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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  July 6, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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a marvelous monday morning. clear and cool. sun's already out. traffic hasn't been bad so far.
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sharon will let you know if that continues after weather. >> 6:00 already. i was in the middle of a dream. looking at a pretty dreamy forecast. not bad at all. if you are stretching out your holiday weekend this was the weekend to do it. temperatures starting off in the 60s. 85 degrees today. mostly sunny, warm, mainly clear tonight and up to about 85 tomorrow with a chance of a shower in the afternoon. gorgeous day. we will talk about that in your forecast in a moment. here is sharon, wjz traffic condition troll. >> not much to get in your way so far if you have to go to work, one and only disabled vehicle on 95 is gone. there is a look at your drive time sp speeds, back up to full speeds. right in the area of 895 is
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where the disabled vehicle was. sun glare could be a factor. not much traffic out there, same goes for the topside, hartford everything running smoothly at 95. wjz13 is always on. log on to there are questions as well as answers surrounding the weekend death of former raven's quarterback steve mcnair. >> reporter: good morning, football fans here in baltimore and in tennessee mourning the loss of steve mcnair. publicly he was seen as a happily married man t father of four sons, now the public and police are delving in to his private life, specifically his affair with the 20-year-old woman ho was found dead next to him this 4th of july. investigators stopped short of calling it a murder suicide.
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detectives found 20-year-old sahel kazemi dead by steve mcnair's side. a gun under her body. >> we know that steve mcnair was shot multiple times and mrs. sahel kazemi was hit one time in the head. >> reporter: steve mcnair had been dating sahel kazemi for several months and they owned a escalade together. the news is shocking for the former teammates, he ended his 1st season nfl career by leading them to a record and a championship. as a player, probably in the last 20 years, there is no tougher quarterback. >> reporter: wjz was there when he bid an emotional farewell to the team in 2008. >> what a great ride. it was a great ride here for the short two years. you talk to my family, you are
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talking about respecting each other. the love in this building is unbelievable. >> reporter: on sunday police labeled steve mcnair's death a homicide but have not ruled on sahel kazemi's death, they are talking with everyone who knew the couple including her exboyfriend. wjz is always on for you to read statements for the raven as look at the highlights from steve mcnair's career averages fatal incident in baltimore county, two boys were found lying on the tracks in lutherville sunday. one boy died at a local hospital. it's unclear what happened on the track there is. and their investigation continues. one person is dead after a monorail accident at disney world in florida happened inside the magic kingdom.
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officials say two mono rail training ran in the each other killing a train operator. five people were treated for injuries. out of more than a million people, 9000 will get tickets today to attend michael jackson's memorial service tomorrow. as elizabeth sanchez reports the odds of getting a ticket was 1 in 183. nearly 9000 lucky michael jackson fans will pick up tickets to his memorial today. one of those winners, meteorologist pj of cbs affiliate kion in california. >> the 6:00 p.m. news cast was apout to get underway, i turned off my phone and checked my email and got a email from the michael jackson folks. >> reporter: he received this email sunday telling him he had been chosen to receive two free tickets to tuesday's event. he is heading to los angeles to
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pick up the passes at dodger's stadium. organizers will hand out tickets and wristbands in hopes of keeping scalpers away. admitting 1000 people to the staple center and 6500 to the nokia theater next door. the jackson family is putting final touches on its own private ceremony. the lay singer will be buried at the forest lawn cemetery in hollywood hills. lawyers for the family are due in court today for a hearing over the singer's estate. squaring off with attorneys for two coexecutors. before the documents surfaced michael's mother katheryn was granted temporary control. now that might all change when a judge decides who will permanently oversee the super
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star's massive estate. al sharpton is calling for a love vigil for michael tomorrow. urging people to gather together in schools and churches and honor the singer. we will bring you coverage of the memorial service for michael on tuesday. katie couric will be live throughout the day and lead the coverage. go to for more information. firefighters in prince georges cup to investigate a fire in marlboro. two bodies discovered inside a home the medical examiner's office is trying to identify the sets of remains. parishioners from the bethel church held services elsewhere after a fire last week left the steeple unstable. jessica kartalija reports this morning. the parishioners say the damage could have been a whole lot worse. >> reporter: the doors at the
