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tv   7 News Today in New England  NBC  October 16, 2015 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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right now, rescuers in california searching for drivers in cars trapped in this mudslide. >> jadiann: good morning, to you, it's bright and early, we're happy you're with us. >> christa: just turning 5:00. it's early. >> jadiann: it is. >> christa: sometimes you just realize, it sinks in, we're up really early and so are so many of you. >> jadiann: we like waking up with our viewers. >> jeremy: for some, it's really late. let's not assume that. we've got a lot of clouds and there are some showers moving out of new york state, western new england. they're falling apart. some of you may get tagged by one of these showers or a brief pocket of sprinkles up until 9:00. then the remainder of the day is dry. 40s across southern new england. norwood 47. boston at 53. so rain gear, you might need for
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it's on on standby but there will hours. sunshine back by noon and through the afternoon. temps this afternoon low 60s. breezy. >> jadiann: all right. sounds good. good morning, rich, we're just getting started. >> rich: the highways are good. morning. you're looking live at storrow drive, light traffic both ways. a look at the expressway, can you see it in the dark? only a few cars both ways. the traffic is heaviest both ways there. the traffic is heavy at the turnpike. the it's good for everybody and no delays on the t. >> christa: breaking news from overnight, a crash in worcester sending a car into a liquor store. here's a picture of it. two vehicles collided at main and madison streets this morning. then one of the cars crashed into the store but luckily no one was hurt.
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>> jadiann: a man is in the hospital after falling from a third story roof deck in roxbury. the man landed on on the concrete. it happened on hillside street. he suffered serious injuries and was taken to brigham and women's. >> christa: a police chase coming to a crashing end on someone's front lawn in braintree. >> jadiann: this morning three people are waking up behind bars accused of stealing that vehicle and then leading police on a wild ride. nick emmons is in braintree with the latest for us. >> reporter: jadiann, from what we understand this pursuit started sometime before 10:00 last night in brockton. as you can see right here, it -- the car, the suv, went right through that fence in this braintree front yard. a police pursuit ends in a wild wreck. >> the car ended up right here. >> just before 10:00 thursday night, larry and his wife were heading to bed when they felt a
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>> they hit this granite curb, went airborne and just very slightly hit the tree and then landed the car right here. >> the brickers have lived in this home on washington street for 38 years. this crash the third to end up in their front yard. >> we heard the crash through curbing. it's something we've heard before so we jumped up and called 911. >> larry says police were not far behind. >> they were here immediately, within a minute. >> peeking out a window, his wife saw people jump out of the suv and run. >> jumped over the fences and ran through the neighbor's backyard and out into the woods behind. >> walpole police believe the car was stolen from their town earlier this week. three people were taken into custody. the wreck coming within feet of the front door, leaving a path of destruction.
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>> we just got the yard fixed and here it is again. >> damage aside, larry and his wife happy to be okay after a close call. back here live, you can see the damage to the fence there. this homeowner has some work to do to clean up the front yard. as far as the three people arrested, we do not know their identities or what charges they could be facing. braintree, nick emmons, "7 news >> christa: thank you. developing right now, crews are working to clear a river of mud that was triggered by powerful thunderstorms in southern california. so these are really dramatic pictures. nancy chen has them for us. unanimous y apparently they're warning a major roadway could be closed for days. >> police say they're keeping highways closed for the next 24 hours until president situation is under control. -- the situation is under control. cars are stranded along parts of the highway. heavy downpours triggered flash
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some cars picked up and carried away by mud and water leaving drivers stuck and stranded. >> all we saw was a mountain of boulders and dirt and stuff coming right for us. and it pretty much lifted my car up and spun us around like it was nothing. >> many highways and roads are impassable as mud and water gushed through them. some highways, like interstate 5, had parts covered in five feet of mud. it will take the entire day to clean. the storm hit the area with severe hail. a woman shot this video outside her window in northern los angeles county. you can see how hard the hail pounded the area as well as the strong winds. forecasters say stormy weather like this will smooth over today. there have not been reports of
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new details this morning on yet another bad hand dealt to massachusetts based draftkings. the state of nevada is telling fantasy website to stop operating in the state. byron barnett joins us. >> reporter: nevada outlawed these websites saying if you're gambling. this decision comes as pressure mounts across the country for more regulation of this budding industry. yet another blow to the booming business of daily fantasy sports. nevada is set to ban the online games unless they apply for gambling licenses. >> choose any league. >> fanduel and draftkings have been able to claim their not gambling because they say fantasy sports are a game of skill, not chance. users pick daily lineups of players and compete with other users to see who chose the best team.
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the most points win prize money, sometimes in the millions. those sites must decide whether to stop operating in nevada or admit they're a form of gambling, opening them up to much more regulation nationwide. trouble started last month when a draftkings employee released sensitive player information then later won $350,000 on fanduel's site. employees of both companies are banned from playing in each other's lesion. since then an fbi investigation has been launched, class action lawsuits filed in four states and several lawmakers calling for congressional hearings. five other states have banned fantasy sports sites but nevada is by far the most powerful when it comes to gambling issues and could set a national precedent. that's the story live from boston, i'm byron barnett, "7 news today in new england." >> christa: brockton police want your help. they're trying to find a man who
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so investigators released this composite sketch you're looking at. police say the man is connected to several rapes that happened in 2013 and 2014. they say he's been seen in the downtown area but also could have ties to easton. if you have any information, police in brockton are asking that you contact them. a westwood woman missing during a hike in a new hampshire forest. a family member reportedly 64-year-old claire ca cueso missing. anything with information is asked to call the new hampshire fish and game discept. >> department? flame z z. >> no hydrants in the area so firefighters from six different communities had to truck water to that scene. the danvers teen accused of murdering his teacher is
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undergoing a mental evaluation. a judge ordered philip chism to spend 20 days in a hospital to see if he's competent to stand trial. you'll be in a locked adult unit for intensive evaluation and observation. prosecutors believe chism is putting on an act to avoid having to stand trial. >> christa: now the race for the white house today. two big name presidential candidates will be campaigning in the area today. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton will be at a town hall meeting in keene at noon followed by a meet and greet in nashua coming up tonight. the republican frontrunner, donald trump, will host a campaign rally in tyngsboro tonight. donald trump will to refund earnieback junior more than $84,000. bach gave nearly $87,000 to his campaign. the limit is $2,700. trump attended a rally at bach's
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he attempted to make the dough anyways by paying for catering. >> joe biden may be ready to make a run for the white house. he called political advisors from new hampshire, and south carolina asking how, not whether to launch a campaign. biden has made it clear he has his family's full support. >> hillary clinton opening the door for julian castro to be a possible pick for vice president if she wins the nomination. she'll look hard at him for anything because that's how good he is. he is the u.s. secretary of housing and urban development and endorsed clinton for president last week. a top raped for hillary clinton set to be eastbound. >> top aide for hillary clinton set to be in the hot seat.
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attack. there was questioned raised about how she handled sensitive information as well. >> jadiann: we're just getting started on this busy friday morning. hope you're having a great morning. coming up, a fiery scene scaring families in everett. the clues leading investigators who believe whoever set a car on fire had a bigger target. >> a sketch helps police track down a suspect. >> jadiann: the rematch of the afc championship game with a lot on the line. what the patriots are doing to prep for their sunday night show down with the colts. >> jeremy: mainly cloudy skies. could be isolated sprinkles until 9:00. temps this morning in the 40s,
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who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa
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who has the plan for jobs? jeb. tax cuts for the middle class. eliminates special loopholes. an explosion in growth and new jobs.
