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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  July 9, 2009 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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from the cities to the counties to your neighborhood, now complete coverage on wjz 13 maryland's news station. >> hello, i am don scott. >> and i am mary bubala. we will begin with breaking news out of southeast baltimore.
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400 young students have been forced to evacuate from their summer school after a drug suspect runs inside the school attempting to escape police. eyewitness news is live at william packa elementary school. jessica kartalija is gathering the latest details. good afternoon, jessica. >> reporter: good afternoon, mary and everybody at home. s.w.a.t. teams are inside searching for that suspect, but sources tell eyewitness news there is a good chance he may have already left the building. >> a flash by. kid run in the school and police plan in behind him. >> police were questioning the man regarding a warrant when he took off running. >> we have information from staff that there was a guy seen running inside. at that point, members of the s.w.a.t. team are inside the school doing a sweet. >> sweetreport -- doing a sweep. >> reporter: all children were evacuated. >> this is crazy because it is, like, children involved and just crazy. real crazy, but i hope that they get them so the kids can
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go back and continue summer school because that's what it is for, the kids for summer, summer school. it is crazy. >> any time someone bursts through your door makes you nervous. you can't leave your door unlocked. it is ridiculous. >> reporter: police are asking parents to pick up their children at 229 fayette street. william packa elementary school and all activities are cancelled. parents are asked to pick their children up as soon as possible. live in baltimore city, jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> jessica, thank you. we will continue to bring you details on this story as soon as they become available. our other developing story this noon, the accusations made against a baltimore county soccer coach. sally thorner is live in the newsroom with more details. >> reporter: good afternoon, don and everybody. police say that the coach
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solicited sex from a girl in essex. charles freedo allegedly sent inappropriate text messages and tried to arrange a meeting with the girl. he showed up with what he thought was a meeting with the teen on july 7 and he was promptly arrested. he is now facing several charges including solicitation of child pornography and sexual solicitation of a minor. >> police say the girl was a sister of one of the coach's players. he has been released after posting a quarter million dollar bond. nashville fans are lining up outside a funeral home to pay their respects to former ravens quarterback steve mcnair. a viewing and a memorial for tonight. police released this new video showing 20-year-old sahel kazimi taking a sobriety test for a dui arrest. steve mcnair who was inside the suv took a cab home. two days after the arrest
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kazimi shot mcnair and then killed herself. she was upset because of financial problems and thought steve mcnair was seeing someone else. steve mcnair's wife and teammates are expected to be at the service. baltimore police are in charge of investigating the death of two teenagers who were struck by a train. the change in oversight is when the parents were concerned. both 17 year olds were walking on the tracks with their backs to the train when they were hit by it. federal investigators have become involved. the ntsb will try to re-create the crash scene. the washington d.c. metro system could be subject to another investigation in addition to the one surrounding last month's fatal accident. they will now look into video allegedly showing a train operator asleep in a separate case on the green line in washington in the maryland suburbs. the video was posted by wttg. the tv station said it obtained the video from a 14-year-old passenger and now both the d.c.
