with an unknown candidate. and this year we had the incumbent on our side. so at least we were talking about an event that people knew what it was. they were excited about it. and they turned out in droves. and it was sump a fashion community effort. everybody got behind it. everybody had fantastic events in their stores. it was a sense that it was an initiative that was open to everybody, which was very important to the mayor, and to nyc and company and to all of us in the fashion industry. >> and for a lot of people who, and you don't just have to be in new york to be interested in fashion, but if you're just the average person sitting at home, fashion is so exciting, and yet, it can feel a little stand offish at times. so it was great to make it so inclusive for people. >> it was. it was really accessible. and what was even more rewarding this year is that we started off with it just being an event that
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was in cities all over the world that we publish "vogue." but because it was such a wonderful thrill for everybody last year, we found that so many more cities across america, under their own steam, became a fashion's night out city. so it was really an event that was available to everybody. and if you walked through the streets, as i did, of new york on friday, you just -- everybody was dressed. they were having fun. but most importantly, they were shopping. >> which is great, of course. and that's how this all started last year was to give the economy a little bit of a boost. >> totally. our idea behind it was really to create a fashion stimulus. our own fashion stimulus package, because there was a sense at that time that people weren't going into the stores. that they were so worried about their finances, very understandably, and we really wanted to jump-start the season with an event that would welcome them into the stores and make it fun for everybody. >> this is no small task to put it all together. and so as we mentioned, tonight is a special on cbs looking at
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fashion's night out. i know you saw a little bit of it. a rough cut of it last night. give us an idea of the challenges. what do you think is one of the most surprising things that we'll learn in watching this? >> i think what people are really going to understand from seeing this special is the incredible hard work that goes in to fashion, that, i mean, i think everyone focuses quite a bit on the glamour and the personalities and the celebrities. but behind that is a huge, huge industry with so many people's livelihoods dependent on it. and also that was obviously part of the thinking with fashion's night out, that we were very anxious for people to keep their jobs, to be able to send their kids to school, pay the rent, all those things that i think get lost with all the glamour, of the industry, which is obviously part and parcel of what we do. but there is a, you know, another side to it, too, and i thinks special really shows that. >> you went, you made your way to walking around new york city. a lot of us in new york city were in soho downtown. did you go to was it 22 events? >> i think i had lost track by
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the end of the evening. but everybody in the industry had been so incredibly supporters and helpful, and this was a group effort. i mean this was everybody getting behind it. big names, people who work in the stores. it was for the customers. and i really wanted to be out and be visible, and also to say thank you to so many people that worked so hard. >> a lot of us kicked off with, we spoke with him just last thursday ahead of the largest public fashion show of new york city which was done at lincoln center last thursday night. which helps people get ready for fashion's night out. we showcase what was hot now. that was a great success. >> it was a great success. it was really like staging a military operation. we worked on the fashion show for over six months. there were 170 models. really showcasing the looks of the season, and i think our thinking behind that was not only to kick off fashion's night out, but also in a week where
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television and newspapers and online is very focused on clothes that are going to be available in six months we wanted to make sure that the consumer realized there were also fabulous in the stores right then and there for them to buy. >> and they could do that on friday. pleasure to have you with us this morning. >> thank you. >> we look forward to seeing what happens next year for fashion's night out. >> so do i. >> get a little rest before that. just a reminder you can catch the special, "fashion's night out: 2010" at 10:00, 9:00 central right here on cbs. just ahead, why would you protect something that tries to eat you? three shark attack victims join us to tell us why sharks now need your help to fight off extinction. look at all this stuff for coffee. oh there's tons. french presses, expresso tampers, filters. it can get really complicated. not nearly as complicated as shipping it, though. i mean shipping is a hassle. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that is easy. best news i've heard all day! i'm soooo amped! i mean not amped. excited. well, sort of amped.
