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tv   7 News at 11 PM  NBC  October 15, 2015 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT

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braintree with the latst. what can you tell us? >> reporter: they just towed the car from this home in braintree. you can see where the car went through the family's fence, right into their yard. and we spoke with the homeowner who said he heard a huge bang and by the time they looked out the window they saw three people running through their yard. and you can see some of the video and pictures that we have from earlier and what police are saying this all started as a chase in brockton and this car through several towns and cities and until it finally crashed here in braintree and when its crashed here police say those three people ran out of the car but they were able to arrest them, and we also learned from walpole police this started as the stolen car, and this car was reported stolen. back here live you can see the family is still on their lawn and they say they were just this happened. again they heard a huge crash, a bang and that is when a they saw that crash go through their
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saw three people running out. police have arrested the three, and this did start as a stolen car that was chased through several towns. that is the latest live in brain tree, susan tran. also breck breaking, firefighters battling flames and tearing thank you building in dproton. let's get out on ryan schulteis. >> reporter: that fires now out and state fire marsh allies investigating what caused it. looking at some pictures from when the fire broke out, massive flames on prescott street, the grotonwood camp, the fire happening in a cabin or youths building there, dormitory maybe seining out, and no one was there during the time of the fire. that is the good news. the main challenge for the firefighters was no hydrants and they had to truck in water, six different communities brought in water and tried to help to put out the flames. we will look at some of the video she shot.
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charred remains of the building there, that cabin that is really almost burned completely down. the fire was very intense, a lot of flames and good news is the fire is out. we can tell you no firefighters were injured and no one else injured and investigation into what happened does continue, and the state fire marsh allies not calling it suspicious yet but the fire marsh allies investigating. in nevada, gambling officials shut down fantasy sports sites, boston-based draft kings and fan duel. we are hearing from several states now, the draft kings released a same saying they stoningly disagree with the recent nevada order and they are working to resume on-line daily fantasy sports operations in that state. nevada's gaming commission decided fantasy sports websites should be considering gambling and ordered them to stop
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operating in the state. a crushing blow on the booming on-line business that remained news far unregulated. this news comes as the u.s. attorneys nofs boston started a federal probe into fan duel and boston-based draft kings and they insist there is a skill based game, so it's if the gambling. they pick daily lineups of players and compete with other players and they win prize money, sometimes in the millions. they havifiesed scrutiny after it was realized that they used inside information to win bigot other site. in have calling for a congressional hearing into the matter. i don't think anyone anticipated that these daily games for it to turn into a multibillion dollar industry. with prizes up to $2 million. >> reporter: earlier this week in the shadow of met life stadium senator men deniez and a conditioning man said they are senting a joint letory the
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federal trade commission. >> this is unregret litted. the wild west. you don't know based on what we found out last week that you are making a fair bet or someone that is not taking advantage of you. >> reporter: if they want to continue to operate in nevada they acmy for a license. other states have banned the fantasy sports sites but the nevada is most powerful and influential that could mean its sets a precedents in the united states. tim caputo. and from the team, investigators in everett on burn notice, no set a car on fire on purpose hoping it would spread to a here by home and there were children inside. brandon gunnoe is live with the investigation tonight. >> reporter: investigators found gasoline along all the doorways and around the entire house, so they say whoever set this car fire, actually planned to burn the whole house down as well. this is a picture of the flames
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after someone set it on fire. a big ball of yellow fire. and after that, orange yellow flames. >> reporter: it happened on autumn street in everett and investigators say after someone lit the car up they tried to torch the two-family home as well by lining the doors with gasoline. >> i woke up and ate and smelled gas and heard an explosion. >> reporter: and in the house two children,, a fur-year-old and 11 month old sound asleep with the second floor. >> i just knew what to do, wake up my cousin and get it on of the house and fall-- call the fire department. >> reporter: troopers with the state fire marshal office put up posters and asked for the public's help. i'm surprised. it is a quiet neighborhood most of the time. and this one was hurt but we don't know if this was a random act of arson or someone would
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specifically targeted and we do know they are putting up reward posters asking for the public's help. that is the latest live in everett. 7 news turning to the weather, clouds are moving in overnight w warmer temperatures, then get ready for a big chill. here's pete bouchard with a closer look. >> yes, for the time being the temperatures are cooler n the 30s already in norwood but push the numbers out, warm things up one more time. but look at this arc of showers and downpours across new york. granted i believe a lot of these will weaken first thing in the morning but behind it a batch of cold air and it gets colder, this isn't a cold night in parts of northern ontario, this is true to form cold, that darts down to new england for a couple of days. going into the latter half of the weekend. so tomorrow, one more day in the 60s and mid60s may even be warmer than today. peak foilage and we will talk about that, and we will put
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numbers to it in a minute. patriots getting set to take on the colts about fug is final their game plan. they not letting themselves get sidetracked. sports director joe amorosino with more. >> reporter: everyone is prekkt another painful blowout loss for the casualties but the patriots are sticking to the script. the same within every week of the season. their team is different, this team is different. we don't have the same team. a new season, new game and a new team, so we will go out and be ready. sticking to the script ahead of sunday's clash with the colts. focusing on the presents no matter how loud the skris for deflategate revenge guests. pans seem to think that something met straighting them last rear would be good motivation. if you did that it would be a disracks?
