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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 21, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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a break in the case. police uncover new clues in a barber shop shooting. >> the connection these men have to the shooting that left a barber fighting for his life. hello, everybody. i'm denise coke. >> i'm vick carter. here is what people are talking about tonight. >> a local barber shot during a robbery inside his store, and now police have a new clue that could put the gunman behind bars. wjz is live at police headquarters and megan has the new evidence detectives want you to see. megan? >> reporter: denise, police have surveillance images of two men that might be linkedded to that robbery and they need your tips to put them behind bars. >> take a close look at these two men. police believe they fired the shots that left a local barber
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fighting for his life. >> it was a crime that's right here before the holidays. taking somebody's money wasn't enough but actually shooting them? i mean, it doesn't get any worse than that. >> the owner of the up close barber shop was inside his store last wednesday night when police say two men walked in and announced a robbery. before they left, they shot the barber in the eye. he's still in critical condition but this week, a break in the case, minutes before the shooting, these two men were spotted inside a liquor store a block away. >> they were inside that store, basically doing nothing standing around, possibly casing the joint. >> the men fit the description of the robbers witnesses saw run from the shop after the shooting. >> we tried to speak with other business owners here in the area but they tell us they're just too scared to talk until the gunman are caught. >> one shop owner says he's changed his store hours and only lets in customers that he knows. police making their presence known in the area but many say it won't be business as usual
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until these two guys are behind bars. >> and the shooting happened one week ago tonight. just before 7:00 along busy hartford road. police are hoping somebody driving or walking in the area may have seen something that could help the investigation. reporting live at police headquarters, wjz eye witness news. >> thank you very much, megan. metro crimestoppers is offering a reward of up to $2000 for information that leads to an arrest in this case. police say they're making progress investigating the murder of felicia barns . its been almost one year. since the north carolina teen disappeared in baltimore. her body was found four months later near the damn. state police said today they can't reveal any details aunt the case so they don't ruin the investigation. the family is holding a vigil for barns next wednesday night. a landmark school bullying case is now in the hands of the jury. the parents of a special needs boy already suffered a setback in tar fight against the city school system. >> reporter: deciding whether
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to baltimore city principal failed to protect a 10 year old special needs student from being intensely bullied at school is now up to a jury. in a landmark civil lawsuit, ed and shauna sullivan say their son was tripped and robbed until he passed out and it started when he was in the first grade. >> the failure on part of these individual schools is a matter of fact. >> the family alleges sidney twigs head of hazelton elementary and charlie williams knew about repeated incidents that victimized the boy and his sister, but didn't act. >> before closing arguments, the judge threw out nine of the 13 charges saying this case is one tainted with a broad brush, one that offers no timeline of events. >> the sullivans insist they reported foul play on a daily basis by phone, but admit they filed mow written complaints, no photos or records of injuries and no names of who they spoke with. they did not fill out a state bullies harassment and intimidation form available to all parents because they say they didn't know it existed.
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>> but the defense attorney fired back and said the boy is violent and volatile engaging in arguments and indeed he suffered a traumatic brain injury at 13 weeks old leaving him with behavior and social disorders. williams testified she met with one child accused of hitting the boy and his parent but didn't suspend him. she said, "every fight or incident is not necessarily bullying or harassment." >> the jury will be back here at the courthouse on thursday at 9:00 in the morning to resume deliberations. in downtown baltimore, wjz eye witness news. >> we will let you know as soon as there is a verdict in the case. the sullivans tell us their son is doing well attending a charter school. a scare in fredrick when a maryland state trooper is hit by a car. the trooper got out of his car to investigate an accident when another car hit him pinning the trooper between the car and his cruiser. he is expected to recover in a trauma center. a trip to visit family for
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the holidays almost ends in disaster. a young girl accidentally gets lost after flying through bwi marshall airport. wjz is live and explains the girls nightmare. >> reporter: low eboyce is finally with relatives in new york but she went through quite an ordeal to get there. >> this is 9-year-old low eboyce. tuesday her mother put her on a southwest airlines in nashville, tennessee heading to laguardia airport in new york to spend christmas with her aunt but when passengers got off the plane in new york, chole wasn't on it. >> my sister calls me and says were you going to call me and tell me she was going to be late. >> franticca laaina called southwest airlines but nobody knew where chloe was. >> it was the most scary moment of my life. >> southwest says when chloe got to bwi marshall airport, a company employee took her off the plane because it was overbooked and planned to book her on another flight.
