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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 20, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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this is wjz tv, wjz-hd and wjz-hd, baltimore. it's complete coverage, it's wjz, maryland's news station. are shoppers safe? a young man murdered right outside towson town center. >> hello, i'm vic carter. we're learning more about the teenager who was murdered as police are reassuring people it's safe to shop. mike hellgren has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: police say both the shooter and the victim were inside the mall before the incident.
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less than 24 hours earlier, police blocked off entrances searching for a killer. rodney vest pridget was gunned down at just 19 years old. >> we're looking into all the circumstance that is you would look into to try to understand why this happened. >> have you noticed increased security here? >> yeah, i noticed there were more cars in the parking lot. >> court records reveal the victim was on court supervised probation for robbery. we're confident the investigation will reveal an arrest of a suspect or suspects. we do not believe this is a ran don incident. >> it's probably going to be more safe than before. >> this is the second murder here since 2005 since teacher
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william bassett was gunned down while shopping. two murders were at randal mills last month. >> you think your safe, but you're not. you're not safe anywhere. >> in towson, retailers hope what appears to be random violence won't deter customers. police won't say whether they're looking for more than one suspect. mike hellgren, wjz eye witness news. we'll bring you the latest on the news and online. police don't know what caused this sailboat to capsize leaving one man dead and one lost. the 18-foot sailboat, like this one, tipped over in a big gust of wind. someone on board tightened the sail instead of losening it.
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the only survivor is a 25-year-old woman. >> ron smith loses his battle with pancreatic cancer. weijia jiang shows us how ron's family and friends are remembering him. >> reporter: no matter how difficult the words, ron smith was not afraid to say them. >> i owed it to my audience to be honest with them, as i try to be honest with them on my comments on political and social matters. >> reporter: smith spared no details when smith told his listeners that he was dying of pancreatic cancer. on monday night, he lost his battle. june smith shares with wjz his story, which turns out is a tale of love between smith and his audience. >> he loves his work. he loved his audience. he would boost to me that he had the best and smartest audience in all of talk radio.
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>> reporter: smith, known as the voice of reason, dropped out of high school to join the marines. >> he was a truth teller. he had a ph.d. in conversation. >> reporter: is conversation still going. callers spent tuesday remembering. >> we're all going to be faced with what are we going to do when you can't to to your friend anymore? >> reporter: as to what he wants for his fans, june says this. >> he wants hem to wake up. he will forever speak to me in my heart and soul. >> reporter: smith was 70 years old and died peacefully in his home. what an honor to have such a broadcaster serve baltimore for
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so long. weijia jiang, wjz eye witness news. >> there will not be a funeral for ron smith. former pg executive jack johnson will sit in a prison cell. he was kicked of corruption. he will have nearly $350,000 when he's released. the clock is ticking on the baltimore grand prix unless more than one million dollars of tax and fees are raised. >> some members of the federal hill neighborhood association want to give back the $10,000 the baltimore grand prix gave them, but the idea has
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sparked quite a controversy. >> reporter: a heated meeting in federal hill. >> this is a very, very serious step. >> reporter: the management of $10,000 given to the community at the crux at the argument. >> there are a lot of great projects that have been proposed. >> reporter: former board members want to give the money back. >> just give it back. there's a gal who is going to lose her business because the grand prix owes her $200,000. >> reporter: he's talking about kathy vogel. >> hopefully it won't put me out of business but it's very scary right now. >> reporter: the state has placed a lien on her company. $250,000 are owed for event race
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fees and $50,000 for parking at city owned facilities. >> reporter: the city has set a december 31st deadline to pay up. >> i was very clear. they need to pay their debts so week move forward. >> reporter: if not, the grand prix may have run its last race. >> tonight, the federal hill association voted thomas gregory out of office. reporting life, wjz, eye witness news. thank you. the car still has next year's race on its schedule. a two and a half billion dollars lawsuit has been filed by a man saying avatar was his
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idea. bryant moore says avatar's themes, plots, and mood come from his ideas. it's the first night of hanukkah, the festival of lights. kai jackson was on hand with the lighting of the city'sallest menorahd city's tallest menorah. >> hanukkah is a holiday where whereby a small group of jewish say we need to stand up for what's right. >> reporter: whether it's the dredal or food, it's deep in tradition.