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church are closed on this sunday morning. this just two days after a lightning strike to the steeple caused a fair to spread through part of the church's bell tower. >> the rain and the storm caused this to catch on fire. but the damage is really all on one side. >> the mayor attends services at bethel the oldest african american church. they hope to have the church repaired within the next two to three weeks, in the meantime services are held here at pier six pavilion. a popular place for concerts became a holy sanctuary. >> bethel is a lovely church. it's old and nice to see old historic buildings like that. it's sad to see it caught fire. >> it's unfortunate what happened to the church i'm here to show support. >> the pastor gave thanks that
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no one was killed. >> i feel positive. i thank the city for support and my pastor for being the leader he has been. >> his wife says the fire could have been tragic. >> god showed us great favor, we came out of 30 days of prayer, praise and worship. had it been one day we could have been in the sanctuary at the time the fire broke out. >> officials are hoping the building will be repaired within the next three weeks. illegal fireworks blamed for three incidents in hartford. aberdeen a fireworks set a awning at a house on fire. in forest hill a 43 yield woman was hospitalized after a fireworks struck her in the face. and a man was taken to the hospital after a illegal fire works struck him. turning to sports, a tough
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game for the ore orioles. the birds lose 6-5. orioles move on to seattle and come home for a home stand. i believe with toronto this weekend before the all star break. bap second half of the season will be much more optimistic the second half than the first. >> take a rest and restart. might be all they need. just a little break. not bad. we will not be looking for a break from the forecast we have for the next few days, nice forecast, 85 degrees today. looking at dry conditions, blue sky, sunshine, and this is going to be pattern through the week. while our birds are in california we are enjoying
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california weather here. >> how glorious is it down there? >> let me tell you. it is absolutely fabulous. >> reporter: get out and enjoy. it is gorgeous, come down, get breakfast and jimmy's take a little walk. that's what i'm doing. i'm not coming back to work. >> we are paying you, i think. >> reporter: that's right. keep coming back. great to see you, tim. >> same here, ronald i got a tease to do here. >> reporter: it's manic monday, priscilla stepping in to the spotlight to sing our song happening in front of jimmy's on broadway where they say the neon lights are bright.
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i have been forgetting to say all the people i saw on saturday at the 4th of july
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parade t. weather was gorgeous. it's nice when the weather cooperating for events this large. rare, i guess happens every so many years we would have the holiday fall on a saturday. this was a big one. glad that the weather cooperated. 58 degrees, nice day, up in to the mid-80s on saturday. no chances of showers until after midnight and after that, really not too much in the area. 57 now the dew point, humidity 96 percent. winds calm and the barometer 29.79. temperatures ranging from the mid-50s, to about 72 as you see on the eastern edge of the state. 57 westminster , 53 dc. 65 down towards annapolis. winds are calm around central mailed. lite breeze from different directions, a light wind, comparable one around most
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parts of the state. showers to the south, we are not going to build them in to the forecast. clouds towards southern maryland and the lower eastern shore, just as many breaks in the clouds as the storms stay to the south. a front dividing us from the high pressure and the low pressure t rain to the south, towards virginia, carolina coastline. the temperatures are still very comfortable and in the 70s degree range. the front stays to the south. high pressure builds in. next chance of showers tomorrow this front is going to dip across the area, comes through pretty dry. in moisture with it. keep in the forecast for tomorrow, a chance of showers, that is not going to dictate your forecast at all. mostly sunny, seasonably warm. 85 degrees, tonight down to 62. mainly clear and comfortable. for tomorrow, see a chance of showers in the afternoon, primarily, but temperatures
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around 85 degrees. five day forecast looks like this, that is coming up in a few moments. if you are about to go out, here is sharon. >> everything is running very smoothly, in fact it's been problem free most of the morning, one minor issue on the west side of the beltway. no lanes blocked there is a live look at the topside. everything empty there at hartford. no problems on the west side. there is a look at 95 at 895, sun glare there. [music] just another manic monday. [music] for a second week in a row,
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back to his roots, single person doing it. there is ron. >> reporter: good morning. coming up in the next few weeks, the charm city roller girls coming on. also the good folks at security. it's mats r at 410-578-1313 or don marty, tim or newman. email any of us and we will get it to ron. email anybody they will get it to me. you mentioned you were at the 4th of july parade. steam crabs were fabulous last night. got a bottle of water. >> reporter: you got to hang out with me.
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it's manic monday. let's bring in priscilla duke. how are you doing? >> doing great this morning. >> reporter: she works nearby. >> been there late 1800s. >> reporter: almost as hold old as i am. >> i'm in the accounting department. >> reporter: thank you for coming down this morning. priscilla has family all over the country. >> in multiple states. they will get a chance to watch priscilla perform on gang is here, tony, joe, the coach, and harry, happy birthday.