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southwest eventually tracked down chloe an hour later. southwest says it's against their policy to take a child off a plane in the first place. the family says to make matters worse, no one from southwest called to tell them what they had done. >> someone took her off the plane anyway probably because she's a child so she's not going to say no, you can't rebook me. she doesn't know any better southwest airlines says it's unaccompanied minor policy does not include contacting guardians when a flight is delayed or rerouted. back to you. >> okay, thank you, ky. now this was not chloe's first time flying alone but her parents say it could be her last for some time. a soldier, committs suicide. the defense rests in the largest security leak case in history, private first class bradley mannings lawyers only called two witnesses, both testified about his behavior problems and the hearing is to decide if the army intelligence specialist should be cart marshalled for handing over
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documents to the wiki website. closing arguments start tomorrow. a soldier, committs suicide and now eight of his fellow soldiers including one for maryland are accused of bullying him to death. >> taunted and hazed, private danny chen took his own life in afghanistan. his body found in a guard tower last october after a self- inflicted gun shot wound. now supporters of private chen say they are seeing justice. the army filed charges against eight soldiers who tormented chen in the months leading up to his death. >> he was dragged from his bed. we were told they made him do bed crawl while they flu rocks at the back of his back. >> chen supporters believe he was the victim of racially motivated hazing. from his journal and chats on facebook they say they know he was constantly fighting accusations he wasn't american. all eight american were charged. >> hazing is not tolerated in the military. if it's found, and it's proven,
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it's dealt with. >> chen's mother cried as she recalled her only son had always wanted to serve his country. after his death, his supporters started a youtube campaign, demanding answers from the pentagon. the eight soldiers are charged with crimes ranging from manslaughter and all have been assigned to a different base and removed from their duties and will return under close supervision as they a wait possible military trials. >> the army says one of the soldiers charged in the case is first lieutenant daniel schwartz from maryland. he was chen's platoon leader and facing bad duty charges. new years eve plans? well, the fireworks are on at the inner harbor with some changes. this year as the bombs burst above the waters, the area will be en circled by a metal fence with only nine points of entry. this new security measure is in response to this the violence after the july 4th fireworks. that was when a man was stabbed to death and a young boy was shot. if you would rather stay home new years eve we will bring you
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the fireworks live from the inner harbor after our special hour long broadcast. fireworks are sponsored by our media partner the baltimore sun. coming up still looking for the perfect holiday gift? if you are, you're not the only one. president obama hits the stores for surprise shopping trip. the items on the gift list for the first family. trapped inside a burning home. see more of this dramatic video as a couple jumps to safety. secure concerns. i'm mike helgren. where the investigation into the murder here is headed now. record temperatures just hours before the start of winter. i'm tim williams in for bob kirk and i'll have your complete updated first forecast in just a few moments. ,,
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so, if the mint makes this hot chocolate cool, does the mint hot chocolate make me cool? not really. the new mint hot chocolate from dunkin' donuts. grab the cool sensation of mint today.
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hi. welcome to carmax. hi. i was on carmax dot com and i think i found the one. great car. and i think, it's right over there... (sighes)... finding your perfect car is easy at carmax because we carry only the highest quality used vehicles. and at carmax dot com, you can choose from nearly 30 thousand cars with most available for transfer to the store nearest you. so come find the one for you today... at carmax. busy day! yes it is! ♪ oh, what fun it is to... get in the spirit with dunkin's holiday coffees and lattes. try peppermint mocha, gingerbread, or new cinnamon swirl today.
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it's 60 degrees, partly cloudy in central maryland right now, the complete first weather forecast is coming up. a dramatic scene in detroit. a man and woman decide they only have one way to get out of a burning house. the couple was trapped on the second floor and firefighters had yet to arrive. watch closely as the man jumps to the ground. a few seeks later, the woman follows him out of the window. neighbors helped them to get across the street and the woman is listed in serious condition. high speed chase ends abruptly with a dramatic crash on the busy streets of orlando.
