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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  October 11, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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the occupation continues. there's word this morning that protesters in d.c. could be around for a long haul. >> as the nba labor lockout continues, a battle is about to cut a ton out of the basketball season. good morning washington at 5:00 a.m. begins now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> i should start my morning every day of looking at john wall dancing. good morning washington. it's tuesday, october 11 i am cynne simpson. >> i am natasha barrett. we will check in with lisa baden in a moment. first, meteorologist adam caskey. >> very good tuesday morning. we are tracking a changing weather patterns in the belfort furniture weather center. soggy later on tonight and tomorrow. even a few stray showers today. right now the temperatures are in the 50's and 60's.
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57 in leesburg, 61 n. woodbrige, 61 in germantown. i think for the most part we will be around 70 degrees for the high temperature. low 70's mostly around the beltway. stray showers possible a special into the afternoon and evening. widespread rain tonight through tomorrow morning and into the afternoon. the heaviest rain will be west of the blue ridge, where you could see two inches of rain. close to an ins locally, clearing out for the weekend. travel times in our favor between fredericksburg and baltimore. anyone wanting to take 95, south into richmond and north and to the baltimore, clear at andrews air force base. still working on doing that, of nevada university boulevard. two left lanes are blocked after new hampshire avenue? the georgia avenue. they are backing up slowly and moving those out of the way. now to breaking news. following breaking news in
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montgomery county. that is where someone was stabbed at a metro station early this morning. this happened at the wheaton station dustoff georgia avenue. that is where we find brianne carter with breaking details. >> good morning. this station just opened this morning a few minutes ago, for commuters. a very busy station. people will start arriving here. some of the bus is already making their way here. this all happened around 12:20 this morning. police confirmed that one person was adapted -- was stabbed. that person may have been a much pr -- a metro bus driver. we don't know how many passengers were on the bus at the time. around 12:20 or 12:30 is when the last train is scheduled to
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leave the station for the early morning heading from the nighttime into the early morning. we do know there still could of been passengers getting off the bus and getting ready to board a train. there's no word on any more details from and permit county police. we will stay on top of this story and bring you the latest as it develops. the montgomery county in wheaton, brianne carter, abc 7 news. police are searching for suspects after a teenage boy was a shot and killed in prince george's county. the 17-year-old victim was found last night in the 2100 block of iverson st. in temple hills. investigators have not said what may have led to the gunfire. new developments in the ongoing protests in downtown d.c. dozens of demonstrators angry about the economy and other issues spent another night camped out at streets and plazas. we are learning that the protesters have been granted permission to extend their stay.
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and jummy olabanji joins us from a freedom plaza with more on the decision. >> four months is how long the national park service says this group of protesters can stay here at freedom plaza. whether or not the people in this area like it, a lot of them say they are not going anywhere. cheers rang out after their expired permit was extended by four months. while a victory, many of the protesters say they have no plans of leaving. >> forever. if it takes that. i bought a one-way ticket. >> this movement against corporate greed has been in the district since last week. although several protesters workers sprayed at aerospace museum this weekend, for the most part everything has been peaceful. >> expect more people will be coming down here now that it is legal. >> while the growing intensity
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does violate the permits, so far they have been allowed to stay, catching the attention of many tourists passing by. >> i don't think it takes four months to get a message across, but if that's what they want to do, i think that's ok. >> at 9:00 this morning this group plans to march down to the u.s. they say they will meet members of congress back from their three-day weekend. reporting live, jummy olabanji, abc 7 news. president obama will make another pitch for it is jobs plan today. the political will meet with his jobs council during a stop in pittsburgh. this comes as the senate is scheduled to vote on whether to take up the $447 billion legislation. it is not clear if it has 60 votes needed to move forward. jobs and the economy will be the focus of the gop presidential debate tonight. the republican candidates will
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face off at dartmouth college in new hampshire. a new state poll finds mitt romney is the choice of 37% of likely primary voters. 62 degrees outside. >> still to come, what is next for dozens of maryland families after a fire forced them from their homes last night. >> hank williams jr. still has a bone to pick over its controversial exit from monday [ female announcer ] if you're considering going back to school you have options. you can attend our online program or if you prer a classroom experience... look no further than your own neighborhood. we have over 200 campuses and learning centers around the country. where you can attend classes, career fairs and meet wi students and faculty. today, you can go to school online, on-campus, or both. explore
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[ ring, ring ] [ ring, ring ], i think we're pretty happy with our phones. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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time to check on your traffic and weather every ten minutes. >> we turn to adam caskey. it's been a mild weeks of far. >> it sure has. 83 degrees yesterday a at reagan national. today will be a little cooler because of the thicker clouds we have overhead. if not as much sunlight. tomorrow even cooler. some areas of rain will move into town. 60 incumbent -- 50 in cumberland right now, 63 in the district on this tuesday morning. 55 in manassas. mostly cloudy today. cannot rule out a few stray showers. that's for the afternoon and evening.
