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tv   The Early Show  CBS  July 7, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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captioning funded by cbs farewell to an icon. ♪ as family and fans prepare for michael jackson's memorial. his life, filled with innovation and wonder. children and scandal. now his death is full of controversy. his kids are caught up in a custody battle. >> are you ready fto fight for your children? >> are you ready to get your butt kicked? >> and his mother struggles for control of his estate. >> oh, yes. >> today, thousands will crowd an arena in los angeles and millions will watch from around the world as family and friends
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say good-bye to the king of pop. michael jackson, the farewell, early this tuesday morning, july 7, 2009. good morning from the staples center in los angeles. this is a special edition of "the early show." i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. julie chen is on assignment. we are here for what promises to be the biggest memorial in this to town's history. maybe the biggest in the country. harry, we already see the press here and we're expecting the crowd to start lining up any minute now. >> it's such a confluence of conflict. because here is this amazing crowd of people. people who literally come from all over the world, just for the chance to get inside that building, to experience this
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memorial service. people are celebrating his music. celebrating his artistic contribution, yet so many questions hang over this entire event why did this man die so young? why was he so isolated in his later years? there are many more answers -- many more questions than there are answers on a day like today. >> and the people who do not have a wristband and ticket will not be allowed anywhere near here this is what you need to have to get in. this gold wristband will get you into michael jackson's memorial and this will get you inside. this is the ticket. 8,750 people got two tickets each to michael jackson's memorial service, out of more than 1.6 million who registered online to get them. these are already on sale on the internet which is illegal, and the lapd is really cracking down on that. they say it is disrespectful for
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people to be selling these. they are looking for scalpers this morning. >> the memorial service will get under way a little while this morning. and more than 17,500 tickets given out, despite more than 1 million requests on line. stevie wonder and mariah carey expected to perform it will be simulcast in dozens of theaters nationwide. the jackson family will hold a private funeral at forest lawn cemetery in the hollywood hills. bill whitaker is there now with more. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. today is the day the world finally says farewell to the king of pop, michael jackson. as you said, it all begins here later this morning at forest lawn cemetery, nestled in the hollywood hills for the small, private ceremony for family and close friends. they managed to escape the crowds, but not the cameras.
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an intimate group of michael jackson's family and friends gathered for what might be their final private viewing. moments before the public gathering at staples center it began at sun set with a security lockdown at forest lawn cemetery in the hollywood hills. on the ground, a massive hollywood presence, keeping fans away as sister la toya arrived and brother randy. here at a building called the hall of liberty, a hearse backed to the doors and a kafkt taken inside. there was no burial. the gathering was brief and all appearances peaceful. a far different atmosphere at court. chaos outside as a judge took control of the estate away from catherine jackson, naming the king of pop's former business associates, john mclean and john
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briocca, in control of the estate. >> there will be a lot that will be done. sending out crease and desist letters for those who are bootlegging and pirating merchandise. >> reporter: then earnings. perhaps $50 million per year for his image, his music, his name. >> as troubled as his financials have been the past several years, he will be more sound financially in death than he was in life. >> reporter: after the service here, the family will take the relatively short drive downtown to the big, relatively flashy, public ceremony at the staples center. harry. >> bill whitaker, thanks. for more on the security on today's memorial it will be unprecedented and "early show" national correspondent jeff has
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more. >> reporter: there was talk of a million people crowding the streets of downtown los angeles. police have been actively discouraging people who don't have tickets from showing up. right now, we do know that 20,000 or so who do have tickets. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: lucky online lottery winners had just one day to make their way to dodgers stadium to pick up tickets and wrist bands. >> we prayed and everything. >> i have never won anything in my life and i won the tickets and it's like so surreal. >> reporter: still, police have a warning for ticket holders. >> it should be a celebration, a wonderful event, but don't disrespect anyone by trying to sell those tickets. >> reporter: this fan came all the way from australia, hoping he won the ticket lottery and did not. >> i had probably watch it on tv at least. >> reporter: across town,
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prchgprchgs preparations for the memorial are taking place between a basketball game and a three-ring circus coming to town on wednesday. >> if folks do not have a ticket, not credentialed, they will not be in an area where they can see anything. >> reporter: a tourism influx could generate $4 to $5 million, at least $2 million for extra police. for a local government already half a billion in debt. are you happy with the whole way this is being handled? >> i would love for somebody to pick up the entire tab. that would be great. >> reporter: this morning, one l.a. council member is calling on the promoter aeg to pick up the entire cost of this. not only what happens inside, but also protecting people on surrounding streets. among the big names who will not be here, elizabeth taylor, whitney houston, and debbie
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rowe. back to you. >> thank you, jeff glor. spearheading the massive security effort is chief william br bratten. you were telling everybody to stay home unless they have the wristbands and the tickets. but what if they show up? are you ready for an onslaught of that many people? >> we have more people here today than we had for the parade. we really just do not how many people will actually show up, so we're prepared for anything, also prepared to deescalate very quickly this is costing a lot of money, so if we don't get the crowds we are expecting, we will very quickly redeploy our personnel. >> this is costing a lot of money. 2.5 milli$2.5 million. the city has a budget deficit. how will you pay for this? >> we are using a lot of on-duty
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personnel. the lakers parade ended up being paid for private donations, and i know city council members are reaching out to see if business members can help out with this one. >> you are working with the dea and the state's attorney. are you any closer to finding out who gave michael jackson the prescripti prescription? >> we are talking to a number of doctors, a number of friends, and until we get the toxicology reports back to give us a definitive cause of death, we are hampered by that. but we're expecting that within the next week or two, and hopefully it will point us in a direction to allow the investigation to come to a conclusion. >> is his personal physician, conrad murray, in the clear absolutely? >> no one is in the clear at the moment. we are awaiting the toxicology reports, and i can anticipate that that will accelerate the investigation once we have that
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information. >> chief william bratton, thank you. good luck to you. >> all the best. >> now over to you, harry. >> we are joined here by the reverend jesse jackson, who spent time with this family. have they had even a minute to mourn? >> no, not very much. the good news is that a strong and a big family, and very religious centered. the grand matriarch of the family, catherine, mrs. jackson was speaking to her kids. i've lost my son, i've lost my baby. michael was a good boy. they trusted each other. that's why he bequeathed the will to her. the joy, almost redemptive.
