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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  June 14, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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the presence of officer tshamba who of course was not uniformed. >> reporter: despite what police say, officer tshamba's defense attorney says that woman was not the officer's girlfriend and he says the officer fired the shots in the alley because he feared for his own life. >> a police officer in fear of his life, has to do what he has to do to preserve his life and the one shot doesn't work and two don't work and three, four, five, six, if they don't work, you fire until the threat is gone. >> that is ridiculous for you to shot that many shots. >> reporter: the victim's family believers the officer was drinking that night. tshamba refused a breathalyzer test and had been disciplined in 2005 for shooting another man while drunk. >> he's not afraid. he looks forward to addressing it in court. >> reporter: tshamba's next court date set for july 13th. derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> funeral services for the victim, drown are scheduled for -- tyrone brown are scheduled
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for wednesday. some breaking news, police are responding to multiple shots fired in pasadena and anne arundel county. mike perry with more. >> we are indeed in pasadena, whittaker road and liberty circle. multiple shots fired on whittaker road, there is a crime scene, but here out of liberty circle. we found an adult female that has been shot in the leg. paramedics are now attending to the adult female. now, police are seeking two individuals seen running from the scene after firing multiple gunshots on whittaker road. at this point, it unknown if the victim that was struck was the intended target or accidental. police are actually working very diligently in the area of pasadena right now searching for the two suspects seen running from the area. back to you on tv hill. a may juror development tonight in the murder of off-
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duty maryland state police trooper. brown was gunned down in cold blood in forestville. adam may has more details on the two men now in custody. >> reporter: police are very confident in the arrests. they have recovered the murder weapon and they say the ballistic testing is a match. two men have been raced for the murder of -- arrested for the murder of wesley brown. >> s in a bittersweet moment for all of us, a young trooper was cut down before his time. >> reporter: investigators say trooper brown was ambushed outside the applebee's on friday. he was working off-duty security. earlier in the evening, security cameras show him escorting 27-year-old cyril williams outside. >> we believe we have arrested all of the principal suspects and the motive is that mr. williams was upset that he was
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kicked out of the restaurant. nothing more, nothing less. >> reporter: court papers obtained by wjz revaliantsny milton confessed to -- reveal anthony milton confessed to his involvement. meanwhile, outside the trooper's home, there is a growing memorial. >> wesley was one of the most genuinely nice people you will ever meet. >> reporter: this cousin says he's glad police worked so hard the make the arrests. both suspects have long rap sheets including violent crimes with handguns that were not prosecuted. we asked governor o'malley for his reaction. >> we need to continue to pork and do everything we can to -- work and do everything we can. there's no way to make sense of madness and cruelty of the scale of this particular incident. >> reporter: and both suspects are in custody. one of them is being held here in prince georges county, the other in baltimore count on a parole violation. adam may, wjz eyewitness news.
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>> trooper brown's funeral is saturday, june 19th at 10:00 a.m. at jericho city of praise in land of. police are on the lookout for a man who tried to open fire on a carroll county's sheriff's deputy. >> reporter: he was on patrol when he tried to stop an suv in westminster. as the deputy approached the vehicle, investigators say this man, 30-year-old brian hill, tried to shoot the deputy. but the handgun misfired. hill took off and crashed the suv and fled on foot. anybody with information about hill's whereabouts is asked to call the sheriff's office, their number, (410)386-2900. denise, back to you. hill is about 6'0," 230 pounds with dreadlocks. a high powered battle over pension reform is playing out right now at baltimore city hall where millions and
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millions of dollars are at stake, it involves changes to the retirement system that firefighters and police unions believe are illegal. wjz is live at city hall right now, mike hellgren breaks it down. mike? >> reporter: vic, we have breaking news in this. the city council just voted on the pension reform measure and decided not to kill it. but it passes through and lives on to another meeting later this week. this could become law at that point. it's interesting to know the vote tonight was not unanimous. though there is dissension on the city council. the mayor has said that the pension system could be a financial catastrophe for the city without reform. high stakes legal showdown pits firefighters and police against the major and city council. elected leaders want to make big changes to pensions for those on the front lines of public safety including increases to the contribution rate, changes to cost of living raises and increases to the years of service required before they can retire.
