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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 21, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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. a murder investigation, more on security at the mall. hello again. here is what people are talking about today. still no arrest in the murder at the town center and the police are working to track down a killer. we have more information on the young man that was killed. >> he was a young man that had several brushes with the law. he was trying to get his life back on track. they don't know if he knew his shooter or if they are looking for more than one person or not. >> it was one of the busiest shopping weeks of the year. >> it is scary. this is supposed to be a safe
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place. >> not sure why it happen, but i consider the center to be safe. >> the victim and the shooter were inside the mall before the shooting. in the video network, they are looking for leads. >> we are looking at technology that was inside and required by the county code on the outside. >> the police are not revealing a possible motive. he was on supervised probation for burglary and assault and had just moved out of a group home, he was a good person that was trying to get himself together and. they think he was targeted and it was not a random crime. >> people need to know that it is safe's mall. >> the last murder was in 2005 in a robbery that killed
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teacher william bass. mike, thank you. police will not say how many shots were fired and if he this found the weapon -- a student is set to go on trial for first degree murder. she is said to have stabbed another student to death outside a part last month. she is facing life in prison if convicted glee may be heading to federal prison, but jack johnson will collect a check from the county. he will continue to get his 50,000 a year that he gets because he was charged until after he left office. a hearing for the army intelligence agent that is accused of giving information to wikileaks has wrapped up.
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>> the attorneys rested their case this morning and his lawyers only called two witnesses and testifyd about his mental state while he was overseas and the closing arguments will be tomorrow. he is a cushiond of causing the biggest leak of information and this hearing will determine if he is going to be court mash shaled. >> if he is court martiald, he could face life in prison. a sail boat tipped over when a strong gust hit. the police are looking for one person left on the boat and one woman survived. tomorrow is the official start to winter, but you would not know that from the look outside. a gray day, but will that turn to rain and will the cold
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weather appear? marty. you put us in the live fire with that remark! (laughs). let's look at the graphics, about one warmer than it was at this time yesterday. in other words, it is another mild rush hour. looking at the temperatures, it is 59 on t.v. hill. we may move into the low 60s and we are looking at the low dragging the moisture our way. let's look at the doppler coming our way. some periods of steady rain, not going to rain every minute of every hour from now to dinner, but in the rainy and westist portion of the last day of fall, just after midnight.
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we will start winter 30 minutes after midnight. there will be some rain, a break or two and some other periods of rain before that clears, but that is not tend of our talk about moisture coming to the mid atlantic. more is my honest weather man face, there is another change in the weekend forecast. it is worth attention and discushion. we will have more on that coming up. the investigation into the mishandling of soldier remains at the air base is expanding and they are looking at the actions taken after remains were sent to land fills. three supervisors were disciplined, but no one was fired. time is running out for congress to extend pay roll tax
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cuts. both houses have passed bills, they are looking at hammering out a deal. we have more from washington. >> the house speaker spoke about the next tax stalemate. >> we are here, hoping to get to work and hoping that the senate democrats will come to the table and resolve the differences. >> the house republicans regeekd a two-month extension of the pay roll tax cuts in the senate and are holding out for a one-year deal and the democrats said that the conservatives are calling shots. >> you have an extreme right- wing element that hijackd the process. >> if there is not something
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done in the end of the year, then many could lose their unemployment and medicare payments to doctors could be reducedd and americans could lose about 20 a week in their checks. many leaders have left until the holiday break and the senate is not set to come back until january 23rd. the president said that the democrats have done their job. right now, these compromises reached on saturday is the only viable way to prevent a tax hike on january #st. >> the president toe layd his holiday vacation until hawaii until a deal is done. >> the president is saying that he will continue to stay in
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washington and work with lawmakers to make sure there is a concession. the astronauts hitch a ride on another country's space rocket. >> another look outside, a wet day with rain on the way. more on the forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. new rules would limit the amount of hours a pilot could be scheduled in a day. that is after a plane crash in new york killed everybody on board. the investigation said that this pilots were probably very tired. the airlines will have two years to put that plan in place. a plane went down and killed everybody on board and the pilot had talked about the icy conditions with the air traffic controllers yesterday before the plane went down. who shot and killed an
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amish teen and the way it happen, a man was cleaning his gun and he fired a shot that killed the girl. the weapon could only be cleaned by piering the firearm. the bullet went a mile and a half and went into the buggy and hit the girl in the head. >> what goes up will have to come down. >> no charges have been filed. the professional boxer may weather junior is said to be going to plead guilty of striking his girl friend. a guilty plea could land him in jail from two days to 18 months. the space program may be
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over, but astronauts are still heading into space. a russian, american and dutch man took off this morning and they will go to the space station and work on reach for the next few months. an overcast day outside, some rain, the forecast is minutes away. here is a look at the stocks and last night's winning lotto numbers. good luck. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. here is a look at the doppler, showers in the area, i would say a late dinner time. about an inch to inch and a half of rain and it is really not unexpected. this moisture is moving on at a good clip. barometer is out falling, it is 29 point point 91.
