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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  July 7, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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it is 6:00 and the sun has broken the horizon on another dynamite day start. most pleasant outside. even traffic-wise. sharon will have more on that for new a moment and meteorologist bernadette woods in for marty over in the first warning weather center. bernadette. >> we have had an incredible stretch of weather so far this summer, and today is starting out very similar. we want to show you temperature-wise what we have got going on around the area. 65 degrees right now. the wind direction has turned around to the southwest, but we barely have a breeze even in the city at this point. pick up a little bit as we head through the afternoon and a cold front is headed our way, and because we will probably see some more clouds during the afternoon than we did yesterday, and the slightest chance for a late-day shower or
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thunderstorm. but most people are probably going to escape this one dry, and we will have the rest of your forecast coming up in a bit, don. >> thank you. should be a pleasant day to take a drive as well. sharon with wjz traffic control. >> so far it is a very pleasant day. in fact we are looking at a beautiful sunrise on one of our traffic cameras. take a look at 95 at 543. a beautiful pink sky there. and traffic is moving pretty nice as well. in fact there is a look at your speed sensors on the beltway. everything running smoothly all around the beltway. there is a look at the beltway at 295 and the top side. volume starting to build a bit there at harford road. but no delays. remember wjz 13 is always on. for traffic information any time, you can always log on to don, back over to you. >> thank you. this is what everybody will be talking about today. the world saying a final goodbye to michael jackson. nearly two weeks after his death, a special tribute is now just seven hours a way from beginning at the staples center in los angeles. but lots going on there right now as well. it is shaping up to be one of
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the most spectacular celebrity send offs of all time. there is a live look there and elizabeth sanchez reporting for wjz with more from l.a. >> reporter: michael jackson will pack an arena today for one last time. tens of thousands of fans are heading into downtown los angeles for the superstar's star-studded memorial. >> we just happen to be able to be a part of it and say goodbye to the king of pop. >> reporter: for the jackson family, their goodbyes began last night. family members, including michael sister's latoya was seen entering the forest lawn cemetery for what was reportedly a viewing. a private funeral will take place later today. following a private ceremony, the jackson family will come here to the staples center. as for the fans 17,000 were lucky enough to snatch a free ticket to the event. >> move against the wall please. >> police are more concerned about those without tickets. they expect more than a quarter million people will try to
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surround the arena to pay tribute. fans like jose lati who spent $2,000 on his plane tickets from spain. >> i need to come to los angeles to say goodbye to mr. michael jackson. it is important for me. >> one person who won't be anywhere near jackson's memorial is his ex-wife debbie rowe? >> do not touch me! >> reporter: rowe had originally planned to attend but backed out fearing she would be too much of distraction. also not in attendance, elizabeth taylor, one of jackson's closest friends. taylor said she was too overcome with grief. despite the no-shows there will be plenty of celebrities, stevie wonder, lionel richie, mariah carey and jennifer hudson are one of the american who plan to participate in what is sure be too tribute fit for a king. elizabeth sanchez for cbs news, los angeles. >> you can watch it all from right here, wjz and cbs news will bring you complete and extensive coverage to the memorial to michael beginning this afternoon at 1:00. a lot going on with the morning
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show. katie couric will lead this afternoon's coverage live from los angeles. because of the memorial service, several cbs programs are being moved to different times today only. "the price is right" will air at 10:00 instead of 11:00 followed by "the young and the restless." "the bold and the beautiful" will air after our noon newscast at 12:30. and "as the world turns" will not air at all today. it will air tomorrow where it left off. you won't miss a thing. new details of the woman found shot to death alongside steve mcnair they say sahel kazimi purchased the gun found at the scene a few days prior. mcnair was shot four times and police are calling his death a homicide. investigators said they initially didn't see the gun. >> it was only when the bodies were moved bore to start moving the bodies that the pistol was discovered underneath her. >> can you tell us what kind of gun it is? a semi automatic pistol.