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right to rise usa
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>> jadiann: good morning to you, it's bright and early. 5:14. >> christa: we were just waxing poetic -- that's a horrible thing to say. we were talking about how unnaturally early it seems. i guess it's because the sun's not coming up. >> jeremy: you've been on the shift how long now? >> christa: i know but every fall is sinks in. >> jeremy: i thought about a sunrise, sunset graphic but why do that to the peeps. we've got clouds and there's a lot of rain shower activity through eastern new york and western new england. but notice as we put this into motion, these are images of the radar the last three hours or so. they're drying up, falling apart as they move through the worcester hills. that will continue to be the theme with that latest batch of rain showers across eastern new york state.
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a few sprinkles, there could be an isolated shower. if you're heading out for the morning run you're dry metro boston, worcester hills. 7:00 this morning we have green blobs on the radar. there may be isolated showers or sprinkles until about 9:00 or 9:30. after that, skies will be begin to clear out. so rain gear not a bad idea but probably won't be needed at any time today. if it's going to be needed it would be this morning until 9:00 or 10:00 then dry midday and through the afternoon and evening. 40s and 50s. boston 53. bedford 49. sunshine's coming back by the middle part of the day with temps this afternoon breezy. middle 60s. high school football games this evening will be dry. good night for football. temperatures across -- for all the games 50s in kickoffs. tonight clear, clouds showing up
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lows in the 40s. here comes another front tomorrow morning. like this morning, clouds tomorrow morning then developing sunshine. cooler tomorrow behind a cool front. only in the low 50s then a cold blast of air into new england on sunday with high temperatures on sunday only in the upper 40s. so tomorrow its noticeably cooler than today, low 50s. sunday's the cold blast of air. even into monday. head of the charles, a lot of folks coming into metro boston. a crew on the river charles, that's a a sight to see. it's blustery an chilly tomorrow and cold on sunday with the upper 40s. fall foliage coming on strong. southern new england close to peak. lots of sunshine for monday. it's cold, especially monday morning, morning lows, monday morning's lows, will be into the 20s and 30s. even downtown boston monday
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up to 48 by monday afternoon. >> jadiann: former new york city mayor giuliani helps a man injured in a car crash. they were on a highway in manhattan when they heard a noise and saw a car flip over the wall. he directed traffic while a coworker pulled the man out. one of his coworkers mentioned his name so emergency crews thought he and his wife were involved in the crash. >> christa: a serial burglar in connecticut behind bars thanks to an 11-year-old girl's sketch. this little girl drew a stick figure sketch after police came and asked if they had seen anything suspicious. she admits it wasn't special but police took her doodle and matched it to a suspect who confessed to ten burglaries. >> i drew a picture, it wasn't the best, just a head, some legs and a hat.
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after i thought about it in the morning, i thought he would crumple it up and throw it out. >> for us to take that sketch and match it with the suspect was remarkable. >> she received a standing ovation for her outstanding police work and she's all smiles, clearly proud there of >> jadiann: i love that. what a great job. they said they were able to find some of the things he had stolen and give it back to the original owners. >> christa: which is even better. >> jadiann: good job. next on 7news, it's the game many pats circled on the calendar. don't they will tell the players it's a special game. >> christa: they have the company line down. fighting addition in the bay state. how governor baker is trying to reduce opioid abuse. now that school's back in session, we want to remind you that class act is making a come
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it's a special segment highlighting outstanding students between grades 6 and 12. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold.
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leadership isn't given. it's earned. realized. accomplished. fulfilled. won. leadership isn't given.
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good morning, dry right now but there are a couple of sprinkles and isolated showers in the berkshires that will sweep across metro boston between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. sunshine but noon, 60 to 65. across the country, no major storms, no minor storms either. showers through south florida and isolated showers in california and southern nevada. warm out west, 70s and 80s. >> christa: now the patriots on the path to payback. preparing to get revenge on the colts for the month long deflategate drama. the team that started it all. that's the cool story line but real we're talking about the patriots and they're not really
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used as motivation in indy. >> jadiann: while the fans hope they send a message with a blowout, the players are saying it's just another opponent on the schedule. joe amorosino has the latest from inside the locker room. >> obviously their team is a lot different. this team is differently. >> we don't have the same team, they don't have the same team. >> new season, new game and new team so we have to be ready. >> the patriots sticking to the script ahead of sunday's clash with the colts. focusing only on the present no matter how loud the cries for deflategate revenge get. >> fans seem to think something from last year would be good motivation but you're saying that would be a distraction, rather than motivation. >> what was crazy, what you just said. >> you said -- [ laughter ] >> you said when we suggested the stuff last week. >> you should ask coach bill belichick that one.
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>> don't bet on it the same way the patriots are not counting on a cake walk. >> those games are in the past. >> we got a friendly reminder each week, every year, that what you did before doesn't matter, so you know, i don't think we even think about the last couple games or any of that. >> i think once you played games in the past, you have to clear the memory card and move on. >> easy for the patriots to say but not so easy to forget for the colts to suffered an embarrassing defeat in theastic championship game and have no reason to believe it will be different this time around. joe amorosino, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: 7news will help you get ready for sunday night's show down in indy. our 7 on the sidelines begins sunday at 6:30 followed by football night in america. the game starts at 8:30. >> the cubs take on the mets for the right to go to the world series.
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new york advancing by eliminating the dodgers in game five with the score tied in the sixth. daniel murphy with a solo home run was the winning home run. the mets winning 3-2. guy by the name of jon lester will be starting for chicago. >> jadiann: lots of baseball excitement going on. coming up next at 5:30. not giving up without a fight. parishioners of a scituate church planning their next move after ordered to end a villaging in the building. doused. the latest in the investigation in everett. >> christa: new numbers raising
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we live in a pick choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? don't miss the columbus day sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! on the #1 rated bed, plus 24-month financing. hurry, ends sunday!
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right now at 5:30. why investigators in everett believe a car fire was part of
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an attempt to burn down a home with families inside. >> christa: presenting a plan, governor baker unveiling a bill aimed at reducing the alarming rate of opioid abuse. >> jadiann: chaos erupts at a high school protest. what rhode island police say happened that. >> christa: good morning, officially friday. 5:30 on the clock. i'm christa delcamp. thompson. we start with a check of your forecast so you know what to wear and how to prepare and, i don't know, it feels like a cold one out there. >> jeremy: yeah, it's cool but i'll tell you what, of the next three days, today's the warmest. today, low 60s. right now a lot of clouds, no rain from the clouds but there are isolated showers and sprinkles through western new england. they have been weakening somewhat as they slide east but you. if they bother you at all, probably between 7:00 and
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where you need the rain gear if at all. 40s and 50s. boston 53, bedford 49. school bell forecast, some sprinkles at the bus stops. kids will have outdoor recess. this is not a repeat of tuesday morning. when school lets out this afternoon, low 60s, mild. >> jadiann: all right, let's get over to rich and talk about how the roads are shaping up. >> rich: we're live on the turnpike. they're working on the turnpike these days. this is the eastbound side heading downtown after the tolls. the right lanes taken up. they're working near the airport on route 1a southbound so there's a brief delay getting into the airport but i don't think it's a big deal. route 1 is in good shape. the southeast expressway is stacking up a little bit. the t says so far, so good. new england." >> christa: thank you so much. let's get a check of your top stories on this friday. three people behind bars after
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it came to a end on braintree. the car hopped the curb and stopped in a family's yard. police in walpole believe the car was stolen from their town earlier in the week. in nevada, gambling officials are threatening to shut down gambling sports sites like draftkings and fanduel. fandual and draftkings says they're not gambling because they say fantasy sports are based on skill rather than chance. in california, crews are working to clear up roads and highways this morning. look at these mudslides. flash floods just swamped the area and the mudslides were triggered by a thunderstorm that swept through los angeles yesterday. officials say some highways will remain closed the next 24 hours. >> jadiann: an arson investigation under way in everett.
