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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  November 16, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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captioned by the national captioning institute caffeine and alcohol = danger. the drink grabbing national headlines. the big decision and what parents need to pay attention. the story every fan of john, paul, george, and bring the want to see. >> you can save a bundle. it was over $200. >> why you might want to change your travel plans. live and hd. >> our breaking news is
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something that affects every parent and every young adult. drinks marketed to drinks comes after the fda was expected to step in and ban the product from the market. it included the university of maryland at college park. we have the latest from there. >> the maker insists mixing caffeine and alcohol is safe as long as used properly. but with the fda taking a look at this product, the maker says it will pull the caffeine out of the drink. there is a reason why they are popular on college campuses. >> people love it because it tasted good. >> each can is about 40 years and cost less than $3.
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>> you can get buzzed pretty easily. >> but that might be banned nationwide for potential health and safety risks. >> the concern is that when you mix the two, your greeting in the unstable combination in your body. >> i don't think it should be made illegal, but i don't think it is good for you at all. if they want to pull it, there won't be any objection from me. >> critics say there is a reason why it is called a black out. >> it encourages people to drink far more than they should. it masks the effect of the alcohol so people don't feel the state of intoxication. >> one fan says he is planning ahead. >> we will buy fiver six cases if a pullout from the shelves.
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>> the fda is looking at caffeine -- as an unsafe food additive for alcohol. wheeler on storm watch tonight. >> and more storms are coming. parts of the area are under a tornado watch. we are here to track what is on the way. i want to show you here on the regional view, there is the spin of the left over storm. on the east side, that is where the line is moving right toward us. as a matter of fact, a little bit of lighting to the south, let's go to the doppler and see where that area is right now.
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heading toward marshall, there are wind advisories out. they're coming through with some gusty wind. the other batch of their home in the valley heading towards -- it has contain some lightning, so it is not out of the question that there will be left over rumbles of thunder. lingering showers and gusty winds tomorrow. i will tell you how long it will last what i do any from the weather center. and new details on are revealing report about illegal immigrants and various crackdown's across the region. prince william county's policy cut the number of illegal immigrants a adult -- critics questioned the findings as officials in arlington county are resisting a federal efforts
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to capture illegal immigrants. >> county officials are claiming victory tonight in helping that their policy spreads throughout the state even though this new report doesn't link your illegal immigrants to less crime in the county. officials say that this radical policy does not work here in a county where 1/3 of the residents are immigrants and crime is already the lowest bid has been since 1960. even with u.s. citizenship, he and his wife decided to move their family out of the county a couple of years ago because of the policy. a research group looking at the policy finds the controversial crackdown cut the number of illegal immigrants but up to 6000. at some crime has also fallen.
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>> everything we have been saying in hearing the past few years, the policy has had a policy -- positive effect on the community. the study shows no lawsuits claiming such action have been filed. but someone who works in the county doesn't mean that means there are no problems. >> asking them if they are here illegally. >> the arlington county board member recently received unanimous support to withdraw from an immigration and customs enforcement program. >> remember their own fear and the crime rate going down. >> of the foreclosure rate and taxes are some of the highest in the country and have become so
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the last couple of years. the goal was always to improve public safety and that has happened. the jury in the murder trial will begin deliberations tomorrow, both sides delivering closing arguments today. he cited a recorded conversation between the suspect and a pen pal where they refer to the murdered woman. they focused on the holes in the case that were there, and abc seven will alert you whenever the verdict is reached. the $400,000-of-takes center stage. a liquor store owner and his wife face a federal judge the day after their arrest.
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east asked the money in a closet. a couple is accused of paying off police officers to ensure the transport of untaxed cigarettes and alcohol. all nine people were arrested yesterday in the scandal tied to the rest -- to the arrest. delays are expected due to a damaged overpass. the problem is that the overpass where a truck hauling tobacco caused a serious -- and some serious structural damage. the right side eastbound lanes were closed down until further notice. the delays are expected until wednesday morning. we have a surprising way to save money the next time you take a trip. we show you how.
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>> the early bird gets the best deal. >> when i arrive, wherever i am going, it is already taken care of. >> does that get you the best price? >> i think so. >> think again. what is true for airplane tickets is not always true for car rentals. if you book a car to early, you could end up paying more. >> key thing to buy in advance to get a better price. >> is really mystifying. >> the reserve the car for 12 days and three weeks out, it cost $482. two weeks out, it dropped to $420, saving $60. one week out, and the price dropped to $337. he is saving $150 and just two
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days before the rental, the price fell to $260.81. that is more than $200 in savings. >> the savings really can be enormous. >> it varies by company and demand. we saved about $85 during peak travel times. go back and checked, the reservation changes generally free. their web sites that will alert you for price drops. it is a royal engagement leaders in the making. currently and in his middle class love are getting married. >> which he did is fantastic. he will do a very good job of that.
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>> it comes 30 years after the marriage of his parents. it belonged to princess diana. the couple met when they were studying. >> i heard a bang. the and of something different? >> b and l your -- can you have your invitation ready? >> your used to seeing our chief meteorologist at 5:00 at 6:00 p.m.. >> he is now starting the morning. and join him tomorrow morning from his home studio starting at 6:30 a.m.. [laughter] >> don't tell them i said that. he is asleep anyway. if you have been calling over to buy's dancing with the
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stars, the vote is causing some outrage. and tonight, the long awaited decision protecting your access to the beetle's greatest hits. >> and virginia is added to a list of drivers with dangerous habits. list of drivers with dangerous habits.
