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tv   Good Morning Washington at 430  ABC  October 17, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EDT

4:30 am
barbara pinto, abc news, chicago. >> ouch. that's what's making news in america this morning. >> have a great monday morning everyone. and in hd, this is good washington. >> the search continues for a boy who is missing from montgomery county. his stepfather is. a- is scheduled to appear in court. the good morning. >> we start with your traffic every 10 minutes. we will check in with lisa in moment. the morning, adam. >> it was a very pleasant
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weekend. it is above 70 degrees. it to be a few degrees warmer. the end of the week, and temperatures will go. spots he showers in area moving west. it is approaching 81. and a mixture of sun and clouds. cooler of funds. lexington part 68 degrees. 59 in frederick. a mixture of sun and clouds. had. not as dusty as we like our in looks transition day. fairly rainy as well. near talking upper 50s to 60's. >> thank you plenty busy. their clearing the road work off of the beltway.
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thank you. on the beltway, between new avenue in georgia ave. a lot of construction. only one lane open to the left. it disclosed in the district. a whole has developed in the bridge. outbound is closed. inbound is open. get to the park coming out in maryland. besides is open. more details on that developing story coming up. >> thank you. >> we begin a developing story in montgomery county.
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his mother was found murdered last week. cadaver dogs searched parts and found nothing. the main suspect in this house appear in court in north carolina. we have more on the investigation. was a difficult moment. i thought let's get together as one community and mind. >> been gathered together single found the died in a bedroom. they cannot find william anywhere. authorities tracked down and estrangedis .usband'
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he served 13 years for attempted murder. police say he will not cartel more william is. the search teams combed the terrain looking for the child. this just been holding out hope. >> worry ways the many mines. and the issue is not coming back. we want to get him back. grex bill proceed. as for the suspect, they're appear in an extradition hearing.
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news.mantown, abc 7 >> thank you. the car went airborne and flew during a fiery wreck. to happen in the 11th lap of the vegas area. the winner was flown to the where he died. he was 33 years old. >> here is one of my greatest friends. he considered them a friend. >> three other drivers were hurt. hey did a five lap tragopan his wife into young sons. >> returned to the latest in a in aruba were a man will
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be back in court today. lawyers will ask a judge to play their clients. he is expected in the designers this travel companion. he claims he was swept away by a current wall out snorkeling. >> lawmakers return to an analyst day for a special session. they will review and vote on new the congressional districts. beforen must be approved the big of a recession can start in january. discusss may transportations and deficits issues. banks are in focus. they reported some profits in the union. join liver do we from bloomberg headquarters. >> can the postal service be
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saved? he is now counting on him. he is a former adviser to the house that tell a trip organized gm and chrysler. they're hoping to develop a to give a lifeline to the postal service that is of nearly $10it billion. . busy week for the banks are waiting on from wellsarnings fargo and citigroup. those are due out later this morning. higherow features are ahead of the open. there is an announcement today that will impact cell phone users. have all the details coming up. >> thank you so much spirit it
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as rigid thank you so much. it is 63 degrees. the city of ash fell prepares a presidential visit. leaven interview with president obama's first stop. dedicating the dream. you the memorial. trafficanother check on and weather. stay with us.
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[ female afeouncer ] find yourself sometimes cleaning up after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable, and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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>> monday morning. i'm here at the weather center. there to kick off a cold front. it is not causing all that. more and sprinkles. you can see these dots here. these of the light areas of rain. it is really dissipating. we are not expecting any rain in the metro area. 52 degrees in cumberland. lexington park. it will change the temperatures in a little bit. upper 60's in some locations.
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tomorrows partly cloudy. talking highs in the upper 50's. >> there are reporting that they on a poll that has developed. we will find some restrictions. only one lane is open to the left. outbound is closed. eventually the capital. belgium all lanes are open. a huge deal.
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we will go back to the news. greg thank you. 61 degrees outside. has been an honor and a making for a legendary leader. >> some nazi behavior on sesame street. what packers left on the page.e
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two woworlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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the senate republicans have of the american jobs at. the president begins the tour. cornellghts activists was a rested yesterday. police arrested him and 15 other protesters for refusing to leave the area. premier he attended the the martin luther king jr. memorial. tens of thousands of people gathered for yesterday's
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dedication of the king memorial. >> president obama spoke at the ceremony. for helping him history as a first african- president. >> we are part of history. >> a historic moment thousands mess.not >> yet to realize where we came from. >> the lines began at 5:00 a.m.. >> it feels like a dream come true. it called for change. towe should never adjust violence of any form. become aessed a baby great hero. it was an emotional day. >> it makes me want to get off keister.
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>> is reminding us all relevant message is today. they cheered as he dedicated it. let i know we will overcome. i know there are better days ahead. i know it is because the man poring over us. essentially a those stayed the street. >> big crowds kept coming. thefurther you were from stage, the more difficult it was the event. >> he kept years of. no reason why i shouldn't. you just wish she could hear what was being said. dream he said was an over.
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amazing we have more photos from yesterday's dedication. you'll find them on our web sites. should know the full the earthquake damage at the national procedural. we will begin taking a closer look this week. the cathedral is close to the public right now. reopen to that disregardthis regar this. they are spreading to issue
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targets. they will target the areas. is 61 degrees. next in sports. a controversy. more problems on the road. we will be right back.
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there is a satellite and radar. some on the radar. is it. ture ofse, it is a mr sunshine and low clouds. near and sow the cumberland you bit of a shower. highs today in the upper-60's. for most of us, it to be in the mid-70's. big cooling by the end of the week transition day will be wednesday. lisa? southmalcolm x avenue and street, a whole has
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bridge deck.a they have southbound to 95 at #2 only the left lane getting by. two are only bullying --rd the lanes get through. complication in area. the mystify temple of the of the on the topside beltway. in looks at more than the left lane. there picky stuff of drama -- deputy up overnight construction. thank you. the world series matt of is now set.
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they helped him defeat the milwaukee brewers 12-6. they will face this. a the redskins may have been theirrback controversy on after yesterday. after he did his fourth interception. he is replaced by john bac. it is not enough to overcome the deficit. .> i believe in myself >> is a practicing well. the gave him an opportunity. >> he said he will decide which will start next week's game. >> this is something you do not
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see every day. two coaches fighting after a game. they got into an little scuffle after they beat the lions yesterday. he claims they sent him after the post-game handshake. the field.hem off >> even the characters cannot escape was some thoughts. >> they took control of the youtube page. they were taken off line. they issued an apology. that is not funny. >> not at all. >> we do have a new face of a giveaway. you have a chance to win $700 toward the free groceries.
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contest byer the to our facebook page. we will announce the winner friday at 5:00. nearly two dozen people had to places to stay after forced the matter of their apartment. investigators say was not an apartment. investigators say was not an accident [ female announcer ] find yourself sometimes cleanesg up after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable, and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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4:59 am
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