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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  September 26, 2010 9:00pm-9:40pm CDT

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a walk to remember and a reminder to stay vigilant. a father speaks out four years after a tragic accident took his daughter's life. good evening, everyone, i'm robert jordan. >> and i'm jackie bang. jade miller is in the newsroom with the story. >> reporter: the first year, one of her parents has been able to muster up the courage to walk through the intersection where the four- year-old was killed. a walk that draws hundreds each year to this lincoln park
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neighborhood, but triggers countless memory, good ones and bad. >> as of today, it has been four years, four months and four days since my sweet little girl was taken from us. >> >> reporter: maya would have been eight today, but her life was cut short by a hit-and-run driver. >> it is hard for me to wrap my mind around how slowly and quickly time has passed. >> reporter: today, hundreds took to the intersection where maya was run over after leaving the zoo with her mother and brother. >> the intersection will always carry memories for us of how maya was killed, we want you to remember as you walk how our little granddaughter lived. loud and silly, loving and well loved. >> reporter: today's walk helped to raise money for a park bench that bears maya's
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name. money will be donated to children's memorial hospital where maya died. the driver that killed maya was eventually caught and sent to prison. her parents say they will continue to raise awareness of pedestrian safety so no other parent suffers the same painful loss. bob? >> thanks so much. the wife of u.s. representative jessie jackson junior are she was mortified and in agony when her husband told her of her extramarital affair. they have both undergone counseling since he broke the news to her. when the private matter was made public last week, it was like opening the wounds again. she said her heart will heal and she wants to stay focused on her job and two children as of now. the couple got married in 1991. president obama will sign into law the small business act
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tomorrow. the bill will provide $40 billion in loans and $30 billion in tax breaks. dick durban spoke about it. >> to come out of this recession, we have is 20 help small businesses across america to have the credit and opportunities they need to ebb band. >> to exband. >> rahm emanuel has not made any announcement, but earlier this week, reports surfaced that he was planning to leave his job as white house chief of staff to prepare for a run. david axelrod added some fuel to the fire in an appearance on a political talk show.
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>> i think he is drawn to it, but he still has family considerations to think p it and he is working those through. >> reporter: there was one official announcement in the mayoral race, former inspector general, david hoffman said he will not be seeking the office. >> president obama is coming back to chicago to help raise money for democratic senate nominee janulius. he will be coming october 7th. the campaign is hoping public support from president obama will give him a boost in his race against republican mark kirk. today, the candidate talked about getting extra help from the president. >> we are very excited for the president to come back to chicago. he understands this is an incredibly important election. we capital afford to have typical washington, d.c. politicians make the decisions,
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especially since what they have done to the economy. >> this will be the president's 6th trip back home since he became president. >> wgn's marcella raymond -- >> reporter: this may have been pierce kincaid's first time in a small plane. he told neighbors he was excited about it. retired school principal was fly with his nephew, kevin mccain who loved to fly. the plane left from aurora and disappeared in wisconsin. it was found in the trout river friday morning. >> if there is any problem with anything, we have a power out an, he know, he is running extension cords. the man of the whole block.
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>> reporter: dave was at pierce's house when his wife got the phone call. >> pierce was here for everybody at any given time. if we are going to rally the troops, we will be around for that. >> reporter: the 68-year-old was a village president in the 1980s. >> he has been a mentor for me and quietly behind the scenes and i always appreciated that. >> reporter: michael garvey remembers looking up to pierce when he was a kid. >> if that wasn't for term limits, he might have been village president. he was that popular. >> the owe need that county sheriff's department told wgn news that weather may have played a role in the crash, but the investigation is ongoing. >> minor injuries after a car crashed into a house in south suburban chicago heights. it happened early today in the
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100 block of west 16th street. we don't know if the people injured were in the car or the home. the home collapsed when emergency crews removed that car. >> a levy along wisconsin river failed flooding the access road leading to black hawk park and stranding residents in portage who would not evacuate. officials had warned them that the levy would fail. no one, including emergency vehicles, is being let in or out. emergency management officials say those who did evacuate may be out of their homes for up to a week. the wisconsin river, near portage is just over 20 feet anticipate nearing record levels. it is expected to crest tomorrow morning. >> an atlanta mega church pastor, at the center of a flock. he will flight. >> tension in the west bank where a band on buildings comes to a close.
