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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  November 4, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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their burning home from mr. b. i think the people of illinois know that i won the election. >> and now so does everyone else. with the math in his favor, quinn seems to have won the election. yet his opponent has yet to agree. i'm tom negovan. >> i'm micah materre. our top story seen around the country, not official but it's done. lourdes duarte explains how we can be so sure quinn won. >> reporter: the truth is until it's certified and official, we can't really be 100% sure. we need that assurance from the board of elections. but the math just doesn't add up according to the associated press. they have been looking at the counties and the absentee
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ballots out there. they followed the voting trends and there are not enough votes out there to make brady the new governor. pat quinn shaking hands at manny's deli like he won it. his lead over bill brady certainly a good sign. >> i don't expect it to change much. >> reporter: so is the associated press report declaring him the winner. then there's the phone call from president obama. >> he said he knew i won. >> reporter: a will the of signs, but none of it official yet. board of elections waiting to count all votes and that may not happen until november 23. here's where we stand today. unofficially 100% of precincts are reporting. but then there are absentee and provisional ballots. in cook county and chicago, here's how the numbers shake out. in cook county 10,760 have been received but not counted. in chicago the number is 11, 777 received, not counted.
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and the two combined, the city and the county 14, 048 ballots not received yet. they don't see how brady could still pull it off when he's more than 19,000 votes behind. >> having been through this process before, i know the importance of making sure every voice is heard. and every vote is counted. >> reporter: that was brady wednesday. today he's still sticking by his comments. as far as quinn, he stopped short of declaring himself the winner. from the looks of it, all signs point to him. >> i think the people have won. and i think we have won. i think the bottom line is as the final certified results come in, we'll see how much we won by. >> reporter: and after the ap declared him the winner, his camp sent out this statement. with 100% of the precincts recorded and declaration by the associated press, the outcome
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is decisive. the governor believes it's imperative that he and the other elected officials return their focus to the serious issues our state faces. quinn appears to be letting brady take the lead on this. not pressuring him to make a move. he said today that since he's the governor right now anyway, it really doesn't effect any state business right now. we'll just have to wait and see officially. >> thanks, lourdes. and it is the business of the state that really matters. >> it's the record-high financial red ink that is the biggest problem and what to do about it. jae miller joining us now with that. >> reporter: even though the winner is the race is becoming more clear by the day, many questions remain unanswered. for example, how the budget crisis is going to effect illinois residents. a $14 billion deficit, almost $80 billion in pension liabilities. the numbers aren't fuzzy but just how the state is going to
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handle the problem is. >> it doesn't make a difference who is governor when it comes to solving this problem. we can't tax our way out of it. >> reporter: political analyst paul greene says the budget crisis along with the pension obligation which is less than 50% funded are critical issues that call for dramatic action within the first three to four months of being sworn into office. governor quinn has already called for a tax increase. however, he hasn't offered many specifics as to what he'll cut from the state budget. >> the pension system has been to be attacked. there are all kinds of proposals out there, most of which will be fought like hell by the people on the pensions. but something has to be done. it's not going to go away. it's growing. we have many numbers. and they throw these numbers out there like they get them out of thin air. so it's anywhere from 80-120
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billion. >> reporter: by the time the new governor puts together a budget next spring, the deficit will likely reach $15 billion. >> if governor quinn is getting fairly up there in years, if he didn't think he'll run for reelection in 2014, then he should go for it. and take a licking but keep on ticking and work with the republicans and with madigan to get a structural roll call where there is an amount of cuts and try to get a handle on this because if not, it will be a catastrophe. >> reporter: and a recent poll by the paul simon public policy institute in carbondale asked registered voters to choose among three different proposals for closing the deficit. 57% say that the problem can be solved by cutting waste and
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inefficiency. 9.3% favored a tax increase. we'll have to see what happens. >> all right jae thanks. so is quinn ready for the task ahead of him? is he ready? some say the republicans will be a force to be reckoned with. >> this is pat guinn's governance that will be taking place place here. for the mounting deficit and state government. now if he's governor, he's going to join the situation. it's akin to president obama having claimed george bush. a lot of voters now say this is president obama's economy and his responsibility. >> talk about the numbers an the situation. is it maybe incumbent upon bill brady to call an end to this so the state can get along with dealing with the deficit and