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but they didn't hear from the doctor. and the coroner didn't hear from the doctor. his car was impounded. there was a lawyer some of then in part it becomes an investigation. so that dimension took them far afield. >> and the police are knocking on the door with a search warrant. >> knocking on the doors, and as i said, in part becomes an investigation. then the custody of the children, his mega business empire. all of that just kept -- >> what does the family want to get out of today? >> one level to get this part over. because there is so much to be done. people's response to michael must be gratifying. given the hits he's taken in the last ten years, to see michael
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appreciated, and the jacksons appreciated. we are focusing on the glamor of hollywood, but the family, 11 people. the boys and their parents in one room. the girls in another bedroom. out of that comes with a praying mother, she made all of their uniforms many a father, a welder and print operator, teaching dance and music at night and out of that, becomes the number one musical family in the whole world. out of that came a structure and family values, and i think that -- what happened in that household is really to be pri praised. >> people who came from a similar place to that, attached their emotions to their
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ascendency. >> the little white house in the side of the street is akin to the big white house in washington, d.c. the impact on inspiring people, i think the family -- the impact, the cultural impact on the world. >> very, very quickly. anything you saw in your entire encounters with michael jackson that would lead you to believe there was credence in any of sordid allegations against him? >> no. we spent tough times together, like during the neverland crisis, and he restructured his business, spent a lot of private time together. and his strong business vision. a lot of the stuff that's out, i miss that. i really did. i found in michael a good mind, lots of joy, and i'll remember him for his music and for his
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joy. >> reverend jackson, thank you. good to see you. >> you bet. >> one thing we rarely saw is michael with his children. now you are about to see michael in a very different role. as a father in an "early show" exclusive. the first part of this video was shot in a studio where his oldest son, prince, was only 18 months old. the later part is when prince was three years old. >> did you sleep good? >> yes. >> real good? >> yes. >> did you have good dreams? >> yeah. i see a baby? >> where? >> right here. >> who's baby is that? >> i don't know. >> now, let me see. i'm going to move over here. prince, what do you think you want to do today? >> i don't know. i'm going to go to school today. >> you're going to go to school. what do you learn in school? >> i learn my abcs. >> really? can you say your abcs?
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>> abcde -- >> keep going. >> hiknopqrstuv, wx, y, and z. >> exactly. >> going to play games? >> paris, here. >> everyone that we have talked to since michael jackson's death, everyone who knew him says he lived for those children, and in many ways, he tried to be an equal to them. >> which is part of the conundrum i guess, the whole question of his entire adult life was this sort of idea that he could be that. he could continue to be a child. >> yeah. we will explore that later in the program. first, time to get our first check of the weather. dave price is here as well. good morning,
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>> good morning to you, maggie. quarter mile perimeter right around the staples center right now. you see the helicopters and police. what you don't see are crowds at this point. and it looks like it will stay that way for a good little while. a march of 11 asian elephants loading into the staples center in the next few minutes from wri wringling brothers. a media circus and real circus. thunderstorms heavy in new england. watch for gusty winds and hail. temperatures in the 60s. rain continues in the gulf coast after much-needed soaking yesterday. rest of the south stays dry. sunny day and mild in ohio and thunderstorms over the western plains. that's a quick loo>
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maggie and harry, back to you. just outside the perimeter right now on figero in downtown l.a. >> thank you. up next, where we hear the choppers roaring overhead for this massive event, we'll talk about the outpouring of emotion reaching all the way to russia and president obama. find out what he thinks about today's memorial. and the latest on what could be a bitter custody battle over jackson's children. ( crack of bat, cheering )
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we're back at the staples center in los angeles, where the michael jackson memorial will take place in a few hours. this is what president obama had to say about that this morning. >> certain figures in our popular culture that capture people's imaginations, and in death, they become even larger. now, i have to admit that it's also fed by a 24/7 media that is insatiab insatiable. this portion of "the early show" sponsored by pro lift deeple cream. see deep wrinkles reducing in just two weeks.
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hello, again, at that minutes past 7:00. busy morning on the promenade. a lot walkers and runners and the two boats are out on the water this afternoon. sharon will update you on vehicular traffic and it is meteorologist bernadette woods in for marty over at first warning weather. >> it is a beautiful morning throughout for sure. okay, temperature-wise around the region between the sunshine and the low humidity and the comfortable temperatures, coming in at 65 in baltimore. 71 down at the ocean. 63 degrees out in oakland. as we head through the afternoon, a cold front coming our way. we will get up tole 5 degrees. we will see a-- 85 degrees. we will see additional clouds and the slightest chance for a late-day shower or thunderstorm as the front comes through and everything dies down overnight. partly cloudy. 62 degrees. over the next five days, eventually we will warm it up but not until we hit the weekend. now for a check the roads.
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here is sharon. >> hi, bernadette. good morning, everyone. picked up a few problems overall. but a very quiet morning. one accident on the top side on the outer loop between charles and 83. blocking the right lane. it is on the shoulder. no delays behind it. one accident in parkview. east joppa at oakley. delays, sluggish between security and edmondson. a three-minute ride there. 95-five-minute setback between whitewhite marsh and the beltway in the southbound lane. back over to you. >> thank you. in the news, police are still investigating the death of two boys found lying on the light rail tracks in baltimore county on sunday. one died that day. the other died yesterday. eyewitness news and mary bubala have their story. >> reporter: don, the boys were found on the light rail tracks just south of the light rail station behind me, and the family stay says a key piece of evidence is missing, the boys' bikes they were riding when they left home on sunday, the mta has identified the victims. both were 17 years old.
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wonkmiller who is from lutherville died sunday. peterson died monday at a trauma center. officials don't know what happened to the teens. there was no obvious evidence that the boys had been hit by the train. police are reviewing surveillance videos and audio tapes from several trains and interviewing witnesses. the family believes the boys were badly beaten before being hit by the train, don. >> thank you very much, mary. good news for local general motors employees. it is time to go back to work, the gm powertrain transition plant in white mare somebody back open for business. 250 workers will be called back in and will get the plant back up to full production levels. the plant closed for eight weeks to cut costs. another rough game for orioles visiting the mariners. adam jones struggled at the plate but the mariners hit often and well and the orioles lose 5-0. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, more on michael jackson. the latest on what will happen to his children.