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watch as the white car approaches an intersection and slams into the side of a jeep. two other vehicles are caught up in the chain reaction crash. the man in the car were wanted for burglary. police say the two suspects suffered severe leg injuries. four other people were also injured. the faa is implementing new work rules to help prevent pilots from flying fatigued. a pilot must now have at least 10 hours of rest between flights. they are also required to confirm to the airline they are fit to fly before taking off. the idea behind these new rules was a 2009 crash in buffalo, 50 people were killed and the investigation determined both pilots were likely suffering from fatigue. airlines have two years to comply with the new rules and the faa says todays decision will help prevent an average of such deaths a year. security at towson town center in the wake of a shooting that left a teenager dead. tonight police still have no suspects but try to reassure shoppers it is safe to go there. mike helgren has an update on
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the investigation. >> reporter: the murder on monday at the height of the holiday shopping season has many on edge and follows two unrelated murders at arundle mills last month where victims were also targeted and a carjacking at marley station earlier this year. baltimore county police say they are actively trying to catch the killer in the towson case but have provided few clues on leads they are pursuing. pat france with citizens on patrol says after the shooting her group will no longer patrol nearby on foot. only in unmarked cars. >> you could you bw walking past and somebody could shoot somebody on the other side of the street and you're done. >> so it's not really safe? >> it's not safe, yes. >> it's the second murder here since 2005 when a teacher died in a boxed robbery. >> the reaction from a citizens on patrol and the citizens in towson was outrage and fear. >> police say they typically provide more security here during the holidays. and have increased their
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presence since the murder. >> it's important to tell our citizens they're safe when they come to our malls and our shopping centers. >> the teenage victim had a criminal record but loved ones say he was working to get his life on the right track. the motive behind his killing remains a mystery. >> this was not a random act, so there for, it makes it feel a little bit better. i'm expecting that the mall will put forth more security patrols. >> police believe both the shooter and the victim were inside the mall shortly before the shooting happened. at towson town center, mike helgren, wjz eye witness news. the victim was on supervised probation at the time of the murder. fedex says it is disciplining the driver responsible for an unexpected delivery. take a look as this surveillance video shows the driver. he walks up to a home, he has a computer monitor in his hand and tosses it over the fence. the video has received more than 2 million hits on youtube. fedex says it believes this was the only delivery the driver
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made like that. >> but it got there on time. get your vocal cords ready. the search is on for the voice of the orioles at camden yards. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. boys and girls, and welcome to oreo park at camden yards. >> david mcgowan stepping down after 14 years as the teams public address announcer. the orioles are accepting audition tapes until january 25th. for more information on the position log on to and click on the links and numbers section. it was a guys shopping trip for the president and beau, the first dog. with the women of the white house on vacation in hawaii, the president and first dog had an afternoon out together. beau wanted to stop at petsmart in alexandria for a new chew toy. the guys then went over to best buy where the president picked up some video games for his daughters. they aren't watching, right? because i don't want them to know. they ended their big afternoon with a stop for some take out pizza. i don't think pizza is good for
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beau. >> what do you guess the president couldn't find anything and said let's go shopping? >> [laughter]. >> i can't find any of your stuff. let's go. >> oh, man. >> i wonder if beau has his own people. >> yeah. sunglasses? >> why not, you know? well, since we were on the air at 6:00 and signed off at 7:00, we have hit a record temperature. record temperature hit bwi marshall just around after 8:00 or so. we've gone to 63 degrees, so we've just told you it was 60 degrees, we're now coming down from a daytime high which happened just a few hours ago. here we are just about almost an hour away from calendar winter and we are at record high temperatures. 63 degrees at the airport. 61 with the previous record set back in 1956. we're just in a mild stretch well above our normal high of 44 degrees for this day. 60 degrees right now at bwi marshall, 89% relative humidity, as long as we have the winds from the west southwest we're going to stay with this mild air and with the
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cloud cover we've had out there it locked the warm air in place so it's not lifting up and out of the atmosphere. we have 46 right now in oakland, 56 in ocean city and around the immediate metro area we're ranging from about 56 in westminster to 60 degrees straight from columbia over toward rock hall, 65 in annapolis and kent island. winds have been a little gusty at times but settling in now in the double digits but low to mid double digits, 12-mile per hour from the westin hagerstown, and we're going to see these light winds ahead of the next storm system, what we have developing is another bit of a disturbance down around the gulf. it's going to follow the one that just moved out of here bringing us just really only about a quarter to a half inch of rain around parts of the area. there is another front moving in from the west. now that front is going so start pulling in some of that moisture so it is going to have a pretty dry day for the better part of the day tomorrow but around 8:00 or so, we'll call
