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tv   Good Morning Washington at 430  ABC  December 13, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EST

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becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. >> i want those gloves. that's what's making news in america this morning. >> thanks for watching live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on >> side. straight ahead, a small town takes center stage today for a preliminary if in the child sex abuse scandal at penn state. former assistant coach and jerry will come face-to-face accusers.of his good morning, washington. 4:30 on this tuesday, december 13. i am cynne simpson. >> i am pamela brown. traffic and weather every ten minutes. first, meteorologist adam caskey. >> another frosty start to the morning. to scrape the windshield. not as cold as yesterday.
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frederick, 23 in winchester and the dulles national,3 at reagan 32 of lexington park. mostly sunny today, temperatures degrees. warmer than yesterday and even 5-10. north wind at mid to upper 20s tonight. low 30's downtown. temperatures will move upward next couple days. sunshine tomorrow. sprinkle ofe of a the metro, highs in the low 50's on wednesday. thursday and there's a chance of the day.ead in saturdayght and early there could be mixed precipitation. now to lisa baden. clearing overnight construction. no accidents. taking a couple of pictures, the beltway west of connecticut up495, wrapping
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road, a very good. travel across the american nicely.ridge growing virginia is quiet between springfield. back to you. >> thank you. in helicopters crashed state carrying four soldiers and injuring two others. this was near tacoma. the cause is under investigation. expecting developments today in the child sex abuse scandal at penn state. the jerry sandusky is set to .ppear in court this morning he will face many of his accusers. is in pennsylvania with more. >> the hearing will get under way in a few of us in this in this town 10 miles state college. is a small town with a small
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corvallis. barce urt house.orv the judge will decide whether court may go to trial. least five of the alleged are scheduled to oath as to what they said it happened to them, did to them.ndusky have read about in the grand reports. the young men, now adults, were terribly sexually by a jerry sandusky, often times in the state football locker room owers. he has denied everything andy present. the victims will be brought in in all of the courtroom private manner.
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-- jerry sandusky has denied he will beand present. " you'll hear directly from his accusers. abc 7 news reporting. >> a with abc 7 for the latest case.s look for more of those reports our later newscasts on wjla. d.c. police investigating a involving some of their own. it happened around 7:00 last in the 5300 block of northeast. police or called to investigate pcprts of a man high on gun.g a drop thered him to weapon. when he refused, they opened in the 5300 block of clay terrace. the interior department has the national academy of at thes panel to look of the perils bill
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disaster plan and ways to help of the bp oile disaster and ways to prevent it from happening again. urgehe iraqi leader will community andess .o invest in iraq he and president obama placed a at arlington national cemetery at the tomb of the soldier and yesterday. scheduled tops are of iraq by december 31. 295 northbound, pothole from 9:30ll be done through 3:00 p.m.. signs will be posted alerting motorsports. motorists.
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round-the-clock sales at macy's. >> man could netflix be sold? -- and could netflix be sold? >> we spoke with an investment banker. is serious about acquiring the online movie provider. verizon hinted that the company itss to move beyond service and move video. streaming according to a poll commissioned sears, 70% of consumers say they have already shopped or hourso shop during off retailers are listening. keeping 14 of its stores open for three all -- nighters.
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and sears will have extended well.s as live at bloomberg headquarters in new york, linda bell reporting for abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you. i finished all my holiday shopping on green monday. done. 4:37, 31 degrees. >> the search for clues into broadr during del daylight. >> and crackdown on flash mobs thefts across
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adam caskey in the belfort furniture weather center. temperatures dropping under skies last night. you need to scrape the frost windshield this morning. .lear conditions some showers about to cross over the mississippi. is the next system that particularly to the form of added cloud cover and a few sticks of sunshine tomorrow. some rain chances by late
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thursday. 33 paypal district. had 21. and culpeper gaithersburg to start the morning. sunny. this afternoon will be a few yesterday,mer than degrees. 50's tomorrow, mid 50's farther south. of a sprinkle the metro.f better chance of rain late boundaryas a frontal drops into our region. will be along this day, well into the fifties. night into an early saturday there could be light precipitation. something we will keep an eye on. road theree structure fire that is distracting computers. , give normally take that
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yourself extra time. smoke causing a distraction. no problems to report as far as the 270. looks good all of southern maryland. interdistrict is a clean shot. looks good on 395. the of thecture bridge movingn nicely. back to you. >> thank you. 4:42, 31 degrees. >> saying goodbye to a police officer killed on the campus of virginia tech last week's. fellow officers, family members, friends remembered officer deriek crouse. >> mitt romney is talking about $10,000 bet at saturday's debate
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the dupont circle nightclub of a violentscene last month will fight to license fromor being a vote today. license was suspended. people were shot and others were stepped up the at thebbed restaurant.
