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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 15, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." and the breaking news. the second american nurse infected with ebola. arriving by ambulance moments ago at the airport, wheeled off and then slowly walking up those stairs herself. they are now racing her to atlanta. and this evening, the new questions here. the other commercial flight she took across this country, not knowing she was sick. the scramble now to find more than 130 passengers on board that plane. was she contagious? and where is that plane tonight? also breaking, the two monster storms off both coasts. the giant hurricane set to make landfall. ginger zee has the new track. your children in harm's way. tonight, the stunning images. that child waiting at the end of the driveway, and watch what's about to come between the child and the school bus. the stunning new findings. and the real estate nightmare. we've all been to an open house or held one. but you're about to see what
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happens next. a warning for us all. good evening and we begin with those fast-moving developments tonight. the second american infected with ebola here at home. another nurse in dallas. 29-year-old amber vinson, a member of the medic team that cared for thomas duncan, the ebola patient who later died. those images coming in, just a short time ago. that nurse being rushed to the airport in dallas to be flown to atlanta, where she will now be cared for in a bio containment unit. we have exclusive images tonight from inside that plane. our team there as the call came in for that flight crew that is now rushing her to atlanta. we were shown the plastic protection inside the plane. there are many questions tonight. this new nurse has flown across the country not knowing she was sick. did authorities ever tell her that her colleague, that other nurse, had ebola? was she ever warned not to get on a plane? meantime tonight, frontier
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airlines and the cdc scrambling to track down the other passengers on that flight from cleveland to dallas, as we ask, when was the plane decontaminated, because it flew for five more flights. president obama speaking moments ago, convening an emergency meeting at the white house and one dallas official saying tonight, they preparing for more possible ebola cases, calling it a very real possibility. we do have team coverage here this evening, and we begin in dallas with abc's tom llamas tonight. tom, good evening. >> reporter: david, good evening. we're told amber vinson is ill, but not seriously ill. the cdc deciding today two ebola patients at this hospital, too many. amber joy vinson in a full haz-mat tonigsuit, tonight walk onto that plane. the associated press reporting she had close contact with thomas eric duncan, drawing his blood. no word yet on exactly how she became infected. >> this is a heroic person, a person who dedicated her life
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and is dedicating her life, to helping others and is a servant leader. this is a person with their life before them. >> reporter: last friday, two days after duncan died, amber vinson flying to cleveland to visit her mother and plan her wedding. but while she was there, back in dallas, her fellow nurse, nina pham, developing a fever, going to the hospital, diagnosed with ebola. the very next day, vinson getting on a frontier airlines flight with 132 other passengers and flying home to dallas. the cdc tonight trying to track down those travelers. then yesterday, troubling news. vinson developing a fever, driving herself to texas health presbyterian hospital, within 90 minutes, she was in isolation. tonight, a new journey. this specially outfitted plane flying vinson to emory. look at these exclusive images. the isolation roomm inside. the stretcher for the patient. separate quarters for the medical team. everything sealed to avoid contamination.
