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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 4, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EST

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child's play. the faa suspends the controller who let his son and another child direct planes at new york's kennedy airport. >> arrow mix 403 contact departure. adios. >> contact departure. adios. hurt locker lawsuit.producers much the fell him are sued by an army sergeant who says they stole his story. and final flight. hero pilot sully sullenberger hangs up his wings ending a 30 year career. this is the "cbs morning news" year career. this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, march 4th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm michelle gielan.
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an air traffic controller who allowed his son to communicate with pilots from the tower at new york's kennedy airport is being condemned by the faa and his own union. the controller and his supervisor have been suspended. tara mergener is in washington with details. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. well, to those involved, it may have all seemed like harmless fun. but the faa is not amused. an air traffic controller and his boss are under investigation this morning for allowing not one, but two children to direct flights at one of the nation's busiest airports. >> jet blue 171 clear for takeoff. >> clear for takeoff jet blue 171. >> reporter: controller glenn duffy first let his young son man the controls he new york's kennedy airport. then just a day later, another child. >> 744 contact departure. >> 744 good night. >> reporter: the faa has suspended both duffy and his supervisor for the incident
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which is took place last month during a school break. >> this is what you get, guy,s when the kids are out of school. >> wish i could bring my kid to work. >> reporter: the pilots may have thought it was funny, but faa officials do not. they're calling it a lapse in judgment that not only went against federal policy, but also just common sense. >> it was just an incredibly stupid mistake. runway incursion, the control of aircraft on the runways, at major airports is one of the most critical safety issues. >> reporter: both kids cleared several planes for takeoff, including one international flight to mexico city. >> amex contact departure ad yos. >> contact departure arrow mix 433 ad yos. >> reporter: it may have seemed lying an innocent visit at the time, but airports nationwide will have to deal with the consequences. the faa has suspended all unofficial visits to its air traffic control arrests during the investigation. and the incident does come at a
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time when air controller staffing levels are at a 16 year low. michelle, back to you. >> we have not heard from the air traffic controller that started this he is in, but what is it his union have to say about it? >> reporter: as you can imagine, the union is not happy either. this really doesn't make anyone look good. they did issue a statement yesterday that says this is not indicative of a controller's behavior or their commitment to professional standards and safety every single gay. >> all right. tara mergener in washington. thanks. an airline pilot who has allegedly been flying with a fake license is under arrest in amsterdam this morning. the pilot had been flying for a turkish airline. he was arrested in the cockpit of a boeing 737 yesterday. police say the pilot, a swede, had an expired private license, but had been flying on a forged commercial license for 13 years. more potential problems for toyota this morning. there are complaints that the fixes made on recalled vehicles
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don't work. toyota recalled more than 8 million vehicles worldwide. the department of transportation is investigating ten unconfirmed allegations that owners experienced sudden acceleration after their cars were fixed at dealerships. toyota is also investigating. last week the automaker's u.s. president said he didn't position the current recalls would correct all the acceleration issues. there are power outages and communication problems in taiwan following a powerful earthquake. a 6.4 magnitude quake hit the island this morning. it triggered at least one large fire and some rail service was suspended. at least 12 people were injured. it's been five days since the big quake in chile, and powerful aftershocks are still being felt. the death toll has now topped 800. military personnel who originally were used to control the widespread looting are now distributing food, water and other supplies. turning now to politics. new york's embattled governor,
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david paterson, is now accused of ethics violations and he could face criminal charges. the latest accusations involve tickets to last fall's world series. an ethics panel says paterson illegally took four yankees tickets and hen tried to show he paid for them with a back dated check. and democrats in washington are working to regroup now that veteran new york congressman charles rangel has stepped down as chairman of the ways and means committee. pete stark of california will step in as the acting chairman of the powerful tax writing committee. rangel took a leave of absence yesterday. he said he didn't want his problems to hurt his fellow democrats in the midterm elections. rangel is being investigated for several alleged ethics violations. with his plan for health care reform on life support, president obama has made a final push to get a revised plan through congress. he endorsed the plan to in effect by pass senate republicans, something gop leaders warn will outrage voters come november.
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whit johnson reports. >> reporter: in a room filled with doctors and nurses, president obama made his final offer on health care reform. >> i believe it's time to give the american people more control over their health care and their health insurance. >> reporter: after a year of debate, the president is now proposing a mix of the health care bill that passed the senate and a handful of republican ideas. >> like funding state grants on medical malpractice reform. curbing waste and fraud and abuse in the health care system. >> reporter: but republicans say it's not enough. >> you you can't add a couple of republican sprinkles on the top of a 2700 page bill and claim that it's bipartisan. >> reporter: without republican support, democrats could try to pass the bill with a procedure called reconciliation. it requires only a simple majority of 51 votes in the senate and prevents a filibuster. republicans say lawmakers should just go back to the drawing board. >> the american people want us to scrap the bill, start over with a clean sheet of paper.
