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tv   Good Morning Washington 600  ABC  November 15, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EST

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especially east of 95 in parts of maryland. lower southern maryland particularly. otherwise, increasing clouds this afternoon, highs near 60. pleasant monday. tonight areas of rain developing. temperatures down to near 50. it should be dry for the redskins game if you are headed out there. tomorrow off and on rain lingering into wednesday morning. >> complications on the out irloop with a crash between van dorn and eisenhower. allow extra time. by the time you get there it will be gone because three lanes get by. delays out of springfield to alexandria are quite hefty. the other side of the beltway looks good. had a crash at connecticut avenue gone. 270 the story is only about the growing volume southbound into montgomery county. this is 109. >> we are following breaking news this morning from northeast
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d.c. where a police chase has ended in a crash along interstate 295. >> this wild ride left one driver hurt and now under arrest. natasha barrett has the latest. >> got a little hairy here this morning. parts of 295 were closed after this police pursuit and crash. right now 295 near 50 open. this is what happened, at least what people are told us so far. the man driving the pickup truck, they tried to pull him over but he had other plans. he refused to stop. police were pursuing him for a bit. the man crashed into that retaining wall but before that police say he tried to ram one of the police cruisers. police put handcuffs on him, put him in an ambulance and took him to a local hospital. we don't know why this man was initially being pulled over by police in d.c. we also don't know why he was trying to run from police.
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he is getting checked out at the local hospital. all the other officers that were involved are ok. once again, 295 behind me near 50 open for traffic and "morning rush" hour. >> thank you, natasha. on to the other top story, we are following new developments in the political scandal involving prince george's county. the executive jack johnson will head back to work today. he and his wife were arrested friday after an f.b.i. probe. brianne carter has the latest story. >> according to a spokesperson county executive jack johnson will be back here in upper marlboro ready to get back to business as usual. he will however be wearing an electronic monitoring device. speaking friday after his arrest, johnson said he is going to continue to take care of the
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people of prince george's county for the remaining three weeks of his term. he and his wife were arrested friday. johnson is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from developers for favorable treatment. those are charges he denies. also today we expect we will hear from county executive-elect rushern baker for the first time since johnson's arrest. >> 6:03 is the time and lawyers on both sides of the chandra levy murder trial head back to court. prosecutors rested their case last week taking many by surprise. they were expected to call more witnesses including a former prison cellmate but apparently ran in problems bringing him to court. the defense begins its case today. >> looking now at the day ahead a local marine killed in action will be laid to rest at arlington national cemetery.
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lance corporal terry honeycutt died in combat in afghanistan late last month. the 19-year-old grew pickup waldorf, maryland and attended north point high school. heads up to drivers in the region. buckle up or police may ticket you. officers will look for drivers not wearing seat belts. violators in the district could face a $50 fine. it is part of a nationwide campaign taking place it week. police in maryland and virginia also will be stepping up their enforcement. be careful on the roads in maryland as well. starting today a speed camera will be activated along paint branch parkway in college park. it is the first of many for that area. the others will be located on route 1 and greenbelt road among other locations. if you are caught going 47 miles an hour or faster, you will get a $40 ticket. >> looks like metro is not the only transit system to have trouble with escalators. the "washington post" reports most of metro's escalators are a
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model. it was discontinued 30 years ago. experts say it suffered brake failures in other systems and requires a high level of maintenance. in 200711 were injured when brakes failed on two subway he is kaors in atlanta. >> a teen who was shot after stumbling into the wrong apartment in gaithersburg is recovering this morning. people living at the apartment thought he was intentionally breaking in so they started firing a shotgun loaded with pellets. the teen got the wrong address because he was drunk. he was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. >> president obama is back at the white house after his 10-day trip to asia. he visited an iconic giant buddha which he last saw when he was a child. the last meeting was with the russian president. he once again called on the national to ratify a new nuclear weapons treaty between those two
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countries. >> 6:05 now and 46 degrees. when we return, congress gets back to work and counting down the last days of democratic control. why it could be a very busy week. >> ransomed after a year of captivity, a couple finally freed from pirates. >> first, lisa baden has another check of the monday morning commute. you are watch
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oh wow, look at that. calm down donkey. it's vacation time! ohhhhh, who says ogres can't surf? nice moves fiona. ha, ha, ha, i love 3d. wooo hooooo! [ shrek ] gingy? [ laughs ] do the roar. roar! marty, what's shrek doing on a cruise ship? looks like he's having fun! [ female announcer ] join the dreamworks experience for the ultimate vacation, only on royal caribbean.