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it about 8:00, we'll start to see more rain move on in and then, temperatures drop into the 50s and then into the 40s heading into the weekend before our next chance of rain which happens on christmas day. our sunrise tomorrow is at 7:23, small craft advisory in effect through 3:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, 46 degrees tonight and we'll drop eventually down to that taking a little while to get there considering we're still at 60, fog in the morning after the moisture cools down and we'll get to 5 # degrees tomorrow and 53 rain leave us early on friday and by the time you're driving to work and we'll get a bit of a break saturday in time for the ravens 48 degrees, 45 with a chance of rain sunday and 50 degrees with clearing on monday. denise and vick? >> thank you, tim. check in with jessica tomorrow morning on eye witness news starting at 4:55:00 a.m. for the updated first warning weather forecast. coming up the ravens make a late season addition to help their playoff push. mark has the latest on the new player and the key role he could play, next in sports. the droid razr by motorola.
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the droid that wirelessly pulls files, music and movies, all at 4g lte speeds. and introducing the droid xyboard. with an 8 inch hd screen and adaptive surround sound, a home theater for your hands. powered by verizon 4g lte, these droids are too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. buy a droid razr and get $100 off a droid xyboard. [ female announcer ] this time of year you have a lot of festive meals. and safeway helps make every holiday meal a special occasion. ♪
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so you can make all of your gatherings, just as merry as can be. get a safeway smoked shank half ham for just 99 cents a pound. need last minute gifts? safeway has hundreds of gift cards. including itunes and many others.
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he's driven a tank. he's done two tours overseas. but until he got a navy federal mortgage yesterday, he'd never owned a home. and whether he's army, marine corps, navy or air force, two things are now true: he can join navy federal. and he's going to save a lot of money on shampoo.
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players getting all lined up for saturday. marcus is here with the fans sports report. >> and adding players. the ravens doing holiday shopping. they aren't saying whose going to be the kicker for saturday's game but for the first time this season they do have a choice. the ravens signed shayne graham. he's been added to the roster as a possible replacement for billy cundif whose been struggling with injuries and inaccuracy. graham has worn a ravens uniform before and he's in training camp last season and lost out to cundif in the kicking competition. graham went on to kick for the giants and patriots last year. he was with miami this season and he's an 11 year veteran having played most of his career with the cincinnati bengals. graham practiced with the ravens today and could be kicking instead of kundif when the browns come to town. clevelands are a team the ravens have beaten seven straight times including a win in ohio three weeks ago that
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featured rice running wild and he carried the ball for more than 200-yards in a 24-10 baltimore victory but both he and the browns defense do not assume it's going to be the same saturday. >> we had to run the ball in that game, and the level of execution was high. offensive line, everybody getting ahead on it. >> at the end of the day you have to give them credit but we watched the film, a lot of guys pumped up about this week because it's another good test for us, but we don't want to end playing baltimore with a bad taste that we left the first time. >> ravens injuries to report from todays practice, corey redding missed with a sore ankle, and he has an unspecified knee injury. >> it is a christmas eve saturday special, ravens final home game, see them battle the browns on wjz, kickoff at 1:00 and when the game ends i'll be reporting live from the stadium with highlights and reaction from the team and our post-game show will continue with marty,
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wally williams and jessica at the fieldhouse in canton. a full day of ravens football saturday on wjz. >> its been a tough start to the college basketball season for a few of the local teems. towson hasn't won yet. unbc has one vick think and same for morgan state, morgan stocked with baltimore talent like larry bassfield and before the half time buzzer, and second half, dwayne jackson with the steel for morgan and he will go the distance for the dunk, 14 points for jackson and it's morgan state 69-45 victory and that's their second win in a row. >> well the nba season starts sunday, a warm up game got heated in orlando when miami's lebron james got knocked to the floor by richardson in the magic. later on lebron hits a jumper and heads down the floor and gets an encounter and this will escalate a little bit and some shoving and words and a
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technical foul for richardson. real games will start this weekend. save it for the real game. >> keep talking like that. >> more on the ravens coming up tomorrow. >> thank you, mark. from the highest to the highest to the lowest of the lows. >> a man experiencing a full range of emotions after winning a new sports car coming up. the reason he says he will the reason he says he will never get behind the wheel ,,,,,
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sears last one-day sale of the year thursday, 7 am!