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in dallas today, vinson's neighborhood on edge. police knocking on 300 doors before sunrise to tell neighbors of the ebola patient living among them. juan had an officer on his doorstep at 6:00 a.m. >> when i read here that the likelihood of contracting ebola is extremely low, it kind of concerns me because it's right now knocking on my door. >> reporter: tonight, those 75 health care workers who treated duncan still being monitored. the dallas major warning more ebola cases could emerge. >> it may get worse before it gets better. but it will get better. >> reporter: high anxiety among some of the doctors and nurses. an associated press review of duncan's medical records revealing he had been in the hospital for two days before people treating him started wearing haz-mat suits. a national nurses union says several nurses are complaining of serious safety lapses. that it took several hours to put duncan in isolation. that their protective clothing left skin exposed. and that potentially infectious
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waste was piling up. the hospital, vowing to respond to those concerns. right now, they're focused on treating nina pham, still in good condition, videochatting with friends. >> she's just so positive. she doesn't feel and have any, like, doubts about her care, anything like that. >> reporter: last night, pham even called to check on her dog, bentley, now in quarantine himself. and david, tonight, besides the cd c's special ebola response team, experts from emory university have flown in just to treat nina pham. david? >> tom llamas leading us off tonight. tom, thank you. and of course, real concern over that flight she took from cleveland to dallas on frontier airlines. authorities now trying to find all of those passengers tonight. the airline saying they have decon name nated the plane. there were flights afterward. abc's alex perez is in cleveland tonight with more on the plane and the effort to reach those passengers. alex? >> reporter: david, good evening to you. we now know that plane that amber vinson flew in actually made five other flights before it was pulled out of service and isolated here at the cleveland
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airport. fran tier airlines say they decon name nated that plane three times. it was supposed to return to service tonight, we just learned those flights have been canceled. fronl tier airlines say they have voluntarily decided to decon name nate the concourse and common areas where vinson may have been. and authorities are trying to get in contact with the 130-plus passengers that were on that flight with her. but the cdc has already pointed out the risk to those passengers is extremely low. david? >> all right, alex perez, our thanks to you. and with another nurse now sick, a lot of questions about whether this country is ready to treat ebola. are there any drugs for it yet? we know american dr. kent brantly, infected with ebola in africa, later cured, he's donated plasma to save lives. abc's dr. richard besser spoke with brantly late today, an abc news exclusive. >> it's a humbling honor to be able to help in that way and i'm in a unique position to be able to do that. so, it's not -- it's not
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anything heroic or brave. it's a very small thing that i can do since i can't be in liberia treating patients. >> dr. brantly with dr. besser today. let's bring in rich from dallas now. we know that kent bratly's blood were used to help some of the patients. but he's just one man here. so, where are we on that and on that experimental drug with another nurse getting sick. >> reporter: yeah, at this point, we don't know whether his blood is the same type as am berp's, if it is, he could doe nate for her, as well. other drugs are under development, but the main treatment she'll be receiving is fluid replacement and nutrition. many patients get better with that alone. >> those drugs still in treatment and not ready to be administered. and rich, we know the second nurse infected flew from cleveland back home to dallas. not knowing she was sick. but that other nurse was already in the hospital, so, the question, why wasn't there an alert to everyone who worked with nurse number one not to get on a plane? >> reporter: yeah, david, at this point, we don't know that she even received a warning to
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not get on that plane. that's a very important question. >> a question to be answered, still to come. and bottom line, rich, for people watching at home tonight. how worried should those other passengerers be who were on that plane? >> reporter: well, the good news is that the risk to those passengers is exceedingly low. you only get ebola if you have contact with body fluids. and that was not something that took place on the plane. they're contacting people out of a real abundance of caution. >> all right, dr. besser with us from dallas. rich, thank you. president obama speaking shortly before we came on the air and i want to bring in jonathan karl, and jon, what did the president say we will do from this point forward? >> reporter: david, the president said he has ordered the formation of a rapid response team, essentially a medical s.w.a.t. team that would go into action immediately if there are any further cases of ebola. and after meeting with his team for more than two hours tonight, he said that he is absolutely confident that we can prevent a serious outbreak in the united states. >> all right, jon karl live at the white house. jon, thank you. and one more note on this