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>> situation so dire, not only for us, but also for the city. you just can't pass a bill that's not going to correct it. >> reporter: because the changes will not only affect new officers and firefighters but also change the rules for those already on the job, law professor believes the unions have the edge in a federal lawsuit they filed. >> providing the contract clause of the united states constitution, that says you can't retroactively impair contracts. >> reporter: we learned the city hired the powerful law firm to help them with the challenge. >> outside law firm, that was great, probably hire a firm like that. >> we're more than prepared to defend the lawsuit. >> reporter: the city solicitor told the council they're on firm legal grounds. council members and the mayor said without reform, they'll have to come up with $64 million by the end of the month. >> we are facing a fiscal crisis in baltimore city not
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like other jurisdictions. >> they're out there saying well, we can bend the rules and ignore the rules. no you can't. >> reporter: now, union leaders say if pension reform passes as written, they will file legal motions blocking it from taking effect. again, tonight, just a little bit ago, the council voted to pass the pension reform to another reading. it's not yet fully passed. but they have signaled their support for the reform as it's written now. reporting live at city hall, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> mike, thank you. the city is facing is $121 million budget shortfall. we will have the latest tonight at 11:00. and more criticism of the proposed bottle tax in baltimore to help balance the bucket. members of the stop the baltimore city beverage tax gathered to protest today. opponents say the tax would hurt city businesses particularly grocers. tonight, president obama is back in the gulf region for
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progress reports on the massive oil spill. a live look right now. the president will address the nation tomorrow night and meet with bp executives wednesday. terrell brown reports for wjz from dolphin island, alabama where oil is now coating beaches. >> reporter: president obama hit the ground with his sleeves rolled up on his fourth trip to the gulf discaster. the president is visiting three sates in two days. >> we are going to do everything we can, 24/7, to make sure that communities get back on their feet and in the end, i am confident we will be able to leave the gulf coast in better shape than it was before. >> reporter: barrier islands are hardest hit and many residents feel help is coming too late. >> first point i made with the president was the need to intensify the effort to fight the oil off the coast. >> reporter: president obama is demanding bp set up a
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multibillion dollar compensation fund. >> obviously, they've got to make payroll and they have employees and it trickles down. >> reporter: wednesday, the president meets face-to-face with bp executives. he'll press the oil giant. >> i assume you guys are getting hit the same way. >> reporter: the president also wants to make clear that plenty of the gulf is still open for business. >> if people want to know what they can do to help, come down here and enjoy the outstanding hospitality. >> reporter: after more stops in alabama and florida, president obama heads back to the oval office tuesday for a prime time speech on the nation's disaster. terrell brown, cbs news, dolphin island, alabama. >> president obama will speak again to the nation about the oil spill when he returns to the white house. you can watch that speech right here on wjz tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. it is another sticky june evening.