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>> it is now 6:08. ready support a check of traffic apnd weather. we begin a new workweek. what is in store, adam?
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>> it will be very different than last week. very different. we had a lot of sunshine last week with very comfortable conditions, in the 60's. this week will be comfortable but temperatures will take a dip and we will need the rain gear by tonight. today temps in the 40's across the region with some areas of thick fog east of 95 and in southern maryland. otherwise partly cloudy, near 60. rain develops tonight and moves in. periods of rain off and on from tonight through tomorrow and even on into wednesday morning,ening. here is the seven-day forecast. we will clear out on wednesday with temperatures near 60 today, 50's tomorrow, mid 60's by webs. thursday through the weekend looking good but cooler, in the 50's for afternoon highs. currently 46 in the district, 40 in front royal. hagerstown at 46 and huntingtown at 43. now to lisa with the foggy morning commute. >> van dorn to eisenhower we
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have had a long standing crash now gone. however, stop and go traffic leaving springfield to get to alexandria. no problems or worries on 270 but the typical volume around the beltway looks pretty good. keep in mind that dense fog is going to add some to your travel time. back to news. >> a british couple is finally free after somali pirates were paid a ransom. they received three-quarters of a million dollars reportedly to release paul and rachel chandler who were held more than a year. the pirates initially demanded several million dollars. the british government refused to pay and negotiations stalled. the times says their family worked out the deal. >> it is now 10 minutes after the hour on this monday. when "good morning, washington" continues, today madoff memorabilia on the auction block. we have details on that in money scope. >> and we will get a check of what is making headlines
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including the wild crash on i-295. more on that. you are watching "good morni host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? is a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush? appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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>> a man was arrested when a driver in a pickup truck crashed into another car and rammed a police cruiser. that driver was taken to the hospital. the road was closed but has since reopened. authorities are looking for the mother of a newborn who was abandoned at a springfield church. the baby was found early sunday morning in a duffle bag in the saint raymond church. investigators don't believe it was born at the hospital and think the mother needs medical attention. prince george's county executive jack johnson is expected to be
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back to work today. on friday he and his wife were arrested for evidence tampering and destruction. johnson says he is innocent. >> as you know, congress heads back to work in a few hours. orientation is under way for the new members who will be sworn in january. current members have a lot to get to in a short amount of time. emily schmidt is live with the details. >> good morning. if those midterm elections were meant to send a message today's start is one of the first chances we will get to see if it is sinking in. this monday morning means back to work for many in congress soon to be out of work after democrats lost dozens of seats. president obama reflected on the vote while on air force one returning from a 10-day trip to asia. >> in that obsessive focus on
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policy, i neglected some things that matter a lot to people and rightly so. >> he says he will tell republican leaders voters didn't give they will a mandate for gridlock but in is plenty of division especially about tax cuts set to expire. >> i don't think there's any room to negotiate on raising taxes particularly on smaller businesses. i hope we can get a permanent extension. >> what if we moved it up to a million dollars, everyone below a million dollars will get a tax cut but the millionaires and billionaires won't. >> other challenges lifting the don't ask don't tell policy, voting on a strategic russian missile deal and banning earmarks. >> it is time to finally hit the ground running and start to do the people's work. >> orientation for new members is under way. they are overwhelmingly republican. many cite tea party support. >> i had a lot of tea party
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support. >> our friends are patriots. >> i had a lot of support from tea party members because a lot of things i was saying they agreed with. >> this lame duck session will stretch through this week and resume again after thanksgiving. it goes until lawmakers have either finished their work or until they are too gridlocked to work any more. >> i know this is a loaded question but president obama says he wants to work across the aisle. how does he plan to do so with so many new republicans in the house? >> certainly big challenges he is going to face. he gets a little wiggle room. he says the things they have to tackle in the next couple of weeks are the tax cut and a spending bill so the government can keep running. that is first priority. after that next session he says that is when there is plenty of time for the philosophical and political differences. >> emily schmidt, thank you. >> the world's largest annual pilgrimage is under way.
