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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  November 13, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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>> this is "bbc world news." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range
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of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news america." abc world news america reporting from washington, i am kathy k. they u.s. secretary asks for time and patient against the islamic state in syria. on the ground both are in short supply. >> president obama will still arm and train the moderates. in practice it is too late. >> for -- russia and qatar are capturing the world cup it's but the man investigating says not so fast. space made him an internet sensation. tonight commander hatfield joins
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us with some incredible photographs. welcome to our viewers on public television. mixed state released an audio tape it says was recorded by its leader just days after reports that he had been killed or injured. he said iis forces will never stop fighting, even if only one soldier remains. comets of his survival among the bad news for syrian opposition forces. bbc's international correspondent has coverage. >> they are the youngest victims of syria's war. it young children having to live
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as refugees in turkey. their smiling faces belie the horror they see. about the uprising -- >> there was a lot of shelling in the situation. it was becoming worse and we became more afraid. >> their teacher -- we first met him inside syria three years ago when he was a rebel fighter. a moderate group of civilians and army defectors, like many he was afraid to be identified at the time but very clear about why he was fighting.
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>> freedom. freedom in its concept. >> but the government had different plans. for three years we have witnessed relentless attacks that have killed and maimed and driven millions from their homes. his hometown is in ruins. the syrian army is long gone from here, replaced in said -- instead by radical islamist groups. abraham now lives in exile. >> we are fighting for democracy, come here. no answers. nothing. >> there were food -- few moderates today.
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against islamic state, al qaeda, and the governments. west's them say the reluctance to get involved allowed the radicals to prosper. says he will arm and train the moderates. in practice it is probably too late. these are american antitank weapons. one of the groups vetted by washington. this doing billing band of moderates is facing overwhelming odds. >> the situation is tense. are not getting enough support. after three years we are fighting for survival. if we don't band together the revolution is over. people have been shot and shelled for nearly four years. the focus is on the threat from jihadists.
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as bombs continue to fall there is growing anger on the west. the situation in the north has never looked so bleak. bbc news the turkey syria border. >> the u.s. defense secretary testified before congress about this ongoing fight for the islamic state. the strategy will demand time, patience, and perseverance. i discussed americans options with chris murphy who sits on the foreign relations committee. >> do you agree with the proposition that effectively the -- i am not sure -- >> i am not sure that moderates don't tend to fight.
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asking to do now is likely impossible. we are asking these groups to turn away from their true enemy. or maybe to fight both at the same time. it is an impossible task to ask these relatively undertrained rebels to take on and it is part of the reason why i have been advocating to have a strategy to confront isis that to do it in a way that doesn't get us embroiled in civil war that ultimately i don't think the united states can win. i do support using airstrikes and counterterrorism to destabilize isis. that is the best we can hope for
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inside syria. we can do work with the iraqi military to work with a true partner. the downside risk of getting embroiled in civil war that will be impossible for us to unwind ofselves from is not worth the limited upside potential of -- it isthese rebels not likely going to happen. >> if you speak to america's allies in the region, they point to the aside a regime as all most a problem as islamic state. policyas not been u.s. to use military assets.
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i would counsel the white house .o continue the reality is it is just too much to ask for the united war.s to manage the civil anything inending the murder of 100,000 plus countrymen. i ultimately think the united states could make the situation worse, not better. >> thank you for joining me. on the spacecraft we are all rooting for. landing, thestoric space probe sent back its first picture. it is now relatively stable. there are still concerns about where it has come down.
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>> one of the feet of the lander, very close to what looks like a cliff. this dark rain is 300 million miles away. the landing itself will not be as easy. jump.did a huge >> it came down in an awkward angle at a tricky spot. >> we appeared to be in a shattered region. a land that is vertically oriented. obviouslyd settled because signals sent back to earth confirmed that.