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30% of our viewing area will have that. 73 for the high temperature. we will all get some rain from tonight through tomorrow afternoon. rainshowers off and on tonight through tomorrow afternoon and the heaviest rain will be west of the blue ridge. we can expect one or two inches. two to the west of the blue ridge. high temperatures in the 60's. now to lisa baden. 70, 95 in baltimore looks great. beltways open at the american legion bridge. a live picture of traffic on 270. moving nicely at shady grove road. traffic getting away from us is southbound. one more picture that is virginia, heading away from us is northbound at duke street. back to you. >> thank you. 5:10, 62 degrees. >> when we continue, new penalties about to take effect
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at a busy commuter lot. we will tell you what is causing all the trouble and what police are doing today. >> more than a month after your earthquake, a virginia town at the epicenter of as a reason to celebrate. >> and later -- ♪ and other dancing duo getting cut tonight.
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the montgomery county police are investigating a stabbing at the wheaton metro station. it happened just before 12:30 this morning. police have not release information on the svictim or what may have led to this. protesters will occupy freedom plaza in d.c. for the near future. the national park service will
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allow the protests continue four or months. hundreds of people are protesting corporate greed and economic inequality. virginia governor bob mcdonnell is seeking disaster aid for fairfax and prince william county residents affected by the remnants of tropical storm lee. more than 100 homes and businesses were destroyed or damaged during last month's floods. we want to look at the day ahead. the man accused of shooting at military buildings in northern virginia is scheduled to be in court. yonathan melaku is expected to plead guilty to unrelated larceny charges. his court appearance comes a couple weeks after the loudoun county source of this said that he tried to escape from jail. at prince william parkway near 95 there's a commuter line.
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warnings will be handed out for cars illegally parked. cars will be ticketed antidote's after this week. a civilian airplane entered restricted airspace at the national capital region. espy was out of communication when it entered the restricted airspace around 6:30 last night. fighter jets escorted the plane out of the area and it landed at the baltimore international airport without any problems. investigators are trying to find out what caused a fire at an apartment complex that forced more than 50 people from their homes. the fire started around 6:00 last night that at the bedford station apartments on university boulevard in langley park. the fire erupted in a hollow space between the third story flat roof and the slanted roof above. >> as that fire advanced into the roof, it burned through the
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roof. we had folks on the roof that had to be pulled off. >> hundreds of tenants raced to get outside. firefighters got the flames under control in 20 minutes. 11 units are badly damaged. one firefighter was taken to the hospital. people in the virginia town at the epicenter of the august earthquake have something to look forward to. country singer alan jackson will perform a free concert in mineral, the town received 31,000 votes in a competition sponsored bypass a web site. the date has not been set yet. thank williams jr.'s long association with espn ended when he compared president obama and john boehner into hitler playing golf with benjamin netanyahu. he made the comments on a cable news show. he says that the host twisted his words. he is scheduled to appear today on "and the vie the view" on abc 7
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at 11:00 a.m. the competition is heating up on "dancing with the stars." they're serious. ricki lake and her partner didn't tank over-the-top -- did the statango, landed in first place. j.r. martinez in second place. chaz bono got his first standing ovation. carson kressley came in last. one couple will leave the dance floor after tonight's results show. it could be anyone with the way things have been going this season. >> carson did not look like himself. >> " it's like a pirates of the caribbean. we will turn to technology.
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walmart goes local on facebook. >> ipod users now have a social networking tool. here's tanya rivero. >> trendin -- friending walmart. walmart will be able to tailor its offers for specific communities. there's now an official application for the apple ipads on facebook. there is snow application specifically tailored for android tablets. there's anubis game that follows the adventures of a guy who breaks into a lamp and steals experimental jet packs. it gets high marks. >> it's an ipad game that is easy to play and has a lot of challenges. >> i am tanya rivero.
