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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  July 12, 2009 9:00am-10:30am EDT

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captioning sponsored by cbs and johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations. >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is& sunday morning. a political battle is underway in the cash-strapped state of california. the high stakes battle it is. at issue is the narrowly defined liberty that people there have to grow and sell a certain plant, and the desire of some folks to have the state government tax it. john blackstone will be reporting our sunday morning
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cover story. >> reporter: in california there's big money being made selling marijuana legally as medicine. now the state may claim part of the pot. should marijuana be turned into a cash crop for the tax collector? later on sunday morning. >> osgood: they say clothes make a man and the business of selling clothes has made one man in particular a legend. serena altschul will look at the man and his brands. >> reporter: not many people know the name mickey drexler. >> could i have your attention, please? mickey reporting from.... >> reporter: but they do know the gap, banana republic, old navy and jay crew, brands he's turned into retail giants. what is driving you? >> i think what drives me is that i've always wanted to do something well, probably be recognized for it. >> reporter: the clothing king,
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mickey drexler, later on sunday morning. >> osgood: for millions of americans doris day will always be the girl next door. the phenomenally popular singer and actress has long preferred to live in seclusion. jerry bowen will tell us why. ♪ once i had a secret love > once upon a time doris day was a huge box office star, a beautiful blonde with a beaming smile and just the slightest hint of sexuality. >> marvelous looking man. >> reporter: she could sing. she could act. on the silver screen, she nearly always got her man. but in real life she never could get the man she really wanted. but it wasn't for lack of trying. ♪ is it love? >> reporter: the untold story of doris day this sunday morning. >> osgood: when the girl or boy next door puts everything on the line, some of the neighbors may very well take offense as bill geist will explain.
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>> reporter: those clothes lines of old are appearing anew in back yards across the country. against heated opposition. >> would you want to buy my house and look at her laundry three days a week. >> reporter: who knew clothes lines were controversial? hanging tough with the right to dry movement. later on sunday morning. >> osgood: bill whitaker marks the centennial of the naacp. we have the word on some new words you'll be finding in the dictionary and more but first here are the headlines for this sunday morning the 12th of july, 2009. president obama is back home after a week-long overseas trip. a weary first family arrived at the white house after midnight. the obamas' last stop was africa in the speech to ghana's parliament the president called on the continent to take responsibility for its own future. the obamas later visited cape coast castle where many african were imprisoned before being sold into slavery. tomorrow the senate judiciary
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committee begins confirmation hearings for sonia sotomayor. president obama's first supreme court choice. if confirmed she would be the first hispanic supreme court justice. the exact nature of the operation remains classified but today's "new york times" reports that former vice president dick cheney ordered the c.i.a. not to inform congress about a secret counterterrorism program. the current c.i.a. director found out about it last month and ended it. the times report quotes one official as saying the program was never fully operational and therefore didn't need to be disclosed. a mission management team this morning decides whether tonight is the night for the launch of the space shuttle endeavor. you're looking at time lapse pictures of some 11 lightning strikes on or near the endeavor's launch pad friday afternoon which forceded postponement of last night's scheduled lift-off. nearly 5,000 people attended the funeral of former nfl star steve mcnair at the football stadium yesterday. mcnair was shot and killed a week ago by a girlfriend who then committed suicide. it could be a big one. right now hurricane carlos is
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churning up waters of the pacific coast off the coast of mexico. the category 1 storm is the second hurricane of the 2009 season. and that brings us to the rest of today's weather. storms will be moving across the south and midwest. look to go the week ahead expect more triple-digit temperatures in the southwest and texas. it should stay cool in the east. next, a taxing question. >> when you're loading the dishwasher, you want to load all the soiled surfaces in. >> reporter: nancy giles takes diswashing 101.
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>> talk about high stakes. californians are debating a possible tax on our commodity to federal government among others doesn't think should be bought and sold at all. to buy it now you need to meet the requirements of california's state law and a doctor's prescription. you also need to know exactly where to look. our cover story is reported by john blackstone. >> reporter: in oakland california, richard lee runs a string of businesses from coffee shops to glass blowing. they are helping revitalize the once decaying downtown. >> this is our gift shop. we opened it in 2005. >> reporter: but lee's business empire is built on an unusual foundation. selling marijuana. you can get coffee in here. >> you get the coffee and paste res in the back you get
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the can business. >> reporter: in the back of his blue sky coffee shop there's a steady stream of cash buyers. what's going on here is illegal under federal law. but permitted under california law that since 1996 has allowed marijuana for medical use. >> we have brownies, cookies and rice krispies. >> reporter: a dozen other states have similar laws. this customer says pot is exactly what his doctor ordered. >> it's what relieves high anxiety and allows me to cope and feel good. >> reporter: lee has dubbed his oakland neighborhood oaksterdam with a nod to amsterdam and its liberal drug laws. his goal is to make this a tourist destination with mayor walk a its main attraction. does that worry people around here? >> no, people around here love it. they see how much we've improved the neighborhood. >> reporter: next door to where lee sells marijuana, this woman sells clothes.