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the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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[ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ♪ a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. in this morning's "healthwatch," the health of the world's shark population. no matter what we think of jaws, the truth is that shark attacks are quite rare. and even some of those rare victims are reminding us that
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sharks are much more likely to be eaten by people, than the other way around. more than 73 million sharks are killed by fishermen each year. mainly for their fins. scientists now estimate that 30% of shark species are close to extinction. it's no surprise that conservation groups are concerned, and some unlikely advocates have emerged. paul de gelder, a diver for the australian navy, was attacked by a bull shark in sydney harbor last year. he lost his right hand, and his lower right leg. debbie salamone, a journalist and dancer, was swimming in cape canaveral in 2004, when a shark bit her foot, severing her achilles tendon. and in 1997, michael coots lost part of his right leg to a shark while surfing off the hawaiian island of kauai. and debbie and michael and paul, along with seven other victims, are going to be visiting the united nations today, calling for stronger protection of
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sharks worldwide. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> when people see you, and they say, now hang on a minute, you were attacked by a shark and now you're advocating for sharks, they must be very surprised. >> well, yes. it is the ultimate story of irony and forgiveness. but when you think about these statistics, it's very frightening for the health of our oceans. and so we need to end finning. we need to halt the fishing for these threatened and near-threatened species. and we need countries to come up with good global shark conservation plans to have some limits on shark fishing. because there are no limits right now. >> right. tell me a little bit about your story. you were serving, right? you're in kauai, you were 18 years old. >> yes. >> tell me more. >> early morning, paddling out with some friends. surf was pretty fun. caught a wave, and i was by myself, nice one came, as soon as i made a paddling motion, a large tiger shark came up vertically, wasn't in jaws, grabbed on to me, did the rag
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doll thing. out of instinct i punched it a couple times and as soon as i hit it, let go, was back underwater, disappeared, looked at my fingers, saw blood, got on my board, started paddeding in. and my leg started doing this weird shaking. i thought the shark was after me and i looked over my shoulder and my leg was just gone. completely severed. >> you should be the last person in the world, then, who would be advocating for conservation of sharks, and for sort of elevating sharks to not being demons, but being part of the health of our planet. why are you on board? >> yeah, well, these guys contacted me and gave me some numbers. and i had no idea about, mostly general population doesn't know about shark finning and i was just baffled. felt really in my position to do something positive about it and feel like i could open up doors with my story. and why not? >> paul, you're, i guess, who would be almost like the ee five yent of a navy seale here in the united states. you're a special ops guy out there doing training.
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tell us what happened to you. >> i spend most of my time in and around the water because of my job. it was about 7:00 in the morning in sydney harbor. we were conducting some counterterrorism trials. i was just swimming on the surface and a shark came out of nowhere, grabbed me by my hamstring and i tried to go for the eyeball, but my hand was in his mouth, as well, so i couldn't. >> that would slow that process down. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so i tried to go at it with my left hand, go for the eyeball, couldn't reach. tried to punch it, tried to get it off me and i think i just upset it. took me underwater, shook me around, brought me up, took me back down. and then it was gone. >> yeah. >> of all of you, you may be the one who's luckiest just to be alive. he took -- he had his way with you. >> yeah, basically. one centimeter closer to my femoral artery and i would have bled out in the water. i nearly died on the way to the hospital. >> you hear about this then and you are really the most unlikely of all to be an advocate for sharks. >> well it's a respect thing.
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it's not a fear thing. whenned pew environmental group contacted me that was a humbling experience because i do a little bit of work in use trail gentleman. but to be able to come over here on a worldwide scale, go to the u.n. around work with these wonderful people, that's amazing. you try and make a difference worldwide. >> right, right. you were attacked. you're at cape canaveral. you're in the water, a couple of feet of water, just goes right down for your achilles. took a long time for rehabilitation. had this ever occurred to you before this accident happened? >> no. in fact, i -- i really didn't know the plight of sharks too much. >> right. >> and after the attack, i was plotting my revenge. i wanted to eat shark steaks. i was not happy. eventually, though, i saw it as a test of my commitment to environment conservation and joined the pew environmental group. >> normally with the sharks, they just take the fins, they throw the rest of it away? >> exactly. they slice off the sharks fins and dump the animal sometimes
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still alive back into the water where it drowns or bleed to death. and fishermen can fetch up to $300 per pound for these fins which are used mainly as a soup ingredient. we're hunting some of these species to extinction which is very bad for the ecosystem. we need sharks as a top predator to keep the food chain in check. >> hard to not listen to your story. thank you both -- excuse me, thank you all for being with us today. we really do appreciate it. >> our pleasure. >> thank you. >> be back. coming up, a good old-fashioned grounding doesn't work so much anymore. find out how to use technology to get your kids straightened up and flying right. we'll be right back. >> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by restasis. talk to your daughter about rest iceous sigh chloe sporran op malthick lotion 0.05%.