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muslims are flocking to mecca to begin the hajj. they then head to mount arafat for prayers for returning for the symbolic stoning of the devil. >> prince william market britain's remembrance sunday by visiting troops in afghanistan over the weekend. he is a member of the royal air force. he says he would like to follow in the foot stefps epps -- footsteps of harry but since he is second in line the chances of engaging in combat are very slim. turning now to today's "money scope report" what will the week ahead hold for wall street and a big auction of madoff memorabilia. >> good morning. we begin with wall street looking to get back on track. investors will look to key reports on manufacturing and
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retail sales this week. we will get earnings from major retailers this week including home depot, wal-mart and target. the dow fell more than 2% last week. a new study finds women with stressful jobs have a 40% higher risk of a heart attack, stroke or clogged arteries than those with less demanding jobs. it was a long study to look at stress in women. hundreds of personal items once belonging to bernard madoff sold for more than $2 million at auction. it will go to the victims of his multibillion dollar scam. at the movies megamind stopped unstoppable. it took in another $30 million to remain in first place edging out the denzel washington thriller. >> 6:17 now and time for traffic and weather. >> let's check in with adam caskey. big changes are coming. we are pretty disappointed. because we loved how it was. >> it was like southern california weather in washington for a while.
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that can't last in november. we have the changes coming starting tonight. here is a good camera shot of the capitol. look at the fog out there. especially those east of 95 particularly in parts of maryland you are going to be dealing with dense fog this morning. visibility is significantly reduced in spots. you know your neighborhood better than i do. if there are areas prone to fog anticipate it this morning. let's look at the satellite and radar. temps right now in the 40's. we will be for the most part in the mid 40's. cloud cover overhead in addition to the fog off to the north and east. we will have scattered to broken clouds today. so we will call it partly cloudy but the general increase is later on this evening. notice the action in the gulf of mexico as showers and thunderstorms are down there. there is a new storm system developing basically in texas at this time.
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out ahead of it we will see rain push northward into the mid-atlantic giving us unsettled weather. i think after midnight we will see rain. going into the game tonight it should be dry but a little cool. near 50 degrees. off and on rain tonight through tomorrow and even on into wednesday morning. i think the wednesday morning commute will still be a little damp. nice today, partly cloudy, near 60. tonight through tomorrow early wednesday we have the areas of rain in the 50's while raining. some rain cooled air. once we clear out with high pressure thursday through the weekend is when temperatures will be cooler than last week. so, closer to where they should be this time of year. even in the low 50's for highs by friday as cooler air punches in. rain tonight through wednesday morning. now back to lisa. >> looking slow but the outer loop is open from van dorn to eisenhower where we had a doozy
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of a crash that is gone. we will go to heavier volume route 4 good, route 5, 50. out of laurel heavy volume, 95 and baltimore washington parkway open. 270 delays out of frederick. ashburn and leesburg on the dulles toll road good. 66 and 95 growing volume in the fog for us. we can see through this camera of 95 and springfield now. back to news. >> we have 46 degrees at 6:20. >> coming up, more electrical trouble for qantas airlines. another midair scare. >> later today on oprah, for the first time in 25 years t"the color purple" re aouunion. danny glover, quincy jones, the entire cast. that is 4:00 on abc 7.
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♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy, low-fat yogurt. mcdonald's new strawberry banana and wildberry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪
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place to break into and it was all caught on tape. cameras caught three in black trying to break in the colorado springs medical marijuana dispensary. police say they are soldiers from nearby fort carson. they didn't realize they were being watched. when they tried to get away police were there waiting for
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them. >> qantas says a boeing 747 bound for argentina had to rush to sydney after an electrical problem this after it had grounded its a-380 jumbo jets after an engine came apart in flight earlier this month. >> new york is the latest state it crack down on four loco. the maker says it will no longer send shipments of the drink to new york. it it is already banned in four states. it is popular among college opportunities. university of maryland does not ban it but it is making students aware of the potential dangers. just about 6:25 now on this monday morning. we have another half hour of "good morning, washington." >> stopping terror attacks with the help of everyday americans. the government speaks out about a new campaign to keep you safe.