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>> seeing that we have the dispensary it brings all walks of life over here now because there's no particular pot head so everyone comes. >> reporter: these aren't just druggies in there. >> no, not all. if you look and see who comes up and down the block, you'll see they're so diverse. >> reporter: part of the oaksterdam neighborhood is a nursery growing a cash crop. medical marijuana is now estimated to be a $2-$3 billion in california. >> aate low of people making a lot of money. >> reporter: there are now several hundred medical marijuana dispensearys in california. much more marijuana being sold on the street. >> we estimate overall california cannibis industry is in the neighborhood of $15 billion. >> reporter: while there's disagreement over the actual size of the marijuana market, it's big enough to have captured the attention of lawmakers trying to philadelphia huge hole in the state budget. assemblyman tom amiano is pushing legislation to
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legalize pot so the state can inhale new taxes. >> i thought it was high time-- no pun intended-- for this to be on the table. i'm trying to bring everybody to the punch with the jokes because i get a lot of them. >> reporter: there are many who ridicule the idea, but the state tax board estimates that his proposed tax of $50 an ounce could bring in $1.5-$2 billion a year. >> we find that highly unlikely. >> reporter: this woman of the rand drug policy research center says california is likely to be disappointed by the revenue raised on marijuana that now sells for about $150 an ounce. >> if you try to impose a tax that is that high, you have absolutely no incentive for the black market to disappear. there's complete profit motive for them to actually stay. >> reporter: the tax proposal though has started an unusual political discussion. according to one poll, 56% of california voters say
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marijuana should be legalized and taxed. even california's republican governor has not snuffed out talk of legalization. >> i think it's not time for that but i think it's time for debate. i think all those ideas of creating extra revenues, i'm always for an open debate on it. >> reporter: of course, governor schwarzenegger from his earlier life does have some experience as does the president. >> i inhaled it frequently. that was the point. >> reporter: mr. obama says he's opposed to legalizing pot. >> no, i don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy. >> reporter: but his administration has ordered the d.e.a. to stop raiding state- approved medical marijuana dispensarys. it's a big change from decade of viewing the plant as the
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indisputable evil portrayed in the 1936 film reefer madness. but that old image has been going up in smoke for decades. >> this is grass. >> you mean marijuana? >> yeah. ♪ guard that joint, my friend ♪ >> reporter: it was along for the trip in 1969 in the movie "easy rider." and on the cover of life magazine. on tv today it's just part of suburban life in the series "weeds." >> you're high and it's not even 4:20. >> reporter: and then there's the growing recognition that marijuana is medicine. >> marijuana has been a medicine for 5,000 years. it's only for the last 70 years that it hasn't been a medicine in this country. >> reporter: dr. donald abrams at san francisco general hospital has been studying
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marijuana for 12 years and is convinced it is both effective and safe. >> i think marijuana is a very good medicine. i'm a cancer doctor. i take care everyday of patients who have loss of appetite, nausea, pain, difficulty sleeping, and depression. i have one medicine that can treat all of those symptoms instead of five different medicines to which they may become addicted. >> reporter: and that one is marijuana and they're not going to become addicted to it. >> that's correct. >> are we bagging this stuff. >> reporter: but those who have been fighting the war on drugs say just because marijuana may be medicine doesn't mean it should be legal. >> there's just no doubt about it. the drug cartels and the drug organizations are very much involved in the production and sale of marijuana. >> reporter: roy wasden was police chief in modesto california where a lot of marijuana is grown. >> you can be out walking through the national forest and if you hike in to one of these marijuana groves you'll be at great risk. ♪ over the line, sweet
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jesus ♪ > and drug fighters warn aging boomers that marijuana isn't is the gentle weed they remember. today's pot is a whole different kettle of fish. >> marijuana of the 1960s in woodstock is not what's being sold on the streets of the united states today. >> reporter: bernard is head of the california police chief's association. >> the narcotic portion, the thc of marijuana in the 60s hovered 1-2%. today it's 27-30%. you have a very significantly different plant. >> these are the flowers. >> reporter: teaching people to grow that plant is another one of richard lee's businesses. lee runs oaksterdam university. >> with law enforcement you want to make it clear you know what your rights are. >> reporter: where students also learn to stay within the state's medical marijuana laws. you can't plant those seeds until you know what the law is. >> vote today and get high tonight. >> reporter: students like
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darnell blackman and barbara kramer see an opportunity to do good and to do well. growing marijuana. >> just like aspirin or ibuprofen or any other medication it is just another way of helping people. >> i thaw maybe there was some way i could get on the ground floor, get ahead of the curve on where this industry must be going. >> reporter: there are still plenty of obstacles before it is a legal industry. police chief roy wasden says this is no time for a surrender in the war on drugs. >> fewer kids are using drugs today. we're not lawsing the war on drugs. kids are starting to understand the negative, negative consequences of drug abuse. we need to introduce another addictive substance, another dependency-driven substance into our community when in fact we're making progress? >> reporter: but in the community now known as oaksterdamn the drug warriors are nowhere to be seen as a whole neighborhood goes to pot.
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>> osgood: ahead.... >> you're wonderful. let me know where you're working so i'll go and laugh at you. >> reporter: the man who made americans cry uncle. for the first time in history, more people live in cities than anywhere else. which means cities have to get smarter. new york has smart crime fighting. paris has smart healthcare. smart traffic systems in brisbane keep traffic moving. galway has smart water. smart meters in dallas, houston... and a smart grid in copenhagen keep energy flowing. smart ideas are happening... all over the world. i want to bring them all together in your city. a smarter paris. a smarter stuttgart. sao paulo. copenhagen. kyoto. a planet of smarter cities. that's what i'm working on. i'm an ibmer. let's build a smarter planet. a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills.
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just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle... with a quick smudge of cream cheese. at least that part's easy. there's only one way to eat an eggo... your way. l'eggo my eggo. kind of consider myself a robinhood of the directing world. buick enclave the finest luxury crossover ever. i need some zen time with this model thank you. ♪
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>> osgood: and now a page from our sunday morning almanac. july 12, 1908, a 101 years ago today. the birthday of a comedian even edward r.murrow took seriously. >> this still very young television industry has seen performers but only one mr. television, milton berle. >> osgood: born in new york city milton berle was a child movie actor who graduated to vaudeville, nightclubs and eventually radio. he jumped to tv in 1948 to become the host of nbc's fledgling texaco star theater. beryl's outrageous slap stick and broad humor quickly made him tv's first super star. and a frequent target of an off screen heckler. >> please, please, please, you've got all night to make a fool of yourself. i only got an hour.