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almost 60 in washington. it is 54 down at the ocean. bellaire is 51 and almost 60 in columbia and at greater rock hall. the moisture is now getting here and look down stream and you will see some wrack breaks in the rain field itself. periods of rain, that is what you are seeing. i have to be honest with you, the big concern of rain is tomorrow, yet another low is moving northeast, parallelling the 95 corridor and we are on the warm side of that and we could get an inch or two of rain
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rain. christmas weekend, this is a developing story. another low will move our way. listen very closely, we are not saying it is going to snow. if that flow comes up 95, there will be a slow rain line. we will have to see where that settles. coming back here, one computer has it harmlessly offshore to the carolinas. you will hear about this from now to the next few days and that would be sunday if at all. >> cool. >> you know people are running around -- >> i got an e-mail about it. this is in the last 20 seconds. (laughs). rain or shine, the ravens
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are back in baltimore. >> this is my listen closely. >> they are looking to continue their perfect record at home as they host the browns. the action right here on wjz and stay with us after the game as we host the post game show with high lights and reactions and we will keep it going with football talk in the football house. a full day of football on saturday. a lot of football talk. more to come at noon, a grim milestone with america's growing problem with pain killers and we are always on, we have the top stories. for updates on the news, the first morning weather forecast, log on. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. the rate of pain killer abuse is driving the trend of deaths that are killing more than car accidents. a number that has tripled in the last decade. about 40% of police
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officers have some sort of sleep disorder. twice the rate according to researchers. they surveyd 5,000 police officers in north america and 57% said they fell asleep behind the wheel at least once or twice a month and that could say why accidents kill more police officers than crime. check in with eyewitness news at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. more on the latest for a gunman that shot and killed a man outside the mall. and he is facing life in prison for the largest military breach in united states history. that is at 4:00 right after ,,
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. as we said, rain overnight and at lunch on friday. saturday, 48-degrees and a big question mark on sunday. it is remaining to be seen. rain? snow? if so, where will the line be. cheering out monday and any way, we are seeing sunshine. you heard it first but you did not hear anything here first. >> i think i got that. don't miss the cbs line up
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tonight -- . eyewitness news is at 11:00. thank you for watching our maryland news station. let's say it again, we are not saying nothing about nothing, but we may be talking about something, not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> children: ♪ good tidings ♪ to you ♪ and all of your kin ♪ good tidings for christmas ♪ and a happy new year ♪ we wish you ♪ a merry christmas ♪ we wish you ♪ a merry christmas ♪ we wish you ♪ a merry christmas ♪ and a happy new year ♪ and a happy ♪ new year >> harmony: whoo! you know, we are definitely going to do a second verse, 'cause you guys were off the chain! >> summer: but what if we forget the words? >> harmony: oh, sweetheart, you got this. i heard your beautiful voice. i don't want you to worry about a thing, okay? because tonight is going to be just w-- wonderful.