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?ó?@ u/d one of the least enjoyable parts of the whole parenting
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experience is sometimes the discipline. >> ah. >> and then you have to take things away. >> hurts me more than it hurts you. >> exactly. i'm working on that message now. my son's almost 4. i take things away a lot. buzz lightyear's going on top of the fridge. don't mommy, i'll be good. show me, don't tell me. now, it's the facebook, the,,,,
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[ male announcer ] the new subway flatbread breakfast sandwiches! like the new double bacon & cheese omelet sandwich! they're all new. toasty, tasty, and made to your order. so come and build your better breakfast today, at subway! and the 60-day handshake lives on, [ male announcer ] it's ram truck season. that five-finger bond that communicates trust, honor, follow-through, and follow-up. it's a promise that says go ahead and buy a ram 1500 or a heavy duty without a payment for 60 days. and if it doesn't do everything you ask it to do... bring it back. ram.
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[ indiscernible ] kristy breslin is here to wrap up the day's rush and marty's in the weather. well, it's absolutely a gorgeous day. sunny skies and a high around 80 degrees. tonight, a few clouds move anything and 52 -- moving in and a high around 80. sending it to kristy breslin in wjz traffic control. hi, marty and everyone. still delays to watch out for
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on the beltway. northside inner loop, stop and go. also looking at delays on the westside from 795 to edmondson avenue. taking a look at 95 southbound. watch for congestion there from whitemarsh on the north eastside to get through. and 395 southbound, also stop and go from conway to 95. one crash in the city, that's east pratt and south president. we'll take a live look at the beltway and delainny valley road. new to the area, h.h. gregg. browse through the selection of the tvs and aplains every day. donning back to you. the candidates for the state's attorneys office say they'll make the city safe and now, it's up to the voters to
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decide. don, it is been a decade since jessamy faced such a tough opponent. gentlemen mispicked up another endorsement and bernstein picked up support from a high profile former judge and attorney, billy murphy. bernstein argues jessamy's not tough enough on violent criminals. as bernstein continues to rank rake in the cash, yes, sir me doe -- jessamy donated her own money to keep up. another campaign is for the county executive, kamenetz and bartenfelder are battling it to take smith's place. the winner will face holt in november. >> >> reports of an accusation have lead to a lawsuit on a bedbug days.
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a woman claims she suffers disfiguring and scarring from bedbug bites. stay with wjz-13, up next, stay with wjz-13, up next, bobby flay ,, everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing,
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paying out more money. typical politician. definitely.
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welcome back to "the early show," everybody. now, before we go down to -- you spoke with nancy grace. >> i did. >> will you promise she won't yell at you? >> nancy won't yell at you. >> when she zeros in on somebody, zoom. >> she's got good focus. >> right. >> nancy has great focus. >> she's here this morning. >> you know what the secret is? she's watching you, harry. she's a little bit of a softy. but you didn't hear that from me. >> she's got a brand-new show.
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called "swift justice." and nancy is not just the judge, she's the jury. that's right. >> look out. >> all right. so we're going to talk to her about her brand-new show in just a minute. >> also ahead this morning, it is so difficult as a parent to decide how to punish your kids. you're just getting to this stage right. i'm navigating it myself. harry is old hat now. you can't ground them the way that any of us were grounded because it just doesn't work anymore. they need to have things like their cell phones, the iphone, their facebook, they're so ahead of us technologically that this is their lifeline. so could you digitally ground them. >> starve them digitally. >> ah, but there is a right way and a wrong way to starve them digitally. not as easy as pulling the plug. we'll help you navigate. >> nice segway with the starving because we're talking about lunch now. talking about school lunches. bobby flay is here. he teamed up with hellmann's to make some pretty cool school lunch sandwiches including grilled eggplant sandwiches, mini fish tacos.
