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tv   To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbe  PBS  October 25, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
5:31 pm
well, well! you're either going to work or to court. it's a job, innit? i only hope it don't get me arrested. - you're not serious? - you know johnny allen from way back, don't you? - he's ok, ain't he? - if you wanna work for him, that's up to you. i'm losing me flat, ain't i? i need the money. we don't all have houses dropping in our laps, you know. - i better get on, there's a lot to clear. - yeah, yeah. it must be great, though. all that space to yourself, fantastic! see ya. right.
5:32 pm
you're up early. yeah. no point in wasting the day, is there? fancy a drink later in the vic? yeah. why not? i might even get them in. great. ( door opens ) - you were late, billy. - yeah, sorry. i was taking my dog for a walk, i got a bit sidetracked, you know. don't let it happen again, eh? just pull your weight, keep everything above board and you won't go far wrong. i've got a little job for you. i want you to pick a package up for me from this address.
5:33 pm
- a package? - yeah, they're expecting you. right. is there anything i should know, like... you know... no, just that it's a package, that's all. right. morning, pat. is that andy hunter's stuff? - yeah. i'm giving it to charity. - they're going to sell that? you'd have to pay me to touch anything belonging to him. we bought that together. - i didn't hear you knock. - what, on my own front door? sam, this isn't easy, for either of us... this is a mitchell house, ok? first phil's, then mine. mom wanted me to have it, this is where i was to bring my kids up.
5:34 pm
i found something i thought you might want. why would i want that? it's in the past. it's done. oh, and pat... enjoy the place. don't let the fact it should be mine spoil it for ya. - oh, stacey! - hiya. - you coming in to work? - yeah. - you sure you're ready? - i'm a bit wobbly. but i didn't want to let you down. - let me know if you find it too much. - i will. i don't know where patrick is. he's supposed to be shelf-stacking. i can do it. i'm sure i can manage. no, take it easy on your first day back. all right, if you insist. - hiya. - aren't you meant to be at school or something? twenty of my usual, please, yolande. - heard about mickey being mugged? - what? mickey? mugged? - darren told me. kicked him and everything. - that's terrible.
5:35 pm
first derek, then me, who's next? oh, don't say that. it ain't right, is it? law-abiding people being terrorized like this. people don't understand until they've been through it themselves. no. you've just got to let yourself heal in your own time. there ain't no rushing it. believe me, i should know. - morning. - patrick. is something the matter? mrs. trueman, would it be all right if i went round to check on mickey later? i thought he might want to talk to someone who's been through it. let me know when you want to go. i will cope, i've got patrick here to help me. - sure you should be working on the stall? - i'll be fine. you could have been killed, someone jumping you like that. i'm all right! just wish i got a chance to hit him back, that's all. - come on, son. - but i lost your money, didn't i? don't be silly, we're just glad you're safe. it's only twenty quid but i want you to have this.
5:36 pm
we don't need your money, son... look, it's not about you, it's about me. - i feel a lot better. see you later. - thanks. - we can't take that, love. - i know. but we ain't got much choice. just hope i can make it stretch. your check hasn't cleared so i'm gonna need a little bit of money till it does. say £200? no, sam. i can't afford that. chrissie, don't be so modest. what's £200 to the landlady of the queen vic? i've got commitments, bills, stock that needs paying for, i can't just... who needs the gym when you've got this every day? zoe is just about holding it together, ok? we don't want her upset again, do we? who knows what she might do? chrissie, i was just wondering if you could pay me for that overtime. only i've got to get something for freddie, he's growing ever so fast. go on, chrissie, we don't want freddie missing out, do we? no, course not.
5:37 pm
- there you go, mo. - oh, thanks. - hi, mickey. - you all right, stace? i tried calling you, all last night. yeah, i turned my phone off. i thought we could go for some lunch or a drink later? - i heard about the mugging, i've been worried about you. - mugging? - oh, no... - didn't you know? he was attacked. - mickey? - it's horrible, isn't it? - hard to understand if you haven't been through it. - sure you should...? listen, i'm all right. everyone just leave me alone! these are nice. lovely. what do you think? bring out the color of my eyes? - yeah, they do. - i think they're a bit out of your league. - i'll take them. - yeah! that's the way, stacey. that'll be a score. top girl. there you go, enjoy! i'll see you later. yeah, see you later. they look expensive. well, if you want class, it costs money and i've got both. lucy, i told you to go straight to school.