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someone set a car fire on purpose hoping it would spread to a nearby home with children inside. victoria warren is live for us with more on the search for a suspect. >> reporter: good morning, jadiann. they got the car and they wanted to get this house behind me. now police want to get them, offering reward money for anyone who has information. a cell phone picture shows flames shooting out of a car. investigators say someone purposely set it on fire. >> it was a boom then a wall of fire. >> it happened on autumn street in everett: someone torched the car and went after the two-family home, lining the doors with gasoline. >> this really happened? i thought it was a movie. get out of the house before he blow up. >> inside the house, two children a four-year-old and 11-month-old sound asleep on the second floor with their parents. everyone got out safely. arson investigators spent hours collecting evidence.
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troopers put up posters asking for the public's help. >> at that time of day, if i would panicked, we would have died. i just knew what to do. get the phone, wake up my cousin, get out of the house and let the fire department put it out. >> the fire was set around 5:00 in in the morning. they're offering $5,000 to anyone who has information that can help investigators out in this. live this morning in everett, victoria warren, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: thank you. we're following more news, the lowell police officer caught sleeping in his cruiser resigned. this picture sent to the "lowell sun" newspaper by a reader shows the officer resting with a pillow. it came out over the weekend. the officer had been placed on administrative leave during an internal investigation at the police department. >> christa: a manchester, new hampshire woman found dead in a hidden crawl space where she lived was strangled.
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autopsy for sue hutchinson, she was found sunday after disappearing in september. her roommate is the suspect. he killed himself in a massachusetts hotel earlier this month. >> jadiann: parishioners in scituate are heading back to court as their protest hits the 11 year mark. a state appeals court ruled the group is trespassing. the 100 volunteers who take turns occupying the church say they're not leaving. they have two weeks to appeal to the state's highest court. >> this is about our ability to defend our spiritual home against the people that would destroy it. >> the community fights not just for the building but for its community. >> jadiann: the parishioners want to meet with cardinal sean o'malley so they can change his mind about closing the church. >> christa: governor charlie baker presenting a plan to fight back against the opioid crisis
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he hopes to pass a bill preventing doctors from prescribing first time patients more than a 72-hour supply of powerful drugs. it would give doctors and hospitals the power to hold addicts up to three days against their will if they pose a danger and need help. >> this has got to stop. it's not going to get better overnight. i said many times that i've never seen anything with the kind of negative momentum that this particular issue has. >> christa: other provisions include pain management training for doctors to probe opioids. substance abuse training for athletes and access to treatment beds. >> jadiann: revenue continues to fall at the first casino in massachusetts. the gaming commission says plain bridge park brought in $12.6 million, down more than july. if it keeps this pace, the
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$200 million a year revenue projections made when it opened. >> christa: mcdonald is hosting a pajama party with free breakfast at city hall plaza. the event will run from 2:00 p.m. it's in honor of mcdonald's new all day breakfast menu. if you have the luxury of waking up early and hanging out in your pj, there you go. >> jadiann: did you see that guy in the video? he was really chowing down. >> christa: he was hungry. worked up an appetite. >> jadiann: i don't know where we got that video. ahead on 7news, delivering a victory. it's early to hear about santa claus but this jolly guy is more interested in ballots than gift giving. >> christa: jimmy fallon having fun with the patriots ahead of the sunday night showdown with the colts. >> jeremy: mainly cloudy skies. isolated showers and sprinkles 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. then the
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sunshine comes back later this morning and this afternoon. 40s now, low 60s this afternoon. dunkin' donuts smoked sausage savory...smoky... and unmistakably flavorful. with one today. america runs on dunkin'. who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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geico motorcycle,
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who has the plan for jobs? jeb. tax cuts for the middle class. eliminates special loopholes. an explosion in growth and new jobs. jeb: cut taxes. grow america. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. good morning. what can i get for you? a medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- sounds good. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. see you tomorrow. that's the dd commitment.
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>> jeremy: good morning, fall foliage peaking not as far from the city of boston. one of our twitter friends sent this picture. that's her twitter handle, little red lizzy it looks like. she took this last evening from woburn and this is looking back over the city of boston. look at all the color in the trees. you don't have to travel far this weekend to see gorgeous color. dry both weekend days but colder, especially on sunday. >> jadiann: santa claus is busy getting ready for christmas. i'm sorry i had to say it. but he's ready to handle another responsibility. >> christa: for real. a man named santa claus is set to be sworn in as a member of the city council in north pole, alaska. santa claus led all write in candidates during the selection, he was born thomas o'connor and
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santa in 2005. one of his goals is to create opportunities for children. me. i think it will benefit the community and especially the children who live here. it's their future we're talking about. >> christa: so santa will be sworn in coming up on monday. he previously served as the president of the local chamber of commerce. he's been santa claus many times over so, yeah, a new career for santa. >> jadiann: he's a little meant to be there, i guess. we have a lot more to get to. everything you need to know and go coming up. diet myths debunked. >> a police chase that started in brockton winds up in this
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>> jeremy: welcome back, it's now 5:45 here on your friday and we're starting off with "know and go" here. >> jadiann: that's right. we have everything you need to know and go to get your day started right. let's go over to j.r. >> jeremy: a lot of clouds right now. we're watching a band of showers back through western new england. they're sliding east. they've been weakening so i think that process continues.
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will be a risk of isolated showers and sprinkles, i would say metro boston from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30, 10:00. so a two, three-hour window where you may need your rain gear. it's not a repeat of tuesday where we had two inches of rain on cape cod. i don't think that will happen this morning but rain gear not a bad idea. after 10:00 a.m., the sun comes back out. 40s and 50s now. there's a breeze and we'll have a westerly breeze all day. even when the sun is out and temps reach the low 60s, the breeze may work against that and it may feel cooler. boston 63, raymond, new hampshire 59, fitchburg close to 60. the cape and the islands, showers this morning, isolated in nature until 10:00 and drier this afternoon. chatham 64. tonight, mostly clear, clouds after midnight. another front into new england tomorrow so we'll start with clouds tomorrow morning then partly sunny skies. cooler tomorrow.