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>> reporter: that lady heckler incidentally was his proud mother sandra. at his peak four american television viewers in five were tuned to the milton berle show. a fact that he recalled to murrow a few years later on the cbs program "person to person." >> when i used to pass a restaurant or a theater and i'd see a sign in the window that would say we're closed tonight we're all home watching milton berle on television. that was about the biggest thrill i had. >> reporter: people called him mr. television. and uncle miltie. but over time tv audiences tired of their uncle's brand of humor. even a 1956 performance by elvis presley couldn't save his show from the ax. in the many years that followed milton berle made numerous appearances in movies and on tv. he even showed up on the muppets show where he was heckled yet again. >> now, just a minute, please. i have been a successful comedian half of my life.
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>> how come we got this half. >> osgood: though milton berle never recaptured his early success, he never lost his sense of humor. >> this award tonight is the, i think, the most recent. >> reporter: milton berle died in 2002 at the age of 93. his reputation as mr. television intact. >> turn the switch. >> osgood: coming up,. >> the dishwasher does the rest.
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come on, girls with limp, lifeless hair... pantene full & thick just got the good housekeeping seal. it leaves hair full, starting at the roots, and that's gonna last all day. [ stacy ] full, thick-looking results the leading salon brand can't beat. full & thick from pantene.
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supports your health in 4 ways. it helps your natural cleansing process. helps lower cholesterol. promotes overall well-being. and provides a good source of natural fiber.
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now let's dish about one of the modern kitchen's more perplexing conveniences with nancy giles as our consumer reporter. >> dishes, dishes, dishes-- three times a day. >> why can't something be done to relieve the missouri not knee of this everyday kitchen chore? >> reporter: she's right. there's got to be a better way. the dishwasher was supposed to make things better. the end to dish washing drudgery. >> close the top and turn the switch. the dishwasher does the rest. >> reporter: but, of course, it's not quite as easy as that. >> porcelain enamel is good. >> reporter: despite decades of techno lodge igal
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innovations, despite heating actions, there are still many, many unresolved dishwasher issues. we found plenty right here at sunday morning. >> i have to ask you some very important questions. do you have any dishwasher issues? >> there are too many rules associated with the loading of the dishwasher. >> reporter: tell me some of those rules please. >> you're not supposed to put any of the nice glasses in there. >> cast iron you shouldn't be in the dishwasher. >> a no-stick pan. >> reporter: so many questions, so few answers. somebody has to know. >> one of the tests we do when evaluating a pots-and-pans cycle. >> reporter: turns out somebody does. >> dishwashers are great. >> reporter: caroline forte is the home appliance expert at the good housekeeping research institute. you know, the one that gives out that famous good housekeeping seal of approval. i never know how to load the darned thing. are there specific ways, the right way, the wrong way? the first thing i learned i've been doing it all wrong. >> you want to load all the soiled surfaces in. you never put it in like that.
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>> reporter: see, i've done that. >> that's not the right way to do it. >> reporter: this is one thing i know. you put the glass around.... >> a lot of people or most people. really that's not the right way to go it. you shouldn't put the glasses over the prong. >> reporter: you don't put the glasses on the prongs. huh? >> you see how they're angled. >> reporter: what about the forks, spoons and knives? knives up or down. >> mine lie in a row. >> i pretty much drop my silverware in. >> forks in one section, the knives in another section and spoons in another section. >> reporter: you're talking segregation not integration. >> correct. >> knives go down for safety reasons. forks go up and spoons you can really go either way. >> reporter: another absolute no-no. overlapping. and lastly, the question that has confounded us since the dawn of the dishwasher. to rinse or not to rinse. >> i've been known to sometimes not rinse enough. >> rinse. >> eggs you have to rinse.
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if it's caked on you have to rinse. >> don't need to rinse or wash your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. >> reporter: what? okay, caroline forte, prove it.& >> macaroni and cheese. and oatmeal. we're going to make sure they're face down. >> reporter: you don't have to rinse those first. >> no. >> reporter: detergent. pots and pans. high temperature. steam and sanitize. heated, dry and start. and how long will that take. >> it's going to take about two hours. >> reporter: oh, my! but.... >> that is unbelievable. oh, my gosh. >> this is the oatmeal. >> reporter: that is amazing. it's worth the time investment. >> it really is. >> reporter: although we've only just scraped the surface, i do hope we've managed to clean up a few of your sticky dish washing dilemmas.
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>> in it goes. >> osgood: now that we've done the dishes, bill geist will tackle the laundry. >> no, no, bring it back. >> osgood: later on sunday morning.