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>> it has been a while since we have rain in the forecast. we will talk about
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[ female announcer ] joe here likes saving money. that's why joe likes aetna's payment estimator. he gets to compare out-of-pocket health care costs before they come out of his pocket. that's awesome. [ female announcer ] now let's say every joe in america uses it. looks like everyone likes saving money. ah, the potential of putting people first. thanks joe. know more. get better. get a smarter health plan. ♪
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>> i'm innocent of the charges. >> on the defensive and back to work the latest on the scandal rocking prince george's county. "good morning, washington," once again. we are glad you are joining us. november 15, i'm alison starling. >> i'm scott thuman. let's check the temperatures and fog. >> we have fog and it is locally dense in spots especially southern maryland. charles, calvert, prince george's county and not just limited to those areas but anticipate some areas of fog
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this morning. be careful when you venture out. in the 40's to start. pretty typical for this time of year. arlington 48, capital heights 46, tacoma park at 45. chevy chase 46. today a phrefbt monday partly cloudy, near 60. tonight after midnight when the rain develops and starts to push in. it will be light and off and on so intermittent. i think the rain will even carry over into early wednesday morning. so, anticipate a damp morning commute tuesday, tuesday afternoon and then into wednesday morning as well. but we clear out and dry out thursday all the way through the weekend. now to lisa with the foggy commute. >> foggy indeed. it will add extra time to the commute. not sure if a deer will jump out
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but you know there is a traffic signal but you can't see it because of fog. we had a wreck in alexandria gone. traffic leaving springfield to the wilson bridge allow extra time. rest assured that crash is gone. we can see through the fog on the beltway traffic on the top side, university boulevard headlights in this camera are outer loop. they have left college park on the way to 270. >> our top story, we are following new developments in the scandal that is rocking prince george's county. jack johnson says it is back to business as usual today three days after an f.b.i. sting. now his successor gets ready to speak out. we have the latest in upper marlboro. >> good morning. a spokesperson for jack johnson says he is expected to be here in his office today. however, he will be wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet
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following the arrest friday. after being escorted from his home in handcuffs friday johnson is expected to be back to business as usual. >> hopefully he will keep on the last three weeks doing what he is supposed to do. >> and he his wife were arrested last week. johnson is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from developers in exchange for favorable treatment a charge he denies. >> i'm going to put all of my efforts into this defense and to take care of the business of the people of prince george's county for the remaining three weeks. >> according to a federal after the, leslie johnson tore up a $100,000 check and flushed it down the toilet. they say they found almost $80,000 in cash in her under wear. rushern backer is -- baker is
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expected to address this. >> we can't keep making mistakes, mistakes, mistakes. >> as far as the investigation, authorities say that more charges and defendants are expected. >> the death toll from an insurgent attack in eastern afghanistan has risen to five. officials have not released the nationalities of the service members who were killed but an insurgent rocket sparked a fire inside a u.s. base in the eastern part of the country this morning. six armied vehicles and an ambulance were destroyed. there were no casualties. >> there will be a vigil to call on congress to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military. opponents of the policy will gather at the grave side of sergeant menard matlovic. the purple heart and bronze star
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recipient fought to stay in the air force after revealing he was gay in the 1910eu70's. >> government is urging people to be vigilant during the holiday season. they will kick off the "if you see something say something" campaign at reagan airport today. it is part of an effort to protect against terror threats during the busiest travel time of year. the man accused of killing former intern chandra levy could take the stand this week. the trial against ingmar guadinque continues this morning. his lawyers are considering letting him testify on his own behalf. the defense is expected to rest its case this week. >> at 6:43 we are following a developing story. police want to find the person who abandoned a newborn in a church parking lot. >> a churchgoer found the child at saint raymond's church in
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springfield, virginia. courtney robinson has the details on why police are asking for help in tracking down the mother. >> the main concern this morning is for the mother, that she might need immediate medical attention because they say she likely carried the baby to full term and delivered without any medical attention. remarkably, the baby is ok this morning and this morning those here at saint raymond's are saying a prayer of thanks. the congregation of saint raymond's catholic church says it is the work of good. around 6:30 to sunday morning a parishioner arriving for the 7:00 a.m. service heard the cries of a baby and spotted a bag near a light pole in the parking lot. inside was a newborn girl just hours old wrapped in a blanket or towel. he picked up the child and called 911. >> we had mass scheduled and the parishioner was coming and
