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tv   The Early Show  CBS  August 6, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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justice served. elena kagan set to be sworn in this weekend as confirmed as president obama's appointment to the supreme court. what will her impact on the court be? school bus tragedy. two buses filled of school kids outside st. louis, killing two. we'll hear from survivors. the voice of a killer. >> they treat me bad over here and treat all other black employees bad over here, too, so i took it into my own hands and handled the problem. i wish i could have got more of the people. >> officials release the 911
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call from oe mrmar thornton. 105 in little rock. 104 in dallas. as heat advisesry leads. we have the latest forecast for you this august 6, 2010. a very good friday morning to you. i'm erica hill. >> we've got the heat in the headlines. wyclef jean, the big music superstar, announced this week he's running for president of haiti. we've got an exclusive interview this morning. our betty nguyen sat down with wyclef and talked to him about what his plans are. >> looking forward to that. first, we to want get you to
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this. supreme court justice elena kagan will be sworn in tomorrow, as president obama latest supreme court nomination. jan crawford joins us from washington. the confirmation was pretty much expected, but very divisive at the same time. >> that's exactly right, erica. it was basically a foregone conclusion she would have had a major misstep. she didn't. democrats have a solid majority in the senate and she got all but one to supporter, in addition to five republicans. like you said, that vote was largely on party line. that's just a fact of life in these modern supreme court confirmation hearings. the days of justices getting confirmed, 96-3, as justice ruth bader ginsburg was, those days are over. >> long gone. she isn't expected to balance the court very much but she comes into this position bringing -- or setting historic precedence, i should say. >> that's true. some of them she may not like so
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much. she did get more no votes than any other supreme court nominee put forward by a democratic president who got confirmed and still the only supreme court judge without any previous person. it will mark the first time in history that three women will serve on that nine-member court. only three but that's still progress. >> yes, it is. the swearing in comes tomorrow and then she has to get to work. >> she does. she's never been a judge, so she has to get her clerks together, start reading cases. the court comes back on the first monday of october. she has a lot to learn, a lot of catching up to do to take the seat of justice stevens. she won't change the balance of the court that much when she sit in that seat but she'll hold that seat for a generation. >> what do you think is the biggest thing people are
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expecting from her? >> they expect her to be a solid liberal vote. dazzling intellect, former dean of harvard law school. they hope, certainly the obama administration hopes, she'll be a force, that she'll be a leading voice for the liberals. like i said, that court is closely divided. you have four liberals and four conservatives. and then there's that key swing justice vote in the middle they're always fighting over. so, the obama administration hopes she'll be able to persuade him to go over to the left side a little more and get some of those cases more in the left column. >> everybody will be watching very closely. of course, they're always so surprised as they come along. >> oh, that's the truth. >> jan crawford, thanks. now to the disturbing final word of the man who killed eight coworkers at a connecticut beer warehouse as cbs news national correspondent jim axelrod reports, the gunman kaild called 911 from the crime scene just moment before he killed himself. >> this is omar thornton, the shooter over in manchester.
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>> reporter: the chilling 911 call from omar thornton lasted a little more than four minutes. >>. >> you probably want to know why i shot this place up. it's a racist place. >> yeah, i understand that. >> they treat me bad over here. treat all black employees bad over here so i took it in my own hands and solved the problem. >> you're not going to surrender yourself? >> no, they're coming to get me. >> reporter: he called from inside the beer distribution center. the 911 operator pleaded with him to surrender. >> we don't want any more, you know, people to lose their life there. >> i'm not going to kill nobody else. tell my people i love them and i are to go now. >> omar, if you work with me we'll get this to stop. okay? omar? >> reporter: company officials for hartford sdriber deny his
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claims of racism saying he never filed any complaints of discrimination. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> what a chilling story. went into the union meeting, resigns, comes out and says he's getting his lunchbox. when he got his lunchbox is when he got his guns. >> awful story. new st. louis this morning, a tragic story. two people dead after a horrific pile up, two school buses packed with kids. cbs news correspondent ben tracy joining us with the latest on thursday's crash. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. this was supposed to be a fun field trip for members of a local high school band but instead 40 of them, nearly 40, ended up at this hospital in st. louis after their school buses were involved in a terrifying crash. if you saw this along the road, you couldn't help but stop and stare in disbelief. >> i seen it but i didn't see it. it happened so fast. >> reporter: two buses, the cab of a semi, and a mangled mess of
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a pick uptruck that was once a pickup truck. the driver, daniel schatz. his father sent him out for an accident when the accident happened. >> he was a good kid. >> reporter: jessica brinker, a member of the st. james high school band, was on the first bus. >> it's a horrible day if our community and will be felt forever. >> reporter: buses, one with boys, one with girls, was just miles from the six flags amusement park when the day turned deadly. >> we saw a tire fly by. >> reporter: the highway patrol says a semi, heading east, slowed down for road construction. the pickup truck driver slammed into it. the bus driver didn't see it happen when she crashed into the back, and moment later the second crashed into the back. they used metal ladders to help kids escape.
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yet given this scene it's amazing more people did not die. >> all right. what's hurting on you? back of your neck? >> reporter: nearly 40 students were taken to the hospital but with only minor injuries as they were reunited with their anxious parents, krans were brought in to disassemble the wreck. now, a lot of people are wondering if there were seat belts on this school bus. we're told there were not. in fact, there are not seat belts in post school buss in this country. the ntsb already has a team here in st. louis. they'll begin their investigation today. we're told that should last just about two weeks. erica? >> ben tracy in st. louis this morning, thanks. all right. there is a shakeup this morning in president obama's economic team. christina romer, head of the president's council of economic advisers, will resign next month as she returns to college for teaching. as she leaves, figures show an increase in people applying for unemployment benefits, aed that
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of the jobs report due out this morning. cbs news correspondent rebecca jarvis joins us this morning. >> hi, harry. >> what do we make of this report? >> we expect to hear the report will show the economy lost jobs in the month of july. 70,000 jobs are expected to be lost in the month of july. we expect to hear that unemployment ticked back up to 9.6%. we heard from timothy goeter in, we can expect higher unemployment for some time to come. >> it's going to go from 9.3% to 9.6%. there was this anticipation through the spring and into summer that maybe we'll see a gradual downturn. this has to be bad news, especially for the chronically unemployed. >> it's definitely bad news but also the number account for the census workers, the temporary workers who came on board over the last couple of months. a number of them, their jobs have concluded. as a result of that, they're back in the unemployment work force -- or unemployed, and now
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we're seeing that number refl t reflected in you'll's number. >> any good news out there on the horizon? >> what we can say is good news, in the auto industry ford announced this week they are taking on new workers, 27% more than what was anticipated earlier this year. so, that's some positivity in a field of limited positivity. >> also general motors talking about really wanting to get out from under the thumb of the federal government, which bailed them out a year ago or so. >> that is the case. we're expecting to hear they're going to ipo, go public again in the next couple of weeks here, harry, and we'll are that story for you soon. >> rebecca jarvis, thanks. let's get more news. jeff glor is -- i know, i know, he's right there. >> i'm here. >> how are you doing? >> i'm well. how are you, harry? >> good to see you. good morning. we'll begin with the deadly heat wave that has killed more than a dozen people in the south. with hot weather comes storms as well as like the powerful thunderstorms that hit washington, d.c. yesterday with heavy rain and damaging winds.