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>> it's sunday morning on cbs and here again is charles
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osgood. >> osgood: the oldest american civil rights group marks a landmark anniversary this week. bill whitaker takes a look now at the naacp, past, present and future. >> how are you doing? >> reporter: members of the national association for the advancement of colored people are gathering in new york city this week for their annual convention, the country's largest civil rights organization celebrates its 100th anniversary the same year the first black president of the united states took office. as he did last year, during the campaign.... >> you know, it is always humbling to speak before the naacp. >> reporter: president barack obama speaks to the convention this week. >> if you think how this country was 100 years ago and how it is today.... >> reporter: naacp chairman of the board julian bond. >> other people helped and other people did things but we are the most responsible for these changes. i don't think there would be a president barack obama without us rt
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♪ we shall overcome >> reporter: the country and the naacp have traveled a great distance in a century. lynchings and race riots, jim crow laws and segregation defined the boundaries of black existence in 1909. and spurred a group of activists, some blacks mostly whites, to found the naacp in new york. their mission was simple yet seemed impossible: really quality of rights and eliminating hatred and racial discrimination. >> it's the battle we have to win. it's time for us to fight. >> reporter: over the decades, the naacp broke through those boundaries one by one methodically battling in the streets. >> the naacp feels that this is the time for all citizens to arise. >> reporter: and battling in the courts. before he was the first black supreme court justice, thurgood marshall led the
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naacp legal defense fund, the battering ram that knocked down doors barring blacks from graduate schools, from voting in texas primaries, from inter-state travel, from inter-racial marriage. winning the landmark brown versus the board of education case, marshal's team cast separate but equal into history's trash bin. >> today's opinion makes a clear-cut determination that the negro school children must be given their rights. >> reporter: 100 years of facing foes. >> if the naacp pushes for violence, i think they will be met force with force. >> reporter: forcing change like the ground-breaking civil rights act of 1964. >> hello, roy. so glad to see you all. >> reporter: and changing minds. the naacp pressed hollywood to recognize black talent. today it does. ♪ i'm going to be a registered
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voter ♪ >> reporter: and after decades of voter registration and getting out the vote, it's helped change the complex onand the attitude of the electorate and the elected. predominantly white philadelphia mississippi where three civil rights workers were slain in 1964, this year voted james young its first black mayor. >> we've had some dark history, but this election proves that there are a lot of minds that are changing. >> here i am in pueblo. >> reporter: 91-year-old lula- may clemens has lived that change. when she graduated from junior college in pueblo colorado in 1939.... >> our pictures were segregated from the other students. >> reporter: in the back of the book. >> in the back of the book. >> reporter: she joined the local naacp right after that with a masters degree from
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colombia and later a ph.d., she got a job with the riverside, california, school system in 1956 over fierce objections from some school board members who said she wasn't qualified. >> my education at an i'vey school was not good enough? for riverside, california? it was mind boggling. >> reporter: she joined the riverside naacp. long-time members of the chapter remember their struggles. gay caroline? >> and i went to the segregated school. >> reporter: emil moore. >> i used to get calls. i used to get phone calls when i was president of this organization here in the city. >> reporter: what kind of calls? >> hate calls. >> it was humiliating. >> reporter: miley davis. >> that's why we fought. >> we will try to talk it out
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first. >> all in favor, please signify by the sign of aye. >> reporter: woody lucker hughes is current president of the riverside chapter of the naacp. >> we don't have a problem in terms of putting our feet to the street. when we do, we don't retreat. >> reporter: and riverside today? >> i think that we have a very inclusive city. >> since i arrived here in 1960 it's a tremendous change. >> reporter: change unimaginable 100 years ago. a black president who addresses black issues unflinchingly. >> any fool can have a child. ( applause ) that doesn't make you a father. it's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father. >> reporter: attorney general eric holder dedicated to equal justice. >> in racial terms, the country that existed before the civil rights movement is almost unrecognizable to us
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today. >> reporter: which some say begs the question, is the naacp needed anymore? is it even relevant? is it time for the venerable organization to say mission accomplished? >> i ask myself the question if the naacp disappeared, would anybody notice? i had to say i don't think they would. >> reporter: clarence page is a washington-based syndicated columnist for the chicago tribune. >> their agenda is complete. it's accomplished. they actually did it by the end of the '60s. the troubles afikting black american, colored people, have more to do with poverty and economics than discrimination. we have an african-american president now. >> remember we are not the national association for the advancement of one colored person. we're the naccp for the advancement of colored people. >> reporter: julian bond. >> we crossed a barrier. we haven't cross add finish line. >> this country needs the naac
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pchl because when we lift up even one community, we ultimately improve the way that all people in this country are treated. >> reporter: benjamin cod jealous is the next generation, the new 35-year-old president of the century-old organization. >> while we were the children of the dream, we had come of age just in time to find ourselves the most incarcerated in this planet. >> reporter: jealous and bond say with one of 15 black males behind bars, with black student in inferior schools, with almost half of black homeowners in sub prime mortgages.... >> naacp, national headquarters. >> reporter:... there's plenty of work to do. >> we have sued some of the nation's leading mortgage companies charging that they targeted racial minorities for these sub prime loans that they knew the people couldn't pay back and they did it deliberately. >> i think it's hard sometimes for people to remember when there was a big iconic enemy like jim crow. that icon has broken into a
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whole bunch of different villains. predatory lending. overincarceration. schools that are falling apart. >> reporter: the naacp says its goal is to one day work itself out of business. >> we like to hope that they will come when we can look around and say that the gaps between blacks and whites in this country are banished and disappeared. if it takes 100 years more, we'll keep trying. >> happy birthday to you. ♪ happy birthday dear... >> osgood: next, a few choice words. and later ♪ going to take a sentimental journey ♪ >> osgood: in search of doris day. (announcer) this is nine generations of the world's most revered luxury sedan. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars...
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this is the world record for longevity and endurance. and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet. this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz.
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discover a smoothie like no other! new activia smoothies. creamy, delicious, and above all, it contains bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. new activia smoothies. ♪ activiaaa!
