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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  September 15, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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money's disappearing out of suburban bank accounts. unauthorized withdrawals from atm machines have a country away. good evening i'm micah materre. >> and i'm mark suppelsa. who is using atms to steal the money? tom negovan is at the wheeling police department today. [ no audio ] >> a lot of people ahead of me and some people behind me. >> reporter: rich valenzo one of a stream of people making a statement today with missing money and a fee charge.
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the person used his information at another bank. six other loams have been taken for the same. >> $500 was taking out of my checking account by a debit card in pasadena while i was having lunch. >> reporter: you heard her right. she was in chicago having lunch. it has been happening with residents of both wheeling and buffalo grove. it's the same complaint over and over again. police have a stackup. even they are blown away by the number of cases. >> what we are telling people is call your banks, let them know you're concerned about their doesn't cards. you want to make sure it hasn't been accessed. and then if that doesn't work, cash is the way to go. >> reporter: they do business at an array of different banks.
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amounts ranging from $100 to around $1500. the thieves sometimes coming back for more until the bank makes them stop. it's left a lot of people going back to cash and feeling a little violated. >> very creepy and it's baffling. it's despicable. >> reporter: federal investigators are now involved looking at an area business we're being told that may be the common denominator here. where financial information may have been compromised. we can't get more specific than that right now. there is a bit of good news. the people we're talking to, the victims without exception say they're getting good cooperation from their institutions. getting their accounts secured and their money returned. >> thanks. several hundred police officers marching outside police headquarters today.
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a no confidence march calling for their boss' resignation. lourdes duarte picks up the story from here. >> reporter: by the bus load, chicago police officers at the same spot sending a message to the man leading them. >> it's plain and simple. lack of leadership. >> reporter: hundreds of rack asking that jody weis resign. in some cases patrol cars have only had one officer inside rather than two. >> we don't see a transit cop when you're out working me streets until it was too late or something. >> we need more police officers. get some more cops on. >> reporter: and the union criticizing weis for a number of other reasons too. >> needs to support the men and women underneath them. >> reporter: some blaming the foul relationship on the fact
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that weis was considered an outsider. a former fbi agent. add to that personnel changes as soon as he took the job. that rubbed many the wrong way. >> we volunteer. we've had people ready to respond to him giving our suggestions. he appears not to want those suggestions. instead of the true professionals which are the law enforcement officers here. >> some people are going to complain. you can give them a gold brick and they'll complain how heavy it is. we have to focus on people that want to do a good job and give them the tools they need to do a good job and support them 100%. >> reporter: lourdes duarte, wgn news. police continuing to search tonight for a gunman shooting a teenager named christopher travis last night. that's in the wood lawn neighborhood. travis was standing next to a car talking with a 12-year-old boy and a 19-year-old man. the 12-year-old was also shot.
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he's in critical condition tonight. police say the gunman was in an older model car with a tan hood. and he fired at the group during a dry by. family of a man whose headless body was found yesterday say it was suicide. collin dalebroux's remains were found a few hours after several residents heard a loud explosion. he was killed by a pipe bomb. the bomb squad detonated a second found near his body. tonight his family released a statement saying we are devastated that our beloved son colin dalebroux lost his 15 year battle with depression. we know that colin committed suicide. a 14-year-old says she was assaulted at six flags. the teen was assaulted by a 26- year-old park man in august. it's an article that could have been bad for business. so did it turn into a case of
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campus censorship? dan ponce live with details. >> reporter: a little battle out here over first amendment rights. the student news editor of the chicago flame is angry with the student bookstore and the publisher of her own paper. the chicago flame isn't directly affiliated with uic but it counts on the university for a chunk of revenue. wrote a story looking into prices of books at the bookstore. the story never got published. because according to the editor, the bookstore didn't approve of the article and forced them not to run it. ruben said they ignored the students' first amendment rights. the uic bookstore has proven once again it's run as a corporation putting profits first and students second. >> i don't believe i did anything wrong. i believe that people are angry
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i told the truth. >> reporter: ruben also says the bookstore is concerned with ad dollars. >> i have the right to express my opinion. even if the flame itself, the publisher isn't happy about it. >> reporter: greg pratt is the former news editor for the chicago flame. he says in the past he felt the same kind of pressure. >> i got an e-mail from our marketing man telling me to tone down our coverage a bit because they were afraid of losing sponsors because people on campus were upset with us. >> reporter: the flame says it was inaccurate. an e-mail states the article was brought to my attention because of lack of factual material and other errors. at that point, i stopped it from being published. and the university says it had nothing to do with the article not running. a spokesman said today the concern was on the paper's end.
