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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  December 13, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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your salary. a big announcement captioned by the national captioning institute five big stories beginning with the cell phone alert. the feds want a nation-wide ban phones and driving. >> they all think they are invincible. decision could death.tter of life or bars after his month year-old little girl
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dies. i have the evidence that led the of rest. >> why the station was shut down. showdown over your paycheck. announcement made by the white house. tebow-mania, the story of the talking about.e >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 news -- on your side. that woulda crime upset any parent. a two-month year-old girl is dead. in herher is charged death. after paramedics in fallsed to a home church. john gonzalez spoke with the father's grandfather. of this little called 91 to report that her baby was not breathing. hours later, that baby was dead a hospital. two days later, the baby's
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was a rested and charged with murder. arrested and charged with murder. home where the arrested.s anything.ot have >> his grandfather answered but had the will to say. is there anything you would like say? >> nook, you know everything. was in this apartment where police responded. >> i did not know it was our neighbor that as of arrested for -- that was arrested for that. >> the baby later died. the father is behind bars, murder.with felony >> is investigation revealed injuries that suggested abuse. details have to wait until
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court. detectives became convinced that the father was responsible. >> i knew something was going on. police here. >> the need to remember is when home.rl was brought >> -- this neighbor remembers home.he girl was brought have seen her now and then. >> no weapons were used. giving thenot cause of death. is the 10th homicide in the county this year. us francis reed has long, a criminal record. nobody else has been charged. >> thank you. new at 11:00, a metro is now open. it was briefly shut down. they closed the station at 7:00 for an hour after some of the tiles began to pop up. problem was caused by the weather.
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new at 11:00, a new twist in the showdown over extending payroll tax cut. the republican controlled house that would give tax breaks to 160 million americans. the bill, a provision requiring the of a canada oil pipeline. the bill is expected to fail in the senate. believes there be an 11th-hour deal. tonight, the push by the fed wide ban on cell phone. accidents lastly year, regulators declared all calling, testing, and in a net is too dangerous. te --xting, an -- texting, and internet surfing is too
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dangerous. >> we have a local law enforcement officer with a personal story. the ntsb's ports sweeping recommendations. [phone sounds] a dependence on the cell phone created a driving dilemma. >> those that are distracted a likely to be in a crash. has been described as the new d y. they are recommending that every ban drivers from talking phone.ll think that is ridiculous. >> others agree. >> it is dangerous. >> we cannot live without telephones. is to the point where people you see them on their cell when they are not supposed to be.
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>> this captain runs the police department traffic division. to do something to make a difference. >> he speaks from personal experience. in two dozen aid his son died in accident -- 2008 his son in a car accident where the distracted. >> it only confirms what we .now kills and changes lives forever. mind, this is just a recommendation. up to state leaders and make the nextto move. live in arlington. >> we also asked for your thoughts. a you think there should be nation-wide band? --dyss says, george writes -- if you'd like to share your
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thoughts, you can log onto 11:00, and end of an the marriott the luxury .otel chain j.w. marriott is stepping down the company does a ceo -- company's ceo. he turned the business into an conglomerate. former chief operating officer will become the new ceo. old will become executive chairman and plans to remain active in that company. coming up, tim tebow is headlines for something field. football also coming up, and alert for parents after a man goes after two young boys. but first, the scandal at penn state. why sandusky did not fight back
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in court.
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in major decision in the penn state. a twist, cherries and as attorneys waived the caboshed jerry sandusky's attorneys waived the parliament jerry's and as the's attorneys waived the preliminary hearing. they called the move a tactical decision. they claim that the media has been one-sided. attorneys for his victims disagree. >> i think he decided at the because he realized going to gowere with this. has been living in a fantasy world. >> he robbed them of their innocence. destroyed their lives. this is one more aspect of
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has done.he >> both sides say there are no work at a plea deal. also, in the other sex abuse scandal, two men who accused the syracuse assistant coach have lawsuit.ivil >> i want to help children who ,ave the courage to tell adults family, and the police if sexually abused. syracuse anduing the head basketball coach for the commission. say they were vilified as liars. a criminal case cannot be because the statute of limitations has expired. fine has denied the allegations. still to come, tim tebow's off the field. be linked to
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romantically. the weather center, a beautiful sunset tonight. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates.
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you are watching abc 7 news with leon harris, alison starling, of ryan, and it tim brant -- bob ryan, and tim police a man exposed himself to two little boys and taunted them. the boys got away. there is fear this man will strike again. manassas.from >> someone snapped these photos suspicious man outside chuck e. cheese. a short while later, a man matching the description exposed himself to a little boy. you have nothing better to do than black children? why? think it is gross. then flash children?