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>> kay: it's all set. no, i won't tell a soul. i'll leave that up to you. (chuckles) good-bye. >> jill: katherine, what are you up to? >> kay: nothing you need to know about. >> jill: (tsks) didn't you learn your lesson, that--keeping that secret from devon, that you were his grandmother? >> kay: this is nothing like that. this is a christmas surprise. >> jill: (chuckles) yeah, but your "surprises" have a tendency to backfire. >> kay: (sighs) >> neil: so don't you think we should talk to lily before we get the twins something that big? >> sofia: (scoffs) but if we tell her, then you ruin the surprise. i mean, can't you just imagine the twins chugging along... choo-choo! >> neil: (groans) >> sofia: in their own little train around the backyard? oh, and then little moses all huddled up in the caboose? too cute. >> neil: mm, yeah. okay, that would be. that would be cute.
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>> tucker: hey. >> ashley: hi. >> neil: hi. hey, guys. >> ashley: no, no, don't get up. i just wanted to congratulate you on your wedding. >> neil: oh. well, thank you. thank you very much. >> sofia: thanks, yeah. >> tucker: uh, we're runnin' a little late, so i'm gonna check with the maître d'. let me say hi to "little mo." oh, he's cute. >> neil: all right, tucker. >> ashley: you are so lucky that you can bring moses out like this. i couldn't do that when abby was this age. she always had to be the center of attention. big surprise, right? >> sofia: no, well, moses has his moments, yeah. >> ashley: really? just remember you have lots of friends who'd love to babysit if you guys ever want some alone time. >> sofia: now are you offering? >> ashley: absolutely. we newlyweds have to stick together, right? >> sofia: yes. (chuckles) >> ashley: oh, i think our table's ready. i'll see you guys. >> neil: yeah. >> sofia: mm-hmm. that was nice of her. >> neil: yeah. we're gonna have to take her up on that sometime, right? >> cane: oh, let's do a fist. hey, do you think we should make some more, just in case? here we go. >> lily: i think so, because these are gonna be in high demand, huh, baby? huh? >> cane: ohh. oh, look at your little fist. >> lily: okay, careful with
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the glitter, okay? 'cause it gets everywhere, all right? look at that, see? >> cane: um, ca-- >> lily: ooh, little baby. >> cane: case in point. >> lily: what? >> cane: (whispering) it's right here. you have a little glitter right there. ♪ >> billy: what do you think, inspector? i-is this gonna work? it's gonna work? nice. let's go. let's go. uh-oh. uh-oh. i need you to help me out. turn that little rascal on. yay!
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good work! good work. (hums a fanfare) uh-oh. do you smell that? what is that? what do you smell? >> delia: cookies. >> billy: no, that's heaven. that's what heaven smells like. at least, it should. >> victoria: oh, hey. hey, you guys. check me out. >> billy: hey. that's what i'm doing. >> victoria: no, no, i mean, check me out. i didn't burn the cookies this time. >> billy: oh, nice. >> victoria: yay, me! >> billy: and they're safe to eat. give it a shot. >> victoria: oh, yeah, go ahead. hey, what do you think about all those lights dad put all over the house? aren't they great? >> billy: well, her mouth is full. otherwise, she would tell you that i'm a genius... (sighs) only second to picasso in my artistry. >> delia: who's that? >> billy: see? she already forgot about picasso. (whispering) i'm that good. >> victoria: mm-hmm. >> billy: (normal voice) mm-hmm. >> delia: i love christmas. >> billy: you love christmas? (high-pitched voice) you love christmas? (growls) >> delia: (giggles) >> victoria: i do, too. >> billy: (laughs) >> phyllis: guys, do you think that i should, um, wake lucy up and start getting her ready?
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>> lauren: oh, no. no, no, no, let her sleep. >> phyllis: all right, do you want some wine? >> lauren: oh, yeah, absolutely. >> michael: sure. >> phyllis: all right, great. >> lauren: definitely. >> michael: i suppose you've heard that adam is the new c.e.o. of newman. oh. in that case, surprise. >> adam: i had everything that i wanted in you, and i would be-- >> sharon: don't. stop. >> adam: it makes it harder, you know? when you're standing there in front of me, looking... beautiful. >> sharon: okay, fine, then i'll go. >> nick: (sighs) [ sighs ] i wish there were an easy way.