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>> investigators are waiting for balistics testing to see if kazimi was murdered by someone else or committed suicide. complete coverage of the mcnair investigation. for updates, memorial service, reaction and to e-mail us your own thoughts, go to two teens found lying on the light rail tracks in baltimore county this past sunday, and now both of them are dead. this morning we are learning they may not have been hit by a train after all. so what did happen there? eyewitness news and mary bubala live in lutherville. good morning once again, mary. >> good morning, don and everybody. authorities say they are really not sure what happened in this case, but the family, though, says two key pieces of evidence are missing this morning, the boys' bikes that they started out riding on sunday afternoon. the facts in the death of two teens on the light rail track don't add up for many people. >> i feel it was foul play and somebody dropped them off back there. >> reporter: the families of the two boys tell wjz they want
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answers. 17-year-old kyle wonnkmiller and kyle peterson lived together like stepbrothers in lutherville. they left sunday afternoon on their bikes. a few hours later their bodies were found on the southbound light rail tracks near their house. both teens have now died, but they weren't necessarily hit by the train. >> it is a very difficult situation, because they were found lying inside of the tracks, and so generally when someone is struck by a train, they are knocked aside or something else. we are still trying to understand the circumstances that got them in the middle of the track. >> reporter: connor's sister said we loved them and we hope someone will come forward to the family can have closure. investigators are checking trains for damage as investigators search for the teens' missing bikes. >> something you don't think would happen. you hear about stuff like that but it doesn't happen too often. >> reporter: the families tell wjz eyewitness news that it looks like to them the boys were badly beaten and not hit by a train.
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don, back to you. >> thank you very much, mary. maryland's u.s. attorney is cracking down on gangs. attorney rod rosenstein is hiring three new prosecutors to focus on gang-related cases. two of the prosecutors will be here in baltimore city. the third will be in green belt, prince george's county. the u.s. attorney general attorney's office says they are trying to put a stop in recent spike in gang violence. good news for local gm employees. time to get back to work for a lot of you. the gm powertrain plant in white mare somebody back open for business and officials say 250 people will get the plant back to full production levels. it was one of several gm facilities that were closed for eight weeks to help cut costs. and baltimore is putting on the charm when it comes to attracting conventions all of a sudden and generating a record number of hotel reservations. already for this fiscal year, more than half a million future hotel nights have been booked here. that covers conventions and other events planned for 2010
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through 2016. analysts are crediting the city's nearly 5,000 new hotel rooms with helping to attract large conventions to this city. and it was probably or possibly a meteor. that is what some are saying shot across the sky in harford and baltimore county early yesterday morning. here is kai jackson who spoke with one man who said he caught it all on camera. >> reporter: mike hakey owns a software company in baltimore. that is his profession. but astronomy is his passion. >> very addicted. ask my wife about that. the vastness of it, just the infinity and something you can spend a lifetime studies and not scratch the surface on it. >> reporter: yet last night this self-described amateur astronomer astrophotographer hit the mother load. >> and i heard a big noise outside, a boom, and my house shook a little bit which was strange, but with 4th of july and everything, i just choked it up as fireworks.
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>> reporter: he had been stargazing from his freeland north baltimore county home. after the boom, he went outside to check his camera connected to his high-powered telescope and realized it captured this image of what hankie believes is a meteor. >> this morning i got a text message of a meteor that flew over baltimore and i looked at the picture again and i was like, oh, my, this is the meteor? >> reporter: adding validity to hankie's claim was a flood of call into baltimore county police and harford county sheriff's office. >> we received numerous calls in reference to a loud explosion and a white light in the sky. several citizens reported their house shaking. >> reporter: calls into wjz's media partner "the baltimore sun" reported, quote, like someone pointed a flashlight in my eyes, it was so bright. end quote. mike hankie said it is quite possible that what he took a picture of was no meteor but a satellite falling from the sky,
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but he hopes that wasn't the case. kai jackson reporting. back to you. >> nasa has yet to issue an official statement on what did take place. turning to sports, the orioles continue to struggle as they continue to swing up and down the west coast. the team took to safeco field to take on the mariners last night and while the birds would struggle at the plate, the mariners didn't seem to share that problem. looks like a nice night at safeco field, but the birds lose 5-0. same two teams out there late our time tonight. there is the sunshine streaming in to safeco. would have been just -- getting closer to sunset out there their time. game starts here around 10:00, i believe. >> i think. >> and -- as i said before. what a shame they couldn't be playing baseball here. >> what a beautiful night it was. >> all righty. so now we have got -- ron joining us. good morning, ron. >> another lovely morning too. >> reporter: good morning. i heard that story about the
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meteor. >> yeah. >> mr. hankie. >> yes. >> if that meteor would have been named panky, would it have been hankie panky? [ laughter ] the rim shot. >> a long way to go for that one, ron. >> reporter: but it was worth it, wasn't it. >> made me laugh, yeah. >> reporter: all right. very good. bernadette, welcome to the big show. good to see you. >> why, thank you. good morning to you too. >> reporter: a gorgeous -- >> is that a new city behind you, by the way? [ laughter ] >> reporter: it is a gorgeous morning as bernadette mentioned. it is beautiful. get out and enjoy. we have pretty big news here, the volvo ocean race, which was last year three years ago could be coming back. >> cool. >> we will tell you all about it. no, it would be fabulous. it will take some doing though. we will have the story when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on.