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we never threatened them with loss of advertising. from now on the publisher will proofread all articles before they go to print. >> it's supposed to be an independent university, independent from the university. and this is not independent free speech newspaper anymore. >> reporter: the student news editor says there will be a meeting this monday with the paper's publisher. again she says she's been told she will not be fired for writing this scathing editorial. she says that they have agreed to quote, use this as a learning experience moving forward. we did reach out to the publisher of this paper. she decline our request for an oncamera interview. but she sent an e-mail saying the reason they pulled the article was because it was factually inaccurate, not because of pressure from the university.
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>> all right. thank you. still ahead: one on one. our julie unruh sitting down with chicago's first lady talking about her health and what she thinks about her husband's plans. and thunderstorms will be moving into the chicago area tonight. tom skilling, there he is tracking that storm.
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this is it, the final days of our summer sales event and your last chance to save. i'm angie everhart, and i lost 34 pounds on nutrisystem. if you've been thinking of starting nutrisystem, there won't be a better time this year. this is your last chance to get our gourmet select line at our lowest price for the rest of the year. i'm marie osmond, and i lost 50 pounds on nutrisystem. i lost over 100 pounds and lowered my blood sugar on nutrisystem d. our summer sales event has a program on sale just for you, but you must act now. that's me 22 pounds ago, and i'm never going back there again. enjoy four perfectly portioned meals a day, including fresh-frozen options. people say i look 10 years younger. i feel 10 years younger. you will not see a lower price for the rest of the year. lose weight and save money, but you must act now. these are the final days. hurry, now's the time, and this event won't last.
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call... before this limited-time offer ends. you should get some custom fit orthotics. dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet. and footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... ... and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. for locations see have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix.
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can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. not often chicago's first lady takes time to speak publicly. when it comes to show off her afterschool matters program, maggie daley makes it happen. >> she talks about life after politics for the first family. >> reporter: there's a lot ahead for them. her husband announced he would not run for reelection. for years she's been gracefully battling breast cancer. today maggie steps in front of a camera to talk about a program that matters to her. teaching kids skills with bringing them arts. she makes it a priority after her duties as first lady are done. >> it's the largest in the country.
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nobody's doing anything like this. we have a point to prove. that is in chicago let's make this happen. >> reporter: dancing, singing and performing. little known commodities in chicago's inner city. it can all be found in maggie daley's after school matters program. she will always be a cheerleader for the project and has no plans to step away she says. after the last week's announcement of her husband stepping away from chicago city politics, she promises not to turn her back on the city. >> rich and i feel the city of chicago has welcomed us. and i know myself over these past years the spiritual support i've had from this community. it's touched me more than you'll ever know. >> reporter: for years she's been living with and fighting breast cancer. today she walks with a cane by hopes to lose it soon. recovery from surgeries has
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been slow and tedious, she shows no signs of failing. as for her husband's steps post politics. >> i think it's another door opening. a new adventure in our life. i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: she agrees with her husband's call to call it quits and remains tight lipped about what's next for her, the mayor and chicago. >> he loves being mayor. but as he said, it's time to move on. and -- but we'll always be there for chicago. >> reporter: exactly what she and the mayor have up their sleeves is a mystery to us all. spending time together with their children and grandchildren is definitely a priority she says today. >> and you saved the scoop for last. she named who she'd like to be the next mayor; right? >> reporter: we had other things to talk about. she's as tight lipped about that as her husband.
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>> you could have asked ten times and she would say politely no. another day of gang violence. >> county leaders tell gang bangers we'll see you in court. mayor daley criticizing the president of the school system. later video that makes you wonder what is going on behind the desk we're sitting at right now. >> on your side maybe. ugh... what's up ? my feet are killing me... you should get some custom fit orthotics. i can't afford that. now you can... oh ! dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center... ( woman ) you have flat feet... i do ? ( man ) orthotic 430 is recommended. it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet, guaranteed. no wonder footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... ... that lasts all day. and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. nice ! dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. hey-- thanks ! for locations, see
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but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie, mmm, it threw a curve at my curves. so i threw it right back... with yoplait light -- strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie. 30 indulgent delicious flavors that satisfy my love for tasty treats. around 100 calories. zero fat. now i love my curves in all the right places. yoplait. it is so good.