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additional sponsorship provided by... >> all: ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells ♪ ♪ the holidays are here ♪ moms and dads and kids and pets want snuggie gifts this year... ♪ >> victoria: yeah, you know, it is kind of a bummer that your doctor's not gonna let you go to the pageant, but you know what? nick's gonna get a copy of it, and we can all watch it together later. >> billy: yes, we can, and besides, if you were at the pageant, who would stay here and help me wrap vicki's present? because i need the person with the perfect little finger to hold down the bow so i can tape it up... >> victoria: yes. >> billy: and if i don't have this finger, we're in trouble, buddy. >> victoria: yeah, that's a very, very important job. >> billy: yeah, and you know what your job is? >> victoria: hmm? >> billy: to beat it, get out... >> victoria: what? >> billy: get gone, so you don't see the present. >> victoria: hold on a second. you gotta give me a hint. >> billy: oh, no. nope, nope, nope. >> victoria: she's gotta give me a hint. i have tickle hands. >> billy: and you're not gonna tickle it out of her, either. nope, i'll protect you. i got you.
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>> victoria: oh, come on, just the tiniest little hint. >> delia: okay, it was the greatest present in the entire store. >> billy: (laughs) >> victoria: for me? >> delia: because we love you. >> billy: (laughs) that's right. >> victoria: (laughs) >> billy: (laughs) >> phyllis: who would actually vote for adam over nick? >> lauren: tucker mccall, for one. >> phyllis: (whispering) tucker mccall. amazing. >> michael: there were some other board members who don't know nick personally. >> phyllis: (normal voice) huh. >> lauren: nick didn't tell you? >> phyllis: no. no, he probably doesn't want to talk about it. i mean, i wouldn't, if it were me. >> phyllis: nick must be... furious. >> adam: this isn't what it looks like, nicholas. i was just filling sharon in on the results of the board meeting. >> nick: i need to talk to you. >> adam: it wasn't a planned meeting. we just ran into each other-- >> nick: alone. (sighs) >> sharon: wow. well, what did adam do? i mean, it must have been
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something underhanded to get people to vote for him. >> nick: let's not get into that. >> sharon: he came up to me, okay? to gloat. >> nick: you did not walk away. >> sharon: no, i didn't, but i was going to. >> nick: you know what? i don't want to argue about this with you here. >> sharon: okay, good. you know what? neither do i. let's talk about the pageant. how about you and me and faith get together afterwards? and--and we'll-- we'll string some popcorn, we'll--we'll hang her stocking. >> nick: i don't think so. when you spend more days than not separated from your own life... when the only thing you can be sure of is migraines with 15 or more headache days a month,
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you're living a maybe life. and you may be living with chronic migraine. but knowing that this thing you're going through has a name, means knowing you can find treatments that are right for you. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. new baked pasta romanas. ruffled pasta, layered with creamy fontina and asiago cheeses, and oven-baked just for you. try it with pan seared chicken with toscano tomatoes. or, try it with braised beef. for a limited time, only at olive garden. for a limited time, shop kmart and get after christmas prices now... at the christmas blowout sale! take up to 60% off family sleepwear and robes... this faux fur comforter is just $49.99! plus all fine jewelry is up to 75% off! now that's kmart smart. than these gas relievers. these you take after food gives you gas, you take beano before, so you don't get gas. and if you don't get gas, maybe you don't need these.