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♪ >> osgood: it happened this week. the final word on new words. webster has just published the 11th edition of its chreej yet dictionary including& definitions for nearly 100 new words and phrases that have come into common use. we don't have time for them all. but here's a sample. there's carbon footprint, defined as the negative impact that something has on the environment specifically the amount of carbon emitted. moving from toe to head we find earmark a provision in congressional legislation that al locates a specified amount of money for a specific project. ♪ picking up pace we come to flash mom. most up to date sort of mom defined as a group of people summoned as by e-mail or text message to a designated location at a specified time
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to perform an indicated action. before dispersing. take care though that you don't inadvertently summon a friend-enemy one who pre-tends to be a friend but is actually an enemy. finally if all these make you fearful of leaving the house this summer, then perhaps you would prefer to take a sta- cation defined as a vacation spent at home or nearby. to the dictionary folks, has it ever occurred that we need a new word for the concept new word? it does seem a little bit clunky. we need a new term, something lively more funky. if you have an idea, be you lad or last, alert webster in springfield, mass. up next.... >> what the customer feels and sees on the first visit. that's always what they take away with them.
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whoever first says clothes make the man might have had mickey drexler in mind. serena altschul takes us behind the scenes with a retailer who delivers the goods. >> reporter: inauguration day. fashion insiders were asking, what will the new first lady wear? she wore this ensemble by designer isabel toledo with italian leather gloves by, believe it or not, retailer j.crew. yes, that j crew. fast forward several months to the g-20 summit in london. >> michelle. >> reporter: and michelle obama wore this sparkley cashmere card began and pencil
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skirt both j.crew. >> i wish i could say we orchestrated it. we didn't at all. i don't know her but i think what she probably did is looked at where are beautiful clothes that i'm comfortable to wear and i'm not spending a fortune or having to take out a mortgage on it. >> reporter: a validation of sorts for company ceo mickey drexler and his design teem who, over the last six years, have revived a once faultering preppy brand. >> people remember j.crew in what it was five, ten, 15 years ago when it's in a whole different place right now. >> reporter: and so is mickey drexler. the retail maverick credited with making the gap a cultural phenomenon. at j.crew with an eye for detail and gut instinct, drexler has put design at the center of his plans to remake
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the label. >> we had been sort of pushing towards making it cheaper, making it, you know, really available, making it sort of ubiquitous for everyone. what he was saying was let's not do that. >> reporter: jenna is j.crew's creative director. >> we'll price it when it comes in. that was a different attitude than what we had been experiencing. >> reporter: what weren't they doing right? >> vision, point of view, encouraging creativity, detail, respecting your customer is a common denominator in any business. and j.crew was not doing that. >> reporter: what are the first things that you do? >> you'd find out the strengths and weaknesses. you quickly redo the team. >> mickey put everything in a room. we got a group of people and we all sat there and said do we love it or hate? million dollar items were thrown on the floor. we don't like it. it's out. we'll find something else and make something better. >> reporter: and the marketplace responded. and though profits are down in
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this current recession, j.crew continues to outperform its competitors. >> the old guy can feel quirky and have fun with his socks. most men's clothes look the same in america. it's become maybe a uniform to a degree so a special color, a special this, that creates a detail. >> reporter: the details are worked out here on two floors of this downtown manhattan office building by j.crew's team of designers and buyers. >> that was the ceo's office prior to my arrival. and i looked at this and i spent my first day in there. i felt like a caged animal in a sense. >> reporter: you said this is better. >> so i said this is better. you know, the less barriers you create in an environment, the more you can absorb and feel ideas, creativity coming at you. you can't do anything on your own. you're always trying to figure out where the world is going. that's why the office is open.
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i think there should be a rule in companies: open offices. >> reporter: your ear is open to hearing what's going on, the buzz. >> remember, i have a loud speaker. so i can call anyone at any time. >> reporter: and that speaks volumes. drexler admits to being hands- on. rarely sitting down and always on the move. whether he's reviewing the latest collection or peddling around the office on his bike, like a kid at play, or visiting a store where he can indulge his almost insatiable need to know what the customers are thinking. >> where do you usually shop for clothes. >> if i can help, let me know. i'm around. any comments or anything we could do better? >> reporter: when we met drexler, he showed us around the space now home to a j.crew men's store. >> i think what drives me is
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that i've always wanted to do something well, probably be recognized for it. i've always worked real hard. my father always forced me to work even if i didn't want to work. >> reporter: millard, mickey drexler, was a working class kid from the bronx who followed his father, a button and piece goods buyer into the clothing business. >> and i always did coffee runs. >> reporter: you were the coffee guy. >> well, you know, you learned how to work. you learned how to take orders from the boss. >> reporter: here in new york city's garment district, drexler worked weekends and summers. >> you know, it was a case of my dad saying you've got to go to work. you've got to go to work. it's not like i didn't want to sleep in on saturdays. >> reporter: after college, drexler worked his way up with stints at major department stores. eventually landing a job at ann taylor where he served as president. but it was his next job that
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cemented his reputation. in 1983, drexler was brought on to resuscitate the san francisco-based jeanne company the gap. >> when i worked in the department, i had a little lift in my drawer of about 20 items i thought a store should have. and the list always stayed with me. it was essential that people in america, men and women, wear every day. >> reporter: this emphasis on essentials became the engine that took the gap from a $400 million retailer to a $14.5 billion global rebirth of cool. the gap would launch the discount chain old navy. >> i'm simply mad for them. >> reporter: and when drexler had difficulty finding clothes for his young son, gap kids was born. >> it's not like you're there
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doing it and saying wow it's done. you know something? it's never done. >> reporter: but by the summer of 2002, drexler was done. the gap staggered through a two-year slump and he was out. 19 years into your long relationship with them, extraordinary success, you get fired. >> right. >> reporter: what do you do? >> well, you cry a little. you cannot believe it. you're stunned. and most importantly, you kind of realize that others are judging you when, in fact, you also have the ability and the power to judge yourself. frankly when i got fired i didn't think it was the right thing for the company to do. we opened more stores than we should have. at the end of the day, someone has got to take the bullet. hello! so i was the one. >> hi, everyone. good morning. could i have your attention, please.