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and what caused tense moments and plenty of prayers on this plane landing in new york city. >> hello jim? >> hello. we expect our highs to be 15 degrees warmer than today. we'll have details and the full forecast still, ahead. ♪ ♪ yes! ♪
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look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? eating right...whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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dr. scholl's back pain relief orthotics with shockguard technology give you immediate relief that lasts all day long. dr. scholl's. visit our facebook page to save $3.
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touchdown stay down! wh, w! making an emergency landing in new york, passenger jet. this delta flight forced to a rough landing that ended with one of the plane's wins touching along the tarmac. no one was hurt. >> nearly 140,000 hyundai sonatas are being recalled. the national highway traffic safety administration thinks there is an issue with the steering column that could diminish a driver's ability to steer the car. hyundai has not commented on the manufacturing defect. dealers are promising to inspect the vehicle and update the power steering software for free. >> a pastor in suburban atlanta is bound to fight allegations that he lured four men in his
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ministry into having sex with him. bishop eddie lowe addressed the issue in front of a packed house this morning he denied the allegations last week, but this is the first time he has spoken about them. after a stand ovation, he compared his situation to david against goliath. >> i feel like david against goliath, but i have four rocks. i haven't thrown one, yet. >> the accuser's legal team responded to his statement saying he did not specifically deny the allegations. they took seps to him characterizing himself to david versus goliath when he is the leader of a powerful church. >> police are asking for help from the public in find the man who opened fire in new jersey,
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killing a seton hall student. they are offering a $10,000 reward to anyone with information on that. the shooting took place a half mile from the seton hall campus. witnesses say that the man left and returned later with a gun, no one is in custody. >> in the mideast jewish jetlers are celebrating the end of a freeze of settlements in the west bank. diplomats say it won't derail mid-east peace talks. they released balloons of sell braces of the end of a 10 month construction slow down. palestinians said they will quit peace negotiations if israel resumes building. israel's prime minister is calling on the palestinians not to walk away. >> after bringing winds, waves and rains, to honduras and other parts of central america,
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what remains of tropical storm matthew is soaking southern mexico. today. matthew has weakened to a tropical depression, but the national hurricane center said it could produce as much as 10 inches of rain, threatening deadly flash floods and mudslides. >> what do you get when 15 of chicago's best chefs are challenged to create a burger? you get one heck of a cookoff in millennium park. >> walks when it comes to hiv and aids prevention.
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oh. hee! [ giggles ] [ male announcer ] the foaming power of antibacterial scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner. ♪ it expands into those hard-to-reach places. [ fizzing ] you can even hear it working on dirt, grime, and soap scum, so it's already starting to clean by the time you pick up a sponge. scrubbing bubbles foaming bathroom cleaner. we work hard so you don't have to! [ blows ] and to cover your shower more completely, try mega shower foamer. whoa! [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company.
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but now you have taken it too far! i don't care if i'm the official spokes candy for the new pretzel m&m's -- there is no way that you're putting a giant pretzel inside me! listen buddy, i'm not too thrilled about this either. oh, boy. [ male announcer ] new m&m's pretzel. a crunchy pretzel inside an m&m's. alright... [ knuckles crack ] let's get this over with.
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one of the best restaurants in chicago wrapping up. gourmet chicago, two day celebration. demonstrations, of food, and plenty of activities. >> had we been able to get down there, we would have gotten the event underway, it was the best chefs of the city showcasing their skills in burger making. >> the high stakes burger competition. >> reporter: what do people look for in a hamburger? >> tasting good. >> reporter: jeff schmidt was in the right place. chicago's finest chests kick off in millennium park, a burger cookoff competition all about the beef.
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for a city that is known for beef. they know how to do it really well. it will be very hard to judge the best one. >> reporter: cohosting the event, the first ever female iron chef. >> i'm going to be looking for someone to do something really innovative. it has to taste good. whoever is bringing that will take it. >> reporter: to make matters more interesting, contenders did not come from your typical burger joint. you will not find a burger of john's menu at portino, but he was up to the challenge. >> getting ready to make the best burger in the city. >> reporter: are you nervous? >> not really. >> reporter: testing different burgers judged by a panel exexcuetive chefs, finest chefs in america. no pressure. is it possible to cook a hamburger in a french style?