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temps in the 50s for highs. yet another cold front comes into new england tomorrow night and sunday. that's a cold blast of air, the last of the bunch, and that guy means business with temperatures tomorrow, again, cooler than today but sunday's the cold day with highs on sunday only in the 40s. so boston tomorrow 53, and i think sunday afternoon, despite a mix of clouds and sunshine, high temps across southern new england only in the upper 40s the low 40s. your 7on7 forecast, is the party over? is winter beginning? no, in fact next week, by tuesday, wednesday, thursday, a bounceback, 50s and 60s middle of next week. >> jadiann: maybe we just look forward to next week. time for "fast track traffic" with rich kirkland. >> rich: thank you very much. we're live on route 93, which is actually surprisingly a very good ride new hampshire to boston right now. no special delays. it's friday and traffic usually is lighter but not that light. route 1 is busy but yesterday at
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this time it was stacked up. the turnpike is great. 495 all the way downtown. there you have it. no issues on the highways and no issues on the t. they're on time. rich kirkland, "7 news today in >> christa: thank you. now first on 7, a police chase coming to a crashing end on braintree. >> jadiann: this morning, three people are waking up behind bars accused of stealing that vehicle and leading police on a wild ride. nick emmons is in braintree with the story for us. >> reporter: jadiann, from what we understand, this police pursuit began in brockton and as you can see here, from the damage in this front yard, it wound up here in braintree where it came to a crashing end. so what we understand is that the pursuit ended here on washington street. the homeowners were heading to bed when they heard the crash just before 10:00 last night. the suv hopped the curb, crashed through a fence and hit a tree in the front yard before stopping feet from the front door. the homeowners called 911 but
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police were already there because this was a pursuit. three people jumped out of the suv and took off running into the woods, according to the homeowners. police arrested them. what we understand is walpole police believe the suv was stolen from their town earlier this week. the couple of this home meantime has lived here for 38 years. they say this is the third crash to end right here on their doorstep. so as of this morning, those three people in custody. we do not have their identities and we don't know what charges they could be facing. hopefully we find out today. new england." >> christa: also on 7, police in rhode island using pepper spray on high school students as they tried to break up a protest at city hall. students in pawtucket protested this video taken earlier this week of an officer tackling a ground.
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started peaceful but turned violent when students started threatening officers and spitting at them. >> you want to protest, stay on the sidewalk. are you listening? >> i'm asking you to put your trust in me. i'm going to listen to you. >> police arresting two adults and eight teenagers but several more than that were pepper sprayed. the chef involved in the uconn food fight is speaking out, addressing the student to harassed a dining hall employee. >> just give me some [ bleep ] >> this was the story we brought you auraller, the chef to wrangled the student to the ground wrote a letter to the school newspaper saying he he hopes the student learned a lesson.
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>> jadiann: police in haverhill arrest 19 people in a drugs and weapons sweep. they found large amounts of drugs. haverhill police and several a 4-year-old new hampshire girl is in the care of relatives after her mother overdose on heroin in front of child. kari houlne faces child endangerment charges. the person who called 911 was able to revive her on tuesday. that woman is due in court next week. across the country, a scary scene in ohio where contractors found a woman's body after mistaking it for a halloween costume decoration. neighbors thought it was all a prank on construction crews who had been working near the site. now they're worried for their own children. >> please help, do something. we got kids out here that play. that's -- no kids should have to
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and now we have to pretend it was something else. >> jadiann: police say that woman was murdered and they have made an arrest in the case. >> christa: a pennsylvania little league field normally packed with kids is empty. officials there canceled the rest of the season after they say bullets were found at the field gate with names of people written in permanent marker on them. parents say it's been a tough year with ongoing fights between parents of the players on opposing teams. >> this is the 50th year, it should have awesome for all the kids, everyone involved and hopefully it continues next year. >> i have no idea where it's coming from but it has to stop. the kids have more sense that be the adults. >> each team has met with coaches who stressed how important it is to keep the players safe. >> today the centers for disease control will issue the first flu report of the season. most seasonal flu activity happens between october and may
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and peaks between december and february. if you have not gotten your shot, do it soon. this season's vaccine is said to be more effective than last year's. if you're trying to diet, make sure you break common weight loss rules that could be hurting your progress. first, you don't need to totally stay away from sugar, carbs and fat. if you eat some foods you crave you won't with binge on them later. don't be a calorie counter. listen to your body when you're hungry or full. lastly, treat yourself in moderation. if you're too focused on what you can't eat you'll be admissible and want to avoid emotional eating. >> christa: it's the end of an era for u.s. airways. the final flight will leave today. u.s. airways phased out as pars part of the merger with american airlines.
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the carrier ending with 6700 daily flights, more than 100,000 employees and 8% of u.s. domestic passengers. if you're an at&t customer, t-mobile c.e.o. wants to hear from you and he'll pass your comments to the competition. this started when an at&t customer received a threatening legal note after emailing the head of the company with suggestions. now t-mobile's top executive is certainly -- personally inviting customers to share feedback, offering up his twitter handle and email. at&t apologized for its response. >> jadiann: jimmy fallon having fun with the sunday night football game. >> christa: he showed off some of his tonight show superlatives. >> next on the patriots, dante high tower. he was voted most likely to wake up in the middle of the night and think he's being aattacked by giant gummy worms. next, rob gronkowski.
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he was voted most likely to have his eyes, ears and tongue pop out when you squeeze him hard. i've seen those toys. they're fun. and finally from the patriots, jimmy garoppolo, he was voted jersey fallon. ninkovich, a linebacker. >> only three colts players made the list. >> jadiann: i love the gronk one. poor guys. it's all in good fun though. >> jeremy: exactly. just having fun with the hometown team. clouds at this time. some sprinkles and isolated showers metro boston from this batch here, western new england. if you're heading out for the morning run, it does not pester you until 7:00 at the earliest, between 7:00 and 10:00 you may need the rain gear. fours 40s and 50s. partly sunny skies.
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they'll have outdoor recess. sun is out. when school lets out, you start your weekend with the low 60s this afternoon. >> jadiann: there's another hour of news ahead on "7 news today in new england." we're lucky weather isn't this bad. severe flooding and thunderstorms thunderstorms in california.
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ready to head out when others head home. at eversource, we prepare for ugly weather all year long. upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you, because we know you're counting on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter.
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it's halloween. we carve cran-o'-lanterns. and we make hot cranberry cider with our tasty, good-for-you ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail. scary, huh? mm. aah! [ plop ] at >> jadiann: overnight a wild wreck into a worcester liquor store. >> cista: a police chase through several towns ends in a crash.