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for more on this heat down south, cbs news correspondent don teague is in dallas this morning. don, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. here in the dallas/ft. worth area we saw temperature as high as 108 degrees yesterday. we will be well into the triple digits again today as much of the country continues to swelter. it's supposed to be hot in august, but the combination of high temperatures and humidity from texas to the east coast, is deadly. in delray peach, florida, authority say a 2-year-old girl died after being left. a hot van at a day care center. >> it's safe to assume she was left by a staff member. we'll look at that. >> reporter: there have been more than a dozen deaths and heat advisories in 1 states, with temperatures soaring into triple digits. 104 in dallas. 105 in little rock. >> 118 and flashing danger and going up. >> reporter: in georgia
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118-degree temps on the field put high school football practice on hold. >> there's a real danger right for you. not extreme danger but a danger so we keep our guys inside. >> reporter: fire fighters in memphis took extra precaution with heat index reaching 120 degrees. tulsa, 100-degree plus temperatures and dry shifting soil have ruptured water lines. authority urging residents to use less water. and speaking of water, the hawaiian falls water park near dallas dumped loads of ice into its pools just trying to cool things down. well, those thunderstorms across the country have helped cool some areas down, which has been a help here in the dallas/ft. worth area, no such luck, though. it was still in the 90s a couple hours ago. the sun's not even up. it's now cooled down to the 80s. jeff? >> all right, don teague in dallas, thank you. the online whistle-blower
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wikileaks may be ready to release more classified government documents. they posted a massive encrypted file on their website entitled "insurance," larger than the 77,000 documents released last week. nobody knows what it includes and wikileaks says it wouldn't say. they are asking them to cancel and pull back the documents already posted on the web. a new man in charge of the nation's intelligence this morning. last night the senate confirmed james claerp as next director of national intelligence. he will oversee 16 spy agencies. in the gulf this morning, bp has plugged its broken well at the top. next comes the so-called bottom ki kill. here's a live look at that well. thanks that to that cement plug on the top. that plug, called static kill s nearly complete. for the bottom kill, a relief well must be finished. it that 100 feet left to go.
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officials say 53 gallons of oil remain in the gulf and along its shores. a minnesota man sent to prison for a failed crash involving a toyota is home with his family this morning. lee was freed after serving 2 1/2 years of an eight-year sentence. two people died in that crash in 2006. lee says he tried to stop but his toyota's accelerator stuck. after that big toyota recall lee was granted a my trial but yesterday the prosecutor backed off. >> the prosecutor just announced she's not going to pursue more charges. >> she did? >> she did? >> oh, my god! >> they're not going to recharge you. >> it's over. >> he says all he wants now is to spend time with his wife and his children. finally, wild video of a police chase in los angeles. police were after a suspect driving a blue car yesterday. he did not want to be caught. smashed into several cars, racing down the sidewalk, as you see here.
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one police car eventually rammed into that driver. he was eventually caught. they broke the window out, as you can see, and the trugle continued to arrest him. they eventually got him out of there. there we go. all right. dave price here now with our first check of weather. not sure what to say out of that one, but -- >> how about -- >> i hope your day isn't quite as wild.
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that's a quick look at your weather picture. looking for something to do over the weekend? head over to milwaukee into chicago, up into the northern plain state. fargo. it's going to be just beautiful. and those cool temperatures prevailing as you head to the north. nice stuff. guys? >> dave, thanks. still ahead this morning, she didn't need a five-finger discount, so why did she shoplift, allegedly shoplift? after helping haiti for so long, wyclef jean wants to run it. he talks exclusively about his plans to run for president with our betty nguyen when "the early show" continues. bell rings ] [ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. ♪
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giuliani's 20-year-old daughter, a student at harvard, gets picked up for shoplifting in new york city. the big question is, why do people who seemingly have enough money to pay for things, why does this happen again and again and again? we'll take a closer look this morning at what may have prompted that? what happens to others as well and what can you do to make sure your kids don't do it. also coming up, wyclef jean with an he can clueses ive interview. betty nguyen sat down with him to find out why he's running for president. here's what's interesting, the reaction is not all positive, and he'll end up running against somebody from his own family. we'll have that and a lot more after your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by chase freedom. get bonus back in popular categorie categories. sign up now. excuse me... this is yours... thank you!
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petsmart. we love to see healthy, happy pets. requires a little magic from mom. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste. who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well, you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds,
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plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more.
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>> >> hello again, it's 7:25 and the week's end is humid. kristy breslin will have more on traffic after the weather. well, definitely a humid start. actual high of 91 is a true 91. partial sunshine early on and we'll have more sun in the afternoon. humidity levels will drop and mostly clear conditions and sunshine, pleasant and low humidity again tomorrow and up to 90. and now, for a look at the roads, here's kristy breslin
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with traffic control. hi, tim, hi, everyone. this is an easy rush hour, actually, we have a reportality greenspring road. and as far as the rest of the area goes, taking a look at the -- area there, there's a slowdown at greenspring avenue. no problem on 95 northbound or southbound. that's all moving along fine. and here's 95, south of caton avenue, that's been cleared and everything's back to normal. this is brought to you by bill's carpet and laminate. call them for more. back to you. >> and in the news, more police are patrolling the fell's point area after street attacks there. gigi barnett is live in upper fells point. >> reporter: the police are beefing up the patrols in the area. someone beat and robbed four men in the past few days.
