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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  November 15, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST

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and close to sunset. then we will have rain showers tonight. still dry for the redskins game this evening. we are mainly in the 40's. 43 frederick, lexington park 46. culpeper at 45. increasing clouds. highs near 60. tonight rain moving in from the southwest, light rain off and on tonight through tomorrow. we will wake up with temps tomorrow in the upper 40's. we have clouds east of 95. we will see if it is causing any issues. >> the only issue is limited cameras because of the fog. it is like a hit or miss deal. i imagine news chopper 7 will be grounded for this morning. we will go to a couple of maps. 66 and 95 all clear of accidents or problems with the fog rolling around. no problems 95 or 66 up to the beltway. we are good on 95 in and out of baltimore and 270 we have given
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you the yellow arrows because a that is the direction of the traffic this time of morning. we will have more but now to news. >> we begin with breaking news where an early morning police chase sends a suspect to the hospital in northeast. natasha batter is live with the -- barrett is live with the latest. >> it was a crazy morning here. right now near 50 back open as you can see behind me. this road was closed for quite some time this morning. this is what we know right now. police say they were trying to pull over a pickup truck you are about to see but the guy driving it, right there, he hit a retaining wall on 295. he refused to pull over the in between all of this, that truck tried to ram a d.c. police cruiser, a canine cruiser who was trying to stop him here.
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police got him out of the car. he is in custody right now. as you can see, he was taken by ambulance it a local hospital, being checked out. we are not sure why this guy refused to pull over for police. this is a little while ago on 295. we know that he tried to ram a police cruiser, tried to get away, not sure why. 295 here now once again open and one man in police custody. all police officers involved are ok. back to you. >> our top story now this morning, new developments in the political scandal involving rushern baker who will speak out three days after the f.b.i. arrest of current executive jack johnson his wife incoming county councilwoman leslie.
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johnson says it is back to business. we have the latest on this story that is clearly still developing. >> good morning, scott. after that arrest on friday, it is expected to be business as usual here in prince george's county. according to a spokesperson for the county executive jack johnson, he is expected to return to work later this morning. speaking after his arrest friday johnson said he is going to continue to take care of business for the people of prince george's county for the next remaining three weeks of his term. johnson and his wife were arrested friday. johnson is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from developers for favorable treatment. those charges he denies. also today we are expected for the first time to hear from the incoming county executive rushern baker who is expected to address the public later today. >> a teen who stumbled into the
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wrong apartment in gaithersburg is recovering from gunshot wounds. people thought he was intentionally breaking in yesterday so they fired a shotgun loaded with pellets. the teen got the wrong address because he was drunk. he was taken to the hospital and his injuries are said to be non-life-threatening. >> president obama is back at the white house after a trip to asia. he ended the trip with a visit to a giant buddha it japan which he last visited when he was just a child. his last official meeting was with the russian president and he called on the senate to ratify a new nuclear weapons treaty between the two countries. >> you may notice it feeling a little crowded in washington this week. that is because it is the lame duck congress getting back to work and new members are coming to town for a freshman orientation. many have already arrived to check into hotels and attends
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receptions. the new class has more than 100 new members, nearly half who have never served in government before. >> it is time to finally hit the ground running and start to do the people's work. >> it is amazing. a lot of people in this class. >> business owners in the class of 2011 include car dealers, funeral directors and even a pizza restaurant owner. >> there will be a vigil this morning to call on congress to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military. opponents of the policy will garrett at the grave site at the national cemetery of a man who was purple heart and bronze star recipient who fought to stay in the air force after reveal being he was gay in the 1970's. 5:05 is the time. 47 degrees. still to come, back to business as usual? we will see if prince george's
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county executive jack johnson heads back to the office. >> a perfect stretch of weather is coming to an end. >> lisa baden has another check of the monday morning commute. you are watching "good m ♪ ♪
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[ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy, low-fat yogurt. mcdonald's new strawberry banana and wildberry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪
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>> it is monday morning. i don't have my umbrella but by tomorrow you will want the umbrella and you will want the raincoat, even into wednesday. our perfect stretch of weather can't last forever especially in november. but today still will be pleasant. right now to start the week we are in the 40's. not that cool outside. bristow is 41. burke 45. watch for areas of dense fog east of 95. otherwise partly cloudy, near 60. rain develops tonight after midnight so the redskins game is looking dry but low 50's for temperatures during the game. tomorrow off and on rain showers. more coming up. but first to lisa with the traffic. >> we are seeing more action on the highway. more of our neighbors starting to hit the roads.
