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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  July 12, 2009 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. coming up next on eyewitness news. >> i find myself in awe thinking about a man like steve mcnair. i find myself in awe to be honored to speak where it all started from. >> one last good-bye for former ravens quarterback steve mcnair laid to rest. strange freezer find. an elderly woman found dead inside her family glenn bernie freezer. a shocking report about dick cheney. how he may have kept a big secret from the u.s. congress. feels humid to me. first weather forecast just ahead. it's a beautiful day for a race. i'm live in pikesville for the pikesville 5 k. we will tell
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you where the money goes raised for this event straight ahead. eyewitness news is seconds away. >> good morning. welcome to eyewitness news this sunday. it is a muggy morning. very good on that part. >> welcome burn. good to have you out here. >> good to be here. i have a good time. we had a cold front going through overnight. let me show you, even though the sunshine is out in the city, doppler radar, we have an isolated thunderstorm hanging around because of that front. it's moving to the southeast. this is the only one we are finding. when it gets out of here, things will improve and the humidity will be dropping.
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we will have the forecast coming up. >> thank you. first here is what people are talking about. it's one of the biggest funerals in mississippi history as more than 4500 people paid their last respects to stoelk mcnair. it comes a week after police say he was murdered by his mistress. we have more on the funeral and the investigation. >> ♪ >> reporter: steve mcnair's funeral drew more than 5,000 family members, fans, teammates including ray lewis. >> the first day of my life of meeting steve mcnair, even through competition, i became a friend. i find myself in awe when i speak about a man like steve mcnair. i find myself in awe being honored here to speak where it all started from. >> reporter: police determined was shot to death in his sleep by a woman he was having an
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affair with. the 20-year-old then killed herself. her family held a small service in florida. >> when they dropped the casket, it was pretty tough. >> reporter: kazmierczak >> steve was like a hero notice. heros are not supposed to die. >> very emotional for many like vince young mcnair's casket was escourted by nine police officers to his hometown of mount olive, mississippi, for a private burial. adam may, wjz, eyewitness news. >> mcnair leaves behind a wife and four sons. apparent murder-suicide is under investigation in prince george county. a man killed two of his relatives inside an apartment
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in langley park, police say, then later jumped to his death in washington, d.c. the two people inside the apartment, man and woman, were both in their 20s. the apartment was set on fire after they were killed. it's not clear how the man was related to the victims. a shocking find in ann arundel county the body of a woman was found stuffed in a freezer. the medical examiner reports they are trying to determine if there is any foul play involved. >> reporter: the body is here. her grandson said calling police was the right thing to do. investigators found 83-year-old doris lea cooke inside a freezer at the country club apartments where she lived with her two daughters. they believe she was dead for several weeks. her grandson said why he called authorities when he found out. >> the person was no longer living. i'm not going to cover up anything. >> reporter: the cause of death
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has not been determined. the state medical examiner has miss cook's body. >> nobody knows what actually happened. we won't know for a while. >> reporter: her grandson would not say why he believed other family members put the body in the freezer. his grandmother was bedridden and suffered from many medical problems before her death. >> unfortunately time caught up to her and it will catch up to everybody at one point in time. she just -- she is in a better place in my opinion. >> this investigation is ongoing. it's active. we are urging anyone with information to come forward. >> reporter: the police spokesman was unable to describe the freezer. no one has been charged. this discovery stunned people living in the same building. >> i'm shocked. >> the family is trying to cope with what is going on. we are trying to pull together and figure everything out. >> reporter: police say family members lead them to the body and there were no altercations. homicide detectives are involved in this investigation. >> i would describe it as an