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three separate attacks have sparked more patrols in upper fells. and police aren't ruling out anything including whether or not these groups are part of gang initiations and they're investigating one of the attacks as a hate crime. thank you, gigi. the woman accused of shooting her boyfriend is charged with first degree murder and assault. she opened fire during a dispute tuesday and her boyfriend was not seriously wounded and he'll make a serious recovery. more fixes at the howard street tunnels crews are going to remove the last of the nine cars and the damaged tracks will be replaced. no raillines are impacted. >> hundreds of middle school
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students competing in the first robotics competition. the students put their skills towering and they're -- skills to work. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. ,,,,,,,
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nice crowd out on the plaza. we'll get out there and meet those folks in a little while. welcome back to "the early show," everybody, on a friday. coming up, a big step for wyclef jean. we've seen so much of him over the last six months, trying to help his people in his native haiti recover from the massive earthquake. now he plans to stay in haiti and he says he'll run for president. our betty nguyen has an interview with jean who says he's not a politician but a leader. >> a few other things in that interview i'm looking forward to. also ahead, we're getting you the facts on artificial
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sweeteners. americans heat 150 pounds of sugar. it's making us fat, making us sick, so this morning's "healthwatch" we'll take i look at the pros and cons of all those sugar substitutes and help you find the best way to cut back on all that sugar. that's a lot, 150 pounds. rudy giuliani and his family spent years in the public eye. first as mayor of new york and then his run for president. now they are back in the spotlight after his daughter was arrested on shoplifting charges. security cameras caught caroline giuliani, harvard theater major, stealing five products totaling more than $100 in sephora in the upper east side. she spent five hours in lockup. she was released to her mother and attorney. >> you hear stories like this, you're surprised. >> when your kids get in trouble, you do what's natural. you try to protect them. i think this is a private matter the giulianis have to work
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through. >> reporter: rudy's office issued a brief statement. quote, this is a personal matter and mayor giuliani asks the media to respect the privacy of his daughter at this time. it's widely believed the 20-year-old is estranged from her father since their parents divorced in 2002. caroline faces petty larceny charges and due in court august 31st. those charges will likely be dropped because the store is refusing to press charges. >> also this week, former usa shopped with shoplifting cosmetics from a target store in texas. with here on why young people steal, even when they don't need to, dr. jennifer hartstein. >> good morning. >> people in the public eye, people from seemingly well-to-do backgrounds who don't need to steal, what drives them to do this? >> it's a good question. we're asking it a lot, certainly in this situation. there's many reasons that they may do it. they found in research that a third of people who shop lift
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have depression. so, is there a mental health reason behind it? is there an entitlement factor we have to wonder about, well, i just deserve, it i'm going to take it, do that and keep moving forward. >> i want to get back to -- entitlement i want to tackle. depression, a third of people -- but two-third of the other shoplifters -- >> two-third that don't. there are other reasons. there's about three. one is it's a substitute for a loss. something happens and then they feel like they need to replace it, so they go and take things. the second thing is, justified payback, which could be something we're talking about with caroline giuliani, is getting back at a parent, getting back at someone who does something to hurt you and getting back at them by trying to embarrass them? >> embarrass them. like, look what her father did to new york, reduce crime, what's the best payback? get caught stealing. the third one is as a relief mechanism. it's to relieve some anxiety or negative sense of self, some negative feelings, similarly to someone who might drink, someone
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who might self-injure. it helps decrease ee mogul disregulation and makes them feel better. >> harmful behavior like self-mutilation or shoplifting? they see that as -- >> it gives them a rush, it might give them the boost they need to make themselves feel more regulated and feel better. >> interesting when you think about these things. you mention this sense of entitlement. there's so much talk about kids these days, they don't know how to work for thing. no matter their background, there is a sense of entitlement with a lot of kids and young adults. as a parent, how do you keep that from happening with your own child? >> a couple things to do. first, you want to teach them what your raulz are and teep them what the consequences are if these things happen. you want to hammer that point home. you want to teach them how to give back. they can't have everything, but the things they don't use, give to people less of the. thirdly, i think you want to talk to them about how they are going to earn things. how are they going to get what they want? how do you give it to them and
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what do you need to do? >> and how shoplifting can hurt any of those plans. >> absolutely, especially at 20. it will be on your record, a bigger problem. so, you have to think about that. >> good to have you with us. >> thanks. and dave price standing by with another check of the weather. >> all right, erica. 7:34 right now, let's go to the maps and take a look at temperatures across the country.
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temperatures are going up to 91 degrees and the heat index is so high, we'll have to be warned about it. we have no advisories in effect today. and it will be pretty muggy early on. we have moisture out there and 62 degrees tonight and tomorrow, 86 degrees and sunshine and pleasantly low humidity. that's a quick look at your weather forecast. we'll see you again outside. >> thanks, dave. coming up next, our exclusive interview with wyclef jean. he's taking a break from hip-hop to run for president of haiti. we'll ask him why coming up next on "the early show." [ female announcer ] think it takes hours
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thank you! ♪ phew! [ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good. would he clef . > wyclef jean has been called haiti's son. now he wants to lead his homeland after this year's
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earthquake. he became candidate for president and betty nguyen has the story. >> i sat down with wyclef just before he announced his candidacy to become haiti he's next president. while he admits he has no political experience, he says he felt compelled to run following january's earthquake that killed some 300,000 and left another 1.6 million homeless 37 ♪ wyclef president >> reporter: he's a hip-hop star and former member of the multiplatinum group the foogees but now he's putting his music career on hold in a bid to become haiti's next president. we know you as a grammy winner, a hip-hop star. what are your qualifications for president? >> i have no qualifications for president. i have qualifications for a leader. the reason i even entertain this
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idea is education, job creation, agriculture, bringing security into the country. >> reporter: a country infamous for its reese prepresses ive government. there's a long road ahead of you. haiti has a history of cronyism, corruption. how are you going to handle that? >> if i'm not corrupted there's a chance of me putting the right team around me that's not corrupted where we can start to do business the right way. >> reporter: one of his first orders of business was to resign from his charity yele haiti. the organization drew criticism following the january earthquake for alleged mismanagement of funds. when people see that and see a possibility of corruption, what is your argument? >> you could say, well, the governance of yele haiti was not right, so how doi know you can govern a country if you can't govern a charity? i say, i made a mistake. what i did? i fixed the mistake and moved
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on. >> reporter: he's now fel fully focused on his campaign and says his wife may be the key to his success. >> she's from a place in haiti. they say you can't win the election in haiti unless jerali is on your side. so i said, whoa, thank god i married a wife from jerali. ♪ i was president >> reporter: you wrote a song called "president" where you said, i get elected on a saturday, assassinated on sunday, buried and back to work on upon. now that you're running, do those lyrics haunt you any? >> no. the lyrics don't haunt me at all because i'm sure before i become president i have a remix of the same song. >> reporter: so, this is the last one, huh? just hours before boarding a plane for hate , wyclef was wrapping up what he calls his last album. is she part of why you do it,
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too? >> she has to. >> reporter: he says it's a sacrifice he's making not just for his daughter but for future generations. >> i have to take what i used to sing about and turn it into policy. >> the big question is whether he is eligible to run. the haitian constitution requires a president to live there for five consecutive years before the election. wyclef moved from haiti to new york when he was 9 years old. he still has a home in haiti and tells me he was eligible to rote in the last presidential election. that said, he believes he's still eligible. harry? >> if, in fact, he is able to run, though, his candidacy is not being met with universal acclimation, is it? >> right. on the heels of him announcing in haiti, sean penn, the oscar winner, who's spent an enormous amount of time in haiti comes out and says, i are questions about this. wyclef, according to him, has not spent enough time in the country. he goes on to question his motives for running for
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president. it will be interesting. if you ask wyclef, wyclef will tell you, there are no motives. this the best way to help my country. another interesting point, wyclef could be running against his uncle. in fact, he will be, because his uncle, former u.s. ambassador to the u.s., has decided to run for president as well. >> quite a story. the ice cream man is here! breyers all natural grasshopper pie. walmart's the only place you can get it. they love it when i take my work home with me. [ shaniya ] daddy i want more ice cream. they love it when i take my work home with me. i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination that gets me there and back quickest. where you book matters. expedia. guys. can i help you? i'm sandy and i heard you've been struggling with the quilt. i'm here to take you through my 1-step program to break the quilted habit. but i've always used quilted towels.