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metro and mta say they have a new zero-tolerance. any operator using a cell phone for text messaging will be fired even if it is a first offense. new developments in the case against mayor sheila dixon. the state prosecutor wants to subpoena two more city employees before a grand jury. mayor dixon's attorney will try to block those subpoenas. he argues the state is just trying to find more evidence in an already weakened case. dixon faces criminal charges including stealing gift cards meant for the needy. they will have to sift through what is left of their business. a fire went through the suburban house rest house and as vic carter reported it is leaving a impact on the community. >> reporter: the suburban house has been an institution, part of people's families, special holidays and celebrations. they are all devastated from this fire. from sky chopper 13 you can see the smoke billowing from the
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suburban house. the smoke curled into the afternoon sky and 35 customers and employees are sent running into the street. >> the owner of the restaurant told us that one of his employees in the storage area smelled smoke and heard some kind of a pop, and immediately evacuated. >> reporter: for 30 minutes, multiple units battled the blaze and went to a second alarm and was finally put out. in the aftermath, generations of patrons told of their love of the eatery which is a staple to reisterstown road. he moved to the area when he was 12. >> it is sad to see that this place burned down like this. i hope that the owners get back on their feet quickly because it is really a great place to bring children and family. >> it is going be too loss for the community, because when i do go in and i see that people are in there and they really enjoy themselves and folks have been coming for a long time. >> while is this this is a problem for the suburban house, it is a problem for businesses all along reisterstown road. for several blocks, streets
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have been blocked and people simply can't get in. >> it is sad because this restaurant is an institution here. >> reporter: the suburban house in happier days. patrons come here and sit for hours and munch on delicatessen-style sandwiches by the pound and soup by the gallon. comes at a time when the area of reisterstown road was undergoing a major revitalization but for this restaurant it has stopped now. i spoke with the owners of the suburban. they were way too devastated to talk on camera in tears when i approached them. they said they were happy everybody got off and that the suburban house will reopen. in reisterstown, vic carter, back to you on television hill. >> a day after that fire we talk to the owners at 5:00 of the owners of suburban house of what they will do next. a federal drug czar says michael jackson's death is a wake-um call to drug abuse. kerilowske says more people are
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dying in the u.s. from drug overdoses than gunshot wounds. it was administered to the musicians to fight insomnia including deprivan. president barack obama and other leaders are wrapping up the g8 summit. india and china have refused a deal to cut emissions in half by the year 2050. the summit had better luck with another contentious issue, paving the world for more worldwide free trade. a string of amazing july days continues this noon. a live look outside right now. the sunny and clear skies over baltimore as we warm up for another beautiful afternoon. eyewitness news is live with first warning weather coverage. marty is in the nice outback today. >> it is too nice to be dressed up for work. the golf clothes have got to come on shore. one of those days. you got it. >> tim in the weather center. >> we will do this before marty changes as he said he was going to do. we are looking at a clear scan of first warning doppler radar
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and temperatures are solidly in the mid- to upper 70s so we don't have any rain to talk about, but what we are going to talk about are temperatures that are unseasonably cool. the record would have been 54 degrees had we gotten down another two. 57 in elkton. 54 in the nation's capital and pretty much the mid-50s area wide. how long will the stretch continue? will it get as far as the weekend. send it out to marty. >> hey, tim. thank you very much. if you watched the show yesterday, you will think you have already seen this one particular weather graphic. but you haven't. what i am showing you is real continuity in the forecast here. we even used the . words yesterday pleasantly warm. they are on the graphic again. and such is going to be the case not only tomorrow but through the weekend and over the next five days. we are on very solid ground when we talk about a mild july forecast. one other quick note. if you are going down the ocean, any of the beaches,
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delaware, jersey, maryland, do note there is going be too bit of a cooler flow right along the shore and a little bit inland. might have a few more clouds along the shore than inland, but we are still talking about seriously beautiful weather area wide. pleasantly warm. not scorching hot as we normally say at this point in july. some numbers and solid details for meteorologist tim williams coming up shortly. i am going to change. >> we will see you in your golf gear, marty. thanks. still to come on wjz eyewitness news at noon. the internet war. more south korean and u.s. web sites are hit by cyber attacks. a wild joyride. a 14-year-old leads police on a high-speed race and it ends in a bang. my turn to say take a look outside and stick around. your complete first warning weather forecast is still coming up.
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police say 13 children are among the 25 people killed by a powerful bomb blast in central afghanistan. the bomb went off after police were responding to an
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overturned truck. authorities are also confirming a bombing the country's south has killed two american soldiers. the h1n1 virus is still posing a big concern for federal health officials. they are gathering today here in maryland to discuss plan tors this winter when the swine flu is expected to spread with a vengeance, the president called into the meeting in bethesda saying studies and a brand-new vaccine is set to start next month and he believes shots should be available by october. more web sites are being hit today by cyber attacks that affected the u.s. and south korea. a south korean government site is among the new targets. the country's spy agency believes north korean forces are behind the attacks. previous attacks included the white house and the new york stock exchange. they warn another wave could come later today. a police chase in michigan where officers pursue a 14- year-old boy who stole his father's suv. midchase he uses his turn
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signal to outrun the police car. it came to an end when the teen lost control of the car, veered into the lane, went into the air and hit several trees. no one suffered any serious injuries. the driver is now, though, facing criminal charges. still ahead on eyewitness news at noon. as you take another live look outside at the great weather we are having, stick around, the first warning weather forecast now just two and a half minutes away. first here is a look at today's midday stocks and last night's winning lottery numbers. we'll be right back. r ur bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture.