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unusual circumstance. >> everything is being explained to officers and officers are handling it as best as they can. >> she was a great person. >> you couldn't ask for a better grandmother or mother. >> reporter: the medical examiner's office will work closely with police. if you know anything about the case, you are urged to contact authorities. at the medical examiner's office, wjz news. >> it could be weeks before the results of the autopsy are released. the stalking charge may have been dropped but marion barry is under fire. there are new questions after details are released about the recent arrest. a u.s. park police report says that barry was driving erratically on the wrong side of the road when an officer stopped him. the woman in the car, donna watts was yelling out the window telling them bar ray was harassing her. the washington beltway is buzzing as former vice
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president dick cheney finds himself at the center of a big controversy. "new york times" records that cheney ordered the cia not to tell congress the truth about a secret counter-terrorism program. house democrats are pressing for more access to secret intelligence briefing. eric holder says he may launch a probe into the torture policies of the last bush administration. holder is close to appointing an independent prosecutor to investigate whether white house lawyers violated the law. among those possible violateses, the water boarding of a terrorism suspect in 2003. for the first time in nearly a week, president obama is back in the white house. the president and his family arrived early this morning, just after midnight. he started the trip in russia making slight progress on his desire to rid the world of nuclear weapons. in italy, the president didn't get everything he wanted, including key environmental
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agreements. just yesterday the president spoke in ghana saying africa is on the brink of a turn around. space shuttle "endeavour" was delayed again because of lightning. nasa engineers were able to direct all of the lightning around the launch pad keeping the shuttle safe. now, this is a live look. the skies have cleared as you can tell which is good news. nasa is planning again to try the shuttle launch later tonight. at this point they are scheduling it for 7:13. there is a 60% chance that it will be acceptable conditions for the launch instead of the 40% chance for showers. we are looking at the positive. >> i feel bad for them. but they are probably so used to it. i wonder what the percentages -- how many actually go. it would be quite a ride. can you imagine, the anticipation oh, we may not good. >> good to have you. >> thank you.
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>> it's a little humid this morning. >> it was. very good on that one. i can always tell by the hair. >> that's the best way for me. >> ponytail day. >> as far as the actual dew points go, it's way up. a cold front is making its way through the state. the sun has returned for a lot of us as you can see in these shots now. beautiful morning in the city. we want to switch it over and show you on first warning doppler radar, there is a lone cluster of thunderstorms still coming down. one little thundershower here but the bigger batch up near westminister. as it moves to the southeast, cross through baltimore county and possibly clip the city before it gets out of here. as that happens, we will see lowering humidity behind it. this is what it looked like overnight. satellite and radar showing you we had a couple of showers and thunderstorms try to make their way through the state but everything fizzled out as it did so because of the fact that the front had most of its energy off to the north.
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that's where i saw most of the showers and storms. this is all we have going on right now. behind that conditions will be changing. the winds are in the process of turning around to the northwest. that will bring in drier air. at this point we are in the upper 60s for the dew points. that's why it feels so humid. it's comfortable for july. temperature wise, warm morning. 77 degrees in the city. 82 at the ocean. warm morning. 77 in cumberland. 70 in oakland. as we head through the afternoon, the sun will push off to the southeast allowing us to get to the air behind it that will bring down the dew points and humidity and allow a lot of sunshine to take over for the day. overall, 77 is where we sit right now. as we head through the afternoon, this will leave us. high pressure builds in. it will dominate the in connection couple of days. the middle and end of the week, a new front to the southwest
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will come our way. what else it will do, bring us a chance for a couple of showers and thunderstorms, possibly as early as wednesday night. a better chance toward thursday. five-day forecast, 86 today. 86 tomorrow. hanging in the mid-80s. slightly below average tuesday. over the next five days, we will see the terms start to scoot up. it will feel muggy again. still ahead on eyewitness news sunday morning. >> the shocking scene from illinois where hundreds of graves may have been dug up and it's in the name of profit.
