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tv   ABC 7 News at 12N  ABC  September 1, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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the news aton , a long term to her mind -- with,eer has been charged sexually abusing minors. >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 news, on your side. >> we thank you for joining us on this saturday. it is september 1 already. it has gone by pretty quickly. we will see if september temperatures are coming our way. >> we are starting fall today. it still feels like summer. will feel that way through
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the weekend. here are some temperatures around. we have light rain down to the of the city. ratherbeen falling .teadily all morning long be the story through because we have some from tropical depression isaac. this is the south of the district. it will be a muggy day and a muddy weekend. skies.r mostly cloudy
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>> he abuse other children. our reporter has more. >> a place of worship, prayer, and trust. friday night, residents got the west, a news that james p volunteer, is sexually abusing a 14-year-old church member. >> they thought something inappropriate had occurred between this church volunteer and their child. >> the young mr.'s parents youngster'she parents called police and said had given are offered the other
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transferredve west to hisyear-old victim home and sexually abused him there. she is a teacher on leave who with child abuse victims. >> every organization needs to organization -- check those working with miners. >> west was not a page church stafford. he had volunteered many years. the church is trying to find out other victims. >> he is terrible. he cannot be trusted. richard reeve. abc 7 news. >> a fire occur just before 10:00 a.m. this morning. units were called to a possible highs fought -- house fire. the truck collided with another vehicle. the driver of the other car was
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the hospital with non- life threatening injuries. montgomery county police are thattigating a carjacking happened overnight. two juvenile supposed a motorist at the intersection university boulevard and gilbert streets. they forced the person to drive city, where they set the car on fire. one suspect took a taxi back to montgomery county. >> every ward is offered to help princean police solve a murder. a women's body was found wednesday at the neighborhood .ark at severalook tattoos she had on her body. she is described as a latina of 20 to 30 years old. a piercing a buffer right eye. about thew anything
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--e, and are asked to call you are asked to call prince george's police department. police out looking for answers of a 17-year-old. investigators are now asking for the public's help, saying the have walked calmly from the murder scene so as not to draw attention. >> a local nightclub owner is after police moved in and closed his place of business. policegeorge's county club elite. it is a crackdown on clubs that are breaking the law. what the owner-- club should look instead, it is dark and george'safter prince brought business to a halt.
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wednesday night, and men was shot while dancing. two weeks ago, a man was stabbed .n the parking lot they say the business was operating without proper .ermits this is what will happen to status and if you violate laws and threaten the safety of our community. >> the business owners says he is willing to work with police the business reopened. people without jobs right now. things happen that we don't ever to happen in our the establishment. >> paul washington says he agoped coming one year new crowd the
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was attracting. >> people were coming with problems. >> virginia tech may now have to for the april 2007 massacre that left 31 people dead. a judge ruled the diversity to pry the blogs pay a fine. now secretary of education arne that saying stated the university would have to in -- arnest $27,000 said the university would least 20,000 -- $20,000 in fines. >> a new project would allow passengers to pay taxi fees with credit cards. the project will be put behind schedule by two munch and could delayed as long as next
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spring. >> if you are taking metro, ebay delays of the metro. trackrains will single for platform reconstruction. of beatles weekend the national harbor. take a trip down -- down memory lane. >> good morning to you. good afternoon. it is a little overcast this afternoon. looking at the sky, could say, here comes the sun. pretty pleasant and mild out here. it is called the world's largest inspired music festival. it takes place twice a year. it runs through monday and it is
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a five-day event at national harbor. on five stages indoors and outdoors. have gathered a variety of tribute bands. tonight performance is a s' loveion of the beatle album. me now, jerry jacob. producer of this bid now, jerry jacob. he is the producer of this big event. >> we have bands from germany, and all united kingdom the united states. >> what is it about this band with so many people? n thatis a phenomeno defies explanation. three generations are in love
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with beatles' music. a 12 year-old is exposed to for the first time and it is almost the same way it was 12 years old. >> is not just music this weekend. have speakers who are the history of the beatles. have guitars that george harrison used. we have the original beatles drum said from the eds sullivan show. a lot of memorabilia and a lot artists. appreciate -- >> we appreciate the time you have given us. of the proceeds will be from victims -- going to the hurricane and local victims of house fires. tickets go from $12 to up to if you want a more inclusive package. die-hard fans want to be here for every minute of this.
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you can find out more -- att >> it looks like he is looking for some sunshine out there. our beacha check of forecast. ?ave >> here comes the sun. what they want to be singing. you can see a lot of folks out the beach and on the boardwalk taking advantage of this last long weekend of .ummer look at today and tomorrow. 85 degrees tomorrow. partly sunny today and a slight tomorrow.a shower a little bigger chance of a thunder -- of a shower thunderstorm tomorrow.