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♪ >> we are live at the staples center in los angeles. where later this morning at least 17,000, maybe many, many more people will converge for what promises to be the biggest celebrity sendoff, maybe in history. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. they will come here to celebrate the career of a man who became the best selling artist of all time, but whose fame came at a great personal price. many people say he was never happy. he was certainly plagued with controversy in life and even in death. >> it's been so interesting in the last week or so to go back and look at the ed bradley interview from "60 minutes" and watch him away from the stage. watch him in this sort of
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isolation, that in its own way was sort of so sad. seemed so sad. because someone with so much talent that brought so much joy to so many people lived this other life that just didn't feel like it was in concert with the rest of everything. >> two different people. >> we'll talk more about that in a little while. of course, there will just be the press here is phenomenal. the amount of press that has descended here from literally all over the planet, we're sitting along the row here with camera position after camera positive after camera position which goes the better part of a block. satellite trucks all over the place. this is sort of the sent every -- center of the universe for the next half a day or so. michael jackson's death brought his ex-wife debbie rowe back into the limelight. will she try and regain custody of two of his children? one thing is for certain.
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rowe is not happy with all of the media attention. kelly cobiella joins us from the jackson family home in encino with more. good morning, kelly. >> reporter: good morning, harry. even at this early hour, we have seen cars coming and going at the jackson family property. one face you will not see, certainly not here and not at the memorial is that of debbie rowe, the mother of jackson's two oldest children, prince michael and paris. she said she decided to stay away because of the intense media focus on her. she says the focus today should be on michael. jackson has been a single parent for all these years and for the first time, we're getting an intimate look at what he was like with his children. >> good move. very good. >> daddy. we live in a castle like this. >> reporter: a rare, exclusive glimpse of michael jackson, the father. >> did you have breakfast? >> yes. >> reporter: friends say jackson
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was a doeting parent. >> he was loving. he broke into songs and sang with them. >> reporter: we've learned even dressing his children in masks was something of a game. >> he told me that this was a private joke against the media. the kids loved it. they all planned it together. i'm going to wear this veil, no, this color, no this mask. >> reporter: according to others close to jackson, his children are surprisingly normal. >> they are very conversational. smart, funny. they are very politely. >> reporter: but the kids may be caught in a tug of war between jackson's mother catherine and ex-wife debbie rowe. in family photos published in a tabloid, rowe looks every bit the role of mother, yet the stress of it all is showing. >> are you ready to fight for your children? >> are you ready to get your butt kicked? don't touch me. >> reporter: rowe is staying
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away from the memorial, saying she would be an unnecessary distraction. >> she is not looking to cause trouble or a heartache for the children. they are close to catherine and right now she's respecting that. >> reporter: whoever does eventually get permanent custody of these children will also likely get an allowance, a monthly allowance from the jackson estate to help care for them. the first hearing in this custody battle will be next monday. harry, maggie. >> kelly, thank you so much. joining us now is stuart backerman, michael jackson's former publicist and adviser. >> good morning. >> you know debbie rowe, right? >> yes, i do. >> you have not been in contact with her since michael's passing? >> no, i haven't. >> do you think she is the best person to raise these children? >> to tell you the truth, you have to go back in time. debbie came to michael's aid on a number of occasions in two
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instances, she was critical. one was after the martin bashir frenzy. >> that was right around the time of him holding the child over the balcony. >> that's correct. number two is that during the trial of the century when michael was charged with child molestation, debbie was a prosecution witness and she came forth and really blew the prosecution case out of the water, because she said michael was a wonderful person, that michael would never harm a child. that michael was fantastic with his kid and that, to many people, put it over the top in terms of the jury deciding not guilty. so she's come to his aid in a number of cases this is after the 2002 will. and so she cares for michael. michael's will came out. that was prepared, and in that will, michael made it very clear he wanted his mother to be the
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custodial parent for the children. and i would be very surprised if debbie would want to stir the pot, create a big scene, so to speak, and a messy court case, given that she really did care for michael. i don't think she wants to go against the family. >> what about this rumor/story, whatever you want to call it, that she, in fact, may not be the biological mother of those children? any credence? does that rub right to you at all? >> no, i believe very strongly that she was the biological mom for the two older kids. i don't think there's a question about that. and i think she would be able to prove that if it came to that. >> i want to ask you about today's memorial. i'm holding this ticket for this memorial and it strikes me, screaming fans, all this press, a live broadcast, ticket and wristband to get in? is this a michael jackson concert or michael jackson funeral? it's almost like he's dying the
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way that he lived. >> it's interesting, because it's a contradiction in a way with the police presence, on one hand and it's a memorial in essence, sort of like a sad type of event, but on the other hand, it's going to music and entertainment, because that's who he was. a great entertainer and great performer. almost like his life, a contradiction in terms. >> very much so. >> that's the story of the morning thus far. stuart, thank you so much. let's check incbcbcb once m with dave. he's here at the staples center with a look at the weather. good morning, dave. >> good morning, guys. just about a quarter mile away from you. you can see the jersey barrier set up. and fans are not going to be allowed to get past really those metal guard posts across the street on picco boulevard and figuer figueroa. in a couple of minutes, we'll see another complication. the ringling brothers circus
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beginning to load 11 elephants this morning. that circus starts when this circus, if you will, begins to end. when the media pulls out the memorial service is done. more on that in a little while. right now, let's check the weather across the country and see what's happening. put up the maps. sunny and mild in ohio and through the ohio valley and the lower midwest and temps around 70 degrees. a beautiful day in the rockies. sunny and gorgeous on the west coast. rain returns to the northeast with thunderstorms. watch it if you are flying into new england. gusty winds and delays. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. hail a possibility. rain condititinues on the gulf coast. the rest of the south stays dry and not too hot starting out with a beautiful morning out there. 65 degrees is the current temperature. as we head through the afternoon, we are going to warm it up into the 80s once again, but the difference today is the
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cold front is coming down from the north. as he was talking about some thunderstorms over new england. we are going to be right on the fringe of the possibility of a shower or thunderstorm. a small chance, but it is there. then that front is out of here for tomorrow. more clouds on thursday. and there was a warm-up as we head toward the weekend. that's a quick look at your weather picture. harry, you may hear breakup in my audio, that's because helicopters flying all above us right now and all of these different broadcast outlets create kind of a chaos when it comes to transmitting signals. over to you. >> we hear the choppers too. >> wouldn't be the first time we had our signals crossed. there you go. guess who is here? mary hart. >> great to be here with you guys on this very special day. >> lots to talk about with mary hart when we come back. ♪ i'm asking him to change his
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♪ well, it is a chilly, almost cold morning here in los angeles. which is what it's like here in the summertime. m mary hart here to talk about memories of michael jackson. you interviewed him a bunch of times. you had access that few others really did. you got to see him as the musical genius. >> harry, it was so special. back in the late '80s, when he was setting up his bad tour, michael invited me to come down to pensacola, florida and watch him rehearse in the anticipation of the big launch in kansas city, just a month later.