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>> reporter: only four months later he would arrive at j.crew. and from the start drexler continued to follow his instincts. >> thank you very much for shopping j.crew. have a wonderful day. >> reporter: after listening to one of his operators comment on the number of brides ordering j.crew sun dresses for their wedding parties, drexler went in a new direction for the brand. a line of affordable wedding and formal wear. >> the team did a beautiful version of this as a bridal dress which i think is gorgeous. >> could i have your attention, please. mickey reporting from made well store. >> reporter: and just last year he launched the edgeier chain made well. >> this is fun. you can never figure it out. every day there's a zig and a zag you have to take. >> reporter: and in an economy that even drexler admits may be the worst he's seen, he sees opportunity. >> it's kind of forced us to
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reset our thinking. but that's, you know, it's kind of fun. >> osgood: ahead, they're playing our song.
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>> osgood: if you love a piano, the best bet for you is to visit london, you'll find that it's true, the key to the city is open to you. you can tickle their keys. it won't cost you a thing. you don't want to play, you can listen or sing. here's sheila macvicar. >> reporter: from under railway bridges, in front of mu see ups, by st. paul's cathedral, everywhere you look in london this summer, there are pianos. and people playing them.
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it turns out that four little words "play me i'm yours-- on 30 street corner pianos are enough for the brits to break that stiff upper lip. full crowds of strangers have been stopping to sing along with this experiment in urban art. who knew that london harbored so many frustrated pianists? and as the artist organizer points out, of all skills. >> when someone sits down to play you don't know whether they're going to be wonderful or whether they're just going to be playing chop sticks. >> reporter: the great author of fairy tales hans christian anderson said where words fail music speaks. this piano like 29 others scattered across london is meant to be the catalyst for a new urban conversation.
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at least that's the hope of organizer colette hilliard. >> it's very easy to start a conversation about a piano. what's that doing there? i don't know. it makes a lovely change from just talking about the weather. >> reporter: in the home ground. swinging '60s,ate battered old upright is appropriate psychedelic. pounding away william green entertains passers-by with his own free form improvisation. >> everybody is having coffee or doing their own daily thing. it's very strange. >> reporter: biggest challenge. not vandalism. in three weeks not one piano has been damaged. not even city drunks who have found a new place to prop themselves up. the biggest challenge is london's rainy weather. >> pianos are not the least bit water resistant. not even a little. >> reporter: sometimes it's about the music. >> sometimes it's about the
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player. >> reporter: but mostly it seems to be about making people feel better. listener veronica cecil. >> this is what you need in a credit crunch. you need everybody to realize that the pleasures of life are free, the real pleasures of life are free. >> reporter: as they say here, that's brilliant. ♪ and i fall in love >> osgood: ahead the life and loves of doris day. >> this is the right thing to be doing. >> osgood: and later, when clothes lines become battle lines. >> pry the clothes pins out of my cold, dead hands. access to favorite courses
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[crowd cheering] come on! pure gooey goodness... the pure joy of winning a s'mores bbq with rascal flatts. check specially marked packs to learn how. >> que sera, whatever will be be ♪ >> it's sunday morning on cbs and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: back in the summer of 1956 doris day had a big billboard hit with that song. so where is that popular girl next door now? this morning, jerry bowen
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looks for the answer. ♪ is it love >> reporter: when life seemed so much simpler in america, a half venturi or so ago, doris day was america's sweetheart. the beloved girl next door. and a huge recording and movie star. ♪ pillow talk >> doris day is to this day the number one female box office star of all time. ♪ nobody but me >> she is the only one who was number one for four years in a row. that was never true of elizabeth taylor, get a gar bow, katharine hepburn, of anyone else. >> reporter: in the '50s and '60s, it was hard to find a magazine without her beaming face on the cover. and her leading men came from the a-list of the day says
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david kaufman author of unauthorized best-selling biography, doris day, the untold story of the girl next door. >> well, famously rock hudson, cary grant, james cagney, jimmy stewart. >> reporter: not to mention frank sinatra, kirk douglas, and jack lemmon. doris day's reality, like that of that long ago america, was more complex and in some ways darker than the bubbly, everything is coming up roses public image. at the end of her career, she not only left hollywood. she stopped being doris day. ♪ when i fall in love > for nearly 30 years she's lived near carmel california an avid animal rights advocate nursing strays back to life on her small ranch and she's known to clara by most friends a nickname given to her early in her career. she's rarely seen in public and rarely heard except for
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one day each year, her birthday. >> good afternoon, everybody. just after 3:00. i have a call here. on the phone welcome back, doris. hi. >> kevin, hi. >> reporter: when a local radio station plays the songs she made famous and doris and her alter ego clara call in to say thanks. >> i've been tearing up and laughing. just having a super time. it's been a wonderful day. (singing) >> that's great to hear you sing, doris. ♪ going to take a sentimental journey ♪ >> her first big, huge hit was "sentimental journey." which she recorded at the very end of the second world war. it became very popular for that reason with the soldiers abroad who wanted to come home and with their wives here who wanted them home. >> reporter: it was 1939 when
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a 17-year-old doris kappelhoff of cincinatti ohio began her singing career with the big bands of that era. her stage name became day and she was off on the ride of her life. but for all the success that would follow in song and film, she never found what she wanted most. >> the only thing she ever really wanted was to have a happy marriage and a happy family life. it's the one thing she never had. she was married four times. but she was ultimately not happy with any of her husbands. ♪ i'm in love > by the time she had won acclaim for her first film "romance on the high seas" in 1948, day had been married and divorced twice and left with a baby boy. her first husband beat her. her second abandoned her. at age 25, her search for mr. right had gone very wrong. but her film career was taking off. and her films were giving a boost to her recordings.