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curb and went airborne. >> christa: three people under arrest. >> jadiann: a muddy mess trapping drivers if had california. >> lifted my car up and spun us around. >> jadiann: this morning, part of a major freeway shut down. >> christa: another blow for draftkings. the state threatening to ban them. >> jadiann: what might be the most incredible catch of the year. >> christa: good morning, everybody. so glad that you're along with us here. 6:00 a.m. on friday. i'm christa delcamp. >> jadiann: i'm jadiann thompson. so i was thinking with what jeremy has been saying about the weather, maybe a good weekend to break in the crock pot. >> christa: i like that idea. are you cooking for us? >> jadiann: oh, yeah, totally. >> jeremy: so convincing. clouds at this time. we are watching a few showers western new england. it's a weather system that's moving fast. it's also weakening but with that said, there's probably a
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three-hour window from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. that you may need rain gear. after 10:00 you don't, you need the sunglasses. the sun will come out midday and this afternoon but notice these blobs on the map behind me. that's the weather system doing its thing. moving quick, a few showers. in the maintain, 40s and 50s. cool out there with a breeze. through the day we hold on to the breeze. we'll get the sun back. temps this afternoon about where we should be this time of year, low 60s. but we're talking about wicked cold weather for october heading our way this weekend. >> christa: lots going on this weekend. as for the traffic, rich, what are you seeing? >> rich: right now it's copesetic. we're live on route 93 and the ride out of new hampshire is uneventful to medford then it slows down. the situation, pretty good. a little bit of work here by comm ave but no slowdowns and
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we have word of a crash on route 24 northbound in taunton by route 44. another crash on 24 again this morning. the t says it's okay. rich kirkland, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: overnight a crash in worcester sends one car into a liquor store. two vehicles collided at main and madison streets. one car crashed into the store. you can see all the damage left behind. luckily no one was hurt. >> christa: a man in the hospital after falling from a third story roof deck in roxbury. the man falling and landing on concrete. it happened just before 1:00 on hillside street in mission hill. according to ems workers he suffered serious injuries and was taken to brigham and women's. >> jadiann: a story reported first on 7, a police chase through several towns comes to a crashing end on a front lawn in braintree. this morning three people are waking up behind bars. >> christa: they're accused of stealing that vehicle then
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braintree. right where this happened right behind you. >> reporter: that's right. this pursuit began in brockton and traveled here to braintree where you can see the damage left behind after an suv crashed through the fence into this front yard. a police pursuit ends in a wild wreck. >> the car ended up right here. >> just before 10:00 thursday night larry bricker and his wife were heading to bed when they felt a jolt. >> they hit this granite curb here that we have. they went airborne and just very slightly hit the tree and then landed the car right here. >> jadiann: the. >> the brickers have lived in this home on washington street 38 years. this crash the third to end up in their front yard. >> we heard the crash through the fence and the granite curbing out here and it's something we've heard before so we jumped up and called 911. >> larry says police were not
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far behind. >> they were here immediately, within a minute, because they were right behind them. >> peeking out a window, his wife saw people jump out of the suv and run. >> jumped over the fences and ran through the backyard, our neighbor's backyard, and out into the woods behind. >> walpole police believe the car was stolen from their town earlier this week. three people were taken into custody. the wreck coming within feet of the front door leaving a path of destruction. >> we just got the yard fixed and here it is again. >> damage aside, larry and his wife happy to be okay after a close call. back out here live, you can see the damage left behind. this homeowner's going to wake up to quite a mess and quite a repair job left. as far as the people taken into custody, we do not know their identities or the charges they could be facing. hopefully we'll find out today. live in braintree, nick emmons, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: thank you.
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your help as they try to find a man connected to several rape cases. investigators have released this composite sketch recently. police say the man is connected to several rapes that happened in 2013 and 2014. they say he's been seen in downtown brockton but could have ties to easton. if you have information, you are asked to contact brockton police. >> christa: developing out of southern california, two highways are shut down because of major mudslides. this is new video of trapped drivers trying to dig themself out. let's go to nancy chen. some of this video is really something to see. >> reporter: they're keeping some highways closed at least the northeast 24 hours until the situation is under control. cars now stranded along parts of the highway north of los angeles, heavy downpours thursday triggered flash flooding and landslides.
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carried away about by the mud and water leaving drivers stuck and stranded. >> all we saw was a mountain of boulders and dirt and stuff coming right for us. and it pretty much lifted my car up and spun us around like it was nothing. >> many highways and roads are impassable as that mud and water just gushes right through them. some highways like interstate 5 had parts covered up with up to five feet of mud. it's going to take at least the entire day to clean it up. the storm even hit the drought stricken area with severe hail. a woman shot this video outside her window in northern l.a. county. you can see the hail pounding the area as well as the strong winds that went with it. forecasters say stormy whether weather will smooth over today. there were no reports of injuries. >> jadiann: developing this morning, draftkings taking
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another hit. the boston based fantasy sports site banned in one state. byron barnett joins us live with more on this. >> reporter: nevada has banned the site saying if you're wagering on sports, that's gambling, so this decision comes as pressure mounts across the country for more regulation of this budding industry. yet another blow to the booming business of daily fantasy sports. nevada is set to ban the online games unless they apply for gambling licenses. companies like fanduel and draftkings have been able to claim they're not gambling because fantasy sports of a game of skill, not chance. users pick daily lineups of players and compete with other users to see who chose the best team. the most points wins prize money, sometimes in the millions. those sites must decide whether to stop operating in nevada or
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admit they're in fact a form of gambling which would open them up to much more regulation nationwide. trouble started for the companies last month when a draftkings employee released sensitive player information and then later won $350,000 on fanduel's site. employees of both companies are now banned from playing in each other's lesion. since then an fbi investigation has been launched. class action lawsuits filed in four states and several lawmakers are calling for congressional hearings. now, draftkings has released a statement saying we strongly disagree with this decision and we'll work diligently to ensure nevadans have the right to participate in what we believe is legal entertainment that millions of americans enjoy. unfortunately, though, we now have to temporarily disable our product for thousands of customers in nevada in order to
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live in boston, byron byron barnett. >> christa: the danvers teenage accused of murdering his teacher is undergoing a mental evaluation. the judge ordered philip chism to spend up to 20 days in a hospital to see if he's competent to stand trial. the 16-year-old will be in a locked adult unit for intensive testing, evaluation and observation. prosecutors say they believe he's putting on an act to avoid having to stand trial for the murder of colleen ritzer. the state fire official trying to figure out what sparked this big fire in groton. flames destroyed a building at the krystle grotonwood camp. there were no hydrants so firefighters from six communities trucked water to the scene. the lowell police officer caught sleeping in his cruiser resigned. this picture sent to the "lowell sun" by a reared shows the officer resting with a pillow. he had been placed on administrative leave during an
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investigation. >> jadiann: now the race for the white house. two big name presidential candidates will campaign in our area today. hillary clinton will attend a town hall in keene at noon followed by a meet and greet in nashua tonight. meantime republican frontrunner donald trump will be in tyngsboro tonight. >> christa: anger and outrage after police pepper spray and arrest some new england teens protesting at a city hall. >> jadiann: the patriots on the road to revenge. prepping to crush the colts in the first faceoff since deflategate. >> christa: trouble on a popular tv show. a message hidden in the scenes that shocked a producer of homeland. >> jeremy: sprinkles in gardner, watching a band of rain in the berkshires. you'll need the rain gear, on and off isolated showers until 10:00 a.m. then dry. cold blast of air for the weekend. wait until you see the numbers. >> rich: the big traffic story
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is how light the traffic is even for a friday morning. however, there's trouble on route 24. "7 news today in new england." light & fit, 15 delicious flavors, each 80 calories. try to beat that! evy coconuhas a drm.
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tohow all e worlds trueinner bety. anthen, inn ironicwist, gecovered by chocole and alnds. alnd joy mnds. wh every conut wan. afr tryingooksidchocolat, @p cake v tweed: "lve it toe to droabrooksiddown my irt & se it." yodidn' lose it. yosaved itr late brkside. ta about dicious. dear fellow citizen,
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your home is your castle. but sometimes the castle needs a new roof or kitchen. i can show you how to borrow money for it and not break the budget. if you have a question about how a home equity line of credit could work for you, ask me. i can help. sincerely jose gomez fellow castle owner and fellow citizen. now, you're free to start enjoying the breakfast you love any time you wish.