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so i flew to pensacola, florida, and i don't know if you remember, michael had a great fear of flying. there was a hurricane that flown through and it took him a day and a half to get down there. we were down there, but i had the rare opportunity to watch him rehearse, watch michael jackson in action with his singers, dancers, musicians, and to watch that for hours, you never had a doubt about who was the boss, who was the real genius there. the details of the dancers, every little move, whether there was a guitar slightly out of tune, it was michael who was in charge. we didn't do an interview at that point. but a month later, he said come to kansas city, i want you to be with me as i launch this tour. 40,000 screaming fans in this arena. i was with michael for the prayer that they did beforehand and saw him get prepped and ready to go. then he grabbed my hand, we walked out on the stage together, and this was the very
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shy, very meek michael jackson, almost frail. >> i remember you talking about him shaking. >> harry and maggie, it was the strangest thing and the moment we got out on stage, hand in hand, 40,000 people, he gently let my hand go, and he turned into the magician. i mean, it was -- >> that's remarkable. >> it's truly one of the most remarkable things i have ever seen in my life. he was whispering. he doesn't look nervous there, but i could feel him shaking. >> and that is the michael jackson that everybody here is coming to remember. but the other michael jackson. the quiet, the sad, the enigmatic michael jackson, why do you think it is that people are sort of putting that out of their mind? all the controversy and negativity? >> because he was so great. because i think we all have so many incredible memories after that concert. he invited me up to his suite and we had dinner together and
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spent two hours talking, and he gave me a gift at the end of the evening. we talked just like the three of us would sit and talk over dinner. just the two of us. you know, he always ate very healthy. but his private chef indian food. we talked about what he liked to. his life was so isolated and lonely. >> we'll see a lot more on "entertainment tonight." so great to see you. >> good to see both of you. >> we'll be right back. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal;
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hello, again, five minutes before 8:00. a live look down light street on federal hill and across south baltimore. it is one gorgeous day start. sharon will have the latest on the get up and go and meteorologist bernadette woods over in the first warning weather center. >> it really is is a beauty out there. where we are starting out the day temperature-wise around this day. generally in the 60s to low 70s, the farther southeast you go, 59 degrees right now in cumberland. as we head through the afternoon, with we are going to see more clouds move into the picture. and just the slightest chance for a late-day shower or thunderstorm as a front crosses by the region. now tonight we will drop down into the 60s. mostly dry throughout the day and with he could see fog form and we remain cool as we head into the day tomorrow. now for a check on roads, here is sharon. >> hi, bern. good morning, everyone.
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one accident working this morning and a few delays. the accident on parkville on westbound east joppa road at oakley road. looking at the right lane being blocked there. 70 eastbound just a little bit slow. 53 miles per hour average speed between marriotsville and 29. the west side outer loop, looking at delays from 795 to edmondson. 10-minute ride from harford to charles with an average speed of 32 miles per hour. we are not really looking bad at all on 95 southbound at white marsh. this traffic report brought to you by subway. try the new chipolte cheesesteak and juicy steak layered with chipolte salsa. subway eat fresh. back over to you. police are still investigating the death of two teens found on a light rail track in baltimore county on sunday. one died that day, the other died yesterday. eyewitness news and mary bubala stay on the story. >> reporter: don, the boys were found on the light rail tracks just south of the light rail station behind me, and the
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family says a key piece of evidence is missing, the boy's bikes they were riding when they left home on sunday. the mta has identified the victims as connor peterson and kyle wonkmiller, both 17 years old. kyle died sunday at a nearby hospital. peterson died monday at the trauma center. mta officials don't know what happened to the teens. no obvious evidence that the boys had been hit by the train. police are reviewing surveillance video and auto tapes from several trains and interviewing witnesses. the families believe the boys were badly beaten rather than being hit by the trains. up next, more on michael jackson's memorial. a live update from forest lawn cemetery in los angeles.
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♪ i am here with you though are you far away snli am here this day ♪ welcome back to the staples center. the stage set for the michael jackson memorial. we're getting ready in a couple of hours, at least 17,000 people will converge for a star-studded tribute to the late michael jackson. >> before we do anything else, i want to get over to dave price who has been out and about here around the staples center and among the things that's going to happen later this morning is there will be live animals inside the staples center and
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dave has more on that. >> explain why. >> i've got to tell you, this is one of the oddest things i've ever seen. let's roll in this direction right here. look at this traffic jam in the last little while. you think it's people beginning gather for the michael jackson memorial. but it's not.t.t. they just paraded 11 asian elephants down here, because they are loading the ringling brothers & bar um and bailey service. they had to delay the load in because of the memorial service. traffic is backed up. some of the people out and about on the sidewalks right now simply came out to see that. so it's a busy early morning here, but we'll wait and see if fans actually begin to show up to wait to see if they can get into the memorial or if they are looky lous watching to see the animals roll on by. maggie and harry. >> it's so interesting. it seems almost appropriate. because there is a circus feel, very much so. the press is here, are you expecting screaming fans.
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the barricades, a ticket and wristband to get in this is unlike anything we have ever seen. see the murals that people lined up for hours to sign yesterday. they lined up just to get the chance to sign a mural. they didn't see anything, they just wanted to be part of it. >> and be in this neighborhood. be in this neighborhood where everything is going to happen in just a few hours. >> before people come here, the jackson family is planning to have a private funeral at a cemetery nearby. cbs news correspondent bill whitaker is here with more. >> reporter: good morning, maggie. a small, family service scheduled here at forest lawn for later this morning with all of the frenzy and worldwide attention focused on the death of michael jackson and the big public tribute later on, the family is trying hard to keep this ceremony private. sources tell cbs news there was no burial last night.