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its pension obligations? >> i'm not sure it really effects the governance of the state. quinn is the governor. but it is a distraction. i mean, there were leading republicans today that informed senator brady that they felt in some respects he was losing the perception war. that when you start talking about a lead that was once 8000 for pat quinn becomes 19,000, there tends to be an inevidentability factor setting in that he should get on top of this issue. we learned tonight that senator brady and his wife are headed for a scheduled vacation to florida. i'm not sure on a perception level if the race is that close going off to florida helps the perception this is a tight race. >> do you think the board of elections will say it's over? >> they can't do anything until all of the local election authorities are done counting. even today there were another
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thousand ballots added in the city of chicago. more than 600 of which went to pat quinn. he is a net pickup of 350 there. absentee ballots still out there, if they come in and not all of them do, if they come in you can see they'll trend 65% to 35% to pat quinn. >> can take a full 30 days right? >> i think the numbers are getting to be pretty inevitable. i think we're coming to conclusion here quick. >> let's hope so. thanks so much rick. one election almost over, another coming for chicago voters early next year to replace mayor daley and other elected city officials. the most talked about candidate for mayor although he hasn't declared he is a candidate yet is this guy, rahm emanuel. and he's in hollywood to collect campaign money by a fund raiser. his brother ari is in the talent business out there at
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one of the largest talent agencies on the planet. planet. and balance of emanuel raising in hollywood that he fits in better on then west coast than he does here in the midwest. still ahead: why some officials believe last week's terror scare is a close call. plus a search for replacement for ron huberman. when daley expects to have a new boss in place. also a special dog risks his own life to save his family from a burning house. and you may need a hat and gloves if you're out tonight. the forecast coming up. ♪
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[ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. now the yoplait you love in a new four pack. try it today.
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the droid 2. a lightning-fast keyboard, a turbo-texting, web-jetting super you. the droid x. a 4.3-inch screen. summon movies and games at your command. now buy a droid 2 by motorola for $149.99 and get any phone free. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. ♪ in just 3 days you'll start seeing a noticeably whiter smile. for a smile that's sure to stand out. crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. also try crest 3d white paste and rinse. [ grunting, shouting ]
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[ grunts ] [ man ] mike, come on! mike, you're playing like betty white out there. that's not what your girlfriend says. whoa! whoa! baby, come here! eat a snickers. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies. controversial plan has passed the first hurdle. the chicago police department wants to build an outdoor firing range on the southeast side of chicago. that will go here on 33 acres of land controlled by the water reclamation district. a hearing held today on whether to lease that land so they can build that range. 7-2 in favor of the lease. many residents think it's a bad
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idea. >> we think that protecting the natural areas will help protect our own homes. and our own people. our own environment. >> there's an absolute need of police department. they can do their job. >> should be several months before that range is in place. the council has to approve the lease. a suspicious fire has burned down a church and two homes. charred brick walls, all that's left of the christ for everyone ministries. that's at 1430 wood lawn avenue. the flames spread to a home and then on to the place of worship. more than a dozen people were inside the church. everyone got out safely. no one was hurt. >> we were inside of the church and noticed there were flames going on the side. we rushed in and i told them
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there were flames and there was a fire outside of the building. everybody rushed out. >> ricky hughes went telethe remains of the church today. they vow to rebuild. they said the fire is suspicious but they are not ready to call this arson. it appears mayor daley won't waste time finding a new school chief. he plans to name a replacement for huberman in the next month. huberman said yesterday he plans to step down. the chicago teacher's unit isn't worried about a speedy replacement as it is a quality replacement. toni rezko trying to get his conviction overturned. the fund raiser was found guilty of taking kickbacks for state business. part of the verdict was based on the hon nest -- honest services law since tossed out by the court.
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sentencing is set for january 28. legal analysts suggest it may mean he won't be called to testify against blagojevich. bobby rush is being sued by a bank for failing to pay property taxes. rush and his wife owe more than half a million dollars in second mortgages on their home in chicago and in michigan. also shows he owes on a home ec wety line of credit. he says he's not aware of any issues and says his payments are up to date. scary moment for airplane passengers and a crew. what happened when the engine burst into flames. how president obama is dealing with the new reality of divided government. [ older brother ] hey, that's the last crescent.
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[ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? to bring the family together on sunday mornings than with the warmth and aroma of freshly baked pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ wink! ] [ wink! ] ♪ >> announcer: great news from the leader in hair restoration. advances in medical science have resulted in the world's first and only permanent solution to hair loss, guaranteed. the physicians of hair club medical group are among the most experienced hair transplant experts in north america, and are educated on nearly every major advancement in the science of hair restoration. >> hair club medical group offers several options, including new technology that is the gold standard in hair transplantation. it looks so natural and is virtually undetectable.