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southbound 270 out of frederick into montgomery county. we will go live to show you it is clear. no fog in germantown. back to the news desk. >> 5:09 now and 47 degrees out. shaping up to be a nice monday. >> still to come, move over is facebook about to enter the world of e-mail? we will have that in tech bites. i'm courtney robinson live in fairfax where a baby just hours old was found abandoned in a church's parking lot. we will have the latest on her condition and the search for her mother. >> we will get a check of what is making headlines around the world including a retired couple finally free a year after being taken captive by pirates. finally free a year after being taken captive by pirates. you are watching "
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♪my country, tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee i sing; ohhhhh, land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! ♪
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>> good monday morning to you, checking the top stories prince george's county executive jack johnson is expected to head back to work. friday he and his wife were charged with evidence tampering and destruction. johnson says he is innocent. rushern baker will discuss the matter this afternoon. congress heads back to work today for the lame duck session. lawmakers have a lot on their agenda including extending the bush era tax cuts, approving a new nuclear weapons treaty with russia and repeal being the military don't ask don't tell policy. a british couple heads home after being released from captivity. paul and rachel chandler were held more than a year after seized by pirates. there are conflicting reports as as to what a ransom was paid for their release. >> we are following a developing story. a newborn abandoned in a church
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parking lot. a churchgoer found her at saint raymo raymond's church in virginia. courtney robinson has details. >> we know very little about this mother. in fact we know nothing about the mother. the concern is that she needs medical attention because she likely carried this baby to full term and gave birth without any assistance. the baby is doing ok and this morning here at the church they are saying a prayer of thanks. the congregation of saint raymond's catholic church say it is the work of good. around 6:30 sunday morning a parishioner arriving for service heard the cries of baby. that is when the man spotted a bag near a light pole in the parking lot. inside was a newborn girl just hours old wrapped in a blanket or towel. he picked up the child and immediately called 911.
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>> they had mass scheduled and the parishioner was coming and thought to look in the bag and acted quickly and called 911 quickly. certainly the holy spirit was at work here. >> it is heart wrenching for some but others say they are thankful the little girl is alive and according to police in good condition at fairfax hospital. but the concern is now for her mother. detectives believe she gave birth between midnight and 6:00 a.m. and likely did so alone >> i have two kids and when i hear things like that it is devastating. >> this baby is ok. officers tell us she's of hispanic descent. if you know anything about the mother you are asked to call poli police. fairfax county officers say they are not talking about any criminal charges at this point. we are live in springfield, courtney runs, abc 7 news. >> thank you, courtney. it is 5:15 and nato says the death toll from an insurgent attack in eastern afghanistan has risen to five.
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officials have not released information about the attack or the nationalities of the service members who were killed. >> the government is urging people to be vigilant during this holiday season. the homeland security department will kick to off the "if you se something say something" campaign today at reagan national airport to protect against terror threats during the busiest travel tim of the year. >> philadelphia now has a new national museum of american jewish history. during yesterday's opening vice president joe bidden spoke about the -- biden spoke about the accomplishments of jewish americans. >> albert einstein. barbra streisand whose voice sold more records than any other woman in history. sandsy koufax willie stargell said hitting one of his fastballs is like trying to drink coffee with a fork. >> it has a familiar sight
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around the area, salvage army bell ringers. but this year's red kettle campaign may not collect as much as a spokesperson says giant food is cutting the hours bell ringers can stand outside the stores. giant says it doesn't want to hinder the shopping experience of its customers. the salvation arm says nearly half of last year's donations were from bell ringers outside of giants. a little community paid tribute to a neighbor and murder victim. a tennis blackboard has been named in honor of carl diener who was murdered in december of 2009 as he walked to work at a gym. a local girl scout organized and raised the money for this. >> i heard about his death and i decided to memorialize him and i found out that he liked to play tennis so i decided to install a backboard.
