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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  July 21, 2014 5:00pm-5:25pm EDT

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this war must be stopped. check of ours>> let's get a traffic situation. we have all the details in the traffic center. , virginia has had a long-standing crash on route one near quantico. it has been long enough to cause a major delay on route one and a lot of overflow traffic on 95 as a result. still some long delays on monday five south fayette boulevard. -- on 95 south fayette boulevard. road --traffic at river on 66. much of a break near route 123 will be fairly clear for the most part. i am bobby in the wto.
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traffic center. >> the latest on the construction progress of the mgm casino on the harbor. >> a new movie literally captures the passage from childhood to young adult. coming up. >> new tonight, a possible roadblock for plans >> it took 12 years to film but
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was the movie worth the wait? it took 12 years to film "boyhood," an extraordinary story of growing up in today's world. patricia arquette plays his single mother raining -- mother raising. we watch him grow from age six to 18, the scenes of his life transitions with little fanfare in the wait time passes in our own lives.
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>> how was your week? do you have a girlfriend? what have you been up to? >> you should just let it happen more naturally. asethan hawke arrives --ricia arquette's acts arquette's ex. it is worth four stars. a breathtaking experience. dawn of the planet of the apes led the weekend. the top three include the purge: anarchy and planes fire and rescue. cirque du soleil is coming to national harbor. we must mention the passing of actor james garner. he was a major star since televisions maverick in the 1950's. he made up lunch of action movies in the 60's.
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oscar nomination andmurphy's romance in 1985 found a new generation of fans who are member him as the loving husband in 2004's the notebook. was 86.rner think theeople notebook was one of the most romantic movies ever made. a 50 year career is worth noting. boyhood is worth the effort. >> we will see you later. come, is organic food more nutritious than regular food? of the answers and today's house alert. >> it is a container but would you ever live in one? it is happening here in north east d.c.. >> researchers found organic
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foods have more traditional benefits than conventional foods. organic foods have more, they come with fewer pesticides and smaller amounts of potentially harmful chemicals. selects old shipping containers will soon house some local college students in d.c.. quick shipping containers. is it a creative housing solution or an eyesore? >> a shipping container was hosted over the booklet neighborhood in d.c.. serious people, because who knows after how many miles after see, these retain the -- these rectangular boxes will hold students at the university. are told the owners, to catholic youth graduates, found it was cheaper to erect a building out of the boxes then
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to build a brand-new house. >> by a longshot. we are getting this done in five or six months. >> it was the talk of a thehborhood in -- talk of neighborhood. >> as long as it looks ok i will be ok with it. >> not all feedback was positive. some neighbors did not want to speak on camera. one described this as a home for a hamster and in other one said it was just architecturally out of character for the entire neighborhood printer -- neighborhood. >> you will have to use your imagination. hsix containers make up one floor. each container will have one bedroom and one bathroom. the front of each box was cut out so when the containers are joined together the open sections will make up a common living area. all out of containers that were just sitting at the port of baltimore. retried for new things, more innovative things.
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boxes are under lease. donelan, abc 7 >> in case you were wondering, there is no word on how much it will cost to rent a shipping container home. we will let you find out. >> the size of a full bedroom apartment in new york. up atsee what's coming 6:00. >> good evening. >> good monday. ukraine.he crisis in the united nations takes action. just awarded the medal of honor by president obama, what he is saying about the moment he faced afghan insurgents. to a rule on d.c.'s decision shut down 15 schools, new tonight at 6:00. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the weather. summer has returned.
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by that you mean the heat and humidity. 80 now outside the french weather center. tomorrow, wednesday, temperatures and humidity go up a little bit. a look outside for the rooftop camera. a little bit of sunshine. it is certainly not hot yet. ,howers off through the valley they are showing signs of slowly drifting northwards. a rather cloudy evening. reagan international, 89. that airmass is moving this way. storms -- we have a chance oa storm created by thursday with a cold front, that is when we will see our best chance of showers.
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this is number two, way out in the atlantic ocean. forecasters remain trapped with depression. threat tos to be no anyone other than some gusty showers. humid, more shower chances wednesday and thursday. that is the very latest. back to you. >> thank you. >> this could potentially be good news for the caps. rory mcelroy broke up with his girlfriend. >> we are going to get to that. >> way too smart. it is a sports story. it is big news here because one of the protagonists in this soap opera is captain will examiner
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to skip -- captain alice gander .- captain alexander bliss can the two have been together since 2011. they were engaged in december of .012 an there are a lot of reasons that she called off the engagement. there has been no comment on this. rory mcelroy had a high-profile engagement to to -- engagement that fell apart. he was to marry caroline wass naki. wozniacki. he came in number 25, the youngest to win free grand slam events. mcelroy won by two strokes yesterday over sergio garcia. we were talking about how the
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top-selling nfl new jersey -- nfl jerseys belong to a red skin. he has been dethroned the number one seller is the number two jersey, belonging to johnny manziel of the cleveland browns. russell wilson is in the second spot. michael sam is number six. hisii has dropped hid number 10 jersey has fallen to the 17th spot. and andrew luck is 25. jennifer sullivan walked down the aisle on her wedding day. she is a graduate and huge hurricane fan. the university stepped in and surprise them with a school mascot, wearing a jersey with her dad's nickname on the back. she said it was the most amazing moment. >> very cool.
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>> prince george's county council has given the new mgm casino its stamp of approval. live from the national harbor with where the casino construction stands now. can see they are already moving around an awful lot of dirt back here. the pace is really going to pick up. in reality ground has already been broken. excavation is well underway. the manager says it will go quickly. >> you will see a big hole and then at some point segments will be brought in. we hope within a year you will the summit being poured in and out of the ground. >> one 925 -- the $925 million casino will look like this.
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inside, 100 40 table games, a 300 room hotel, and thousands of new hires. >> the casino plans don't please everyone. there were traffic complaints about the signage on the building. she was and the only no vote as the county council gave that she was the only no vote. a -- she was the only no vote. the president promises politicians will not regret the decision. >> it goes on and on and on.
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this building is built it will cover most of this hillside and we set the pace of construction was really going to pick up. it is scheduled to be completed in just two years. abc 7 news. very much is it for abc seven news at five. the news continues now on abc seven news at six. abc sevenom the broadcast centers, this is abc seven news at six on your side. >> right now it is six. concerns by commuters just days away from the opening of the silver lines. appears orange and blue line riders have seen changes and dozens of writers have worried about what is to come. are live at the rosslyn met station. getting its first test during weekdays today.
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we will see the most noticeable changes service on the blue line. lenny of writers are not happy. >> the big change is no big deal. blake, on like alicia their way today to las vegas, longer wait times because of the silver line. we are already waiting enough for the blue line. >> if you make things too hard people are going to choose something else. metro could assume booed -- could soon lose thousands of writers.
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a petition is circulating to turn it back into the blue line. >> the addition of the silver line into this morning's commute went smoothly. as for concerns about blue line riders, metro says they are sympathetic but with the simple, orange, and blue lines going through the tunnel at rosslyn, delays for some riders are inevitable. the schedules have to work because together with all the other lines there is so much overlap. >> metro is suggesting some of those riders made some changes to their commute. take the yellow line i


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