5:38 pm
you heard what your dad said, run along. glad you're not my dad. you're so embarrassing. everything all right? yeah, why shouldn't it be? is chrissie giving you a hard time? zoe, i'm moving on from all that, and i'll tell you something... you should do the same. i want you to be my eyes and ears, danny some little scumbag's mugging people around here and the club's getting blamed for it. i want to know everything and i mean everything. - even broken street lamps. - you can count on me. good. - not moving in? - what's the hurry, it's not going anywhere, is it? i'd have thought you'd want to get settled. why? i've got three months left on the lease on the flat and the deposit. i don't believe in chucking my money away, do i? the dishwasher's not working.
5:39 pm
- try banging the door, usually works. - already did. yeah, darling, what can i get you? - the lager's off again. - i can't deal with it now, mo. you could do with a cellar man. oh, yeah, a big hairy one, muscles like turnips. i might be an old fiddle, but you'll certainly get a tune outta me. i'll have what she's having, please. - being set on like that. that poor boy. - it's a disgrace. i remember when you could walk round any time of the day or night and feel safe. them times is gone, pauline. that man there, he promised he'd make things safe around here. oi, your business doing well, is it? open all hours while the rest of us can't even sleep easy in our beds? - i'm a man of my word, mrs. fowler. - prove it. i've got extra security at the club and on the street, but if you've any more suggestions, don't hesitate to see me. oh, that's good news, ain't it, pauline? i'm all nerves on account of them muggings. i don't feel safe in my house. thought about getting a burglar alarm?
5:40 pm
they cost money, them things. maybe not if you're council. i could sort that for you. well, least i can do, mrs. branning. - oh, that is kind of you. - you're welcome. - that's pretty decent of him, ain't it, pauline? - i've heard it all before. hey, pat, i couldn't help noticing that you was moving into andy's old place. - nice, is it? - yeah. the mitchells were another bunch i couldn't stand, but you can't help feeling sorry for sam. - the sins of the fathers visited on the sons... - but look at her. she's only a young girl. she's got no family, no husband and no proper home. you're in clover, you are. great big house to yourself, while the rest of us are busting at the seams. what's up, maureen? jealous? i wouldn't have that house if it was tied up in a ribbon and my fairy godmother handed it to me. sure about that? you've had four husbands that never gave you diddly squat and blow me down if andy hunter don't leave his flippin' house to you.
5:41 pm
what did you have to do for that? on second thoughts, don't tell me, might start my farmers off. - fancy another, pat? - yeah. why not? how about this? two double bedrooms, kitchen, diner, lounge, jacuzzi bath. and the rent is... well maybe we'll find one a bit cheaper. am i the only one working today? i'm trying to find us a flat. it'll be brilliant. we still need to earn a living. minty, we are grown males, we need our own territory, classic alpha male gorilla wanting his own tree to hang out in, it's nature. yeah, it'll be good. it'll be beautiful. you can't keep running after sam. i'm not running after sam. she's a mate, i'm just helping her out. you'd better start looking after yourself for a bit. when the time comes, that's exactly what sam'll do. you mark my words. oh, hi, mrs. miller. sorry to hear about mickey, how is he?
5:42 pm
not too bad. - bit shaken up. - well, he would be. it's a very frightening experience. it happened to me, you know, i bet it was the same bloke. that's £3.29, please. i've got a couple of coupons here. always seems like a waste not to use them. they don't go there. you're always putting everything in the wrong place. - what does it matter? - it doubles the work for everyone else! bye! you all right? - yeah, course. just feel a bit funny. - maybe you should go home? oh, no, no, i'd rather be here. if i get tired a bit later on, i might go home a bit early. ok, well, just let me know. i will. thanks. i could have a word with your landlord, be easier to find someone to take over your lease. but that's not the problem, is it? it don't feel right. that house has got history on the square. there's not a house around here that couldn't tell a story, pat.
5:43 pm
but it don't feel as if it should be mine! all right, darling? treating yourself to some lunch? why not? i've been rushed off my feet. i'll deal with this, mo. i'm glad you came in, zoe. i want to apologize about what happened with sam. we are gonna sort it out, i promise. i've come to have a drink, not to go through this. - we've got to put it behind us. - that's what i'm trying to do. good. no-one in here has no opinion about whether andy should have left me that house or not, they're in a sharing mood. do you really think that if any one of this lot was offered a house they wouldn't take it? they'd have their tellies and three piece suites in like that. i keep telling you, this isn't just any house. so sam mitchell used to live there. if things were different, and you had a house and sam ended up with it, think her conscience would stop her moving in? she'd jump at it. she's young, she's like you were when you were that age. she'll bounce back, pat, but this may be your last chance. thanks, i thought you were supposed to be cheering me up!