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>> good morning. welcome back on a pretty morning in the city. warm, a little muggy but a lot of sunshine. i want to show you the forecast for today. if you are down at the ocean, there is a slight chance we could have a thunderstorm now for overall. isolated thunderstorm making its way through carroll county through baltimore county. for the rest of us, mainly sunshine taking over. a warm day out there. we will slowly start to lose the humidity. that is a small chance for a thunderstorm. back up, get ready for the beach. most of the day will be just fine with temperatures very warm as we head through the afternoon. we will have the rest of the forecast in a bit. >> thank you. first turning to the other stories people are talking about this morning. a mysterious murder in the panhandle of florida as a couple is shot to death inside their home. police found a red van they believe was used by the
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killers. it was captured on surveillance cameras at the house speeding away from the scene. today police say they have two persons of interest in the case but no arrests have been made. the murdered couple were well known in their community for their large family of adopted children. imagine someone you love is laid to rest then years later their grave is dug up, their body discarded like trash. it's the sad reality for an unknown number of families in illinois. that's where four people are charged with reusing burial plots in order to make money. now the families of people buried there are trying to see if their loved ones are resting in peace. >> how could anybody allow this to happen. >> i want to know where my family is. their souls are not resting in peace. >> the graveyard is a historic black cemetery, home to the remains of lynching victim emmett till.
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they suspect 300 of the 1,000 graves there were dug up. turning to sports, the orioles are probably sleeping in because of the fact that they had an extra inning game last night. take a look at this here. 3 1/2 hours but ended in thrilling fashion when melvin mora hitting a game winning home run in the 12th inning. he had gone 189 at bats without a home run. everyone was excited for him there. the big question today, can they carry the momentum for another win. see the battle of the birds. orioles and blue jays today on wjz 13. three-mile run where every step you take matters. we are talking about the 5 k going to pikesville. sharon is live there lacing up her sneakers. you have been to a lot of runs this summer. >> reporter: yeah. i talked about a lot of runs
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this summer. i haven't done much exercise recently. i don't think i would make it through a 5 k but there are so many people out here that are doing it and making a difference for the pikesville 5 k. more than a thousand people out here running the race. we have sherry becker here with the pikesville chamber of commerce. >> we are thrilled everybody is here. we have over 1,000 people and we are benefiting the marlena cancer center at the university of maryland and pikesville chamber. it's a great event for everybody. we have kids, families, competitive runners. it's wonderful. >> i notice a lot of the runners are wearing shirts like yours. tell us about that. >> when they realster, the runners get a shirt. every year it's a different color, but the pikesville 5 k shirt. it benefits two great causes so these are miles that matter. >> tell me about the team. >> a year ago both mark and stacey lost their mothers to
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pancreatic cancer. they formed a team to raise money for the great causes in honor of the women. >> that is fantastic. there are a lot of people out here raising money. i hear the first runner is about to cross the finish line. you can see me behind me the first runner is coming up. that is a 5 k. they are finishing in about 15 minutes. much better than you or i could do. we will be live in about 20 minutes with more from the racers in about 20 minutes. back to you guys. >> what time did they start, 8:00. >> what was that. what time did they start. >> a little after 8:00 actually. >> who is that guy. >> isn't that amazing. >> those are 5 minute miles that guy just did. >> they are intense. >> impressive. >> starbucks isn't even open that early. they had to load up last night. >> sharon was in pikesville.
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berna is training for a triathlon. i have to go home and bike 25 miles this morning. i sit in the basket in the back. >> take her for a ride. up next on eyewitness news sunday morning -- >> i'm sally thorner. a maryland man is in dire need of a bone marrow transplant.
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(male anuncer) if you've had a hearatta caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix, taken with other heart medicines
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goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots. ask your doctor about plavix, protection that helps save lives. (female announcer) if you have stomach ulcer or other condition that causes bleeding, you should not use plavix. when taking plavix alone or with some other medicines including aspirin, the risk of bleeding may increase so tell your doctor before planning surgery. analways talk to your doctor before taking aspirin or other medicines with plavix, especially if you've had a stroke. if you develop fever or, unexplained weakness or confusion, tell your doctor promptly as these may be signs of a rare but potentially life-threatening condition called ttp, which has been reported rarely, sometimes in less than two weeks after starting therapy. other rare but serious side effects may occur.