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a live look outside right now. when will we get cooler weather? we're live with bernadette woods and bob turk. bob? >> the showers were here, it's gone now. take a look. depending where you live, you may be getting a few widely scattered showers, most of the region will be rain free. the shower that moved through the city now is dying out around the town area as it moves to the delaware area. south of us, however, we have several pretty good cells around the plate of prince frederick and east and west of fredericksburg. so southern maryland, you're in for some pretty good rains. one also went through hagerstown heading to i-70 and frederick county. some areas will see brief downpours and lightning for the next hour of two, then things will quiet down tonight and there is some relief coming. back to the atlantic ocean and caribbean. bernadette? >> it's officially hurricane season and we're already
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starting to track some waves off africa. now, this is a current one that's showing signs of formation. if it continues to grow and become a tropical storm, it would be the first one of the season and it'd be tropical storm alex. now, whether it actually gets to that point or not is still a question mark, but it will continue tracking to the northwest over very warm waters. water temperatures approximately 85 degrees right now in this region. something we'll be watching. if somebody changes, i'll let you know and our forecast coming up. right now, back inside. >> thank you bernadette and bob. tragedy in dundalk. a teenager drowns while swimming with friends. jessica kartalija speaks with the family. >> reporter: relives saturday's tragedy proves to be too much for shavette conigland. her 14-year-old son went swimming and never came back in dundalk. >> he wanted to gobble with his friends. >> reporter: conigland was at
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work. >> i thought he was inside the car. >> reporter: daquan a seventh grader went into the water near invertness boat ramp and never resurfaced. the dive team found him an hour later. >> i love him so much. and i wish he was here with me. >> reporter: had she known daquan was swimming near a dock, conigland said she wouldn't have let him go. >> i never thought that i'd be sitting here. and -- and i wouldn't have my son. >> reporter: now, she and her fiancee jamal stanley struggle to pay for a funeral. >> it's so hard because i can't imagine a life without him. >> reporter: grief counselors are on hand today at the middle school to talk with friends and faculty about his drowning over the weekend.
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in dundalk, baltimore county, i'm jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> and once again, the family is struggling to pay for the funeral. you can help out if you'd like to, donate at wachovia and wells fargo in daquan eggleston's name. log on to for more information. a dump truck overturns on the beltway in pikesville. we are over the seen on the outer loop after 12:30 today. one of the tires blew out causing it to roll over and dump its load. the driver was taken to the hospital, no word on his condition. what a mess to clean up. >> i know, i have to be right by the intersection near there. it was a backup today. still to come on wjz eyewitness news, flash flooding, see a young woman's struggles to survive. the disturbing documents on senator edward kennedy and the threats he had to live with.
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i'm alex demetrick and coming up. how this facility in maryland helped find a 16-year-old girl lost at sea. that story as eyewitness news continues. . and more showers coming this way? don't miss the updated first warning forecast, that's coming right up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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thousands of miles from the nearest lands in a sailboat severely damaged by a storm. harrowing enough for an adult, but 16-year-old abby sunderland
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survived and was picked up by a boat over the weekend. alex demetrick reports on the maryland link that made that happen. >> reporter: the first search plane found abby sunderland's boat demasted in the middle of the indian ocean. >> i've been knocked down four times, just finished fixing my engine and that was when i got hit. i don't know if it was a rogue wave or what, but the boat rolled all of a sudden. >> reporter: 30-foot seas and 60 knot winds ended her quest to become the first 16-year-old to sail solo around the world. >> when stuff is going on that day, you can't really get touchiered abet. it doesn't goo -- scared about it. it doesn't do any good. you do what you need to do. >> reporter: an emergency locator beacon like this one. >> you just take the switch up on top here, go above the test position and just snap it into place. >> reporter: that beacon and a second smaller beacon abby kept
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on her belt sent signals into space. once received. they were routed to noaa's satellite operations center in prince georges county. >> she absolutely did the right thing. he shad lost communication. >> no vessel within light of sight. in this case, yeah, no other way to really have notified anybody of her distress. >> reporter: with that position locked in, the noaa center notified the nearest help. 30 hours later, she was picked up. >> we were really lucky that there was a boat that could come and get me. >> reporter: and lucky she had the technology and people in maryland listening for it. alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> because she was 2,000 miles from the nearest land when rescued, it will take a week for abby sunderland to reach reunion island from begin the trip home from there. top honors for a special rescue team in baltimore county. mary joins us with more. >> reporter: denise, the award is for teamwork, training and
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safety under extreme conditions. >> on behalf of all the people of baltimore county, i thank everyone here for their efforts and congratgrate them on this honor. >> reporter: with that, jim smith honored the maryland helicopter aquatic rescue team for its outstanding contributions. they won the 2010 higgins and langley development award for bringing together the expertise of police and fire departments as well as the maryland national guard. enabling the county to conduct the most effective and responsive swift waters and flood rescues possible. >> it's a true partnership that's been created to help serve the citizens of baltimore county. >> reporter: officials say the training, skills and dedication ensures citizen's safety. >> you hear about our efforts in places like iraq and afghanistan and africa. and kosovo. but the most rewarding service for the members of the maryland national guard is service at
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home. >> reporter: the team trains on a daily basis in a blackhawk helicopter on standby. >> this is the cabin area of the blackhawk and this is where we do the rescue operations from. we have the hoist and the rescue strobe attached at the moment and we have our rescue later and basket in here. these are all different deeps of pieces of equipment for rescues a survivor of a water incident. >> higgins award is the premier award. denise, back to you. >> that's terrific. and we were telling you earlier, we had a rain shower for about that long. up here. >> like that. >> it came down hard. >> except for southern maryland. let's look at temps and cost right now, bwi, actually 87 right now. the dew point is up to 70. humidity at 57%. north, northeast winds at 10. the barometer holding steady.