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you get the blood, hope it's enough, it's -- what's this? [ man ] new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, i'll try it, but -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ man #1 ] it's like it -- targets the blood. targets the blood. yeah, it draws it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. okay. freestyle test strips. i'll take 'em. [ man #2 ] sure. call or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. can't i just have these? [ man #2 ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. [ man #2 ] freestyle lite test strips. have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. trying a new tactic when it comes to fighting gangs.
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the county's filed a civil lawsuit against known gang members. lawsuit alleges gang members from arm -- harmed the city from their action. and would give police greater authority to search them if they're seen together. >> there's a method we can utilize that would make the policemen's job easier. another method of attack to control street crime through gangs and also to control the safety of the community. i don't see any reason not to do this. >> other counties including dupage county have filed similar lawsuits against gang members. state's attorney says if the members fail to show to court, they'll be arrested for contempt of court. we're asking you to vote. do you think suing gang members is an effective way to curb gang activity? text yes or no to 97999 or go to michael jackson's mother is suing the pop singer's former concert promotedder.
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the suit claimed aeg failed to honor their agreement by not providing dr. conrad murray with life-saving equipment. aeg told jackson they would provide the equipment and care for michael jackson. aeg spokesman says the company has not seen the lawsuit and has no comment. president obama said it took far too long to get here, but she -- the senate is finally passing a bill. >> after months of partisan blacked in the senate, we are on the search -- verge of passing a small business bill. >> president's next priority: middle class tax cuts. he wants to see an extension for families making less than $250,000 a year. tax cuts be extended to
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everyone. mayor daley calling for the end of a education program that was the brain child of the obama administration. to school districts is loaded with democracy, doesn't make any sense to him. illinois failed to qualify for the program. but that's not sour grapes because they weren't allowed to participate. >> wasn't that silly? not allow somebody who has reorganized school and rebuilt schools here that we could not make that presentation? again, it's called federal b. bureaucracy. that's all it's about. >> interesting after mayor made thanagesment at west ridge elementary school. in tomorrow's chicago tribune, the story of a woman from indiana that paid for a cab ride to the first midwest
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bank. a return ride cost $15. the woman unknowingly fell victim to a scam. find out how park officials plan to attack the problem of people getting ripped off on can rides. is a miracle pill for speech problems? speech language experts tell the newspaper there's no evidence, good evidence the product works. and the people have spoken. the people who enjoy a cocktail or two, that is. read about the best bar tepider competition and their signature drinks. how to vote in tomorrow's red eye. turning over the keys of the illinois lottery to the private firm. north star will be the private manager running the $2 billion illinois lottery. officials say they can increase the income by billions of dollars by doing so.
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springfield lawmakers passed doing so but retained regulatory oversight. it provides money for capital projects and education as well. not just people are effected in the flu season. not just people though. later how many spots will take part in the celebration for the mexican independence day.
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on the medical watch: flu season is upon us. is your pet protected? canine flu is infectious. it'll make your up. feel as bad as you when you feel bad. >> reporter: it's their every day of every year. >> you think flu season a certain times of the year for dogs too but it can happen at any time. >> reporter: we visited dr. derek landini's office in 2008. more than 50 cases of doggy flu. why isn't there a flu vaccine for dogs? >> it came out after the fact. >> reporter: in east, new york, new jersey, connecticut, massachusetts, pennsylvania, north carolina, and florida have seen pet outbreaks. washington, d.c., ohio, oregon, washington state, and california are also canine flu
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hot spots. how do you know if that your dog is sick? >> we keep our eye on dogs that have symptoms. lack of appetite, coughing, not feeling good. >> reporter: you may be able to see it in their eyes or feel it as their cold noses get hot. and if they nose around the park, they may spread the illness. the flu virus flies through droplets when dogs sneeze or interact. the flu shot is not required. but if you travel with your pet, you can take the precaution. >> they do recommend initially two sets of shots two to four weeks apart. then the booster annually. >> the shot costs about 25-30 bucks. you can't catch it from your dog. you just may want to keep them
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protected. >> dogs don't like looking at the needles either. >> i don't either. up next rain tonight shouldn't ruin the week. >> tom skilling will show you how the storms are shaping up for tonight. ring ring. progresso. everyday i eat your soups instead of going out to lunch, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your delicious rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. and i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes, your pearl onions. well, you know, everything you want to eat for lunch is right in there. so you're really, rich and happy.