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at sunset, a coffin believed to be carrying the king of pop was taken into a building call the hall of liberty. an int mitt group of family and friends gathered there, including la toya and randy. a security force locked down the area around forest lawn cemetery in the hollywood hills. those arriving passed numerous checkpoints to reach the viewing hall. fans were kept away. many believed this was a chance for a select few to privately mourn before a formal ceremony here and a public memorial at staples center. now, once they passed beyond these gates, the family may find the quiet space they seek before turning to the big stage downtown and the cameras and the public for the world to say farewell. maggie, harry. >> cbs' bill whitaker in the hollywood hills. thank you. let's go back to new york, where
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russ mitchel is standing by at the news desk. south carolina police say the serial kill whoever terrorized the town of gaffney is dead. he was killed yesterday in a shootout with police just north of the state line in north carolina. burris' gun matched the one used in five recent murders in and around gaffney. president obama says the peaceful, and prosperous russia. relations between the u.s. and russia was the key topic during this morning's two-hour meeting between the president and prime minister vladmir putin. chip reid is in moscow this morning. >> reporter: good morning, russ. i sat down with an interview with president obama shortly after his meeting with prime minister putin. he described putin as "unsentimental, shrewd and tough." he thinks the summit is going extremely well. is he pleased with the agreement
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to reduce nuclear arsenals. he says that's important to set an example for the rest of the world, the hopes that other countries, even iraq -- excuse me, iran and north korea will follow their lead. >> the notion here is that if the united states and russia, as the two leading nuclear superpowers, say we are going to abide by our commitments in the nonproliferation treaty, which we haven't done. we said we would reduce stockpiles, we haven't been aggressive about that, that gives us the moral standing to say how we invigorate the nonproliferation treaty more broadly. once you do that. then you've got an international community that is collectively focused on the issue. >> do you worry about the possibility of war with north korea? how close are we? >> i don't think that any war is imminent with north korea. i think they understand they would be overwhelmed in a serious military conflict with the united states. >> reporter: shifting gears, i
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asked the president if he is surprised by the outpouring of emotion back in the u.s. over michael jackson. >> i think we saw when elvis died in a different way, you saw it when frank sinatra died, when john lenin died. there are certain figures in our popular culture that capture people's imaginations and in death they become even larger. >> reporter: later today, the president meets with opposition leaders. tomorrow, he heads for italy for a major economic summit and a meeting with the pope. russ. >> chip reid in moscow, thank you very much. michelle obama continued her own visit to moscow this morning, accompanied by the wife of the russian president. they went to a hospital and orphanage. she invited the orphans to accompany her and daughters malia and sasha to a folk performance.
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let's go back out west to dave price with another check of the weather. >> good morning to you, russ. we were talking a while ago this has taken on the atmosphere of a show in and of itself. we're joined by chris right now. are you not a micha jackson fan, right? >> no, not really. >> and you're not from this neighborhood? >> no. >> what are you doing? >> trying to make some money. we have ice cold water for $2. >> 700 waters, $2 a pop. hoping make a quick $1,400 this morning? >> something like that. >> hoping for a big crowd? >> hopefully. >> have you people selling everything from water to t-shirts to memorabilia, and, again, that's what gives it kind of a carnival atmosphere, especially right around the perimeter outside where you don't need a wristband or ticket to get in. much more ahead from this area in a little while. in the meantime, let's take a check of the weather see what's happening across the country. rain will continue to rumble in the gulf, right after
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yesterday's much-needed showers. rest of the south dry, with temperatures in the 80s. rain returning to the northeast across this afternoon. thunderstorms and could see heavy rain in new england, with gusty wind and hail possible. temperates in the 60s and low 70s. sunny and mild in the ohio valley and temps around 70 degrees and right out here on the west coast, beautiful, the rockies all the way out to the coast of california, oregon and wa> for us, it is a gorgeous morning out there. want to show you temperatures around the area. we are coming in -- oh, just jumped up to 70 degrees right now. the wind picking up out of the west. as we head to the afternoon, we are going to top out in the mid-80s. the difference today versus the past couple of days. additional clouds around and that is because a front is coming through. the slightest chance for a late-day shower or thunderstorm. but most of us will probably not going to see anything from that. below average for the next few days and warm it up
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this weather report, sponsored by the mercedes-benz you must experience. the amazing "e" class. >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. the big question is, does chris make his $1,400, or is bill bratton and the police department right in their estimate that people will stay away. you are a quarter mile away, where you see the purple glow in the background. we'll continue to watch right around the staples center. >> thank you very much, dave. up next, michael jackson tried to live like peter pan. we'll go inside his attempts to never grow old, here on "the early show." >> an icon. to us, michael is family. and he will forever live in all of our hearts.
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ask your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. we're getting a live picture from above forest lawn, where the actual memorial will take place presumably later on this morning. a lot of activity as we've reported on family members in and out. >> this is a beautiful cemetery. you can see the green lawn, it has a spectacular view, and many celebrities buried there. ed mcmahon, david carradine, and michael jackson. he long ago adopted the mantra i'll never grow up. but his neverland was the carefree place of the fictional
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story. >> reporter: in many ways, michael jackson didn't have a childhood. ♪ abc, easy as 1, 2, 3 >> reporter: by eleven, michael was the lead singer of the world's biggest boy band. but success didn't bring happiness. instead, loneliness and fear seemed to consume him. ♪ >> reporter: did he ever beat you? >> yes. >> the psychological impact on michael was being raised by a father like joseph jackson lasted his entire lifetime. >> reporter: yet, despite, or maybe because of his apparently agonizing childhood. >> those are very sad, sad years for me. >> reporter: michael jackson spent most of his time, energy and money, trying to be young again. he went through countless cosmetic surgeries to regain his boyish cute looks, created his
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fantasy version of what the ideal childhood looks like. >> i'm peter pan in my heart. >> reporter: and he surrounded himself with those he wanted to be like. saying his best friends in the world were children. >> children, as he said, are the face of god. they are the one people in this world you can truly trust. >> reporter: michael very well may be the most famous man in the world. >> but it seemed all he wanted was to be an innocent child. >> reporter: he a difficult time coping with all of the problems he was facing in life. we all deal with these things in different ways, some people isolate in this case, we see somebody who regresses, who becomes more like a child. >> reporter: in the end, instead of peter pan, michael seemed to remain a lost boy. >> actor and body builder lou ferrigno was a good friend of michael jackson. he's with us live this morning. >> good morning, lou.