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to raise money in the courts in his honor. >> police have not made an arrest in the murder. >> in our "tech bytes" facebook enters the world of e-mail and netflix makes it easier to watch movies on phones. we have that and are more. >> a major announcement from facebook. the social networking giant is widely expected to unveil its own e-mail service today. members can sign up for e-mail addresses with more than 500 million users and it could quickly become one of the most popular in the world. a.o.l. is rolling out a new e-mail program. a limited number of users have access which is faster and lets them pull in -- lets them pull in mail from other accounts. you can sign up at phoen netflix is coming to mobile
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gadgets. it will be available next year but not all android devices. it must work out security issues with each device maker. those are your "tech bytes." >> 5:18 and time for traffic and weather. adam caskey is here, the new dad. how are you doing with no sleep? >> ok. surprisingly productive. you are used to it, aren't you? >> i always said the morning show just trains you and gets you in the groove to be a new parent. >> we had a gorgeous weekend. so nice. i wish it could last for ever. >> it has to come to an end and it will early this week in the form of rain. >> as it today or tomorrow? >> tonight in tomorrow. we will start with the satellite and radar. i will show you where the action is and isn't. it isn't overhead. you see a few sprinkles in parts of pennsylvania. there could be a brief sprinkle in far western maryland and west
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virginia but that is it. we have a cold front that is situated north-south to the west and it is going to slowly drop in and stall and stop. then over the gulf of mexico and even in texas we have a new low pressure system that is forming. all the rain showers ahead of it and that will continue to strengthen and ride northward up into the mid-atlantic and give us rain showers tonight after midnight off and on through tomorrowed a tapering off by wednesday. near 60 today. in the 40's right now. sunshine and increasing clouds this afternoon. leading to areas of rain after midnight. redskins game looking dry with temperatures near 50. tomorrow some scattered showers off and on, cooler, highs mid 50's. rain tapering off by midday wednesday. dry and sunny thursday through the weekends. how is the traffic? >> it seems it be handling its
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own right now. i don't have any accidents really to describe as far as traffic out of southern maryland. route 4, route 5, 228, good in the district. minor wreck at central avenue but in the median and all the lanes are open. no problems on the other side of town except the volume. 95 and 66. we will see if we can peek through the fog at colesville road moving nicely. back to news. >> we have 46 degrees at 5:21. >> still ahead, he will face his former hometown so what is the fate now of donovan mcnabb? is it any clearer? >> later today on oprah for the first time in 25 years "the color purple" reunion. danny glover, quincy jones and the entire cast. that is at 4:00.
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>> to giants fans at the new meadowlands stadium last night it must have seemed like a metaphor for their performance. power to the new $1.6 billion stadium was cut leaving the crowd in complete darkness for several seconds. look at this. >> and it is surreal to say the least when the lights went out. >> i'm sure it was. they kicked back on and play
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eventually resumed and the giants lost to dallas 33-20. >> interesting night. metro will stay open an extra hour tonight for game day at redskins field. it will be open until 1:00 to help move the crowds along. the picture may be clearing with quarterback donovan mcnabb. his agent is reported to be heading to d.c. for talks with the team today before the skins' game against the eagles. the two sides are talking about a four-year extension. he says he would love to get a deal worked out sooner rather than later. >> shaquille o'neal is doing his part to help make the holiday season brighter for children. he spent part of yesterday shopping for toys at a toys-r-us store and donated them to toys for tots. that is a tall santa right
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there. >> imagine him trying to go down a chimney. 5:25 now. 47 degrees. the news continues at 5:30. >> in the next half hour congress gets back to work with plenty of new faces. is washington about to change? >> it is also back to work here in prince george's county following the arrest of the county executive. the details are coming up. >> after a long and sunny dry stretch of weather things are changing. we will t
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>> i think it is pretty heart wrenching. it is hard to understand. >> a newborn baby abandoned and somehow survives. "good morning, washington." it is monday morning motive 15. thank you for joining us. >> we begin with traffic and weather every 10 minutes so we go to adam caskey with a look at how the day is shaping up. and changes this week, right? >> we have changes on the way. our stretch of perfect weather can't last forever especially in november. we will need the umbrella and rain gather starting tonight. by the way, it is foggy east of 95. 48 in the district, 43 at dulles, 42 in winchester. pleasant today, partly cloudy, increasing clouds this evening and rain showers after midnight spreading across the region and off and on tomorrow and into early wednesday morning. high today near 60. we have the fog. lisa, how are we looking?