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♪ you say the song begins >> it's magic which is in her first film. "romance on the high seas." ♪ it's magic >> and then after that, the next biggest song is "secret love" from calamity jane. ♪ once i had a secret love >> and after that comes que sera sera which ends up being the biggest all of her entire career ♪ que sera sera, whatever will be will be ♪ ♪ going to take a sentimental journey ♪ >> reporter: cabaret singer mary clear herring created a one woman show dedicated to the songs of doris day ♪ going to make a sentimental journey ♪ >> she had a lovely lull buy
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quality in her voice. i think everybody responds to that lull buy. that's universal. sentimental journey. >> reporter: she also wrote and produced a pbs documentary "sentimental journey" now 18 years old. it featured a rare interview in which day reflected on her two decades of film making. 39 films in all. and the ones she liked most. >> calamity jane probably my favorite movie. because that's the real me. when i was a little girl i was a tomboy. i loved climbing trees. you know, skating and doing all the things that the boys did. yet i loved dolls. >> oh, rex, what a love leel thing to say. >> reporter: but her most popular film may have been "pillow talk," the first of three movies she did with rock hudson when both stars were number one at the box office. >> that's good. >> reporter: their on-screen chemistry was matched by a life-long off-screen friendship founded in part,
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says biographer kaufman on the secret lives they shared. her troubled marriages. his homosexuality. >> and i think without ever discussing it that they could relate to being basically the opposites to what their images suggested. ♪ everybody loves... fort for example, the girl next door was not above having affairs at least according to her alleged lovers. baseball players maury wills which she denied and mickey mantle about which she was silent. and behind the scenes for 17 years of her life was marty, agent and husband number 3, marty melcher. he tightly managed her career. and their marriage quickly became a business relationship. doris made the money. by accident or design, marty squandered it all. when he died doris learned her $23 million fortune was
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actually a $400,000 debt. the doris day show, a situation comedy, saved her. it ran for five years on cbs and paid her legal bills as she fought her late husband's business partner to recover her losses. eventually she won some of it back. >> i just knew that justice would prevail. i've known it all along. >> reporter: by the early '70s her career was largely over. her fourth marriage failing. and despite offers, she never took on another tv show. until 1985. she agreed to a small cable show devoted to pets. it was called "doris day's best friends." and the appearance of her best friend was sad and shocking. >> we really had fun making movies didn't we? >> yeah. i wish we had made more. >> we should do it again. >> reporter: rock hudson, gaunt and ghostly pale, and gravely ill with aids. an illness that opened the
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door on a secret homosexuality. hudson died two-and-a-half months after appearing with day. she began her retreat from the public eye. ♪ i can be happy ♪ i can be sad >> she looks like doris day, a little older but doris day. she still looks great. >> reporter: actress kay ballard, a long-time friend and occasional visitor at day's carmel valley retreat. >> she spends her time making food for the animals. it's so funny. she has them on vegetarian, you know, she really... she just adores her animals. >> i've been advertising and he ain't buying. >> reporter: ballard was a regular on the old doris day show. >> this is a picture of clara. >> reporter: she says her old friend doesn't always answer her phone calls, sometimes doesn't even answer the door. most days just wants to be left alone. >> i just think the
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disappointment she's had in marriages is what turned her off of people and turned her to animals. they never disappoint you. ♪ sentimental journey > life may not have been perfect for the girl next door. there were quite a few bumps along the road but for doris kappelhoff from cincinatti ohio it's been a pretty amazing journey. introducing one a day women's 2o. the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix.
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with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy. right now all over the country discover card customers are getting 5% cash back bonus at the pump. now more than ever, it pays to discover.
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♪ fresh and tasty naturally ♪ a dip for you, and a dollop for me ♪ ♪ daisy just goes with family ♪ so, do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop ♪ ♪ things taste better with a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ a los angeles judge has delayed by one week the guardianship hearing originally scheduled for tomorrow in the case of michael jackson's three children. that delay gives jackson's mother catherine and his former wife deborah row more time to reach an agreement out of court. millions around the world will remember the day michael jackson died. martha gillis will too but she'll be thinking of someone else. she shares her thoughts with us now. >> my 24-year-old nephew brian
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bradshaw was killed by an i.e.d. in afghanistan on june 25. but you'd never have known it from the national media. i cannot tell you how that silence added to the pain of losing this bright, funny, thoughtful young man whom i remember so vividly as a toddler wandering the house in cow boy boots and hat and nothing else. i suspect it's a pain shared by many of the 4,000-plus grieving families whose loved ones have sacrificed their lives in two wars that have largely disappeared from the news. when i flew west for brian's funeral, the mayor of his small hometown personally met each of dozens of flights of arriving family members. flags flew at half staff. 600 people attended the funeral service. that is partly a testament to
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brian's remarkable capacity to connect with people and leave a lasting impression. hislop sided grins were so infectious. it is also a testament to the level of caring and support the town offered to my bereaved sister and her husband. even the desk clerk who checked us into our hotel attended as a simple gesture of common humanity. along the route from the church to the cemetery, people came out of their houses to stand with their hands over their hearts or to wave small american flags. cars going in the opposite direction stopped. some drivers got out to stand in respect. to all of them i say thank you. you know how to honor those who served to protect you. once i left town though,
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soldiers' deaths once again became invisible. because of the incredible kindness of the people of his hometown in washington, i wonder how many other people in maine or texas or new york city would also have honored brian and the other soldiers who have died in the last two weeks if the media had simply let them know. somebody's little boy, all grown up, died today. someone's little girl found out today that daddy is never coming home. that news is hard to bear. when the nation they died for barely notices, it's crushing. >> osgood: commentary from martha gillis. now to bob schieffer in washington for a look at what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning, bob. >> schieffer: good morning,
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charles. well the president first said he didn't want to. now it appears the administration may open an investigation into allegations of torture during the previous administration. we're going to get the first congressional reaction. >> osgood: thank you, bob schieffer. ahead now on sunday morning, bill geist. >> reporter: putting it all on the line. advil pm or tylenol pm? with advil pm she's spending less time... lying awake with aches and pains... and more time asleep. he should switch to advil pm.
