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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 6, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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♪ just call my name and i'll be there ♪ tributes and tickets. michael jackson's memorial. thousands find out if they'll be there. and text success. high congratulations from one champ to another while still playing. captioning funded by cbs good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm michelle guillen. the tickets to michael jackson's memorial service will be handed out today. 17,500 fans will be admitted. a private funeral is planned in los angeles. also today, a hearing on jackson's estate will be held.
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elizabeth sanchez is in los angeles. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. those who beat the odds and won a ticket to michael jackson's memorial service are savoring their victory today and making plans to come to l.a. organizers will only say it will be a 90-minute event celebrating the life of the king of pop. nearly 9,000 lucky michael jackson fans will pick up tickets to his memorial today. one of those winners, meteorologist p.j. javahari of salinas, california. >> i turned off my phone. as i was doing that, i checked my e-mail. get an e-mail from the michael jackson folks. >> reporter: he, like thousands of others, received this e-mail sunday telling him he had been chosen to receive two free tickets to tuesday's event. he's heading to los angeles to pick up the passes at dodger stadium. organizers will hand out both tickets and wristbands in the
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hopes of keeping scalpers away. the tickets will admit 11,000 people to the staples center, plus another 6,500 to the nokia theater next door. for those thinking of coming without a ticket, officials have a stern warning. >> you'll be standing in the hot sun on the city street with a lot of people. >> reporter: as police prepare for a giant public memorial, the jackson family is putting final touches on its own private ceremony. they say the late singer will be buried at the forest lawn ceremony in hollywood hills. lawyers for the family are also due in court today for a hearing over the singer's estate. they'll be squaring off with attorneys for two co-executors named in jackson's 2002 will. before the document surfaced last week, michael's mother katherine was granted temporary control over her son's affairs. now that might all change as a judge decides who will permanently oversee the superstar's massive estate. as of midnight tonight local time, the lapd started requiring
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these wristbands here. these are the same wristbands that ticket holders will need to come into this area. meanwhile, the free tickets are already appearing on websites like ebay. reporting live from los angeles, elizabeth sanchez, cbs news. >> ebusiness beth, tell us more about the focus of today's hearing. what's happening there? >> reporter: the ap is reporting that michael jackson's family wants the judge to delay naming the two executors in his will as administrators for his estate. we're told that the family actually wants more time to see if another will appears and to look over michael jackson's affairs. >> all right. elizabeth sanchez in los angeles. elizabeth, thank you. sarah palin is using the internet to set the record straight. her abrupt announcement on friday that she was stepping down as governor of alaska elicited widespread speculation about her political future, if any. in a twitter message, she wrote, "critics are spinging, so hang in there as they feed false info
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on the right decision i made as i enter the last year in office not to run again." on facebook, palin blasted the media writing, "how sad that washington and the media will never understand it's about country." president obama arrives in russia this morning. in the broad sense, president obama hopes to soften u.s.-russian elections. the framework for a nuclear arms reduction plan has been agreed to. other issues, like iran and the fight against terrorism, are also on the table. chip reed reports. >> reporter: when president obama last met with russian president dmitry medvedev in april, both men spoke of the dismal state of u.s.-russian relations. >> i think that over the last several years the relationship between our two countries has been allowed to drift. >> to help get back on track, the two presidents agreed to begin negotiations on a new nuclear arms treaty to replace the 1991 start treaty that
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expires in december. >> i think there's a possibility that this notion might be able to reduce perhaps 1,500 nuclear warheads on each side. >> that's down from the current threshold of 2,200 warheads and will be a small step on the path towards what mr. obama hopes will one day be a nuclear free world. other issues include getting russia to take a harder line against iran and north korea. another difficulty at this summit is that, while president obama will be negotiating primarily with president medvedev, the real power in russia is held by prime minister vladimir putin, whom the president will join for breakfast on tuesday. their relations could be tense following mr. obama's assertion last week that mr. putin was one foot in the outdated, old ways of doing business. asked if that comment could be taken as an insult it would make negotiations even more difficult, a white house official said no, that it will simply pressure mr. putin to show he's, "a modern guy."