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i think he is older than that joke. >> reporter: we are going to put you in the spotlight, go ahead. [music] >> reporter: priscilla duke. [music] 6:00 already i was just in the middle of a dream. i was kissing value enteeno by a crystal blue italian stream. but i can't be late because
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then i guess i just won't get paid. [music] these are the days when you wish your bed was already made. it's just another manic monday. i wish it were sunday. [music] because that's my fun day. my, i don't have to run day. it's just another manic monday. [music] [applause] nicely done. an excellent job. >> jay, courtney, good morning, it's grand ma, have fun.
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back to you don't and tim, it is a beautiful day. i will see you guys tomorrow. enjoy. look at the sunshine. we'll be right back.
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complete forecast and a first warning of severe weather. no severewet for this week. 85 degrees, a chance of tomorrow. 8 5rbgs 82, 82. prap chance of showers tomorrow amp and lows in the mid -- afternoon and the lows to the mid-60s to 70s. we are offering suggests that could save you money, here is mary with a way we can rye out the recession. >> reporter: how many times have you heard from a salesclerk at a store would you like to save 10 percent for the
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purchase by signing up for your credit card. manyfinancial experts say here is why we should not do that. the interest rates are incredibly high, 20 to 30%, that's for those with good credit. number two, the store will run a credit check on you when you sign up. that means it registers on your credit report. these kinds of inquiries can negatively impact your credit score. financial experts advise us only to have one credit card and use it like a debit card to bills with huge interest rates don't mount up. yet to come, barry busted, hear what he is accused of doing now. steve mcnair murder mystery.
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i'm mary bubula that story just ahead. so far to good on area roadways. back to problem free. how long that lasts a complete update in just a few. a very nice week ahead. make your plans and keep your plans. complete first warning weather forecast coming up. see him at home, rock star gene simmons joins us in the coffee with, talking about the new season of his hit reality show. eye witness news morning edition wasn'ts in a moment.
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it is 6:30, july 6th. starting off as nicely as july 4th and 5 did. here is a live look at harbor place with the sun streaming on the roof. sharon will let you know what is happening elsewhere. tim williams is in for marty. >> this is the type of weekend you hope to get if you are planning something in july it
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can typically be very very warm. this is comfortable week ahead. temperatures starting off in the 60-degree range. up to a daytime high in the 80s with moderate to low humidity and a good bit of sunshine and blue sky. complete forecast in a few moments. here is sharon at wjz traffic control. >> there is nothing to slow you down in the get up and go. here is a look outside, traffic is light. looks like people could be extending the holiday weekend one more day. west side at liberty, no problems there 95 running delay- free at whitemarsh. shock wave continues and the investigation, there is are questions as well as answers surrounding the death of steve mcnair. eye witness news and mary bubula are live outside with the story.
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>> reporter: good morning again. good morning everybody. publicly steve mcnair looked like a happy married man a proud father of four sons but now the public and police are delving in to his private life. nashville police are not look for suspects in the murder over steve mcnair but investigators stopped short of calling it a murder suicide. detectives found 20-year-old sahel kazemi dead by steve mcnair's side. a gun under her body. >> for now we know steve mcnair was shot multiple times, sahel kazemi hit one time in the head. >> he had been dating sahel kazemi for moths and the two owned a escalade together. >> things happen to people. we don't know why. it was shocking for baltimore. >> reporter: the news is especially shocking r for the former teammates, he ended the 13th season by leading the
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ravens to a 13-3 record and afc north championship. >> as a player, probably in the last 20 years, there is no tougher quarterback. >> reporter: wjz was there when he bid a farewell to the the people in 2008. >> what great ride. it was a great ride here for the short two years. talk about family. talk about respecting each oh. the love in this building is unbelievable. >> reporter: on sunday police ruled mcnair's death a homicide. they stopped short of ruling on sahel kazemi's death and said they are continuing to talk to people who knew both including her exboyfriend. remember wj ss always on for you to read more statements, take a look at the highlights from steve mcnair's career, go to
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police make an arrest after two people are sent to the hospital. he was involved in a double stabbing at malt balletmore and charles streets downtown. a officer patrolling the area saw the attack and responding quickly. police arrested the person who shot a 5 year old in the head last week as she was walking home from school. lamont davis is facing several charges including attempted murderer and assault. police say he used a semi automatic handgun. the girl remains in critical condition at shock trauma. police are investigating a incident in baltimore downty as adam may reports a boy is day, another is injured. police are trying to fig out why. >> a teenage boy killed another hurt found in the light rail tracks 100 yards south of the lutherville station. >> it was a inspector that happened to be looking out of the window and saw two bodies
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lying inside the track. >> reporter: officials spent sunday afternoon inspecting the indure carriages of trains looking for evidence of a collision as the injured teenager was flown to shock trauma. how the teens ended up in this situation is a puzzling question. >> we are con fi dep they were not passengers. we don't know what circumstances led them to being on the track. >> there is limited visibility but it doesn't explain why the teenager wouldn't have heard the light rail coming. >> they are asking passenger whose may have been aboard the train in the area yesterday morning to contact them if they saw anything unusual. former washington dc mayor, marion barry spent the weekend in a jail cell. a woman flagged down an officer claiming barry was stalking her. he is now facing misdemeanor charges. he served four terms as mayor of dc.