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>> i have two things on the beltway. first is near central avenue. it was a wreck that was moved into the median right away but it should be a distraction now for both directions heading near fedex field. on the outer loop the top side at connecticut avenue an accident with a bus and s.u.v. it is right in the safety zone at the top of the exit. back to the news desk. >> our top story, new developments in the scandal that is rocking prince george's county this morning. jack johnson says it is back to business as usual today three days after that f.b.i. sing and now his successor gets ready to speak out. brianne carter has the latest. >> good morning to you. a spokesperson for johnson says he is expected to be at work today. he will, however, be wearing an
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electronic monitoring bracelet following the arrest friday. after being escorted from his hole in handcuffs friday johnson is expected to be back to business as usual. >> hopefully he will keep on his last three weeks do what he is supposed to be. >> he and his wife were arre arrested. >> i am going to put all of my efforts into this defense and to take care of the business for the people of prince george's county for the remaining they weeks. >> according to a federal affidavit leslie johnson tore up a $100,000 check and flushed it down the toiletment acts say they found almost $80,000 in cash in her underwear.
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rushern baker is expected to address this. many hope he will help the county move forward. >> we have to keep progress. we can't keep making mistakes. >> baker is expected to speak later today. as far as the investigation, authorities say that more charges and defendants are expected. >> we are following some breaking news out of northeast d.c. a wild police chase ends in an early morning crash on 295. natasha barrett is live with the latest. kind of a crazy story. >> it has been a crazy morning. right now 295 behind me near 50 back open after being shut down for a bit this morning. police say they tried to pull over the man driving a pickup truck that you are about to see. but the man didn't want to pull over for the police. he rammed into a retaining wall as you can see, but before
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police say he tried to ram into a police cruiser. not sure why police were trying to pull him over. we know they got him out of the car and he is in police custody being checked out at a local hospital. all police officers involved ok. once again, 295 over here near 50 back open. that man is in police custody, not sure of the charges and not sure why he was running from police. live from northwest d.c., natasha barrett, abc 7 news. >> the man accused of killing chandra levy could take the stand this week. the try against i think march k guadinque continues this morning. his lawyers are reportedly considering letting him testify on his on behalf. the defense is expected to rest its case this week. a local marine killed in action will be laid to rest at
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arlington today. lance corporal terry honeycutt died in combat in afghanistan last month. he grew up in waldorf and attended north point high school. his family says honeycutt was a helpful and loving person. >> drivers beware. police will be looking for people not wearing seat pweltsz. the click it or ticket campaign is under way in virginia and runs to next sunday that. is a secondary offense. that means police have to pull you over for something else. if you get caught you will get a $25 ticket. >> some million dollar college presidents are on the rise. a new survey finds that 30 college presidents earned more than $1 million in 2008. the top earner in our area was george washington university president. the next are presidents of
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georgetown,s hopkins and american university. >> congress gets back to work in a mad rush to get to the end of the year and with the clock ticking until democrats lose control party leaders have plenty to get done. emily schmidt has a very busy preview. >> good morning to you, scott. midterm elections were plenty to send a message and today is the first chance we will get to see if the message is setting in. we will see this monday a lot of people going back to work, many of them will soon be out of work after democrats lost dozens of seats. president obama says one reason for the election results may be that he focused too much on policy during the last two years and not enough on things like bipartisanship. now he will have to put that lesson to work with plenty of division he is up against, especially about tax cuts set to
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expire at the end of next month. a reminder of the time limits of the lame duck session, orientation for new members of congress already getting under way as they came in town over the weekend. this lame duck session will stretch this week then they are likely to return again after thanks. it can -- thanksgiving. it can go as long as they go to work or until they are too gridlocked to go any further. >> it is now 46 degrees and 5:36 the time. still ahead, a shocking find in a church parking lot. a newborn baby rescued alive. >> from hogworts to the big apple hundreds are trying to prove this game isn't just for wizards any more. >> and lisa baden is back with the latest on the monday morning commute. "good morning, washington" will be right
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[ man ] are you aware that verizon fios brings fiber optics to your home and cable doesn't? yes. -i read that. -i do know that. yes, but there's a contract. at verizon, they want you to have a two year contract. i've got commitment issues. no one likes to be tied down.