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>> it's the things of family and friends and just celebrating everyday life and being together. >> this is only the second year of the baltimore festival but the celebration is highlighting unity and diversity. ♪ the khoir sings at levendale geriatric center. >> it's a special soul that unites us, not body that divides us. >> baltimore's menorah may be one of the largest one of the east coast. world series tickets for sexual favors. the craigslist sting this woman was caught up in and she says
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she did nothing wrong. the bullying of a special needs child in two public schools. i'm mike schuh, we'll talk to his dad when we return. we'll take a look at the forecast, when eye witness news returns. complete coverage continues with denise koch, vic carter, kai jackson, and first warning weather with bob turk and sports with mark viviano. with mark viviano. it's wjz,, so, if the mint makes this hot chocolate cool, does the mint hot chocolate make me cool?
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not really. the new mint hot chocolate from dunkin' donuts. grab the cool sensation of mint today.
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♪ oh, what fun it is to... get in the spirit with dunkin's holiday coffees and lattes. try peppermint mocha, gingerbread, or new cinnamon swirl today.
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it is 45 degrees and cloudy in central maryland right now. the complete forecast is coming up. a deadly snowstorm has blanketed several states including kansas and colorado. more than 150-miles of interstates had to be closed because of the blizzard. the oklahoma panhandle has been one of the hardest hit area. more than a foot of snow has fallen there. weather may have been a factor of a single engine plane crash on a new jersey avenue. all five people in the plane have died. they're not sure if the pilot was reporting icing or report requesting the location of
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possible ice areas. twomen were arrested for beating a homeless man. this is a still picture from videos. police say you can hear the attacker and camera man laughing while they kicked and beat the man on two occasions. police say it's unclear what became of the victim. it's a landmark bullying lawsuit. today, the 10-year-old at the center of it testified in court. >> reporter: the sign couldn't be clearer, no bullying, but at hazelwood and glenmount elementary schools, ed and shawna sullivan say their son was called racial names, beaten and choked until he passed out.
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the boy's father said this changed his son. when he came back from a 10 minute recess, he told the jury his son told him i hate myself, i want to die. it was at this moment his dad said he checked his son into the psychiatric program at hopkins. they're asking for 1.3 million-dollars but say it's not about the money. named in the case the principal of his first school, sydney twiggs, and charlotte williams the principal at the second school, show the sullivans never used these bullying reporting forms at either school, something the sullivans say they were never told about or offered. mike schuh, wjz eye witness news. >> the case is expect today go
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to the jury tomorrow. piers morgan is a prime target in the phone tapping conspiracy. today he had several exchanges with the investigating panel. they insist morgan listened to illegally acquired voice mails but he defended his position as editor. >> not one complaint was made against the daily mirror. >> more began could be subject to criminal procedurers. a woman is cleared for offering sexual favors for world tease tickets. she was convicted for attempted prostitution. to do, the state superior court
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over turned that decision. a study at the university of oregon showed when their team was successful, gpas dropped for the male students. the grades for female students were not affected by the football season. >> i don't mean to brag but the girls just forge right through. >> they have some responsibility too, i guess. >> the student athletes. student first, athlete second, right? the rain is on the way. we had a little bit of drizzle here and there, that's it though. there's not much going on yet but a storm is moving in our direction. let's look over and tell you this is what we dealt with so far today t. clouds have come in and just a little bit of drizzle that's been out there and that's it. while this is going on, though,
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we're on the very warm side of this storm. the winds are turning around from the southeast and that will keep the wind around. it's 45 degrees outside right now. that's above the average high this time of year, this is 44 degrees. we were in the upper 40s this morning, we have dropped since then. we're not going to drop much more, though. you can really see where the front is. behind it is where the cold air is. we're not going to deal with that quite yet but it is going to move in our direction after we deal with a couple of these storms first. the rain is going to pick up more tomorrow as it drags past the state. that will get out of here and then another one is going to follow later on this week. here's our first one and that's out of here tomorrow night. the next round of rain will be thursday night into friday. the storm tracker is just off to
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the west. as we head toward the weekend, all of that moves away. the cold air comes in and there's another storm coming our way into that cold i over the weekend. we're going to have to watch with all the christmas activities going on and the travel, really. with all of this, small craft advisory in effect. it's going to be a warm wind. tonight dropping a couple more degrees i don't mean. -- 58 for our high and we get rid of that storm temporarily. we're back up to 58. the clouds come back in thursday night into friday. the chance of rain could linger into saturday morning before that storm gets out of here. we'll watch on sunday for yet another storm. >> doing a lot of watching.