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guessing game is happening in political circles a many try to figure out why sarah palin is stepping down from the post. she announced she will be ginning her family's commercial fishing business and working hard to make america better. many are pointing to ethics complaints and a conflict with alaska state leaders for her sudden resignation others are speculating on a presidential bid in 2012. weeks in to the 2009 hurricane season. nasa wrapped up all the tropical events in 2008 in to one serious research project. >> reporter: with that, the newest generation of satellite technology is sent in to space. it is a combination of weather satellite and studying tropical
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storms and hurricanes in the atlantic basin. >> 22,000 statute miles above the surface sitting on the equator and stare at theeth and take images in the visible and infrared. used by the national weather service to provide forecast, helping protect your property and life. entire 2008 season, compiled as a movie. for an average nine or ten named storms. >> with the images, again we can look at rainfall in a storm. rainfall intensity, we can see flooding potentials. >> the satellite will not always be used but remain in or bit should another satellite become inoperable. it will work towards three goals, preparedness, warning and prediction. this year in maryland, technology may be extremely
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helpful. even a hurricane, just a tropical storm, could cause a lot of problems for thus summer. we had so much rainfall this spring and sumter reservoirs are full, grouped is saturated. it's wait and observe how the forecast goes. one bird is probably feeling good this morning. adam jones is the lone or yell expected to take part in the alstar's game. the game takes place in st. louis missouri a week from tomorrow on july 14th. they just added bobblehead night within the lax week and a half.
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we will keep rooting for him and hopefully the weather will cooperate for the all star game. they typically don't have problems. they seem to be okay,. >> st. louis this one. >> we will have west coast type weatherer. >> it will the be humid. sunshine and blue skies for the next five days, we will talk about that forecast in a moment. he is just a family guy, gene simmons, he is gearing up for the new season of his hit reality show, and he talks about it in this morning's coffee break. also tim will have weather and of course sharon will update your traffic on this monday morning.
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a very nice monday. can't ask for a better one. average temperatures typically around 87 degrees, this time of year on this date and we are going to be around 85.
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the difference low humidity, just a very nice stretch for the next few days. 58 degrees, bwi marshal. 5 dew point. humidity 96%. that level out as we move through the day. winds are calm. barometer 29.79 and rising. temperatures in the 50s to the west. 70s towards shore, winds are variable but light, we are seeing a bit of a cool influence right around the western edge of the state. 57 westminster , 60 columbia 63 dc, 65 state capitol. 67 kent island. we talked about the winds, northerly component, keeping things pretty cool on the western side of the mountain. alight wind making it comfortable. nothing too breezy. we seen showers to the south, clouds have been a a part of the forecast for the maryland and eastern shore, the rain that moved through ed early in the morning, stayed to the
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south. around the carolina coastline, there is a front that is separating most of maryland from that rain and those storms to the south, we have also storms developing off the great lakes, high pressure is dominating our forecast. with that said, we are going to be looking at dry conditions with the next chance of rain coming through tomorrow afternoon in to the evening t. front comes through, will drop our temperatures a bit. but comes through pretty dry. we will keep a chance for showers, but it's a small chance, talking about a 20% chance here. 85. down to the low 60s. clear and comfortable. for your tuesday, chance of showers in the afternoon, we are looking at partial sunshine, 85 degrees, lows in the 60s. five day forecast is coming up. not much, i haven't had much to talk about this morning, excellent monday morning commute. there is a look at your speeds in and around the area, see
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above the posted speed limit, even 70 there on the west side of the beltway. a look at the west side of the beltway at wilkinss avenue looking good. liberty road, no problems on 95 at whitemarsh. traffic report is brought to you by toyota. the man you are about to see is legendary, performed on stage, black and white make up, size of his tongue is legendary as well. he is also making a lot of waves with a hit reality show on cable. that is now gone in to another season with the earlier seasons available on dvd. here is gene simmons.