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quilted is towel speak for air. but viva puts 35% more towel between you and the mess. wow, 35% more? are you ready to take that 1-step to see what an unquilted viva towel can do? yes, i'm ready. beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] [ sandy ] try viva® and quit the quilt. beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] i'm from the gulf coast. my family spends a lot of time here. i have a personal interest in ensuring that we get this job done right. i'm keith seilhan. i'm in charge of bp's cleanup on the gulf coast. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. you may have heard that oil is no longer flowing into the gulf. there's less oil coming ashore every day, but we still have thousands of people ready to clean it up if it does. we're going to be here as long as it takes to make this right. requires a little magic from mom. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass.
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new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste.
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and this one i'm taking to the house. the ice cream man is here! breyers all natural grasshopper pie. walmart's the only place you can get it. they love it when i take my work home with me. [ shaniya ] daddy i want more ice cream. in this morning's "healthwatch," sugar substitutes. we know americans have a sweet tooth. each of us skumz, they say, doesn't sound right to me, 156 pounds of hug sugar every year. more than one-third of all adult in america are considered obese. how do we cut back? and is there still taste involved. dr. jennifer ashton has information on low cal and no
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sugar substitutes. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the best way to cut back on sugar. >> we talk about try not to drink your calories. people don't realize this but everything from coffee loaded with sweetenersing milk, cream, juices to soda -- >> soda, soda, soda. >> tons of sugar. if you reduce your beverage intake in the source of sugar, you can cut 650 calories a day by drinking lower calorie -- >> drink water. >> exactly. >> let's talk about some substitutes and what they are exactly. >> let's go through first. there's a no calorie kind of classification of sugar substitutes. splen da, 600 times sweeter than sugar so you use less. stevia, an herb in south america, the new kid on the black.
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aspertime, 400 calories, not great for baking, and sweet n low, saccharin. >> are they safe? >> this is not an easy question to answer. in the past there were studies that suggested saccharin had been linked to bladder cancer in animals. it's not a clear association in humans. >> ancient history, right? >> right. you've heard it before, in moderation. drink water. >> dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. for more, go to our partner in hell, and search for artificial sweeteners. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by prevacid. treat frequent heartburn with prevacid 4 hour. nothing beats prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn free for a full 24 hours.
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[ female announcer ] wisk is about to change the way you look at stains forever. discover the power of our stain spectrum technology in the new red bottle of wisk.
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[ female announcer ] wisk is about to change the way you look at stains forever. discover the power of our stain spectrum technology in the new red bottle of wisk. coming august 2010. fair weather clouds up ahead and we'll tell you more after the weather. well, definitely feeling the humid -- humidity. temperatures are taking a hit as well as the humidity levels. we'll see more sunshine and less humidity into the afternoon. clear tonight and 63, that's below the average of 65. 86 tomorrow and sunshine and low humid and sunday's forecast up to 90 degrees and look for 92, 94 and 94. and now, for another look at
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the roads, here's kristy breslin. thank you, tim. we have an advisory online train 513. that's due to the mechanical problems. as far as the beltway goes, we have debris in the road at 702. and a downed tree blocking the roadway at paper mill road. and no problems for 95 southbound. whitemarsh to the beltway on the north eastside and on the harrisburg expressway, that's moving in both directions. now, here's a live look at liberty road. another look at south of the beltway. this is brought to you by the lexus golden sales opportunity. >> reporter: the police are
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beefing up the patrols in this area. four men beat up some other mens in four separate days. three attacks sparked patrols in upper fells. the police aren't saying if these are part of gang initiations detectives are investigating one as a hate crime. back to you on tv hill. and neighbors rally where an officer shot and killed a husky names bear bear. the officers claims he was attacking his dog and himself. and the officer hasn't been named, he works at the department of defense. stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. up next, the news of those -- dressing on a casual friday. and michelle obama is catching flak on her mother/daughter flak on her mother/daughter trip to spain. ,,,,
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car owner: yeah, here she is. friend: it's uh . . . great. car owner: thanks. friend: yeah. car owner: doors would have been nice. friend: yeah. car owner: they weren't in my budget. friend: no biggie. car owner: hey, you want to hop in, go for a ride? friend: oh! be easy, right? car owner: yeah! carmax spokesperson: settling for less is not smart. what is smart is getting more car for your money at carmax. for the money you would spend on a stripped down new car, you could get a fully loaded guaranteed quality used car at carmax. now more than ever the smart choice is carmax.
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welcome back to the "early show." can you see the excitement in the air? i think it's the friday excitement. it never fails. never disappoints on a friday morning. there's a little extra energy on the plaza. >> you can feel it. it's cooling off up here -- >> you're ordering up nice weather, thank you. >> what a difference from yesterday. >> huge. >> it was like soup out here. today it's balmy and beautiful. >> like cool soup. >> a nice, cool mint pea soup. just ahead, michelle obama getting a lot of attention in
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the past couple of days. people woerntding if this could be a good image for her. we're untalking about what she's wearing. there she is eating ice cream. some people say doing a marie antoinette, a lot over her trip here with younger daughter sasha, whether it's the right image to portray during this economic downturn. >> cost a lot of money to travel overseas. big entourage. how casual should casual friday be? some offices are crack down. they say too many people are wearing things that are just not appropriate. that looks pretty good, doesn't it? we'll check out some new looks that will be right for you. >> all coming up in a little while. let's go inside and say hello to jeff glor for a look at the headlines. good morning. >> good morning to you. the latest on employment numbers are out there morning. economists on average expect july numbers to show 70,000 jobs were lost overall and that the unemployment rate rose a tenth of a percent to 9.6%.