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>> reporter: but president obama is ready to move forward with an up or down vote. >> i do not know how this plays politically. but i know it's right. and so i ask congress to finish its work and i look forward to signing this reform into law. >> reporter: the president hopes to have that final bill on his desk in the next few weeks. whit johnson, cbs news, the white house. the american cancer society has updated its guidelines on prostate cancer screening. the society wants doctors to have frank discussions with patients about the risks and limitations of the psa blood test. two you had decides last year found that the widely used psa test doesn't messily save lives. it often spots cancers too slow grow to go be deadly and yields false positives readings. leading to treatments that can cause impotence and in-xhe conaty nens. just ahead on the morning new, karl rove admits mistakes made during the bush administration. plus, tiger woods' caddie speaks out about his boss' sex scandal.
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but first katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." exclusive new details, how the cleveland police department could have caught a serial keller and saved lives. a special investigation tonight only on the "cbs evening news." alka-seltzer plus liquid gels rush relief everywhere you need it. it's the most complete relief you can get in a liquid gel, so you feel better, fast. alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wanted to quit smoking so many times, but those days came and went and the cigarettes remained. ♪
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they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. oh, it's original little bite. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah, we've got big shoes to fill. despite continued opposition from the pentagon, a bill just introduced in the at some would end the don't ask, don't tell policy for gays in the military. at a house hearing on wednesday, heads of the defense department committee on the policy asked for full access to impact -- to fully assess the impact of repealing it. some military leaders peer that allowing gays to serve openly could be risky in war time. former white house political adviser karl rove says the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in iraq badly damaged the bush administration's credit ability. in a new book, rove blames himself for not more aggressively fighting claims that president bush lied about the weapons as a ploy to lead
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the u.s. into war. rove insists mr. bush did not knowingly mislead congress or the public. the iraq war is the focus of the hurt locker oig which is nominated for best picture at sunday's academy awards. also up for an oscar is actor jeffrey renner who plays a sergeant in a bomb disposal unit. now an army master sergeant, jeffrey sar ver is suing the makers of the film claiming renner's character was pace order people about he was emembedded with sarer in iraq in 2004. his lawyers spoke out yesterday. >> it's about time they share some of that wealth that they reap off literally the blood, the sweat and the tears of veterans. >> sarver says even the character's nickname, blast ter one, was taken from him. it's in the clear how much money sarver is seeking, but the movie's distributor says it hopes for a quick rez higs of its claims. heavy losses for asian stocks morning and emily smith
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is here in new york with that and more. >> reporter: good morning. a rough day for most asian markets. the hang seng fell almost 1.5% while the nikkei was down 1%. wall street tune there is today for the latest housing and unemployment numbers. wednesday the market broke a three day streak where the dow lost nine points. the nasdaq closed down a fraction. the house votes today on a $35 billion jobs bill. the measure includes highway funding and tax breaks for companies that hire unprovided workers. if the house gives its okay, the bill would then go to the president for approval. meantime, the senate has rejected the president's proposal to a $250 bonus payment to people on social security as a cost of living adjustment. opponents say it would add $14 billion to the deficit. american airlines could be headed to labor trouble. contract talks between the carrier and its flight attendants broke off last night. the union wants raises to offset pay and benefit cuts that workers accepted in 2003 when american was close to
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bankruptcy. continental airline customers looking for a little more leg room will soon have to pay for it. passengers will how pay extra at check dash d. flsh to get an exit row seat which has at least seven inches more room to stretch out. the charge depends on the flight, but could average about $59. united and jet blue already charge for the extra leg room. starbucks is sticking to its guns. the coffee chain says it will continue its policy of letting customers carry guns in to its stores where it's legal. starbucks says it doesn't want to be put in the middle of the gun control debate and doesn't want to turn away law abiding customers. and one u.s. congressman is asking the $50 question. republican patrick mchenry of north carolina wants the 50 to feature the image of president reagan under of your list cease s grant. he argues reagan transformed the nation and that, quote, every generation needs its own heros. interesting. michelle? >> all right. emily split here in new york. thanks. and the other big question, this one this golf right now, is
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will tiger woods play in the mass it ters next month? golf legend jack nicholas says he thinks so. meanwhile tiger's long time caddie insists that whatever people may think, he knew nothing of woods' infidelities. >> if the shoe was on somebody else, obviously i'd say the same thing, it would be very difficult for the caddie pot to know. but i'm 100% telling you i knew nothing. >> interviewed at home in new zealand, steve williams says he's tiger's friend and will stick with him no matter what. and it's reported the always busy sarah palin, now wants to an reality tv star. the former alaska governor is said to be shopping the idea of a reality is tv series based in her home state and featuring her and her family. her likely producer, mark burnett, best known survivor on cbs. straight ahead, yours thursday morning weather. and in sports, there he goes depend. lebron james showing he dominates as the top ranked cavalier visited lowly nets. which beneful prepared meal tonight?