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>> contrast the burger, -- classic burger, lettuce on it, -- what these guys do -- >> you have a restaurant in new york. you have one in beverly hills, napa valley. you brought some of the napa valley weather here. why not open a restaurant? >> i thought the weather would be enough. now, you want me to deal with that and a restaurant? >> reporter: yes. >> i'll think about it. >> reporter: there were enough burgers in the house. stephanie izzard. >> we have beef and pork in it as well. it's an ebb treatmently good burger. cheddar beer sauce -- good reaction. >> reporter: there could only be two winners for the night, first, the people's choice
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which went to this interesting place. a surf and turf burger from the four seasons. as for the judge's choice -- >> beef, bacon, which gives it the smoky flavor. watercress, on a ciabatta bun. i'm at a loss for words. it was an honor to meet him. he has paveed the way for a lot of chefs. >> reporter: i do have some good news for you. if you want to get a taste of this burger, it's irresistible, the chef will put it on the menu in honor of him winning. i have it on my website. wgn news. >> sounds great. >> i know. >> they all looked good.
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though. tonight's live illinois lottery drawing, coming up next. >> after that, it's time to take out the sweaters and jackets if you haven't already jim ramsey says cool days ahead. dan roan here. we look ahead to the bears and packers scoring off under the lights of the lake front. in the nfl, favre takes a beating, but his vikings do not. grip of the quarterback's job. cubs doing what they do best in the home finale. all of that and a punt for $11 million. could you make it? "insta [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else.
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add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate ready to eat sweet moments new from pillsbury. in the refrigerated section
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you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol.
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bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ @ ó÷ñpp ♪ [ sniffs ] bye! bye! ♪ hi. hey! hey! [ laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] walk into a burst of fresh fragrance when you pass by. get motion activated glade sense and spray
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and release the magic. sc johnson, a family company. we are fully into fall. >> we had a high of 60 degrees. same as yesterday, but the normal is 70, so only 10 degrees below normal. we should sweeten up the temperatures six or seven degrees by tomorrow and maybe make it to the 70s by the middle of the week. big, big cool down coming next week, we'll talk about that. >> time lapse showed we had another batch of cloud cover over the chicago area, but there were some breaks to allow a little sunshine through, but it wasn't enough to help the temperature. no rain from those clouds.
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it looks like the remainder of the entire month of september, we wouldn't see any more rain. we have had 2.78 inches for the entire month and that will probably be it. look at our temperature, up to 60 degrees today, but there was plenty of heat out west. wyoming, 93, 91 in billings, montana, but the heat will not get in here. at least not in any real way for a very long time. if then. now, temperatures across the area. it's into the 50s in most places except except from away from west michigan. waukegan, 46, aurora, 45. dew point temperatures in the 40s i across the area. it promises to be a cool night, in fact, frost advisories in effect up north throughout much -- i would say a half of the state of wisconsin. winds light, generally less than 10-miles per hour and coming out of of the north, they had been northeast most of
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the day. the mild air. notice it dissipating and tuesday it flirts with the area. a big chunk of canadian air in the northeast, going into next weekend and it will keep daytime temperatures, by all accounts into the mid-to upper 50s. chili weekend ahead. not much in the way of cloud cover. we did have some clouds earlier, they tend to drift off to the south. we are beginning to see clearing everywhere except for the downtown area. notice the rain. macon, georgia, more than three inches. the most active weather in the country. let check our forecast for tonight. it looks like it will be a mostly clear kind of evening. low temperature, 44-48, winds becoming variable. monday, partly cloudy, high temperature, mostly in the mid- to upper 60s, i'm thinking, north winds, 44-49 degrees lows
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tomorrow night, a lot of clouds around. north winds as-12 and by tuesday, mostly cloudy, temperatures 60-65 degrees. but a slight warm upcoming in for wednesday and thursday. seven day forecast shows the mercury move back up to the low to mid-70s those two days. >> check out what is beyond it. temperatures really diving with reading highs in the 50s, overnight lows in the upper 30s as we go into the first week of october. it will feel like it out there. >> pretty soon, we'll be getting a frost, huh? >> it's possible we could have some patchy frost next weekend weekend if the forecast holds. but i think it will be awhile before the kill frost. >> taking time to remember illinois families that made the ultimate sacrifice. absolutely, this policy is customized just for you. this will save you the most money,
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while making sure you have the auto coverage you need. this is good stuff. no problem, i'm a coverage counselor. it's what i do. thank you for being an esurance customer. great. bye, richard. so, did you guys get enough to make an online version of a coverage counselor? yep. let's code it and load it. [ imitates explosion ] oh. you're so popular. like prom queen. [ telephone rings ] [ male announcer ] want a great deal on car insurance? go to esurance. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake. no, i've actually lost weight... [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. [ wife ] babe... i gotta go. [ female announcer ] yoplait, it is so good. for every pink lid you send in, yoplait will donate 10 cents to susan g. komen for the cure. with your help, we've donated $25 million over 12 years. so let's continue to make a difference one lid at a time. try new zegerid otc.
