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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 7, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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an excellent opportunity to put u.s.-russian relations on a much stronger footing. >> power play. a presidential pitch for improved u.s. ties with russia. jackson funeral. family and friends gather today while custody questions trigger fury. >> do not touch me. >> nobody touched you here. >> you just did. don't. >> are you ready for fight for your children? >> are you ready to get your butt kicked? don't [ bleep ] touch me. plus memorable memorial. two fans get unexpected tickets to jackson's star-studded event. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. did you see that? oh, my god. captioning funded by cbs good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm michelle guillen.
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president obama is on day two of his trip to russia, where he's calling for a reset of relations between the united states and russia. this morning mr. obama is speaking to students at moscow's new economic school. >> in i man and bali, islamabad and kabul, and they have the blood of innocent americans on their hands. they're allowing them to train and operate, particularly along the border of pakistan and afghanistan. that's why america has a clear goal, to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al qaeda and its allies in afghanistan and pakistan. we seek no bases, nor do we want to control these nations? instead, we want to work with international partners, including russia, to help afghans and pakistanis to advance their own security and prosperity. and that's why i'm pleased that russia has agreed to allow the united states to supply our coalition forces through your territory. neither america nor russia has
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an interesting in an afghanistan or pakistan governed by the taliban. it's time to work together on behalf of a different future, a future in which we leave behind the great gain of the past and the conflict of the present, a future in which all of us contribute to the security of central asia. >> earlier, mr. obama met with prime minister vladimir putin, the man many say holds all the power. charlie d'agata has more. >> reporter: president obama and vladimir putin shared a handshake and hopes for better relations between the u.s. and russia. at his first high level meeting with putin, the president said he hoped to improve ties through mutual respect and consultation. it comes a day after president obama announced a deal the two countries would slash their nuclear stockpiles by a third by the end of the year. >> we've taken important steps forward to increase nuclear security and to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.
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this starts with the reduction of our own nuclear arsenals. >> reporter: next stop on the president's overseas tour is the g8 summit in italy, where they'll try to continue the work done at the economic summit in london earlier this year. the host, italian prime minister silvio berlusconi, decided to move the summit from sardinia to the earthquake struck city to boost the economy. thousands of forces have been deployed to provide security for the three-day summit. >> here we have troops coming from navy, air force, and army. >> reporter: after the summit, the president will have his first meeting with the pope in rome before ending the weeklong trip in the african country of ghana. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. now to michael jackson. the stage is set for today's memorial service. a final farewell worthy of the king of pop. los angeles is bracing for an onslaught of jackson fans, tens of thousands who didn't get tickets for the memorial are
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expected to jam downtown l.a. elizabeth sanchez has the latest. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. 3,000 los angeles police officers are already out here getting ready for the expected crowd of more than 250,000 people. officers tell me they're prepared to stop anyone without a ticket and a wristband from getting near the staples center. michael jackson will pack an arena today for one last time. tens of thousands of fans are heading into downtown los angeles for the superstar's star-studded memorial. >> we're just happy to be able to be a part of it and say good-bye to the king of pop. >> reporter: for the jackson family, their good-byes began last night. family members, including michael's sister la toya, were seen entering the forest lawn cemetery for what was reportedly a viewing. a private funeral will take place later today. following the private ceremony, the jackson family will come here to the staples center. as for the fans, more than
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17,000 were lucky enough to snatch a free ticket to the event. >> move against the wall, please. >> reporter: but police are more concerned about those without tickets. they expect more than 250,000 people will try to surround the arena to pay tribute, fans like jose, who spent $2,000 on his plane ticket from spain. >> i need to come to los angeles to say good-bye to mr. michael jackson. it's important for me. >> reporter: one person who won't be anywhere near jackson's funeral is his ex-wife debbie rowe. rowe had originally planned to attend but backed out fearing she'd be too much of a distraction. also not in attendance, elizabeth taylor, one of jackson's closest friends. taylor says she's too overcome with grief. despite the no shows, there will be plenty of celebrities, stevie wonder, lionel richie, mariah carey, and jennifer hudson are just some of the many planning to participate in what's sure to be a tribute fit for a king. now, not all of the tickets were
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handed out yesterday, so at 6:00 a.m. pacific time, organizers will be handing out tickets once again at dodger stadium, and then those fans will have to make their way over to the staples center for the memorial, which starts at 10:00 a.m. pacific time. reporting live from los angeles, elizabeth sanchez, cbs news. >> elizabeth, what happened with the court case yesterday involving michael's estate? >> reporter: well, katherine jackson, michael jackson's mother, lost her bid to control the estate. a judge ruled that jackson's longtime attorney and jackson's longtime friend will have control of the estate, just like the will stated, the 2002 will stated. >> elizabeth sanchez in los angeles. elizabeth, thanks. remember to stay tuned to this cbs station for live coverage of michael jackson, the farewell, starting at 1:00 p.m. eastern time, 10:00 a.m. pacific. on the cbs money watch, stock markets in asia finished in the red this morning. claire leka has more from new