5:44 pm
you haven't had a lot of good luck in your life, you've had to struggle and fight for everything you've got. now something nice comes along, you should take it. give it a minute and no-one will ever remember this happened. it's a chance, pat, you shouldn't let it slip through your fingers. i can do you a nice bit of shag pile, if you're thinking of doing your place up. thanks but i don't need your dodgy off-cuts, maureen. she never did have no taste. you should have told me about it. i am your girlfriend. - is that right? - what? girlfriends are meant to tell you stuff. like what they take when they go clubbing. what's happening with these teas? it's freezing. - we've got to get this sorted. - leave me alone!
5:45 pm
that man does not know how lucky he is to have a lovely lady like you. you got an appointment? - i asked you a question. - i work here. or didn't anyone tell you? oi! - ( knocking on door ) - come in. i got that thing you asked for. perfect. mmm! the best caviar. - is that all it is? - what? you think going halfway across town to collect something like this isn't real work? no, no, no, i didn't mean... it's not my place, is it?
5:46 pm
a man's worth is not measured by his actions, but by the spirit in which they are undertaken. - you happy with that? - yeah. ok, i'll catch you later and thanks. don't worry about it, billy, mate. being messenger boy's nothing to be ashamed of. well, better than being a doorstop, eh? this kind of thing shouldn't happen. can i go see how mickey's getting on? - what "kind of thing" is that then? - yes, stacey. people coming in late, forgetting what they're meant to do, messing up the system and causing wasted time and work for other people. - by "people", you mean me? - patrick, i'm just trying to get us organized. life is too short for us to be wasting time. think i don't know that life is short? - that's not what i meant... - i'm getting some fresh air. he's missing paul.
5:47 pm
we'll be all right. i'm sure we'll manage until he's able to help us. you're a good girl. i wasn't sure when i first took you on but somehow i felt there was something good inside of you. and i was right. new bag an' all. - must pay you a lot. - what are you trying to say? nothing. why would i be? just shut it, will ya? - you didn't have to do that. - just wanted to help. i've paid the bills and i've planned the meals for the rest of the week, down to the last scraping of butter. it's gonna be tight, but we'll do it. - course we will. - as long as you keep your fingers out of the cupboard. you're a star, you are, love. sorting everything out by yourself. i ain't by myself, keith. come on, let's take genghis out. yeah, come on. free entertainment, i s'pose, eh?
5:48 pm
have you called someone to fix the dishwasher? and spend a fortune on a plumber? i don't think so. - yes, please? - caught you at a bad time? i'm just earning a living. remember what that looks like? one dry white wine, please, and you can put it on my tab. i know it won't be easy, but we've got to move on, me from lynne and you from sam. i'll tell her. soon, all right. now would be a pretty good time, while i get 'em in. oh, you all right? here, let me help you. i can do it... no, i said i can do it, mo! sorry. i don't know what's the matter. it's all right. you're just tired. - i just can't hack it any more. - oh, listen to you. it's my birthday on thursday. - i'm gonna be 37. - it's your birthday! - ssshh, not so loud! - you're a woman in your prime. doesn't feel like it. - look at madonna. - madonna? yeah. she's 40 and she's sexy and strong. hope i'm like that when i'm her age. yeah. me too.
5:49 pm
you told me you were skint, so how come you've got all this expensive stuff? why don't you just get off my back? it's nothing to do with you. did you keep that money? - just shut it! - you made it all up about the mugging, didn't you? don't worry. i won't tell anyone. - too right you won't! - aren't you scared the police'll find out? you'll be scared if you don't keep your mouth shut. you breathe one word, i'll tell everyone you was in on it. why do you hate me so much? i only want you to be my friend. i'll tell my dad first. he'll believe me. it was just a test to see if you could keep a secret. - you two nearly finished? - here. i got these for us to share. 'cause we're friends. but remember, it's our secret. is that yours, luce? - it's stacey's. i'll give it to her. - no, you won't.
5:50 pm
it's after dark, there's a mugger out there. - oi! hold up! - ( screams ) - get off me! - got you! - owwwwwww! - you make a habit of jumping on young girls, do you? oi! someone get this gorilla off me! what's the matter with you? i told you to keep your eyes open, not beat up every person who walks by. - i thought he was the mugger. - mugger? i could have you arrested! you're the one who needs arresting! i was giving her back her purse! all right? you're lucky i don't press charges against you. i'll deal with you in the morning, all right? - there you go. - thanks for the purse, but next time you can just give it to me, there's no need to get into a fight to try and impress me. mr. allen, if ever you need someone with a bit more brains than brawn, i'm up for it. yeah, i hear you, billy. we'll talk about it tomorrow, all right?