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>> lily: (chuckles) every christmas, we are gonna pull these out and we're gonna say, "look how little their hands used to be." so cute, huh? >> cane: thank you for including me. >> lily: of course. couldn't have done it by myself anyway. (chuckles) so speaking of help,
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do you want to help me get them into their costumes? i'll do matty if you do charlie. >> cane: a little, uh, tag team action, huh? >> lily: yes, we've always been good partners. (chuckles) well, we better hurry up. >> cane: (sighs) >> lily: let's go, let's go. >> cane: well, i think it might be a little quicker if we take this one and put him in the sink and just wash him off. >> lily: yeah, we're gonna put you in the sink. >> cane: ohh, in the sink. >> lily: in the tubby... >> cane: big adventure in the sink. look at that. good job. >> lily: in the tubby, tubby, tubby, tubby, baby girl! >> tucker: so we'll see you later at the pageant, huh? >> sofia: yep. >> ashley: you know what? i want to grab one last little peek at moses, okay? >> tucker: all right. >> sofia: he's right over there. >> ashley: hi. >> neil: hey, ash. >> ashley: oh, look at that baby boy. i understand he's got a starring role tonight in the pageant, huh? >> neil: only 2 months old, and already making his daddy proud. >> ashley: isn't it so amazing how the world realigns? nothing is as important. >> neil: i'm gonna do right
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by this little guy. >> tucker: how's it goin'? >> sofia: fine. (sighs) >> tucker: did you take my advice about laying it all out there for neil, tell him how you feel about him? >> sofia: i haven't really had the right opportunity... (scoffs) and besides, it's baby's first christmas. i just want to enjoy that, you know? especially with everything that's going on over at the church tonight. >> tucker: nothing should stand in the way of that. >> sofia: (sighs) >> jill: you know... (sighs) maybe you should stop and think about this surprise from devon's point of view. >> kay: it's too late for second thoughts. besides... i think he'll be grateful. >> jill: really? grateful, that you're meddling in his life? >> kay: you are determined to look at this from a negative point of view. >> jill: okay, okay, i will stay out of it.
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>> kay: good. >> jill: but... let me wish you a merry christmas. i may be the only one who does, if this evening implodes the way i'm afraid it's going to. >> harmony: all right, get your robes on, 'cause it's almost showtime! >> devon: how did you get involved in this? >> harmony: well, i wanted to find some way to give back, and i-i don't know much about anything except music, but i did warn them that i ain't got a lot of experience with kids. >> devon: (chuckles) well, you were great with them just now. >> harmony: thanks. i just wish that, um, i could have been this person when you and your sister needed me. >> devon: yeah. well, it is nice to see you so healthy now. >> harmony: it's good to see you, too, devon. you know, just, um...
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having a few minutes with you like this-- it's already made my christmas. >> nick: (sighs) >> sharon: look... (clears throat) i just came in here to get some coffee. i swear, i had no idea that he was gonna be here. >> nick: i do not like hurting you, but faith means everything to me. >> sharon: to me, too. >> nick: i'm not too sure about that. >> sharon: (sighs) >> adam: you okay? >> sharon: (sighs) leave me alone.
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♪ [ laughs ] ♪ ♪
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♪ but the fire is so delightful ♪ nothing melts away the cold like a hot, delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup from campbell's. ♪ let it snow, let it snow
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covergirl trublend has skin twin technology. other makeup can sit on your skin, so it looks but trublend has skin twin technology to actually merge with your skin. how easy breezy beautiful is that? trublend...from covergirl. because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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"the young and the restless" will continue.,,,,,,,,,,
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>> harmony: so chloe told me your protégé's gonna be singing at her wedding. >> devon: uh, that's-- that's right. it should be very interesting. hey, hey. >> sofia: hey. >> devon: there they are. look at you. little man, i heard you got your big break already. role of a lifetime. (laughs) >> sofia: (laughs) yeah. >> devon: yeah? >> sofia: he's getting into character. >> devon: okay. (chuckles) >> neil: hi. >> devon: she's helping out with the, um, pageant. >> sofia: oh. >> harmony: i heard you got married. >> sofia: yes, just in time for christmas. >> harmony: well, congratulations. you guys make a good-looking family. >> sofia: thank you. >> neil: thank you very much, harmony. >> lily: hi. >> cane: hey. >> lily: where are the kids supposed to be? >> neil: hey, you guys. whoa, there's my grandkids. >> devon: they are, uh, they're getting changed in the vestry. >> sofia: oh, come on, i'll show you. >> cane: thank you, thank you. >> harmony: hi, muffin.