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thank you, bernadette. coming up, the ravens are back in the playoff driver's see. joe flacco tells us about the
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all right, marcus here with the wjz sports report. >> ravens fans can breathe a little better today. the raven's rollercoaster went from low in san diego back to high today after the steelers lost last night. it changed the mood of the team and their playoff standing. ic feel the better mood at the practice in owens mills today. many players admitting their
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releaf to the steeler's loss. with a reprieve, joe flacco told me it's time to finish strong. >> we need to start playing our best football right now. that's what we're excited about. we're excited about going and continuing to improve so we can have a lot of success rather than just success. >> flacco says the ravens' success has raised fans expectations maybe to an unrealistic level. you can read what flacco told me on my blog at >> would the oriles will
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interest interested in fielder? not at his current going rate. chavez has played 10 major league seasons for two different teams. college basketball. the visitors in careen trailed early but manhattan went on a run to win 81-62. going back to last season, the tigers have lost 30 games in a row. the key is persistence. like hockey player mike kanubel who was honored before playing his game. back to ravens practice tomorrow, ray lewis is going to
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speak. >> thank you. still to come, a popular place to send a letter. >> the postmark that makes one >> the postmark that makes one town a,,,,,, sears last one-day sale of the year thursday, 7 am! 55%-65% off coats, sweaters, and pajamas with savings pass.
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an extra 10% off bed, bath, and kitchen. plus, fashion boots up to 65% off. shop same great deals, preview wednesday! sears
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does the mint hot chocolate make me cool? not really. the new mint hot chocolate from dunkin' donuts. grab the cool sensation of mint today.
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a small town in georgia is one of the busiest post officers officer -- offices in the united states. that's because their postage says welcome to the town of bethlehem. >> if you love those inflatable christmas decorations, look at this house in atlanta. gary grouper has started with a few of them and now his
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collection is over 150. the signs raise money for charity. when people stop back and look, they are asked for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up on the lay show with david letterman. thank you for watching wjz, maryland's news station. have a food night, we'll -- good night, we'll see you tomorrow.
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( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from new york, the greatest city in the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. and now, with enough oil for only one night, david letterman! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme )
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( cheers and applause ) >> dave: thank you very much. (cheers and applause) nice to vie you. how are you doing? thank you very much for being here, welcome to the show. my name is jerry hobbson. (laughter) i'm from hoboken. (laughter) and tomorrow is my birthday. thank you very much. (laughter and applause) we're not just a t.v. show, we're looking out for you folks. if you go out and do your christmas shopping, be very careful. this is the time of the year they can smell a sucker coming. they can see one coming up broadway. for example, a guy went to buy my christmas tree the other day,
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$200. a tree like this. $200 damn dollars. and i'm not stupid. and the guy says to me "and would you like the three-year extended warranty?" (laughter) really? (applause) today is the first day of chanukah, by the way. (applause) yeah. it was interesting earlier tonight. mom made her famous potato laktes and she lit the menorah and i said "mom, we're not jewish." but new york city has a 32-foot menorah in central park. did you realize that? 32 foot menorah. came from a menorah farm upstate near brewster. (applause)
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i don't know if you heard about this, but a couple of weeks ago barack obama because he was going to be out of town he decided that he would light up a manorry ra, like three weeks ago. well, it had nothing to do with chanukah. it's like putting up a christmas tree in april. (laughter) but he said you know what? i'm going to be out of town. let me just light that menorah. so they put up the menorah and they lit it up. now, i thought well, this is bizarre. but it's not the first time that a president has made a chanukah-related mistake. you know what i'm talking about? >> paul: no, i don't. >> dave: here, watch this one. >> december 4, 2007, george w. bush pardons a matzo ball. this has been "other presidential chanukah gaffes." >> dave: pardon add matzo ball. that's what happened, he pardoned a matzo ball. (applause) you know what's fun?