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meanwhile, a key member of the president's economic team, christina romer, chairman of the council of economic advisers is resigning. elena kagan will be sworn in as 112th justice of the united states supreme court tomorrow. she was confirmed by the senate yesterday. she'll be the fourth woman to serve on the court and this will be the first time three women serve together on the nine-member court. the national transportation safety board is investigating a terrifying school bus crash in missouri this morning. two buses were involved yesterday. it began after a pickup truck slammed into the back of a truck. the first bus then crashed into the pickup and the second bus crashed into the first. the pickup driver and one student were killed. in the gulf this morning, bp's broken well is plugged at the top and no oil is leaking but making it permanent requires a bottom kill. for the bottom kill, bp must finish drilling a relief well that has about 100 feet to go right now. they're still a huge clean-up task ahead. the government estimates 53
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million gallons of oil remain in the gulf and in the coastal wetlands. now the latest alleged case of homegrown terrorism. prosecutors have charged 14 people, including at least seven american, with aiding a terrorist organization in somalia. cbs news justice correspondent bob orr is in washington with details. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. had a troubling new front in the fight against terrorists. al shabab, an emerging terror group is now threatening attacks against the u.s. in the most frightening part is that some of their foot soldiers are americans. he grew up in alabama, now federal prosecutors say omar hamammi is a big player inside this somalia based terror group al shabab. >> he's believed to be a ranking member of the al shabab organization and he has operational responsibilities. >> reporter: hamammi is using internet videos to recruit other americans. in this one he praises the sacrifice of a fellow jihadist. >> if you can encourage more of your children and more of your
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neighbors, send people like him, it would be a great asset for us. >> reporter: now the government has charged hamammi and 13 others from the u.s. with funneling fighters and cash to al shabab. the 12 men on this fbi poster are not in custody and believed to still be fighting in somalia. two women charged with raising money for the terror group in their minnesota neighborhoods have been arrested. al shabab, with links to al qaeda, has focused primarily on conflicts inside somalia, but the group took credit for last month's bombs in uganda, killing more than 70 world cup soccer fans and they are threatening to spread their violence to the west. >> that's the worst case scenario, that they could be enlisted, trained and deployed to hit sites in the u.s. >> reporter: u.s. officials are fully aware of that risk and tracking the three dozen or so americans who have joined al shabab. so far no imminent threat to the
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u.s. but no one is dismissing the possibility. >> bob orr, thanks. a follow-up on the case of a home invasion victim who got help by typing with her toes. a suspect has now been arrested. amy windham said an intruder tied her up tuesday morning. she got help by using her toes and a power cord to type a message to her boyfriend. now a 17-year-old robbery suspect was arrested during a traffic stop and later he was picked out of a line-up. all right. back outside now. dave price has another check of the weather. mr. price? >> yes. yes, yes, i'm sorry. >> that's rude. >> let me say for the record, i was cued, the floor directors did their job. i was engrossed in
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well, in our area, we're looking at things calming down. some saw thunderstorm and some saw nothing low pressure that drove all of that, that's clear in the area now. we're looking at dryer, more sudden air moving in and heat and humid pushing away a little bit. starting out with temperatures in the 70s and we're going to 91 today and it will be a true
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91 and temperatures not refl >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by chilil's. it's all in the pepper -- ation. >> we are dragon boaters, people from jamaica, people from cincinnati. that's a look at your weather picture. have a great time at the wedding. >> erica, here you go. just ahead, michelle obama's spanish holiday. would it have been smarter for her to stay home as well? why all the controversy? that's coming up. handmade burgers with fries, starting at just $5.99. like the rojo burger. for a little more, enjoy the new avocado burger. the perfect burger with fries, starting at just $5.99. and now get chili's to-go with new online ordering.
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gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare. exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin. neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist.
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in spanish palaces and staying in a five-star resort, but bulk of the cost to taxpayers for the first lady's vacation is for her security detail and the plane that flew her, her daughter and some 40 guests to spain. an estimated $230,000 so far. for that, and also for the appearance of this trip, michelle obama is being called a modern day marie antoinette, glamming it up while americans struggle with recession and unemployment at home. >> ouch. that seems a bit harsh. sure, if i were the president's political advisers this would not have been my top vacationsnags but let's not get too carried away. >> i think it shows questionable judgment. >> reporter: in fact, mrs. obama and her guests are picking up their own personal expenses, including accommodation, and of course incidentals like the cost of shopping in the boutiques, however the public cost of the trip will climb this weekend when mrs. obama switches into her official role to host a
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charity ball and visit spanish royal family at their palace on a private island. the bill for those events will be picked up by the white house. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. >> republican strategist leslie sanchez, author of "you've come a long way, maybe," and tonya acker. good to have you with us this morning. >> thank you. >> leslie, i want to start with you. always good to have you with us. the first lady paying for the personal parts of this vacation with her own funds. she's going to be there in an official capacity later anyway, why the big deal if she's tacking on time ahead of time with her own money? >> sure. i think the bottom line answer is optics matter. first ladies wield a tremendous amount of influence behind the scenes and they're the perception of the administration. at i time when we're seeing 9.6 unemployment, people are losing their homes, it doesn't convey that she senses the plight of working families.
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the more of a narrative that many of his critics push that they're an elitist administration, thumbing their nose at working families. >> perception is so important here and something this first family knows of a little too well. the first lady just recently on the gulf coast saying, come here, it's a grit place to vacation but ends up in spain. do you think that they just completely missed the public perception part of this trip? >> well, i think there's no question but that every political family want to avoid the inop tune photo op and that's what we have here. i also think americans are a little more mist indicated than we give them credit for. mrs. obama's husband is leading an administration that just fought for jobless benefit. at the end of the day, americans who are struggling really care whether or not jobless benefits will continue, whether the first lady went to the beach, quite frankly. >> if you talk to folks, they
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say this is the i quif lent of ceo of several banks ask for a bail outand use resources -- >> that's a harsh parallel. >> it's one a lot of admirers and critics draw together. they say, if you like spain, the culture g to new mexico. americans are very concerned about building the strength of the economic environment right now. and i think every bit of that, including the influence of the first lady, really matters. >> ton, yeya, i'll let you resp. we know the first lady can help humanize the president and yet there is this backlash now. >> no question. look, i think we liked it when she was wear a talbot's dress, but by the same token i'm uncomfortable with the notion that to be a good american, you are to surrender your passport and not leave the border, but if i was advising her might i have said, maybe we take a different trip? sure. but i'm not.
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>> michelle obama's poll numbers have been pretty good. you want to look to your first lady, obviously, to help humanize your president but there's also a certain amount of glamour that americans like in their first lady, exhibit a, jacqueline kennedy. is it so wrong to are a first lady who may want to, perhaps, explore some annual things and introduce americans to different thing? >> sure, not at all. michelle obama to her credit has done important thing, mom in chief, talking about family, talking about working moms in many senses, being a professional mom before this role and also her approachability and fashion style. this is tone deaf when it comes to the economic reality of families. >> well, i have a feeling it will be one of many thing we continue to discuss as we gear up for november, even if president obama is not ready for re-election yet. lesscy sanchez, tonya acker, appreciate you being with us. just ahead, casual friday. we'll help you find the right look for the end of week. [ male announcer ] how about we open up a whole can of getting it done?
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and get this year's colors up on the wall...this year. let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop cloths, rollers, brushes, and tape. let's start small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done, let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus ultra. the only interior paint and primer in one that's rated number one.
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[ maltry the subwayaint achin'steak & bacon melt. tender juicy steak, sizzlin' hot bacon, fresh veggies on a blanket of bubbly cheese on freshly baked bread. and when morning rolls around, the new steak and bacon muffin melt with fluffy egg, melted cheese, and, oh yeah, bacon. all on a fresh toasted english muffin. mmm. guess we should leave you lovebirds alone now. crank up the flavor at subway.
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friday is one day many americans let loose when they get ready for work. now there's a growing backlash to casual friday. we visited one office to see what is appropriate and what is not. >> reporter: with the stifling summer heat office workers are increasingly dressing down, especially on casual friday. >> sagging jeans, tight jeans -- >> reporter: things got a little too casual for sid, a partner at this manhattan law firm. he sent out a summer dress code memo, banning beach wear for the ladies, requiring socks for the men and no jeans, period. >> if you don't have the proper attitude as you come to work, how will you have the proper attitude at work? >> reporter: sid decided to take me on a surprise staff wardrobe. she's wearing denim. >> no, it's a skirt. >> reporter: are you wearing socks? >> of course i am. >> reporter: he's wearing socks. good? >> she always looks good.