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scientific explorations in the kitchen? bring it. it started bubbling. new bounty is thick and absorbent. it cleans the mess with less. then you know what, daddy? it exploded! pssshhh! it hit the ceiling! in lab tests, bounty absorbs twice as much... as the bargain brand. and it's more durable it was really cool. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the thick quicker picker-upper.
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ever wonder how cheez-it bakes... so much real cheese in such small bites? ♪ baking complete! well, now you know. >> osgood: hope you don't mind we've hung a little laundry on the line here to dry. turns out that plenty of
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people do mind though, mind a lot. that's provoking very unneighborly quarrels. our bill geist has journeyed to the front lines. >> reporter: susan, it's you. good, i found you. i had traveled all the way to bend oregon to interview susan toil lohr. listen, i noticed on the plane i had some... and i didn't want to do it in a dirty shirt. i think it's chocolate. could you run my shirt through? >> absolutely. no worries. in it goes. >> reporter: actually it was susan taylor's laundry that brought me out here. >> this is the right thing to be doing. >> reporter: she dries it the old-fashioned way on a clothes line which, believe it or not, is highly tron shall these days. >> what do i think about the clothes line. >> reporter: who knew? >> well, mrs. taylor's taken it upon herself to save the planet by not using her dryer and buy hanging her clothes out. for everyone that drives up and down the street to see. that's not what i moved here for. and i think it devalues our property.
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>> reporter: susan has incurred the wrath of neighbors like joan and has been threatened with legal action and fines. like some 60 million other americans, they live in a subdivision that bans such aesthetic offenses. >> everyone, when they move in here, signs a document and agrees to several stipulations. as far as we're not going to have pink and yellow houses. one of those things clearly states that we will not have an outdoor clothes line. >> reporter: susan admits to signing those restrictions but says they're outmoded in these times of imperative energy conservation. >> have you ever heard of global warming? how about the energy crisis? this is what we all need to be doing. >> reporter: in her subdivision, susan taylor is is something of a revolutionary. a rebel engaging in civil disobedience. you consider yourself kind of rebel of the clothes line?
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>> well, how incredibly ridiculous that we are having to fight for the right to conserve energy. >> reporter: fight indeed. since she started hanging her clothes on a line two years ago, there's even been a little guerilla warfare. >> twice in the middle of the night, someone has cut my clothes lines. the first time i thought not a problem. i just hung them back out. two nights later they were cut into pieces. >> reporter: when she hung my clean shirt to dry, i felt like an accomplice to a crime. >> it's not just about susan taylor versus the neighbors. it's bigger than that. >> it's the right thing to do. a simple thing to do. >> reporter: it's become a nationwide movement. the right to dry. now as rights movements go, this one is somewhat lacking in size and fervor although some of the rhetoric does have a familiar ring.
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>> from my cold, dead hands ( cheers and applause ) >> pry the clothes pins out of my cold, dead hands. >> reporter: this rally, if you will, was held recently on the lawn of the vermont capital to celebrate a new state "right to dry" law. >> it's just absolutely ridiculous to deny people the ability to save a ton of money, a ton of energy and prevent climate change. >> we need to get the white house to hang out their clothes again. this picture is from the early 1900s. there are a couple of clothes lines right there. >> reporter: alexander lee, founder of project laundry list, a national clothes line activist group. >> basically we would like to see the clothes line be a symbol like carrying your own bag into the grocery store or driving a prius. >> reporter: call it echo sheets. what do you have here? >> well, i've got here clothes line crisp sheets. we sell cotton clothes lines.
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>> reporter: lyman orton owner of the vermont country store spearheaded the grass roots movement. his store has a whole department selling potentially illicit clothes line paraphernalia. >> it galed me to have ordinances that prohibit you to put up a clothes line in your own backyard just seemed like totally unver month not to mention unamerican. >> reporter: he became to clothes lines as thomas payne was to the american revolution. >> i started to talk about it in editorialize about it in our catalogue and over our website. it struck a cord with people. >> reporter: in clothes lines lyman sees beauty. >> what's more beautiful than some sheets billowing in the wind on a clothes line? >> i don't think anybody should have to look at it. >> reporter: which of course is always in the eye of the beholder. >> would you want to buy my house and look at her laundry three days a week? >> i'm not trying to put a nuclear reactor here in high backyard. i'm just trying to hang my clothes out.&
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bill, i think you're in luck. >> reporter: my shirt unlawfully dried. >> you came a long way just to get this thing laundered. >> reporter: i fled the scene of the crime and made my get- away. >> thanks, susan. good luck. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: so long. could someone toss me an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!
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wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. we only shoot beautiful things you see. action. cut.
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mmm...she's had work done. cut it. take it all back to one. i yell cut. i know. shhh. excuse me. >> we leave you this sunday morning at hawaii's volcano, active since 1983.
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i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then i'll see you on the radio. captioning sponsored by cbs and johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations. captioned by media access group at wgbh
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