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and cable doesn't? yes. -i read that. -i do know that. yes, but there's a contract. at verizon, they want you to have a two year contract. i've got commitment issues. no one likes to be tied down. [ man ] so if they didn't lock you into a term contract, you'd consider switching? -oh, absolutely. -definitely. it's a no-brainer. [ man ] because now, with verizon fios, you don't have to sign a term contract. -really? -that's terrific! -did not know that. -i'm in.
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[ male announcer ] america spoke, verizon listened. switch to fios today, now with no term contract required. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. in new alert to help you drive this they'll live. >> passengers of all ages, particularly those [inaudible] >> in arlington, you will notice that signs like this one are lighting up in the area, reminding drivers to put on their seat belts or face the ticket. , saying that at $25 ticket is not enough to change people's behavior. for many people, it is second nature. >> it is really a no-brainer. >> it is natural instinct. >> most newer cars offer a
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gentle reminder. the national transportation safety board says not enough people are collecting their seat belts. 333 people died last year on state roads. >> is such a simple way to save a life. >> it bothers me, especially when there are children that are not wearing them. >> drivers might be be able to be pulled over without -- just for not having the seat belt on. of the district and maryland are taking that approach. improve the seat belt use by 12%. the bill that would have added virginia to the list was just defeated. >> i think you can punish people all along, but unless it becomes second nature to them, it won't
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help. >> federal and state law- enforcement are hoping that signs like this one will make seat belt use a second nature to people and help save lives. we are on your side tonight with a new outbreak of beatlemania. online. apple announced the deal to sell the songs on itunes. 8 beatles recordings were among the top 25 albums sold including the white album and abbey road. of the finalists are set for next week's dancing with the stars. a shocking vote sent a solid performer packing.
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>> on this ninth week of competition, i can reveal that the couple with the lowest combined total of judges' scores and of your votes in his brandi and max. >> america voted them off of the show just over an hour ago. it means jennifer grey and bristol palin will be among those competing for the championship. >> that result got our phones are ringing. [talking over each other] this line is coming to the washington area, and with that, gusty wind. be careful, even tomorrow
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morning, it is slippery out there. the temperature is the current high temperature for the day. 64 degrees. folks -- downtown officially about a quarter inch. only a few hundreds of an inch, but look at this. here we are in washington. there is that line that continues to move through frederick county maryland. it is moving south to north, and there have been one or two areas of lightning. this is over the last hour. the folks out toward the blue ridge say that it is thunderstorms coming out of all reasons. look at the amount of rainfall.
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wind is gusting at 32 miles an hour. the area of strong, gusty wind coming through, some of the high elevations will be 20 or 30 miles an hour wind. south is where there is a tornado watch. a bit of everything going on. ec that contrast in the atmosphere, the center of the storm winds up. there is the trailing edge that continues to move through so as to continue through the night, he's been in the atmosphere moves away. some strong wind coming in, it will be a windy day tomorrow. the sunshine will be back and we will like that. we will see the wind continuing to increase to high spots out there at blue ridge. when you get up and head out to
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work, it will only be in the 50's. a windy day and a dry day as we go through the next seven days. more sunshine had after a bit of a wild evening. the weekend, a lot of sunshine and a nice dry air. you can do a little bit of the weekend. >> that is good news.
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[ male announcer ] washington, d.c. a landmark of liberty and opportunity. at bank of america, we live and work here, with thousands of employees and hundreds of branches and atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion... from supporting the arts and howard university to helping revitalize anacostia and downtown d.c. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. ♪
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the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t.
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tear2 of the region's best it up with the learning disabled partner, all of the best buddies. a helps folks with disabilities find jobs and friendship in the community. it is a great time to raise money for a good cause. sour is what happened after last night's philadelphia win. how about the wizards. using the buddy system, all up next in
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the washington wizard's did not have john walsh tonight, but they beat toronto 109-94. they picked up where they left off, 20 tonight. the wizards scored with 28 assists. how about that one. we have a glimpse of the future.
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how about that slammed by a health and armstrong. it has been 24 hours since the massacre and the skins will plunge ahead to tennessee. the other we have a better idea of donovan mcnabb's new contract, he only had 3 fewer completions. today, he had a hangover. >> i am embarrassed. there are two ways of handling it. the one way that i know a does want to approach a hot to get back out on the field and embrace everything that happened. let's go back.
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the home team, the terrapins clawing back into this thaing. the foul. one more. the maryland had 29 turnovers. the beat maryland 53-45. the three-ball. 32.30. -- 32-30. three times in the big run. the hokies are 1-1. maryland place for the state in the biggest game in years. if maryland wins the next two
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games, they win the national title. there you have it.
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more showers and windy tomorrow but the sunshine is ba ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now get a safeway frozen turkey for just 47 cents a pound. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway. and cable doesn't? yes. -i read that. -i do know that.
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yes, but there's a contract. at verizon, they want you to have a two year contract. i've got commitment issues. no one likes to be tied down. [ man ] so if they didn't lock you into a term contract, you'd consider switching? -oh, absolutely. -definitely. it's a no-brainer. [ man ] because now, with verizon fios, you don't have to sign a term contract. -really? -that's terrific! -did not know that. -i'm in. [ male announcer ] america spoke, verizon listened. switch to fios today, now with no term contract required. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.