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>> reporter: is sid taking this too seriously or is being too casual a distraction? >> i think some people have taken it a little too far. a good rule of thumb, unless you're a lifeguard, if it works at the beach or poolside, then it dent cut it at the office. >> reporter: before i left the button-up law firm i asked if my outfit would pass. >> everything is wrong. >> reporter: how many rules am i breaking? >> showing too much skin, first of all. >> reporter: this has to be higher? >> yes. jeans are jeans. i don't are to say anything more than they're jeans. sandals, no socks, the worst. you would not get past the downstairs desk. >> reporter: really? so, i'm fired? >> now, here to help us avoid any friday faux pas is "early show" contributor katrina szish. . >> hi.
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it it's important, it's friday, beach on the brain, but you don't want people at the office to know that because it's a sure fire way to say -- >> i've already checked out. >> and i don't respect this workplace. bring a carry-on bag with you, change while you're walking out the door, but keep the beach separate from the boardroom. >> let's take a look at our denim don'ts. you have some denim don'ts. these are things you definitely don't want to be caught guilty of. >> as we saw, some offices don't allow denim at all. some do. weights most important you want to be careful what you wear it with. on the left we have something way too revealing, not appropriate for the office. you don't want your denim to have rips, frays or be exceptionally sandblasted. dark denim is the rule. guys, logo, sloppy tee shirrs, baggy jeans, running shoes, a big no. >> let's talk about denim dos if it's okay for denim in the summertime, what are our do looks? >> dark denim is the safest way
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to go. on blair we put her if some skinny jeans. toes are completely appropriate. and then we added more of a trend-inspired top but kept more covered up on top. you don't want to be anything too revealing at the office, nothing too low cut. we layered it, belted it, stuck to the trends at ha hand so you can be fashion forward. >> smart look. then she has shoes, because teryn had sandals on. >> big to. they have an open toe, still summery but not high heels which are a little too after work looking with skinny denim. on tyler he went from a t-shirt to a slim-fitting casual shirt. it's still a button-front shirt, office approach. this is from we layered it over a ringer tee, tucked it in, casual belt. you can wear sneakers to the office but they shouldn't be beat up running shoes. they should be canvas, clean and office appropriate. >> you look like you're ready for work.
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>> a happy friday environment. >> thank you very much, guys. let's talk about this beach look that teryn talked about in her piece. people coming in on friday. we have some examples of absolute beach nos. >> these guys are halfway on their way to the hamptons, as you can tell. no strapless at the office. looks like a beach cover-up and flip-flops on kara. this guy's halfway to margaritaville -- >> it's fi5:00 somewhere. >> no cargo pants. >> here are the dos. >> you can still wear a dress. as a woman, we love to see that. it's casual, bright, lightweight, cool and comfortab comfortable. this one from loft. it's office appropriate. styled it perfectly. also we have -- now we have slim-fit khakis on clarence. still a graphic shirt. bright, nautical. i'm loving his glasses because that is one of the hottest trends for men, harry smith, as we see this fall. >> what's that? >> glasses on men.
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skip the contacts and wear the glasses. >> katrina szish, thank you so much. real be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals for my bird friends. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i have to take care of myself. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. [ bob ] makes you feel ageless. brrrbb! [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotspot, powerful enough to fuel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your own world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does.
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>> hello again, it's sticky, but we'll improve. kristy breslin has more traffic after tim williams. well, we'll see less humid and tomorrow, the temperatures drop a little bit. today, going up to 91 degrees and this afternoon, we'll see the humidity levels dropping. and 63 degrees tonight and 80 -- 86 tomorrow and for the next five day, 90 sunday, 92, 94 and 94 and overnight lows in the
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60s into the 70s by wednesday. kristy breslin, now, over to you. >> well, there you are. >> well, not much of a rush hour at all today. we have a few minor problems. we have a disabled vehicle at liberty road. and debris on the eastside outer lupe at 702 and northbound 95, and southbound, they're moving along well to the 895 split. no trouble on the harrisburg expressway and 63 miles per hour at mt. carmel road and police activity in baltimore city and park heights at devin shire. you can see everything moving along well and that's at bob evans new farm fresh wraps. go to the website for a free farm wrap offer. now, back to you. and in the news, the baltimore police added patrols at fells point.
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>> the city police are beefing up the patrols in the area. men beat up four men in upper fells point. three separate attacks sparked more police patrols in upper fells. they're not ruling out anything even if this is part of gang initiations. one of the attacks could also be a hate crime. >> the police identified a man murdered in his house. the 37-year-old was shot yesterday morning and he was not alone in the house when the police arrived. and they have confirmed they're interviewing his wife. they have no motives or suspects in the case. to the south, many are without electricity. and a storm moved through the area and knocking down power lines and trees.
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currently, 17,000 homes are without electricity in prince george's. and 600 without pour in monomonth county ,,,,,, [ male announcer ] are you watching cable? here's what you should be watching: your cable bill,
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rowdy friday crowd. >> i like a rowdy friday crowd. welcome back to the "early show." we don't want you to waste these remaining lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. we don't want you to waste them. this morning we have a roundup of things to do, eat, buy, et cetera, et cetera. even the best tv shows, books to read, all coming up in the next 25 minutes or so. >> everything for your summer. we also have the special guide to summer shopping bargains. use those days to save some cash. including in places where we won't charge sales tax. i love that. >> and that's not all. >> there's more? >> can you believe it. there's more, folks. >> stop!
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>> katie lee also here with great summer recipes. for fruits and veggies you can get just about anywhere, local farmer's market, grocery store. >> the crowd likes it. >> first time, last time, last time as he is now, dave price doing the weather. >> yes, indeed. >> i'm not leaving. nice to see you, everybody. got a great crowd here. where are you from? >> birmingham, alabama. >> very nice sign. you must are worked on that for hours. it is nice to see you. let's take a check of the weather. see what's happening all across the country, shall we? looks like a gor
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>> temperatures going up to 91 degrees today and the humidity levels will be true. it will be -- well, several
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days into the forecast. no chance of showers around. 91 degrees and partial sunshine and less humid than yesterday. 63 degrees and we're looking at temperatures around 86 degrees and sunshine and pleasantly low and we're going up to 94 degrees by the end of the five day period hello, jacksonville, florida. you have some friends and neighbor here. south dakota you're represented as well. let's say hello to people from chicago and iowa, too. that's a quick look at your weather picture. erica, inside to you. >> dave, thanks. it is difficult enough to be kicked out of the "big brother" house, but last night kristin got evicted while wearing a psychedelic unitard. julie chen talked to kristin about the hookup that got her the hook. >> i'm kristin. i'm from philly.