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>> here is the forecast. for the most part it will be comfortable. we have a random cluster. that will get out of here. once it does, humidity will get lower and a lot of sunshine this afternoon. a plea for help from two young women who love the same guy. sally thorner reports it's about finding him the perfect match. >> reporter: this is jonathan earlier this year frolicking with his godson in vermont. >> special place in our hearts. faith that i'm in the right place for my care. i was able to reach remission. my cancer came back. now i need a bone marrow transplant to save my life. this is jonathan today. in a few short months the otherwise healthy 32-year-old's life took a dramatic turn no one could have predicted, least of all his wife.
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>> out of the blue, totally unexpected. he was healthy, active, worked out, played sports. it was the winter. we were planning a trip to go snowboarding. >> reporter: he was diagnosed with leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant within the month. finding a donor is not easy. >> his best chances really are with finding someone else. now, all of my fears and frustrations are with team haupt to get the perfect match out there. >> reporter: john hopkins hospital is one of the nation's leading research hospitals for this leukemia. the more potential bone marrow donors, the greater the chance for cure. >> this type of transplant is cure ative. we are doing it with the idea that we will try to cure jonathan. >> 80% cau cautions have a
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chance of a match. jonathan is a minority. we urge all minorities to come out, especially those of jewish consent to come out to hopefully find jonathan a match. >> there are other patients out there, wives like me praying that somebody comes through. >> there has been a tremendous amount of support coming from friend and family helping me get through the day. a simple swab could save a life. it could be mine or someone like me. thank you with all my heart. >> sally thorner, wjz, eyewitness news. >> there is a bone marrow drive for jonathan in baltimore july 19th. for more information and a link to team hope, log on to wjz and click on health watch. >> much more to come on eyewitness news sunday morning. >> i find myself in awe when i speak about a man like steve
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>> welcome back to eyewitness news sunday morning. warm morning outside. >> always good to have you. >> thank you. good to be here. it is a beautiful morning for most of us. i want to show you first warning doppler radar, we have a thunderstorm cluster making it is way down from carroll county into baltimore county. it's dying out or has be the last half hour to 45 minutes. it will scoot its way through. other than that, it's looking nice. take a look at forecast. some clouds mixing in with the sunshine. temperatures in the mid-80s.
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we will lose the humidity as we head through the afternoon, setting us up for a nice everything. the rest of the forecast in a bit. >> thank you. now here is what people are talking about this morning. over the course of a decade, steve mcnair grew into a superstar nfl quarterback. this weekend thousands of his friends and fans are gathering to remember him. this comes one week after police say his mistress shot him to death inside his condo. one of his former teammates was there. >> ♪ >> reporter: steve mcnair's funeral at the university of southern mississippi drew more than 5,000 family members, fans, friend and teammates including ray lewis. >> the first day of my life of meeting steve mcnair, even through competition, i became a friend. i find myself in awe when i speak about a man like steve mcnair. i find myself in awe and honor being here to speak where it all started from. >> reporter: police determined
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mcnair was shot to death in his sleep by a woman he was having an affair with. the 20-year-old then killed herself. her family held a small service in florida. >> when they dropped the casket, it was pretty tough. the two seriously dated for six months, frequently vacationing. she was not mentioned in the funeral that included memories from mcnair's mother, wife and sons, nieces and nephews. steve was like a hero to me. heros are not supposed to die. >> very emotional for many like vince young. mcnair's casket was escorted by nine police officers to his hometown of mount olive for a private burial. adam may, wjz, eyewitness news. >> mcnair was 36 years old. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. now a quick check of other