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tonight. wall street. ebola fears rat. ing the markets today. among the concerns. the dow closing down 170 points. at one point, swinging more than 600 points during trading. but we do move on tonight. powerful storms in the east sweeping through the m mid-atlant mid-atlantic. this is time lapse video of the hail in washington, d.c. the capital suddenly hidden by all of it. and then, two giant storms we're following tonight off both coasts. among them, hurricane gonzalo gaining strength at this hour. when will it make landfall? abc's chief meteorologist ginger zee tonight. >> reporter: it's the strongest hurricane in the atlantic in the past three years and it's heading right for bermuda. the small island boarding up and getting out before friday. >> cancellations are already beginning. we're advising our visitors that they should alter their plans over the next several days. there's no reason to have people on the island here during severe weather events. >> reporter: swirling across
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antigua monday with winds up to 90 miles per hour. gonzalo is now about 600 miles from bermuda and has grown to 250 miles across. the most destruction in a hurricane comes from the eye wall out to the right quadrant. that is exactly where bermuda will be in the current track. the last hurricane to make landfall in bermuda with this type of strength was hurricane fabian in 2003. winds then of 120 miles per hour ripping roofs and killing at least four people. >> so, bermuda in the quadrant. when does the track say it will hit? >> reporter: that's exactly it. that front right quadrant, sometimes called the dirty side. and that dirty side will come through friday. let's look at gonzalo. about 600 miles southeast of burr bermuda now. friday, start to feel the affects on thursday night. they are on hurricane warning and should be. let's go to the other ocean, though, the pacific ocean, because hawaii on alert. as ana makes its way toward
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hawaii. if it hits the big island as a hurricane, it would be the first hurricane ever to hit the big island in recorded history. >> ginger zee with us tonight. ginger, thank you. tonight here, stunning new findings. drivers putting your children at risk as they get on and off the school bus. that image, the school stunt nearly hit by a car barrelling past that school bus. tonight, the revealing report on just how in drivers are doing this, across this country every day. here's abc's paula faris. >> reporter: the videos are startling. watch. in cleveland, this driver picking onto the sidewalk just to get by a stopped school bus. >> goes right on the sidewalk. >> reporter: and in minnesota, this school bus stopping on a two-lane highway as a semiblows right by. tonight, one maryland county ringing the alarm. >> did not stop at all. >> reporter: outfitting 25 of their school buses with cameras, busting a stunning 875 drivers for failing to stop. all since january.
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>> we knew that it was a problem but we didn't think that it was this extensive. >> reporter: the close calls all around the country. in west virginia, that elementary schooler leaving his school bus. seconds later, nearly hit by a car. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: when a school bus is stopped, its lights flashing, drivers are required to stop. in most states, 25 feet away. but one poll of school bus drivers around the country found they witnessed as many as 76,000 violations in a single day. 13 million each school year. more and more school districts are now outfitting their pulses with that new technology. much like red light cameras, break the law, you'll get a hefty ticket in the mail. in maryland, officials tonight calling to double the fine to $250. >> please, please, stop for the school bus. and if you are not sure if you should stop or you have to stop, stop anyway. >> reporter: and that technology is now being used in at least 11
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states. authorities are really urging drivers to pay attention and be cautious, because this can be fatal. so, if in doubt, david, stop 25 feet away from that stopped school bus. >> always stop. all right, paula, thank you. now, to a new development tonight. an abc news investigation we have reported on here. one of the most common types of guardrails, with a slight design change. hundreds of thousands on highways across this country and a series of lawsuits claiming they caused deadly accidents. tonight, what happened in court. what the manufacturer has now revealed about five crash tests. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross on the case. if. >> oh, my god. i'm going to die. >> reporter: despite a growing number of horrific accidents in which guardrails have speared through vehicles -- >> i've lost my legs in a wreck. >> reporter: the company that makes guardrails, trinity industries of texas, has maintained there is no safety problem. as seen in this animation, what's called the end terminal of the guardrail is supposed to absorb the impact when hit by a
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vehicle, curling or peeling the guardrail off to the side. and trinity has used this crash test video to persuade government officials that the guardrails work as designed, even after modifications to the original design. but today, in a federal courthouse in marshall, texas, the company revealed for the first time the existence of five crash tests where the modified guardrails badly failed. one after another, also the guardrails were hit by vehicles head on. the company concedes that these crash test failures were never revealed to the government, but says there was no need to, because it was a test for an experimental configuration that was later dropped. brian ross from abc news. can i talk to you for a second, sir? outside court, the president of the company, greg mitchell, would not answer questions. watching all this today was diana of webster, massachusetts, who lost her right leg in a guard rail accident and is now suing trinity. >> if they had done what they