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roasted chicken recipe? okay, savory rice and lamb stew. [ barks ] you're right. tonight is a beef stew kind of night. you've made another fine choice. look at those beefy chunks all packed with protein, the real vitamin-rich vegetables, the wholesome grains. and you think you're getting spoiled. it's so good for you too. [ announcer ] beneful prepared meals. another healthful, flavorful beneful. blend it. sprinkle it. sweet! [ male announcer ] grilled. filled. chilled. sweet! [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. more ways than you ever imagined. [ male announcer ] flakes. shakes. cakes. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda® starts with sugar. tastes like sugar. but it's not sugar. it's... [ male announcer ] savory. crunchy. yummy. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda®. america's favorite no calorie sweetener.
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♪ (announcer) right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting five percent cashback bonus at grocery stores. it pays to get more, it pays to discover. here's a look at the weather in in cities around the country. new york, cloudy and windy at 40. miami, 64. chicago, 40. denver sunny and 58. los angeles, partly cloudy and 64 degrees. time how for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows that skies are still cloudy over california and oregon. the rest of the west is mainly cheer. it's also nice and clear just about everywhere else from the
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plains to the southeast coast line. later today, the northeast will stay windy and cold. there will still be -- there will an few flurries or showers scattered across the region. bright sunshine over the deep south won't help warm they thinks up very much. and the west coast will be dry. in sports, king james ruled the court again. playing the nets in new jersey, lebron james did a little of everything scoring 26 points with 14 rebounds for cleveland. in the third quarter, it was showoff time as james took a pass from williams for a reversally oop. the final for the nba's best and worse team, cavs 111, nets 92. in mill and you key, john sal monday scored 22 points against the wizards leading the bucks to their seventh victory in eight games since the all-star break. the bucks won is 150-87. on to new york where the knicks took on the pistons.
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bill walker had 22 in his first career start. the final, knicks 128, pistons 104. and in college basketball, a tie at the top of the acc after a big upset. it was a sea of terrapin yellow as maryland hosted duke. and vasquez poured it on in the second half as maryland beat the blue devils 79-72 after losing hair last six meetings. when we return, we'll take another look at this morning's top stories. and hero pilot chesley sullenberger makes his final approach as he officially retires. ♪ what if one little pop ♪ could open a world of wonder ? ♪ ♪ so sensory ♪ so satisfying ♪ the discovery ♪ never seems to stop ♪ ♪ it's the magic friskies ♪ ♪ makes happen ♪ every day
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on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. it will remain grade, windy a and cold across cross the neechlt p plains and midwest will be dry and snow is likely along the western slopes of the rockies.
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here's another look at this morning's top stories. president obama wants congress to vote yes or no on health care reform within weeks. the president outlined his revised proposal wednesday and said senate democrats should push the bill through with a simple majority vote if need be. and the faa has suspended an air traffic controller and his supervisor at new york's kennedy airport. the controller allowed his son and another child to direct air traffic from the tower. also in aviation new, hero pie local sut lull berger has landed a commercial airline forethe final time. sullenberger flown for the miracle on the hud oon is retiring from the cockpit following a 30 year career. thomas rob bertds reports. >> reporter: captain chesley sullenberger landed a us airways jet for the final time. the flight into his home base of
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shar lot was met by fire trucks providing a water salute.pie will the was once again paired with first officer jeff skiles, the same team in the cockpit when flight 1549 was forced to land in the hudson river in new york last january. captain sully was hail adhere row for that mere rack could you husband emergency river landing following a bird strike. all 150 passengers on board safely evacuated and survived. the 59-year-old cap ten made the decision to retire after three decades working as a commercial pilot. >> i very much value the 30 years i spent as a loyal employee of my company and my many wonderful colleagues whom i'll miss. >> reporter: in the past year, he's written a book, given speeches and testified before congress about pilot safety. a top he can he plans to keep talking about. >> we've con a pretty good job, but you we know thousand do it better and items important to find new ways to learn from our experienceness and keep on improving safety. >> reporter: and now he'll have the time he immediates to devote
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to the causes he feels most strongly about. thomas roberts for cbs news. and this morning on "the early show," we'll speak with the captain himself. i'm michelle gielan and this is the c"cbs morning news." - increase in 6 months. - pete, back it up! ( marker squeaking ) when business travel leaves you drained, re-charge with comfort suites. spacious rooms, free hi-speed internet, and free hot breakfast. comfort suites. power up. now stay two separate times with comfort suites... or any choice hotel and earn a free night. book at which beneful prepared meals. tonight? roasted chicken recipe? okay, savory rice and lamb stew. [ barks ] you're right. tonight is a beef stew kind of night. you've made another fine choice. look at those beefy chunks all packed with protein, the real vitamin-rich vegetables, the wholesome grains. and you think you're getting spoiled.
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it's so good for you too. [ announcer ] beneful prepared meals. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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she's all, "you use it with your detergent to help get stains out the first time." are you kidding me? so now the stains are magically gone. and my sister passes on her jeans to me. what a life. [ female announcer ] tide stain release. stains out. no doubt. fire there was an overnight fire. we'll have a live report from the sce


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