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we know you were training him for his upcoming concert tour for the last few months, right? how did he appear to you healthwise? >> we have been together for 20 years and i trained him 20 years ago. i kept it quiet and private. at the tomb i trained him, he wanted to get ready for the tour and i knocked out a routine, because making a comeback 20 years later, that's going to be a big challenge both physically and mentally. he's very animated and motivated to do it. it convinced me he was going to milwaukee a big comeback. >> as you were working with him, though, how did he appear physically? was he physically able to take on this task of this giant series of concerts in england? >> it was great. he started out training and a lot of core exercises with the exercise ball and resistance bands. he showed no signs of tiredness or pain. he was very animated and
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motivated. >> you said it wasn't in your opinion the physical strain of this routine that killed him. you said it was this coll assal debt, the stress of that. do you believe that? >> yes. we're talking about the $400 million in debt and people were very skeptical of him. plus having three children, plus the choreography and cameras. he was wearing too many hats and too much for him. >> did he express that to you? >> no. i would train him and he would go straight to the staples center. nonstop, nonstop. he would eat like once a day. >> he would eat once a day? >> yeah, one meal a day. he's always been a night owl. >> did you see any signs of prescription drug abuse? >> no. >> no? >> no. >> no slowness, nothing because
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of being intoxicated with all of the substances? >> no, he came down wearing black suit, white t-shirt, black socks, black shoes. i didn't see any signs, and he was animated. quick, agile. >> ready to go. >> yeah. >> which is marked contrast to some of the other things we've heard. lou, thank you for stopping by. >> thank you. >> thank you very, very much. >> we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. he had an enormous gift and he also lived by that gift that you're given, you should use. and he used it to the utmost, to the best of his ability. he was phenomenal. ♪
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we only shoot beautiful things you see. action. cut. mmm...she's had work done. cut it. take it all back to one. i yell cut. i know. shhh. excuse me.
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you've changed and i love it.
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mary hart joins us again outside the staples center here in los angeles. i want to take you back to 2000, to your many encounters with michael jackson, close personal conversations this is just before neverland ranch was raided. he asked you to come to las vegas. what was that experience like? you were supposed to interview him? >> it was unlike any of the other experiences, the michael jackson i had come to know and really appreciate and care about, that kind, very loving, very expressive person. las vegas was -- it was very strange. he insisted that i be the one to come and do the interview. whether i g
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when i got there, he gave me a big hug, but he whispered and said, mary, i can't talk today. i said what do you mean you can't talk today? we can't get down our people in l.a. i just can't. you know i love you. we've heard often that michael was expressive like that, and he did -- he was very vocal. he would say i love you, you know i love you. and he kept whispering in my ear and hugging me, saying i love you, i love you, please forgive me, i cannot talk today. needless to say, our whole crew and the expense we'd gone to and everything, and the anticipation, i wanted to do that interview. it did not happen that day and i left very disappointed and i will admit very angry. three days later, neverland ranch was raided. and i think that he was so panicked that there may have been a sense that something was up, that he just couldn't function, you know, in front of the cameras. >> mary hart, thank you. we're looking live at the procession from forest lawn
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hello, again, 25 minutes past 8:00. continues to be a nice day start as you look across the harbor and out into the bay. sharon will have why you are traffic in just a moment. meteorologist bernadette woods over at the first warning weather center. >> good morning, everybody. and beautiful morning it is. take a look at temperatures around the region. we are now up to 70 degrees in baltimore. 77 in ocean city. and out of the 50s in the mountains into the 60s. as we head through the afternoon, getting into the mid-80s for our highs. more clouds around today than we did see yesterday because of a front passing by. there is the slightest chance for a late-day shower or storm from it, but a very, very small chance. going down to 62 overnight. now for a look at the roads, here is sharon. good morning, sharon. >> hi, bern. good morning, everyone. as far as problems. we had the worst of the morning
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97 northbound right at the beltway. you can see two right lanes -- or two left lanes are blocked with a backup building there as well. meantime, only one other accident to report in the city on haven street at monument street. apparently a truck is wedged under the bridge. 295 southbound slow from the beltway to west nursery road and anne arundel mills boulevard down to 32. and also looking at typical delays on the west side of the beltway. a live look at the top side. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you suffered a personal injury, call the cochran firm at 1800-the-firm or visit the for a free consultation. in the news, still a lot of mystery surrounding death of two young men found on the light rail tracks in baltimore county over the weekend. eyewitness news and mary bubala have the latest. >> don, the boys were found on the light rail tracks just south of the light rail station behind me, and the family says a key piece of evidence is missing, the boys' bikes they were riding when they left home
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on sunday. the mta has identified the victims as connor peterson and kyle wonkmiller. both were 17 years old. one died sunday at a nearby hospital. peterson died monday at the trauma center. mta officials don't know what happened to the teens. no obvious evidence that the boy was hit by the train. they are reviewing surveillance video and auto from several trains as well as interviewing witnesses. the families believe the boys were badly beaten rather than being hit by the trains, don. >> thank you. governor martin o'malley is bringing the debate over same- sex marriages. he said is that . marriages from other states should probably be recognized here in maryland. doug gantsler is looking into the matter. more on michael jackson's memorial this afternoon. what fans can expect from the tribute. plus world reaction. what else is planned and what sells going on all across the globe to remember are michael
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>> illuminated with the amazing images of michael jackson throughout his career, as we've described a sort of phalanx of press and television that surrounds this place. and i don't think people know what to anticipate today. they don't really know what is going to happen inside that arena when stevie wonder takes the stage or when mariah carey takes the stage, or when people speak. what words are going to resonate and what is going to lend meaning to what has been this
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terrible tragedy over the last week or so. >> it promises to be emotional and it also promises to be a celebration of the career of michael jackson, in contrast with the private, family funeral preceding the event here at the staples center. let's go to bill whitaker at forest lawn cemetery for an update. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was relatively quiet around here until just a few short minutes ago, but then a long line of police cars came onto the grounds here of the cemetery. we encountered about 25 police cars. the police have been blocking off the roads here, trying to keep away, and doing a very good job, of keeping away the fans and public in general to try and give the family a private space here to say their private farewells. we know all about the frenzy around the world and we hear the crowds are building downtown. but here it is a quiet space. this cemetery has a long history
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of dealing with the funerals of movie stars. a number of them buried here. bette davis, just recently ed mcmahon. but i dare say none of this magnitude. back to you. >> no question. cbs' bill whitaker, thank you, bill. >> we want to go to dave price, standing by with another look at the weather. where are you now, dave? >> harry, right now we're at the corner of figueroa on the other side of the staples center and circuslike aatmosphere, but very calm. we saw the procession of the 11 asian elephants coming in to be part of the ringling brothers b barnum and bailey circus. some people camping out. some have the bands and others just want to be part of the festivity. remember, i was talking about
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the carnivallike atmosphere. all sorts of shirts for sale for $10 a piece. people selling buttons around this area. so a lot of people selling merchandise. turning this into a money-making event. a very quiet crowd. and if i can add, maybe a touch of levity this morning if not the i flux nflux of people, alm like the crowd of a clippers game. very quiet and maybe as daylight comes, more crowds will begin to let's take a check of the weather see what's happening across the country. 63 degrees and pleasant this morning in los angeles. lots of sunshine for the west coast. sunny and mild in the ohio valley and lower midwest. temperatures around 70 degrees. thunderstorms around the western plains. beautiful day from the rockies out here. rain continues in the gulf. much-needed rain and the rest of the south dry and not too hot with temperatures in the 80s.