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6:15. bernadette in the first warning weather center. >> look at that beautiful shot.
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don was saying it looked like another city line and look at the people walking by. beautiful this morning. 64 degrees is where we sit this morning in baltimore. generally in the 60s. we drop down into the 50s in cumberland here and the winds for the most part have turned around to the southwest, but as you saw by that last shot, in baltimore city, not much of a wind out there. that looked like glass on the water right now. for the winds generally out of the south today as they do pick up a little bit because a cold front is coming our way. clouds off to the north because of that cold front, and they will increase as we head through the afternoon. more so than yesterday was. here is the cold front right in here. not a whole lot to it. and it is moving into some very dry air. as we head through the afternoon, some additional clouds, and the slightest chance for a late-day shower or thunderstorm. but most people are going to escape this without seeing anything at all from that front. on thursday, by thursday, that front is finally completely out of here. we will be preparing for
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another one to move our way and we will probably see clouds increase because of that next front. and over the weekend, we have a warm front coming our way, the forecast looks like this for today. mixed clouds and sunshine as we head through the afternoon. the slight chance for a shower. 85 degrees for our high. then tonight, dropping down 62. another comfortable night tomorrow. going up to about 84 and remain below average as we head into the end of the week that is when we are going to warm it up. the second day in a row, there haven't been much happening in the hurry-up. sharon with wjz traffic control. >> yeah, don. pretty fantastic for our morning commuters. as far as our drive times and speeds, a match the beltway, and 895. you can see the west side of the beltway, everything at full speed. 55 with an 11-minute drive. same goes for the top side of the beltway between 95 and 83. on 895 one mile below the speed limit there. as far as our speed sensors go on the beltway, a look at those
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speed sensors all the way around. meantime, a live look at the beltway. a look at green spring avenue. sun glare could be a factor this morning, so watch for that. definitely bring your shades this morning. a look at harford road. no i shalls through. no issues also on 95 at the beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by toyota and your participating toyota dealer where you will find a service department keeping your toyota running smoothly. toyota, moving forward. don, back over to you. >> thank you very much. you know what the inner harbor promenade is busier than the beltway this morning. let's go to the ronster. >> a quick look out there and it is like, whoo-hoo. >> reporter: they need a traffic light here i think. thank you. and we will get this on sharon's traffic report. well, a great morning to run or walk or whatever. it is perfect. we are at the inner harbor, by the way. and we are talking about the volvo ocean race, don and bernadette. it has been here three times before and could be coming back bringing millions of tourist dollars with it.