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were supposed to do, i'd be walking normal and have my life back. >> reporter: these guardrails are in use on highways in almost every state in the country. and whatever the outcome of the trial here, where trinity is accused of fraud for hiding a defect, four states have, for now, already cropped or threatened to drop the use of the trinity guardrails. david? >> all right, broin ross getting answers tonight. a lot more news ahead here on "world news tonight" this wednesday. take a close look at this. the real estate nightmare. we've all held a an open house or been to one. see that man? what's about to play out on camera in the kitchen of that home. the stunning pictures from the beach tonight. the feeding frenzy. dozens of sharks. why so many? and we all remember the last oscars, that selfie that went around the world, but tonight, who is the new host? word just coming in. we'll have it right after the break. ♪
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visitor caught on tape. the family thought they had done everything right to protect themselves. here's abc's brandi hitt. >> reporter: watch this man strolling through a home during a realtor's open house. on security video released by the lapd, he heads to a back bedroom where the family had taken precautions and locked expensive jewelry in a closet. police say the thief ripped the front off a locked drawer, seen here in his hand and got away with a large amount of jewelry. >> this all happened within ten minutes. >> reporter: fran solomon's home was also hit during an open house. a victim police believe of the same thief. she walked in on the suspect steeling $200,000 worth of jewelry from her closet. >> he was stuffing jewelry in his sock and i went and i pushed him and i said, what are you doing? >> reporter: he escaped, running out the front door. police say open houses are a perfect opportunity for thieves to strike. while the realtors are busy showing the home to potential
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buyers. >> it's difficult for the realtors to keep an yil on every person that's in the house. >> reporter: to protect yourself, police recommend homeowners remove jewelry and medications when they have an open house. and ask the realtor to bring extra people for security. fran has already installed new security cameras. you have cameras in the closet now? >> we have cameras in the closets. >> reporter: some real estate agents surprisingly advise against having an open house. but that can be something homeowners don't want to hear. definitely check with the police to make sure there haven't been a string of robberies in your neighborhood before you show your home. david? >> all right, great advise. thank you. when we come back here, the new host of the oscars revealed. and dozens of sharks spotted on an american beach. and a battle about to play out what would you pick? game of thrones or house of cards? the big new move tonight. she's still the one for you.
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it hurts. you doin'? this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. if you had chicken pox, the shingles virus is already inside you. as you get older your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. i just can't stand seeing h like this. he's in pain. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. i wish that there was something i could do to help. some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. don't wait until someone you love develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. atop the "instant index" tonight, the oscar hosting gig goes to neil patrick harris, with a selfie video tonight, confirming the news right there.
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in fact, look what he crosses off at the bottom. host the oscars off his bucket list. ellen doing the honors last year, rounding up those a-listers in that selfie that went global. the oscars, february 22nd, right here on abc. he's going to be amazing. it might be a game of thrones/house of cards smackdown on the way. hbo announcing it is borrowing a page from the netflix playbook. starting next year, they will offer an internet only subscription, as well, streaming just like netflix. and what might be the real life shark nay doe tonight. a feeding frenzy in north carolina. more than 100 sharks. lunching on a school of blue fish. some sharks coming off the way up on the sand. the beach goalers recording it all. just unbelievable. when we come back here tonight, the big surprise in store for this mom and pop store owner. he was hoping he could hold onto his store and with all of the neighbors in that town, what they did, he couldn't believe it. [ female announcer ] this is our new turkey cranberry flatbread
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and finally, an american dream, saved. that's avi right there behind the counter where he always is. the same customers coming in every day. >> ten years i'm here.
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and in ten years, i'm really blessed. >> i hope i got a winner. >> let's see. >> reporter: he came to america 30 years ago, deciding levittown would be his home. >> greatest store owner in the world. >> but his wife loves me more than him. >> reporter: for years, he's been selling cards and stationary. he took a big hit in the recession, but never took a day off. work here 12 hours a day, seven days a week. but the reality of all the stoerl owners like me. >> reporter: he knows workers across this country fight every day to keep their small businesses afloat. >> he knows everybody. he knows who is sick in the hospital, he knows when somebody's graduation is coming up. >> reporter: so, when this town heard the store might close, a flash mob. but this flash mob would actually become a cash mob. >> he deserves to know how loved
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he is. this is a surprise. don't say anything. it's all a surprise. he doesn't know this is happen. >> reporter: avi inside had no idea that they had all lined up outside the store and one by one, they would walk in. >> hey, jojo. >> reporter: they bought lotto tickets, cards, all pitching in to save the store. until he realizes it. >> avi! avi! avi! >> reporter: when he comes outside, avi is overcome. >> this is whatou y love feels like. this is your love. >> i love you all. >> all for avi.
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