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yeah see, i like rich and hearty better. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. going great, babs. made it really easy for customers to manage their car insurance policy online. well, you know that's why we have 24/7 support, so customers can call us anytime. [ in a robotic voice ] does not compute. error. [ all ] error. error. error. malfunction, babs. beep. boop. boop. ha ha. very funny. powering down. [ new guy ] we're not really robots. [ thomas ] i thought we were. [ male announcer ] want a great deal on car insurance? go to esurance.
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[ male announcer ] want a great deal on car insurance? and i'm going to introduce you in two weeks. he's a dentist so whiten your teeth. no coffee, no espresso. mm-hmm. ♪ [ female announcer ] crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable toothpaste that removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks... hi. i'm paul. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile in just two weeks crest 3d white toothpaste. also try crest 3d white rinse. ♪ rains are coming our way, huh? >> you know they're in patches right now. there's been a drenching rain up to the north of us in
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minnesota and that was a after a night of freezing temperatures. thing that strikes you about the weather pattern that has shaped up is the speed with which canada is filled with cold air. it's oozed into the northern tier of states too. that will never really in full strength come down into the chicago area. because the upper winds are strong from the west. still winds off the lake will be a big factor this weekend. and we've had clouds increase through the day. our models show storms developing as the night goes on. we expect these to thicken up as the night proceeds. but it's 72 tonight and that's not bad at o'hare. 74 at midway. here you see a plot of the temperatures across the metro area. and the dew points which have crept higher. they mask the fact of low dew
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points in this area that the air south is more humid and flooding up into this system that's going to race across here and produce big rains today here in minnesota. look at the rains in rosemount, minnesota. showers and thunderstorms came through that area. there they are. and here's redwood falls in southwestern minnesota. this is the weather system that's working in our direction. there have been really impressive rainfalls. buffalo, madison, redwood falls, over 2 inches all through that area. note some of the wind gusts in that area as well. there's a storm embedded within this area. there's aspirol in the cloud that's where the center is and it will track north of chicago. as it passes, the winds will lock in from the north- northeast and some of this look
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at this range from 93 at brownsville and galveston and houston and fort worth, texas. 105 at phoenix to 55 today at international falls and 59 at williston. this is the cool air pool i was telling you about. really cool in canada. you expect that this time of year because of the shortening days. that chilly air extends. because of this northward flood of moisture if that storm system moves in our direction. the air is also unstable so we've got to get enough vertical motion to get storms to mix in tonight. winds at the moment are southeast at 10.
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we have moderate values of molding with ragweed today. we sit right on the south end of this and what happens here sometimes over the weekend, these little disturbance come by here and pull some moisture from the south up here. so we may have a couple of intervals this weekend where it's kind of cloudy and you might see a shower or two. there are showers or thunderstorms in our southern suburbs. right now it's interesting. this cluster is blown up. but additional development may occur. you see the occasional lightning discharge. but this is the batch of storms that really has rained. and the main energy is back there and settling in our direction. there's even a tail of showers. we expect this to be coming at us and increase the showers as the night goes on. huge thunderstorms on the northern nose of 90-degree heat in the southern midwest. and there are flood watches, thunderstorm, and tornado
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watches in that area. the effect of the cloud cover has been to cool things off. don't expect very warm temperatures tomorrow. by midnight, we'll be cloudy in this area. this depiction probably understages the scope of the range. you'll see the yellows and oranges embedded, that's signs of a heavier shower. even through noon tomorrow. and the model keeps these going until 2:00 in the afternoon. then we go back to the light back wash showers with the cool northerly wind to blow in the area. how much rain will come down? well, you'll see that a good part of they are area will see rain. heaviest about .9 of an inch. line between cool air and watch cool it gets. freeze is likely in the and the canadian border areas by the
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weekend. while it'll be hot to the south. and we sit on the border. what happens by tuesday next week, quite a shot of warm air comes up and we could jump into the lower mid-80s by next week. in a week that will be a tumble. an occasional mix of sunshine with clouds. a couple of spotty showers around. breezy and milder tonight. showers and thunderstorms develop. some of those could be locally heavy tonight. warmer than it's been in recent nights. scattered showers and storms in the morning and early afternoon. then cloudy, windy, cool with sprinkles and light showers in the afternoon. a 72 high. then clouds break at times and cooler and 54 tomorrow night. and partly sunny and nice. south wind comes back on friday. warms up to 78. could be another little shower
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late friday evening or night. and then saturday and sunday kind of variablely cloudy. we'll also show you an amazingly tropical readings. there were two category 4 storms today at one time. lots of stuff. >> sort of back to back there. >> they're all lined up out there. bermuda looks like the one land mass threatened. >> wow. >> see you in a bit. coming up: we're kicking off hispanic heritage month with what could be like a year- long celebration of mexican culture. it's chicken madness. people waiting outside for 24 hours for a fast food restaurant to open up. why? there's a big why. ring ring. progresso.