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55%-65% off coats, sweaters, and pajamas with savings pass. an extra 10% off bed, bath, and kitchen. plus, fashion boots up to 65% off. shop same great deals, preview wednesday! sears
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remember when your mom said you can't have nice things because you'll break them? well here is a perfect example. it utah man won a lambroghini in a raffle and six hours later it was in a towing yard because he crashed it. he says the car is reparable but he doesn't plan on getting behind the wheel. he is going to sell it and use the money to pay off some important bills. >> that just hurts. a six year old in england
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is checking out all of the angles when it comes to isn't delivering his gifts. leo park was concerned his chimney wasn't big enough for santa. he even wrote a letter to the builder of his hope so they enlisted a man to dress up like santa, they put him on a lift and into the chimney he went. much to the delight of little leo, santa easily fit but it was only a dress rehearsal. >> okay, i hope they don't do that for everything. >> [laughter]. >> [laughter]. >> what about the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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with the new year comes resolutions, when we resolve to stop snacking and slacking, resolve to start reading and running. this year, resolve to help someone else, too. resolve to support the american red cross. because the red cross provides hope, help, and compassion, not only during disasters, but every day. resolve to do something that means something. support the red cross before the new year. visit today. well for tim and mark, i'm
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vick carter. >> thanks for watching eye ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from new york, the greatest city in the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs and now, sleepy night court bailiff, david letterman! ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )
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>> dave: thank you! thank you. thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the "late show." i'm your host, jerry hobson. ( laughter ) you know what, sometimes christmas-- you other than it's like a mixed blessing. are you feeling good about christmas now or not? ( cheers and applause ) i'm-- i'm not feel so-- i'll tell you what happens. every year-- like last year, for example-- and i'm already worried about it. i don't want it to happen again this year-- we ran out of mistletoe last year. i said to the wife, "what happens when people want to make out?" ( laughter ) >> paul: yeah. >> dave: here's what we did--
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we ended up using parsley. un, ladies and gentlemen ! by the way, by the way, i'm sorry. i can't guarantee that you'll get these jokes by christmas. >> paul: okay. ( laughter ) ( applause ). >> dave: did you hear what happened? santa's sleigh shot down over iran? did you hear about that? ( laughter ) and they won't give it back. they won't give it back! ( applause ) that's right. also, i don't want to be the guy who brings you more bad news but the economy stinks. i don't care what they tell you. it stinks. i don't got no money. you folks have any money? >> no! >> dave: if you had money, would you be here? no! it's going to get worse. the experts are now predicting some time next week prices of christmas trees will plummet!