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it's the first 24-hour treatment with two active ingredients: prescription-strength medicine plus a protective ingredient so it's effectively absorbed. for 24-hour relief, try dual-ingredient zegerid otc. ♪ [ mom ] game time is all about the traditions. it's all about the tackles and the touchdowns... and watching my boys do what they do. but for me, it's even more than that. game time is about our time. together. [ female announcer ] get low prices on all your favorites for the game. save money. live better. walmart. ÷÷úú [ female announcer ] g[ male announcer ] the future [of toilet bowl cleaning has never been brighter. ahh... [ male announcer ] thanks to scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. just stamp it in your bowl. its formula is flush-activated to prevent build up of lime scale and hard water that cause toilet rings. and it keeps working for up to six weeks.
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scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. the freshest way -- [ bubbles ] ooh... [ male announcer ] -- to keep a toilet clean. ahh... [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company. governor pat quinn presented gold star banners today to 22 illinois mothers who is sons and daughters died whiler ising their country. >> it takes someone special to answer that call to duty. and i think its also takes someone special to raise children who have that special
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ethic of service. >> attending today's ceremony at navy pi eric kirschner r, more than 70 members of illinois gold star families who have lost family in the military. several churches took part in a hiv testing. salem baptist church, one of the black curves address the stigma of aids. nearly 75% of participating churches offered free hiv testing for the first time. people could also be screened for high blood pressure. back on screen and on top at the box office, the actor that made the phrase "greed is good" --
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>> gordon gekko one of the biggest names on with the before he went to prison for insider trading. >> michael douglas reprises his role as gordon gek current o on bonnie, turn up the volume. your baby sister has something to say. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so now your doctor's talking about plaque building up in your arteries - she called it coronary artery disease. you think that's something you can just stick in an email and that's the end of it? do you know me? look, bonnie. i know you've been exercising and eating a healthier diet. and that's great. but you wrote that your doctor also wants you on this cholesterol medicine - niaspan. i know - another pill. i get it, i do. but i am not taking no for an answer.
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if you have high cholesterol and coronary artery disease, and diet and exercise are not enough, niaspan, along with diet and a bile acid-binding resin, is fda-approved not only to slow down plaque buildup but to actually help clear some of it away. bonnie, ever since we were kids, you would do anything for me. i need you to do this for you. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-877-niaspan. niaspan is not for everyone, like people with stomach ulcers, liver, or serious bleeding problems. severe liver damage can occur when switching to niaspan from immediate-release niacin. blood tests are needed to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; this could be a sign of serious side effects; this risk can increase with statin use. tell your doctor about alcohol use, if you've ever had gout, or are diabetic and experience increases in blood sugar. flushing, a common side effect, is warmth, redness, itching, or tingling of the skin. ask your doctor about niaspan. fight back. fight plaque. niaspan.
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how the automatic] shower cleaner really works. [ bubbles landing ] scrubbing bubbles combine with the water left on your shower walls. ♪ then they clean as they slide down. removes mildew stains and soap scum. cleans a dirty shower in days. then keeps it clean. scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner. we work hard so you don't have to! go to for money-saving coupons. [ female announcer ] sc johnson. a family company.
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. lakeshore animal shelter paired up with the historical museum to host a dog adoption event. >> they are calling it a pup crawl. both puppies and dogs were available for adoption. lakeshore is chicago's oldest no kill shelter. the shelter has several other pets ready to be adopted. >> how can you say "no?" >> someone almost stepped in a poodle. >> well, that's enough for tonight. you are making it rough on me. >> that's the new for this
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sunday night, thanks for joining us, i'm robert jordan. >> i'm jackie baby. "instant replay" with dan roan is coming up next, have a good evening, everyone. look, we've all dealt
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with the itching of athlete's foot. i can't just wash it away. killing it takes clinical strength. i only use lotrimin ultra. it's powerful formula can even cure severe cases of athlete's foot.


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