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>> you said... >> you should ask coach belichick that one. don't bet on it. the same way the patriots aren't counting on eye cakewalk against the team that they outscored by a combined 116 points in the past four meetings. >> these games are in the past. each week, what you did before doesn't matter, so you know i don't think we even think about the last couple of games. i think once you play games in past you clear the memory card on that and move onto the next game. easy for patriots to say, not so easy to forget for the colts who suffered that embarrassing defeat in last year's afc championship game and have no reason to believe it will be any different this time around. reporting live, joe amorosino. counts on joe and the rest of the sports team to get you ready for shot downin indy,
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starting at 6:30 on 7-nbc and it is football night in america, and then pats-colts showdown. a police officer caught redeclining in a cruiser is off the job perform he resigned today. his picture was sent to the lowell sun newspaper bay reader shows him resting with a pillow. it came out over the weekend. that officer had been placed on administrative leave. a judge ordering the danvers teenager accused of murdering his teacher to undergo a mental evaluation process. he will spend up to 20 days in a hospital in worcester. kimberly bookman is in salem with details on the judge's decision. >> reporter: this move puts witnesses and experts and potential jurors in limbo. slouched in his seat, philip chism is told he will be committed to a state hospital for a thorough psyche evaluation, to see if he's really okay to stand time.
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charges for allegedly raping and killing his math teachner a danvers high school bathroom if 2013. it has taken two years for this case to begin and during jury selection his behavior brought it to a halt. his torn told the judge he said something that made her question his mental health. both times they got this where speak to him because he was allegedly banging his head against the walls and the floor. he spoke to the psychologist sitting on the floor with his back to her. he said he hoped someone would come in to court with a gun and shoot him. open court. the judge is sending him to worcester for up to 20 days, he will be placed in a locked adult unit for testing and observation. and after which the court hopes to have answers on how to move forward. and we reached out the spokesperson for the ritzer
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family and they have no comment on this action. reporting live from salem. the nightteam's change of plans in afghanistan. president obama says he will leave thousands staysed there throughout the next year. today the president said 9800 troops will be there through 2016. previously the president planned to have nearly all the u.s. forces out of afghanistan by the end of next year. he says the troops need to stay there so the u.s. backed afghan government won't collapse. >> i do not send you into harm's way lightly. the most solemn decision that i make. i know the wages of war and wounded warriors i visited in the hospital and the grief that ungulfs the families. but as your commander in chief, i believe this mission is vital to our national security interests. >> president obama says ground troops will continue their same
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turn afghan security forces. two suspects in a 1988 of bombing of pan am flight 103 has been identified. two lybians were involved. it exploded over scotland and killed more than 270 people. only one suspect was ever convicted in connection with that attack. former nba and reality tv star lamar odom is fighting for his life in a nevada hospital. he was found unconscious in a vegas brothel on tuesday, doctors found drugs in his system and said he suffered from one stroke, estranged wife and other family members are at his bedside. >> everybody else i could think of wasn't successful. i didn't know what to do. a mop-to-be left in the lurch when a company couldn't handle her baby registry returns.
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she called solve it 7. today homeland is making headlines because of a hidden message in the last episode. we will tell you all about it fenway park forecast turning cold and we advertised that and let's look at the foilage and one more mild day ahead. and a police chase come it is a crashing end in britain tree, and three people under arrest and the car was stolen. and a large fire destroys a building in groton, the fire is out but state's fire marsh allies investigating. there are some rules that may be sabotaging your diet plan. rewill show you the three more
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morning. here in vineland, new jersey, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. it's white breast meat chicken every time. because white breast meat chicken releases its flavor into the broth and absorbs more flavor from it. and in vineland, it's all about flavor so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it
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a nor wad woman said she sentsd back did you my cat items they received during a baby shower. when the company didn't respond, she registered her complaint to solve it 7. meagan new she wanted to be surprised when its came to the general demp of her first child. but that made picking out items for the nursery a bit tricky. i was trying to chose a them for the babies a room, we tried to do gender neutral. she decided to abc's with dr. seuss and found great prices on the website the boy's educational. with her baby shower coming up, she set up an on-line registry on the website, so her friends and family could order the items they wanted. everything seemed to be going smoothly until october of last year, the day of her shower.