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rain returns to the northeast, everyone. could see strong storms rolling through new england and could be accompanied by gusty wind> . it is a beautiful morning out there. we are starting out in the 60s. and we are now up to 70 degrees. we are going to continue to warm as we head throughout afternoon up into the 80s for our highs. as a cold front comes our way, we will see some additional clouds today over yesterday. and we are just going to get with that front. so a very small chance a shower or thunderstorm. most people will be dry throughout the day today. behind that front, this is what we have got going on. temperatures below average until the end of the week and the weekend. a quick look at your weather picture. this is what i was talking about earlier. he has 20,000 buttons printed up. how much are these? >> $5 a piece. or you can get three for $10. >> are you worried there is not a big crowd this morning?
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>> it's chilly, and it's early. people stay out late. but they will be here innive crowd. >> so says jose. we're on the perimeter. back to you. michael jackson's father, joe, expected to attend this morning's memorial. it is no secret michael and his father had a very strange relationship. ben tracy takes a lock at the superstar and his dad, good times and bad. ♪ where there is love i'll be there ♪ >> reporter: when michael jackson debuted as a member of the jackson five in 1968, his father was the driving force behind his kids' overwhelming success. >> there were times that michael's father was a bully from what michael recalled. and i think it's safe to say there was physical abuse as well. >> reporter: it's an allegation joe jackson denied, saying i never beat him.
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i whipped him with a stick and a belt. i never beat him. you beat someone with a stick. this is part of a bizarre, intelligence relationship between the two men that went on for decades. it was no secret as michael's star rose from "off the wall" to "thriller" and beyond that he pushed his father further away. when michael accused of child molestation. joe jackson showed up with him in court in 2005, perhaps a sign the two made amends. michael turned a corner with joe, when he himself became a father of three. >> i think michael began to realize that even though joe did many of the wrong things, perhaps he did them for the right reasons. >> reporter: even in death, their strange bond on display yet again. joe promoting a new music company during a press conference on his son's death. >> the company is called -- >> reporter: and michael excluding his dad from his estate in his final will. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> we have probably not heard
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the end of that. joining us for an exclusive interview is teddy riley. he produced the hugely popular "dangerous" and "invincible" albums. >> welcome. this is all a testament to michael jackson's career no. one in the world like michael jackson. why do you think that is, teddy? after working with him so closely? >> he's thehumanitarian, of all time this is bigger than the super bowl, bigger than fourth of july. i was just twittering -- i mean, it's crazy how everyone is out here. for such a great man. >> help us understand something. you have a world of people who appreciate is artistry, but few people got to sit next to him and say this is the creative process this is how it works. what was that experience? >> showed us how it works, and
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we go along with the plan, and he shakes us up a little. most of us as producers, we never produced anyone of the caliber of michael jackson. >> so you had to really like -- >> i had to really be like the producer like quincy and just say, michael, you know, this is right, this is what we need to do, and we did it. we -- he had to really shake me into it and get me into working with him. and he's such a great guy and just knowing him from being a kid, you never would dream to be in the same room with such a great man. >> at the time he worked with you, he was already transformed, some wasaould say evolved, some would say deteriorate. what was the difference between the performer you remembered as a kid and the one you met?
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>> i don't think there is a difference. he is still had music in him, so my favorite song is "music in me." and when i met him, that's all i heard in my head was that song. >> could you feel, though, everything that he been through by that point? >> oh, yes. >> could you feel that in him? >> yes. you could feel it. i think for the last -- first four days of knowing that it's, you know, just was his in my eyes, every time i hear the song, it's like -- it's such a great, incredible guy to have a voice such as he singing the songs like that. >> it's so interesting. it seems like are you experiencing what so many people who are millions of miles removed from michael jackson, they are just fans, just have a couple of plastic cd boxes and
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they love -- i'm feeling from you some of the same sort of adoration. >> yeah, i mean, they were only -- all of the fans out there, they were only out there being a fly on the wall as we conversate about everything. we talked about everything. there was always one i can think about, talk to. he was always one that you know, would treat me like i'm his little brother, when, you know, everybody always says michael is the kid. but he is also a big brother. he is one for me. >> teddy riley, thank you so much for subpoenai ispending ti this morning. the global outpouring of grove of the loss of michael jackson reminds us of the deaths of other cultural icons. elizabeth palmer takes a look back. >> reporter: on the day in 1997 when princess diana's casket, followed by royal mourners slowly wound its way through the london streets, 2.5 billion
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people, almost half the population of the planet at the time, were watching. ♪ good-bye english rose >> reporter: a funeral transformed by television into a global spectacle. and almost exactly 20 years before, when tv's reach was smaller, 80,000 people lined up outside graceland to say good-bye to elvis presley. >> this is unreal right now. i just can't believe it. i'm just numb. i'm in a days. >> reporter: the body of james brown, the king of funk and soul arrived at new york's apollo that'ser in a glass sided carriage. he was given a love packed funeral in augusta, georgia. >> i shall miss you. and i love you so much. and thank you for everything. >> reporter: today, fans will echo those sentiments worldwide as they watch the king of pop, michael jackson, take center
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stage for the very last time. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, london. >> and he will take sent every stage here at the staples center. his former producer, teddy riley, as he walked away, he said are you going to catch the show? that's very much what it is. in death, like in life, a big, spectacular plan to honor michael jackson here today. >> now here's dave. >> harry, we'll take it from you. here's the deal if have you two of these tickets and a gold wristband, you can walk across the street, past those barricades down a quarter of a mile to right where you are at the staples center. most people gathered around here don't have tickets or wrist bands, but they are here for part of the specious. two people who did come in for the special event.
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decka motanya and nick manousos. go back to when "off the wall" came out. you were -- >> pretty young or not born. >> right. >> so what has made you ravenous michael jackson fans? are you just here for the event? >> no. i'm a huge michael jackson fan. he's been around my entire life. his music has changed our society and pop culture. >> what is it costing both of to you per here? >> about $1,000 when it's all said and done. we booked flights last minute sunday evening and now we're here. >> $1,000. a lot of people could go on a great vacation and do great things with $1,000. why did this rank as one of those rare experiences for you? >> michael jackson is one of the great entertainers that the world will ever see.