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>> announcer: hair club medical group hair restoration is a simple one-day outpatient procedure. the results look completely natural and it's affordable on nearly any budget. a simple phone call to hair club medical group will get the ball rolling. hair club medical group is the largest and most affordable of all hair restoration providers in north america. to find out more about this permanent hair loss solution guaranteed from hair club medical group, call this toll-free number to receive your free no-obligation information kit, brochure and dvd, so you can decide if hair restoration is right for you. call 1-800-660-hair. call now. ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ sweet as you can be ♪ i love waking up [ chuckles ] ♪ to your morning melody ♪ i can tell it's gonna be ♪ a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that's just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me.
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♪ you're sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. the french government claims one of the mail bombs headed for chicago was discovered only 17 minutes before it was set to detonate. american and british officials aren't confirming those comments the timing of the bombs is still under investigation. investigators pulled two packages off planes last friday. bombs were hiding in toner cartridges of computer printers. and these singapore residents are holding parts of an air bus. it blew an engine after taking off from singapore. passengers saw debris falling from the wings.
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the air bus 380 made an emergency landing. they are designed to fly when only three of the sen gins are going. after a shellacking and a shift in power on election night, president obama is inviting republican leaders to a bipartisan meeting this month. this morning the president talked about compromise afterward telling reporters he invited incoming house speaker john boehner and mitch mcconnell to meet with him. as well as harry reid. >> i think it's clear that the voters sent a message which is they want us to focus on the economy and jobs and moving this country forward. >> that bipartisan meeting is scheduled for the 18th. not on the agenda is an overhaul of health care. but the senate gop leaders says that is exactly what he wants
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to target. >> for the past two years, democratic lawmakers chose to ignore the american people. so on tuesday the american people chose new lawmakers. >> said to a speech to a group the top priority of republicans is to deny president obama a second term. we want to hear from you. do you think republicans and the president will be able to work together in the next congress to get things done? text yes or no to 97999 or vote online at we'll have results after tom skilling's seven-day forecast. in tomorrow's chicago tribune, the son of a woman killed on a motorcycle in may of last year isn't very fond of how much time that woman convicted of killing his mother will spend out of jail. find out what he's been witnessed regarding the car that struck his mother while the driver was polishing her nails behind the wheel.
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also in the tribune read new policies for the most sought after public schools. for getting into magnet schools and very competitive programs. it was part of chicago live. the weekly stage and radio show produced by the chicago tribune and second city. tonight one of the guests, none other than robby folks. he's gained fame for putting a traditional beat on lyrics. then he performed live. ♪ [ music ] >> other guests included hawks coach. it was a fun night for everyone. coming up: busted.
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thousands of pounds of marijuana thousands found in a secret tunnel used to transport drugs between the united states and mexico. and a three-legged dog saves the day. how he rescued his family from their burning home.
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he may only have three legs but he has a lot of heart and mr. b shows it earlier this week. he's a good dog. alerting his owner to a fire that the warning may have saved the man's life. >> reporter: this family calls him mr. b, the three legged wonder dog. on monday morning he proved why he earned that title. 10:30 in the morning some hot coals in a garbage can started a fire downstairs and
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spread. troy wailen was upstairs on a conference call. >> i had no idea. i didn't smell smoke down the stairs. the fact the fire started there, it hadn't gotten to the detecters yet. >> reporter: he described how his beagle got his attention and brought him downstairs. his wife and three kids were out at the time. but thankfully the wonder dog was home. >> he smelled it and started howling and barking and pestering troy. i feel that dog saved my husband's life. >> reporter: troy and mr. b were able to get out just in time. the fire engulfed in minutes and destroyed everything. >> that nose that gets him in trouble all the time served us well this time. >> reporter: the fire caused an estimated 270,000 worth of damage. but the wailen family says if it hadn't been for their dog, it could have been much worse. >> everything we lost can be replaced. >> reporter: mr. b lost his leg
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as a puppy so his owners didn't want to keep him. after being passed around a few more families, the wailen family adopted him three years ago. >> if this is his way returning the favor, i'm glad it was us. last three days. >> reporter: the family says the extra attention is well deserved. >> now we're kind of free strolling with the treats and letting him sleep in bed with us and giving extra hugs and kisses. he's a keeper. we're going to keep him for a long time now. >> reporter: dan ponce, wgn news. >> thank you, dan. he is good boy. and very cute too. a really cold night in chicago but a nice warm-up could be in our near future. how is that for a tease? tom's forecast coming up next.