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( applause ) plummet! and then they get one of these jackass guys who decorates his house-- maybe you're the jackass who decorates-- the guy in ft. lauderdale, 100,000 christmas tree bulbs to decorate the house, 100,000 lights and big santa waving at the reindeer, whatever else they do down there. 100,000 christmas lights on your house, that really says-- merry christmas-- when you think about it, nothing says -- >> yeah, yeah. ( laughter ). >> when you think about it, nothing says merry christmas like being able to see your house from space. you know? ( applause ) that's all right. i'm jerry hobson, and i approved that joke. yeah, so the guy calls his
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neighbors out, come on out, doris, bob, everybody come out here on the street. i'm going to plug my 100,000 christmas tree light decorated house. plugs it in and the entirant arctic ice shelf meltes, just collapsed. ( applause ). >> dave: wow. >> hello, dave? >> dave: look, everybody, it's one of our stagehands, pat farmer. that look likes -- is it a joey? >> it's a joey dave. >> dave: what are you doing with all these animals? you have a bird and stuff. >> this is a macaw. i bought a zoo, dave. i'm leaving friday. ( laughter ). >> dave: i'm sorry, what did you say? >> friday is my last day, dave. i bought a zoo. ( laughter ) >> dave: i don't know what to say. >> uh, i love matt damon. ( laughter ) i thought if he can do it, i can do it.
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>> dave: uh, matt damon didn't buy a zoo, pat. he plays a character in a movie about a guy who buys a zoo. >> can i-- can i have my job back? >> dave: yeah, we can arrange that. >> i can't stay, dave. i have to go sell a zoo. ( applause ) >> dave: that was and the his cockatoo. ladies and gentlemen, we have something extra special for you right now. it's time for fedex: you can't buy this kind of publicity. fedex: you can't buy this kind of publicity. i hope you enjoy this.
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( applause ) that's what they call their white glove service. that's what they call their ambassador service. the guy, you know, he said, i just thought it was a crystal stem wear. big deal. oh, you know who is on the program tonight? presidential republican presidential nominee hopeful jon huntsman. jon huntsman is here. ( applause ) been in public service most of his life, from utah, was a governor in utah, ambassador to china. and when you're a republican or any kind of presidential candidate, at a certain point the government assigns you secret service. now, if you're not one of the front-runners, you don't get the front-line secret service. ( laughter )
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i mean, everything's fine. it's nothing to worry about. but the guy's back there. this is jon huntsman's secret service-- is he back there? there he is. that's him. ( applause ) everything's fine. looked like me. >> paul: no, no. >> dave: oh, and i'm sorry, you probably know this, hated dictator, evil dictator, kim jong il passed away a couple of days ago. ( applause ) i'm kind of glad you heard it from me. ( laughter ) three million people showed up at his funeral, three million people. it proves the old adage, you give the people what they want and they turn out in droves. they turn out-- ( applause ) let's do-- right now, let's check in on kim jong il and see what he did today.
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kim jong il, we're checking in, see what he did today. >> 5:00 a.m., nothing. 6:00 a.m. nothing. 7 a.m., briefly got up to make pancakes. this has been "what did kim jong il do today?" ( applause ). >> dave: got up and made pancakes. yeah, he's that kind of guy. but he was so beloved, the glass-- so beloved by the people of north korea, they put him in the glass sarcophagus, and it was bulletproof. ( laughter ) put a couple of holes in that dumb son of a... ( applause ) oh, here's uplifting news for the holidays, and follow me on this one. if you're in chicago and you need to take a cab.
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say you're going to the loop. >> paul: all right. >> dave: you get in a cab, and if you vomit in the cab, you-- they'll charge you a fee for throwing up in the cab. ( laughter ) i know, i know. i mean, that comes as a surprise to me, and most new yorkers. i always thought that was what the change slot was for, that you just-- ( laughter ) ( applause ) didn't you think that that was-- so they're trying to pass a law that will charge the passenger for the cleanup. and i'll tell you something, folks, i will believe that when monkies start riding dogs, you know what i mean. oh, no, wait a minute, there's a-- ( applause ) is there a bigger crowd pleaser? i don't think so. yeah, i'll believe that when barney frank stops wearing a bra. that's when i'll believe--
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( applause ) barney, barney, barney. now, that was-- i think that was earlier in the week on c-span, and we have some more footage that's even-- even more questionable. here's barney today on c-span. the poor guy, i mean-- ( laughter ) >> paul: hey, everybody. >> dave: yeah buddy, buddy, buddy. we have new holiday toys. we'll be right back with the top 10, everybody. thank you. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> dave: thank you very much. paul, pablo. schaeffer. the cbs orchestra, america's
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mighty, mighty party and show band. merry christmas. happy hanukkah, and welcome to everyone. i don't know if you're aware of this, but last week, we started tweeting. it's a real breakthrough for us because heretofore, we regarded tweeting as black magic. we thought it was-- we thought it was bad mojo. >> paul: yeah, yeah,. >> dave: but i've learned to experience it is to love it. so at fish we reached out to jimmy fallon, who is the young prince of the late night talk show late nighters, and he pioneered tweeting on the show, so i thought who better. and within three days-- and i thought tweeting was faster. but it's not. >> paul: no three, days-- >> dave: three days later, jimmy fallon, nice young fella, was nice enough to take time out of his studies and tweet me back. >> paul: tweeted back. ( laughter ). >> dave: then the other jimmy, jimmy fallon -- >> jimmy kimmel. the other jimmy. >> dave: yeah, the other jimmy-- >> jim: >> jimmy kimmel?