5:51 pm
things seem to be getting messy your side of the bar. - you should get some help in. if you can afford them. - get a life, sam. i know you haven't gotten over your grief for paul, i know that we have a business to run, patrick. it might help you more than you know to concentrate on that. ( doorbell rings ) - i see you took my advice. - looks that way. well, aren't you going to invite me in? since when did you wait to be asked? i thought you might need some company. - i just want to be on my own. - that's how i felt. i never ate anything for days. i bet you haven't. how about i come in, make you something and go? you'd hardly know i was there.
5:52 pm
that's not a good idea. you can chuck me out, any time you want. ten minutes, and once i know you're all right, i'll go. come on then. to celebrate, a new start in a new home. you must have been dead sure i'd take your advice. all we need now is glasses. i think i can manage that. you've done all right here, pat, you know. yeah, it's a nice house. maybe too nice. you're just not used to good things happening to you. perhaps you're right. johnny, it's just that i think this is a house for a young couple with a family, their whole lives ahead of them. i'm not so sure i've got it in me to start all over again. not if it's always gonna be like this. it's weird kareena's not here cheering you up.
5:53 pm
- no, i told her that i wanted to be by myself. - it's not fair, is it? everyone telling you what you should have done. when that happens, you don't think straight. - there we go. - thank you. - aaah! - a bit hot for you, is it? i know you've lost a lot lately, but believe me, it wasn't all down to me. and even if you think it was... after everything we've been through... we've got more in common than what divides us. - we've got nothing in common. - listen to me... no, no, you listen to me. you can ask for my pity all you want, but you're not going to get it. because at the end of the day, you're standing behind the bar in my pub. got any more glasses? whilst over the road, pat is sitting in my house, on my settee. so i expect my next payment on time. £1000, chrissie, like we said and let's make this a regular thing, so we both know where we stand. look, come on, minty, it's now or never, mate.
5:54 pm
right. that's my boy! er, sam... minty! do you know something? i have had the worst day ever. i thought you was feeling better about things? - i was, until i saw pat moving into my house... - come on, sam... then there's chrissie, she's rubbing my nose in it all the time, it's like i can't get away from it all. if andy was here, he'd be laughing at me. you've got to forget about andy. - how am i supposed to do that? - he didn't have such a good life. oh, boo hoo. what i'm trying to say is, despite what he done, he didn't really have anybody at the end, did he? he was on his own. all he cared about was money. he only had pat to leave his house to. - his life was a mess, weren't it? - no. he was right. you can't rely on people, can ya? you have to put your faith in something that doesn't let you down. money. anyway, it's my shout. what do you want? mo was right. i've never had a shortage of blokes. you were a beautiful woman, pat, men couldn't keep away from you.
5:55 pm
but here i am on my own. i know what you mean. life hasn't exactly turned out the way either of us expected it. and here we are, back where we started. - people think i'm a right hard cow. - come on, stace. they're right. i am. but some things, they happen, and they really get to you. - yeah. - you mess up and you mess up again, and you feel humiliated on top of everything else, - 'cause you've made a fool of yourself and been scared. - you're right. - people don't understand if they ain't been through it. - at least i've got you. - yeah. - and you've got me. all right? what you been doing? - nothing. - you used all the cheese. and the bread. - i was keeping that for... - steady, love... - sorry, mrs. miller, i didn't realize. - mom, it was only a sandwich. yeah. course it is. never mind, eh?
5:56 pm
i better be going. i'll walk you to the door. so tell me, pat, would you do things differently? decisions you've made? men you've ended up with? too right i would! what's so wrong with wanting a decent bloke who stays with you, a home, grandkids round for tea? no, nothing wrong with that at all. and what about you, johnny allen? have you got somebody to share the lonely nights with? so...this full of your old memories? no, not mine. we all started out like that, didn't we? we wouldn't make the same mistakes our moms and dads made, oh, no! we were going to do it differently.
5:57 pm
yeah, well, we were young then. we thought we knew it all, didn't we? i asked sam if she wanted that. - she said, "no." - she will do one day. well, i'd better be off. let you get your beauty sleep. you know pat, whatever's happened to us, whatever wrongs we've done in the past, it's made us what we are today. maybe i don't like what i am. maybe i hoped it would turn out better than this. so things haven't quite turned out the way we imagined, but we're still here and i want a new start. and if i can do it, so can you. - night, johnny. - night, pat. ( cellphone rings ) ( door closes ) i thought it might be you. yeah, i think i might have found a place for us...
5:58 pm
thanks. yeah, an old friend just moved out, it's nice and private. just what you wanted. right, i'll see you tomorrow. ( theme music playing )
5:59 pm


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