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i'm honored and happy to be here for the celebration of his life. >> we honored his life, celebrated his career. do you recognize there are two very different michael jacksons, the artist and person? and are you conflicted as you come here today with those two different worlds? >> i'm not conflicted. this will be a celebration of his music, specifically because of the performers that will be here today and i think we're just going to sing and dance and have a good time inside. >> so far, it's been a little overwhelming, but everything great. >> do you think there will be huge crowds, or do you think they'll listen to commissioner bratton and we'll see a quiet periphe periphery? >> i think it's going to be pretty quiet, especially from what we saw yesterday at dodger stadium. not many people there at all. it was kind of surprising. i think maybe people had a difficult time getting tickets and flights over here so quickly. >> we'll wait and find out exactly how many empty seats there are inside staples and how many people gather outside this
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periphery. thank you for joining thus morning. we appreciate it. here are your tickets. >> thank you. >> harry, maggie, back over to you. >> surprise they trusted dave. even for a second with the coveted ticket. i have it right here and no one is touching it. no one is touching it. coming up, a unique tribute to michael jackson's musical legacy. we'll be right back. ♪ >> i hope people remember the joy, the love, and entertainment that michael brought to their lives. that's going to be his legacy. you know, people focus on other stuff they want, but for me, it's just music. 0011231][v:t
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i love him. i know he's at peace now. he lived a life that wasn't peaceful. but he left us with so much music and many magical moments and my prayers to his family. ♪ >> take me back to your teenage years, michael jackson ascends, ascends, ascends. he was really at the apex of his power and career and creative ability and is selling more albums than any human being ever. this is like your youth. >> there was never a period in my life that michael jackson's music did not exist. in my teenage years, it was the heyday. i was 13 when "thriller" came out. glued to the tv, watching mtv.
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knew all the lyrics. my first concert. it was huge. a huge part of my life. and that's why so many people have reacted this way. because michael jabson's music has been around for generations. people grew up with it. >> it's interesting to me, i was on the radio when elvis died. and there really are so many parallels here, and the very haunting thing that michael said to lisa pressley about i may end up like your father did, and the sense of elvis coming from, you know, absolutely poverty in tupelo, mississippi, what reverend jackson was saying about this little white house, four-room house, this family, this crucible of a work ethic and creativity and what came out of that. all of that sort of culminates here today. >> and there is a feeling, not of mourning, but of celebration as people get ready to remember michael jackson today.
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>> remember, michael jackson's memorial begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern and "48 hours" has a prime time special called the last dance. see both right here on cbs. we look back on michael jackson's musical legacy. dave sat down with two people who knew the king of pop very well. see you soon. >> the songs michael jackson wrote and recorded revealed a great artist, but a troubled and complicated man. where do you discern who this complicated person really was? >> i would say mostly his lyrics. >> music critic steven ivory has written about and known the king of pop for decades. how did he come up with what he wrote? >> just how he felt. he wrote what he felt. >> and often he felt inspired at his neverland ranch, nestled in the branches of his favorite tree. >> this tree at neverland, i
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call it my giving tree, because i light to write songs up there. i've written many songs up there. >> songs about universal themes like love, pain, and hope. ♪ we are the world let's make a brighter day and start giving ♪ >> you hear this music about change and making the world better and healing, yet, we watched this soul spiral. >> you know, it's quite interesting in pop music. some of the most inspiring songs come from artists who don't always live that way. >> song writer and music producer glen ballard worked side by side with michael jackson on hits like "man in the mirror." how does michael jackson's music reflect his soul? >> i think the music is enormously graceful and vibrant and sexy all at the same time.
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he really was hearing his fantasies, his dreams. >> if you really want to know about me, there's a song i wrote just the most honest song i've ever written. it's called "childhood." >> when you listen to that song now, it's all there. the pain, the bittersweet angst that this guy had about his life. >> and what's left? >> what's left is this legacy of great music and also this legacy of this darkness and this dysfunction that affects a little of all of discuss we all have a little in us and hopefully we can balance it as we go through life. >> and heal the world. >> and heal the world.
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hello, five minutes before 9:00. it another glorious day start. another one in our string, i guess. but looks a little murky in that shot, but i think it is just the angle of the sun. meteorologist bernadette woods over in the first warning weather center. >> it is another beautiful morning. we have seen so many great shots this morning and temperatures are comfortable too. take you around the region and show what you we have got going on. 70s in baltimore. 60s on the mountain. up to 7. degrees down at the ocean. if you were lucky enough to be down there. mix of clouds and sunshine as we head through the day. that is what we are expecting as the cold front comes in from the north. a slightest chance of the late- day shower. a very small chance and going down 62 degrees. don. >> thank you very much. in the news this morning, investigators continue to look at the deaths of two teenagers found along -- found along the light rail track in lutherville, baltimore county
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on sunday. one died that day. another died yesterday. eyewitness news and mary bubala have details. don, the boys were found on the light rail tracks just south of the light rail station behind me, and the family says a key piece of evidence is missing, the boy's bikes they were riding when they left only on sunday. the mta has identified the victims as connor peterson and kyle wonkmiller. both were 17 years old. one died on sunday at a nearby hospital. peterson died monday at a trauma center. they don't know what happened to the teens. no obvious evidence that the boys had been hit by the train. police are reviewing surveillance videos and autotapes from several trains as well as interviewing witnesses. the families believe the boys were beaten rather than being hit by the trains, don. >> thank you. good news for local general motors employees. it is time for them to go back to work. the gm plant is back open. 250 workers will get the plant
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back up to full production levels. it closed for eight weeks to help gm cut costs. new details about the woman found shot to death along former ravens quarterback steve mcnair. sahel kazimi purchased the gun that was found at the murder scene. mcnair was shot four times and he was definitely murdered. ballistic test also tell if she was murdered by someone else or committed suicide. the u.s. circuit court of appeals rejected defense arguments that blake's confession took place after an illegal investigation after blake asked for a lawyer. blake was convicted of murdering lee griffin in a historic part of annapolis. a report is showing the bay's pollution is dangerous for humans. more people are becoming ill from dangerous bacteria beginning to thrive in the water of the bay. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. complete news and first warning weather today at noon. remember, some of your programming will be mixed up
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