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>> time now for traffic and weather every ten minutes. >> adam caskey in the house this month. if we could just keep this trend going, that would be lovely. >> we can. it has been easy about the past week as a meteorologist. now it's getting a little tricky. we have some active weather. first look at the clouds shown in white on the satellite and radar composites, streaming northward. all the way from the atlantic into the caribbean, all the moisture streaming up the east coast. that is translating into clouds overhead for us. areas of rain in north carolina. we could get in on a few of those bodies hours later on today. an isolated few stray showers this afternoon and evening cannot be ruled out. 30% of our viewing area could have that.
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i think all of us will get in on the raindrops tonight. here's a look at the moisture out of the caribbean and the atlantic and moving into the area of low pressure. there's a high-pressure system we had for about a week. that's moving out of town. replacing that is a low pressure system writing up the coastline. that will have plenty of moisture to work with. this will translate into a decent amount of rain for our region. moderate showers tonight through the afternoon tomorrow. overall close to an inch of rain with nearly two inches possible west of the metro area. that is by the time this is over tuesday evening. -- wednesday evening. 50 degrees right now in cumberland, p-51 in hagerstown, 63 in quantico. 73 it is the high temperatures today. cooler northwest of the metro area. a few stray showers possible this afternoon. active weather tonight.
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rain will become widespread through the night sky. you will see that off and on through the afternoon tomorrow. the heaviest rain will be west of the blue ridge. one or two inches possible. that is two indepen the shenandoah valley and the potomac highlands. mid 70's thursday and friday. areas of rain thursday into friday. on the weekend, expect a cold front to move through, dropping temperatures into the upper 60's with a lot of sunshine. warming up on sunday. commute looks great. overnight construction barrels have been put to bed. a nice ride on 95 between richmond and baltimore. looks good on 66. no troubles on 270 between baltimore and hagerstown. a quiet trip through the district in southeast d.c. and the that nationals park and on both sides of the south the southwest freeway. back to you. >> thank you. 61 degrees outside.
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>> after the break nearly every major the american sports making headlines today from football to baseball, basketball, and hockey. tim brant has you covered later. >> one of the most beautiful women in the world, now she comes here to reveal the other side. her troubled marriage to mickey rourke her fairy tale life turned nightmare. >> he put a gun to my head. >> and how she came back to reclaim her life. today at 4:00 abc 7.
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in the history of postseason baseball it has never happened. a walk of grand slam. the texas rangers beat detroit, 7-3. texas now leads the series 2-1. in the national league, louis defeated milwaukee to even the series at 1. monday night football, detroit remains unbeaten, topping chicago, 24-013. tim brant has the rest of sports. >> let's start with high tea. capitals picked up where they left off last spring.
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it was a playoff-type atmosphere at verizon center last night. picking up in the shootout. matt goes wide and he almost lost it. he nailed it. and a shootout. here comes alexander. if he scores, it's over. aback can hear the capitals2-1 to star. 2 and 0 to start the season. in the nba, labor talks have been frustrated. commissioner cancel the first two weeks. now the entire season is in jeopardy. if there is a look of your morning sports. have a great day, everybody. 61 degrees.
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cracks in the next half-hour first lady michelle obama's plan to jump-start her latest health initiative today. >> john hendren in washington. more on the meteoric rise of herman cain, the presidential hopeful, coming up. >> the weather pattern shifting. man: the forecast -- plenty of sunshine through today with seasonable temperatures. we should reach our normal high by this afternoon. hey, ellen! what are you doing? not much -- just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee. want some? [ whoosh! ] i'd love some. one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. mm! good! pick some up where you buy groceries. hey, did you ever think about getting curtains? america runs on dunkin'.
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live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> straight ahead, we are following breaking news this morning. we are live as police investigated a stabbing at a busy metro station. good morning, approaching 5:30 on this tuesday, october 11. i am cynne simpson. >> i am natasha barrett.