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it is eight months around the world and always stops along the east coast. and now it could be sailing back into baltimore. >> reporter: eyewitness news was there in 1998 when the vo ocean race sailed into the chesapeake. you could feel the excitement. >> it is amazing. they are just amazing. >> reporter: the eight month around the world race covers four oceans. >> the most he can stream sailing event on the planet. >> reporter: the volvo stopped here two more times, but baltimore lost this year's event to boston. >> we really want it back here in baltimore. it is a great event. we have seen the impact we have had here three times in the past but just a matter whether we find the finances for it. >> reporter: greg barnhill of ocean race chesapeake says it will be a challenge to raise the estimated $3 million needed to host the event in 2012. >> our challenges are mainly economic. we want to be fiscally responsible. we have always run this thing
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in the black. and we -- that was of the best of economic times. >> reporter: along the waterfront, businesses are hoping that the yachts will return. >> a big regional event. like this volvo ocean race or, for example, like when the yankees or red sox are in town. not only does business for that time but generates a lot of repeat business as well? >> reporter: the volvo ocean race was last here in 2006 when a quarter of a million people packed the waterfront here's in baltimore and annapolis. >> packed. packed with boats and people on the prom tornadoes and the inner harbor, really a sight. >> reporter: a sight that baltimore hopes to see again. we are back live at a very busy inner harbor. this time the volvo ocean race will select its locations through a bidding process. the race is expected to select its host cities in january. and don and bernadette, . i have a lot of fond memory wednesday it was called the whit bred back in 199 the.
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we were out on a a sunday -- 1998 we were out aon a sunday and there were thousands of boats in the bay right by the bay bridge just waiting for the yachts to come by. that was also the same day as the bay bridge walk. >> oh, wow thousands of people just waiting for and it was amazing and hoping it get it again. >> that will be good planning for the bay bridge to walk back at the same time as that. >> wouldn't that be fabulous. i remember in the inner harbor waiting an hour to see inside one of the racing boats. >> thousands and thousands of people that pack the promenade both in baltimore and annapolis as well. we will keep you posted. eyewitness news is on top of it and we will let you know what happens. >> i wasn't here for the first one, but the last one i was, and we were downtowns at our place on a roof deck of a friend's, and just looking at everything from that view was
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really cool. >> reporter: yeah, it really is. >> let's do it again. >> reporter: let's hope so. >> okay. if it is up us to, it is coming back. [ laughter ] >> reporter: enjoy the day. >> you too. >> reporter: okay. see you later. >> are you coming back today. you said you weren't coming back yesterday. >> reporter: no, i am not coming back today either. have a good one. see you tomorrow. [ laughter ] >> take a nice half day off and enjoy yourself. >> all right. >> we should at least take a break and then come right back.
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welcome back, everybody. okay. the forecast for today. we are starting out pretty nice once again as we head through the afternoon, some additional clouds from what we saw yesterday, because a cold front will be passing by, and there is the slightest chance we could get a shower or thunderstorm from it late day. but a very small chance. tomorrow, remaining below average. 84 degrees. 82 on thursday with some additional clouds. but as we head toward the weekend here, we do warm it up once again. don. >> thank you. there is a life-and-death condition affecting thousands of americans and they don't even know it. kellye lynn explains in this morning's health watch. >> reporter: good morning, it
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is hard to imagine having a heart attack and not even knowing it, but it happens a lot in this country. every year undiagnosed or silent heart attacks effect nearly 200,000 people in the u.s. in fact it is estimated that between 40 and 60% of all heart attacks are unrecognized. heart attacks happen when a clot blocks blood flow from the coronary artery to the heart. it can cause shortness of breath, fainting and nausea. not until recently have cardiologists become aware of the prevalence of silent heart attacks that carry the same risk factors as regular one, smoking, diabetes, stress, and a family history of heart attacks. i am kellye lynn with health watch. >> thank you very much, kellye. yet to come on our morning edition ... >> reporter: i am elizabeth sanchez in los angeles. a celebrity sendoff for the king of pop takes place today. that story coming up. and there are new answers but also new questions. what investigators are revealing this morning about the death of former ravens quarterback steve mcnair.