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i look great in my wedding dress with the help of your amazing light soups. now we're adding even bigger pieces of white-meat chicken. oh, so when's the big day? oh, we got married years ago. but the point is, i fit in it. well, good for you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer.
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÷ñpp ♪ [ sniffs ] bye! bye! ♪ hi. hey! hey! [ laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] walk into a burst of fresh fragrance when you pass by. get motion activated glade sense and spray and release the magic. sc johnson, a family company. [ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- target the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] great. call or click --
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we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. mexico's commemorating 200 years of independence. it's home of -- as the home of second largest hispanic population in the united states, chicago is part of the culture. chicago will be its most mexican during the celebration
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of mexican independence. >> it is important for people here to understand that behind this very large mexican community in metropolitan chicago, there is a very strong, vivid, dynamic culture. >> reporter: exhibitions will be featured at major museums in the city. the nature museum is hosting sanctuary, flight of the majestic monarch. the interpretation of the migration of the monarchs. >> we have 3d artwork. >> reporter: it includes a mural painted live by hector duarte. >> all of the thinks that are very human that is shown through the migration of the butterfly.
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>> reporter: children from the area will be able to play with hundreds of toys directly from that is taking overthe entire children's museum president. >> i think it's an wonderful opportunity. although the topic is easy to approach, toys are universal. >> you can still find them in mexico. >> reporter: kids are learn how to make their own tops. >> children can see the toys and play in the puppet theater. they can go to the do it yourself toy studio and add it to their collection. >> reporter: moving on to the heart of the mexican museum. you can go to short life. >> day of the dead is one of the most popular traditions and celebrations in mexico. it's celebrated in different ways. on those days the belief is that the dead -- our dead loved
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ones -- come back and sort of hang out with us again here on earth. >> reporter: this year it's dedicated to the earthquake victims of haiti and chile. >> one of the most generous cultures for producing positive communities. for creating bridges between people to understand each other better. >> for administer information about these and other events around the city, visit back to you. coming up: news on top. not much underneath. >> you'll have to see it. and later in sports, the bears look to clean up their goal line offense. and there's the white sox. could be trouble. dan roan next. it's great. i eat anything that i want.
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key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. you're one of the 50 million americans with frequent heartburn. did you know, with prilosec otc, you can stop frequent heartburn before it starts? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes, or backs up into the esophagus. this causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn. with just one pill a day, prilosec otc treats frequent heartburn for 24 hours, providing all-day and all-night protection. here's how it works -- prilosec otc's unique delayed-release system protects the medicine as it passes through the stomach's tough acid.
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the medicine then gets absorbed into the body, turning off many acid-producing pumps at the source, so less acid is produced. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection all day and all night, satisfaction guaranteed. trust the number-one doctor-, gastroenterologist-, and pharmacist-recommended brand to treat your frequent heartburn. to request a free sample, visit prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on. who'd have thunk a fried chicken sandwich would generate this much in loyalty? the aurora store doesn't open until tomorrow but the poultry lovers tent city was lined up
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in anticipation. this is the latest fast food frenzy in chicago. similar fans were found outside krispy creme donuts. >> but they're getting freebies. now a story that makes us news anchors look bad or human. this anchor for a station in slovenia rolled away from the desk to reveal he wasn't wearing pants. frankly, they don't eastbound look like shorts. they look like boxers. for the record, blue suit pants my choice here tonight. >> let's see. okay. very nice. >> prove it. >> you want me to? well there you go. >> tom, we can see you so you don't have to stand up. >> i have no desk to hide behind. i'm exposed for everyone to see. you know something? you notice all the dragon flies
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around this year? we've been getting letters about that. my colleague talked to a man who has written a book on dragon flies. they stay underwater on aquatic insects and emerge in late july- early august and start flying around. that was just the period this year when all the heavy rain and warm weather produced mosquitoes which is their favorite food. you see them all over the place. just a side bar with a weather connection there. tell you what we do have is showers. and some isolated thunder in our suburbs. others approaching from the northwest. the big cluster that doused minnesota today. it's a sign we got wetter weather and it's a sign that two seasons are doing battle. summer's warmth and autumn's cool fighting it out in the middle of the country. that little l is the result. it's swinging across the area and will turn winds northeast