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we begin with traffic and weather every ten minutes. adam caskey has a check on the forecast. >> good tuesday morning. we had high-pressure for about the past week, giving us vast sunshine. you will need an umbrella, later on tonight into the entire day tomorrow and a little thursday night into friday. high-pressure is moving into town. replacing tha-- high-pressure is moving out of town. we will have a lot of atmospheric moisture to work with and that will translate into moderate rainfall accumulations. spotty showers possible this afternoon and this evening, a few and far between. most of the rain will hold off until tonight and tomorrow. what i like about the futurecast is the yellow and orange indicates the heaviest rain will be west of the blue ridge. that is in line with our thinking in the weather center. temperatures, 58 to start the day, in herndon.
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quiet traffic in baltimore. 95, to 95. looks good on 56 in annapolis. a beautiful ride in cheverly and b-w parkway and 50. dcm 295 is an event full at malcolm x. the greenway and towboats are normal. looks good out of sterling and tysons. 95 from 610 through dumphries and starting the morning march up to the beltway. back to you. >> thank you. following breaking news this morning. someone was stabbed at a busy metro stop in montgomery county. >> this happened at the wheaton metro station called georgia avenue. brianne carter is on the scene this morning with more details. -- off georgia avenue.
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>> we are learning new details from montgomery county police. this all happened around 12:20 this morning. the bus driver was stabbed. he was leaving from the silver spring metro station, driving here to the beaten metro station. that is when a bus driver noticed that a passenger on the bus was being disorderly in the back of the bus. the bus driver then went back to ask the passengers to contain himself and then continue on to the wheaton station. there was a woman on the bus and he asked her to go back to the boss -- bus. a fight ensued between the bus passenger cars as well as the bus driver. authorities are telling us the fight broke out at this station
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and the bus driver realizes that he had been stabbed. the suspect is 52 years old. the bus driver is 28 years old. police have a suspect in custody. charges are pending. a weapon has been recovered. authorities are telling us as the bus driver's injuries are not life-threatening. again, new details from police. the bus driver around 12:20 this morning was stabbed agreed to metro station. injuries are not life- threatening. the suspect is in custody. back to you. >> thank you. police are searching for suspects after a teenage boy was shot and killed in prince george's county. the 17-year-old was found last night on iverson st. in temple hills. investigators have not said what may have led to the violence and not identified the boy. the occupied d.c. protests will continue through the winter. occupy d.c-- occupy d.c..
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there permit was extended four months by the national park service. >> i think more people will be coming down now that it is legal. >> how long do you plan to stay? >> forever. >> people will be here until demands are met. >> the protesters say they are demonstrating against corporate greed and economic inequality. they plan to march to capitol hill today. we will have more from that at 6:00. encouraging health news for u.s. senator tom coburn of oklahoma. his spokesman says that he's expected to make a full recovery after undergoing surgery yesterday for prostate cancer. the 63-year-old senator is expected to return to his full- time duty later on this month. he was treated previously for two other forms of cancer, malignant melanoma and colon cancer. the economy takes center stage today. this morning president obama
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travels to pennsylvania to put his jobs bill -- to push his jobs bill and to talk about it destructor project. >> and tonight the republican presidential candidates will focus solely on the economy. john hendren has a preview. good morning. >> good morning. the presidential debate tonight could get interesting. it is supposed to be all about jobs and the economy. for at least two candidates is likely to be all about attacking each other. get ready for a full frontal assault. >> mitt romney as a flip-flop on so many issues. >> as a republican presidential -- as the republican presidential candidates prepare for debate, rick perry is on the attack against mitt romney. >> people running against me will take what i said and try to turn it and say something else. >> rick perry has won 10 out of
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10 elections. >> this guy does not apply but -- not let up. >> i have never felt pressured going into these debates. not because i am overly confident, but because i am myself. >> he earned a complement from the front runner who said that the former godfather pizza executive had no political experience. >> you don't want to learn that going ini. >> john hendre-- going in. greg john hendren reporting. >> more problems for the nfl star terrell owens rushed to a
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hospital. greta questions into the 2001 anthrax attack. some scientists fear wonder if the fbi really found% those attacks. -- some scien for a great vacation
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you can't beat mississippi. sure y y can it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best but we can agree on one thing, wherev y you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business.