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we'll come back and take a look at radar and a drier, little cooler tuesday right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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and some sun, hd rainbow in a couple of spots as we saw some showers, take a look at radar, at the baltimore ridge,
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it's cleared out. at the east, one little shower still going on ask dying out really as it inches to delaware. the bulk of the activity south of us, rock haul and chestertown and in the maryland and delaware border down there. southern maryland, south of the prince frederick. now some stuff in virginia. southwest of washington. that storm moves through dulles dropping the temperatures quickly to 73 degrees, we have some showers around and also far western maryland, most of it now into west virginia and virginia. that continues to head southeast, so we still have a risk of a shower. i think the baltimore region is probably in the clear. this one shower may get to the montgomery county area in the next hour or two. it's gotten pretty warm and also humidity, just come back late this afternoon. earlier today, pretty pleasant, now back up to 70s for the dew points. 87 elkton and a pleasant 72 in
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oakland. two place in the state to escape the heat. in the mountains, right on the water. right now, winds temporarily out of the north and northeast. later tonight and tomorrow, they'll come back out of the east as a new air mass moves in. tomorrow, it will be cooler than today, probably five or six degrees cooler and a mix of clouds and sun from a front to the north that will pass through the region and put us in the slightly drier and cooler air mass at least for one day. then another system in the west with more heat and humidity. it will certainly be on the sticky side on wednesday and a pretty good chance of showers across the entire region finally. a lot of places didn't see a drop of rain this weekend despite the heat and humidity. you have to have a trigger mechanism. cooler air or something, we didn't have it that weekend. but by wednesday, this front around the region, a good chance for scattered showers and storms, by thursday and
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friday, pretty nice. the bay temp stuck right now in the mid 70s and keeps coming up as we head to summer. 67, any showers early on will be over pretty shortly and then tomorrow, sun and clouds and it will be cooler, 90 today. only 82 tomorrow. i think it will be a comfortable day. it's normal for tomorrow, by the way. >> a little drier. >> thank you bob. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news, murder confession? what your han van der sloot is now saying. cancer costs, more and people aren't getting the care they need because they can't afford it. saving the gulf coast. why three maryland lawmakers are stepping in to protect the gulf and the chesapeake. i'm gigi barnett at the aquarium. stan saunders in the sports palace.
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quite a potpourri of highlights. we'll talk about the orioles and more as eyewitness news continues.
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it is just before 6:30. 87 degrees, and partly cloudy. good evening, thanks for staying with wjz and here are some of the stories, incredible flash flooding strike oklahoma. the emergency rescuers scramble into action to save dozens stranded in fast moving water. alexis reports. >> deadly situation here. they need to get over quick. >> reporter: this 17-year-old woman struggled to keep her head above water for nearly an hour climbing tree limbs to stay alive. three rescuers lost their boat and found themselves waiting for help as well. >> extremely dangerous rye now with the water flowing like it is. >> reporter: a second boat came to the rescue and everyone appears to be fine. heavy rain caused flash flooding across oklahoma city, stranding motorists and shutting downpoursings of three interstate -- down portions of
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three interstates. stranded residents waited for rescue workers to get to them in motor boats. there have been about a dozens rescues and no major injuries in this latest flooding. a police spokesperson said some cars are totally submerged with just the roofs visible. some areas are without electricity because of lightning strikes. parts of the city have already received 9 inches of rain. forecaster are predicting an additional 1-3 inches an hour in some areas as rescue crews try to stay one step ahead. wjz eyewitness news. >> also tonight, officials in arkansas now confirmed that 20 people were killed last week in flash flooding. the latest body found is that of a young child. just how hard one the rain in oklahoma -- was the rain in oklahoma? bob? >> you heard, some unbelievable rainfall amounts.