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>> i hear dave price had a sample and they were delicious. >> what? you got an advance copy? >> i did. >> dave! >> i didn't double dip. relax. >> i want to see the brown bag with the eggplant. >> look. they have fresh cilantro. >> i'll trade you a mini fish taco for your peanut butter and jelly. >> we're all on board on this. dave, though, has a final check of the weatherer
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all right, good morning, let's look at the forecast today. 80 degrees for the high. a gorgeous midday and afternoon.
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52 is the overnight low. tomorrow, a few clouds and few peeks of sun and another pleasant day and a high of 80. upper 70s thursday and friday. 77 and 79. saturday and sunday looking pleasant and a high of 80 and 84 degrees. pretty and dry. south texas, south florida, northern maine, you could see some showers today. that is a quick look at your weather picture. erica, inside to you. >> dave, thanks. take a listen to these numbers, 93% of kids between the ages of 12 and 17 regularly go online. 75% own a cell phone. and 66% say they text. so when your kids misbehave, that's where you can really hit them where it hurts. as cbs news correspondent michelle miller reports, it's a little something called digital grounding. >> i can get a normal phone? >> oh, you have a lot to prove. >> reporter: when new york city judge shaund yeah simpson caught her daughter lying about joining
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facebook-818 friends, 597 photos. 17 videos later. >> i need that time. >> reporter: she delivered a tough sentence. >> when my mom took my phone and changed my facebook pass word. >> reporter: so basically you felt the punishment should fit the crime? >> oh, and i know about crimes. so, yes. >> except for school you're not to leave this house for the next ten days. >> ten days? >> reporter: gone are the days of grounding meant you were just confined to the house. now, parents are keeping up with the times. punishment has gone digital. >> how much are you on the computer, the telephone, the internet? >> every day. >> reporter: cell phones and the internet seem to be the only ways teens communicate with each other. consider this. the average teen spends two full hours a day online. and 80% of that is spent on social networking sites like facebook. but that's not all.
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on average, teens text 1,500 times a month. >> i think that sharia could have done better in school had she spent less time maybe on facebook, less time on the phone, less time on the blackberry. >> reporter: you think you were addicted? so for the next few months in boarding school sharia will live without cell phone or facebook access, which seems to be the only punishment that matters to our tech-obsessed teens. if she said you can't go out for ten days or a month, would it have the same effect? >> no. it would not. >> reporter: but this did it? >> yes. >> here with a little more help for you on digital grounding, "early" show contributor jennifer hartstein, and aol consumer adviser regina lewis. those numbers, 93% of kids are online. i wasn't shocked i have to say, but it's still really high. you can't, though, jen, just send them to their room because most of that is in the room, right? >> right. so you really have to rethink how we are disciplining our kids. we want to teach them to do new things we just have to figure
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out how -- to do that so sending them to their rooms is like sending them to where they can inner act with their friends and be with their friends. you're going to have to figure out how to ground them digitally. >> you have to make the punishment fit the crime. you can't take away the cell phone. >> no. you want to think about what it is that they did and what it is they're getting punished or disciplined for. so you want to make it appropriate. >> sometimes it can involve what they're doing with that technology, regina, i think it is 62% of parents say they've taken away the cell phone as punishment. what are the concerns for parents though is now i can't reach my kid so how do you balance that? >> i think that's what prevents a lot of parents from following through. what if there's an emergency. how will i know when soccer practice is over. it's an inconvenience to you. but can you customize your cell phone plan. every major carrier allows for this. think of it as the inverse of blocking. instead of trying to block or blacklist the bad guys you white list the good guys, you, the other spouse, an emergency
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contact. those are the only phone calls they'll be able to make calls to, take calls to. >> so they can't even receive from other people. >> correct. and you can also turn off text messaging which is the biggie. ironically there's a cost for that because the cell phone companies, of course, want you to text message. so expect to pay about $5 a month to turn it off. >> but it's still worth it. what about facebook. three out of four teens are on facebook pb if you want to limit that, do you just pull the plug on it entirely? >> this is where i think parents tend to overshoot. if you tell your kids you're going to take down or get rid of their facebook. that is the virtual equivalent of telling them the world is ending. what you want to do is go on with them and say hey, we're going to change the pass word and for a week you're not going to have access to it. and on on ongoing basis i suggest being their friend. friending them. about 70% of parents do that. there's a new tool i tested with my own teenage daughter called safe social. you get a synopsis, analysis of their friends and update on their social activity. >> see not just what they're doing. it's not just you i'm worried about. >> there you go.