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rick perry, governor of texas, we have a live hookup, a live is satellite feed. let's check into the governor's mansion down there in austin and see how rick perry is celebrating chanukah. go ahead and turn on the feed. is it there? there they are right there. there he is. (laughs) what a hip guy. dick cheney, you know something about dick cheney? he was vice president for eight years and... (laughter) best known for shooting a buddy in the face. (laughter) and now he has no pulse because they've got him a mechanical device that keeps him alive and it's labored breathing, like if your pants are too tight. you ever been through that? (laughter) you know what i'm talking about? yeah. so now he just sits at his house
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and he says ridiculous things and now he's saying that the united states... now is the final for us to invade iran. yeah, now's the time. and here's my prediction. we will get oourss into another war in the middle east when monkeys start riding dogs. you know what i mean? oh, no, wait a minute, hey. is this the greatest country in the world or... (cheers and applause) i'd kind of like to see that again. would it be possible? oh, here it comes! (applause) (laughs) hey, it's another... oh, our
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prayers have been answered. guess what? there's going to be another republican debate. (laughter and applause) yeah, they're going to have, like, i think 60, maybe 70, and even the republicans know now that the debates are becoming less informational and more and more monotonous. so fox, i believe, is carrying the upcoming debate. they have announced today how they plan to liven up the upcoming republican debate and i think it's a good idea. take a look at this. >> now, our rules are similar to a previous fox debates. one minute for answers, 30 seconds for follow-ups, if the candidates run too long, we'll politely remind them it's time to wrap up with this sound. (many sounds) more hilarious sound effects after these messages.
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>> that's not a bad idea. i think maybe that will work you know what's happened? maybe you've done this to friends or something to tease them a little bit, you put on the internet that they're dead. you ever do that? (laughter) >> paul: that's a good way of... yeah, very nice. >> dave: just to poke a little fun. >> paul: yeah. >> dave: well listen to this. earlier today on the internet, bon jovi somebody said, hey, guess what? bon jovi is dead. so bon jovi... first of all, let me say first of all bon jovi is not dead and secondly he's got a tremendous sense of humor. look at what he posted on the internet in response. can you see that? "heaven looks a lot like new jersey." there he is. bon jovi. that was cute. (applause) but he's not dead. as a matter of fact, he's feeling fine. now, on the other hand, kim jong-il, the vicious ugly dictator of north korea, he actually is dead and i saw this online earlier today.
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look at that. it's got a... can we get in tight on the sign. can you move it. (laughter) "hell looks a lot like new jersey." well, that's... that's awful. but his son kim jong-un is taking over and today he was endorsed by the des moines "register." (applause) don't kid yourselves. people in north carolina loved kim jong-il, you know? i mean, what a guy. and we had quite a lot of fun with him while he was alive. >> paul: oh, yeah. >> dave: but the people actually... i mean, if you see any of the coverage, they are bereft. and he was so... that's why they had to put anymore a bulletproof coffin. he was so beloved they just... (applause) now, here's what we know about kim jong-il as a guy.
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we knew about him as a world leader but all i cared about is what kind of a guy is he? if he were here and we looked him right in the eye, what would we learn? here's what we know about the guy for sure. like many of us, loved "rambo" movies, kim jong-il. also water parks. who here doesn't love... i mean, what a great place to get hepatitis. (laughter) loved the water parks. made his staff call him "dear leader." and spent the day drinking cognac. it's like i have a twin, ladies and gentlemen. it's like i have a twin. (laughs) whoo. the family is saying now-- and it happens from time to time at the funeral in lieu of flowers for kim jong-il they encourage you to send the enriched
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uranium. that's just a little... (applause) let's see, what time is it? as a matter of fact, just about now in hell saddam hussein is saying to kim jong-il "yeah, but it's a dry heat." (applause) so that's... we put together a little something like that monkey on the dog one. oh, there it is! hey, rover, how long do you think you'll be doing this? until i earn enough money to get this monkey off my back. (laughs) but any way, for the holidays we
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put together a special segment for you folks it's called bornny frank... oh, for the love of god. barney frank, the congressman from massachusetts retiring. the name of the segment is "barney frank: oh, for the love of god." >> so, yes, we are aware of the importance of community banks. i would just repeat what i said at first because i have found surprisingly that not everybody listens to everything i say the first time i say it is. (applause) >> dave: (laughs) barney frank look. everybody, paul right there. you know. harry connick, jr., is on the program, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. we'll be right back, everybody. vo: introducing new french fries from burger king.