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no way. introducing mcdonald's new all day breakfast menu. once, you changed how you ate breakfast. it's time to start changing when. >> jadiann: one of my favorites parts of the newscast, our rise and shine. this is coming from becky in hingham providing us with this beautiful shot of the water, the crisp colors of the sun peeking through the trees. thank you for that beautiful shot, becky. your day. send your pictures to rise and shine at or tweet them over to us. j.r. and christa, we like to share those pictures.
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day. >> christa: we have really good photographers out there. as far as the weekend, lots of photo opportunities. busy weekend, head of the charles. >> jeremy: it's dry both days but cold, especially on sunday. right now clouds, sprinkles in the gardner area. this is our weather system this morning. if you're heading out for a run, you're dry for the next 45 minutes to an hour but western new england, eastern new york state, that's the weather system that's weakening as it moves east but i don't think it's going to weaken to the point rain is a nonissue. there mate be isolated showers from this weather system from about 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. after 10:00 a.m. the weather system scoots offshore. rain gear probably on standby during that three-hour window, 7 to 10:00 a.m. but some may have a spot shower or sprinkles for 10-15 minutes then that's about it.
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60 to 70%. by the afternoon, dry and sunny. 40s and 50s right now. boston 53. norwood 52. although with a breeze this time of day and this time of year, sometimes that breeze can mask that mild feel to the air. so even though the temps will be in the lower 60s, normal, the breeze may feel cooler but a decent fall afternoon. high school football, needham, framingham, danvers, beverly, 7:00 kicks at all three with temperatures at kickoff in the upper 50s. through the evening low 50s. overnight, lows in the 40s. tomorrow cooler with temperatures tomorrow only in the low 50s. here comes another cool front. this will blast into new england tomorrow night with a cold blast of air for this time of year. there may be snow flurries and snow showers in northern new england. nothing around metro boston but there's the weekend. 53 tomorrow. the wind will make it feel colder. sunday also windy and colder
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with temperatures on sunday in the 40s. your head of the charles forecast, again, the folks at the head of the charles say up to 400,000 spectators check this event out every year. it's phenomenal. check it out. 50s tomorrow, 40s along the riverbanks on sunday with a northwesterly wind 15-20 miles an hour. the 7on7 forecast, monday morning looks cold with temperatures in the city of boston, close to 30 degrees. that ends the growing season for many cities and towns monday. also helps with the allergies. tuesday, back into the upper 50s. >> jadiann: let's go over to rich and talk about how the roads are doing. >> rich: they're pretty good. fridays are always lighter and it's really that way now. the expressway is moving. that's good. white lights going southbound, an easy ride. northbound lights are heavier. route 93, much better here than it has been all week long. and there's the turnpike, that remains wide open. we've had a couple of issues on
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in taunton by route 44 causing a slight delay now. the t says everything is okay. rich kirkland, "7 news today in new england." >> christa: graffiti artists leaving their mark on the set of homeland. they hired street artists to write graffiti in arabic. instead they tagged things like homeland is racist, it's a joke, but they're not laughing. they are accused of distorting characterizations in the past. >> it's to open that dialogue of the lack of awareness people have of how these images are incredibly dangerous and have a real world impact. even if it's a fictional story. >> the homeland co creator released a statement saying they wished they had caught the graffiti before it aired but can't help but admire the artists. >> ebony magazine inspiring mixed emotions for a cover featuring a fractured image of
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the cosby show cast. it focuses on families in the african-american community. dozens of women came forward accusing bill cosby of sexually assaulting them. through lawyers, cosby said those encounters were consensual. these x-rays show teens and kids as young as seven developing curved spines from what is called text neck, it's from constantly looking at your cell phone. doctors say the best way to avoid this is bring your phone towards you instead of looking down at it. i'm guilty of that too. i catch myself like this and it's horrible. >> christa: hunch over. i was really interested in this. they were saying for everyone inch you're looking down it adds like so much more pressure on your spine. even that little bit. >> jadiann: as a kid -- as an adult i try to catch myself and i feel like a horrible example. as a small kid, how do you
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posture. >> christa: that's what the parents are there for. >> jadiann: sign of the times. >> christa: yeah. 6:19. still ahead, see what happens when gorilla is introduced to kittens and makes them her own. >> that was crazy what you just said. >> jadiann: that's gronk stumped by a question from a 7news reporter as he preps to crush the colts. >> christa: you don't want to miss what is being called the play of the year. we'll be rig
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hand-crafted...layer by layer. from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall with a new hot or iced pumpkin macchiato. [ printer whirring ] don't choose neighborhood health plan just because it costs less. choose it for the thoughtful things, like a welcome call to help with any questions... for the big things, like access to world-class doctors and hospitals... and for the smart things, like printing
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a temporary membership card to start using your benefits right away. choose it because neighborhood values what you value. call your broker and see customer stories at for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! stop & shop just dropped prices on thousands more items. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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can i get a medium coffee, cream, two sugars? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. that's the dd commitment. america runs on dunkin'. >> jeremy: good morning, a few this morning. then we're sunny for the afternoon. traveling across the country, most of the nation is rain-free. there will be a couple of showers and thundershowers through south florida. closer to home. low 60s today. low 50s some. sunday and monday with temperatures only in the upper
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40s, mighty cold end of the weekend early next week. >> christa: patriots on the path to payback. they're preparing to get revenge on the colts for the month long deflategate drama. >> jadiann: fans want to see a blowout but the players say it's just another game on the schedule. joe amorosino has the latest from inside the locker room. >> obviously their team's a lot different. this team is differently. >> we don't have the same team. they don't have the same team. >> new season, new game, new team. >> the patriots sticking to the script ahead of sunday's clash with the colts, focusing only on the present no matter how loud the cries for revenge gets. >> sounds like you're saying if you did that, it would be a distraction rather than a motivation? >> that was crazy, what you just said. >> well ... you said when we -- [ laughter ] >> when we suggested the stuff last --
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>> you should ask coach belichick that one. he'll have a good answer. >> don't bet on it. the same way the patriots aren't counting on a cake walk. >> those games are in the past. >> we got a friendly reminder each week every year that what you did before doesn't matter. i don't think we even think about the last couple games or any of that. >> i think once you play games in the past, you have to clear the memory card and move on to the next game. >> easy to say but not so easy to forget for the colts who suffered an embarrassing defeat in the afc championship game and have no reason to believe it will be different this time around. reporting in the newsroom, joe amorosino, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: 7news will help you get ready. our pregame show at 7 on the sidelines begins at 6:30 followed by football night in america.
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>> christa: so many of you may be talking about this. a stanford wide receiver making a jaw dropping catch you're about to see. we're not going to show it to you actually right now. how's that for a tease. >> christa: we showed it to you he beginning of the show but we're not going to show you now. we'll be back with this -- it was a stanford game and i'm going to tell you about it, maybe we can bring you in, jadiann. but -- there it is. awesome. roll the tape. >> how about this from pakistan ford. did he catch that pinned against the defender's back? that's incredible. >> christa: it's amazing. like he was giving him a hug. >> behind his back. he pulled the touchdown early this -- during stanford's win over u.k. -- ucla. he pinned the ball against the defender's back.