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temperatures 75-79 degrees. still in the low 80's. if you are heading over the bridge, freeway's and coming -- s kelly easton coming west, no construction. were down there myself. >> coming up on abc 7 news at noon, the republican national convention is over. the democrats are gearing up for charlotte. down media is heading there to get some work done. >> some mixed reviews for clint eastwood's performance. [ male announcer ] we've made verizon fios
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even easier to switch to -- and harder to resist. because now you can upgrade to fios internet and tv for a super-low $79.99 a month, guaranteed for one year, with no annual contract required. once weot fios it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male announcer ] fios is 100% fiber optic. that's why it can bring you america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet.
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plus tv rated number one in customer satisfaction. [ girl ] thest time i saw fios' picture... remember? it was so awesome. crystal clear. it was crystal clear. ...i was just awestruck. [ male announcer ] don't wait. switch to fios for just $79.99 a month for one year with no annual contract required. this offer is only available ononline. cable, hasta la vista. [ male announcer ] visit that's contact the verizon center ffor customers with disabilitis at 800-4-6006 tty/v. you should totally get fios. [ male announcer ] welcome to the speed you need. welcome to life on fios.
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>> governor martin o'malley is g down to charlotte for the democratic national convention. of him. busy week ahead he is appearing on cnn's state .union an president obama travels to ireland today. twoma visited texas he endedthe day that u.s. combat mission in iraq. next week, he will make a
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in norfolk, va.. >> both candidates are visiting the disaster area. mitt romney toward the area on friday. the president will tour the area on monday. there are new questions about that bizarre clint eastwood episode. >> governor mitt romney. >> hours after leaving tampa, paul ryan hitd trail hard, driving their messages home. >> i want to make sure every person in this country wants a job can find one. time to give someone new a chance. told us he, -- hold us accountable. asryan continued his role zantac -- an attack dog.
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e againstl not say vot is noher guy because he good. we can do that because the record is no good. >> it is too soon to tell how positive bounce romney have. has tens of millions of new campaign funds now that he is officially tea party's nominee. cut $700 toama payd an from medicare to for obama care. >> we are learning more details strange and improvisation between clint and the chairmen to be invisible president obama. >> i cannot tell him to do that. he cannot do that to himself. >> all of it taking the campaign completely off guard. aids admitting they were looking clock as the performance
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dragged on. please would is clint eastwood. have his support. clint eastwood is eastwood. supportlad to have its his support.
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unofficiale last weekend of the summer. it feel sticky and hot outside. >> it has been a hot summer around here. l continue that way. yesterday was cool. it was nice out there. she dew point -- dewpoint in the afternoon. all along the region, couple of our weatherbug stations take you to the naval academy. you can see gray skies down there. a few sailboat's went out earlier. western maryland, some high sailboats out there earlier. is cooler out there to the west. almost 1/5 inches of rain.
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it is the last weekend of summer. like 92 downtown. 90 in fredericksburg. the normal average is 84. we will beat that today. >> it was 97 degrees. was before it is time we above 90 degrees. -- that was the 50th time we above 90 degrees. extending into the
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washington area. of the tropical systems have, this is a tropical -- rm watch as we go through the day to day. afternoon, some on into showers moving sunday. it is going to seem like summer we havein as temperatures tomorrow in the lower 80's. that way.elief 88-92. possible showers or thunderstorms out there tonight. temperature is right around 70. midpoint of the weekend . degrees i will show you in the seven- is going to day
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break that pattern. stay rightke we will the pattern into next week. >> thank you. we now know the winner of the jackpot iner ball michigan. it took surveillance footage for oneto finally come forward month after winning. what was he waiting for? in northernes california releasing for this manvideo with this man. not because he did anything wrong, but because he is rich. the video was taken at this california quick stop. the mystery millionaire his golden ticket on july 27. month of searching, lottery officials still did not have his men. on friday, the winner finally to collect those
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millions. says, it is all thanks to the surveillance video. >> i look at my wife and she t me and said, look. she said, we are wanted. he says his wife lost their winning ticket. we kept throwing out everything said, -- and i said, check your purse. on friday, michigan lottery said donald lawson $337 million. it is the biggest lottery win in history. later, he quit his job as engineer and told his mother and family members to
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retire. a lump-sum payout of $225 million. his first purchase, a pack of bubble gum. on buying a bigger house. back in california, they plan to keep it simple. abcgood morning america, news, new york. >> money tends to do that, makes you happy. folks will not have to getting a job. is not the case for an ohio woman who is having a hard time finding a job. she has unusual step to her resume noticed. she put her resume on a .illboard she was laid off because of budget cuts. thinking of trying to help her find a job. >> i pass these billboards every
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day. just went off. cost the couple about $700, which they say will be worth it. desperate times. >> coming up on abc 7 news at noon, a teenager is behind bars r a string of robberies. why he is being charged as an adult. >> fans of the beatles gather a bit tribute to the bench.