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raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. interesting day weatherwise. >> we had sleet and hail and probably both. >> and a new name for it. >> slail. leave it to micah to come up with the new terminology. and we might mix a snow flake in away from the water tonight.
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we'll tell you more about that in a moment. boy, what an interesting day. you are so right. this is from our friend a pilot. he was flying at the 10,000- foot level and captured this mound of clouds that developed over the lake. these are the con convective towers that produce lake effect slail as micah would say. also this is the hail coming down. they were watching that rain come down in lake forest. stephanie captured this ominous looking storm cloud coming in today. and look at this shot. this is from our friend -- gosh, you can see it out there in bensenville, illinois.
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that's a beautiful shot. and here in highland, indiana. the hailstones that collected on the ground. look at this. this is our time lapse of this day. and it was truly fascinating. you see the rays, the little charlton heston rays. but look at the hail shafts coming out of the clouds going by in streamers. other areas had heavy rain for brief moments then the ice pellets would mix in up here in the clouds. the precipitation was forming as snow flakes, they melted on the way down, hit a dry layer at the surface and led to cooling and took them back to ice pellets. a lot going on in the at -- atmosphere going on. we figure these north winds are blowing over 4500 miles of
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terrain from the arctic circle down to the yucatan peninsula and near cancun, mexico. this is really quite a belt of the northerly winds. and the cool air is very chilly. we've got 44 at midway. and here you see some of the rain totals. benton arbor has had almost half an inch. pretty respectable amounts of rain when they were effects of lake effect. and there's the dew point tonight. as you get away from the 50- degree waters of the lake, some of those ice pellets make turn into flakes. 30s at wilmette. there's the view from buffalo grove. that same interesting mix evident there. this cold spell will bring freezing temperatures to florida and whiten the spine of
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the appalachian mountains where up to 8 inches of snow may fall above the 8500-foot level. this is where the main moisture is feeding off the lake. it's going at this hour at la port county. and then we have some in our side of the lake too getting in here. the winds coming down the lake about like this. so they'll continue swiping the eastern most counties of illinois. but the lake belt in indiana with particular vigor tonight. we think as the night goes on as it happened up here, the pink areas where you get ice pellets and snow mix. watch this. where it's green, we start bringing snow flakes and ice pellets into the mix away from the heat of the lake. that's mainly in indiana. it rains along the shoreline and turns into ice pellets and snow as you move inland. you're getting away from the
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warm lake waters. all of this shifts into indiana tomorrow. we think it'll be so cold aloft here that what might happen is the lake stuff shifts into indiana and we'll get these pop up showers in chicago on our side of the lake before the whole thing breaks down and we clear the skies out tomorrow night. it's in the 40s around the city now. and here are high temperatures today. the winds are blowing in from the north at the steering levels. and they are roaring at about 150 miles an hour. and this jet stream dives way down to the deep south. so the penetration of this cold air will be quite substantial. we're getting some strong winds at the surface as you can see. there are windchills at this hour. that's how much temperatures have dropped. look at that area of the u.s. that has cooled off. winds north at 17 and there is that jet stream i talked about. at the same time it's the snow of the carolinas. it went up to 100 degrees again
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in southern california. the hottest temperatures they've seen. what's amazing is that the hundred was in san diego today. that's a temperature they rarely see any time of the year. and there was a hundred yesterday at long beach. los angeles hit 96 today. so this is a country of extremes. and we have a hurricane bearing down in haiti soon. more on that in minutes. tonight cloudy periods and cold. low temperature 24 inland, 37 up against the lake in indiana. cloudy spells. windy and cool tomorrow. chilliest weather to date high just 42 and scattered ice pellet and snow flake mixture. but a rain shower or period of ice pellets might develop in northeast illinois and eastern wisconsin tomorrow afternoon. partly cloudy and cold tomorrow night. and partly sunny, still chilly saturday. high of 48.
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but it's after that, the news gets better. we're talking now about a 70- degree temperature by monday and maybe tuesday of next week. is that great or what? >> beauteous. >> it really is. we'll come back and tell you about that in ten. >> thanks. a star studded event at the fourth annual night with the stars event. alice payne hosted the event with our own gloria brown. gloria just retired after 47 years with the tribune company. there she is. she was given the touching the spirit award for her work with the chicago housing authority. congratulations to her. >> so good to see glo again. coming up tonight: we've got the low down on a secret stash. 30 tons of marijuana buried on the american border with mexico. and a major development in the fight against lung cancer. did you know
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go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. ¿qué si usamos tacos más grandes? [ male announcer ] old el paso super stuffers.