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news making headlines this sunday. prince george county police are working to unravel an apparent murder-suicide in langley park where a man killed two of his relatives then later in the day he jumped to his death in washington, d.c. it's not clear how the man was related to those victims. anne arundel county police are investigating the death of an elderly woman whose body was found inside a freezer. police say doris cooke likely died several weeks ago before her family put her inside the freezer. her body is at the medical examiner's office for an autopsy. former vice president dick cheney is it target of new criticism. "new york times" is reporting that cheney ordered the cia to keep the u.s. congress in the dark about a secret counter- terrorism program. controversial wiretaps on american phones were a part of that program. and she is back. one year after -- not talking about burn, one year after
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undergoing major brain surgery, jessie hall, is back in baltimore. >> see that white spot. >> yeah. >> reporter: aside from the scar on her head and a brace on her left leg, jessie hall looks like your average soon to be second grader. >> night and day. she left her doing fairly well but couldn't walk yet. now she is hopping and skipping all over the place. >> reporter: when dr. ben carson met jessie, dr. carson and his team removed the diseased right side of her brain to stop her from having seizures and save her life. >> some day she will understand. right now she knows she is a kid. she had a special surgery and, you know, she is ready to do the next thing. >> reporter: eyewitness news closely followed her surgery as well as the recovery. during the two-month stay in
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baltimore, they found a foundation. >> all these children in baltimore this weekend had that, the removal of one half of their brain. >> reporter: at a conference, families and children have a support network. >> unfortunately, because of the surgery, they are left where one side of the body is weak. they all wear a leg brace and one arm that is weak, lack of mobility, that kind of thing. >> reporter: the good news, the kids don't suffer from seizures any more and jessie and her friends can focus on more important things like playing. >> yeah, this is kids' camp. >> what do you get to do. >> eat junk, candy. >> jessie's doctors say they are very pleased with her progress. he is not out of the woods yet. marion barry is facing tough questions. this comes after details are released about his recent arrest for stalking. a u.s. park police report says
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that barry was driving erratically on the wrong side of the road when ran officer stopped him. the woman in the car with him, donna watts was yelling out the window telling the officer barry was harassing her. days later they dropped the stalking charge. they go in the shop but what happens when they leave the mall is what has a councilman concerned. darrell jones is writing a law that would require shopping centers to place surveillance cameras in parking lots, among the candidates this mall where there have been eight robberies in the parking lot since may. >> it serves as a deterrent and as a tool for the police that should something happen, that there is something that they can go to look and see if there is footage to catch suspects. >> baltimore county is the only one in our area requiring video cameras be placed in mall parking lots. if at first you don't succeed, try again. nasa engineers are following
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it. they prepare for a launch of the space shuttle "endeavour." here is a live picture of the space shuttle as it sits on the launch pad. nasa engineers inspected the shuttle overnight after lightning struck near it. drew levinson reports and he has the latest for wjz from florida. >> this time it was a charged up florida sky that grounded the space shuttle "endeavour." >> you saw a spectacular electrical storm at the cape. >> friday afternoon severe thunderstorms along with torrential rain rumbled across the kennedy space center. lightning struck 11 times within 1800 feet of launch pad 39 a. though the shuttle is protected from electrical surges created by lightning. >> it's all plugged in, the instruments in the shuttle are all alive and active. so, when you get a big bolt of energy like that, you run the risk of some of the electricity
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may be making something malfunction. >> for the astronauts set to go to the international space station, this is the third delay. "endeavour" was set to launch a month ago but was twice scrubbed because of a hydrogen leak. nasa believes that problem has been solved. and despite how menacing the lightning strikes appear, they feel confident the shuttle did not custody stain any damage. >> i expect this to be a positive story. we have a lot of equipment that has to be checked. that's what takes time. >> reporter: the forecast for tonight's launch has improved. "endeavour" is set to go just before 7:14. at the kennedy space center, drew levinson, wjz, eyewitness news. >> in all goes well, the shuttle will blast off tonight precisely at 7:13. >> let's hope all goes well. >> did you see the lightning. >> incredible. i know it's not good the damage it does but the video is cool. >> it's neat to see. 7:13. is there a reason?