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what age do you start this sort of digital grounding that we're calling it? >> what are your kids doing? it can start young. kids are using xbox, itouch to play games. they're involved in digital media much earlier. so it can start at 7, 8 or 9 and as we saw in that piece it's very meaningful to take those things away because they are their life line. >> how about, though, you take the keys away to the car. they can get a ride with somebody else. you may take away their cell phone, but they can obviously go to someone else's house. how do you stay on top of it to make sure they're not using their friend's iphone. >> it's really hard to do when they're not in your house. but if they are grounded they may not be going to their friend's house so you have more control. some of it you're in my house, these are the rules and what we're going to follow and when you're out of our house there is a little bit of a lax thing but you want to hope they're going to follow it. >> what's the scariest thing as a parent you say we can actually conquer with technology? >> the scariest thing? >> yeah. >> well i think when it comes to grounding, this could be really effective. i also think you have to have enough time to go by that they
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recognize that maybe everything in moderation. so when they start back up, maybe they have a little bit more to check. >> great tips this morning. harry? >> judge judy look out. nancy grace has a new television show called "swift justice." and in it, she is the judge, and the jury. >> and you are trying to suggest i shouldn't be angry that you victimize people that are less strong or less cunning than you? you have permanently scarred your child. >> yeah. >> all right. and yes, i'm mad about it. whether you or are not. somebody in this room should be mad. case closed. >> and nancy grace is here with us this morning. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> you promise not to yell at me, right? >> can't make that kind of promise up front. >> very good. very good. i want to just, before we get into the show, there are several people in america who really don't know your back story.
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and that you were -- worked as a prosecutor, that you've -- this is part of your life. and something really horrible happened to you when you were a young woman. >> that's true. that's true. many, many years ago, just before my wedding, my fiance was murdered. he was shot, he was shot five times in the neck and the face and the head. i dropped out of school, out of church, out of everything that i was part of. i never even called my job in the library and said i wasn't showing up. and i thought of that the other day. and for the next years, decades of my life, i went back to school to go to law school to become a felony prosecutor, and then prosecuting felonies for ten years in inner city atlanta. >> okay. so, if people understand that framework, they'll, "a," understand what you do on headline news a lot better, and then especially understand what you're trying to accomplish in this show. which is, it's not my, you know,
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my landlord stole my newspaper. >> no. >> it's not those cases? >> it's not about you owe $300 on the cell phone bill. it's not that. >> right. >> these cases are taken from courts all over the country which are extremely overburdened. i remember i tried murder case, come back to my office, there would be 150 new files for me to prosecute. a crush of cases. >> sure. >> and some of them are funny. some of them are sad. they're all over the map. but we have the ability to bring in witnesses, harry, from all over the country on giant electronic monitors. >> okay. >> that turn into witness stands. >> all right. >> and experts, anyone to help illuminate the case. the other day i had a case where giant wedding, 16 attendants on either side, and the caterer did one thing. he burned the chicken wings. you could see the mother of that bride when all the attendants in
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their long dresses and their tiaras were serving up the chicken wings. >> not good. >> didn't go over very well. >> but that's on one side. but on the other side, the clip we just showed looks like something serious. >> well, they're involved, in that case, some abuse in the home. and everybody just stood by and let it happen. that's not okay. and in the mother, who is able to leave the home, which is very difficult to do. and i was a volunteer at the battered women's center for many years, i get it. but when you allow your child to be subjected to that, that's on you. >> right. >> all right. and if she wasn't mad about it, i was. >> so you are the judge. you are also the jury in these cases. and then from what i understand then, it's also supposed to be legally binding? how does that work? >> it is legally binding. it's not supposed to be, harry. >> what i'm saying is they come then there to you voluntarily? >> yes, they do. >> they come to "swift justice" voluntarily, and i will render just that, swift justice. >> wow.