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thought to look in the bag and acted quickly and called 911 quickly. certainly there is the holy spirit that was at work here. >> it is heart wrenching for some but others say they are thankful the little girl is alive and according to police in good condition at fairfax inova. but the concern is now for her mother. detectives believe she gave birth between midnight and 6:00 a.m. and likely did so alone without medical care. >> when i hear things like that it is devastate beiing. >> this morning officers are telling us that the child is of hispanic descent. they are looking for the mother trying to get her the help she might need. if you know anyone who was pregnant, is no longer pregnant and you don't see signs of a child or if you have any information, you are asked to call police. live in springfield this morning, courtney robinson, abc 7 news. >> million dollar college presidents are on the rise. a new survey by the chronicle of
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higher education finds 30 college presidents earned more than $1 million in 2008. the top earner in our area was george washington university president steven knapp. he made more than $985,000. next the president of georgetown, johns hopkins and american university. it is 6:36 now on this monday morning and outside we have 46 degrees. >> when we return, we will be back with the latest traffic and weath weather. an exciting addition beginning today. doug hill will join us live from his home with our monday morning forecast. you are watching "good morning,
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>> i'm craig snydermaned a food and friends. help us celebrate by pieing a pie. "good morning, washington"! >> the time is 6:39, time for traffic and weather every 10 minutes. we are very excited to bring you a special new feature. >> this is exciting. our chief meteorologist doug hill's good morning weather. he joins us live from his home in calvert county, maryland. good to see you this morning. >> i'll happy to be here. we will see what goes on as we get through the course of each week a little update from southern maryland kind of casual
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style weather and in talking to adam i know we have fog issues and seems like down here in southern maryland is are most of the fog is. we probably have five to six hundred feet of visibility. that is it. other areas doing well like reagan national. we will look at the graphics. toward fredericksburg 10 miles, same in winchester. a little less as you get to baltimore and out toward washington dulles but clearly the fog will lift out through the morning. no advisories that i'm aware of the chilly. 45 in gaithersburg, washington dulles at 43. 48 in baltimore. 51 in annapolis. we will have a bunch of things happening today. the fog will break, we may see sunshine. temperatures will be around 60. but by later in the afternoon the clouds roll in and that is ahead of a storm system that is developing and that will bring us some rain eventually tonight
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and tomorrow of the big question is will it rain for the redskins and eagles and can't rule it out. but it is a pretty big storm we have to watch heading through today and tomorrow. remember all the days in the mid 60's and bright sunshine day after day? just store it because that is our memory for a while because the reality of autumn weather is coming and we will see a lot this week. we will check back in just a couple of minutes. >> so are we taking a risk that your kids may pop in or a dog may run through the camera being at your house? >> it is not a question of if but a question of when. everybody is on their best behavior at the moment but welcome to my world. >> only a matter of time. let's get to lisa pwaeud and she's got a look at the roads. >> all that fog doug was describing will impact the drive. the fog going in and out of the camera is reducing the
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visibility this morning. right now we will see if i can pull up a camera in springfield where, before we couldn't see at all, then it was clear and once again fog has rolled in. just to give you an idea of the pace, out of college park to springfie silver spring the headlights are stop and go. >> right now it is 6:42. up next a new senate star on the hill and politico's mike allen gives as you preview of march can he rubio's upcoming debut in the senate. >> will it get harder to park in the district? a lot of people scratching their heads at that question. what is ahead for you and your car. and we are back with more traffic and weather. you are watching "good morning, washington" on an early monday morning.
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>> the redskins play the eagles tonight at fedex. metro will stay open an additional hour until 1:00 a.m. to accommodate the crowds. the last blue line train will leave the largo town center station at 12:24 a.m. the morgan boulevard station at 12:27. so if the game goes in overtime the trains will be available to get fans home. that is very important. now is your chance to weigh in on proposed parking requirements for cars and bikes in d.c. the zoning commission is holding a public hearing tonight to discuss the new parking plans for cars and bikes. possible changes include getting rid of minimums in some areas, increased bicycle parking and requiring more landscaping in surface lots. the meeting is at 1 judiciary
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square at 6:30. >> it may feel crowded in washington this week as the lame duck congress gets back to work. new members are coming to town for orientation. many have already arrived to check into hotels and attend receptions. it includes more than 100 new members, 85 republicans. nearly half have never served in government before. >> it is time to finally hit the ground running and start to do the people's work. >> it is amazing, a lot of business owners in the class. >> business owners in the class of 2011 include people from a car dealer, funeral director and pizza restaurant owner. >> the newly selected senator has received a lot of attention recently. don't expect to hear or see too much of him though once he takes office. that is something politico's chief white house correspondent is going to talk about.