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why not 7:14. >> i don't know that. >> i'm not really sure. >> you are the weather. >> that's the one we are going with. >> we were saying earlier that the anticipation to be going in the shuttle and taking off to outer space then to have it scrubbed again but they are probably used to it at this point. >> good luck to them for that. how exciting would that be. what a cool experience. >> so humid out there today. >> humid this morning. i want to show you on first warning doppler radar that we have this cluster of thunderstorms making its way r way down out of carroll county to baltimore county. it's diminishing but you could hear a rumble of thunder or two as it makes its way through. it's moving off to the southeast. we will take you back here and show you what we have been dealing with through the overnight. there is a cold front making its way through the state. there are farther storms the more north you went. it's pushing its way down to the southeast and as it does,
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it's turning winds around to the northwest and that will bring in drier air. not quite happening yet. this is a process but it will happen as we head through the day today. dew points are in the upper 60s. that's why it's a muggy morning. those will come way down during the afternoon. and also what is up, the temperatures this morning. 77 degrees in baltimore. starting out in the 80s in ocean city. if you are down at the beach this morning watching us, what a warm morning we are getting. a little cooler the farther west you go in oakland. we drop to 70. back up to 73 degrees. comfortable for most of us. we will get more comfortable as we head through the afternoon and lose the humidity. here is the storm. this is where most of the action was. severe weather off in new england. that is pushing away. the trailing front from it is making its way south of us. behind it is the drier air that will take over today. as we make our way through time, this cold front will continue pushing off to the south. there is a slight chance that when the low passes by to the north monday afternoon into tuesday, there could be a pop
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up shower in the mountains. for the rest of us, we won't even notice that. it's a comfortable air mass on top of us the next few days. wednesday into thursday there is another front out here. this one will make its way our way. as it does, temperatures go back up again. the humidity will go back up also and a chance for thunderstorms as we head to the end of the week. the forecast today, not looking too bad. mixed calls for sunshine. temperatures in the mid-80s. the humidity will drop as we head through the afternoon. then over the next five days, we stay in the mid-80s. then as you look toward thursday, you see changes here. the chance for a few thunderstorms as the next front moves our way. it will pump up the temperatures and humidity once again. it will be that way for the end of the week. >> a perfect day to head up 83 on this sunday. chocolate everywhere. >> this is an exciting one. coming up, your fry chance to dip into hershey park. >> and meet the giant chocolate
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a humid 78 degrees. throw it up in a ponytail, girl. it will be a bad day. it's billed as a premier event for runners. this morning we are discovering why. >> we are in pikesville, the pikesville 5 k. there are about a thousand people out here for this beautiful day and a run for a good cause. we will talk to actually a few of the runners that have crossed the finish line. good morning, larry. >> good morning to you. >> you came a long way for the race. tell us why. >> it's a worthy cause. we had a couple of family members pass away from cancer. we wanted to honor them, sally
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kirsch near and jay's grandmother sandra sapperstein. >> university of maryland greenbaum cancer center. >> what a great cause. to fight cancer. if this race makes the slightest bit of difference it was worth any pain we endured. >> how did you do? >> for me, not too bad. i'm a little older here. but my young nephews and my son, they represented us in terms of the speed department. >> we have al leaks here -- alex here. there is a practice run. you are training for a marathon. >> i did good. it is hot, i sucks. >> why did you want to run. >> it's dedicated to my grandmother. it's down here. >> mine is covered up, too.