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[ man ] so if they didn't lock you into a term contract, you'd consider switching? -oh, absolutely. -definitely. it's a no-brainer. [ man ] because now, with verizon fios, you don't have to sign a term contract. -really? -that's terrific! -did not know that. -i'm in. [ male announcer ] america spoke, verizon listened. switch to fios today, now with no term contract required. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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>> i'm wendy morris from the salvation army reminding you to give generously. "good morning, washington." >> it is the holiday season. >> you hear the bells. >> they do a lot of great work. 5:40 and time for traffic and
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weather. >> we will go to adam caskey who is seeing a little of that is it mist or fog in >> we have areas of fog east of 95 mainly in maryland and especially in southern maryland. we have the patchy fog, locally dense. you know your exact neighborhood better than i do. if it is prone to fog anticipate it this morning. let's look at the temperatures. we are in the 40's and no fog here in arlington at the moment. just very light fog but not really reducing the visibility much. 46 in leesburg and hagerstown. 46 in washington. huntingtown 43 and stafford 42. pleasant monday, highs near 60 degrees. but later tonight rain showers moving into town off and on through our tuesday and even into wednesday morning. more on the seven-day coming up but first let's look at the roads. how is the fog? >> it is making for a longer commute and a little dangerous. if you know there's an
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intersection ahead of you, you won't see it as clearly for those with fog. we had a crash at fedex field gone. a wreck at connecticut avenue but at the top of the ramp they moved into a safety zone. now there is a crash from springfield to alexandria on the way to the wilson bridge for virginia drivers before the exit for the eisenhower connector. it is new and it is blocking several lanes. this is connecticut avenue where we had the crash, moved out of the road. now to the news desk. >> 46 degrees right now on this monday. >> still ahead, a wild day for fans at the rodeo. a raging bull escapes into the stands. >> a major break in the case of a missing family. the discovery police made and the new questions that remain. >> we will be back with the latest traffic and weather. you are watching "good morning, washington". [ female announcer ] joe here likes saving money.
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that's why joe likes aetna's payment estimator. he gets to compare out-of-pocket health care costs before they come out of his pocket. that's awesome. [ female announcer ] now let's say every joe in america uses it. looks like everyone likes saving money. ah, the potential of putting people first. thanks joe. know more. get better. get a smarter health plan. ♪
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>> testimony resumes today in the trial of ingmar kwa tkeurpbg the phaman accused of killing chandra levy. his lawyers are reportedly considering letting him testify on his own behalf. the defense is expected to rest its case this week. an accumulation of gas may be to blame for a hotel explosion in mexico. authorities say five canadians and two mexicans were killed in the blast. it was powerful enough to send the floor through the ceiling. and congress returns to washington for the lame duck session. alarms have a lot on their plate including extending bush era tax cuts, possibly approving a new nuclear weapons treaty with russia. >> the investigation continues into what some call a sunday
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morning miracle. a newborn baby girl is found alive abandoned in a church parking lot. it happened at saint raymond's church in springfield, virginia where courtney robinson is live with how the baby was found and the desperate search for the mother now. >> good morning. we a we are here. this is a very large church and has a large congregation. it was one of the members of the congregation that found this abandoned baby girl next to a light pole similar to this. the concern this morning from fairfax county police is for the mother. they say she likely carried this child to full term and gave birth alone without any medical attention. according to investigators, they say that this baby was found around 6:30 in the morning. she is in good condition now at fairfax inova. found just hours old by a man here at the church arriving for the sunday morning service,
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heard her craig. she was inside a bag wrapped in a towel or blanket. we know this morning the newborn is of hispanic descent, likely born between midnight and 6:00 a. a.m. officers are not talking about criminal charges at this point. they don't even know if a crime was committed. they just want to make sure the mother is ok. if you know of anyone who was pregnant and is no longer pregnant and there is no sign of a child, or just any information, you are asked to call police. we are live in springfield this morning, courtney robinson, abc 7 news. >> ohio authorities hope the discovery of a missing 13-year-old girl will lead them to three other people who disappeared with her. sarah maynard was found bound and gagged in a home 10 miles from where she lived. a man who lives in the home matthew hoffman has been arrested and charged with kid mapping. neighbors are stunned by what
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happened. >> you hear all kind of sheriff cars and squad team came and then the blast i heard of the blast of the door. >> authorities hope he can lead them to her mother, brother and a family friend still mission. >> a controversial new grading system is in effect at a fairfax county high school. the "washington post" is reporting west potomac high in alexandria is no longer issuing f's for the first marking period. students who are not grasping the material or fail to hand in work are being given a second chance. if they don't make up the works they will then get the failing grade. >> people looking for a super hero found one at the box office this weekend. dreamworks comedy megamind earned more than $30 million. it even outdistanced the film about a runaway train. it finished second.