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for the ones that dab, the ones who smear, the ones who spread them everywhere. for the late night cravers to the oddball eaters, the handful stuffers and the tiny biters. thicker cut for more flavor. new fries from burger king. but to be honest, i find the omega choices overwhelming. which one is right for me? then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum, a name i trust. it goes beyond my heart to support my brain and eyes too. and these ultra-concentrated minigels are much smaller than many others. it's part of a whole new line of supplements. there's probiotic and fruit & veggie too. new pronutrients from centrum
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helps make nutrition possible.
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new pronutrients from centrum does the mint hot chocolate make me cool? not really. the new mint hot chocolate from dunkin' donuts. grab the cool sensation of mint today.
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♪ oh, what fun it is to... get in the spirit with dunkin's holiday coffees and lattes. try peppermint mocha, gingerbread, or new cinnamon swirl today. ♪ ♪ >> dave: thank you very much, paul, america's mighty mighty partying show band.
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last week paul and i started tweeting and it's been very successful. i was skeptical and now i'm a firm believer that you have to... it's either tweet or die. >> paul: tweet or die. >> dave: so to start tweeting i thought i'll turn to the prince of tweeting, jimmy fallon, who's very popular with the kids and he has his own show which used to be paul and my show. he's very popular. it took three days for jimmy fallon to get back to us. so the next day we tweet it had other jimmy, jimmy kimmel, he got right back to us. then following that i tweeted all of the talk show boys and i left out the cable twins so i'm including the cable twins now stephen colbert and jon stewart. i had left them out. >> paul: twins. >> dave: so now it's craig ferguson and the two jimmys and jay leno and conan o'brien and the cable twins. am i leaving anybody else? >> the man comes on way late after everybody, carson daily.
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>> dave: oh, that's all right. (laughter) >> paul: so i don't know if you can see that. we have 17 people following us. (laughter) >> paul: that's good. >> dave: we get to be 20 and the checks start rolling. and here's another tweet check! so i'm reaching out to... paul tipped me to this when we were looking to jimmy fallon we started out with dude and then three days later he got it and called us right back. so i hashtaged this one. i don't know if you can see this one. you have to have a hashtag. >> paul: hashtag? and you just wrote the word hashtag? >> dave: hello, boys. i have to get my... >> hello, boys? well. >> dave: well now something happened. every time i touch something it goes... well, we won't be taking off far while, ladies and gentlemen, will somebody please
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come in and fx my device? i just moved the mouse, you saw me. i didn't do anything... i wasn't screwing around. (laughter) how did that pop up there like that? see, the thing is not supposed to be there. okay, it's gone. put the thing down here. thank you very much, nice job. (applause) so this is for all of the boys holiday spirits and i decided i'm declaring a truce. i'm burying the hatchet. i like all of these guys and i've said some horrible things ant... about jay loan me and people say why do you say these terrible things about jay and, you know, it's just fun. (laughter) so now i'm calling for an end to this. we all become brothers. brotherhoods in... you know. >> paul: yeah. >> dave: so all of us and the
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cable twins. get ready. it says "hello, boys, do you like monkeys riding dogs? me, too?" (laughter) get ready, anton, here it goes. did it go? i don't know. i can't... (applause) i feel much better. i feel so much better. ladies and gentlemen, here's tonight's top ten list. he comes in and helps us. oh, don't you love sound effects? >> paul: that's a good sound. >> dave: oh, that crackling. warming your hand by the fire. >> paul: christmas fire.
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>> dave: the category tonight, top ten items on king jong un's to do to-do list. he's only in his 20s and he's now taking over north korea. it's like boom, being thrown out of a truck. you have to hit the ground running, a lot of things to do because they're taking care of business. top ten things kim jong-un has to do now that his father is gone. are you kidding me? (applause)
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trying to save enough money to get this monkey off my back. number two: (applause) ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, harry connick, jr., will be right here, everybody. (cheers and applause) [ horse neighs ] you're leaving. it is my destiny. ♪ take this. it is a piece of me. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's movie time. with a wii twist. netflix now delivers unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through wii and nintendo 3ds. all for only 8 bucks a month. seriously, what is it?
11:57 pm
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