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>> how does it make you feel to have all these people out here basically for your grandmother. >> feels good. a lot of people, close family members and friend of hers came out and heavily involved. that is cool. >> very good. good luck to you for your future marathon. back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you very much. eyewitness news live from pikesville this morning. still ahead on eyewitness news sunday morning, hershey heaven. >> love this one. >> we know the roller coasters. more than 60 other rides with the roller coats officers in one -- roosters in one
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dozens of thrilling rides and adorable characters are a short drive away at hershey park. >> this morning with us is mindy. this is our favorite segment. we were so excited when we saw this. >> lab coat, how come. >> this is part of the chocolate lab. this is not my usual garb. we have everything hershey, mr. hershey, the town he created. in the chocolate lab we have classes. these are examples of some of the things people have done with the art of chocolate. my art doesn't look this good but it tastes good. >> even if you have been to hershey park before there are new exiting things going on. >> $100 million on making the
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destination more fun. between the new hershey story museum which is fun and interactive, we have the old favorites like the chocolate spa which i know you are a fan of. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> we had additions to the theme park. we added two new water attractions to the theme park. we did a major expansion at the historic hotel that has taken it to new levels. lots of big stuff going on. >> it looks phenomenal. we took a drive up there. it seems like there is something for every age group. >> that is our design. that is what we wanted to do. we are a family focus place, a great place for couples, teenagers. no matter who you are, what you like to do, there is probably something in hershey waiting for you. >> a lot of people are waiting out in the water which means lines are better. >> the water area can accommodate 10,000 people at a time. that means they aren't standing in line for roller coasters and
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kiddie park. >> people don't realize how close it is. if you don't go north normally, if you head south or a different section of the city, it's close by. >> an hour and a half away. >> you have the entire amusement park but for the moms that want treats afterward. >> chocolate world, which is the world's largest corporate attraction, tons of people go through to get the free candy samples and find out how chocolate is made. >> i love that. >> so, it's a lot of fun. we have a great zoo that is part of your park admission. you get the water park and the standard roller coaster park and admission to the zoo which is why we have the bear here. it's a great value. >> what is new. what is the hot candy these days. >> i know you are fans. bliss. >> we have been looking at the basket this morning. >> kind of a smooth chocolate. it's more of a woman's chocolate. >> you said we are your target
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group for that. how does that work. >> well, bliss is a hit with women. peanut butter cups more manl but i like them both. bliss is a taste that women like. >> you hit it right on. it doesn't stick to your thighs. >> no, and it's healthy. the whole antioxidant thing. if you are training for a marathon, seriously, you need it. >> what is your favorite part of hershey park. >> it's a park. >> what should you check out. >> i'm a roller coaster fan. there are three that i love. one of the ones that is so terrific is fahrenheit. it has a 97-degree drop which is amazing. if you are a thrill seeker. >> that is lightning racer. that is tidal force which is a water attraction. >> my first upside down roller
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coaster was the super duper looper. i was so excited. i was short when i was younger and i was almost on my tippy toes trying to get in. >> a lot of kids that's the first big deal roller coaster. >> if you need any of the information, it's on our web site, weekend morning edition. who is this before we go. >> such a trooper. >> this is our chocolate bar. >> wonderful. >> who can be spotted at the lodge ho tell, the park, chocolate world and this morning in baltimore. >> thank you so much for making the trip down. >> we appreciate it. >> all this information is on the web site, mindy and hershey over there. thank you.
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>> welcome back. thunderstorms making its way through baltimore county right now. other than that, a mix of clouds and sunshine. comfortable conditions through the afternoon and the humidity
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and dew points are really going to drop. topping out in the mid-80s. the next five days, temperatures in the mid-80s. we will warm it up and feel the humidity return. a chance for a couple of thunderstorms. that could carry over into friday. >> don't forget the o's play their last game before the all star break. the o's take on the blue jays here on wjz 13. if you want to get tickets. >> hershey all different ways to get tickets, all different deals and specials. you can drive up and spend the night and that includes free tickets for kids under 17. >> that's great. >> under 17, that is a good range. >> oh, my goodness. >> go online. check all this mouth. there it is.
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oh, finally this morning, this is seattle, washington. a ship load of secure very dogs stormed the beach much to the delight of the children waiting for them. this is the 60th anniversary of sea fair. thanks for joining us.
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