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the receiver made the no look catch. so i mean people are saying now, you have to see it to believe it because if you tried to water cooler explain that, it sound unbelievable. >> christa: it looks like a bear hug to me. >> jadiann: the skill of that kid. we'll have to watch him. >> christa: he wasn't even looking.
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mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you
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into your life.
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>> chaos at a new england city hall. students tackled and pepper sprayed. >> jadiann: the search for a fire starter to lined a home with gasoline. >> large yellow flames. >> who tried to torch a home with children inside. >> this has got to stop. >> christa: governor baker outlining his controversial attack on the opioid crisis. >> jadiann: must see video. the gorilla who adopts kittens as her own.
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>> jadiann: good morning to you, everyone, we're at 6:30 on a friday. i'm jadiann thompson. >> christa: the weekend cannot get her fast enough, i don't think. it's been quite a week, everybody. i hope it's been a good one for you. i'm christa delcamp, here's jeremy reiner. we want to know how the weekend weather is looking. >> jeremy: cloudy skies, sprinkles in metrowest, merrimack valley. there's a three-hour window of opportunity, whether we like it or not, of showers from morning. 7:00 a.m. first in the worcester hills, probably 8:00 or 9:00 in boston. from this weather system here that's moving fast and falling apart. so that may provide an isolated shower or sprinkles this morning. then after 10:00, skies begin to clear out and a nice fall day. a little bit on the breezy side. low 50s at this time, boston fitchburg 52. mostly sunny skies. the sunshine and a southwesterly
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should be, low 60s and then get ready for colder weather for the weekend. >> christa: right now we're going to talk about the roads. rich kirkland with us. >> rich: good morning, we're live right now, i should say the map shows you a situation here. 95 northbound in canton. a crash with a three mile backup already on route 95 northbound trying to get to route 128. we got the helicopter going that way now. look at the expressway, typical friday. moving along nicely. it is slow and busy but not all that slow into town this morning. there's 93, pretty good ride. so generally traffic is okay. 95 in canton is not. the t says it's all right too, on time. rich kirkland, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: thank you so much. 53 degrees right now. it's a little bit chilly. the day's top stories. overnight, a crash in worcester sends one car into a liquor store. two vehicles collide at main and madison streets early this morning. one car then crashed into the store. luckily no one was hurt. a man is in the hospital
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after falling from a third story roof deck in roxbury. the man fell and landed on the concrete before 1:00 a.m. on hillside street and mission hill. he suffered serious injuries and was taken to brigham and women's. three people are behind bars after leading police an a wild police chase that came to a crashing end in braintree in that person's front yard. the car hopped the curb, crashed a fence and hit a tree before stopping in the family's yard on washington street. walpole police believe the car week. >> christa: an alarming case of arson in everett. someone lined the doorsteps of a home with gasoline and then investigators say they torched a car hoping it would spread to a nearby home. there were children inside. let's go to victoria warren. she is live for us and you have more on the search for a suspect today. >> reporter: they are still searching for that suspect. it was only 5:00 in the morning so most people inside this home
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behind me were asleep. they got the car, they wanted to get the house. now police want to get them, offering reward money for anyone who has information. a cell phone picture shows flames shooting out of a car. investigators say someone purposely set it on fire. >> a boom then a wall of fire. >> it happened on autumn street in everett. someone torched the car and went after the two-family home, lining the doors with gasoline. >> this really happened? i thought it was a movie. that's all i cared about, get out of the house before it blows up. >> inside, two children, a 4-year-old and 11-month-old sound asleep on the second floor with their parents. everyone got out safely. arson investigators spent hours collecting evidence while troopers put up posters asking for the public's help. >> at that time i day if i would have panicked, we would have died.
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i got the phone, woke up my cousin, get out and let the fire department put it out. >> the folks who live here have no idea why anyone would target them. arson investigators want to hear from anyone who has information. for that information. live this morning in everett, victoria warren, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: thank you. high school students in rhode island are pepper sprayed while protesting a video captures the officer takedown. watch this. >> look, look, look. oh! pawtucket. they say an officer used unnecessary force. the teens protested at city hall but things turned violent when they started threatening officers and spitting at them. ten students were arrested an more were pepper sprayed. >> christa: governor charlie baker combating opioid addiction in massachusetts. the governor hoping to pass a bill preventing doctors from
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more than a 72-hour supply of powerful drugs. however, exceptions can be made for those with chronic pain or in hospice care. the bill would give hospitals the power to section addicts up to 72 hours if they're considered to be dangerous. >> this has got to stop. it's not going to get better overnight. i said many times that i've never seen anything with the kind of negative momentum that this particular issue has. >> other provision include pain management training for doctors to pride opioids. >> jadiann: perishers in scituate head back to court as the protests hit the 11 year mark. the 100 volunteers to took turns occupying the church say they're not leaving. the group has two weeks to
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separate appeal to the state's highest court. >> this is about our ability to defend our spiritual home against the people who would destroy it. >> the community fights not just for the building but for its community. >> the parishioners want to meet with boston cardinal sean o'malley so they can change his mind about closing the church. >> christa: mcdonald's is hosting a pajama party with free breakfast at city hall plaza. the event will run from 11:00 to 2:00 in honor of mcdonald's new all day breakfast menu. for those who get up early, it's unconvenient to hang out in your pj's at 2:00 in the afternoon. >> jadiann: if i could anchor the show in my pj, i would be a-ok. you wouldn't mind. still ahead a muddy mess trapping drivers in southern california.
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this morning, parts of a major freeway completely shut down. >> christa: a gorilla who knows sign language telling her owners she wants to adopt these kittens. >> jadiann: jimmy fallon having fun with the patriots colts showdown. >> rich: we're live with sky 7 in canton.
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>> christa: a look at what's trending a pennsylvania teen landing a very special date to his homecoming dance. >> jadiann: this weekend he'll event. marcus josie has been battling leukemia since april. he went out on a limb inviting miss new jersey to the dance. after hearing his story she couldn't turn him down. >> battling cancer at such a young age and being a two sport athlete, he wanted to make his homecoming special. >> she says it was a great idea because she missed her homecoming four years ago. >> the famous gorilla the mother of a pair of kittens.
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cocoa the gorilla received them as a birthday present. she signed the words cat followed by baby and her trainers say it indicates the kittens are her own adopted children. she asked for one of the kittens to be placed on her head, so mom shows her affection there in varies ways. that's too cute. >> jadiann: very sweet. new surveillance video just in of lamar odom at a nevada brothel before found unconscious . >> christa: new developments in the case of a lowell police officer caught sleeping on the job inside of his cruiser. >> reporter: coming up a police pursuit that started in brockton ends up in this braintree front yard.
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a police chase comes to a halt after a wild wreck in one family's front yard. >> cars stranded, covered in mud and flooded with water. southern california slammed by wild weather. >> more problems for fantasy sports sites. where they could be banned. >> christa: plus the pats become of butt of late night jokes. >> christa: it's friday, so we're celebrating that. we have the day's top stories. >> jadiann: we start with traffic and weather. j.r., help me out here. >> jeremy: are you excited? i better see that on monday.