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a man was shot and killed around 4:15 yesterday afternoon while children were playing in the neighborhood. hospitalm was taken to pronounced dead. he was a nice guy. it is accepted took his life like that. sad.t is are inv an emotional tribute to the deadlyof thursday's shooting at virginia tech. thousands of people gathered yesterday for altus and deriek -- officer deriek funeral. we would get preferred to be and thatelse but here been hereave still us. all of he was killed during a traffic stop.
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a student from a nearby college shot him and was found from a self- inflicted gunshot wound. a maryland delegate will introduce a bill plans for aeld in connection with mob to get a higher penalty than before. gop presidential candidate and mitt romney makes no apologies about its proposed $10,000 bed with texas governor rick perry at saturday night's bet.10,000 >> it is an outrage that he raising the issue, so i put an outrageous number on the table. >> mitt romney campaigned in new
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.ampshire yesterday poll showed that new is increasing his time limits in. newt gingrich and jon huntsman everythingirtually during debate. it is 31 degrees. >> coming up,, lady gaga will be making a return to our area. dinnerrmal given ton has been this angle. given ton has been this angle.
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and brings in the cold. because of our economy, millions more will feel that chill than ever before. they're the forgotten ones. the big boys have abused the system to enrich only themselves, while workers are still hurting. it could be a layoff after 22 years of working for the same company. or choorosing between food and heat for a s ak child. or after working your whole life, you don't have what you need to stay warm. you played by the rules, but who changed them? even though oil prices are soaring to record levels, in washington, fuel aid for the poor was cut in half. citizens energy asked big oil companies and oil producing nations to help. they all said 'no,' expect for citgo and the people of venezuela.
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for the last 7 years, citgo has helped struggling families in the united states in good times and in bad. so if you need help staying warm this winter, give me a call. because no one should be left out in the cold. time for a check of traffic and weather every ten minutes. 51. >> you step outside and you want to go back inside. >> tough to get from under the covers. you know is in the twenties outside and you will have to windshield this morning. here are some of the coldest numbers. inwood, west virginia, 18 degrees, the same in hancock.
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21 in leesburg and bristow. calm wind today. high-pressure planted over dead. that translates into calm wind. 26 in what was d.c., oxon hill at 33. 27 in herndon, 21 in bristow, 29 in prince frederick. calm wind helps the temperatures tonight with clear skies. gradual warming trend morning and afternoon all through thursday. high temperatures thursday afternoon well into the fifties. clear skies over italy without pressure. performing off to the west and southwest. some rain showers crossing over mississippi. a developing system will affect us mainly on a thursday. steven moll you will notice added clouds. limited sunshine 50 today with
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skies, 52 tomorrow. rain thursday afternoon. normal travel times. working in our favor of 95 between richmond and baltimore. good on the greenway, the toll road. thes clear between bridge and alongville and a nice run 270. the wilson bridge, moving very to the south of town. no issues on the beltway between avenue and at georgia avenue. take youere i will next. where did ever got to go? >> it is too early. 31 degrees. less than two weeks from christmas. many of you probably still perfect gift.e >> you don't want to break the
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bank. cui have ideas and most of them $25.nder >> holiday gifts should be fun, thoughtful, and not expensive. are my top picks for six. most of them under $25. have tohat you don't to use the you all phone. $20 for this pair. another item that has dropped in wireless keyboard that use within ipad. $25 from hp. a great way to pylon via accessories. accessories. the this stand is $79. and this is an ingenious way to keep your technology items cocoon.d, the
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and this makes froth for your drinks. it really works. and a new pair accused of headphones. these snap together like lego blocks. wear them around your neck. with little star trek feeder. hand.g power one more fun item i could not resist, fake gift boxes. you pack a real gift in their the recipients thinks you them a snuggie. good luck with your holiday shopping.
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>> i loved that idea. this is something else when you open it. hadfloor director joe get everyone a car charger. the governor and his wife sent an informal lady he is thankful for the efforts >> i betade to martin o'malley wants his kids to have dinner with and lady gaga op. winnings far from a .oment for actor charlie sheen he was trying to send a private onsage to the justin bieber asking him to call
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he accidentally tweeted his more than $5to his million. phone inundated with calls and got 1800 text messages within minutes. he answered some of the calls pizza."greeting " ray's he has now changed his number. >> something to remember. 31 degrees. >> something to remember. 31 degrees. >> a special feed for ♪ [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. it penetrates below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a $500 dentist tatment. the secret's in the strip. for smile that's sure to stand out.
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