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hit by the light rail or not? the mystery surrounding the death of two teens in lutherville. i am mary bubala. a live update on the investigation coming up. and we managed to make it through the first hour and a half of our morning commute without any problems. we will see how long that stretch can last. we will have a complete report in just a few. right now send it over to bernadette. >> thanks, sharon. in for marty bass on this gorgeous morning outside. we will let you know what to expect coming up in your day in your forecast. turning lives around. he used the bad in his past to make the future of others better. benjamin bratt talks about his latest role. it is called "the cleaner" and today's coffee with subject. stay tuned. the eyewitness news morning edition continues in a moment
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hello, again, in 15 seconds it will be 6:30. here at this hour the bottom line is still you will find yourself saying what a gorgeous day when you step outside the
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door guaranteed. sharon has not been having a bad day with traffic either, and bernadette in for marty in the first warning weather center. >> i think the longest we held that shot without someone running by. we have a lot of people out and about this morning because it is gorgeous. show you temperature-wise very comfortable. sitting in the 60s. the winds have turned around to the southwest because there is a cold front coming our way today. not whole lot to this cold front. but the possible increase over yesterday which is not a lot, and then there is the slightest chance for a late-day shower or thunderstorm, but most of us will get through this day dry and the rest of the forecast coming up in a bit, don. >> thank you. this must be a big vacation week because yesterday and today's vacation week isn't bad. sharon with wjz traffic control. >> that is what i was just thinking because i don't know where the cars or problems are, but we haven't had any. all morning i haven't had a problem to report. a pretty good morning. there is a map with your drive times and your speeds on the beltway. west side 1 is minutes.
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895, just one mile below the posted speed limit and on the beltway, you can see our speed sensors all at or above the posted speed limit. a look at 95. that's where we have most of the volume out there on the southbound lanes to the right. we could have -- i would say we have congestion pretty soon, but right now it is looking pretty good at white marsh. no problems on the top side at harford road. sun glare could be the factor this morning. this traffic report is brought to you by toyota. you will find at your toyota dealer and they use genuine toyota parts. toyota, moving forward. don, back over to you. >> thank you. here is what people are talking about and watching today. thousands already in los angeles for michael jackson's memorial service, of course. nearly two weeks after his death, the pop icon will be remembered with a service fit for a king at the staple center in la. you are looking live at that time right now. eyewitness news and cbs news will have complete coverage all day long, including through "the early show" this morning.
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as for right now, here is elizabeth sanchez with more on what we can expect today. >> reporter: michael jackson will pack an arena today for one last time tens of thousands of fans are heading into downtown los angeles for the superstar's star-studded memorial. >> we are happy to be able to be a part of it and say goodbye to the king of pop. >> for the jackson family, their goodbyes began last night. family members, including michael's sister, latoya, were seen entering the forest lawn cemetery for what was reportedly a viewing. a private funeral some later today. following a private ceremony the jackson family will come here to the staples center. as for the fans, 17,000 were lucky enough to snatch a free ticket to the event. >> move against the wall. >> but police are more concerned of those without tickets. they expect more than a quarter million people will try to surround the arena to pay tribute, fans like hosel lati who spent $2,000 on his plane
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ticket from spain. i need to come to los angeles to say goodbye to mr. michael jackson. it is important for me. >> one person who will not be near the memorial is ex-wife debbie rowe. >> do not touch me? >> reporter: rowe had originally planned to attend but backed out fearing she would be a distraction. mrs. not in attendance elizabeth taylor one of jackson's most famous friend. she said she is too overcome with grief. steve wonder, mariah carey, lionel richie and jennifer hudson are one of the many said to participate in what is nonas a tribute fit for a king. >> speak up watch it all right here. wjz and cbs news will bring you complete extensive coverage beginning this afternoon at 1.
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katie couric will lead it live from los angeles. "price is right" air at 10:00 followed by 1 "the young and the restless." and the "bold and the beautiful" offer our noon newscast and "as the world turns" will not take place and we will join the "guiding light" in progress this afternoon. we now know steve mcnair's reported girlfriend bought the gun that killed the two of them just a few days prior. here is adam may with the very latest on the investigation. >> smiling pictures of steve mcnair and his 20-year-old girlfriend obtained by the web site tmz make it hard to imagine that the couple's relationship could end so tragically. on saturday afternoon, mcnair was discovered shot to death on the sofa of his nashville condominium, kazini on the floor next to him shot once in the head. so far the evidence points
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murder-suicide. >> only when the bodies were moved -- or about to start moving the bodies that the pistol was discovered underneath her? >> reporter: we are learning that kizini told relatives that mcnair was going to divorce his wife, michelle, so the two of them could get married, but she also said she bought a gun without further explanation. mcnair ended his impressive 13- season career in 2008. >> my career will speak for itself. >> in his heart, mcnair was a titan leading that team to the super bowl in 2000. >> the steve mcnair that i knew would want me to say sorry. >> but in baltimore, not all fans are forgiven. >> he was a victim. he was a victim of his whatever personal choices he made. he didn't take his own life. someone took it from him.