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a. he tweet us back immediately. >> dave: we heard back from both jimmies. last night i included the cable twins, jon stewart and steve colbert. and conan, craig ferguson, and jay leno. who am i leaving out? >> paul: carson daly. >> dave: oh, that's okay. ( laughter ) ( applause ) so we are reaching out to the talk show community. and we've heard back from nobody. so that still leaves conan, craig ferguson, and jay leno t to-- so i'm sending out another e-mail tonight. i've kind of got the hang of it, and this is the one we're sending tonight. first what i learned, you have to start with the hash tag, so i put these two things up there, and then i add the hash tag. >> paul: i see that. >> dave: can you see it right there? and here i say, "hi, boys." so i'm telling them about the show tonight. ( laughter ) >> paul: okay. >> dave: barney frank plus--
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big laws. tune in tonight. so we'll see-- here you go. ( applause ) are you ready, anton? there it goes. look out. there it goes. ( bell ringing ) this is discouraging. we've been tweeting now actively for two weeks. look, we only have 17 people following us. ( laughter ) but you have to start somewhere. >> paul: it's a start. >> dave: hey, i have to start somewhere, ladies and gentlemen. >> paul: that's what i've always said. >> dave: i don't know if you noticed this, but every christmas season we have the beautiful tree, the beautiful garland, the beautiful wreaths and the colorful lights. and it really is lovely to be in the theater here this time of year. and we traditionally have pizza. then i think this is the-- is that the empire state building up there? >> paul: yes, the miniature. >> dave: and on top of that we've always mounted a meat ball. >> paul: yes, it's a beautiful-- >> dave: there's the meat
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ball. you can barely see it, but that's where it is. >> paul: a lovely tradition. ( applause ). >> dave: yeah. and as you can see, it's not just any meat ball. we don't just go down to the corner and grab a meat ball out on the street. no, no, no, no. here, let me show you the preparations and the care and the love that goes into selecting our meat ball for the tree. ♪ ♪. >> it all started in 2009 at a cattle farm in upstate new york with this young baby calf, affectionately known as seymour. seymour was lovingly fed an organic diet of trash grass and legumes until the age of two. he was then sweetly cooked into-- where ger you put a bolt pistol to the front of his head and-- >> this portion of the story of the "late show" meat ball has been edited due to the intensely graphic nature of the material. >> ...decapitated.
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and that's the story of the "late show" meat ball. happy holidays from jerry and the whole gang. at the loomis meat solutions. >> dave: let's open the-- turn on the thing, paul. time to go-- ♪ ♪ in southern california, fedex employee delivered a new computer monitor by tossing it over a gate on to the lawn of the house. the resident was at home at the time. the monitor was broken. "top 10 fedex guy excuses." that's the video we saw earlier. the guy thought it over, he has some excuses. here we go:
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( applause ) >> dave: ladies and gentlemen-- oh, this is going to be exciting. when we come back, the lovely shannon ice will be here with brand new toys if you haven't
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done your christmas shopping for the kids, your family and friends, this will be more than a little useful. we'll be right back to take a look at holiday toys. ♪ ♪ ( applause ) ,,
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