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why? think it is gross. >> it is not right. >> the 6-year-old ran away. the man pursued. the child got home safely. december 11, a similar thing happened. time, the man exposed 12-year-old. the boy got away safely. to catchin thing is before he does something for the. what did you see? >> she would not comment. the woman who runs a rental of said she saw the man. believes she saw him again here, today. her co-worker said she did not police because she was certain it was him. both of these incidents took place here at the end of this
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this is where school buses pick upoff and children. she said she saw the man over there, in those woods. she is fairly certain the suspect is not a resident of complex. reporting live. >> thank you for the latest there. turning that is some new shooting at in the virginia tech. virginia state police say the gunman legally purchase the handgun. boughty the 22-year-old the 40 caliber semiautomatic in january from a licensed dealer. point, a motive as to he shot and killed an officer remains a mystery. sunday morning news junkies will be seeing a big change. the anger will be returning to cnn. positiontake
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for cnn. the host of this a year and a half. she will be replaced by george stephanopoulos who she replaced abc last august. also knew, tim tebow is back in the headlines. vonn is denying reports dating the quarterback. questions arose after vonn a pose after winning a week.ast was also spotted in his box during the game this past sunday. she says she is just friends with the teeth of family -- the family. those these are hard to get the football bought the why it is so obvious. -- those skis are hard to get the football box. that is why it is so obvious.
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there is no sign of any big storms. outside, beautiful shot of that rising full moon. oh my goodness. the moon, when it is low, orange because of the the like. of is why weight, that a blue sky, it should -- scattered. our current temperature is not unreasonable. degrees. average high is into the high-40's. four degrees above average. look to the temperatures of run washington. the 30's.o you folks in the suburbs are 30's also. be as cold tomorrow morning. clouds coming our way. in northwest canada, it is not all that cold.
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not a pool of cold air yet to come our way. maybe that will come as we head into january. what is coming into our way. of the moisture. overnight, the high pressure off. get the southwesterly winds. it will be pleasant to the next weather that will be sliding through us -- it will be pleasant. next weather front through as. sliding no sign of any dramatic cold. in for a pleasant weekend. tomorrow, it will be chilly, but only into the mid-30's. clubs around tomorrow. there could be it you scattered sprinkles for you folks in the virginia.of west for the southerly wind,
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theeratures will be into 50's, even with the clubs. here -- clouds. here is that chance of high pressure. weekend, once again, as we have had, a lot of sunshine. bit colder.ittle no sign of our first snow. >> you do not have to have any christmas, then we are all set. >> i am working on that. have the latest on the was it. -- wizards. they are the flyers. look at this. ♪
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[ female announcer ] during trihe holidays, there's a lot to get done. and safeway select appetizers help you rise to every occasion. ♪ from delectable to amazing. there are over 20 affordable safeway select appetizers ♪ to make all of your gatherings just as merry as can be. ♪ only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers -- moving you forward.
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>> the capitals double tonight. how long thisnder season will continue. dale hunter is 3-4. they say it takes time for his system to work. the flyers in there is tim. they were a outsmarted. the flyer isou -- embarrassed him. they were as much it. philly was hitting goals every way possible. the goalie doug pulled. -- got pulled. caps lose, 5-1. was a split first exhibition game friday night. -- the wizards play their first exhibition game friday night. they are confident they will get young back in the fold. want nick young back. is playingford, he like that is his job.
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>> i'm looking for it to go out there and start. nick is going to come back. >> a big run, i would love to see that. williams up one. down one, looking for the win. tip, tip, tip, on the third won. west potomac upstes tc williams, 51-50. watch this punt return. in the middle of the screen. matrix move. the grant goes crazy. are you serious? williams makes his move. our shot of the week. at 55. >> let's go to overtime. he made it!
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made it! a half-courter, he made it! a miracle! >> and not quite l. michaels -- al michales. a great shot. that is a look at sports. >> nothing matches the excitement. >> a miracle. coming up, dozens of people up for a holiday tradition. causeod
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or creates another laptop bag, or hires another employee, it's not just good for business.
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it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local sinesses have on communities. that's why we extended $13.2 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum...
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we can empower more people to innovate... putting momentum behind our economy. and we can reduce the deficit... with more than thirty billion dollars paid by america's wireless mpanies. it's simple -- more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone. is still have plenty of time for our latest giveaway. $700 worth of groceries. is the limit your front door. we will announce the winner on friday. a huge mistletoe in new york to pucker strangers up. there is a date in website, a up this greenery. for every lip lot, organizers $1ing -- donating
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$1 to operation smile. santa writing in smile -- in style. he visited children in fairfax county. to kids atd gifts seven schools. also, young patients at fairfax and georgetown hospitals. we will be right back.
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11:31 pm
still no snow on the horizon. bit over thetle horizon. not tomorrow. a weather front coming our way. some of rain showers on thursday. all the time. there is a meteor shower tonight. there is a meteor shower to[ woman ] my boyfriend and i were goining on vacation,
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so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond.
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but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. my high school science teacher dede me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪
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