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harpoons meant to hold the space craft down did not fire. it drifted up and away from its original landing zone to terrain that seems to be far more risky. >> they face an awkward choice. it, oruld risk damaging just flinging it off into deep space. >> instruments could send the lander flying off the surface. most of the others are successfully gathering data. they are learning a lot already. >> how are you now? >> i am still jubilant. it is not quite where we thought it would be. we are still getting extremely good data.
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>> it is now in a darker corner without much sunlight to charge its batteries. there is still a chance to find out. bbc news and mission control in germany. >> there are few men whotravel and chris hatfield. most ofinly made the his 4000 hours of weightlessness. his videos made him an internet sensation and who could forget his david bowie classic? this is ground control to major tom ♪ >> now commander hatfield is out with a new book. to him a short time >> what do you make about the lander's relocation? do we need to be nervous?
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>> i would have been really nervous for the whole process it self. it is so audacious to even think we could make that happen. graphic -- bit of gravity it bit of bounce like a slow-motion camera. the fact it is still working and sending data and images from so far away is marvelous. now is not the time for nervousness. now is time to gather the science we possibly can. made it atpressed it all on the tail. i have a bone to pick with you. you told us you were an astronaut, i don't believe you. i believe you are an artist. your photographs are stunning. >> i had a really good subject to take pictures of and the ultimate tripod of being on the international space station. i also took thousands of
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pictures and try to choose the ones that showed the world as the very best for the books. it is a unique and privileged human vantage point to see the world from on board the space station. i did my best to share it with people in the book. >> isn't that a bizarre thing to look at? even when you are staring at it how can that possibly be here? well point. a get sahara look across the were back up tripoli. it is an all-day sucker someone has taken one side off and left it in the middle of africa as a guidepost. >> nature provides extraordinary images.
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features some man-made in this and a couple of them are islands. i want to take a look at the pictures of venice and manhattan. i find it magical. >> i waited a long time to take that picture. it is often hazy or a little bit of cloud coming off the alps. finally one day i saw it was going to be clear. i was waiting for the angle between the spaceship and venice and for the sun to be just right so you can see the actual pink of the rooftops and the thin umbilical of land bringing it out to that improbable city in the day. it showed a lot of the history of the place in that one quick snapshot. >> the other ones i love our new york city in the daytime. one of newk by the york at night. the city of manhattan is glowing
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with lights but particularly midtown manhattan, i swear to god, it is time square that is lighting up like it he can. can see where the nexus of the strongest light is coming from. you see it in tokyo and definitely on manhattan. the central park it goes dark with the big rectangle. i thought it was fun to put picture of daytime and nighttime next to each other. we see that everywhere, the weird split of how it looks -- to seet the light the two in a heavily populated area was really instructional as well as self reflective of our fear of the dark. >> chris hatfield, astronaut, singer, artist. >> nice to talk with you. >> you are watching "bbc world news america." still to come, for 50 years fiddler on the roof is now
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getting a ride -- has been a classic. it is getting a revival. the doctors accused of botching surgeriestching during a mass sterilization camp has been arrested. >> a final ritual, a family did goodbye to a loved one. their heads shaved, a funeral tradition. whatis wife died after should have been a safe and easy procedure. it has left these children without their mother. >> i was called to the hospital. i was only able to see her for a few minutes before she died. i have five children. >> most of the 15 women who died have more than two children. >> it is in areas like this one
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that nasa sterilize asian cams camps -- erilization patients undergoing the surgery and the doctors conducting them. it is the second most populous country in the world with more than 1.2 billion people. around 31 children are warned here every minute. many women are opting for sterilize asian. doctors are only -- opting for sterilization. this dr. carried out 83 during the sterilize asian camp -- during the sterilize asian -- sterilization camp. i have a history of completing 200 to 300 surgeries per day.
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>> whether it is hasty surgery or medicines at fault, 15 families are grieving and many more women are still in hospital hoping to go home. >> an investigation by football's governing body found no compelling evidence that would strip the next two world cups. the american who led the bidding process announced he would appeal the decision to close the case, said -- saying it was based on erroneous information. discussed it with the senior writer of sports illustrated. >> what it mr. garcia mean when he said the process had been based on incomplete and erroneous information plant? >> the investigators put together a 400 page report he submitted about one month ago.