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33% larger shells. feed your fiesta. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. ♪ in just 3 days you'll start seeing a noticeably whiter smile. for a smile that's sure to stand out. crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. also try crest 3d white paste and rinse.
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you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. big news today on the lung cancer front. a way to detect earlier and possibly save lives. in finding cancer, are doctors finding too many benign lesions. some perspective on a ground- breaking study.
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>> reporter: 53,000 people were enrolled. smokers and those at risk for lung cancer. some got into a machine, spiral slices on a ct scan and they were able to find small lung tumors. >> for ct scan, the resolution kind of like your high definition tv. the resolution has doubled every two years for the last decade. >> reporter: ct now steps in where x-rays used to. lung cancer is not the most common. it effects about 200,000 people a year but it is the top cancer killer. because people are diagnosed at a later stage when the treatment is less successful. >> reporter: the average person dies within a year of diagnosis. spiral ct may change that. after finding it finds cancer better. take a look. >> here's what we used to see
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and this looks like a normal ct scan. same person done at high resolution and you see a resolution. high resolution, you see it much more prominently. with this technology, we can see things that were inviable previously. >> reporter: and they hope the better vision will show it is like mammograms detecting breast cancer early and saving lives. >> hopefully this will become a covered service. >> reporter: a latest study shows it can reduce death rates by 20%. but there are other studies in the works that may show a decrease of up to 60%. and that may be when people flock for scans and lawmakers move to get them covered by insurance. >> thank you. another oprah giveaway. but you don't have to be a member of her student audience to benefit. >> find out how to win a lot of
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frequent flier miles. and later in sports, derek rose trying to lift the bulls to their third straight win. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! with not having enough food. that's why i've teamed up with feeding america and hamburger helper®. when you buy hamburger helper® you can help feeding america deliver a meal to a local food bank. visit this website to see how you can help. we get double miles on every purchase. echo! so we earned a trip to the grand canyon twice as fast. uhoh. we get double miles every time we use our card. i'll take these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damages. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring the whole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no, we ride them.
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[ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet?
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key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. the feds seized more than 25 tons of marijuana in a drug tunnel underneath the
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california-mexico border. it was smuggled through an 1800- foot ventilated tunnel. that connected a drug warehouse in san diego to one in tijuana. the amount of pot found is worth $20 million. that bust is one of the largest in the united states. troubled actor charlie sheen is getting a coach but not for acting. it's to help keep him sober. not the first time he's had a sobriety coach. they're like life advisors. he's had mixed success with the coaches in the past. there are also reports coming out that sheen went on an alcohol binge in belize weeks before he reportedly trashed a hotel room in new york city. she's on the airwaves and now in the air. leave it to oprah winfrey celebrating with an airline. her logo astride a boeing 757 from nose to tail. there it is.
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also the winners will get 1 million miles each through may. if you want to check that out go to tom skilling in the weather center with a mixed forecast in the seven day. bit of a warm up but we got to cool down to get there. >> you nailed it on the head. we have chilly weather. a couple days of 40-degree highs. we snuck up to 51 before the showers developed and carried the cold air to the surface. we'll be hard pressed to get out of the 40s tomorrow. the lake effect is active. the non-lake effect showers have died out. they may reform tomorrow and give us a couple more sleet and rain showers around the area. there could be some mixed snow away from the lake on the south end. here you see the frost and freeze advisories. there are nine states in frost and freeze advisories and here's why. that big plunge of cold air. when the jet stream gets wavy like this, you've got extremes
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of temperature. that's what we've got. we have snow whitening the spine of the appalachians. this could push us to the mid- 60s on sunday or low 70s on monday and tuesday. we're up to monday there. and cool air. we'll stay on the mild side. keep the coldest air north of us until later next week. but impulses could come in after that. tomas 60 mile-an-hour winds heaving towards 1.3 million people living in tents in haiti. it's raining there now. 42 in chicago tomorrow. 48 saturday. there'll be scattered showers and mixed sunshine with
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pellets, rain and wet snow away in the lake south of the city tomorrow. but saturday turns partly sunny and mostly sunny and warmer on sunday and monday. some gorgeous weather coming. that's a 28-degree increase between tomorrow's high and the highs coming in later in the week early next week. not bad. >> nice. thanks. tonight's photos of the day segment captures a fire at a church. >> plus the teachers union beginning their journey to replace ron huberman. take a look at the photos of the day. the community looks up to this church as a beacon of light. community as a whole because now they have nowhere else to go. all we did was serve. all we wanted to do was help serve the community. state senators are considering a plan to borrow $12 billion.
