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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  September 14, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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coming earlier this week. >> of the body of chris stevens and the other three americans still are arrived home today. president obama and hillary clinton were there when they arrived at joint based andrews and met with the families of the victims. >> will live the way our tears stiffen our spines, and face the future undaunted and. and we will do it together. >> of the united states of america will never retreat. we will never stop working for the dignity and freedom that every person deserves. whatever their faith. >> intentions are still high as an anti-american protests continue. soldiers are on standby to
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defend u.s. citizens. in egypt, protesters clashed with police. two were killed as protesters stormed the gate in the capital city. this was the scene outside the american embassy in london, demonstrations fuelled by the release of an amateur film. protesters say the movie denigrates the prophet muhammed. >> the producer has been identified it 55-year-old egyptian christian living in california who wrote the film while in jail for bank fraud charges. >> " the dick is calling for peace in the middle east and he begins in lebanon. anti-american protests and led the dawn, police opened fire. lebanese authorities have
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suspended permits a separate government officials bodyguards and there confiding the pope's visit to a central lebanon and northern christian areas. go for the latest on the violence in the middle east. we also have the dates on facebook and twitter. >> sentenced to 30 years he's admitted hot and with agents as part of the nihon -- of an al qaeda plot. he went so far as to put on what he thought was a bomb-laden dust. he received a lesser term under a plea deal. dodge the old dominion is going to be getting a heavy dose of political attention in the fight for the white house. >> the senior political reporter
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is in the news room with that. dr. willard the president is going the hold a rally next friday. hail laser-like focus on virginia. both sides really crunching the figures to determine their next move. >> he has gotten us to $16 trillion. >> constantly talking numbers. these new ones present a mathematical challenge. litton pulls and these three king states. florida 5 and virginia and getting so much attention. how does he turn it around? the running mate paul ryan said that might take people understanding exactly who he is. >> this is a guide at the height of his successful business turn the entire company into a search and rescue operation the moment
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he heard that a college daughter was missing. >> it was the matter of getting the message out there about my dad. he is the one more qualified to tackle the nation's problems, in particular the economy. >> being an incumbent is never easy. the president to the mayor of likability. >> obama claims that others are skeptical. >> embarrassing he has nothing to offer. he made a lot of money for himself and investors but what about the people and the workers laid off from jobs? >> there are three factors in politics. money, people, and time. he can't control time in 53 days out, he has to try to turn these
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numbers around. perhaps the debate will be his big opportunity to do that. >> still with abc seven, the election station. look for updates on our web site. university of texas and north dakota have received the of clear after bomb threats were called and this morning. the spokesman said the mayo clinic to be a member of al qaeda claimed that there were bombs all over the school ago of the 11:00 a.m.. it is unclear if the to threats are length. coming up, new details and the sexual assault and northeast washington. we will look at the video of the man the police want to question. >> honoring a student murdered this week.
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>> alert for those ordering the new iphone.
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the middle class is carrying a heavy load in america. but mitt
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romney doesn't see it. under the romney plan, a middle class family will pay an arage of up to $2,000 re a year in taxes. while at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himselelf a $250,000 tax cut so, romney hits the middle class harder... and gives millionaires an even bigger break. is thahat the e way forward for america? i'm barack obama and i approve this message. captioned by the national captioning institute >> police have released a video
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of a person of the interests related to a sexual assault. >> of the man is seen getting off the train and following the woman victim through the station tall. she says he ordered her to the ground and attacked her at gunpoint. last week, police released a composite sketch. if you have any information about this person, the police would like to hear from you. >> a man already serving time for shooting a church that these incidents to 50 years in prison on additional charges. according to court records george robbed the several banks and businesses in virginia, taking $87,000. he admitted kidnapping in carjacking a woman. he is already serving two sentences of 50 years for shooting to sheriff's deputies. he will serve consecutive to the
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state sentences. >> the somber day at central high school, a memorial service held for a teenager killed while walking to school. students were holding signs in tribute to the 18-year-old. the mother says she is grateful for this celebration of his life. >> he wished that he had wanes. he got his wings. today is a celebration. dodge of these school is expecting donations at a memorial fund set up and his name. no arrests have been made in the investigation and his murder. >> cover abortion clinic regulations. it requires 20 existing abortion clinics to meet the same building standards has new hospitals. you might remember how they were exempt from those standards.
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the attorney general refused to certify that. they say the move will put clinics out of business, but not indicated they will close. coming up, one of the district's oldest public schools as getting a new low. we will show you some of the additions. >> and the weather for the weekend, a forecast coming out. >> sunday's game, maybe the biggest haul of local sports fans could be answered this weekend. [ male announcer ] this is america's manufacturing when presidt obama took office. this is china's. underbama, we've lost over half a million manufacturing jobs and for the first time china's beating us. seven times obama could've stopped china's cheating. seven times he refused. it's time to stand
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up to the cheaters and make sure we protect jobs for the american people. [ male announcer ] barack obama: failing to stop cheating. failing american workers. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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anncr: a good job. it's the key to a good life. but it isn't always
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easy to find one... a vote for question seven is a vote for maryland jobs. two thousandonstruction jobs to build a new resort casino. four thousand permanent jobs paying... on average fifty five thousand a year. six thousand jobs from increased tourism... and table games like blackjack and poker. add it up: it's twelve thousand new maryland jobs. but to build it you have to vote for it. votete for question seven. and get maryland back to work. >> a judge has struck down the state law supported by scott walker that effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public employees can trigger calls for walkers recall. the judge ruled today that the law violates both the state and the u.s. constitution. that comes after a lawsuit brought by the madison teacher's union for milwaukee's city
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employees. >> if you ordered iphone 6 5, apple began taking orders last night and promising delivery one week from today. that's what goes on sale. however, the expected delivery time grew to a couple of weeks. there was a much bigger demand that apple expected. >> joining officials from public schools to celebrate the completion of the modernization of the high school. the $62 million project includes a bigger cafeteria, a new computer and science labs, and a state of the art media center. the also received energy- efficient mechanical plumbing. the original building was constructed back in 1935.