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>> you're watching abc 7 news, on your side. topere is a look at our story. church youth group volunteer sex crimesof -.ainst police say james west sexually abused a teenager. was a volunteer at king's chapel church in fairfax county. police are looking into whether he abused other kids. haveshut down club did not proper permits. there were violent incidents attention of police. a recent incident took place a man was shot while dancing.
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>> maryland governor martin o'malley will have a key role in next week's democratic national convention. thel be one of speakers, joining a list that includes former andident bill clinton virginia governor, tim kaine. the convention starts monday in charlotte, north carolina. >> thanks for joining us on this saturday, september 1. atatles are being honored national harbor. y gathered to take a trip down memory lane. >> good afternoon. as the beatles might say, help. i have the beatles' music coming from every direction. are stages outdoors and indoors at national harbor in crowds -- these
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clouds poured out any rain. abbey road on the river is billed as the largest beatles music festival. -- held two times a year. bents from around the the world, --ss e bands from around the world and across the country. the festival runs through monday. a five-day long event. i am joined by a beatles super fan. here all weekend for this. love the people so much? >> i grew up listening to them we were little. we have been listening to them. have seen all of the movies that have come out and we enjoy the music. the music just got underway the crowd is starting to show up. about your outfit. there is a story behind it.
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>> my granddaughter is 16. the truth is, i am just an old hippie. >> and you are here all weekend. there are a lot of activities. what you are looking for most? >> just the music. i like the white album and a hard day's. >> there are people from all walks of life. why has been -- have the beatles people? so many >> good clean music. what music should be. dance to it. you can understand what they are saying. better than today's music. >> today's music. like a lot of it, but they change the language. >> have fun this weekend. with us.r talking this event is great because a the ticket proceeds will
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t the american red cross. booth here. the money will benefit the e isaac andan of local house fires. if you would like to know more, site, abc 7 is a proud sponsor of abbey road on the river. >> the celebration is well under bank. we love the outfit. it is the last big weekend before the unofficial end of summer. looks a little hazy over there. in with dave to find out. >> we put in our order for a perfect weekend. it is not turning out quite that way. lot of cloud out there. some isolated showers and thunderstorms today. not a washout. arlington, it is 83 degrees. like winds out of the west.
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much of thehat way day. we can see some heavier showers over to the north. short periiod of some showers. keep your umbrella in hand. you can see the outflow there on side of thed screen. that is a tropical depression isaac. f the cloudssome o that.ated with some off and on showers today. and for monday. -- dewpoings right around dewpoints right of around 70. tomorrow and monday should be a bit cooler. the bad news is you are going to umbrella tomorrow and monday. even if there is not a washout, keep it just in case. >> that is no fun at all. thank you.
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isaac is no longer a hurricane, but it is still creating plenty dangerous situations. >> isaac is on the move and known in apresence big way. leftovers idle pounding the midwest. flash floods in arkansas left people without power. missouri and illinois bracing for impact. get six inches of rain holiday weekend. >> 25 bags of sand will hopefully help out. >> the aftermath in the louisiana catastrophic. and either -- in an eerie sight. a horrible scene leading folks lucky to be alive. -- lee defaults feeling lucky to be alive. >> that tree right there -- beving folks lucky to
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alive. there couldn right killed me. is --gueman's paris parish is leaking. overnight of people power is over 400,000. i am sure hundreds of thousands way.ople feel the same >> eight men jumped out of a because he wasy
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a windowmped out of on friday because he was being police.y a will be getting psychological evaluation. a teenager is behind bars for a f robberies. >> he is charged with an adult e police have connected ofm with the shooting death a man earlier this month. a shot down like >> samuel robinson because the shooting death of his 48-year- son since less. on the way to work at 5:00 a.m. walked up on a gang robbing another man. that men said the 16-year-old told -- turned the gun on robinson. >> he was a gentle person.
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>> police say gangs are coming to andle from metro stations. raided this home and found s and cell phones from cellds and phones from numerous robberies. >> we are looking for black the teens and early 20's. stationnt user of the such robberies are common. >> you actually see it going on. people do not stop and help them. , you get shothelp yourself. was an air force veteran. father is better. >> we have allowed criminal to take control of our neighborhoods, to take control our streets. >> terrance robinson was married
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and he had two adult sons. both robinson and the other robbery victim were middle-aged perhaps a target type. he recommended people traveling from metro stations in the early morning and late at not be alone, as was terrance robinson. reporting live from southeast washington, sam ford, abc 7 news. >> police are investigating a fatal crashes. the first happened yesterday 17 south of route of interstate 66. traveling northbound the it ran off the side of hit two trees. the driver died later at the hospital. this morning, police responded single vehicle crash on route 16 by howard lane. the car ran off of the roads around a curve.