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you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. t is could go on for a w wle. i am executive director of sitar arts center and adams morgan, where we provide arts
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education to young people in d.c. regardless of their family's ability to pay. find out more our website. good morning, washington. 5:39 on this tuesday morning. time for look at traffic and weather every ten minutes. >> what is going on out there? >> we have a shifting weather pattern, which will mean unsettled weather tonight into tomorrow. it's raining in parts of north carolina right now. that is headed northward. that should breakup it -- break -- break up a bit. is 50 degrees in cumberland, 54 in martinsburg 65 in annapolis water temperature in the 50's. wide-ranging temperatures to start the day. highs in the low 70's in the
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metro area this afternoon, a chance of stray showers. yesterday, 83. areas of rain tonight while we sleep, through tomorrow afternoon, one or two inches expected with rain off and on. 66 out of marshall to get into vienna looks pretty good. normal volumes starting to grow at 56 with emerging -- merging traffic. no problems on 7100. looks good on 50 at gilbert's corner. looks good through rosslyn and ballston. moving nicely on 66. looks good on 110 and washington boulevard at the pentagon. no problems to report in va a lot 395. -- in virginia on 395. looks good out of columbia to get to silver spring. back to you. >> thank you.
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5:41 62 degrees. coming up, tackling teen pregnancy in the district. what one council member is doing to deal with it. >> a new title for first lady michelle obama. jumper in chief. her latest fitness challenge. >> learn how
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atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. at the sleep number store, we hear it all the time: "well, we could sleep in the same bed, but it just doesn't work." she would like a firmer mattress than i would. yeah, nine out of ten couples disagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting representsse the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. don't mess with my side because i'm comfortable. i can adjust mine to my liking and she can do the same. go ahead and switch sides so you can feel what the other side feels like. you were on his side. how does that feel? it's hard. i like my side better, too. i like my side better. this is too soft. is is too hard. why don't we switch back to where you were. i am so glado o be back. oh, yeah. you can have comfort and yon can be in the same bed. there's no debate or no squabble because you can have it your and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our sleep better together sale, discover the bed whose unique dual r r technology provides totrt comfort for both of you.
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and save $400 to $800 on our newest, most innovative bed sets. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at j jt $699. tech in our top stories police are searching for clues after a metrobus driver was stabbed and beaten metro station. this happened just after midnight. a suspect is in custody, but no charges have been filed. a nevada grandmother's 72 of the birthday celebration ended in tragedy. claude that porter andros skydiving instructor died when their parachutes failed to open during a stop near the arizona
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border. nba commissioner david stern cancel the first two weeks of the regular season. owners and players are not agreed on a new labor deal. he says the two sides are still far apart and more games could still be canceled. an nfl wide receiver is recovering after suffering a possible prescription pill overdose. law-enforcement sources say that terrell owens was rushed to the hospital by ambulance last week. he is not putting in the nfl this season as he recovers from knee surgery. with the cowboys in 2006 he did get hospitalized after overdosing on a painkiller hydracodone. testimony resumes today in the involuntary manslaughter trial of michael jackson's doctor. jurors are expected to appear the arrests of a recording in which dr. murray told jackson's mother and children that the singer had died. dr. murray is accused of giving tax and a lethal dose of a
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powerful anesthetic. opening statements begin today in detroit in the trial of the alleged underwear bomber. abdulmutallab is charged with trying to bring down a detroit- bound plane in 2009 by setting off a bomb in his underwear. the bomb caused smoke and fire, but did not explode. abdulmutallab is acting as his own attorney with help from a court-appointed lawyer. 3 scientists are questioning whether the fbi found the right person behind the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks. an army scientists at fort detrick, dr. bruce ivins was blamed for the attack, leading to his suicide. three scientists from louisiana say that the case needs to be listened to again. one of his former neighbors agrees. >> as a human being i find it very difficult to believe that he would have done this. >> the scientists say that he could not have pulled off the attack with the equipment that he had.