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>> welcome to the eye witness news morning edition, great to have you here. >> thanks so much. i appreciate you getting me up at zero o'clock in the morning. i'm looking, we are taping this at 7:00 la time. how many of these have you done before us? >> a full page worth. they go every two to five minutes. i've been here for about an hour. >> so you got up at 4:00 a.m.? >> 4:30. >> let's go inside the simmons house, did you wake the whole house up, or how quiet? >> any way i want to be. >> how about this morning. >> medium. >> that type of day i don't want to talk to anybody. >> i'm not always waking up at that time. i'm often going to sleep at that time.
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in u my contract it says my face doesn't have to start working until 1:00 p.m. >> i discovered your show literally the first episode season one, it makes me feel good to watch family jewels because i -- >> you mean gene simmons family jewels? on a and e. >> op sundays at 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. central. >> exactly. >> i realize that you and i and probably don't you and i have something in common, we are the masters of our domain, however there is a gallery that must be paid attention to. >> i think that's fairly accurate. i think you got to take the per missive society that exists today is pathetic. wait until your father gets home used to mean something. i think the trouble and blame
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lies on us as men. we have been femalized. we love the women are with. but do not engage in politically correct language. it's nonsense. say it for what it is. if you make everybody's life possible it's your house. >> gene if shannon heard that, she would own you. >> all the time. the reason i have been happy unmarried to shannon for 26 years is she don't torture me. the rest of the woman torture their guys. a word of wisdom to the rest of the women, stop it. >> the show is funny. >> well, outside of the house i'm king, inside the house i
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take the garbage out. >> we are like joined at the hip. this is unbelievable. >> i'm straight. >> my wife, a year ago, i was arguing with her, she said if you want to be one of the girls. i said i don't want to be one of the girls i like to be with one of the girls but i don't want to be one of the girls. you and i are kindred spirits. the person that sets the bar in the relationship is you. >> think about it. all the sexy guys that women find sexy, the rock stars that come in to town, or if you are a football player or write books, these are alpha males that decide what they want to do. so they find those guys appealing because they are not sort of politically correct.
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that's appealing to women. every woman out there will say they like a little of the bad boy stuff. no i only like good guys, well, nice. speaking of potato chips, kisses in the studio recording the first new studio album in over ten years, coming out in the fall, we are excited and hitting the road 60 city north american tour because it's important to show all the little boys out there how the big boys put on a rock concert. sick and tired of bands and guys like carlos san santana looking at their shoes -- get off the stage. >> there is a place for you guys in the rock and roll hall of fame. >> the rock and roll hall of fame means nothing. they are nice and means well but it's like grandma's house, ten critics trying to figure out what is in to. be blunt i'm too rich to care.
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>> we got to run. thank you for being with us, have a great rest of the day. good luck when you get home. >> thank you. a true honest to goodness icon. you got to see the show to see the house. and the cars. and the woman. we'll be right back.
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thursday, finally! dinner with the girls tonight. mmm... mexican, or italian? i really want dessert tonight. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. ( stomach growls ) skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women that eat breakfast, like the special k® breakfast, actually weigh less. the special k® breakfast, now in blueberry. so why skip? when you can eat all this... and still weigh less. victory is... sweet.
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we are looking at a pretty nice forecast in deed. temperature 85 degrees. 85 tomorrow with a chance of a afternoon shower, a slim chance. 82 wednesday, 82 thursday, the lows up to 70 degrees, daytime highs don't get out of the mid- 80s. one issue since we spoke. debris on 29 northbound at st. johns lane, tire tread in the roadblocking the center lane. plan live look at the beltway at liberty, no issues there traffic report is brought to you by ek ridge
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headlines this morning former raven's quarterback steve mcnair found murdered. police are trying to learn more about what they are calling a secret love affair. police are not looking for suspects after steve mcnair was found shot to death alongside sahel kazemi. sahel kazemi wanted mcnair to leave his wife and mary her. two boys found on the light rail tracks sunday. it's unclear exactly what happened to them. services went on yesterday, church members gathered for the music pavilion days after a lightning strike started the steeple on fire. the steeple will have to be replaced. they are hoping the damage will k be cleaned up in the next three weeks. a bankruptcy judge approved a deal to sell most of general motors asset to a quasi
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company. clears the way for the auto makers quick return from chapter 11. treasury department was vowing to cut off funding for the sale did not go through by the 10th of this month. president obama is in russia. the two expected to discuss keys to improving relations the two countries and there are hopes the talks could lead to a nuclear arms reduction treaty. thousands of michael jackson fans will be picking up tickets today for his memorial service  tomorrow. more than 1.5 million people registered for a chance to attend the event at the staples center in los angeles and neighboring nokia theater. 9 how thousand will get a pair of tickets. stay with wjz13, still ahead, more today on the plans for
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