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it hit several mailboxes and utility poles. the driver died at the scene. both accident remains under investigation. coming up, labor day travel can a headache. is new doubt that will it more aggravating. [ male announcer ] we've madade verizon fios even easier to switch to -- and harder to resist. because now w you can upgrade to fios internet and tv for a super-low $79.99 a month, guaranteed for one year, with no anal contract required. oncwe got fios it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. there's at least three computers. [ ggirl 1 ] a table. couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male anuncer ] fios is 100% fiber optitic.
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that's w why it can bring you america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. plus tv rated number one in customer satisfaction. [ girl ] the first time i saw fios' picture... remember? it was so awesome. crystal clear. it was crystal clear. ...i was just awestruck. [ male announcer ] don't wait. switch to fios for just $79.99 a month for one year with no annual contract required. this offer is only available online. cable, hasta la vista. [ male announcer ] visit that's contact the verizon center for customers with disalities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. you should totally llt fios. [ male announcer ] welcome to the spepeed you ne. welcome to life on fios.
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you can expect to dip into
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your wallet a little more this holiday weekend. the national average for s now $3.82 a gallon. that is the record high for this time of year. and 20¢ a gallon more than last labor day. it is a little less expensive in maryland and virginia. >> next tuesday is a notorious traffic in the area.gton the day after labor day has been called terrible traffic tuesday. it is the combination of people g back to work, kids going school, and congress back into session. everyone is on the road at the time, making for heavier rush hours. of driving, new research reveals fewer teenagers driving now compared to 30 years ago. contact online
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affectingl phones is their motivation to drive. >> whenever you touch the ignition, please put on your seat belt. >> he is finally getting on be behind the wheel. he says until now he has been for driver's education. >> we were driving our feet a bit.e he seemed to be willing to do that. >> a new report from the mckeon reveals more teenagers are driving -- from the michigan reveals more teenagers are delaying driving. a drastic drop over time. >> a few of my friends could now,had their licenses by theirey do not have permits.
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>> the change could be linked having social media the internet and cell phones. instructors with the t drivers education program has noticed the trend. >> they feel an obligation to on public get theirtion than n car and drive around. combination of things. more expensive. >> there are plenty of teenagers wait for that first day when they can get their license. have been looking forward since the first day i got my permit. these driving instructors in paris teenagers to get more practice behind the wheel -- get more teenagers to practice behind the wheel. >> coming up, highlights with
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big showdown in new york. and when
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>> what a sight. not a live shot. it is a scene at the reflecting pool. after two years of renovation, is open to the public. you can enjoy it if you dare go
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outside today. >> temperatures are down, so a people will be out there. >> it is only a foot or two deep. the water is filtered, so it be a lot clearer out there. also a reminder about swimming pools. last weekend. you will have to dodge the raindrops. >> you like doing that. >> i absolutely do, as long as there are no thunderstorms. to ittake you down chesapeake beach. boats are out. maybe they are waiting for better weather. is the temperature of like down there? it is 83 degrees. no rain shower down there as yet. looking at the far western maryland, they got 1/10 inches earlier. is warm around the region on this september 1. even though summer is ending, we
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l talking about heat and record heat. 92 is how it feels downtown. it feels like 89 in gaithersburg. 90 degrees as the sunshine goes down. in some areas, about 7:30 p.m. and there --nday muggy and there is a moisture out there. yesterday, we made it to 97 degrees. it was the 50th time we had the -- made 90 or more degrees. ofare getting the outflow that system. keep an eye on it. we have tropical storm lead in the -- lesley. out into theo go atlantic. threateningrk is
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some shipping lanes. you can see our futurecast and watch. potential for showers and on throughms right the remainder of today and tomorrow. as we head into monday, labor day, we will still need that -- that umbrella around here. plan b,e you have a today, tomorrow, and monday. >> it is time now for sports. the nationals continue to stifle the national league's most potent offense. a two run shot gives the 10-1 lead. the story of the night was gonzales, in cruise control,
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going the distance. 4 in his first8 career shutout. for his gatorade --8 first career shutout. gatorade bat after the game. to the left. that is a look at your morning sports. have a great weekend. >> penn state football is back the jerry sandusky scandal. the team opened its season at home. the game started at noon today. it is the first game since the was placed on probation -- for its role in the child abuse case. coming up on abc 7 news at noon, planning for a rainy
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labor day weekend. if you are heading to the movies, we
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recreates the legend brothers, moonshine
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making rebels who will not pay crooked cops in virginia. they start a war instead. gary oldman is a gangster and peace is the villain. for the weekend, the dark knight arises. have a great weekend, everybody. like a great weekend to be endorsed. >> sunshine will be at a premium. at this 7 day forecast. you will not like what you see. each and every day there is a showers and thunderstorms. nothing above 60%. it will be warm out there and it summer beyond labor day.
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hope you have a great day.
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