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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  July 10, 2009 6:27pm-7:00pm EDT

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just before 6:30. 77 degrees and mostly sunny. and here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. a philadelphia area day camp says a private swim club made racist comments about their campers and canceled their swimming event. the club says it simply ran out of room. bianca solorzano reports for wjz with more on this controversy. >> reporter: the 65 mostly minority children, from philadelphia's creative step day camp, spent june 29th, cooling off at the private valley club. >> that hurts. how they were like mad that black people were coming in here. >> reporter: it's where they were planning to swim every monday through mid-august. but the first time they showed up, 11-year-old marcus allen says it was obvious he and the
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campers weren't welcome by some club members. >> they pulled their children out of the pool. >> camp director alicia wright says days later, the camp's $2,000 check, the money paid to swim at the club, was refunded, meaning the kids no longer had access to the pool. valley club released a statement, saying racism was not a factor. unfortunately, we underestimated the capacity of our facilities and realized that we could not accommodate the number of children from these camps. >> no justice, no peace. >> reporter: the pool was closed thursday. and people protested outside. gamey goldman is a club member -- amy goldman is a club member and joined because she thought it was so welcoming. >> i am ashamed that a club would do this to a group that was so respectful and well behaved. >> reporter: collin jones, an african american gold medal
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swimmer, heads up make-a-splash foundation, which trains young minority swimmers. >> it's a major setback to see that people are still in the old ways if you will. >> reporter: bianca solorzano, cbs news, huntington valley, pennsylvania. >> now, the pennsylvania human relations commission says it has opened an investigation into the incident. the self-proclaimed white supremacist is still not well enough to appear in court. >> vic, a court-appointed attorney for 88-year-old james von brunn says his condition hasn't changed much since he was shot by security guards. he was accused of killing holocaust museum guard back in june. von brunn admits to hating jews and african americans. he was shot in the face by another guard after allegedly killing johns. >> a district court has set a preliminary hearing for july 30th. a howard county teenager
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was shot and wounded after a fight on a basketball court. it happened last night on this court in the owen brown village in columbia. police say the 18-year-old got into another fight with another player and was then shot. friends helped carry him back to his home, where they called 911. the teen was treated at shock trauma with nonlife-threatening injuries. on route 30 in manchester, the fire destroyed 12 cars inside the facility. several of them were classic cars. took more than 100 firefighters from maryland and pennsylvania to put out the blaze. and the cause is under investigation. many baltimore area shoppers travel to washington ask new york to buy luxury items because they can't get them here. but that's starting to change. ron matz reports, despite these tough economic times, louis vuitton is the latest high-end retailer to open here in baltimore. >> reporter: the handbags. the pricey purses. the shades. the famous logo. this is the new louis vuitton
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store at the towson town center. >> it's nice to have a store like this, you know, to take a look at the products. and it's a store that is all louis vuitton. >> i think it's a great yvmentd i -- idea. i have three louis vuitton bags already. i want to add to my collection. >> reporter: it backs up their research. >> it's something we have been hearing customers say they've wanted for a long, long time. so it's in addition to our luxury wing. it accentuates the unique boutiques that we already have. >> i love louie. >> reporter: and your ramona house is a big louis fan. she's happy to have her favorite closer to home. >> going to have to come buy something to support the store. it will prevent me from driving down the prices to pick up my louis products. >> you can sit at the purse bar and check out the latest louis luxury. some purses sell for $600. >> even if you can't afford it, it's nice to look around. you know not everyone who goes into louis vuitton can afford to buy something in there.