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>> and we also go to people at their home computers. we bring them to the set from all over the country. but we also go to them, and i adjudicate cases where people are standing by at home. >> holy cow. nancy grace. we sure appreciate you stopping by. >> well, thank you for having me. >> we'll look for "swift justice." >> thank you. >> on a station near you. appreciate it. she didn't yell at me. now here's erica. >> our good friend bobby flay is doing a little twofer this morning. he's a spokesman for hellmann's mayonnaise now. here to promote share our strength which is an organization to raise money so no kids go hungry at school. which is very important. you're also going to help us make some good treats. could be good for your child's lunch, your own lunch, incorporating a little mayonnaise. >> hellmann's is one of those things i've always had in my refrigerator. i think we all have. i started working with hellmann's about three years ago. it's one of those things that you can really build a foundation of good dishes with. it's made with real simple things like eggs, oil and vinegar. >> it's a great program. tell us just a little bit about
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the program. >> if you go to the hellmann's facebook page you can build virtual sandwiches. and create lots of ideas, and then hellmann's is going to make a donation up to $75,000 to share our strength. the idea to make sure that every kit eats in this country. >> which is great. >> absolutely. let's get to the food. a couple things we have here. i made some like little miniature fish tacos. these are ideas for when kids come home from school, you want them to have snacks that are going to be good for them and taste good, as well. actually i used some halibut here that i poached. you could use things like salmon or snapper, or a good quality tuna would be fantastic, as well. used a little bit of hellmann's. and then i just made a fresh tomato salsa. so tomatoes, cilantro, and a little bit of lime juice and some chilies. you can keep the chilies out if you want, and some crunch and tortilla chips >> can i try this? >> absolutely. it's a really fresh tasting almost like a fish salad on a tortilla chip. >> hmm.
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>> you good? i'm going to move on. this would be like a really good entree. for dinner. this is a cajun spiced chicken breast. very simple. cajun spices. put on the outside of the chicken breast and then i made a very simple sauce with hellmann's mayonnaise, whole grain mustard, worcestershire sauce and lemon. this is almost like a creole, louisiana style dish. >> it's easy. >> a few simple ingredients. if you're worried about it being too spicy, the sauce quells that. we're trying to get kids to eat flavor, as well. >> so what are we making? >> we have open-faced eggplant sandwich sandwiches. now what i did first was took some ciabatta bread. this is ciabatta. it's fantastic. it's nice and crusty on the outside, and what i do is i toast it. you know, sort of the fancy italian word with be crostini. it's toast. so it's toast and we just kind of grill the toast. then what i do is i make a --
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>> do you put a little olive oil on that? >> canola oil. or if you want to use olive oil, that's fine as well. then i take some mayonnaise or peck roney cheese or parmesan cheese would be fine as well. cracked pepper, little bit of salt. maybe a little bit of lemon zest. we have a microplane? you know what these are? >> i use it all the time. >> isn't it awesome? >> yes, i love it. >> it's really fantastic at getting the zest out of the lemon, and there's so much flavor in the zest. >> you can smell it. >> it's great. >> okay. all right you want to whip that up for me? >> happily. >> and that's going to be sort of -- that's actually going to be sort of like the spread on the bottom of the bread. >> okay. >> we're going to start with this. and let's work our way down here. >> okay, let's do that. >> so i'm just going to start spreading the -- >> this is the same one? >> exactly. want to help me do one? >> yeah. >> here. grab a -- you're pretty good in the kitchen, all right? >> i'm all right. i can hold my own. >> sometimes dave price shows up
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here and we try to keep the tools away from him. >> we don't need a lawsuit on our hands. >> all right. >> so then some fresh mozzarella. and then a little bit of some grilled eggplant. >> how did you -- you just slice it, a little bit of olive oil on that? >> a little bit of olive oil. and then a little bit of grilled eggplant. what i do with the eggplant is i slice it thin. a little bit of canola oil. grill it. salt and pepper and that's it. everything here, just a little salt and pepper and some oil. very, very simple. then i'm going to take a little bit of roasted red pepper, and like to me, i'm trying to save summer. this is some of the end of summer. a little fresh basil on top. >> my favorite. good tomatoes this season. >> good tomatoes, exactly. and there we go. that's it. and it's a beautiful sort of open-faced sandwich. >> it is. >> want to give it a try? >> give it a crunch. >> nice, yeah. >> yes. >> and that's what you want. crispy on the outside. a little tender on the inside and all the flavors kind of