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chip reed, cbs news, moscow. the ousted president of honduras, manuel se lie ya was turned back when he tried to return home. zelaya's backers battled security forces at the airport yesterday. at least one man was killed. when zelaya arrived, his plane was backed. he headed to el salvador. in western china, a muslim ethnic group battled police in a deadly confrontation. the province has been the scene of ethnic unrest and calls for a separate political state. government officials say at least 140 people were killed in yesterday's rioting. the muslims had gathered to demand an investigation for a fight at a factory last month. the latest from beijing. >> reporter: in northwest china, a street protest has turned deadly. dozens were killed in the capital of northern china when
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rioters clashed with the police, leaving the city streets a mess of burned cars and bloody injuries. by standers say the protest began peacefully when police tries to disperse the crowd, witnesses say the situation turned ugly. hundreds marched through the streets, overturning cars and setting them on fire, leading to a head-on clash with authorities and dozens of arrests. the area is used to tension between muslims and han chinese, who rule much of china. some muslims have staged a long mill at that point in time bid for independence. the area's communist leaders are already blaming the unrest on separatists from outside the borders. anti-riot police are now patrolling, but the unrest might continue. authorities have already warned the city's death toll could rise. cbs news, beijing. just ahead on the morning news, drinking coffee to fight
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alzheimer's disease. plus it's no joke. a group of cops in michigan buy a doughnut shop. first, though, katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> i'll be anchoring tonight from los angeles as the city sets the stage for michael jackson's memorial service. there's expected to be a huge outpouring of emotion as fans and celebrities from all over the world pay tribute. join me for full coverage from l.a. tonight only on the cbs evening news. a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone,
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promotes overall well-being. and provides a good source of natural fiber. try metamucil today, in capsules and powders. or 100 pringles. both cost the same, but only the new pringles super stack can makes everything pop. same cost, but a lot more fun. everything pops with the new pringles super stack can. at disney world in florida, a fatal monorail accident. two trains collide at the magic kingdom yesterday, killing the 21-year-old operator of one of the trains. it's the first fatal crash in the monorail's 38-year history at the park. five people were treated for injuries at the scene. a small south carolina town is being terrorized by a serial killer. funeral services were held for two of the five victims of the
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killer in gaffney, south carolina. they provided security for hundreds of mourners at the service. authorities are searching for a male suspect. investigators say the killings are linked but not what the connection is. police in nashville say that former nfl quarterback steve mcnair's death was a homicide. the former star of the tennessee titans was found shot four times on saturday. but police are stopping short of saying it was a murder/suicide committed by his 20-year-old girlfriend found dead by his side. new studies have found that a few cups of coffee might help treat or prevent alzheimer's disease. 500 milligrams of caffeine, about the amount found in five eight-ounce cups of coffee reverse memory problems in mice bred to develop alzheimer's-like symptoms. next they hope to develop trials on human patients. on the cbs money watch, stocks in asia traded mostly lower and gm clears a major hurdle. claire leka is here in new york. >> asian markets kicked off the week in the red.
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japan's benchmark nikkei lost 1.5%. hong kong stocks slipped 1.33%. on wall street, investors are returning from a three-day holiday weekend and face a mountain of economic reports on the health of the consumer. this morning we get a key report on the service sector. dow component and aluminum giant alcoa will also kick off what is expected to be another tough quarter for corporate earnings on wednesday. profits for s&p 500 companies are expected to have fallen 21% last quarter. the dow does start the day down 223 points. the tech heavy nasdaq begins off nearly 50. the road has been cleared for gm to exit bankruptcy in less than two months. a federal judge gave the automaker the green light to sell its best assets, including its chevrolet and cadillac brands, to a new company. the 95-page ruling said the sale was in the best interest of gm and its creditors, and would prevent the "death of the patient on the operating table."
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gm filed for bankruptcy protection on june 1st, saying it would be forced to liquidate if the plan was not approved. some bond holders had argued against the sale. the new streamlined general motors will be 60% owned by the government. and a band of police officers in central michigan were so upset a local doughnut shop was closing, that they bought it. nine members of the claire, michigan's finest are in the fine art of pastry making. the officers saved the 113-year-old bakery from closing down, and many of them will now be volunteering at the shop free of charge. >> it's a great idea. cops and doughnuts. everybody talks about cops and doughnuts. >> and although it may be too far to visit, you can buy mugs and t-shirts bearing the cops and doughnuts logo on their website at >> it will be the safest doughnut shop in the country. >> that's for sure. >> claire leka here in new york. as always, thanks. straight ahead, your monday
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morning weather. in sports, get this. it took more than four hours to determine the winner of wimbledon.
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announcer: kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need - to keep their bodies strong. - ( school bell rings ) - hey, jessica. - hey, billy. announcer: a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. new york, partly cloudy, 77. miami, 93. chicago, 81. denver, afternoon storms, 79. los angeles, 75.