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cloudy skies, sprinkles merrimack valley, new hampshire seacoast. that extends into the berkshires, our weather system we track for you this morning. you might need to use the rain gear from about 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. west and probably 10:00 a.m. south shore. city of boston itself, between 8:00 and 9:30. sometime in there. have the rain gear, probably on standby as this weather system weakens but capable of sprinkles and isolated showers early. then temperatures right now 40s and 50s. partly sunny skies this afternoon reaching the low and mid 60s for tonight. clear, clouds after midnight. cool tomorrow. high temps tomorrow only into the low 50s with a feisty northwesterly wind and cold blast of air into new england on sunday with a mix of clouds and sunshine. temperatures won't even make it out of the 40s on sunday so we've got a blustery, cold weekend, including head of the charles.
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low 50s tomorrow, take note of wind speeds, northwest winds 15-20 miles an hour tomorrow and sunday with highs temps on sunday, upper 40s. the 7on7 forecast, sunshine on monday. that's a cold day, especially monday morning. i think the growing sean's coming to an end monday morning. even downtown boston, monday morning down into the low 30s. by monday afternoon, upper 40s. have a great weekend. >> jadiann: thank you. that's talk about the roads today. how are we doing? >> rich: not to good. the tobin bridge a 25 minute delay. the expressway, at least it's moving. yeah, that's not so bad. it's a 25 minute ride end-to-end. the turnpike is good. 93 is good too. not good is 95 in canton and route 128 in canton too because of an earlier crash. the t says we're on time. rich kirkland, "7 news today in new england." >> jadiann: thank you, overnight, a man is in the hospital after falling from a third story roof deck in
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roxbury. a man fell and landed on the concrete before 1:00 a.m. on hillside street. he suffered serious injuries and was taken to brigham and women's. >> christa: also, overnight, a crash in worcester sending a car into a liquor store. two vehicles collided at main and madison streets early this morning. one of the cars crashed through the front entrance but no one was hurt. a story that was reported first here on 7, a police chase through several towns coming to a crashing end right on someone's front lawn in braintree. >> jadiann: this morning, three people are under arrest. nick emmons is in braintree with the very latest on this story for us. as the sun rises, we can see the damage behind you. >> reporter: that's right. extensive damage to the front lawn of this home. from what we understand, this pursuit started in brockton and ended here at this home on washington street. you can see the fence there, pretty damaged but the home made
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what we know is that the homeowners, they said they were going to bed when they heard the crash just before 10:00ed the suv hopped the curb, went through the fence, hit a free before coming to a stop feet from their front door. they called 911 but because this was a pursuit, police were not far behind. they saw three people jump out of the suv, take off running into the woods. police arrested them. walpole police believe the suv was stolen from their town earlier this week. listen to this. the couple lived in this home for 38 years. they say this is the third crash to end up in their front yard. they're just happy their home was not damaged, their cars in the driveway were not damaged but that fence suffered serious damage. as far as the people involved in this police pursuit, we don't know their ages or identities but we hope to find out today. live in braintree, nick emmons, "7 news today in new england." >> christa: brockton police want your help as they try to find a
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rape cases. investigators released this composite sketch you're about to see. the man is connected to several rapes that happened in 2013 and 2014. they also say that he's been seen in downtown brockton but also could have ties to easton as well. if you have any information, you're urged to contact police in brockton. >> jadiann: developing out of southern california, two highways are shut down due to major mudslides. this is new video of trapped drivers trying to dig themselves out of all of this muck. nancy chen joins us with more on the trouble that this mess is causing. >> reporter: just a mess behind me. police are keeping some of these highways closed at least the next 24 hours until the situation is under control. cars now just stranded along parts of the highway north of los angeles. heavy downpours thursday triggered flash flooding as well as landslides. some cars were actually picked up, carried away by the mud and
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many of those highways and roads now are impassable as the mud and water gush through them. some highways like interstate 5 had parts cardboard covered with up to five feet of mud. along with the rain, this storm produced very severe hail. you can see here the pounding to the ground in northern los angeles county as well as the strong winds that went right alongside with it. forecasters say stormy weather like this will likely smooth out throughout today. there have not been any reports of injuries. nancy chen, "7 news today in new england." >> christa: now another developing story. draftkings taking another hit. 7's byron barnett is live. the boston company may be banned in one state we understand? >> reporter: that's right. another big blow to daily fantasy sports. nevada is banning the sites saying that if you are wagering on sports, that's gambling.
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the nevada gaming control commission is banning the on-line games unless they apply for licenses. companies like fanduel and boston days based draftkings say it's a game of skill, not chance. now, that means that the the states must decide whether to stop operating in nevada or admit they're a form of gambling which opens them to more regulation. draftkings released a statement saying: saying: saying: we disagree but unfortunately we have to temporarily disable our product in nevada to be compliant in all jurisdictions. that's the latest live in boston. >> jadiann: thank you. the danvers teenager accused of murdering his teacher has been committed to a psychiatric hospital. a judge ordered philip chism to spend up to 20 days at a hospital in worcester to see if he's competent to stand trial.
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the 16-year-old will be in a locked adult unit for testing, evaluation and observation. prosecutors believe he's putting on an act to avoid having to stand trial. the lowell police officer caught sleeping in his cruiser resigned. this picture sent to the "lowell sun" newspaper shows the officer resting with a poly. >> christa: former nba and reality tv star lamar odom arriving at a brothel in nevada on saturday. workers told police he had cocaine in his system. odom remains in a coma after he was found unconscious earlier this week. the owner said lamar odom paid $75,000 for a five day stay at the brothel. now to the race for the white house. two big name presidential candidates will be campaigning in our area today.
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clinton will attend a town hall in keene at noon followed by a meet and greet in nashua tonight. meantime run frontrunner donald trump will host a campaign rally in tyngsboro. trump had to refund ernie bach jr. more than $84,000. bach gave nearly $87,000 to his campaign. the limit on individual donations is $2,700. trump attended a rally at bach's house in norwood in august and bach attempted to make the donation by paying for the events catering. >> jadiann: the cubs take on the mets for the right to go to the world series. the mets won last night's game 3-2. game one of the nlcs will be tomorrow night. jon lester will start for the cubs. >> christa: the patriots double digit favorites heading into
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new england dominated the last four meetings with the colts highlighted by the 45-7 victory. the pats are just focusing on the current colts squad. andrew luck still listed as questionable for sunday's game. he was limited during the indy practice on thursday. also limited wednesday as well. he's recovering from a shoulder injury. the owner of the colts tells espn he thinks luck will be ready to go sunday night. 7news will help you get ready for the showdown in indianapolis. our pregame show begins sunday at 6:30. followed by football night in america. the game is 8:30. >> jadiann: jimmy fallon having fun with the upcoming game between the pats and colts. >> christa: he showed off his tonight show superlatives featuring pats big names here.
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>> next, the patriots' dante high tower, voted most likely to wake up and feel he's being attacked by gummy worms. next rob gronkowski voted most likely to have his eyes, ears and tongue pop out. i've seen those stories. from the patriots, we have jimmy garoppolo, he was voted jersey fallon. there you go. i didn't know that. >> christa: he had superlatives for others but he avoided telling deflategate jokes. so that's good. moving on. >> jadiann: moving on, just like the team says they want to. >> christa: jr., moving on to the forecast. it's a cold one. >> jeremy: here we go. we're tracking showers western new england. they sweep across metro boston between 7:30 and 10:30. sun on the south shore. 40s and 50s this morning, low 60s this afternoon. cold blast of air, especially on sunday.
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>> christa: take care of yourself, bundle up for the weekend and thanks for watching.
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