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tomorrow. but it exits the area pretty expeditiously. and this afternoon beautiful sunny day and southerly winds on friday. and look at the tropics here. you've got karl going into the yucatan peninsula. and igor and julia behind it. karl will restrengthen over the gulf of mexico and hit mexico again. lots of action and it looks like bermuda is sitting in the path of igor. for us no hurricanes but a 72. and a 78 friday. then it cools off. winds blow off the wake, that keeps the weekend cool. look for little spells of sun and a brief shower. i don't think it'll be all day rain. better chance of rain on monday or monday night then spike up to 80. 82 by tuesday. pretty nice. >> thank you. tonight's photos of the day
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segment captures protesters in the city, large crowds outside a restaurant in naperville. >> all that and more in the photos of the day segment. ♪[ music ] another week, another student shot and killed after school. the latest an 8th grader here on emmet till academy. >> i never get a chance to view the body. >> we're waiting for the opening of the new chick-fill-
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a. some people were here since 3:00. >> more photos of the day on coming up: the twins continue to suck what little life is left out of the white sox playoff hopes as they pile it on again tonight. >> again tonight. devon hester hopes a few more balls thrown his way sunday. dan roan coming up.
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have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. did you know just one sheet
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of bounce outdoor fresh gives you more freshness than two sheets of the leading store brand? wow! who knew? bounce... my feet are killing me... you should get some custom fit orthotics. i can't afford that. now you can... oh ! dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center... ( woman ) you have flat feet... i do ? ( man ) orthotic 430 is recommended. it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet, guaranteed. no wonder footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... ... that lasts all day. and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. nice ! dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. hey-- thanks ! for locations, see
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. dallas coming up. that sounds like trouble. >> good luck. >> put it out in front. >> the offense line was shady here. it's been that way there but they've got reinforcements. the snapshot for all the critics of the offense is with nine minutes left the other day and everybody is pointing the finger at lovie smith. as rich king reports, somebody else was taking the blame today. >> reporter: the bears tried at rushing. then in the air.
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and finally two more times on the ground. the goal line offense was offensive and today the boss took the blame. >> this is me. this is all on me. i blame myself for this. we did not spend the time we need to spend on it. trying to get the other things ready. i felt comfortable where we were. we got to get the nuances. >> that's one of the positions where you're four downs from the 2-inch line, you should be able to score. >> reporter: the bears did move the ball outside their red zone against the lions. but hester caught a pass. it was a target only one time. >> that's the way it goes. the more you get the ball you want that's when you might get the team to win it. that's what i'm hoping this week. getting my hands on the ball more. try to help out the team as much as i can. >> reporter: the bears' offense
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still racked up 463 yards against the lions. against a rugged cowboys defense next. rich king, wgn news. as for the white sox, it was fun while it lasted. but the dream ends hard tonight against the twins. realistically they had to sweep this series. then they lost the opener last night. the writing was on the wall after that one. tonight, gavin floyd started pretty good. in the 5th, joe mauer got him good. a 3-0 lead there. not that they're not really good, because they are. but the twins always seem to catch a break or two. denard cheaply done here. 6-0 in the 6th. then in the 7th, just in case they forgot they let them go. it's a two-run single to make it 8-2 twins. they lead it in the 9th, about to take an eight game lead with 17 left to play.
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cubs have had plenty of frustration. now the cardinals are feeling it. chris carpenter upset. four hits, one earned run. he was losing 2-1 in the 7th when this happened. tyler colvin got all that off carpenter. with two cubs aboard. a three-run homer. he hits the 20 mark and they're about to sweep the cards in st. louis for the first time in 22 years. and the big heard all smiles tonight. rocky wuertz, mike shshefski. world title this weekend where he had the pleasure of coaching bulls star derek rose. >> he wants to do well all the time.
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i thought his defensive pressure was terrific. and then he could -- he just pushes the ball down the court so well. i love derek. such a team player. the bulls are obviously really happy to have him. they should be because he's top quality as a player and person. >> bulls training camp, two weeks. >> feels year round. >> then hockey this weekend. here we go. >> that's the news for this wednesday night. i'm micah materre. >> and i'm mark suppelsa. have a great night. >> bye. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. your baby sister has something to say. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so now your doctor's talking about plaque
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