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>> i'm grateful for the people that voted for me and the people who voted even if they didn't vote for me. it's the people who make the final call. as the final certified results come in, we'll see how much we won by. >> i hope we have a superintendent like every other district in illinois. that we have someone with an education background and who actually knows what's going on. >> and you can find more photos on our website at coming up: despite getting ready to take on the winless bills, the bears are not taking sunday's game for granted. and another infamous piece of cubs history on flay at harry caray's. i have fallen in love with making bird houses.
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caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. [ crunching ] [ male announcer ] the closer the wheels are to the front and back of the vehicle, the bigger and steeper the obstacle it can go over. [ crunching ] guess where we put the wheels on the jeep grand cherokee. ♪
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visit jeep at ihola! come pina para un viaje de burro. you said his wife swallows pineapples for donkey rides. dirty mouth? clean it up with orbit tropical remix. for a good clean, fruity feeling no matter what. [ bottle two ] bro, will you relax? i'm pretty sure there's not much we can do about it. ugh. he's not even trying. he is actual magic. not impressed. [ gasps ] no! i didn't even know that could get dirty! can we even clean a leather shoe? what do you mean? what is a shooee? he's cleaning things that we don't even know what they are. gloves? brush? chime in any time here. [ male announcer ] effortlessly removes more grime per swipe. clean all around the house
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with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. winning is my but we lost today. ♪ no, we didn't. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh back with dan roan in sports. wow. not a great first half for the bulls. >> or second half for that matter. they've been on a pretty good roll, the bulls have.
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a win over portland the other night. surely they would be able to handle the knicks and make it three in a row. portland hammered the knicks last time out. and early on the bulls were having their way with them watch this. he's 6'3". but he went three point crazy gallinari had six points. 21 at halftime tonight. and the bulls were down 21. then put together a nice comeback. coast to coast. they got it back to eight. but then douglas for the knicks, another from downtown. they were 16-23 from the arc tonight. just for good measure raymond for three more. where was the defense tonight? the bulls lose at home to the knicks 120-112. the bears are a field goal favorite over buffalo this weekend. the bills haven't won a game yet which should be a scare to
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the bears. the bears are looking forward to living it up in toronto. >> reporter: lance briggs says he loves to see other cities. but he says the bears the night before the game and leave right after the game. not much time for sightseeing. >> we get to see the ground from the airplane. you know? get to see a lot. the runway. different runways. [ laughter ] >> do pretty good on the road. we went to dallas and you can hear our fans almost as much as them. you'd say that was a road game. so i think our fans do a good job of following us. never been to canada so i don't know what kind of a following we have there. but we'll find out. >> brian urlacher is respectful of the 0-7 bills. >> they move the ball well. they have good runningbacks. the quarterback is threing
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good. it's a big challenge for us on the road. >> reporter: urlacher says the bears are ready to go after a break. and games after their bye week but just 3-3 under lovie smith. wgn news. and 15 games into their season, the blackhawks are the kings of the one-goal defeat. if you count last night, they have been one goal losers in six of their seven defeats. the ways in which the hawks are getting beat seems to be different every night. failing to clear the puck which hurt them last night. or some plain bad luck. miller a h the winner last night. and of course it really hurts when it happens at the uc. >> we don't want to lose at home. last year one of our strengths was our game. we want to sustain it and make the other team catch our pace. but at home this year whether it's the start or the games,
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but every game has been tight and on the line. one of the great managers of his error or any other, sparky anderson has died. sparky always undersold his contributions saying he filled out the lineup card and let them play. parky anderson died after a long battle with dementia. he was 76 years old. and if you want a look at the corked bat of sammy sosa. it's on display at the harry caray. grant who heads up harry's restaurant chain paid over 16 grand for the pad. >> hang on to that. i'd go see that. >> sammy's comment if you needed some money why didn't you just call.
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>> that's what i was thinking. i'm sure they're not on each other's lists this year. >> thanks. that is the news this thursday night. we're happy you shared time with us. i'm micah materre. >> i'm tom negovan. have a great night
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