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tv   CBS Evening News With Katie Couric  CBS  July 7, 2009 7:22pm-7:30pm EDT

7:22 pm
advil pm or tylenol pm? with advil pm she's spending less time... lying awake with aches and pains... and more time asleep. he should switch to advil pm. the better night's sleep. a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something.
7:23 pm
now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor.
7:24 pm
♪ we are the world, we are the children we are the ones who making a brighter day ♪ so let's start giving >> couric: i'll be back with a special edition of "48 hours" "michael jackson. the last dance" coming up at 10:00, nine central. meanwhile, michael jackson's family, fans and friend were here for him today as he always was for them. it was a pact they had, and we leave you tonight with that. ♪ you and i must make a pact, we must bring ♪ salvation back, where there is love, i'll be there ♪ i'll reach out my hand to you,
7:25 pm
i'll have faith ♪ in all you do, just call my name ♪ and i'll be there i'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love and respect, too ♪ just call my name and i'll be there ♪ i'll be there i'll be there ♪ just call my name, i'll be there ♪ just look over your shoulders, honey, just look over your
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shoulders, honey, look over your shoulders, honey ♪ i'll be there, everybody sing it, you're beautiful ♪ ♪ just call my name... ♪ and i'll be there ♪ i'll be there to protect you... ♪ >> i just wanted to say i love him so much. ♪ just call my name i will be ( upbeat music playing )
7:27 pm
announcer: there's a place called hidden valley. where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. now rediscover the delectable taste that can only come from hidden valley,
7:28 pm
the original ranch. this is "entertainment tonight" in high definition. ♪ like a comet blazing across the evening sky ♪ ♪ gone too soon >> inside staples center, high above the stage. >> michael jackson the final good-bye. and "entertainment tonight" e.
7:29 pm
>> michael was the biggest star on earth. ♪ where there is love >> the king of pop center stage at his own he mother yal. his children watching their father as the world watches him. his brothers in silver gloves. >> you live in my heart forever. >> backstage for exclusive


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