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york. >> good morning to you, michelle. asian stocks did slip overnight. japan's benchmark nikkei inched down .33%. hong kong shares slumped .66%. on wall street, investors are worried they may have been too optimistic the economy would recover soon. the dow jones industrial average starts the day up 44 points. the nasdaq, though, lost 9. the justice department is looking into how large national telecom companies like at&t and verizon could be abusing their power. this morning's "the wall street journal" reports the informal antitrust probe will look into how larger carriers are on smaller rivals by partnering. for example, iphone is with at&t with an exclusive deal to sell the popular device. and getting tickets to michael jackson's memorial service later today wasn't exactly first come, first served, at least not if you live
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in florida, new york, or rhode island. residents of those states hoping for a shot at tickets to michael jackson's public memorial service got an unwelcome surprise. they were barred from winning the ticket lottery. those who logged onto the website for the staples center in los angeles, where the event is being held, read a notice that they weren't eligible for the drawing. the reason, those states require state approval for this type of lottery. michelle? >> i can imagine some of those people got on flights and actually headed out to california before they knew they weren't even going to get tickets. incredible. claire leka here in new york. as always, thanks. just ahead on the morning news, a serial killer is gunned down in north carolina. plus new violence flares up in western china on the heels of a deadly protest. first, katie couric with a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> our coverage of "michael jackson the farewell" continues from l.a. we'll take you live to the memorial service with a complete wrap-up on the cbs evening news.
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and later a 48 hours primetime special.
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there are new reports of street violence in south western china this morning where at least 156 people have died in clashes with troops and police since sunday. chinese government says more than 1,000 people have been injured and upwards of 1,500 have been arrested. the china's largest region is home to china's largest muslim group, the uighurs, who have been bothered by large numbers of people migrating to their cities. the former girlfriend of steve mcnair bought a gun just days before the shooting. a neve sue of 21-year-old sahel kazemi says police told him of her purchase. the nephew also said police believe she murdered mcnair, a married man, before taking her own life. north carolina police are describing a burglar killed in a shootout as unpredictable, scary, and weird. they also say he was the man who
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murdered five people in nearby gaffney, south carolina. mark strassmann has more from there. >> reporter: in north carolina, police killed a burglary suspect and later learned he was this man, the serial killer stalking gaffney, south carolina. patrick tracy burris, a 41-year-old career criminal, wanted for a parole violation. >> somebody's going to have to explain why this individual, who should have been away behind bars was on the street. >> reporter: police matched burris' suv and gun, but still no motive or no known ties to the community he stalked. gaffney's spree is apparently over. five murders in less than a week in three separate senseless attacks. klein cash, a farmer. hazel and her daughter gena murdered together. like steven tyler and his 15-year-old daughter abby, gunned down as they closed the family store. now marlene jones can stop sleeping with a gun under her pillow. >> my mind can be put at ease,
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and cherokee county can be put at ease that they have actually got the right person. >> reporter: not the victims' families. their grieving has just begun. mark strassmann, cbs news, gaffney, south carolina. straight ahead, your tuesday morning weather. in sports, they're about to be sold. just how much are the chicago cubs and wrigley field worth?
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here's a look at weather in
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some cities around the country. new york, afternoon storms, 79. miami, late day thunder, 93. chicago, 74. denver, 97. los angeles, 80 degrees. time now for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows a line of storm clouds fanning across the high plains and northern rockies. the west coast is nice and clear. skies are generally gray across much of the deep south. it's a clear morning from the lower midwest to the mid-atlantic coastline. later today, thunderstorms will be developing over much of the northeast. it will remain gray and wet along much of the gulf coast. afternoon storms will remain along the northern plains. it will be bright and sunny from the central rockies along the coastline. in sports, los angeles angels now have a one game lead in the american league west. they started the game tied for first with texas. then jeff mathis hit a go ahead three-run homer, and the angels beat the rangers 5-4. in boston, mark ellis
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delivered a two-run double off john smoltz. oakland pitcher kurt anderson held boston to two hits in a 6-0 shutout. in phoenix with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, arizona's mark reynolds singles home justin upton, and the diamondbacks edge the san diego padres 6-5. in chicago, the cubs' derrek lee hit a two-run homer off atlanta in the bottom of the first. chicago got hr sixth win in a row, beating the braves 4-2. meanwhile, the associated press says the cubs and wrigley field are being sold for about, get this, $900 million. the chicago tribune company bought the team from the wrigley family in 1981 for about $20 million. when we return, another look at this morning's top stories. president obama hopes to put u.s.-russian relations on stronger footing. >> we may not end up agreeing on everything, but i think that we can have a tone of mutual respect and consultation that
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will serve both the american people and the russian people well. there's the life i live. and the life i want to live. fortunately, there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma and nervous system... and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. also ask your doctor if you live in an area... with a greater risk for certain fungal infections. don't start enbrel if you have an infection, like the flu. tell your ctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. help bridge the gap. ask your rheumatologist... if enbrel is right for you, and about our co-pay and financial support programs.