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it looks terrific. >> the circus is coming to town, preparations under way right out. >> 63 with a circumference of 440 feet to accommodate more than 1700 people. it will celebrate the thirty fifth season at the town center the timber 20 through october 8. >> i hope we don't see any raider storms. >> the weather is quiet over the weekend. looks around annapolis, a few stragglers out there that have not had it been the dinner time yet. of a they are coming in. temperatures have been into the '80s. the high temperature is up into the '80s. that is our current temperature too. heading out to the mountains for
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the weekend, it will be cooler. we have another batch of refreshing air coming in. 82 the high temperature today. the year is what is going on on regional radar. no worries about rain, but there are some showers through new york state. that is the reason i think nothing will be going on. let me take you around the whole world. there is the weather front. all the way out in the atlantic and the other thing i wanted to show you from the university of wisconsin, that is a super typhoon that is heading toward okinawa. this is from the orbiting satellite with winds gusting to 175 miles an hour. it will be heading to okinawa and probably into south korea
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later on in the weekend. we'll be hearing more about that, i'm sure, in the news. 70 degrees right now really refreshing air. right back as the front moves through later on tonight into the cool air. overnight tonight, temperatures will be taking a dip. by tomorrow morning temperatures back into the 50's of 60's. the northwesterly breezes with us, so that will keep temperatures into the '70s with some of rushing air through sunday. by the time you get up tomorrow morning, temperatures will be into the 50's with batteries the northwesterly wind coming in gusting to maybe 20 miles an hour. temperatures and amid the high 70's. as it will be on sunday,
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patterns change and by late monday and tuesday it looks like some moderate rain. and enjoy the weekend. don't forget bright and early monday morning the newest meteorologist joining the team. >> of the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. of moving it forward. >> something redskins fans need to worry about? >> madoff have him on sunday. the wide receiver is arguably the most popular after winning in new orleans. he has connected very well- equipped rg3. let sit up, those in for the touchdown. the longest touchdown since
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1986. he was taken out of the game with a show -- with a foot injury. >> of the situation where you're going to make it a lot worse the chances of him playing are not very good. right valid is pain tolerance and we will see before the game. and we will get a little workout before the game. dodge the post-season is so close. washington has an 8.5 game lead. they go up against the atlanta braves. the nationals have taken 12 of their last 15 against the braves but the magic number to cleanse their postseason berth is 11. in a combination of grave losses and the nationals wins. they are 10-5 this season and still have the best record in baseball.
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there may be an nhl lockout sunday morning but they took care of business early to a six- year $23.8 million contract. the recorded 32 points, and nine goals, 23 assists. >> probably our best all-around defense last year. with a there is a lot of room to grow. he seems to play his best games in the big games. >> it has been a bumpy road for maryland. the only 12 games last season and recorded the lowest attendance for more than a decade. but they keep a more positive vibes going. the former team, conn. most players found out about it through text message. he will find out of the reunion
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has a more pressure. >> it is no different than any other week to me. this is game 3 on the schedule. i haven't got anything different until this point and i will not do anything different from here on in. >> a reminder that we will have all of the area of football scores. i am going out to a host tonight. we will be out there covering [
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male announcer ] this is america's manufacturing when president obama took office. this is china's. under obama, we've lost over half a million manufacturing jobs and for the first time china's beating us. seven times obama could've stopped china's cheating. seven times he refused. it's time to stand up to the cheaters and make sure we protect jobs for the american
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people. [ male announcer ] barack obama: failing to stop cheating. failing american workers. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. some of our chendren's greatest experiences have been in the smaller classrooms. vo: but mitt romney says class sizes don't matter... and he supports paul ryan's budget which could cut education by 20%. you can't do this by shoving 30, 35 people into a class and just teaching to some test... these are all issues that really he personally cannot relate to. to be able to afford an education, to want the very best public education system for your children.
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>> and the department of aviation is looking for a few good goats to eat grass near the runway at the international airport. they are not the first city to do this. the international airport, san francisco is for years. it will not be a good idea. >> specialty training. >> they are devoted to their jobs. dodge a beautiful weekend, a great football. great weather for the concert ends some rain coming in tuesday.
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i'm barack obama and i approve this message. some of our children's greatest experiences have been in the smaller classrooms. vo: but mitt romney says class sizes don't matter... and he supports papaul ryan's budget which could cut education by 20%. you can't do this by shoving 30, 35 people into a class and just teaching to some test... these are all issues that really he personally cannot relate to. to be able to afford an education, to want the very best public education system for your children.
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the middle class is carrying a heavy load in america. but mitt romney doesn't't see it. uer the romney plan, a middle class family will pay an average of up to $2,000 re a year in taxes. while at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himself a $250,000 tax cut so, romney hits the middle class harder...
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and gives millionaires an even bigger break. is that the way forward for america? i'm barack obama and i approve this message. anncr: a good job. it's the key to a good life. but it isn't always easy to find one... a vote for question seven is a vote for maryland jobs. two thousand construction jobs to build a new resort casino. four thousand permanent jobs paying... on average fifty five thousand a year. six thousand jobs from increased tourism... and table games like blackjack and poker. add it up: is twelve thousand new maryland jobs. but to build it you have to vote for it. vote for question seven. and get maryland back to work.


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