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some areas getting up to 10 inches of rain. we're talking in a 24 hour period. right now, this is the live radar from oklahoma city. still heavy rain from tulsa through southern portions of oklahoma as we take you back to this morning. a lineup of storms all along that whole line. this is what we call training thunderstorms. one after another with very little break in-between. that's why they've been having the extremely heavy downpours. if the storms are moving quicker and we saw the front moving through, we wouldn't see the flash floods. but we keep seeing huge amounts of rain with one storm following another. tonight, a break coming up. but another batch of storms southwest of the area. additional inches of rain and probably more flash flooding tonight as well. vic? >> check in with for live updates. log on to disturbing documents the fbi released previously private information about threats
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against late massachusetts senator edward kennedy. mary has details for us. >> ted kennedy was threatened with assassinations hundreds of times during his life. five years after john kennedy was killed and just years after robert kennedy was revealed. the next later said he would be next. the threats came from anonymous people and radical groups like the kkk and minutemen organizations. however, there's no indication if any attempts were carried out. kennedy died last year of brain cancer. denise, back to you. >> most of the documents released are about death threats and extortion attempts. three maryland lawmakers are just back from a trip to the gulf coast surveying the impact on the oil spill there. live look underwater right now as the oil continues to gush from that broken well. gigi barnett has more on what
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the lawmakers witnessed firsthand. >> reporter: maryland lawmakers describe the damage in one word -- devastation. senators barbara mikulski, ben cardin din and elijah cummings are back in maryland after a day long trip on friday. they unveiled their findings today. >> i saw grown men cry. not just because they had lost their livelihood, but they had lost what they had known ever since they were children. >> reporter: they're joining an ever growing national centerment that calls for bb to stop the flow of oil and pay for the clean-up. >> i believe that bp is not doing enough. i believe that they minimized safety, i believe they minniesed what it would take to stop and plug the oil and now i think they're minimizing what it would take to contain it. >> reporter: with many wildlife dead or injured. maryland lawmakers are concerned about the safety of seafood. >> we want to make sure that
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our seafood is coming out of the gulf and we believe that the seafood inspectors are doing their jobs. >> reporter: in response to the oil spill, the national aquarium says it's poised the help. >> we are preparing to go down there and help if required. we are prepared to take animals here if required. >> reporter: the hospital pools are ready. >> whatever it is, we intend to help. >> reporter: i'm gigi barnett, wjz eyewitness news. >> and according to new documents out tonight, bp made a series of money safing shortcuts that increased the danger of the oil spill. six days before the actual blowout, that started the disaster. a slots parlor in cecil county is now slated to open. the new hollywood casino will open september 30th and be the first gambling facility in maryland. the casino will create more
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than 350 jobs in the area. time now for a quick look at stories you'll find in tomorrow's edition of the "baltimore sun." is it an effective protest with the boycott? the latest fad is brewing your own tea and why maryland is content to stay put in the acc. remember, look for the forecast from the first warning weather team. a new study shows millions of cancer survivors aren't getting the medical care they need. itay hod reports with wjz for more from new york. >> reporter: he had surgery for colon cancer two months ago. >> it was devastating. >> reporter: doctors are recommending chemotherapy, but wise can't afford his copay. $500 a session. >> get sent to the poor house.