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due date, sky line and morning glory rounded out the top five. >> i hear that brad pitt is really funny in that megamind money. he and will farrell. >> nothing can go wrong with him. >> just about 10 minutes before the hour on this monday morning. the weather departmented. >> -- the weather cooperated. >> the weather last week and this weekend was perfect, this week not so perfect. this is a beautiful shot of the exam and you can see the fog. we will look at the visibility that we have outside right now. i want to point out we don't have these visibility recording stations everywhere, including charles and calvert counties where we are seeing some of the thickest fog. at reagan national it is eight miles. gaithersburg 1 1/2 miles.
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up in baltimore five miles. lexington park 1 1/2. there will be areas between these stations especially in southern maryland where visibility is drastically reduced due to fog. temperatures are in the 40's right now. we have clouds above the fog. that cloud cover is pushing to the north around east. we have a cold front moving in. it will stall overhead and a tpnew storm system will develop along the cold front. it stretching north to south and the new low pressure is developing over the gulf of mexico. that will move in and give us the rain showers and not so perfect weather. but it will be good. notice the clouds increasing closer to sunset. some areas of rain after midnight, off and on rain tomorrow all the way into wednesday morning. near 60 and partly cloudy today. then well clear up again by thursday after the rain tuesday and wednesday. now to lisa.
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>> slow on the outer loop from van dorn to the crash at eisenhower. only the left lane getting by. no worries in the district. talked to the folks that handle the dulles toll road t. is good. 270 southbound clear in that there is no fog but slow because there is traffic. >> the action got too close for comfort this weekend at a rodeo in canada. a rogue bull jumped over the fence and right into the crowd. you can see him there hitting at least one person. fans had to rush out of their seats. one fan pulled the child out of the seat just feet from the bull. workers were able to pin the bull against the fence before he could hurt anyone. officials say four people were injured. >> that will make you drop your popcorn. >> wet your pants on the way.
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that is scary. >> see him pull the child right there? >> yes. >> ever been to a rodeo? >> when i was a kid i went, a long time ago. >> i have been to the oldest rodeo in the united states. that is in new jersey of all places. >> big rodeo country up in new jersey. look at this. a man who is not letting anything get in the way of his love for music. take a look. he was born without arms so he learned to play with his feet. so good he has performed around the world and in all 50 states. name of his band is toe jam. >> along with his guitar picking he can turn pages in a book and drive with his feet.
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>> awe inspiring. >> all attitude. >> 5:52 is the time on this monday morning. we have 46 degrees. you are watching "good morning, washington."
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>> it was once a game reserved for wizards only but now others are getting in on the action. in new york harry potter fans held the fourth annual world cup. it comes straight from the pages
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of the bock series with a few modifications. four dozen colleges and even some high schools joined in the game. >> i think the game really allows people to return to the state of child-lake joy that is rare today. >> we all love harry potter and feel like it is our own. >> capes are optional but brooms are mandatory. >> while they may not fly players have three models to choose from. you can get one for about 80 bucks. does it translate? >> for them, yes. >> for them it does. >> still more to come in the second hour of "good morning, washington." >> just three weeks left on the job will it be business as usual for county executive jack johnson? >> parts of 295 closed down after police pursue a crash.
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that story is coming up. >> lisa baden will help you navigate the monday morning commute. we will have traffic and weather when "good morning, washington" continues in
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and this one i've titled "tree." can you tell me what f-stop you had the aperture set to? uh, pretty big. and the shutter speed? really...[snaps]...quick. how did you compensate for the diminished light? very well, thank you. with features like compact long zoom, leica lenses, and intelligent auto, lumix cameras make amazing photos easy. >> more on breaking news in northeast d.c. on this monday morning. a police chase ends in a crash. one driver under arrest.
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>> certainly there is the spirit at work. >> a miracle in a church parking lot. a newborn baby found alive. >> jack johnson says he is heading back to work days after that f.b.i. sting. now his successor plans to speak out. "good morning, washington" continues right now. captioned by the national captioning institute >> "good morning, washington." it is 6:00 on this monday november 15. >> thank you for joining us on this monday. time for traffic and weather every 10 minutes. adam caskey, what a weekend it was. just gorgeous. >> perfect, a lot of sunshine, temperatures in the 60's. today it will be nice but big changes are coming tonight and the next couple of days so it won't be perfect like we had last week. right now temperatures in the 40's. we have locally dense fog


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