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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  July 13, 2009 3:35am-4:30am EDT

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[laughter] >> absolutely, contouring... >> i lost some weight today. >> absolutely. you go on that jawline just like you did there. jawline, cheekbone... i mean, you just definitely lifted the whole face, absolutely. >> do i look younger, guys? >> yeah, that looks really great. >> it's simple. you have a box, a wand and some air, and there you go. you get a professional look that's not difficult. what i'm seeing now is my positive attributes that people used to compliment me on, like my eyes, i'm not seeing my wrinkles and my spots and everything else. i'm seeing the good things about me again. that age spot that i had? i can't even see it, it's gone. can't even tell. >> woman: uh-um. >> it's gone. it covers things up. it's exciting. >> announcer: luminess air makes you look at least 10 years younger. that's the reason john elliott is such a big fan. he's the head makeup artist on desperate housewives. >> luminess air goes on super sheer.
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i think it gives the best result because it's a nice smooth, even... no lines, no wrinkle look. you can look in here. there's about three or four drops of makeup in there. this is enough makeup to do her entire face. so if you use a regular makeup it ends up clogging up in all the little lines and wrinkles. i've used luminess air on desperate housewives. i use it all the time. with luminess air i think a woman can look as good as she could possibly look. >> the biggest trouble spots that i found that i have are, like most people, i have the sunspots and then, um, the dark lines underneath and that... so i'm gonna start with just those, those trouble areas that never seem to go away. i always have to hide them but i haven't been able to yet. can i... do they look like they're gone to you? they look like they're disappearing to me. >> yeah, yeah... >> woman: what spots? >> what spots... [gasps] i love it, i love it! that's so encouraging. i could not cover these before. oh, i love how they're disappearing. >> marc: absolutely, absolutely. >> it is very... >> i don't see any spots. >> no.
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it is so even that i can't even see them anymore. it's a very natural look. i don't get that with the other. i can come down here and it's so fine... they don't get anything on the clothes. i've ruined more shirts... in my life, i've ruined more shirts, in my life, by having foundation marks on there and that just doesn't come out. >> right, your face is just softening. you know, the pictures that you have taken and then you have them put this, this soft finish on it? that's what it looks like. >> instant softening. >> marc: it does, it does. >> instant softening, i do. this is something totally new for me. [gasps] i'm so excited. >> announcer: with luminess air you'll look at least 10 years younger because it hides fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. but luminess air also works great for younger skin that sometimes struggles with breakouts. >> woman: tessa is a beautiful bride. she looks great. she seems so excited. her eyes look just... light up. i wanted tessa to look glowing. so with the stress of the wedding, tessa woke up and she had a couple of breakouts. she has some uneven skin tone
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and luminess air took care of that right away. and with the help of the shimmer, the blush, the foundation all mixed together, she now looks radiant and she glows and she looks beautiful. luminess air achieved the look that i wanted to achieve. she looked radiant, she looked beautiful. it was, it was breathtaking. >> i was in a car accident and i have scars here and around my mouth and i tried other products and they didn't work and i found luminess air and it's been magic. i start under the eye area to conceal... it's amazing 'cause i do wear contacts. there's nothing in my eye and i can still look exactly where i'm putting, placing the makeup. i go over my lip area... and right here in a blemish, come up close. it looks fantastic. it feels like you have nothing on, yet it gives you this flawless look, um... it's just amazing. you saw me without makeup and within three minutes... this
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vanished, right around the lips, completely even... if i can do it, anybody can do it! this is it, i'm in love. it is the makeup of the future, definitely. i love it. >> my biggest concern, something that i'm always worried about is like this dark area that i have around my chin, because i had an accident and then i'm naturally tinted around my eyes and under my eyes, so even if i don't want to put on any makeup, i always have to put on concealer. wow... [gasps] and i love the cooling sensation, that helps. can you see this? >> woman: the area you were talking about, at the bottom, it's gone. >> woman 2: it is, it's gone >> it's gone, huh? and i'm always trying to keep up with the new trends for cosmetics, so this is awesome. and you know what's the amazing part is it's not splattering, it's not coming... is it even? >> it is, yes, it's gorgeous. >> it looks so pretty. she used the bronzer. can i try it?