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>> >> reporter: few days before the killings. mcnair and his girlfriend were pulled over for dui. she was the driver and arrested. he was a passenger and police sent him nome a taxi. >> stay with eyewitness news for complete coverage of the mcnair investigation. for updates, memorial services, reaction, and to e-mail us your own thoughts, go to another big day for president barack obama as he continues his visit to russia. for the first time, the president will meet with former russian president and current prime minister vladimir putin. iran and russia's small objections to the missile plan will dominate today's talks. in china 100 people are reported dead and more than 800 injured following a series of riots. they are trying to stop violent street fights between china and hahn majority.
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and south carolina police now believe they have the man behind a recent killing spree dead. patrick burris was killed in a shootout with police who responded to a burglary call yesterday. officers say he has a lengthy criminal history and spent more than seven years in prison police say that burris's gun matches the weapon used to shoot five people in that south carolina town in the last week. here, two teens found lying on the light rail tracks in baltimore county. now both of them are dead. this morning we are learning that they may not have been hit by a light rail train after all so what happened. mary bubala live in lutherville. good morning, mary. >> good morning, don and good morning, everybody. at this point really a mystery to the mta and police who are both conducting an investigation what happened to these teens, the family tells eyewitness news that they believe two key pieces of evidence are missing, the boy's bikes they were riding when they left their home on
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sunday. the facts in the death of two teens on the light rail track don't add up for many people. >> i feel like it was foul play and somebody kind of dropped them off back there. >> reporter: now the families of two boys tell wjz they want answers. 17-year-old kyle wonkmiller and kyle peterson lived together like stepbrothers in lutherville. the family said they left the house together sunday afternoon on their bikes. a few hours later their bodies were found on the southbound light rail track near their house. both teens have now died, but they weren't necessarily hit by the train. >> it is a very difficult situation because they were found lying inside of the track. and so generally when someone is struck by a train, they are either knocked aside or something else. we are trying to understand the circumstances that got them in the middle of the tracks there. >> reporter: in a statement, connor's sister said we love them. we hope someone will come forward so the family can have closure, the mta is investigating checking trains for damage as investigators search for the teen's missing bikes. >> something i didn't think
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would happen. you hear about stuff like that, but it doesn't happen too often. >> reporter: the family says to them it looks like the boys have been badly beaten, not just hit by a train. don, back to you. >> thank you very much, mary. res comments southwest bath filled the streets -- residents in southwest baltimore filled the streets to honor the little girl who was shot in the head and still in shock trauma, the shooter remains behind bars. according to our media partner "the baltimore sun" he was placed on home monitoring one day before that shooting for another crime. the governor is weighing in on the debate over same-sex marriage. in a radio interview, he says same-sex marriages performed in other states should probably be recognized here in maryland. right now state attorney general doug gansler is looking into the matter. he says if the law support it is, he will support it. the team took to the field
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at safeco field to take on the mariners. while the birds would struggle at the plate, the entire game, the mariners did not. the orioles lose to the great northwest 5-0. same two teams out there tonight. >> that one went straight up. i bet it went a long way after that. because it was off of seattle. >> yes. >> weather-wise, we are doing wonderful. >> we are. a beautiful morning out there. we have had a beautiful stretch of weather as we have been talking about. and it looks like for the most part, it is going to continue. now there is a cold front coming in for today. maybe a shower or thunderstorm, but most of us won't see anything at all. >> wow, seems sunny. >> to think about cold front. >> it really is. >> we knew him as detective ray curtis. now he is william banks. there he is. use his past drug addiction to help others get clean.
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the actor benjamin bratt talks about "the cleaner" in today's coffee with. coming up next sharon has more on the morning commute as beautiful as the weather and bernadette will be updating the forecast for you as well.