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>> devon: how you doin'? >> cane: hey, hey, hey. >> lily: hi. >> tucker: hello, devon. >> devon: hi. i was-- wasn't really expecting to see you here. >> ashley: well, i don't get as many chances as i'd like to see faith. that's why we're here. >> neil: have you met harmony? >> ashley: no, i haven't. i've been wanting to, though. hi. i'm ashley. >> harmony: nice to meet you. >> ashley: nice to meet you. >> harmony: ahh! mrs. chancellor, i'm glad you came. >> kay: harmony, i have a surprise for you. >> harmony: oh, you didn't have to do that. >> kay: i hope you'll be pleased. okay. >> devon: ana! ana, what are you doing? hey. >> ana: (laughs) hi. >> devon: how are you? >> ana: good. >> devon: oh, it's so good to see you. >> ana: good to see you, too. hi. >> devon: ohh.
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>> billy: that's good work. that's beautiful. amazing. now go put it under the tree, please. thank you. oh, you got it? (chuckles) you know what we gotta do next? we gotta hang the stockings, and we're gonna need some extra heavy-duty hardware for yours, because come christmas morning, your stocking's gonna be... (singsong voice) so stuffed... (normal voice) 'cause you've been an extra-special, good little girl. >> delia: hey. >> billy: dad's gonna be stuffed too, but it's gonna be with coal. >> delia: have you been naughty? >> billy: yeah, dad's been a little naughty, a few times, but i was always very, very, very sorry for being naughty, and i promise, i'm not gonna act like that anymore. tickles! (growls) >> delia: (giggles) >> victoria: okay, so listen, i know you gotta get to this pageant, but we need to discuss a strategy for dealing with adam. >> nick: i just saw him. he couldn't wait to run and tell sharon about his big victory. >> victoria: he was with sharon again? oh. well, obviously,
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she doesn't understand that you're serious when you say you're gonna keep faith away from her. >> nick: no, vick, she understands. she just can't help herself. >> victoria: oh, man, if i were you, i would completely lose it with her. >> nick: tried that. it doesn't do me any good. plus, adam loves that. >> victoria: yeah, i know. well, i guess he's gonna have a good christmas, isn't he? he's got the job of a lifetime, and he's got sharon on a string, apparently. he must think he's king of the world.
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>> woman: choo-choo! (gasps) there's mommy! >> sharon: (laughs) hi, baby girl. >> woman: i think they're gonna start soon. >> sharon: okay. come here. look at you. (gasps) look how beautiful you are. >> faith: binky, binky, binky. >> sharon: yeah. i'll take her back in a minute. i just want to hold her. (sighs) i missed you. >> lily: ana, you look fantastic! (chuckles) >> ana: thank you. >> lily: so good to see you. >> ana: good to see you, too. >> neil: come here, you. mm. >> ana: mwah. >> neil: so devon told us that you'd be in, uh, chicago for the holidays. >> devon: did your concert get canceled? >> ana: no, it's in the morning. mrs. chancellor promised to get me back in time. >> kay: yeah, and we couldn't have you this close without having a chance to see you. >> lily: hey, cane. look who's here. >> cane: hey. hey, hon, how you doin'? >> ana: hi, how are you? >> devon: isn't it great? >> tucker: (quietly) katherine, uh, flew in devon's half sister. >> ashley: (quietly) she's being raised by her aunt, and i don't think that, uh,
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she's seen her mother since she was just a little girl. >> sofia: (whispers) oh. >> kay: ana, this is harmony. >> ana: you're very pretty. >> harmony: no, you're the pretty one. >> ana: merry christmas. >> harmony: merry christmas to you, too, ana. [ female announcer ] holiday plus cookies plus memories pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles. just three ingredients


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