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and i model. >> kristin and i have a secret shomance. people in a shomance don't make it far in this game. >> i heard you and haydon making out last night. >> that's so stupid. >> i nominate you, kristin, for eviction. so, bring it on. >> by a vote of 6-1, kristin, you are evicted from the "big brother" house. >> if had you to do it all over again, would you do anything differently? >> no. i have no regrets. i said i was going to go into this is game, play with dignity and i did. that's the most important thing. >> what about getting romantically involved with haydon? any regrets there? >> i don't have any regrets. it is a game. i knew he wasn't being completely honest with me. >> i want you to know and hear it from me that matt, enzo, lane and myself are in an alliance. >> i don't regret that either. i think that we had feelings for each other regardless.
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>> your boyfriend back home was watching and he said, i hope she comes with a mop because she has some cleaning up to do. what is your response to your boyfriend back home? >> you know, sometimes -- it's expect the unexpected. i've never cheated on a boyfriend, i've never done anything behind a boyfriend's back if my entire life. i'm a very honest person. i had to be honest to myself when i was in that house. and i had feelings for somebody and i couldn't deny that. i thought about my boyfriend every single day. and i thought, he probably hates me right now. but i couldn't -- i couldn't help what i was feeling in the house. >> you played the game with dignity. that says a lot. >> thank you. >> we thank you for it. >> thank you. >> for more of julie's interview with kristin, logon to our website at
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and watch "big brother" this sunday night at 8:00/7:00 central right here on cbs. now to harry. for our special roundup of the best things to do, buy and eat before the summer's over. best tv shows and books, courtesy of dalton ross, assisting manage editor of "entertainment weekly." right on the cover. we'll get to him in a second. if people feel like they're getting a late start to summer, what is the one movie they should absolutely see before the summer's over? >> you know, all the big movies usually come out in may, june and july. august, kind of a little weaker. if you want to go to the movies and you want to get your laugh on, will ferrell to the rescue "the other guys" opens today. it's this action comedy movie with he and mark wahlberg playing policemen. you know what, he had a bummed out last year with "land of the lost." that movie should have stayed lost. >> he's spot on again. >> back on track. >> they were in the studio with
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us yesterday. hilarious. i saw the screening. >> you wouldn't think they would be a good pair, chemistry, but they're really funny together. >> he plays a great dweeb. >> he does. >> i'm talking about mark wahlbe wahlberg. tv show, if there's a tv show you've got to see before the end of the summer, it is? >> i brought my crystal ball with me. can't see it. it's invisible. i saw laura linney winning an emmy for the big "c," starts august 16th, plays a woman with terminal cancer. sounds like a downer. it's not. it's a very funny show. >> is that precious? >> yeah, she's playing one of her students. she gets the diagnosis and feels free to do the things she wants to do, say the things she wants to do. very funny. >> she'll be on here tuesday. >> this could be her best role ever. she has an amazing resume, so that's high praise. >> stay-at-home types, what do i need to see? >> if you're looking for a dvd
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"the lost" finale, very controversial. some people loved it, some not so much. we always want answers with "lost," right? this dvd box set coming out, the entire series, has a 12 minute epilog featuring hurley and ben, what happens when they take over the island. it's fant. if you're looking for "lost" answers -- >> is that out now? >> it will be out august 24th. you have to wait a few days. >> we'll circle the date on the calendar. if there's a book you have to read before the summer is over, if you want to be the last person in america not to read the book -- >> i don't know if there's anyone left that hasn't read "the girl with the dragon tattoo" but if there is, have you to jump on this band wagon. already made into a great swedish film. the american version is on the way with daniel craig. that will be out next year. first start in steve larson's trilogy. you have to read it, right, harry? >> i think so. >> natalie portman turned it down, ellen paige.
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it's down to, it looks like, four unknown actresses. >> so for the real person who actually never gets out of their house all summer long, what is the one ning we need to do before the summer? >> if you've already spent too much time on the beach, maybe a little pinkish, it's a video game. starcraft ii, a sequel. military/science fiction strategy game. you could lose hours of your life on this game. i'm not going to let you play. they need you here at work. if you have disposal time in august, starcraft ii. >> dalton ross, pleasure to see you. thanks for stopping by. now let's see what to buy with erica. >> thanks. if you're missing for a day, we'll know where you are. summer is a great time to catch some red hot sales and save a lot of money starting this weekend. amy goodman senior editor of "all you" magazine starting with the best bargains and where to find them. i say it start this weekend because in a number of states
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what has become a ritual for the end of summer, there are tax-free holidays. this can be a huge savings. >> that's right. 17 states across our great united states are offering tax-free holidays from sales tax. in addition to all these incredible bargains and deals we're about to share with you, if you happen to live in one of those states, you'll save on tax as well. >> you see them on your screen. a lot coincide with back to school for folks which is the purpose behind them, which is great. even if it's not a tax-free holiday, big savings this time of year. we'll start with outdoor products. probably for obvious reasons. it's the end of the season. >> stores want to push out the grills and the large patio furniture out of their inventory to make space for other things. you can get great deal on this grill by char-broil, from lowe's, commercial range. >> very fancy. >> $299. you save $50 off the top, $50 you can save for the meat and burgers and veggies and have a great meal. >> i like it. also umbrellas. >> when it comes to patio
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furniture, also from lowe's. each individual children's set, chairs and umbrella, $4.99 apiece. >> wow. >> the entire ensemble is under $15. normally the chair costs $16. that's a fantastic deal. >> i love -- this is adorable. >> isn't that sweet with the little watermelon motif? for the adults, it's a great time to save on overall patio furniture. this is from, your first purchase, free shipping. not to mention, this umbrella is over $180. you save $100 on this umbrella. deals like that you can get online as well. >> outdoor stuff makes sense to look for. this is a great time of year, i never realized this, for home goods. a big season for white sales. >> all of the stores right now, if you go to them, are having their home sales, including white sales, including household, linens and bedding. kohl's, simply vera, so at $19.99 each towel would be under $10, which is a fantastic deal. >> that's a great deal.
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bed in a bag? >> yes. jcpenn jcpenney, normally $140, it's $65. that's a 60% saving. this includes the comforter, the sham, the bedskirt, the fitted and flat sheets. it's a complete set. so, that is a wonderful deal. also from jcpenney, buy one, get one for $1 pillows off their entire inventory of pillows. >> my mouth is dropping because these deals are so good. >> with that you can rest assured you get a good deal. >> this is also a good time for electronics. this is a gps system, right? >> from tomtom, their gps at target through saturday, normally $190, you pay $130. that's a 32% savings. >> which is a pretty good deal. computers, a lot of people looking at computers for back to school for their kids and you can get a great deal on those as well. >> you cannot beat this from compac, press aario, you save rt
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away. >> this is designed -- this particular model is designed for students to be affordable, radio the? >> yes. all the bells and whilstles. you save all that money in your pocket. >> you always have good deals. come back with more. >> harry, over to you for a little more of summer's best. >> yes. right now "the early show" lifestyle contributing editor, katie lee making a beautiful buffet with fruit stand fruits and venlys. >> good morning. >> we love this time of the year. >> yes. you have to go to your local farmer's market or farm stand and get this beautiful produce. there's so many things at the farmer's market you can find that you wouldn't find at a regular grocery store. these beautiful air loheirloom tomatoes. i found these great things, kermit eggplant. >> kermit? >> roast them with salt,
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perfect. doughnut peaches. >> so beautiful. this time of year, you pick up a piece of fruit, you smell so good. it's not the thing that's been refrigerated all winter long. >> it's wonderful. it's so much better environmentally speaking also because everything's local. and you're also supporting your own local economy. you're going to get more vitamins and minerals because your fruit didn't take as long to get to your plate. so it's really, really good. you've got to go out. i can't encourage you enough. if you don't know where your local farmer's market is, go to, type in your zip code and it will pull it right up. the great thing about consumer produce, you don't are to do anything to it. everything i'm going to show you today, you actually don't cook the fruits or vegetables. >> we like that a lot. >> the first up is zucchini carpachio. hold that mandolin. you can pick these up for 10 bucks. don't be afraid. take that and run it over that. see the zucchini how it comes out like a little paper chip?