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they believe that either hand- held or was innocent. the report will be released next month. the dusters department stands by its findings that he did make and did mail the letters killed five people and sickened 17 others. alexandria will officially dedicate its fresh buexpress bus. it operates from 6:00 canonical i a.m. and then the 3:00 through 6:00 p.m. and the service will begin in august. a d.c. councilman will begin discussing efforts to reduce the teen pregnancy rate. councilman michael brown says while d.c. has seen a reduction in teen pregnancy, if a teen pregnancy rates are far above the national average. experts say teenagers who have babies often end up living in poverty. first lady michelle obama
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hopes that her newest fitness challenge will be one for the record books. >> the goal is to break the guinness book world record title for people doing jumping jacks in the 24-hour period. the challenge this afternoon will take place on the south lawn of the white house. mrs. obama will lead hundreds of children in doing one minutes of continuous jumping jacks. >> they will get their exercise. keeping them moving. how was it looking in the weather? >> i think that we can do more than jumping jacks. let's get moving a little more than that. >> it is baby steps. >> at least it is a step. let's look at the forecast. temperatures are wide-ranging. 50 in cumberland and petersburg, 54 -- 64 in
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annapolis. 63 in the district by now, 55 in manassas, 63 in quantico. not a bad day for running. temperatures are fairly comfortable this morning. we have cloud cover. tonight and through the day tomorrow you will need an umbrella especially throughout the day tomorrow. the clouds are streaming northward. already areas a light rain in the carolinas, crossing into virginia. we could see a few sprinkles in our metro area later on today few and far between. the bulk of the moisture will hold off until tonight throughout the day tomorrow. rain off and on tomorrow. here is the shifting weather pattern. the high-pressure system that we had in place for about a week is moving out of town of to the northeast. the area of active weather will replace that, coming from the caribbean and the atlantic. it will move into the d.c. area into our backyard.
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we will have plenty of moisture, a lot of rainfall. one or two inches by the time it's over tomorrow evening. 739 for the high temperature today, mostly cloudy with a light in easterly breeze and a few stray sprinkles for later on today. 30% of our viewing area will have rainfall. tonight, areas of rain, that lasting through tomorrow afternoon off and on. the heaviest rain will be west of the blue ridge. close to two inches west of the blue ridge. locally, close to an inch of rain by the time this is over. thursday night into friday, another round of showers. clearing for the weekend. seasonable temperatures especially saturday, a 60's. newschopper 7 was looking at the beltway at new hampshire ave. that is quiet. at the american legion bridge, moving in normal times. looks good on 270 at father hurley boulevard. we will take you to live geico
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picks from the american legion bridge no trouble. the looks good on seven between sterling and tysons. 28 between sterling and chantilly is moving well. this is the george washington parkway and lives, north of reagan national airport. back to you. >> thank you. 5:51. we want to check business headlines with linda bell. >> she's joining us from new york with a look ahead. good morning. >> good morning. let's begin with the president's council on jobs and competitiveness that will release its report today. the president will be in pittsburgh. the report recommends attracting more foreign investment and operating the nation's transportation and energy infrastructure. the group is led by jeffrey immelt. walmart seems to think all business is local. the world's largest retailer says after listening to its 9 million facebook friends, it's launching of more than 3500
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local facebook pages including for the d.c. area. it will list local deals for you if you go to their web site anne -- and like your local wal-mart store. ben & jerry's ice-cream chain is standing with the people occupying wall street and other towns. linda bell reporting. back to you. >> thank you. 5:53 61 degrees outside. >> stay with us. we will be right back.
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a woodbrige school got an unwanted visitor yesterday. >> looked at this surveillance video. it shows this year running away from antietam elementary in lake ridge. no students were in the room at the time. the school is located in a wooded area. the principal said that it has wildlife from time to time. the disney to take it in stride. a bear was there a couple weeks ago. -- thethey just need to take it in stride. a cincinnati woman was screaming at a haunted house.
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she said that she was cut by chainsaw. she said a man with a chainsaw to try to scare her by putting the chains on the ground, but somehow she says it landed on her foot, leaving her with a minor injury. she says if she was hurt even more when the staff would not apologize. >> they did not have to say that they were sorry that they stabbed three with a chainsaw but they could have said we are sorry you had this experience at are haunted house. >> the owner says that she tipped into one of the props and hurt her toe of a wheelbarrow. she is not planning to sue the operators of a haunted house. someone who can protect you is what you need at a haunted house. >> a metr [ male announcer ] at the safew p pharmacy you can get a flu shot with no hassle at all. i don't even
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need an appointment. [ male ann ouncer ] it's about as easy as flu shots get. get your groceries and a flu shot, all in one trip. at safeway.
5:59 am
[ male announcer ] at the safeway pharmacy you can get your flu shot. and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. iningredients for life. breaking news. a metro bus driver stabbed on the job. we will have a live report. >> i am john hendren in washington. more on the meteoric rise of herman cain in the presidential stakes. >> bad news for basketball fans. hundreds of games already cancelled and more could


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