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but it's nice to look at. >> louis vuitton joins burberry. the question, in these tough economic times, will these luxury goods stores be successful? >> everyone is dog very well. we find that the luxury lines in our stores do very well. so we feel optimistic that even in the retail environment, it's going to continue to stay strong. >> reporter: in towson, ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> louis vuitton's only other maryland location is in chevy chase nmontgomery county. time now for a look at the stories you'll find in the baltimore sun. are maryland's public school graduates prepared for college level math classes. baltimore's 20-year-old emergency operations center is getting a $14 million upgrade. and bge says mild summer weather should mean lower bills for you. for these stories and more, read the baltimore sun. and look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. in tonight's eyewitness
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news healthwatch. for years, higher cancer rates on african americans have been blamed on poor care or late diagnosis. but as karen brown reports, now a new study suggests, biology may be a culprit. >> hi. how are you? >> reporter: charise majet was pregnant with her second child, when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. >> i had days where i was very depressed. it was just hard because i really wanted the baby. >> reporter: the 29-year-old's cancer was so aggressive she had to terminate her pregnancy to undergo chemo, surgery and radiation. >> i was horrified. >> reporter: a new study shows that breast and other gender- specific cancers are killing minorities at a higher rate. for the first time, doctors say it's not because of lifestyle or inferior care. >> there may be biologic differences between the cancers amongst these groups that are contributing to it. >> reporter: the study of almost 20,000 patients found
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that even with equal treatment, death rates were much higher for blacks with hormone-based cancers. breast cancer, 45% higher. ovarian, 61%. and prostate cancer, 21% higher. >> the study also found that in nonhormone-based cancer, like lung, colon and lymphoma, minorities actually had the same survival rate. >> it makes us wonder what the role is between hormones and race and outcome. >> reporter: minority cancer rates are predicted to rise by 99% over the next 20 years. charise is still in radiation. she knows cancer does not discriminate. >> you never know. it's not an age thing. it's not a race thing. it's your body. >> reporter: doctors say the best treatment is early detection. so get screened early and often. in new york, karen brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: more than 192,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in american women in 2009. and still to come on wjz eyewitness news.
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the president and the pope. what president obama and pope benedict discussed today. horrible case of animal cruelty. what police say happened to dozens of puppies found in a truck. bob turk in the first warning weather center. humidity coming in for the weekend. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. and wjz 13 is always on. here are the top stories on at this hour. for updates on all the day's news, and the updated forecast any time, log onto when morning comes in the middle of the night...
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rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr.
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the father of michael jackson is speaking out. he says foul play was involved in his son's death. >> the police chief says charges may be filed, pending the results of a coroner and toxicology death. they are looking at the singer's drug history and interviewing his many former doctors. michael jackson's father joe jackson said he doesn't know anything about the drugs his son may have been using except whatever he was taking may have been to help him rest. he also says he and his wife katherine should have custody of his three children. >> no word yet on where the king of pop may be buried. witnesses say the single- engine aircraft was doing
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maneuvers yesterday when it stalled and spiraled to the ground. witnesses immediately called 911, but it was too late to save the pilot. and a three-alarm fire on a bridge causes chaos in new york. it broke out around 5:30 this morning on the frog's neck bridge. the flames started on a construction platform, quickly spread to scal scaffolding. a missouri man is charged with abusing dozens of puppies. police in boston believe the 44- year-old crammed more than 50 puppies into a truck. animal rescue officials seized 27 dogs. a spokesman for the company that transports the dog, says the dog was expected monday and conditions were fine. a positive first meeting for president obama and pope benedict. but the two leaders disagree on what the vatican considers prime ethical issues. >> reporter: president obama told pope benedict the vatican
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meeting was a great honor. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: the two leaders jumped right into some of the more controversial issues during their 30-minute private talk. they don't see eye to eye on abortion or stem cell research. the pontiff presented the president with a document, explaining the church's opposition to the use of embryos for science. obama promised to read it on the plane. they also discussed immigration, middle east peace and aid to developing nations, areas where the two are more closely aligned. the first lady and a handful of the president's top aides, also got a chance to meet the pontiff. >> thank you so much. very grateful. >> reporter: along with a gift exchange, the president gave the pope a letter from ted kennedy and asked the pontiff to pray for the ailing senator. >> the pope asked the president how everything went at the g-8 summit here in italy. the president called the three days of tough negotiations very productive. >> reporter: speaking at the end of the summit, the president said leaders took a
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united stand against the iranian treatment of protestors after the disputed presidential election. >> what we wanted was exactly what we got, which is a statement of unity and strong condemnation. >> reporter: before wrapping up this summit, the g-8 leaders signed onto a $20 billion aid package to help poor nations feed themselves. obama had a final stop in the final stage of the african nation of ghana. charlie d'agata, wjz eyewitness news. and president obama said he chose ghana as his only stop. in hopes of highlighting the effective governments that they have in place there. and katie couric has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. she needed a heart transplant. he needed a hip. see how a teenage girl and a major league baseball player helped each other achieve their dreams in assignment america. that's tonal, -- tonight, only on the cbs evening news. here's a look at tonight's
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closing numbers from wall street. and we'll be right back.