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interesting because we have been following marco rubio. >> that is why when he comes to washington he should try to keep his head down. he will try to involve the strategy that senator clinton did and senator obama did and that nor al franken followed and that is to not seek the spotlight. they will be able to get that whenever they want it but they want to build relationships with colleagues, do their job. the week after victory night when nor to be rubio had 300 international reporters at his celebration he went to israel to try to get away but the media there followed him and the networks wanted him to do live shots from israel. he said no. that is a sign of him trying to stick to the strategy. >> the point to avoid overexposure probably. in addition to this tactic that you say he shares with obama,
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there is other commonalities and that is in this article it talks about how he also sort of carries this burden of carrying the hopes of a minority population. >> right and maybe the hopes of a party. he is one of the best faces for republicans out there, the most famous republican to come to washington in some years. people are already saying he's the near certain vice presidential candidate and would do a lot for them. but one of the exciting parts of freshman week to see the people. we saw them checking into hotels. they get a packet of information and what do you think they get with it? what is the first thing a congressman gets? they get a blackberry. because they have another few weeks before they get on the floor. but they are already wired. >> mike allen, always good to see you. >> thanks, mike. time for traffic and weather every 10 minutes. this morning, a special new
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feature here "good morning, washington." >> let's get back to chief meteorologist doug hill and his weather. he joins us live from his home in calvert county, maryland. foggy morning, doug. >> fog is an issue and one of those situations where the farther south and east away from the city is where the most dense fog s. in some areas like here in central calvert county it is probably 600 or 7,000 feet visibility. -- 700 feet. the major airports it is high enough that we are not seeing much in the way of delays. let's start with the weather bug and we will let you know about temperature and humidity. we are socked in 100% humidity reported in mitchellville and prince george's county, waldorf. burke, same in germantown with temps in the mid 40's. that doesn't guarantee you will have dense fog with 100% humidity but a pretty good indicator. we have a transitional day from the clouds and fog to a little sun before more clouds. a cold front is draped over the area.
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high pressure is trying to clear us out but whatever it does will be brief. low pressure over the gulf coast, very complex system will bring rain our way. will it fall during the redskins dame tonight? it -- game tonight? it is a possibility. a little sunshine after the fog then increasing cloudiness. temps 58 to 62. expect a rainy night and very rainy day tomorrow. let's find out how the fog is affecting commuters with lisa baden with an update. >> it adds some to the travel time. it makes it a little scary, too. you don't know if a deer is ahead or what is ahead of you coming up to an intersection. be careful through the fog. we have plenty of traffic now saturated out of manassas through centreville on 66. on 270 a minor crash after montrose moved on to the shoulder. here we are with the picture of the pace on 270. more to come on "good morning, washington."
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>> josh grobe on a concert event on "good morning america"'s fall concert series presented by k-mart. >> 6:53 and welcome back. police arrested a driver after a
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waoeuild ride ends in a crash. >> as you can see 295 and 50 back open. earlier it was a mess. police say they tried to pull over the driver of this truck but apparently he had another thing on his mind because he refused to pull over. he tried to ram a police car around then crashed himself into the retaining wall on 295. police got him out of the car, took him this custody, then took him to a local hospital to be looked at. we don't know why this guy would not pull over for police or why police were trying to pull him over. once again, 295 here right near 50 back open. live from northeast d.c., natasha barrett, abc 7 news. >> thank you. 6:54 is the time. d.c. was cooking up a storm this weekend. hundreds gathered at the
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convention center to hear well known chefs and hosts of popular shows share some special recipes. included rachael ray who says she connects with people through cooking. >> it is a way to work with people that always gives back, you know? food is a great communicator and you get back from sharing with people as much as you put into it times 10. >> she put on a cooking demo during the expo. you can catch her show every day here on abc 7 at 10:00 a.m. you can learn how to make 30-minute meals. >> i need that. >> time for a quick last look at traffic and weather. lisa, what is the latest with the fog? >> it would be nice if it was a 30-minute ride but the fog will add to travel time. that is clear across the potomac river. this is the 14th street bridge. >> the fog will burn off and it
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will be partly cloudy. it does look like it will stay dry for the football game. maybe a sprinkle but for the most part it should hold off. then tomorrow even into wednesday morning it rains then back to sunshine and highs in the 50's to finish the workweek. near 60 today. >> that is going to do it for "good morning, washington" this morning. we will have much more news beginning at 6:26. >> "good morning america" is up next. we hope you have a great monday morning. we will see you back here at noon today. [ man ] are you aware that verizon fios brings fiber optics to your home
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