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working to the. they're pretty this way, too. >> makes it delicious. >> it's really pretty when you give it a try. >> i wouldn't have thought the mayonnai mayonnaise. >> and dave price is going to eat this. >> for more of bobby's recipes and more about the hellmann's sandwich swap and share our strength program go on to was that a mouthful? i'm bob ehrl who likes to hang on the sidelines. today maryland is in trouble. we're worse off than we were four years ago. dangerous debt, higher taxes, not enough jobs. we need real leadership to turn this state around. fix the budget -- honestly. grow small businesses -- really. excellent schools -- everywhere. protect the bay -- finally. it's why i'm running. to make the state we love not just good but great. now let's get down to work.
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huge red carpet event in hawaii. show isn't even on television yet but in hawaii it's a big deal. they're shooting the whole thing over there. >> yep. >> when the first "hawaii 5-o" was on the eritrean 12 seasons. >> there are statues of jack lord in hawaii. now -- >> you were just there? >> i took one for the team. i went to -- i went to honolulu
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last week. i mean, look at this. i mean, i had to spend time with grace park and with all the stars, of course. the big premiere on cbs is coming up next monday at 10:00. this coming monday, we are going to have a behind-the-scenes look right from daniel dae kim. grace park. i mean, this is action, it pays homage to the old hawaii 5-o but it is like high drama. high buckage. high stunts. >> buckage? >> you know -- >> you see the money on the screen. because i saw the pilot. and it is really like a movie. >> right. so they do this premiere last night in waikiki. 10,000 people show up. >> amazing. >> for this night screening on the beach on waikiki. >> there you go. >> it was so gorgeous to see this video. >> right. >> and if you love seeing hawaii
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and can't get there, this is one of those shows that kind of lets you see the fantasy, live the fantasy. and at the same time it's a great cop drama. >> it's like an action-packed vacation on your tv screen. >> do you surf at all? >> i was only there -- >> did you surf? >> what was that?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's five before 9:00. and i'm walking back here, we can see, we have an anamometer out here. and we'll look at the forecast today. it's breezy and i'm waiting for it to cycle through here. we're going for a high of 80 degrees. it takes more than a slight breeze to move that flag. 52 is the overnight low.
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and wouldn't you know it. 80-degrees is the high tomorrow. i wonder if we're not getting a little bit of a breeze down here. we're in the mid-60s now. >> and that's dropped down. it's primary day and the candidates are fighting it down until the end. >> reporter: don, it's been more than a decade since jessamy's faced a strong challenger for her job. bernstein spent yesterday meeting voters and pat jessamy picked up another endorsement. bernstein picked up support from billy murphy and jessamy defending her record, bernstein argues she's not tough enough on criminals. jessamy donated $100,000 in personal funds to keep up with
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bernstein. another highly contested primary for the county executive. bartenfelder and kamenetz are taking over from smith. the winner will take holt in november. >> and more testimony today following the ken harris case. a witness said she saw a man with a gun wearing the halloween mask in 2008. the prosecutors linked one of the three defendants dna to the mask. and reports of a bedbug invasion at an apartment complex lead to a lawsuit. a woman wants a hundred thousand dollars where she claims to have suffered scarring and disfigurement from the bite. you can read more here in the
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baltimore sun. and it was a close one. a touchdown by mcgahee helped. and another includes a sack. and ray lewis had a big hit that still resounds up in the meadowlands. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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