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you just layer them over each other. harry, did you cut yourself? oh, no. >> i told. >> you oh, no, harry. oh, no. i injured harry. so, a little -- are you okay? do we need to get a band-aid? oh, my god. >> i'm good. i knew that was going to happen. i knew that was going to happen. keep talking. >> i'm so sorry. >> you have to be really careful with the mandolin. >> yes, be very careful. i'm so sorry. this is the first for one of our -- >> you need to get a band-aid. >> i need ice. >> i'm going to help katie. >> i won't ask you to grate any parmesan or anything. chop tomatoes with olive oil and some garlic. that's all you do to it. you don't cook it. take the hot pasta out of the water. this hot pasta is going to cook our tomatoes. so, that's all it takes. >> i think i -- i smell the
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garlic but i think i smell those tomatoes, too. >> they smell so good. >> i love fresh tomatoes. >> this requires no cutting or anything, if you want to tear some basil leaves in there. >> i love it. fresh basil. >> and some fresh parmesan cheese. this tastes good just room temperature or cold, so it's really good if you're going to a barbecue and you want to take something with you as a side dish. it kind of doubles as a main if anybody's a vegetarian. >> perfect. >> down here we have a corn salad. i don't even cook the corn it's so sweet. >> you chop it right off? >> chop it right off. put it in a bowl -- >> we're all about safety tips. >> everything goes right in. i feel so bad. poor harry. black beans, jalepeno, lime vinaigrette, you could put avocado in there. stir it up. then i've got macerated peaches and plums, slice them, add sugar, let them stand for a
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couple hours. and they make their own juices, this beautiful syrup over vanilla ice cream. >> we're in. >> we are going to test it all out in just a moment. for more on these recipes and all of katie's goodies, logon to our website we are going to have a snack. we'll be back with more and an update on harry's health. ,,,,,,,
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♪ in the summer sometime we have a big announcement to make this morning. our friend dave price growing up at last. tomorrow -- >> that's an overstatement. >> tomorrow he's getting married. >> yea skrm. >> and we want to offer dave and jackie not only our best wishes, of course, but some advice as well. we have a little surprise for you. >> good. >> guess who's on the phone?
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helen and larry. >> oh, geez. >> hi, mom. hi, dad. >> dave's mom and dad. >> good morning. >> hi, mom. hi. >> don't sound so excited, dave. >> so, i heard you guys wrote a little poem for dave. >> hi, david. our advice is the same for the bride and the groom, for all our usa judgments there's always room. just follow your hearts and you will easily see that an m just turned over turns a me into we. >> that is so sweet. >> i love you, mom. i love you, dad. oh, do you have one, too? >> yeah, i have one also. it's a little shorter. >> let's not talk about that, dad. >> wow. >> all the love of the girl in the gown, pick up your socks and put the toilet seat down. >> that is sage advice.
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brings a tear to your eye. >> no, it actually brings sweat to my brow whenever mom and dad are on live television. >> they've been married 53 years? >> they have. they've been a remarkable positive model, actually, one i hope to emulate. jackie's parent had a beautiful marriage. her father passed a way several years ago. if we can do a little bit of what my folks did and her folks did -- >> oh, there's jack. >> how beautiful is she? >> stunning. even more beautiful tomorrow. >> here's my question for you. larry, did you ever think this day would come? >> it was a long time coming. and sometimes we wondered. >> wondered what? >> we wondered if we'd ever get rid of him. >> so much love in that household. >> the price family, tells us a lot. >> here's the other question for you guys. how impressive is jackie? she's quite a catch, i think. >> oh, she's just delightful. we're so happy to have jackie in
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the family. and she's beautiful and bright. i'm sure they'll have a wonderful marriage. >> yeah. you think she's tough enough to handle young dave over here? >> oh, she's tough enough. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. she's tough enough to handle him. >> all right. >> mom did a pretty good job with you, dad, didn't she? >> well, we will see you this weekend, all right? >> we're looking forward to it. david, stay cool. >> i'm cool as a cucumber if you'd just get off the air, i'd be -- >> should we pour some champagne? >> absolutely. >> before we get to the big celebration tomorrow night, we have a tiny show to do in the morning. some people like to call it a big show. a lot of stuff coming up, including debbye turner bell is going to take your vet questions live. you still have time to submit them.
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logon to our website, if you have a question, let us know or join us on the plaza. we'll have that and a whole lot more coming up saturday morning. and then saturday night -- >> it is the big event. >> the big toast. >> all right. >> very good, very good. >> to you, sir.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> hello, it's 5 until 9:00. we have blue skies ahead. and tim williams is in the first warning doppler weather radar center. make your plans for the weekend and keep them. today, going up to 91 degrees and look for more sunshine after getting through the haze. temperatures tonight down to 62 degrees and 86 tomorrow and sunshine and low humidity and for the next few days, 90- degrees on sunday and another delightful day. 92 monday and 94 and 94 on tuesday and wednesday and overnight lows in the low 60s saturday and low 70s by wednesday. in the news, police and
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people in the upper fells point area are being cautious after a string of street attacks there. gigi barnett has the story. >> reporter: the police are beefing up the patrols in the area. someone beat and robbed four men in upper fells point in the past few days. three separate attacks have sparked more police patrols in the upper fells area. the police aren't ruling out anything even if this is part of gang initiations. one of the attacks could be a hate crime. and thank you, the woman accused of shooting her hotel across from camden yards is charged with first degree murder and assault. she opened fire tuesday and her boyfriend was not seriously wounded and he'll make a full recovery. the baltimore county police officers are investigating a murder. the 37-year-old was found shot inside his home and he was
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taken to a hot where he later died. he was not alone in the house when he died. the police interviewed his wife and haven't made arrests. out raged neighbors met where an officer shot and killed a dog named bear bear. that claim is being investigated and the officer isn't named yet, but he worked for the department of defense in virginia. more work at the howard street tunnels. and at least two were carrying hazardous materials and nothing spilled crews planned on removing the last of the nine cars this morning. after wards, the damaged tracks will be replaced and repaired. no computer rail services impacted. and the alligator taught by a teen is in surgery.
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she was caught and she swallowed the hook. she needs surgery to have it removed. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. more news and ,,,,,,,,
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