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welcome back, everybody. this is what we are looking at, temperatures very comfortable. 64 in baltimore. down to 59 in cumberland. 63 out in oakland and 6 of if you are lucky enough to be at the ocean this morning. winds have turned around to the south and that is because there is a front moving our way. not a lot of clouds with that front, but we will see more as we head through the afternoon hours but off to the north right now. there is not a lot to the front general. combine that with the fact that the air on top of us pretty dry. so as we head through the afternoon, there is a slight chance for a shower, maybe a thunderstorm, but it is a very small chance. then this front gets out of here and keeps temperatures below average for the middle of the week. this is how it works out. this is the front coming in from the north. and it is going to pass through during date today. so still some clouds around with the front close enough. and then on thursday, probably looking out to the west. a new front coming our way, and we will have clouds out ahead of it. so on thursday once again we
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will see cloudsent ert picture. temperatures below average all of today, wednesday and thursday as we head toward the end of the week. behind that warm front, this warm air that will come our way and we will feel it for the weekend. to the forecast for today. mix of clouds and sunshine as we head through the afternoon. there is a slight chance for a shower. 85 degrees for the high. tonight going down to 62. and then tomorrow, we only top out atle 4. 82 on thursday. 84 once again on friday, and by saturday, we get into that warm air, up to 8. may even be higher in some places, and sunday, the chance for a thunderstorm with a little bit more mugginess in the air as the new front moves our way. >> and another better-than- average commute going on outside right now. sharon with wjz traffic control. >> i would say pretty much as good as you get for 6:45 in the morning on a tuesday. we haven't had a single problem to report the entire morning. a map that has your speeds and drive times on the top side the beltway. average speed 55 with speeds --
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drive times at is 1 minutes. on 95, a look at your speed sensors. 60.71. obviously at full speed there. a live look at 95 at white marsh. no delays. that is where we see our first ones of the morning. things are moving smoothly at harford road. same for 295 at 175. this traffic report is brought to you by toyota and where you can choose from 16 different fuel halloween fish ent models. toyota, moving forward. back over to you guys. >> thank you very much. coming up on coffee with a good actor -- >> a cute one. >> i was about to say that. who also according to everybody who was watching this interview back in the newsroom. >> agreed. >> is very easy on the eyes? >> benjamin, welcome to the eyewitness news morning edition. how are you today? [ applause ] >> hey, hey, hey. how is it going down there in baltimore. >> we are doing okay. >> we are jamming today. rain has finally stopped. life -- life is good. life is real good. good for you too. >> i need another cup of
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coffee. [ laughter ] >> we've had -- we have had our share today. >> believe it or not, i actually switched off and went to a diet soda. >> caffeine-free diet soda. >> don't want the shakes this afternoon. >> how -- i know a guy who can help you with that? >> i bet you do. >> i will very honest to you about somebody and i don't know if i discussed this on the air but no secret. my sister-in-law who i am immensely proud of is a recovering addict. she is just a super, fine nurse, great job, great life. it is one of the toughest deals though i have ever seen come down the pike. go to her anniversary meetings. it's -- this is a story based on truth and you play it very well. how tough was it for you to immerse yourself in this role? >> well -- thanks, first of all, for that, and congratulations to your sister- in-law. i am happy to hear she is doing
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well. the good news for me as an actor is the person on which my character is based is actually one of the executive producers, and he balances that -- that job with his main vocation, which is continuing to save people's lives. for those of your audience members who don't know what the for mat of your show is, it is about a guy who is a former heroin addict at the bottom of his emotional barrel a few years earlier said god, if you can help me, i will devote my life to have saving others and that's what he has done. not a warm and fuzzy guys. he has a lot of angles and an unorthodox way offing people outside the traditional recovery format but he gets the job done. what that allows for is the exploration of possibly a second chance week after week with a really high-stakes context involved there. life and death. it ain't a cop show.