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[all laugh and exclaim] i love it. it's so pretty. beautiful, oh, my goodness, it's so beautiful. i love it. it feels good, it looks good, it makes me feel better about myself. this is awesome. it's beautiful, i love it. >> now it's your turn to love the way you look. you could hide your lines, wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, freckles and still look like you're wearing no makeup at all. it's so easy. you can get that airbrushed look with luminess air. >> announcer: now you can look 10 years younger... fine lines and wrinkles will appear to vanish... age spots and sunspots will fade away... blotchiness and redness will be erased from your face... acne and blemishes will disappear before your eyes... your skin will look better than its ever looked. how is this possible? well, it's all with the makeup
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secret that now anyone can use. introducing luminess air-- the airbrush makeup system that will make you look 10 years younger. airbrush makeup has been the secret to getting that fabulous look seen in films, television and magazines. now luminess air has made airbrush makeup simple and affordable for everyone. >> i love it, it's gone! that's wonderful. >> announcer: just a few drops of makeup in the airbrush, a touch of the button and apply with a controlled mist of air. you will hide your flaws, diminish your imperfections and look at least 10 years younger. super premium water based makeup mixes with a cool stream of air. it feathers and blends with your skin to produce the most silky smooth coverage ever. >> it's a really flawless, velvety look. >> it's so sheer, it's so natural looking. >> it's perfection. >> announcer: the flaws in your skin just fade away. >> this is the skin of that, you know 18-year-old. >> this is it, i'm in love. >> i mean, my skin looks
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flawless. it's an amazing product. >> i feel younger, i look younger. >> announcer: dirty brushes and sponges can be a breeding ground for bacteria. but with luminess air those germs have no chance to get to your skin, and that means fewer breakouts. >> i have been contaminating my face with bacteria and dirt. this is a clean product. i don't have a blemish on my face at all. >> announcer: luminess air is a complete makeup system. with 12 shades of foundation ranging from the lightest porcelain to the richest ebony, we have your color. the luminess air formula is a breakthrough in cosmetics. it's made from natural mineral ingredients, it's hypo-allergenic, 100% oil free, fragrance free, water based and dermatologist recommended. all luminess air airbrush foundations come in two finishes: a dewy satin or a more traditional, flatter matte finish. and at luminess air we never test on animals. once you try luminess air you'll see how simple it is.
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first there were powders, then liquids, then minerals. now there's airbrush. it's the most exciting breakthrough in cosmetics in decades. use it one time and you'll look at least 10 years younger. >> it's just amazing. >> you have got to get one of these. it will be the best money you ever spent on your face. >> announcer: and you can try it all for 30 days for an amazing price... only $29.95. when you order, you'll receive the airbrush and air source that together provide the perfect flow of makeup. when you call, just tell our product specialist about your skin. we will custom select four different shades of foundation in your skin's color range. that's how we can guarantee luminess air will give you the best color match you've ever experienced. and we'll include three more super premium airbrush cosmetics for you to try for free when you order. we'll include our luminess air blush, our luminess air bronzer and our luminess air body shimmer.
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that's a total of seven bottles of ultra premium airbrush makeup included with your order. and we'll include this dvd, hosted by desperate housewives head makeup artist john elliott. john shows you exactly what you need to know to get the airbrush look and a fabulous finish with luminess air. and if you call right now we'll include this free gift with your order: the luminess air "hello" bag. it's a fun and stylish place to keep your airbrush and makeup, whether you're at home or on the go. it's a $50 value, it's our gift to you when you order. so you'll receive the airbrush and air source, seven bottles of airbrush makeup, john elliott's dvd and the luminess air "hello" bag. it's all yours to try for 30 days for the remarkable price of only $29.95. you will look at least 10 years younger with luminess air. but the only way to experience it is to call and order right now. and luminess air is completely guaranteed. if you don't see results like this, just send it back for
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a full refund of the purchase price. and when you call, ask how you can get free delivery. this offer is not available in stores, so the only way to get the luminess air airbrush look is to call and order right now. >> in hollywood we've been using airbrush for many, many years and now finally, somebody has come up with a system that all of you ladies can use at home. [♪...] >> i'm 48 years old. i just most recently had a birthday. luminess air has removed 10 years off my skin. >> the look that i get from luminess air is just... it's flawless. it's seamless, it's so light and natural, i like that it's natural. >> it's very youthful. you, you feel like you're not wearing any makeup at all and it has that glow. >> this is just fabulous. this is a very great product that all women should have, should never leave home without
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having on her face. >> buy it today. you'll love it, you'll love it. it's awesome. >> luminess air definitely gives you the skin that you remember from your youth and all of a sudden it's returned to you and you are so thrilled and excited to have this skin again and it looks beautiful and glowing and it's just so exciting. >> announcer: this is your last chance to call and order luminess air. luminess air is the biggest improvement in cosmetics in years. but to get great results like this you've got to call right now. you'll look at least 10 years younger. and remember, your purchase is completely guaranteed. so call right now and order your luminess air. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...]
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this has been a paid advertisement for luminess air. [snoring] [whistle blows] man: personal foul! inactive activities on a glorious day! huh? let's get out there and play! yeah! sweet.
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whew! freeze! when do i get to be it? uh-oh. frozen people can't talk! p-l-a-y! play! there are lots of great play ideas online, but don't stay too long! so call today. grandma: calling hoveround is the best thing you can do. announcer: call the number on your screen for your free consultation, information kit, video and test drive certificate.
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