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traffic noises.
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on the cbs morning news, here's a look at today's weather. afternoon thunderstorms will be developing across the northeast. it will remain stormy along the gulf coast. it will be hot and dry from the central rockies to the south west coast. here's another look at this morning's top stories. michael jackson's family was spotted at forest lawn cemetery last night where a private funeral is expected to be held before today's memorial service. and president obama met with russian prime minister vladimir putin this morning. both leaders said they hope for improved relations between russia and the u.s. bill plante is traveling with the president and has more on his visit to russia. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. the president today made what he called a major speech. what the white house wants us to
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know is intended to be a major message. it was a speech to garage the ww -- graduates of the new economic school and to a russian tv audience where he laid out his vision that the u.s. and russia no longer need to be antagonists, that they need to find ways to cooperate rather than compete. >> it must be sustained effort among the american and russian people to identify mutual interests and expand dialogue and cooperation that can pave the way to progress. this will not be easy. it's difficult to forge a lasting partnership between former adversarieadversaries. it's hard to change habits that have been ingrained in our governments and our bureaucracies for decades. >> reporter: the president called for a world without nuclear weapons. he called for the defeat of extremism. and he called for governments to respect the rule of law. there were a few pointed references to the secure borders, as in georgia next to russia, which is a bone of
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contention, and various other things that the u.s. and russia still compete about. the president also today had breakfast with vladimir putin, who is the former president and now the prime minister, and who most believe is still the paramount leader here. >> we think there's an excellent opportunity to put u.s.-russian relations on a much stronger footing. we may not end up agreeing on everything, but i think that we can have a tone of mutual respect and consultation that will serve both the american people and the russian people well. >> reporter: just a few days ago, the president had said that he thought putin had one foot in the old cold war mentality, and putin's press spokesperson respondeded rather tartly. however, today's meeting seemed rather cordial as both men sized each other up for the first time. michelle? >> bill, the president has a lot on his agenda as he looks forward to the rest of this
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trip. what's next? >> reporter: tomorrow he goes to italy for the annual g8 economic meeting. that, although it's kind of a snooze most of the time, actually touches on a lot of really important issues. he meets not only with the other major economies he meets with the emerging economies as well, a variety of meetings. of course, in any economic meeting, the big topic is going to be what to do about worldwide depression, and most of them blame the united states for it. it's going to be a little bit more contentious, i think, than usual. after that, he goes to africa. >> all right. bill plante in moscow, bill, thanks so much. in washington today, former comedian al franken will be sworn in as the new junior senator from minnesota. franken's nameplate is already up on his office, and he was introduced in the senate yesterday by majority leader harry reid of nevada. franken's arrival gives the democrats a 60-vote filibuster
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. four minutes before 5:00 on a tuesday morning. meteorologist bernadette woods in for marty over in the first warning weather center. sort of a constellation theme. good morning. >> a beautiful morning although it is dark outside. another nice day setting up for us. temperature-wise, 66 degrees is where we sit right now, the wind out of the southwest. patchy fog this morning because of that, but certainly not in the city. more so farther south and over on the eastern shore. as we head through the day, sunshine mixing with clouds, the slightest chance for a late- day shower or thunderstorm, and most people will remain dry. the forecast coming up in a bit, don. >> thank you very much. in the news, a star-studded tribute. thousands are in los angeles for michael jackson's memorial today. we will have complete coverage what you can expect. beaten to death.
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two teens found lying under the light rail tracks. why investigators believe they were not hit by a train. and back to work, gm's powertrain transition plant in baltimore county is back open for business after a month-long furlough. more news, first warning weather and your first traffic report of the morning in a couple of minutes.
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good morning, maryland, don scott, marty bass, breaking news with mary bubala, your first warning weather and wjz traffic control with sharon gibala. it is wjz, maryland's news station. >> hello, again. in 10 seconds it will be 5:00. it is a lovely day start. a full moon is setting in


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