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we are heading into
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wonderful weather. we're live with first warning weather. bob will update the five-day forecast. but first, meteorologist tim williams is live with the updated forecast. if you're headed to the ocean. tim? >> another nice streak of bad weather. -- of good weather. not too bad is what i was going to say. 85 degrees on both days with a good bit of sun on both days. the best day will probably be saturday. because there's a better chance of thundershowers in the afternoon on sunday. the water temperature is in the low 70s. again, brought to you by the word wordwalk hotel group. they are happy to have you coming down here. for the rest of us, our lows are in the 60s. up into the mid-80s. we're talking about 85 to 86 degrees. back down to 68 tomorrow night. the stretch continues. for the next five days, we end is it in to bob. 85 tomorrow. late tomorrow night, into early sunday. scattered showers and thunderstorms.
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dries out, with sunshines returning in the afternoon. same thing for monday. tuesday night, maybe a brief shower. 83, 63. no extreme temperatures at all. 86 on wednesday. denise? >> thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. the o's are back home. but the manager paying for the action on the recent road trip.
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mark is at the ballpark tonight. and they're going to go crazy out there without the managers. >> we have two teams without the managers. toronto's manager is out for a funeral. and no game for dave trembley, as he begins to serve a suspension. for trembley it's a two-day penalty. and he is being penalized primarily because after he got kicked out, he had contact with the team from a position near the dugout. that's a violation near the rules. he spoke to us earlier today when the suspension was announced. >> you do what you have to do to protect your team. i don't think anybody take its personal. you know, fines and suspensions are handed out, you go with it. and you do the very best you can. >> reporter: the manager is out and pitcher david hernandez out, too. he is sent to the minors.
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shortstop cesar eturez out on the stabled list. hernandez will be back in 10 days. that will require another roster move at that time. one big win, in may. o's have won two in a row, the jay has lost three straight. pitched at the university of maryland game time. this reminder, sunday, masn, wjz. see the o's and the blue jays wrap-up. news from the u.s. swimming championships in indianapolis. baltimore swimmer michael phelps has cut short his participation, suffering from a minor injury. it's a lingering sore neck that caused him to withdraw from the 100-meter freestyle. this comes a day after phelps hit a world record in the butterfly. his third victory in two days. he will still swim in the
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championships in rome. nascar boys running chicago this weekend. one of the drivers looking forward to the windy city race. kurt busch. it's a 400-miler. busch has run well in chicagoland. he has other motivations about this work trip to the midwest. >> chicago is just a great city. it's where my family really is from. and my mom and dad were born and raised there. and just with my ties with the chicago cubs, i love chances to go to chicago. and the fact that we race there now at night, saturday night, it opens up that sunday. and i plan on going to the cubs game that sunday after the race. it's actually a double header against the cardinals. >> kurt busch says his favorite cuby of all time is ryan sandberg. orioles-blue jays, highlights tonight at 11:00. back to you. >> thank you very much, mark. we'll be right back.
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primetime lineup tonight at 10:00. follow bide eyewitness news at 11:00. you could say a couple of brothers in rio dejanero are a little off the wall. that's because they spend 12 hours a day living on the side of one. the two have suspended a bed, chair and table, 30 feet above the street. brothers are calling it, street art. they say it combines their love for both climbing and the-- climbing and the arts. finally tonight, he is so cute. but a little too shy. his name is altie. and he is the newest edition to the berlin animal park. the snow leopard was brought out to meet the media today. but as you can see, he decided to turn right around and go back to the comfort of -- comfortof his basket. >> should have had a big mac out there. he would have been out there playing around on that, i bet. even a little mack. i don't know what snow leopards eat. but i'm sure it's meet. >> -- meat.
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>> rare animals, too. that's it for us tonight. >> thanks for watching eyewitness news on wjz 13, maryland's news station. we don't want you to go away, because there's much more coming up on the cbs evening news with katie couric. including tonight, what can you learn from monkeys about how to live longer? find out why a new study suggests that >> couric: tonight, it has that new car smell and, thanks to taxpayers, a new lease on life. the new general motors. >> if we don't get this right, nothing sells going to work. >> couric: i'm katie couric. also tonight, al qaeda's leadership in pakistan running for their lives. the terror group admits u.s. predator drones have caused alarming damage. it seems to work for them. could eating fewer calories add more years to your life? and do you believe in good luck charms? they do. and they have one that really seems to work.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with katie couric. >> couric: and good evening, everyone. they started the engine today on the brand new 2009 model general motors. but it took a pair of jumper cables attached to the united states treasury. the company officially emerged today from what turned out to be a quick spin through


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