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and time now for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows most of the south is waking to gray skies. there's rain from louisiana to the carolina coastlines. it's a clear and rather cool morning across the northeast. skies are also clear over much of the midwest. later today, the southwest will be sizzling in sunshine. the northwest will be enjoying a nice cool refreshing breeze. showers and storms will keep the mercury in the low 80s across much of the south. it will be a nice and pleasant afternoon from the lower midwest to the mid-atlantic coastline. in sports, the men's final at wimbledon was the longest of any grand slam title match in more than 80 years. it took roger federer more than four hours and 77 games to beat andy roddick yesterday. it was federer's sixth wimbledon title and his 15th major championship, breaking pete sampras' record for the most grand slam titles. and after federer won, tiger woods sent him a text message. it read, "great job. now it's my turn." then woods teed off for the
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final round of the at&t national and shot a 3 under 67 for a one-shot victory at the bethesda tournament. the yankees rallied by outslugging the blue jays. derek jeter had a two-run homer in the fifth that put new york ahead. it was one of four homers yesterday in the new yankee stadium, all to right field. and the cardinals' kobe rasmus led the way. when we return, the nation's top stories. and thawing relations. more on president obama's trip to russia today.
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on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. showers and thunderstorms will continue to cool the south. it will be a beautiful day across the ohio valley and midwest. it will turn cooler throughout
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the northwest and really chilly tonight. here's another look at this morning's top stories. nearly 9,000 michael jackson fans will pick up their tickets today for the memorial service tomorrow at the staples center in los angeles. today a hearing will be held on jackson's estate. at least 140 people were killed when protestors clashed with police in western china. yesterday riots began when members of an ethnic muslim group protested an incident at a factory. and president obama arrives in russia this morning. u.s. diplomats say an agreement has been reached on a framework for a new arms control treaty. the president will meet with russian president dmitry medvedev later today. bill plante is traveling with the president and has more from moscow. bill, good morning. tell us more about this agreement. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. the president has said that he wants to reset u.s. relations with russia, and this treaty is one way to do it.
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it follows the start treaty, which expires at the end of this year. what they're going to announce today after their meeting, the two presidents, is a framework for cutting u.s. missile and russian missile -- i'm sorry. nuclear weapons down to about 1,500 each. the number is still uncertain. this is intended to be a show of good will. however, it's not quite that simple. there are still months of negotiations ahead, and the russians want to link the u.s. missile plans in czech republic and poland, intended to stop missiles from iran to this treaty, and the u.s. says no way. there's still a lot to talk about. michelle? >> bill, afghanistan is still expected to be a big topic between the two presidents. is it expected the two will agree on shipping war supplies through russia and the rules for that? >> reporter: absolutely. the russians have already sort of made this known. it's intended to be a sweetener. n. that is a big deal because it makes it so much simpler to get
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the material to afghanistan that we need. it's also in the russians' interests. they too want a quiet afghanistan. >> bill, also, russian former president and current russian prime minister vladimir putin, it's been talked about that he's possibly really the one in charge. president obama is going to be meeting with him. what does that say about who really hold the control there? >> reporter: you know, there's no question here in russia who's in charge. they all believe that it's vladimir putin. and there's no question in the american government either, but you can't say that because it's not politically correct. so president obama will meet with him for the first time tomorrow, and he's already, i think, managed to tick him off because in an interview that the president did, he described putin as having one foot in the old cold war mentality, and putin obviously didn't like it. we'll see how that meeting goes tomorrow, michelle. >> all right. bill plante in moscow. bill, as always, thank you. this morning on "the early show," live reports in los angeles on plans for michael
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jackson. discover a smoothie like no other! new activia smoothies. creamy, delicious, and above all, it contains bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. new activia smoothies. ♪ activiaaa! how about enough water and energy savings... to pay for the dryer? another reason why more americans choose... energy star-rated kenmore appliances than any other brand. some 100-calorie snacks just fall flat. ( thud, ding, applause ) 100 calorie right bites.
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a pretty nice morning, if you are stretching out our holiday weekend, not too bad at all. light showers moving across the region. south of dc, others moving across cecil county. we are looking at a nice day, gorgeous day, 85 degrees with a lot of sunshine and blue sky, completed updated first warning forecast in a few moments. the mcnair murder mystery, former raven found dead in tennessee. why police are not calling it a case of murder suicide. they have a golden ticket. thousands of michael jackson fans expected to attend the
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memorial service tomorrow. more news first morning weather and traffic report in a couple of minutes.
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hello, again. ten seconds away from 5:00 on this monday morning. venus shining brightly in the east. almost a full


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