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i got a lot of stuff, and i got did you my cat picture frames and peb board, a lampshade a fleas blanket. she said she contacted the boys depot and the reet said to return the items to the manufacturer, and she did and confirmed a few weeks later the manufacturer received the items. the manufacturer told her the store had been refunded but she says her friends who purchased them still hadn't received a credit. i have been calling and e mailing. in e mail return or phone call return. nothing. silence about she says after six months she still had no response in the boy's depot. was there a point where you said i'm not getting my money back. i give up. >> yes, i was at my wits a end and i contacted solve it 7. we e mailed the boy's depot but after an initial response asking us for more details the
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and we tried to e mail and called the company several more times but this response. so we suggested that meagan file a complaint with the better business bureau. additional ideas of routes i hadn't tried yet. mig and's two friends who ordered the items received an item from the boy's depot promising them a refund which they received a few weaks later. they told us an me marked the return as completed bys in take after refunding a different customer. so the company thought the problem was resolved. it was a long road. and i couldn't have done it without solve it 7. and now she can focus on ploon her daughter's first birthday party op on-line ordeal or other issue have you rattled?
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call us or send us an e mail. in the newsroom, kris anderson. now, 7 weather with chief meteorologist pete bouchard. >> 52 in town and southwest breeze at 11, highs today, how about that, to the low 60s. eight not surprised but nice to know we have warmth left, right. we might be do better than this tomorrow. mid60s but it is about to cool down, as we have clear skies and a semi cool air mass. dry, so the nights are long 7 they have in norwood and i think these are the lows for tonight. thanks to the clouds increasing and chers moving in. by looks like a good band of rain. and we get water and everybody is happy. a lot of that will fade out, and some showers may come to us as early as three or four in the morning and some will be around 5-7 am. very light weight, front goes
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by, afternoon clears and we get to the 60s, we grab aheld of that and try to hang on but this front has other ideas, this one comes through on saturday with its own sprinkles, very early in the morning and then the flood gates move in. there might be snowflakes in northern new englandon maybe even on sunday during the day. it will be that chilly. that cold is directed right into mug, the heart of it will sit right overhead. so, one more day in the 60s and that is it. at least for the near term. 64 in middleton, and welgsly 65. and 66 in duxbury. a change of cold you see over the lake with the big chill coming down across new england. our temperatures struggle through the latter half the weekend. normal high is 62, what is consistent about this is that it has been consistent. when you have a cold shot, five days out, it warms up as you get closer to the event.
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but the models are very deep on this cold air. and did research and you know, past experience has shown that it can get that chill any october and we are confident in staying in the 40s. ahead of the charles, chills for spectators and the highs on sunday, i came up with with that, boston about 50 and fore automatic in framingham and brockton. up through nashua 47. and we may see a first frost or freeze, widespread, i'm more confident on monday morning, nine boston we might get a frost but not a definite freeze in the city. the foliage looking great and southern new england, good, too. and this chill is gone after the weekend, warming up early next week and 60s will return by the time we get to tuesday, that is
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a breakneck turn-around, 40s to 60s, the air is dry and we could do it. i'll see you tomorrow. graffiti partists making that mark on the set of homelands. they hired street artists to put graffiti in arabic on the set instead they tagged things like homeland is racist, and homeland is a joke. the series has been accused of distorting the middle east. to open a dialogue about how these images have a real world impacts, even if it's a fictional story. the co-creator said although they wish they had caught it before they aired they can't help but admire the artists. >> much more to come on 7 news.
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hand-crafted...layer by layer. the new macchiato from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall with a new hot or iced pumpkin macchiato. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you.
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so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! stop & shop just dropped prices on thousands more items. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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can i get a medium coffee, cream, two sugars? medium hot coffee, cream, two sugars -- see you at the window. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. if not, we'll make it again on the spot. that's the dd commitment. america runs on dunkin'. and now, time for sert sports with joe amorosino. regardless of which locker room you listen to leading up to sunday nights's game, the same drill, patriots and colts are treading lightly. the next piece of bulletin board
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colts have not done enough to qualify this as a i have ralry. patriots won six trait against them and they outscored them by a combined 189-73. different year, different team because speaking you on of turn is not the patriot way. >> yep. the company line. that is what i have. it's easier. for sure. keeps me out of trouble. i mean, that's why i say it. the last time was last time. we worry about 2016 and completely new team. we have a new team, and it is just another part of the season where you have to continue to try to improve, and that is in that way. >> with nate sidelined for the
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to get the first crack at guarding tom brady. and if he can stone wall pass rushers as easily as questions about his role going forward, brady might not even touch the ground. >> i will go wherever he puts me. wherever he wants me to prepare at, that is where i will play at. i just do my job. whatever they ask of us. >> he has been out there, it is not like his first rodeo, and he has been with the team for a long time. you know. and we all know what he is. a veteran of the sport. nothing crazy here. >> for a second straight day andrew luck was limited at colts practice but reports sea-- say he is making progress. owner told espn he expects luck to start on sunday night. and pats and colts face off on
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ready with our special starting at 6:30. win are take all, l.a. and mets, dodger daniel murphy wants to move on, watching that solo home to snap a 2-2, knock out l.a., reaching their first nlcs since 2006 the mets and cubs in the nl, and in the american league series, that gets underway tomorrow night, game 1 between the royals and blue jays in kansas city. and here's what kiss uping up on jimmy.
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we are out of time i'm adam williams, nice spending time with you, the news continues at 5 am with today in new england.
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