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with the amount of money that this thing is going to charge and i don't have it. >> reporter: so he's delaying treatment that could save his life and he's not alone. a new study shows more than two million cancer patients in the u.s. are forced to put off medical treatment every day because they can't afford it. about 10% report they aren't able to pay for prescriptions, 11% have to postpone dental care and 3% can't get the psychiatric therapy they need. putting off care can lead to serious health problems down the road especially for those battling cancer. >> survivors really do need to be monitors and followed closely and anything that prevents them from getting the care they need is concerning to us. >> reporter: he needs six months of chemotherapy. >> i would hope that somehow, some way, i guess the wherewithal to start the treatment. because i want to live. >> reporter: for he and so many others, even with insurance,
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the price tag for treatment is still too high. in new york, itay hod, wjz eyewitness news. >> he is working with the american cancer to apply for financial help. still to come on wjz eyewitness news, the emergency landing, what forced the small helicopter down on the median of a busy highway. find out what and why each thinks they deserve control of gary coleman's estate. i'm bob turk. some cooler air perhaps moving our way. the first warning five day forecast is coming up. and wjz eyewitness news is always on and here are some of the stories on at this hour. for the updates on the day's news and the updated forecast news and the updated forecast at any time, log on to, look at you.
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body rested. stress gone. mind sharp. because unisom gave you deep restful sleep all night. morning early birds. unisom. good night. good morning.
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destroying parts of canada. take a look at the situation in southern british columbia. waterlogged soil gave way sweeping into small counts, dozens of homes were destroyed or damaged joran van der sloot
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may have a new reason. >> jeff glore reports for wjz. >> reporter: he was arrested in chile on june 3rd and he told police that the day before stephanie flores died. two bandits pulled them over and robbed them. those same men came to his hotel the next day and that flores raised her voice to them and caused one man to hit her, breaking her nose. >> he's the last person to come up with her. he has to come up with someone else. >> reporter: however, peruvian police charged that in fact van der sloot mored flores. -- murdered flores. in his confession, he said he was playing online pocker when an e-mail arrived about the natalee holloway case. in response, he said he broke her nose, strangled her for a
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full minute and then suffocated here with his shirt. this weekend, van der sloot was transferred to a maximum security prison. >> also tonight, natalee holloway's father is back in aruba looking for answers. a utah judge orders late actor gary coleman's remains be yes mated after 48 hours and -- cremated a48 hours and -- after 48 hours and appointed an attorney to oversee it. there is a dispute between a manager, his wife and ex- girlfriend. no one is saying how much the estate is worth. the star of the sitcom, "diff'rent strokes" died last month. a scary ride for the pilot of a small personal helicopter in michigan. the chopper's engine failed about five minutes after takeoff sunday forcing the pilot to make an emergency
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landing on a highway median. the pilot suffered a few cuts and bruises, but is expected to be okay and an investigation is underway into the cause of the problem. katie couric has a preview of the cbs "evening news." >> i'm katie couric on a sea plane above the gulf coast. on assault by the oil and the economic fallout from businesses that are just drying up. wheal have complete coverage tonight on the cbs "evening news." and here's the look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back.
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[ male announcer ] thinking about your florida beach vacation and about what's happening in the gulf? well, florida has 825 miles of beaches... 221 of them, here in northwest florida. so, there's plenty of places in florida to enjoy crystal clear waters and a great beach vacation. go to florida live at for real-time information. [ female announcer ] this summer come to panama city beach, where you'll find the world's most beautiful beaches
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well, it's sticky, but not as hot and humid as the weekend. it is however, fairly uncomfortable out there and fairly gray. we're live with the first warning weather coverage. but first, meteorologist bernadette woods is in the outback to tell us if it is indeed muggy. >> the hair tells the story. we had the shower go through earlier. that's out of here and the temperatures are going to take a bit of a hit because of it and the humidity takes a break tomorrow too.