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it ain't a medical show, and yet it really makes for compelling drama. it is always going to be a struggle. once an addict, always an addict. >> always a chance your character will fall off the wagon. everybody makes that promise some time or other, if i get out of this, i will do this. >> yeah. you know, and what i -- what i find amaze something that whatever we are doing, it seems to be working, the amazing part is how deeply personal the show seems to be resonating with people. i have been in supermarkets, parking lots or the airport where people feel quite free, and it is wonderful to come up to me and share with me their own deeply personal episode with recovery or someone within their family. and -- and that's --s that thank is the best compliment you can get really as an actor because, yeah, our job is to create a compelling television drama, but if somehow you are reaching people, touching people or inspiring them to maintain their sobriety or maybe eventually find it,
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that's -- man, that's -- that goes beyond anything you could have possibly dreamed as an actor. >> got a minute left in season two. you are already looking forward to season three or take it one day at a time, no pun intended. >> i am looking forward to season 3. i am excited because with -- for -- for as well as i think we did with season one and recently been released on dvd. season two really is more of an exploration into the lives of the people that we are treating. and as a result, the roles are more multidimensional and more complex and we have been getting great guest actors on board. whoopi goldberg stars in our season premiere. joe don baker you may remember from walking tall will break your heart in season -- in episode 2. shirley jones, also a legend, you know the mother of the partridge family. people forget she is an oscar winner. she actually flashes me on television. >> now you are talking. [ laughter ] >> but what that really -- what
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that really means to me is the write something good, and these actors -- of this caliber showing up gives them something to really chew on. a great season to look forward to. i hope you guys tune in. >> i tell you what, available on dvd. don't kid yourself, you may want to go out and purchase it and give it to someone. i up the we are sited, hollywood henderson. hollywood was on the show. he had written a book. i said hollywood, i need a copy of that to give to my sister- in-law. and that is why edith is clean because of that man right there. you can never tell. benjamin, we have got to run. satellite time, you pass the audition, you do this season three, you are back on. see you later, bye-bye. >> sounds good. >> you stay tuned and we are taking a break and coming right back with more of the eyewitness news morning back with more of the eyewitness news morning edition.
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well, are you going to pick it or not? it's not ready yet. (announcer) tim and richard smucker grew up learning that you have to pick fruit at the peak of perfection if you want jam to taste extra delicious. it's getting close. (announcer) for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good.
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6:54. updates from sharon and bernadette with first warning weather. >> let's get to the forecast. a beautiful day start. through the afternoon, 85 degrees. a cold front comes through and a slight chance for a late-day shower. that front gets out of here tomorrow. 84. 82 on thursday with more clouds. as we head toward the weekend we are warming it up and maybe a thunderstorm on sunday. send it over with a look at the traffic and sharon. good morning, sharon. >> hi, bern. good morning, everyone. we almost made it. we were this close to going through the first two hours without any traffic problems. we did pick up our first accident though. it doesn't appear to be a major one on parkville at east joppa at oakley road. meanwhile, everything running smoothly on the beltway with
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11-minute drivetimes at full speed on the west side and top side. 95 at white marsh. no delays there either. this traffic report brought to you by the cochran firm. if you suffered a personal injury, visit the cochran firm or visit their web site. back over to you. in the headlines, investigators are trying to determine if two teens found lying on the light rail tracks in baltimore county who later died were hit by a train or beaten to death. relatives say 17-year-old kyle wankmiller and connor preston left their homes riding their bikes. their family believes someone had beaten them, taken their bikes and dumped them on the tracks. hundreds of gm employees will be heading back to work. the powertrain transition plant in white mare somebody reopening after being closed for eight weeks -- white marsh is reopening after being closed for eight weeks. it was possibly a meteor. that is what some are saying
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shot across the sky in harford and baltimore counties early yesterday morning around 1 a.m. calls flooded into the 911 sent for are people who saw a bright light and felt their homes shake. nasa has -- the faa has confirmed there were no planes in the area. nasa has not confirmed it was a meteorite. the world is preparing to say its final goodbye to michael jackson following a private ceremony last night. the family will head to the staple its septemberer in los angeles where thousands of fans are already gathering for the pop star's memorial service. begins at 1:00 this afternoon but lots going on around the staples center this morning. and stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. complete news, weather and traffic ahead. a live look at the staple center. more on michael jackson's upcoming memorial service on the cbs "early show." our live coverage begins in a couple of minutes, again, from los angeles.
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