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ask your doctor about trilipix. if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture.
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now first warning weather, complete forecast, and first warning of severe weather. >> it is so gorgeous out there, tim. >> yeah, it is nice. these are temperatures that are more may-like than july like, and they have been pretty cool, the humidity is low. we will take them as long as we can keep them. >> i know. doesn't feel like more in the summer. >> it doesn't. more sumlike temperatures. >> and probably in december too. >> i think you are right. right now we are looking at temperatures -- >> we will pay, we'll pay. >> struggling to get out to 70 degrees. relative humidity at 37%. i mean it is just delightful out there and north wind at 6 miles per hour is helping to keep our temperatures suppressed going into this early afternoon. 30.15 and rise something barometer reading with high pressure in control and temperatures around the region, we are looking at just around
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78 degrees around most of the area. 78 toward hagerstown and cumberland. 69 out in oakland and deep creek lake. 76 in elkton and 74 in ocean city. around the crowe area, temperatures in the low 70s in some spots. 74 in rock hall and 73 toward kent island. those winds are coming in from the north courtesy of high pressure. a northeasterly flow. the high is up into new england and we are seeing the flow, the clockwise flow of air around it bringing us that colder air. again we will watch clouds building up in the overnight hours. we do have some moisture down to our south, some showers and storms down toward -- out to the carolina coastline and some of those clouds are riding the coastline right on in. we do also have a bit of a disturbance out to the midwest that is trying to make its way in here but the high pressure is pretty solid. we will not see much of that getting into our forecast during the next day or so. we will see some of that influence by saturday into sunday with afternoon chances of thundershowers, but as you
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see much of this dissipates as it gets closer to the mountains over the ohio valley and into west virginia. so we are not really seeing too much of a problem as a result. but we are going to see warmer temperatures and more humid conditions built in by saturday. the front will start to approach and we will see a chance of showers but, again, mostly dry. this will bring just enough of a ripple with a clans of showers on saturday afternoon sunday -- a chance of showers on saturday afternoon and sunday afternoon and the temperatures still cooperate and the as we will see with marty mid-80s. east winds 5 to 10 knots. temperatures at about 83. mostly sunny. low humidity. tonight down to 52. open up the windows. mainly clear, cool and comfortable and tomorrow much like today, 892 degrees. mostly sunny. just a broke -- 82 degrees. mostly sunny. just a broken record. >> you need to put baltimore so people know where we are. >> not san diego. they are back home after
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the all-star break. masn take on the toronto blue jays at camden yard right here on wjz 13. still to come at wjz eyewitness news at noon. most of this country have a weight problem, but you will never believe how many are considered obese. get ready to hear the government's new numbers coming up. >> the top stories on right now. for instant updates and the
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in today's eyewitness news health watch, making lifestyle choices can reduce risk of colon cancer. exercising more, cutting down on red meat and less alcohol. that can help prevent cancer. they looked at colon cancer risks and concluded this in their report. more americans are getting heavier than ever. the cdc says more than 26% of our population are fully obese. the much weight trend continues despite health warnings and statistics that show that two- thirds of americans are either overweight or obese. check in with eyewitness news at 4, and 6. back to the newsroom and sally for a preview. >> hi, don. a bizarre story out of illinois where hundreds of graves are dug up at a cemetery. wait until you hear why. a woman with a green thumb is saying the young deer is destroying her shrubs. what she did about it is putting her behind bars.
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join fours these stories and breaking news after "dr. phil." back to you. >> thank you very much. stay with us.
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welcome back to the noon news. generally mild. i told you i was changing. throw it back inside. >> one thing to say, marty, fore! >> out of here. >> that is our report. thank you for watching eyewitness news wjz maryland's news station. i am mary bubala.
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>> don scott. >> and for the soon-to-be golfing marty bass, i am tim williams. enjoy your afternoon, everyone.
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