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this is what we're looking at. as we head through the afternoon, temperatures not going up as much as they have in the last couple of days, topping out in the low 80s. more clouds around and the chance for a shower or two, but not nearly the humidity. >> here's bob. >> only 82 tomorrow with clouds and sun it and will be a little drier. by wednesday, that sun approaching with a good chance of showers and storms across a good part of the area. 83 and 69. it warms up again and the sunshine will get us up to 86. pleasant 62 at night, 87 friday. humidity comes back again on friday. back up to 90 once again. >> okay bob, thank you. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news, olympics eyewitness news, olympics superstar michael ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ female announcer ] mix it. match it. make it yours. the new mcbistro chicken sandwich. choose a juicy, all white meat chicken breast... crispy or grilled. choose a sauce. feeling adventurous? try the new spicy jalapeno salsa. add crispy bacon for a bit more. all on a bakery style wheat roll with white cheddar cheese. the new mcbistro chicken sandwich at mcdonald's. the simple joy of choice. all right, stan is in for mark, who's on a little vacay as they like to say. >> mr. juan samwell. not doing so good in nine tries, he's lost seven? ooh, but that two feels so good. you know? nonetheless, far, far away in
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san francisco for tonight's late game with the giants, a short memory should help the 17- 46 orioles. baseball's worst, a 1-5 home stand against both new york teams and it resulted in a weekend sweep by the mets yesterday. starting on the mound for the orioles tonight, though against the giants, winless chris tillman, an e.r.a. of nearly 6. he faces jonathan sanchez. an e.r.a. just below 3. game time, 10:30 our time live on masn and we will have highlights at 11:00. washington nationals rookie stephen strasburg. baseball's top draftee two years ago struck out eight yesterday, walked five in just his second game. remember, strasburg fanned 14 last week? so count them. 22 strikeouts in only a pair of games. final, nationals 9, indians 4 despite the homer there on stephen strasburg. kicking back at full steam
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ahead. the fever, the fervor behind world cup action that continues from continent south africa. italy versus para guy on the offensive attack. defender aklarez, his header makes it 1-nil. the equalizer, de rossi redirecting that corner kick. >> honda, the game's only goal. the netherlands take a 1-nil lead over denmark when a denmark defender heads one off the back of his teammate. the dutch beat the danes by the final of 2-0. meantime, this planet's best swimmer, michael phelps, back home in baltimore
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at his home sport in mount washington. he captured eight gold medals at the olympics last year competed in the north baltimore aquatic club long core championship and captured two events and edged out scott span by .11 of a second. he also won the 100-meter butterfly. they recently finished three and a half weeks of altitude trains in colorado. st. jude classic, golf action, memphis, tennessee. sudden death playoffs was the name of the game. robert carlson and lee westwood. westwood eventually stepped right up and threw down on the winning birdie putt to win the st. jude classic. that's sports. >> a lot of -- >> more tonight at 11:00, the weekend, a whole lot happening. >> we'll be right back.
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don't miss the cbs prime time lineup tonight. tonight at 1:00, "csi" miami. at a wedding, usually only one girl in white or woman. but in a small european town, it was brides on parade. 150 women put on bridal gowns and marched down the streets. we saw more -- some were glad to have a chance to ware their once in a lifetime dress again and for others, it was the first time they'd worn it. the youngest participant was 8 years olds. >> i don't get it. i'm sorry. >> i don't either. >> blast the point. that's it for tonight -- what's the point? that's it for tonight. i'm vic carter. >> i'm denise koch. don't go away, >> couric: i'm katie couric in a seaplane above the oil-drenched gulf. the president is here for the
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fourth time and on day one of his two-day visit as he talks to residents and local politicians, he may not like what he's hearing. not if he hears from the business owners we talked to. their restaurant has lost tens of thousands of dollars since the spill. and water on fire. oil sizzling at 2,000 degrees in a controlled burn to keep it from reaching shore. it's day 56 of the disaster in the gulf. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with katie couric reporting tonight from the gulf coast. >> couric: good evening, everyone, we here in orange beach, alabama, at the mouth of per dee doe pass, a key battleground in the war against the oil. unless it's stopped here, it will continue up the waterway separating alabama and florida and head inland, covering everything in its path. booms have been set up to


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