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has been made public is a 40 page shortened version of his report that went public today and read acted a lot of the names, boiled down a lot of the things garcia put together. germans led by another who is part of the committee. these two guys did not see i'd i. garcia said this was not a right -- not an accurate representation. president came in from much stronger criticism in the full report and one went out -- full report fan of what went out. >> what specifically was mr. garcia reporting -- garcia referring to? garcia cannot send out his full report. the rules say he cannot to do that. right now all we saw was a very
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reef statement this morning saying garcia will file an appeal with the appeals committee. we had the crazy situation, the two heads of the fee for ethics committee, one of them saying the other one is completely unethical. >> this just makes a mockery of the organization, doesn't it? >> it is very cost cup. there has been so much controversy about the bid process for these world cups, especially with qatar in 2022. therussian said basically dog ate my homework, we threw away the computers that had all of the information, gave them back to their owner. thief it just accepted this and cleared them.
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>> we are in a situation where russia is going to have to host the world club -- world cup and qatar would host 22. >> p for has a mechanism to fifa has ae for -- mechanism to strip russia or qatar. plan on going to russia or qatar in 2022. theater where the american classic fiddler on the roof has a new twist. 50 years after the musical, centered on a jewish dairy man and his daughters, the report -- the production is getting a revival here in washington dc. we discussed the plays impact. >> even if you have never seen
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fiddler on the roof you probably know the tune. man ♪ i were a rich >> now celebrating its 50th anniversary, the fiddler tells the story of a jewish community in russia. tevye tries to hold onto tradition while his daughter's embrace progress by choosing their own husbands. >> one of his daughters wants to marry a man outside of the faith and he says, no, i cannot bend any further. i will break. for many families sitting in the audience, each one of us has a moment where we believe our families can break because of changes within the family. when the theater obtained the
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license to produce the show it usually comes with strict instructions to use the original choreography. >> they send a choreographers manual that has the dance steps matching the numbers and the score along with diagrams and sketches and tracking for the different actors. >> because this production is eating stage in a round theater the arena was given specialist auction to make adaptations. iconic is one of the movements you cannot deviate from. that is the bottle dance step. >> one of the most iconic pieces from fiddler. tackle bigity to questions while literally putting on a show makes the musical one of america's most subversive ours forms --
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subversive art forms. >> they can tell ideas that would in a straight play have us running to the door. in a musical, because you are , it has aso songs s and thinkinge about complicated questions after we see the musical. >> ♪ find me know find ♪ >> fiddler on the roof still laugh, -- still makes us laugh, cry, and think. >> fiddler on the roof as you have never seen it before pre-at that brings today's show to a close preview can find more of today's news on our website. . am at twitter for all of us from world news
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america, thank you for watching. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits from newman's own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and union bank. >> for 150 years, we believe the commercial bank owes its clients strength, stability, security. so we believe in keeping lending standards high, capital ratios high, credit ratings high.
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companies expected it then. companies expect it now. doing right, it's just good business. union bank. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet los angeles. kevin: next on the this old house hour...
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tom: we'll get our first look at the new countertops. norm: and we'll visit a dramatic renovation project in boston's outer harbor. i get it, david, i get the view. kevin: tommy will build a hidden door to the basement. that is terrific. tom: it looks pretty bad right here. kevin: are you kidding me? norm: is this place really worth saving? richard: we can do better than this. roger: time to get to work. tom: nice and easy, nice and easy, everybody together. kevin: oh, yeah! roger: the right plant in the right place. good! richard: it's state of the art. norm: perfectly square. roger: all in all, a good days' work. kevin: and also, on ask this old house... what's the latest buzz in the backyard? setting up honey bee hives, and i'll show you how. man: there are about 10,000 bees, give or take a few. i'm going to make this kitchen a whole lot brighter


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